Family secrets of Secretary General Brezhnev (15 photos). Last confession: Brezhnev's granddaughter died Biography of Brezhnev's granddaughter Victoria: Memories of a mother

Galina Leonidovna Brezhneva. Born April 18, 1929 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) - died June 29, 1998 in Dobrynikh, Moscow Region. Daughter of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev.

Father - (1906-1982), at the time of her birth he worked as deputy chairman of the Bisertsky district executive committee of the Ural region. Later - First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1964-1966, from 1966 to 1982 - general secretary Central Committee of the CPSU.

Mother - Victoria Petrovna Brezhneva (nee - Denisova) (1907-1995).

Younger brother- Yuri (1933-2013).

Galina Brezhneva has always been dismissive of political career father and even refused to join the Komsomol.

In childhood and adolescence, she traveled a lot to places where her father was performing her duties, wanted to become an actress, and was preparing to enter Moscow for acting department but her father forbade her to even think about artistic career. She studied at the literary (philological) faculty of the Orekhovo-Zuevsky Pedagogical Institute.

When her father began to work in Moldova, Galina transferred to the philological faculty of Kishinev state university, however, she had little interest in science and pedagogy, and in 1951 she left the university altogether, leaving Chisinau with her future husband Evgeny Milaev.

She worked as a costume designer in the circus, in the Novosti press agency, in the archival department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an adviser-envoy, at the Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov.

As Lyudmila Moskaleva, who had been friends with Brezhneva for 40 years, said, Galina Leonidovna had a very kind heart. She gave her friends jewelry, cars, apartments. She received all these gifts from her father, who refused little to his beloved daughter.

They say that the daughter and father were very similar to each other - both in temperament and in character. However, Leonid Ilyich, although he was the most influential person throughout the Soviet Union, he could not cope with his own daughter. Perhaps the reason for this lies in a distant episode from Galina's childhood.

In 1944, Brezhnev came to visit his family with his wife, Tamara. This event shocked not only little Galya and her mother, but the whole village, which that day gathered around the Brezhnev house. Apparently, after that, Brezhnev lost the ability to control his daughter. Every time he tried to influence her, she replied: “Look at you!”.

The passion of Galina Brezhneva was diamonds. As soon as the best diamonds arrived in the capital's shops, Brezhneva was the first to know about it. She ordered jewelry prepared for her according to the best sketches from a Moscow jewelry factory on Lavochkina Street. When there was not enough money, Galina left only her receipts.

They say that once a rich man wanted to buy an expensive diamond necklace in a jewelry store, to which he was told that the necklace was not for sale. However, after a few days, he discovered that the decoration was no longer on display. “What could we do,” they said in the store. “This diamond was bought by Galina Brezhneva herself.”

Galina Brezhneva. Exile from paradise

After the death of Leonid Brezhnev in 1982 - during the reign of Yu. V. Andropov - Galina Brezhneva actually found herself under house arrest at her dacha near Moscow. After the death of her father, she was accused of stealing jewelry, but nothing could be proved.

Having fallen into disgrace under the new government, during the reign of M. S. Gorbachev, she managed to win trial against the state, which tried to confiscate her dacha, car and other gifts from her father.

Later, Galina took part in church charitable activities.

After the death of her father, she actively abused alcohol.

Galina Brezhnev drank more and more. This continued until the daughter sent her to a psychiatric hospital.

“When Galya ended up in a madhouse, and this was done for a reason, not without some forces interested in this, she asked me to take her home. There were terrible, gangster times in the country. While Galya was in the hospital, a wealthy Ossetian quickly bought her apartment. I told him that this apartment would go sideways to him, he did not believe it, and soon they killed him, ”said her friend Lyudmila Moskaleva.

Brezhneva's last address was Psychiatric Hospital No. 2 in the village of Dobrynikha. Doctors promised to release her in three months, but in the end no one came to pick her up.

Brezhnev lived in Dobrynikh last years in absolute solitude, in sound mind and sober memory. The only person who visited her was her friend Mila Moskaleva. Galina Leonidovna asked to be taken away from the clinic, but she was afraid to tell her friend that she no longer had a dacha or an apartment.

She died in the village of Dobrynikha, Domodedovo District, Moscow Region, in the Psychiatric Hospital No. O. V. Kerbikova June 29, 1998. Buried at Novodevichy cemetery, next to his mother Victoria Petrovna.

Growth of Galina Brezhneva: 165 centimeters.

Personal life of Galina Brezhneva:

She led a stormy personal life. There were many tragedies in her life love stories and adventures, which would be enough for several novels.

Officially married three times.

The first husband is Evgeny Milaev, a circus performer, an acrobat-strongman. They met in 1951, when Milaev and the circus were on tour in Chisinau. Eugene was 20 years older than Galina (he was only four years younger than her father), had two twin children born in 1948, whose mother died in childbirth. Galina did housework and went on tour with her husband, working in his room as a dresser.

It was Milaev who introduced Galina to famous artists and taught to understand jewelry and luxurious clothes.

In a marriage with Milaev in 1952, Victoria Evgenievna Milaeva (Filippova, married to Gennady Varakuta) was born. Granddaughter (Victoria's daughter from her first marriage) - Galina Filippova (b. 1973), was married to engineer Oleg Dubinsky.

Adopted children of Galina (children of Evgeny Milaev from his first marriage) - Alexander and Natalya Milaev. All my life I worked in the circus, including in my father's room "Equilibrists on foot ladders."

The marriage, which lasted ten years, broke up due to her husband's infidelity with a young circus performer. Milaev himself made a rapid career during his marriage to Brezhneva - from a tightrope walker to a Hero of Socialist Labor and director of the Moscow Circus.

Realizing that he had lost Galina forever, Yevgeny Milaev filed a belated complaint to Brezhnev. Brezhneva’s friend Lyudmila Moskaleva recalled: “Milaev idolized Galya, literally carried her in his arms, made chic gifts, showered him with diamonds, presented a fur coat with sable. And she deserved it. Galya was a wonderful wife, hostess, and a great cook. Moreover, she accepted the children of Milaev, Sasha and Natasha.

Evgeny Milaev - the first husband of Galina Brezhneva

The second husband is a Soviet and Russian circus artist, illusionist, People's Artist of Russia.

Galina often traveled abroad with her father and tours of circus artists.

Once the circus toured Japan, and Galina met 18-year-old Igor Kio, son famous illusionist. Their romance developed rapidly, and Galina's parents did not notice how their daughter got married. She was 33 years old.

Galina accepted Igor's offer to become his wife, officially filed a divorce from Milaev and married him, putting Leonid Ilyich in front of a fait accompli with a note “Dad, I fell in love. He is 25, ”and left with her young husband for Sochi.

The daughter's act aroused the wrath of Leonid Ilyich. He sent for young employees of the state security agencies, who brought Galina to Moscow, and Kio's passport was taken away. Later, the passport was returned to him, having torn out the page where the marriage stamp was. They were officially married for only 10 days.

Divorce did not prevent Galina from dating Igor Kio, and their romance continued for about three years- she went on tour with him, where they met in hotels, in Moscow they spent time at friends' apartments. Meetings became less and less frequent, and the romance came to naught only during the period when Leonid Brezhnev became general secretary Central Committee of the CPSU.

“She was just a woman, a good mother, wife, mistress. This was her purpose, ”Igor Kio said about her.

Igor Kio - the second husband of Galina Brezhneva

Had a relationship with a newspaper journalist Soviet culture» Oleg Shirokov, then - with journalist Alexander Avdeenko.

Then she had an affair with ballet dancer Maris Liepa, who was 11 years younger than her. When Galina came to his performances, chic flowers always lay in her place in the hall. Maris was married and promised Galina that he would leave his family for her. She helped him in his career and waited. This went on for about five years. As a result, her patience ran out and they parted.

As a friend of Brezhneva said, Maris had a very strong influence to Galina. Despite the fact that he was married, she agreed to a minor role in his life, accepted all his whims and requests. From the very beginning, she introduced Liepa to friends as loving father two children.

They say that the artist began to be burdened by this relationship, and he came up with a way to leave. Once Liepa told Brezhneva that he was arriving from a tour. And when she arrived at Sheremetyevo, she saw Maris and his wife Margarita kissing in the waiting room. According to rumors, it was this incident that marked the beginning of Brezhnev's drinking bouts.

The third husband is Yuri Churbanov. They met in January 1971 during one of the parties in the restaurant of the Moscow House of Architects. At that time he was a major internal service. He was 34 and she was 41.

After a week of their stormy romance, Galina introduced her chosen one to her father. Leonid Ilyich, tired of extravagant love affairs daughters liked Churbanov. Yuri Mikhailovich divorced his wife and married Galina Leonidovna.

After this marriage, the career of Yuri Mikhailovich Churbanov went up sharply. He is in short term became Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR (lieutenant general), and then first deputy (colonel general) of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR. The marriage officially lasted 20 years.

After the arrest and trial, when Churbanov was in prison, Galina Leonidovna filed for divorce and division of property, which was done in 1991. She proved in court that most of property confiscated from Yuri Churbanov by court decision, either belonged to her before marriage, or were gifts and inheritance from her father. She was given back a Mercedes car, antique furniture, chandeliers, a collection of weapons, a collection of stuffed animals.

Brezhnev considered this union one of the main mistakes of her life. Often, she spoke publicly about her husband: “My husband's surname fully corresponds to his essence. I love art, and he is just a general.”

According to Lyudmila Moskaleva, Brezhnev began to really drink with Churbanov. With him, the environment around her also changed. “To be frank, Yuri Mikhailovich was not her husband. As Galya said, they kissed only twice: at the wedding and when she sent him to prison. No love. Victoria Petrovna, Gali’s mother, once told me that Churbanov broke her life, ”said Brezhneva’s friend.

During her marriage to Churbanov, she had a scandalous affair with the gypsy actor and singer Boris Buryatse (1946-1987), soloist of the Romen Theater.

Buryatse quickly turned from an artist of the Romen Theater into a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. After the disappearance of diamonds from the apartment of the artist Irina Bugrimova in December 1981, they tried to accuse him of involvement in the theft and convict him of trading in stolen jewelry. It was not possible to prove Buryatse's involvement in the theft, but he was convicted, not without the participation of Churbanov, for speculating on five years in prison, having found several fur coats in his apartment. All attempts by Galina Leonidovna to stand up for Boris Buryatse were unsuccessful.


In Moscow, they said goodbye to the granddaughter of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. Victoria Filippova was 65 years old. Last stage cancer left no chance of salvation.

Victoria Fillipova was born in the family of the daughter of the Secretary General of the USSR Galina Brezhneva and circus performer Evgenia Milayeva. They named her in honor of her grandmother - the wife of Leonid Ilyich Victoria Brezhneva. While mom and dad were touring with the circus, Vika was raised by her grandparents - she lived with the Brezhnevs in the country.

Biography of Brezhnev's granddaughter Victoria: Memories of mother

Victoria Filippova said that Leonid Ilyich ended the relationship between her mother Galina and Igor Kio. Galina Brezhneva, without filing a divorce from her husband (Victoria's father), flew to Honeymoon in Sochi with Igor Kio.

No it was not love - nonsense! It happens to everyone in life. Love is a very big word for this story,” Filippova said about her mother’s romance with Kyo. - Mom loved only two people: my father and Maris Eduardovich Liepa ... Mom was a smart woman until she started drinking. It happened early, when she began a relationship with Maris Eduardovich Liepa, she began to allow herself to take alcohol in small doses. He didn't like it very much. It did not work out for them, because Maris Eduardovich was not going to leave the family. Mom had real relationships and feelings with two men - my dad and Liepa. Mom was perfect wife with my father: she cooked and cleaned herself. There was not a single housekeeper then. She did all the housework herself, because my father ordered so ...

Then my mother drank. I drank very hard. Something had to be done about it, otherwise it would have ended badly. I put her in a psychiatric hospital - I could not let her die under the fence. She did not want to live with me, but it was impossible to force her. I was called to the house where she lived, and they said - take her away from here or we will evict her. She was not alone for a day - all the time her friends were in the apartment, who flocked from everywhere, and were strangers, from the street... That's why they disappeared, the jewels were stolen...

When asked if Victoria loved her mother Galina Brezhneva, a few weeks before her death, she answered this way: “I loved my childhood idea of ​​​​her. Mom and I were strangers and different people We rarely saw each other. I had a different life."

Biography of Brezhnev's granddaughter Victoria: Frankly with Malakhov

Relatives and closest friends of the Brezhnev family, as well as famous artists, journalists and producers. In particular, State Duma deputy Tamara Pletneva believes that relations in this family fell apart after the death of Leonid Brezhnev, and notes that under his rule there was the best era of the USSR.

Honored Artist of Russia Vladimir Dolinsky recalled how in his youth he was friends with the Secretary General's daughter, and what a cheerful person she was. “She loved life, she loved men. She was a holiday aunt,” he recalls.

The program showed excerpts from last interview Victoria Filippova (Brezhneva), in which she tells how she saved her daughter from alcoholism, as well as an interview with Galina herself (great-granddaughter of Leonid Ilyich), who, for example, said that her father now lives in Malta with his wife and son, and was a physics teacher at her school famous TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov.

Andrey Malakhov also said that 10 days before her death, Victoria Filippova called the editorial office and asked to arrange a meeting with her daughter, at which their historical reconciliation eventually took place.

Condolences to the family of Victoria Brezhneva were also expressed by her close friends, artists and psychologists.

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On January 6, Leonid Brezhnev's granddaughter Victoria Filippova died of cancer. She had a daughter, Galina, who for some time underwent treatment in a psychiatric clinic, after which she complained about the lack of an apartment and a residence permit. However, now the great-granddaughter of the Secretary General of the USSR nevertheless decided the issue of housing - she got real estate in the Moscow region. Galina rents out an apartment.

Many people remember that Brezhnev's daughter, Galina Leonidovna, had a lot of jewelry. Now no one knows where all the untold riches owned by the heirs of the head of a huge state have gone.

Dmitry Borisov in the program “Let them talk” showed an interview given by Victoria Filippova shortly before her death. She recalled that after exchanging an apartment in Granatny Lane - for two small ones - she was supposed to receive a large monetary compensation, however, the amount for the exchange was not paid.

Brezhnev's great-granddaughter Galina is worried about the inheritance that belongs to her by right. Now she is 44 years old, she is not going to get married, as well as give birth to children - because of the difficult financial situation.

“A lot of things worries me, not only in connection with the inheritance, but also with my property status,” the woman said.

Now Galina does not know where her grandmother's jewelry went. Her mother's half-sister Natalya Milayeva admitted that Brezhnev's daughter loved jewelry.

“I don’t know about money, but she loved jewelry, our father bought it, but I don’t know where it went,” the woman said.

As it turned out, after the wake of Victoria Filippova, relatives began to discuss where the property that belonged to her could go. They counted at least four apartments, two of which were in the center of Moscow. The family of Brezhnev's granddaughter remembered that she had housing on Novinsky Boulevard - a five-room apartment. Once a woman came there, but it turned out that strangers had been living there for a long time.

Also relatives of Galina Leonidovna suggested that her addiction to alcoholic beverages appeared for a reason.

“A lot of people stuck that soldered and made this. They found a small weakness and began to do their own business, apartments, they squeezed out everything that was possible, and it is trouble-free, ”Alexander Milaev believes.

The relatives also remembered that in a special case at Brezhnev's famous dacha, jewelry was kept that suddenly disappeared. If Galina finds jewelry, she will receive a fabulous inheritance.

Born in the family of the daughter of the Secretary General of the USSR Galina Brezhneva and circus performer Yevgeny Milayev. They named her in honor of her grandmother - the wife of Leonid Ilyich Victoria Brezhneva. While mom and dad were touring with the circus, Vika was raised by her grandparents - she lived with the Brezhnevs in the country.

Victoria Filippova died in a small apartment on the outskirts of Moscow, without devoting anyone to her problems. Brezhnev's granddaughter lived modestly, as a recluse, and did not give interviews. But shortly before her death, she decided to confess - today she sounded in the program "Let them talk." Victoria Filippova spoke about her relationship with relatives and admitted why she sent her mother Galina and her only daughter Galina to a psychiatric hospital.

About grandpa

From my 7 months I lived with my grandparents in the country. Grandpa was a very kind person. If he hadn’t held this difficult position and hadn’t devoted all his time to work, he would have constantly taken care of his grandchildren ... I don’t like it when they say “ the last days Leonid Ilyich. He just fell asleep - and he was gone. And the day before was cheerful, as on all other days. I remember how on that last evening he wanted to listen to the record, I sat on the bed next to him, and we listened to the songs of the war years for a very long time. I kissed him goodnight and he went to bed. He didn't wake up in the morning...

About mom

Victoria Filippova said that Leonid Ilyich ended the relationship between her mother Galina and Igor Kio. Galina Brezhneva, without filing a divorce from her husband (Victoria's father), flew off on a honeymoon trip to Sochi with Igor Kio.

No it was not love - nonsense! It happens to everyone in life. Love is a very big word for this story,” Filippova said about her mother’s romance with Kio. - Mom loved only two people: my father and Maris Eduardovich Liepa ... Mom was a smart woman until she started drinking. It happened early, when she began a relationship with Maris Eduardovich Liepa, she began to allow herself to take alcohol in small doses. He didn't like it very much. It did not work out for them, because Maris Eduardovich was not going to leave the family. Mom had real relationships and feelings with two men - my dad and Liepa. Mom was an ideal wife under my father: she cooked and cleaned herself. There was not a single housekeeper then. She did all the housework herself, because my father ordered so ...

Shortly before her death, Victoria Filippova decided to have a frank conversation in the program “Let them talk.” Photo: CHANNEL ONE

Then my mother drank. I drank very hard. Something had to be done about it, otherwise it would have ended badly. I sent her to a psychiatric hospital - I couldn't let her die under the fence. She did not want to live with me, but it was impossible to force her. I was called to the house where she lived, and they said - take her away from here or we will evict her. She was not alone for a day - all the time her friends were in the apartment, who flocked from everywhere, and there were strangers from the street ... Therefore, they disappeared, jewelry was stolen ...

When asked if Victoria loved her mother Galina Brezhneva, a few weeks before her death, she answered this way: “I loved my childhood idea of ​​​​her. My mother and I were strangers and different people, we rarely saw each other. I had a different life."

About daughter

Victoria Filippova told how their family was persecuted in the "Gorbachev" times.

I exchanged my apartment for two small ones: for myself and my daughter, I did not receive my part of the money. It was "Gorbachev's time". And no one stood up. Why was it us, grandchildren, to poison? We were not in politics, the country was not plundered, "we did not drink the rivers." We have fallen under the millstones of politics. They poisoned us, and with us our children. For example, my Galya was not accepted into the Komsomol, they threw us out of all clinics, from everywhere. In the end, I was laid off - kicked out of the State Committee for Publishing. When Boris Nikolayevich came, it became easier...

For some time, Victoria Filippova's daughter lived on the street - she spent the night on playgrounds in the summer, in the porches in the winter. The mother placed her daughter Galina (the girl was named after Galina Brezhneva) in a psychiatric hospital. She said that there were indications for this.

Brezhnev's great-granddaughter Galina and her mother Victoria. Photo: CHANNEL ONE

In recent years, mother and daughter have reconciled. Shortly before her death, Victoria Filippova gave her daughter five thousand rubles for New Year... Victoria Filippova did not have grandchildren - only daughter gave birth to no heirs. From all relatives, Brezhnev's granddaughter hid her diagnosis.