Runes for luck in love. What runes for love are especially effective? Runic formula "Spider Web of Love" by Djess

Phoenix. Cleaning the relationship channel for a woman.

Cleaning the relationship channel for a woman. Removing blocks and attracting.
The formula is designed as a cleansing and filling of the relationship channel for women who have problems in this area. Feeling of loneliness, tightness and other blocks. But if the problem is serious and global. The reason for her generic negativity. The formula won't fix it. If there is serious work on the relationship channel or celibacy, then, accordingly, it is necessary to carry out serious cleansing from the beginning and only then put the formula. In any case, before putting this setting, I would recommend doing a background cleaning. And then already becoming as a completion and work on a specific problem.

Laguz - We designate the Woman. Soulu Fills her with inner light, instills in her the feeling that she is no longer gray mouse one of many, but successful and bright.
Gebo - Relationships of a woman
Laguz + Gebo - Woman relationship channel
Turisaz - We remove all unnecessary, put in order the channel of relations. Here we must come to terms with the fact that Turisaz can remove obsolete ties with Vasya. Which hinder the development of the relationship channel block the way. Don't let me find something new
The middle of the formula is the cleaning of the woman's relationship channel. Since if a woman is single, then problems along the relationship channel are for sure. Accordingly, it is necessary to remove what hinders and creates obstacles. Does not allow a woman to find a couple. Here we must come to terms with the fact that Turisaz can remove obsolete ties with Vasya. Which hinder the development of the relationship channel block the way. Don't let me find something new.
Laguz - designation in the foreground. Berkana is obtained on the second. She is still a single girl. And Berkana is in the background, capable of becoming Berkana, and finding a soul mate after the blocks that interfere with this are removed.
Inguz - growth, development. Filling the relationship channel.
Perth - Opening paths through the channel of relationships, Shows a woman in the most favorable light in front of men Taivaz
Kano - Gives her the opportunity to evaluate the options that have appeared. This is the structuring and evaluation of these very possibilities. Those men who begin to strive for her. Do not rush at the first comer, but make a competent choice.
Taivaz - These are men striving for her, whom she attracts after the blocks leave.
Elm Tayvaz-Soulu-Feu is a kind of filter criterion, so that no one appears. Alphonse and more.
Taivaz - Purposeful
Soulu - successful and active
Feu - financially secure Well, as if I personally would not want to choose from one. You still need a field to select.

I direct the power of the runes with my strength. I remove blocks and negativity from the relationship channel, I cut it off from myself, everything that makes me go a lonely road, obstacles, but it creates problems in relations with men, it doesn’t allow me to create a full-fledged couple, the male sex repels me, the female essence hides, fully nature the feminine prevents me from revealing myself. Yes, instead of this, I fill myself with strength, but I fill myself with inner light, I open a new road for relationships. I leave troubles and mistakes in the past. Like the dust of their self I shook off, yes in new life stepped confidently. From now on, I will shine like a bright star. Men who are successful, purposeful, and wealthy to attract. From now on, it’s not like a gray bird for me to flutter through life, but like a firebird to fly through life. A new life and a bright start to love and a happy woman's lot to attract.
Here is roughly the intention to the formula as I see it for myself.

It so happened that for one married woman there are 2-3 lonely people, but everyone wants love and care. So why steal scraps from someone else's table, or even sit back? But there is another option - try to attract love into your life. There are many ways to do this: love spells, rituals, meditations and runic magic. Here we will talk about the last option in more detail, since the use of a rune to attract a man's love is available to almost everyone. For them, you don’t need to sit for hours in the lotus position or hang red shorts on the chandelier, just draw a few ancient signs, and the “prince” will knock on your door.

Using the rune to attract the love of a man

The use of runes to attract love has nothing to do with a love spell, since there is no binding to a specific person. In this case, a request is simply sent to find an ideal partner for you or to preserve (revive) an existing relationship. But you should be very careful when making a request, beware of ambiguities, if you want to get married, ask to find a partner for marriage, you need a sponsor - ask for him, but don’t just say “I want love”, such a request may not come true in the best way. For example, love will be non-reciprocal, or it will be a burning passion that will not last long, so you need to formulate specifically what you want to receive. Moreover, this must be done before the ritual, since when applying the runes, it is not necessary to read out all the desired parameters, the image must already be formed in your subconscious. But do not overload it with unnecessary details, do not set specific parameters for appearance or meeting place, otherwise it will slow down the process. The main thing to understand is that the runes will provide a meeting with the one you need.

You can use runes that attract love only for yourself, if you put signs on a photograph of a person, then this will already be a love spell, which is performed according to completely different rules. Runes can be applied to the body in the Svadhisthana region (the second chakra is located below the navel opposite the sacrum) with a red marker, you can also make an amulet that you will always need to carry with you. To make an amulet, you can use any natural material, you can even make embroidery on a scarf (it is better to take silk, linen or cotton), but do not use live tree branches, only dead wood. Although there is an opinion that you need to put runes on rose quartz, as this stone is considered ideal for starting a family. But in fact, the runes will have the main effect, and the material of the amulet will play only a supporting role. When charging a talisman, 5 elements are used (fire, air, earth, water, spirit) and visa. That is, the amulet must be held three times over a burning candle, then over its smoke, then it must be sprinkled with water, sprinkled with earth and blown. Visa is a slander in which you turn to the Scandinavian gods, you need to compose it yourself, poetic form not required, the main thing is that the words come from the heart.


Oh beautiful Freya! Goddess of love and war!

Save the tender feeling of love by your will.

I humbly pray, save the beloved next to me.

Runes that attract love

There are many different rune formulas that can bring the magic of love into your life, but they all have different effects. The runic ligature is compiled from the bottom up so that nothing interferes with its development.

Runes were used by many nations, and the Slavs are no exception. If speak about Slavic rune love, then it is undoubtedly Oud (fire, love, passion, symbolizes the phallus, fertility), which is responsible for life in a broad sense and attraction. To attract love, you can combine it with the rune Lelya (love and the feminine, intuition), Bereginya (fate, the power of the Earth), Krada (incarnation). You need to contact Mokosh or Lada.


Runes help us in all areas of life - it’s not without reason that master runologists come up with more and more new ties from these magic symbols. And especially often they are used by the fair sex, especially when it comes to personal relationships. Today we will just talk about the “female” topic and consider the runic standing on the love of a man, and also find out if such formulas are love spells.

How do runic stakes work on a man's love?

Everything is pretty simple here. The principle of operation of such ties is similar to classic love spells: the object of sympathy begins to be attracted to the operator, think about him, pay attention, etc. The main difference between runic staves for a man’s love and ritual love spells is only that the runes cannot act constantly - after a certain time, the force of their influence begins to subside. That is why it is recommended, after activating the formula, not to sit back, but to participate in the situation. The runes give the object of sympathy a small push towards the operator, and then he needs to start acting on his own.

So, for example, a girl activates a certain becoming, which arouses interest in her chosen one (for example, a work colleague). Previously, this man simply did not notice her, but now he catches himself thinking that she is very pretty and interesting. If the girl does not do anything herself - for example, does not strike up a conversation with him, does not ask for his phone number, then after a couple of months the effect of the formula will come to naught. Although much here depends on the nature of the object. If the person you bewitch with runes has a strong-willed, strong character, then under the influence of the stav, he himself can invite you on a date, but if the object is shy and indecisive, then he can simply silently dream about you, without making attempts to get closer. Therefore, it is important, using the situation created by the runes, to model the development of relations on your own.

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Rules for applying, slandering and activating love stakes

All love formulas are usually applied to a photograph of the object of sympathy, or in some cases to a joint photo (if it is agreed separately). in any conventional way. Most important question- how to make a reservation for rune stakes on love. Here, too, a lot depends on you: when you draw a ligature, you must have an accurate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow this or that rune will act, or the entire formula, and be sure to say it. For example, you know that a bunch of Nautiz - Gebo forces a person to enter into partnerships with you - then say exactly this: “Nautiz and Gebo will force a man (it’s better to give a name) to establish equal rights with me love relationship that will bring joy to both of us." If you stipulate becoming a whole, you must definitely pronounce all, all, all the actions and changes that this formula will produce.

Important Information - Moral Issues

Before we move on to specific staves, it is worth mentioning one ethical question: is it possible to bewitch a married man with runes? There is no consensus on this matter: some runologists warn that the runic standing in the photo married man love may not work, others let you try. Someone does not recommend taking a person out of the family in principle, while someone, on the contrary, assures that runes can do anything. The main thing is to understand that the love spell of a person who was not destined for you by fate can lead to unpleasant consequences. If a married man clearly has sympathy for you, and you are sure that he is “the one and only, unique”, then, of course, you can take a chance and try the love spell in action. But remember - only you are responsible for this.

Simple formulas for a man's love

If you don't want to mess around with very complicated formulas, try using simple ones in which the runes are simply written in a line. Such combinations of runes can be applied to a photograph of a person to achieve a specific goal.

  • Nautiz - Kenaz - Gebo - - Vunyo - Yera will force the man with whom you are in a relationship to make you a marriage proposal
  • Eyvaz - Uruz - Turisaz - Kenaz - Gebo - cause sexual desire
  • Gebo - - Kenaz - Gebo - Vunyo - Yera - a simple runic becoming, so that a man proposes to be together
  • Ansuz - Gebo - Yera - shows you in front of a man in the best light
  • Evaz - Gebo - Otala - allows you to return your loved one who left you

Runic formula "Spider Web of Love" by Djess

The author, runologist Djess, created this proven runic love of a man when she fell deeply in love with a man, and he turned out to be married. The purpose of the formula was not the departure of a man from the family, but the preservation of relationships at the level of lovers. We can say that this is a kind of sex binding that does not allow a man to leave you.

Runes that work

  • Stunginn Iss hides magical effect (subject doesn't feel bewitched)
  • A bunch of Gebo - Vunyo - Kenaz - creates a bright love affair which will please both partners
  • Nautiz - forces a man to the agreed actions
  • Uruz - creates a strong sexual attraction
  • Ansuz in the background adds mutual understanding to the relationship (so that a person is not only interested in sex, but also it would be nice to talk with a partner)

Runic becoming "Fire of love" from Sanea

This runic standing on the love of a man will not cause a strong, painful attachment to the object of sympathy - it will rather act very gently and delicately, awakening in a person the desire to communicate with you, keep in touch.

Working symbols

  • Teyvaz - the man we influence
  • - female operator (you can circle the rune with your own saliva or blood for binding)
  • Mirror Ansuz - a love spell that works through words
  • Nautiz in the background - forcing a person
  • A bunch of Ansuz - Nautiz - give rise to thoughts about this woman in the head of a man
  • Jera - makes the action of the formula permanent
  • Kenaz with Laguz awaken the flow of passion
  • Vunyo - gives a feeling of joy and harmony when the object communicates with the operator

The formula "Hook of love and marriage" from the runologist Angel

This runic standing on a man's crazy love was personally tested by an author named Angel. In her case, the object of sympathy was in a permanent relationship with another girl, and their relationship lasted two years behind her back without any serious promises from the side. young man. Under the influence of the stav, the man left his constant girlfriend, moved to live with the operator, stopped hiding his new relationship from those around him and began to behave more attentively, gently.

Runes that work

  • Nautiz forces a person to behave accordingly
  • Vunyo - gives joy from communication with the operator
  • Mirror Vunyo makes him sad and stay in bad mood away from the operator
  • Soulu is responsible for the warm, soft and gentle attitude of a man to a woman, for the revival of the strength of his love
  • forces him to conquer the object of his sympathy
  • Reverse Uruz breaks the resistance of a man to the work of stav
  • responsible for the result
  • Eyvaz forces to family ties, life together
  • In the background: Kenaz symbolizes feelings and desires, Gebo builds harmonious relationships, awakens love, protects the connection between people, direct and mirror Turisaz clear the way for a man to a woman

Runic becoming "According to my desire ..." from Bezdna

This proven runic love of a man works without hard coercion and side effects. It can be called rather a mess, and not a breaking of the will.

Tie symbols

  • Six force a man to think about a woman
  • Mirror Nautiz creates a conscious need to communicate with her
  • Eyvaz makes the operator the meaning of the life of the bewitched
  • Ansuz inspires thoughts about the operator
  • Vunyo awakens the senses
  • Two Laguz mask magical intervention
  • - Jera open the path of the object to the operator and force him to move along it
  • Dagaz is responsible for changes in consciousness
  • Gebo creates a strong partnership
  • Two Kenaz and Soulu are responsible for sexual and cardiac attraction, respectively.
  • Four

Magic of the Ancients Scandinavian symbols widely used in love affairs. There are special runes of love and happiness that help a person get rid of loneliness, meet his true soul mate, or marry the partner with whom you are in a relationship now. Let's see which runes are considered the best helpers in your personal life, how to use them correctly, and also analyze a few popular staves that help you let love into your heart and build relationships.

Runes to attract love

Let's look at the runes to attract love and learn about their miraculous properties.


Gebo is considered the rune of a mutually beneficial, equal partnership, therefore, in love affairs, it is simply irreplaceable. It is believed that this symbol is able to harmonize the relationship of two people in love, makes them pleasant in every sense for both, eliminates misunderstandings, conflicts, quarrels. However, Gebo is not suitable specifically for attracting the second half into your life - with its help it is better to establish existing relationships.


The name of this Scandinavian symbol of the Elder Futhark is translated as "torch". It is not surprising that Kenaz is also often considered the rune of love and love affairs - after all, the very first associations that come to mind when we talk about feelings are “flame of love”, “fire of love”, “bonfire of passion”. Kenaz knows how to kindle feelings, therefore it is widely used in love staves.


The rune of Otala property can also often be found as part of ties for harmonizing personal life, because it symbolizes stability, security, heredity, home in the broadest sense of the word.


The Scandinavian symbol of fertility Inguz is also included in the list of runes to attract love and marriage. It is associated with fertility, reaching the next stage, as well as male sexuality, so it can be used if you want to radically change the situation of your personal life.


The rune of intuition Laguz can be found in many runescripts for attracting love. True, most often the symbol is used precisely by the fair sex, since its energy is feminine.


Evaz, resembling in shape two Laguz turned "back" to each other, can also be added to the list of runes for love and marriage, because this symbol, with a specially made reservation, can mean strong marriage, a partnership based on mutual assistance, care, sincere feelings.


The main meaning of the Ansuz rune is not related to love, however, this symbol in the composition of runescripts helps to breathe new life into existing relationships, so we will also add it to our list.

The next important issue that we will discuss is how and where to apply runes on love. Here great importance has a goal that we are pursuing. If we are looking for a soul mate and trying to get rid of loneliness - we apply individual symbols or tie on our own photo, an amulet made of natural material or directly on the skin, without erasing until the result is obtained. However, some runescripts work great even on plain paper.

If our goal is to harmonize an already existing relationship, the ideal option for applying would be a joint picture of the couple. And if we want to know how to use runes to attract the love of a particular person to ourselves, we draw signs on a photograph of a person whom we dream of bewitching with our charms. This rule is suitable for almost all stakes given in this article.

Next important point- stipulation. Any formula can be specified either in its entirety or partially. For beginners, the first option is more suitable, except in cases where the author of the stav gives specific recommendations on how to use his work. Love formulas are activated by any convenient way(strength of the elements, breath, visualization, fire), if the author did not indicate a specific method. That's all the rules you need to know about. Now let's move on to practice.

Betting on getting rid of loneliness

As part of the formulas that help get rid of loneliness and meet your soul mate, runes are used to attract love, which we talked about above, as well as other symbols of the Elder Futhark. We propose to consider several popular ties that have proven their effectiveness. There are a few simple staves, which include only two or three runes - they are used according to the same rules that we described above.

A bunch of Gebo-Otal will help you meet a life partner who will become a reliable rear for you, as well as create a strong family with him.

Gebo-Laguz-Vunyo will give a bright love that will allow a person to get a lot of positive impressions and feel joy, optimism, pleasure.

Kenaz-Gebo-Laguz is a formula for single women who want to meet a soul mate and finally find a serious relationship. Here you see the runes of love to attract a man.

Marriage rates

Now consider the runes for love and marriage as part of simple formulas that can be used even by beginners.

Pert-Algiz-Berkana-Mannaz-Otala-Mannaz-Gebo, written down in a line, will help not only to meet a worthy person, but also to create a real family with him.

Teyvaz-Uruz-Gebo is an excellent choice for those women who have set themselves a specific goal - to meet a man for serious relationship and marriage.

Now let's see what runes can be used to attract the love of a particular person. The three most common formulas are shown in the picture.

Any of them can be drawn in the picture of the person you are interested in, with whom you want to start a relationship and stipulate accordingly. We draw symbols on the photo, otherwise it will not work to bind a specific person.

And finally, let's see what light staves can be useful for establishing family life or already existing relationships, if something goes wrong in them. Naturally, in all these formulas you will find runes to attract love.

A miraculous bunch of three Laguz will help make your loved one more attentive, caring, gentler to you. Under the influence of this tie, the beloved will become softer and will be able to catch changes in your mood.

Berkana-Uruz-Inguz will kindle the fire of passion, improve the quality sexual life, will return sensuality and improve intimate relationships.

Gebo, Algiz, Otala, Vunyo, Gebo - they are doing a great job of harmonizing existing relationships, establishing peace in the family, making the connection between partners stronger.

As you know, there are runes that bring good luck, money, love and health, but it is impossible to talk about all the existing formulas in one article. But we will return to the magic of the ancient Scandinavian symbols more than once. Stay tuned for site updates!

How find a loved one person and find happiness in family life? How to meet a betrothed and like him? These questions have been on the minds of many women, it seems, since the beginning of time.

Many resort to spells and love spells to win a loved one, but all this can have Negative consequences. Proven way to get love - runes. Runes are ancient symbols containing a sacred meaning.

They were used by people for protection, achieving goals, giving certain qualities. They were applied to amulets and talismans, carved on doors, painted on themselves. Runes are powerful and hide in themselves great power and you can use it to find love.

Introduction to runes

Each rune is not only a letter of the ancient alphabet, it has its own sound and hidden meaning. With the help of runes, you can change many energies, you can attract the desired events to yourself and build your own destiny according to your own understanding.

But in order to use the runes correctly, so that they bring only good, you need to be familiar with some aspects of working with them. Firstly, rune action amplifies if there are several of them, so they are composed magic formulas for love, luck, wealth and so on.

But you should not combine runes on your own, if you are not familiar with them, because each of them can change its meaning, depending on its neighbors. You can turn to specialists to make an individual formula for you, or you can find a ready-made one on the Internet.

Apply runes it is possible on some natural materials, for example, wood or a piece of leather. Then it will be an amulet that needs to be properly charged and carried with you until it fulfills its purpose.

You can draw runes on your own body or on the body another person, you can put their image on a photo, or on food or water.

Some people prefer to draw marks on creams and soaps, on cosmetic jars, and even on the foam that covers the water in the bathroom. You can also draw runes on paper, as long as it is not lined - the lines can distort the outlines occult sign.

Some people think that drawing runes is better. natural materials- henna, basma, clay, but you can do it with a pencil or pen, marker or felt-tip pen, paints. They can be embroidered on clothes, carved on wood, scratched on stone. In general, there are many ways.

Talisman for love

If you want to meet love or get married, you can choose a suitable rune or combination of runes and make an amulet. For this select material which you like best, wood, genuine leather, or maybe a semi-precious stone.

In love affairs, stones such as jade or amber, or others that can attract romance into your life, will help. Now take the paints or what you will apply the runes with and get down to business. For a love talisman, red is required.

Remember that the ritual should be performed only in good mood if you are upset or depressed, postpone the action until the next time. There should be no one in the room in which you are working on the amulet, nothing should distract you. Relax, throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head, concentrate on what you want.

Any application of runes to anything should proceed according to the following scheme:

  • pronunciation rune names;
  • Drawing a sign;
  • Pronouncing a reservation (say what the talisman should serve for);
  • A stipulation of the term (for how long the amulet will be valid);
  • Activation of runes (possible with the help of four elements);
  • The pronunciation of the names of the runes.

More to be said about reservation and activation. The clause should look something like this: “I will meet a person with whom we will have mutual love, which will lead to marriage.

The runes will help me attract love into my life without harming other areas of life. You can think of any other words, as long as they point to the goal, the absence of harm and sound sincere.

Now about activation. You can spend it in this way - take an amulet, bow to all four cardinal directions and turn to the four elements in turn for a blessing.

Pour water over it and say “I bless you with water”, carry it over a candle and say the same about fire, sprinkle it with salt to bless the earth and fumigate with incense to give it the power of air. After that, at the end, again name all the runes that drawn on the talisman, by name, and give thanks higher power for help.

Wear this talisman until it fulfills its purpose, and then bury it in the ground, not forgetting to thank.

To myself

You can apply runes on the body, for this there are certain rules. Do this only in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Runes for love apply with a red marker or henna. Do this in the same way as in the case of the amulet - call each by name, specify what you want to achieve and terms, call again, thank you.

Remember that there should be no one in the room, nothing should distract you, and your thoughts should be pure. Every morning, circle the runes anew for the period that was agreed upon. You will feel how they fill you up energy and influence even the qualities of character.

Some prefer to apply runes on themselves as a tattoo. The opinions of experts regarding this are ambiguous. This is quite dangerous, because today you need a certain energy, and tomorrow another, and the tattoo will always be the same.

You should only get a tattoo if you are sure that runes suit you that you are ready to live with their image all your life. And yet, before applying, it is better to make a temporary tattoo of these runes and see how you feel with it.

runes of love

The runic futarch includes twenty-four characters (classic), and among them there are runes that can help attract love and marry. Here they are:

  • Inguz ᛝ- this rune symbolizes power, fertility. It will help if you dream of meeting a person with whom you will have offspring. It helps to restore the reproductive system, gives a connection with the elements of the earth. But it is also responsible for the spiritual aspect and passion. Increases sexuality. In formulas, as a rule, this rune is placed at the end, symbolizing a successful outcome. This is the main love rune, it gives confidence and expands consciousness.
  • Hyera ᛃ- a rune of hope and a successful outcome. It helps to conceive and leads to the realization of dreams. It works without haste, but steadily produces results. It helps to enjoy life and have patience, helps to find harmony with nature.
  • Gebo ᚷ- a rune that helps bring in relationship harmony, but it only works if there is mutual love between you. She teaches understanding and care. This rune also helps to attract a partner, with its support you will find someone with whom mutual feelings will flare up. If you want to marry for love, she is what you need. She helps establish a connection with the subconscious and receive by giving.
  • Ansuz ᚨ- a symbol that will give you joy and good luck in love, it will also help you make peace with your loved one. The rune gives attractiveness, sensitivity, helps to find relationships built on mutual understanding. It can develop a poetic gift, relieve embarrassment, help start life anew.
  • Soulu ᛇrune of victory. Helps change lives, gain confidence, rejuvenate. Gives attractiveness, fills with solar energy. With its help, you can make happy someone who is next to you, or attract a new person into your life.

And happiness

In order to achieve results as quickly as possible, it is worth using runic formulas.

In correctly composed runograms, the strength of each sign is enhanced, they have a more directed effect. They can be applied both on amulets and on your body. Many formulas help achieve happiness in family life, to become happier and more harmonious.

The formula Ansuz - Leguz - Gebo will help to attract love, about which it is time to write novels. This combination is suitable for creating an alliance and marriage: Gebo - Berkana - Ofala.

Help attract sexy man formula Teyvaz - Uruz - Gebo, if you only need sex from a partner, use these runes: Kenaz - Pertr - Naytiz. If you need an alliance built on spiritual understanding, the Ansuz - Gebo - Ofala formula will help you, but you can use it when you have a partner. He must keep a second copy.

Runes Gebo - Kenaz - Vunyo they will awaken passion, and the seal from the runes of Berkan - Ingvaz will call on the Scandinavian goddess of love Freya, who will help you to improve things on the love front. stable and long relationship help to find the formula Berkano - Evaz - Inguz.

Suitable for attracting happiness and good luck formula Ansuz - Uruz - Hyeres, for success in all endeavors, use the combination of Fehu - Soul - Otal - Vunyo, the combination of Teyvaz - Soul - Uruz will give strength for victory.

specific person

If all your thoughts are occupied by the only person without whom life is not sweet for you, you can attract him to you with the help of runes. For example, if you want to marry your beloved, take a common photo in which you are both happy, and draw on it the runes of Inguz and Berkan - Freya's Seal.

After that, apply with a red marker the runic formula Nautiz - Kenaz - Gebo - Otala - Vunyo - Yera, it should be located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour hearts. If you are not afraid, circle the runes with blood from ring finger left hand - this will enhance the effect.

This rune becoming will make a man fixate on love for you and incline him to marriage. But be careful - this is still a love spell, if you do not want to resort to them, it is better to use the runes to strengthen relationships or to establish mutual understanding.

But if you decide, after applying the runes, be sure read the clause or visa- a verse that you must compose yourself, which would describe the action of each symbol, and then - the desired result. If you wish, you can read the Seventeenth Song of Odin before and after the ritual, but in this case, he will then need to make a sacrifice - pour dark beer into the fire.

If you don't have joint photo, a single image of a man is also suitable, in extreme cases, take a sheet of white paper and write the initials of your lover.

During the ceremony keep the image of a man in your mind. It is better to do this on the growing moon. Be sure to charge the photo with the energy of fire at the end - light red candles (or better, they burn throughout the action) and imagine how the energy from them is directed to the center of the photo.