Russian folk tales about autumn. Short stories about autumn. Honest and kind

Irina Kulikova
Holiday “Autumn Tale” for children 5–6 years old

Q. How glad I am that we have gathered in this hall again to rejoice and have fun at holiday. The season has changed, a beauty has arrived Autumn. What has changed in nature? (answers children)

Q. And today we will show and tell you what we did in the summer.

Did you swim in the river? Have you sunbathed in the sun? Did you walk barefoot on the grass? How good and fun it was!

Song "Jolly Travelers"

V. Another time has come to replace it, autumn.

Included Autumn.

Autumn. Drip, drip, raindrops sing a song.

Drip, drip, you're on holiday let me in?

1. reb. Wait, Autumn, you came quickly,

I'm so sorry that summer has left the yard.

If the gloomy rain knocks on the window,

How can I sunbathe without the hot sun?

2. reb. How will I bathe and pick flowers?

What if suddenly clouds begin to walk across the sky?

No, really warm summer we like it better

You go back Autumn through meadows and forests.

Autumn gets offended and leaves.

V. Offended Autumn. But how can we live without her? What will happen in nature? Before the animals have time to prepare for winter, the trees will not have time to shed their leaves and cover them with their warm carpet. What about the birds? What happens take it off? They may die. No! I thought Autumn and decided not to leave.

Included Autumn!

Autumn. Guys, Autumn It's not just rain and puddles and cold. Look how many trees I decorated. And for you I brought a loaf of bread and juicy vegetables and fruits.

V. Forgive us Autumn, we didn’t offend you out of malice. We are glad to see you and thank you for your kind deeds and words.

Song "Auntie Autumn»

Autumn and the presenter treat the children small pieces of bread.

Every slice of bread smells like warm Nebushka

and the earth hid all its strength in bread,

The bread is piled high and has a golden brown crust.

The sun poured a hundred rays into the window

And usually bakery bread is not at all everyday, it is all the time festive, songful and colorful.

Autumn. There are a lot of vegetables here for soup and cabbage soup,

But I didn’t come to cook. Let's play kids!

Is he golden and mustachioed in a hundred pockets of a hundred guys? (EAR)

A girl sits in a dungeon, and her scythe is on the street (onion)

What kind of vegetable from the garden is shouting to us from afar, give me a little honey, and without honey I’m bitter (radish)

Antoshka stands on one leg (mushroom)

B. It’s raining at the gate, and winter is about to come.

It's cold outside, but it's worth frowning on!

SONG "Mushroom Harvest"

V. The guys sang well, cheerfully and loudly,

Dispersed the evil clouds with your ringing song

Autumn: Autumn in the evenings the nightingale sings her farewell song. And they wander in the forest fairy tales, one is better than the other. And I’ll tell you one of them now.

A cloud flies in.

Cloud: Ha ha ha! La-la-la!\

Are you having fun? Only in vain!

I will cover your sun, I will raise the wind, I will raise a storm!

They will swirl with leaves,

And they will hide the earth in darkness. (flies away)

How dark and damp it is, you can’t see anything.

A cloud covered the sun - what a shame!

Who's hiding under the tree?

Maybe bad wolves? Someone is crying, no, not a wolf.

I already know a lot about wolves.

What is this strange red hare? This is the first time I've seen this.

Sunny bunny.

I'm a sunny bunny friend!

Only the clouds have fled,

We jumped out onto the meadow, and then we were all lost.

Who are we? Who's lost?

Sunny bunny

Five red-haired brothers - who goes where. And now I’m the only one left!

If I don't find my brothers, we'll all get into trouble,

The night will last forever.

Hare: We need to help the bunny!

We will find your brothers

And we will save our sun.

We need to ask the cat, cats see in the dark,

Wait for me a little bit, pussy, pussy, where are you, where?

Why are you calling me again?

Do you want to play with me?

But what is it that I see

Another red bunny!

Both hares

And where did you see the bunnies?

Their ears stick out behind the tree,

Hare. Together brothers again, the sun will shine.

Sunny s.

You danced too early, the light from us is too small.

We are unable to help you, to disperse the damp night.

There are two brothers somewhere,

Who will give us news from them,

Hare. Maybe they are hiding in a ravine?

Or under an old snag.

Cat. Oh look, the squirrel is jumping.

Squirrel. Someone is crying there in the ravine,

I was afraid to look there alone. (they find 2 more red bunnies)

Hare. Well, if the brothers are together, then the sun is in place.

(look up)

V. Apparently the sun fell asleep in the heights and silence,

For the sun to wake up, help me, children.

All. Come on, let’s sing a song about friendship together!

B. Let's call the sun.

All together.

The sun comes out from behind the clouds,

Shine bright again!

And golden rays

Play in the clearing!

Sun. Hello guys

Children. Hello, Sun!

Sun. Where are my Sunny bunnies?

You didn’t forget about me, you woke me up with a ringing song,

You drove away the evil cloud and called me to your place.

I see you are friends to the Sun,

I will shine for you again.

Sunny bunnies

Once again we will jump, have fun and play!

Music game "Find a Pair"

It's time to go upstairs.

I would like to wish the guys happiness and goodness!

B. Thank you, let's say Autumn for a fairy tale.

Autumn: It’s time for me guys, they’re waiting for me autumn affairs. Here on holiday my treats for you. Well, next year I will come to visit you again.

Publications on the topic:

Autumn Tale Once the animals noticed that summer was coming to an end in their forest, and they began to judge whether they should rejoice at the arrival of autumn or be sad.

"An autumn tale about the Hedgehog and the Mushroom." Fairy tale for children of senior preschool age A TALE ABOUT A HEDGEHOG AND A MUSHROOM. Narrator: A prickly hedgehog was walking along the forest, along the path. The hedgehog walked, the hedgehog walked, and found a mushroom. But not a mushroom.

"CITY OF MASTERS" Autumn holiday For preparatory group 2015 Teachers: Ponomareva I.P., Vagina N.M. Fair music is playing.

Autumn fairy tale. Characters: Presenter, Ivan, Baba Yaga, Vasilisa. Children: Wind, leaves, mushrooms, little humpbacked horse. Details: feather Heat.

Description of material: The material will be of interest to educators working with children preschool age. An autumn fairy tale can be used in classes on speech development, cognitive development, just in free activity.
Target: Introducing children to understand the figurative content of an autumn fairy tale, developing emotional responsiveness to a fairy tale.
- expand children’s ideas about autumn, autumn phenomena, introduce children to the most typical features of golden autumn;
- develop the ability to notice the beauty of autumn nature;
- cultivate love for this time of year.

The hedgehog woke up on an autumn morning in his cozy hole with a premonition of something incomprehensible. Sniffing the air, he realized that it was getting colder in the hole. But why? Looking out of the hole, the hedgehog saw the leaves on the trees and grass that had turned yellow during the night, and the low sun. Going out into the street, he looked around in surprise. Instead of cheerful greenery and flowers, everything around was yellow-orange-red.
-Wow! Wow! What, do you like it? - heard the hedgehog from above. Raising his head, he saw a wise owl sitting on a green spruce branch.
-Uncle Owl, what happened to nature? Why is everything so colorful and shiny?
-Because, my little hedgehog, autumn has come! What glitters is frost on the grass. The birches turn yellow, the maples turn orange, and the aspens trembling from the cold turn red, and all the trees begin to shed their leaves. Only spruces, pines, cedars, and firs remain green,” answered the wise owl.
-Why does this happen in nature? - asked the hedgehog.
-Because the sun is also tired of rising high during the year and warming the earth and our forest. See how low it is? And in winter it will be even lower and stop heating completely!
The hedgehog got scared:
-So it will be even colder in winter? What about me? Am I going to freeze?
-No, hedgehog, you won’t freeze. You will wrap yourself in leaves that will sit well on your needles, and go to sleep in your hole for the whole winter! You will wake up when the sun rises high and warms everything around! The calmed-down hedgehog went for a walk through the yellow-orange-red forest and had a hearty dinner delicious mushrooms and roots, tumbled on the grass, and, snorting merrily, went to sleep in his hole until spring.

And he dreamed of bright, yellow, orange, red leaves on the trees, which slowly fell and covered the ground with a magical, multi-colored carpet. And from above looked the kind eyes of a wise owl, who knew that life goes on and smiled, looking at the triumph of nature!
Autumn waved her magic brush.
She gilded all the trees.
Overnight everything changed in nature,
These are all wonderful autumn moments!

Autumn is the time to walk, dream, collect colorful leaves and write fairy tales, and then tell them to your children, wrapped in a cozy warm blanket.

Honestly, autumn leaves, are a luxury for us, but we still managed to get some, and Sonechka spent several hours creating (thanks a lot to Tatyana Pirozhenko for the ideas). I liked one of Sonechka’s paintings so much that I wanted to write a fairy tale. Small, cozy, meditative. In a word, autumn fairy tale. The fairy tale gladly joins the “Cozy Autumn on Moms’ Blogs”.

Autumn Tale

Hanged on a tree autumn leaf, hung, hung and fell. But I wasn't upset at all. It was so pleasant to soar in the air soaked in the autumn sun! And when Leaf landed on the ground, he put on his hat and decided to go for an autumn walk in the forest.

And in the forest, what beauty it was! All the leaves on the trees are dressed in their bright autumn outfits, as if they were gathered for a holiday, and there is not a single one like it! Leaflet comes, smiles at everyone, says hello to everyone.

On the way I met our Leaf.

-Where are you hedgehog going in such a hurry, in such a hurry? - asked Leaflet.

“I’m preparing my mink for winter, I’ll soon go to bed for the winter,” answered the hedgehog and ran on, equipping his mink with dry moss.

Then Leaflet saw a small fussy squirrel on a pine tree with a huge bump in its paws.

- Squirrel, what are you so busy with? – Leaflet asked her.

“I’m preparing supplies for the winter,” explained the squirrel, peeking out from behind the cone. - Winter will come, the cold will set in, and my pantries will be full of nuts, berries and mushrooms.

“It’s so good that I don’t need to rush anywhere, there’s nothing to do, no preparation for winter!” You can just walk and admire! After all, autumn is such a time of year - specially created for admiration.

So admiring, our Leaf reached the edge of the forest, where he saw a large
a motley bird sitting on an aspen branch. The bird turned its head in different directions.

- Bird, what are you doing? - asked Leaflet.

“I’m saying goodbye to our forest,” answered the bird, “I’m going to fly to distant edges. Now I’ll make a circle over the forest and fly to the flock.

- Oh, bird, can I ask you? – Leaflet was happy. – Can I make a circle with you over the forest? I really want to see what our forest looks like from above.

The bird nodded, took the Leaf in its beak and slowly flew over the forest. From above, the forest, dressed in crimson and gold, turned out to be no less beautiful - one would admire it and admire it. Then the bird opened its beak, and the autumn wind picked up the Leaf and carried it, swinging on the waves of air, like

The nights are darker, the morning fogs are cooler. The dew does not dry until noon, the beads in the spider's webs sparkle like a necklace.

Necklaces, necklaces - autumn's gift for housewarming!

How long has it been since elegant round dances of butterflies and golden midges circled through the meadows, flowers were deafened by the chirping of grasshoppers, and a bumblebee was suffocating in its velvet fur coat with a lush collar! Nowadays everything is different. The grass was mown, the haystacks were darkened by the rains. There are no butterflies to be seen, the violins of the fiddler grasshoppers have fallen silent, and the fur coat fits the bumblebees. No one on the late flowers, only bumblebees, and they seem to have raised their thick black collars higher...

In the morning, power line wires are touched by swallows. Not today, tomorrow they will be on their way.

The viewing is conducted by chirping killer whales. Is everything assembled? Is everyone ready? As if on command, they all take off at once, make a circle or two over the fields, meadows, and lower the wires again.

It's time to go, it's time. Goodbye, villages on hillocks! See you in the spring, fields and meadows of your native land!


Everyone has their own hiding places, everyone hides as best they can. There are times when you can’t wait and don’t even think about it! Once in the fall, a beautiful mourning bird, a golden-eyed frog and a warty toad got into the habit of hiding under my canoe. I’ll turn the boat over in the morning, and the hangers-on are in different directions: a butterfly in flight, a frog in the water, a toad in the grass. When I return from fishing, I turn the boat over for the night - the next morning there is the same trinity under it!

And then I was sorting out the woodpile - so the lizards hid among the firewood. Once settled in a birdhouse forest mice- the birdhouse turned into a mouse house. The shingles in the yard were stacked - in it bats lived. Every evening we flew out of the cracks and caught mosquitoes. Under the old trough, a family of shrews took root; so they snuck back and forth in the evenings. Voles were hiding in the haystack behind the house, and every night an owl was on duty in the haystack: would any of them stick out? Spider in eggshells settled in the mansions of white stone veins. And one dung beetle hid in a mushroom! He gnawed a hole in the leg and squirmed around inside. Until it ended up in the back of the truck along with the mushroom. Even though he wasn’t called a milk mushroom...

Helpers are waiting

Trees, bushes and grasses are in a hurry to arrange their offspring.

Pairs of lionfish hang from the branches of the maple; they have already separated and are waiting to be torn off and picked up by the wind.

Herbs also await the winds: thistle, on the tall stems of which lush clusters of grayish silky hairs emerge from dry baskets; cattail, raising its stems with a brown coat of tops above the marsh grass; a hawk, whose fluffy balls on a clear day are ready to fly apart at the slightest breath.

And many other herbs, the fruits of which are equipped with short or long, simple or feathery hairs, are also waiting for the wind.

In empty fields, along the sides of roads and ditches, they wait, not for the wind, but for four-legged and two-legged creatures: burdock with dry hooked baskets tightly packed with faceted seeds, a string of black three-horned fruits that so readily pierce stockings, and tenacious bedstraw, small round fruits which they cling to and roll into the dress so much that they can only be pulled out with a wisp of hair.

Beginning of autumn

Today at dawn one lush birch tree emerged from the forest into a clearing, as if in a crinoline, and another, timid, thin, dropped leaf after leaf onto the dark fir tree. Following this, until more and more dawned, different trees They began to appear to me differently. This always happens at the beginning of autumn, when after a lush and common summer, a big change begins and the trees all begin to experience leaf fall in different ways.

I looked around me. Here is a hummock, combed by the paws of black grouse. It used to happen that in the hole of such a hummock you would certainly find a feather of a black grouse or wood grouse, and if it was pockmarked, then you knew that a female was digging, and if it was black, it was a rooster. Now in the pits of the combed hummocks there lie not bird feathers, but fallen yellow leaves. And here is an old, old russula, huge, like a plate, all red, and the edges are curled up from old age, and a yellow birch leaf is floating in the dish.

Aspen trees are cold

On a sunny day in autumn, at the edge of a spruce forest, young multi-colored aspen trees gathered, densely one to the other, as if they were there, in spruce forest, it became cold and they went out to warm themselves at the edge of the forest, just like in our villages people go out into the sun and sit on the rubble.

Autumn dew

It started to dawn. Flies are knocking on the ceiling. The sparrows are herding. Rooks are in the harvested fields. Forty families graze on the roads. The ridges are cold and grey. Another dewdrop in the axil of a leaf sparkles all day.

Windy day

This fresh wind knows how to speak tenderly to the hunter, just as the hunters themselves often chatter among themselves from an excess of joyful expectations. You can speak and you can remain silent: conversation and silence are easy for a hunter. It happens that a hunter is animatedly telling something, but suddenly something flashed in the air, the hunter looked there and then: “What was I talking about?” I don’t remember, and that’s okay: you can start something else. So the hunting wind in the fall constantly whispers about something and, without finishing one thing, moves on to another; Then I heard the muttering of a young black grouse and stopped, the cranes were screaming.

Leaf fall

A hare came out of the dense fir trees under a birch tree and stopped when he saw a large clearing. He didn’t dare go straight to the other side and walked around the entire clearing from birch tree to birch tree. So he stopped and listened. If you are afraid of something in the forest, it is better not to go while the leaves are falling and whispering. The hare listens: it seems to him as if someone is whispering from behind and sneaking. It is possible, of course, for a cowardly hare to pluck up courage and not look back, but here something else happens: you were not afraid, did not succumb to the deception of falling leaves, and just then someone took advantage of you and quietly grabbed you in the teeth from behind.

Rowan turns red

The morning is sparse. There are no cobwebs at all in the clearings. Very quiet. I can hear the yellowbird, the jay, and the thrush. The rowan tree turns very red, the birch trees begin to turn yellow. White butterflies, slightly larger than moths, occasionally fly over the mown grass.

Autumn leaves

Just before sunrise, the first frost falls on the clearing. Hide, wait at the edge - what is happening there, in a forest clearing! In the twilight of dawn, invisible forest creatures come and then begin to spread white canvases throughout the clearing. The first rays of the sun remove the canvases, and a green space remains on the white. Little by little, everything white disappears, and only in the shade of trees and hummocks do little white wedges remain for a long time.

In the blue sky between the golden trees you won’t understand what’s going on. The wind blows away leaves or small birds gather in flocks and fly to warm, distant lands.

The wind is a caring owner. Over the summer it will visit everywhere, and even in the densest places there will not be a single unfamiliar leaf left. But autumn has come - and the caring owner is harvesting his harvest.

The leaves, falling, whisper, saying goodbye forever. It’s always like this with them: once you are torn away from your native kingdom, then say goodbye, you are dead.

Last flowers

Another frosty night. In the morning, in the field I saw a group of surviving blue bells - a bumblebee was sitting on one of them. I tore off the bell, the bumblebee did not fly off, I shook off the bumblebee, it fell. I put it under a hot beam, it came to life, recovered and flew. And on the cancer neck, in exactly the same way, the red dragonfly became numb overnight and before my eyes recovered under the hot beam and flew away. And grasshoppers in huge numbers began to fall from under our feet, and among them were cracklings, flying up with a crash, blue and bright red.

Forest in autumn

And how beautiful this same forest is in late autumn, when the woodcocks arrive! They do not stay in the middle of nowhere: you need to look for them along the edge of the forest. There is no wind, and there is no sun, no light, no shadow, no movement, no noise; an autumn smell, similar to the smell of wine, is diffused in the soft air; a thin fog stands in the distance over the yellow fields. Through the bare, brown branches of the trees, the motionless sky peacefully whitens; Here and there the last golden leaves hang on the linden trees. Damp earth elasticity underfoot; the tall dry blades of grass do not move; long threads glisten on the pale grass. The chest breathes calmly, but a strange anxiety enters the soul. You walk along the edge of the forest, looking after the dog, and meanwhile your favorite images, your favorite faces, dead and alive, come to mind, long-dormant impressions suddenly wake up; the imagination soars and flutters like a bird, and everything moves so clearly and stands before the eyes. The heart will suddenly tremble and beat, passionately rush forward, then it will irrevocably drown in memories. All life unfolds easily and quickly, like a scroll; A person owns all his past, all his feelings, his powers, his entire soul. And nothing around him bothers him - no sun, no wind, no noise...

And an autumn, clear, slightly cold, frosty day in the morning, when the birch, like a fairy-tale tree, all golden, is beautifully drawn in the pale blue sky, when the low sun no longer warms, but shines brighter than the summer one, a small aspen grove sparkles through and through, as if it is fun and easy for her to stand naked, the frost is still white at the bottom of the valleys, and the fresh wind gently stirs and drives away the fallen, warped leaves - when blue waves joyfully rush along the river, regularly lifting scattered geese and ducks; in the distance the mill knocks, half-hidden by willows, and, dappling the light air, pigeons quickly circle above it...

Autumn day in a birch grove

I was sitting in a birch grove in the fall, around mid-September. From the very morning there was a light rain, replaced at times by warm sunshine; the weather was changeable. The sky was either covered with loose white clouds, then suddenly cleared in places for a moment, and then, from behind the parted clouds, azure appeared, clear and gentle...

I sat and looked around and listened. The leaves rustled slightly above my head; by their noise alone one could find out what time of year it was then. It was not the cheerful, laughing trembling of spring, not the soft whispering, not the long talk of summer, not the timid and cold babbling late autumn, but barely audible, drowsy chatter. A weak wind pulled slightly over the tops. The interior of the grove, wet from the rain, was constantly changing, depending on whether the sun was shining or covered with clouds; She then lit up all over, as if suddenly everything in her was smiling... then suddenly everything around her turned slightly blue again: the bright colors instantly faded... and stealthily, slyly, the smallest rain began to fall and whisper through the forest.

The foliage on the birches was still almost all green, although noticeably paler; only here and there stood one young girl, all red or all gold...

Not a single bird was heard: everyone took refuge and fell silent; only occasionally did the mocking voice of a tit ring like a steel bell.


The chirping swallows have long since flown south, and even earlier, as if on cue, the swift swifts disappeared.

IN autumn days The boys heard the passing cranes crowing in the sky as they said goodbye to their dear homeland. They looked after them for a long time with some special feeling, as if the cranes were taking summer with them.

Quietly talking, the geese flew to the warm south...

Getting ready for cold winter People. The rye and wheat were cut down a long time ago. We prepared feed for the livestock. The last apples are being picked from the orchards. They dug up potatoes, beets, and carrots and put them away for the winter.

The animals are also preparing for winter. The nimble squirrel accumulated nuts in the hollow and dried selected mushrooms. Little voles brought grains into the holes and prepared fragrant soft hay.

In late autumn, a hardworking hedgehog builds its winter lair. He dragged a whole heap of dry leaves under an old stump. You will sleep peacefully all winter under a warm blanket.

The autumn sun warms less and less often, more and more sparingly.

Soon, soon the first frosts will begin.

Mother Earth will freeze until spring. Everyone took from her everything she could give.

Forest in autumn

The Russian forest is beautiful and sad in the early autumn days. Bright spots of red-yellow maples and aspens stand out against the golden background of yellowed foliage. Slowly circling in the air, light, weightless yellow leaves fall and fall from the birches. Thin silver threads of light cobwebs stretched from tree to tree. Late autumn flowers are still blooming.

The air is transparent and clean. The water in forest ditches and streams is clear. Every pebble at the bottom is visible.

Quiet in autumn forest. Only fallen leaves rustle underfoot. Sometimes a hazel grouse whistles subtly. And this makes the silence even more audible.

It's easy to breathe in the autumn forest. And I don’t want to leave it for a long time. It’s good in the autumn flowery forest... But something sad, farewell is heard and seen in it.

Antonov apples

I remember an early fine autumn. August had warm rains at the right time, in the middle of the month. I remember an early, fresh, quiet morning... I remember a large, all golden, dried up and thinning garden, I remember maple alleys, the subtle aroma of fallen leaves and - the smell Antonov apples, the smell of honey and autumn freshness. The air is so clean, it’s as if there is none at all. There is a strong smell of apples everywhere.

By night it becomes very cold and dewy. Having inhaled the rye aroma of new straw and chaff on the threshing floor, you cheerfully walk home for dinner past the garden rampart. Voices in the village or the creaking of gates can be heard unusually clearly in the chilly dawn. It's getting dark. And here’s another smell: there’s a fire in the garden and there’s a strong wafting of fragrant smoke from cherry branches. In the darkness, in the depths of the garden, there is a fabulous picture: as if in a corner of hell, a crimson flame is burning near a hut, surrounded by darkness...

“Vigorous Antonovka - for a fun year.” Village affairs are good if the Antonovka crop is cropped: that means the grain crop is cropped... I remember a fruitful year.

At early dawn, when the roosters were still crowing, you would open a window into a cool garden filled with a purple fog, through which the morning sun shines brightly here and there... You would run to the pond to wash your face. Almost all the small leaves have flown off the coastal vines, and the branches show through in the turquoise sky. The water under the vines became clear, icy, and seemingly heavy. It instantly drives away nighttime laziness.

You enter the house and first of all you will hear the smell of apples, and then others.

Since the end of September, our gardens and threshing floors have been empty, and the weather, as usual, has changed dramatically. The wind tore and tore the trees for days on end, and the rains watered them from morning to night.

The liquid blue sky shone coldly and brightly in the north above the heavy lead clouds, and from behind these clouds the ridges of snowy mountains-clouds slowly floated out, the window into the blue sky closed, and the garden became deserted and boring, and the rain began to fall again... at first quietly, carefully, then more and more thickly and finally turned into a downpour with storm and darkness. A long, anxious night was coming...

From such a scolding, the garden emerged completely naked, covered with wet leaves and somehow quiet and resigned. But how beautiful it was when clear weather came again, clear and cold days of early October, the farewell holiday of autumn! The preserved foliage will now hang on the trees until the first frost. The black garden will shine through the cold turquoise sky and dutifully wait for winter, warming itself in the sunshine. And the fields are already turning sharply black with arable land and brightly green with bushy winter crops...

You wake up and lie in bed for a long time. There is silence throughout the whole house. Ahead lies a whole day of peace in the already silent, winter-like estate. Slowly get dressed, wander around the garden, find an accidentally forgotten cold and wet apple in the wet leaves, and for some reason it will seem unusually tasty, not at all like the others.


Bull the hedgehog was sitting on the lawn near the house and noticed how green grass covers more and more yellow leaves. How sad he felt. After all, yellow leaves are a sign of autumn. The kid went to his room to find out when this insidious cold season would come. He looked carefully at the calendar and couldn’t believe his eyes. It turns out that autumn should come tomorrow! Can't be! He quickly called his friend, the squirrel Gru, for her the new time of year is a real fairy tale about autumn. And for him it’s a whole tragedy.

- Gru, do you know that autumn begins tomorrow?
- Certainly! I'm incredibly happy! Golden time of the year, beauty, flowers, warm sweaters, cocoa, books, fireplace….
- Wait, wait. - Buhl interrupted his friend. – All this causes me terrible stress. Maybe you will come to visit me?
Squirrel agreed and quickly rushed to her friend. She took apples and nuts with her. Gru knew very well - the best remedy to calm the boys - food. And while preparing delicious dishes, you could have a heart-to-heart talk.

A fairy tale about autumn for children: how to stop being sad and start rejoicing?

Gru put on a pink apron and began to chirp about latest news. At the same time, she was kneading the dough for an apple pie.
- And she bought exactly the same dress as mine, well, can you imagine! Give me another egg, great. At the same time, this dress fits her better than it does on me. I was very annoyed. You cut apples so well, well done, Buhl! But Chris the squirrel is not doing well at all, because she tells everyone that she was the first to buy this dress!
Buhl cut apples with a face that showed no emotion. He did not react to any complaints from Gru, who was waiting for sympathy. Didn't respond to her praise. It seems that Buhl was quite sad.
- My friend, tomorrow you and I will go to school! This is a fairy tale about autumn - walking in the park after school, chewing sandwiches and apples!
- I don’t know what you’re happy about. Judge for yourself. The days are getting shorter and colder. We won't be able to swim anymore. We won't be able to walk outside for a long time. Coming soon fairy forest It will start raining and we will sit at home. None fresh apples“by the way,” said the hedgehog and popped a piece of delicious apple into his mouth for the pie.
— The days are colder, but we have a beautiful new clothes! We won’t be able to swim, but we will be able to climb mountains of yellow leaves! During the rains we will do puzzles or read interesting tales. And in the morning, walk through the meadows in rubber boots. At the same time, Buhl, don’t forget that you and your parents spent the whole summer picking apples from your needles. And you have a whole warehouse of these juicy fruits in your basement. Enough for whole year!

The squirrel poured the dough over the apples and opened the oven. I placed the pie in the middle.

- Now let's finish with the nuts! – she said and handed them to the hedgehog. She sat down to rest. While Buhl pressed walnuts and took out the core from them, Gru continued to protect her favorite season. “I spent the whole summer running around the forest and collecting fruits.” My house has a whole warehouse of useful things. For me, autumn is a long-awaited time when I will rest and enjoy the fruits of my labors. Autumn is the rebirth of nature. The forest is preparing for winter magic, and we can watch this preparation. Green turn into many shades of yellow and orange, red and brown. And then it will turn gray for a while, until the snow decorates everything around. Poor monkeys and elephants. They have to face the sweltering heat and walk through the jungle for a whole year. We are so lucky with the variety of weather. For me, a fairy tale about autumn is a miracle!
Boule listened attentively and at first wanted to argue. But then I felt with what tenderness, tenderness and love Gru spoke about the long-awaited time of the year. It seems that the hedgehog has already begun to fall in love with this autumn fairy tale. The kitchen smelled of apple pie.
“The nuts are ready,” said Buhl. They took the hot pie out of the oven and sprinkled it with powdered sugar and nuts. We made tea. And they began to eat their culinary masterpiece.
“How delicious,” said the hedgehog. - Thank you, squirrel. It seems that the leaves outside the window no longer frighten me, but make me happy.
- Or maybe we’ll finish eating and go throw leaves? – Gru smiled.
That's what the friends did. The next day, Bull woke up very happy, because he was very lucky to be born in the Fairytale Forest, where they lived for four completely different seasons. Each of which gave its own beauty and magic.

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