OGE essay writing templates. Life Speech University

Essay 15.1 theory:

In task 15.1 OGE you need to write an essay-reasoning on linguistic topic. It should consist of 4 parts:

  1. Introduction, in which the thesis is formulated: quote + its explanation;
  2. First argument (example from the text + commentary to it);
  3. Second argument ( example from the text + commentary on it);
  4. Conclusion.

In order to write such an essay, you need to understand linguistics. ( Linguistics (linguistics)- the science that studies languages). You need to know all the linguistic concepts you learned in school, such as what synonyms, homonyms, suffixes, roots, functions of punctuation marks, etc. are.

Algorithm for completing task 15.1:

  1. Attentively read statement about language, highlight it keywords.
  2. Determine which properties of language, about which phenomena there is a speech.
  3. Compose plan essays ( Each point of the plan is a new paragraph! points will be deducted for non-compliance with paragraph division of the text):

1. We quote the statement and explain its meaning.
2. We give 1 example - an argument from the text read.
3. We give 2 examples - an argument from the text read.
4. We draw a conclusion.

4. Write it down quote, explain its meaning:

K.G.Paustovsky said: which could not be conveyed in Russian words” (quote). Indeed, words most accurately, clearly and figuratively express the most complex thoughts and feelings of people, all the diversity of the surrounding world. (explanation). To verify the validity of this statement, consider specific examples from the text (logical transition to the next part of the essay).

5. Give reasons your thesis with examples from the text (there should be 2 of them; you need to not only name linguistic phenomena, but also indicate their role in the text):

Argument 1.
Our language is veryrichsynonyms(named linguistic phenomenon) words that have general meaning and differing additional (its meaning is explained). (an example is given from the text) , whichhelp the writer more fully and multifacetedly reveal the mental state of his heroine(role indicated in the text).

Argument 2.

The Russian language also has rich word-formation capabilities. The ways of forming words in the Russian language are very diverse. One of the most productive ways is suffixal(named linguistic phenomenon), i.e. formation of new words using a suffix (its meaning is explained). Let’s take, for example, the word “Tanechka” from sentence 1 (an example is given from the text). It formed using the diminutive suffix -echk-, which helps the author express sympathy for the heroine of his work(role indicated in the text).

6. Write conclusion:

Thus, …
So, ….
In conclusion, we can say that….

Thus, the given examples confirm the idea of ​​​​K.G. Paustovsky that in the Russian language you can find the necessary words for expression the most complex thoughts and various shades of feelings.

essay 15.1 example:

K.G. Paustovsky said: “There is nothing like that in life and in our consciousness, which could not be conveyed in Russian words.” Indeed, words most accurately, clearly and figuratively express the most complex thoughts and feelings of people, all the diversity of the surrounding world. To verify the validity of this statement, consider specific examples from the text.

Our language is veryrich in synonyms – words that have a common meaning and differ in additionalshades or stylistic coloring.Synonyms attract the writer or speaking topic that they allow one to express a thought with extreme precision. Thus, describing Anna Fedotovna’s feelings, the author uses the synonyms “bitterness and resentment” (sentence 44), “the conversation worried, surprised, offended” (sentence 33), which help the writer more fully reveal the heroine’s state of mind.

The Russian language also has rich word-formation capabilities. The ways of forming words in the Russian language are very diverse. One of the most productive methods is suffixal, in which new words are formed using a suffix. Let’s take, for example, the word “Tanechka” from sentence 1. It is formed using the diminutive suffix -echk-, which helps the writer express sympathy for the heroine of the work.

Essay writing plan 15.1

2. Of course, the scientist (writer, linguist) is right (we explain the meaning of the statement).

3. These ideas can be supported by examples from the text. Firstly, (sic), in a sentence...

4. Secondly, (in addition), in the sentence...

5. Thus, (so, in conclusion I would like to say)… (let’s retell the thesis in other words).

Famous linguist B.N. Golovin states: “We must approach the assessment of the merits of speech with the question: how well are various linguistic units selected from the language and used to express thoughts and feelings.”

Of course, the scientist is right. The precise use of linguistic units makes both the speech of the speaker and the speech of the writer correct, figurative, and expressive.

In addition, in sentence 9, instead of the neutral word “children,” the author chooses the stylistically colored synonym “pets,” thereby showing the reader how close R.A. Varshavskaya and her students.

Thus, thanks to various linguistic units and speech techniques, the author manages to convey main idea text that “art helped children survive,” although “they did not yet know about its true power.”

Essay writing plan 15.2

1. I understand the meaning of this phrase (fragment of text) as follows: (we explain the meaning of the phrase, fragment of text)... Let us give examples from the text that confirm these thoughts.

4. In conclusion, I would like to say that...

Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the phrase in the text: “The sailors who knew the value of courage saw the strength of spirit of Leningrad schoolchildren.”

I understand the meaning of this phrase as follows: the sailors had to look death in the face every day, because they defended our homeland from the Nazis. They had fortitude and courage. And the same fortitude was inherent in Leningrad children, because they lived under blockade conditions. Let us give examples from the text that confirm these thoughts.

Firstly, in sentence 28 the author says: “The cruiser was preparing to go into battle, from which not everyone would return, and in these guys there was the very inspired hope.” This means that, looking at the performing children, the sailors were confirmed in their faith in victory and life.

In conclusion, I would like to say that courageous people find support in the courage of others. This is how it should be in life.

Essay writing plan 15.3

  • 1. The word ... should be understood as... Next, we comment on our definition.
  • 2. A striking example (of friendship, kindness, justice, courage, self-education, etc.) is presented in the text ... (author’s last name).
  • 3. In addition, an example (of friendship, kindness, justice, courage, self-education, etc.) can be the hero of a work (book, movie)... He...

How do you understand the meaning of the word COURAGE? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay on the topic: “What is courage?”

The word “courage” should be understood as courage, heroism, bravery. Courageous people are capable of great feats. They have great willpower. Ready to overcome any obstacles. Most often this word is used to describe a person who defends his homeland from the enemy. Vivid examples of courage are presented in the text by L. Ovchinnikova.

So, in sentence 28, the author says: “The cruiser was preparing to go into battle, from which not everyone would return...”, and then he will say that the sailors “more than once looked death in the face.” Yes, they are courageous people. Thanks to such people, victory over fascism was achieved. But Leningrad children were also courageous. They not only survived the blockade, but also with their art helped others to believe in victory.

In addition, Alexey Maresyev, hero of the Great Patriotic War, can serve as an example of courage. Patriotic War. He is a military pilot. In battle he was shot down by a German fighter. I spent 18 days in the cold making my way to my people. Lost both legs (feet). But thanks to fortitude and perseverance, he returns to duty again.

In conclusion, I would like to say that courage is an important quality of human nature. It helps a person survive if he finds himself in a difficult situation.

For the hero of the text by A. Green, the romance of Gray, the main life value is happiness, faith in the fulfillment of dreams. That is why he wants to create a miracle with his own hands and make happy a girl named Assol, who firmly believes in the prediction of the wizard Aigle and dreams that one day her lover will come for her on a ship with scarlet sails. Gray is convinced that by making Assol happy, he will become happy himself.

But the famous modern actor Konstantin Khabensky considers life itself to be the main value in life. Having survived the death of his beloved wife, Konstantin decided to help seriously ill children. For this purpose he created charitable foundation, whose activities are aimed at saving children with brain diseases. The actor spends all the fees he earns on the treatment of children. K. Khabensky has dozens of saved little lives.
Thus, life values- Thisthe foundation on which human life is based.(181 words)


(1) The fog has not yet cleared; in it the outlines of a huge ship faded, slowly turning towards the mouth of the river. (2) Its furled sails came to life, hanging in festoons, straightening out and covering the masts with powerless shields of huge folds; Voices and footsteps were heard. (3) The coastal wind, trying to blow, lazily fiddled with the sails. (4) Finally, the warmth of the sun produced the desired effect; the air pressure intensified, easily dissipated the fog and poured out along the yards into scarlet forms full of roses. (5) Pink shadows slid across the whiteness of the masts and rigging; everything was white except the outstretched, smoothly moving sails, the color of deep joy.

(6) While the “Secret” was following the riverbed, Gray stood at the helm, not trusting the sailor to take the helm—he was afraid of the shallows. (7) The helmsman was sitting nearby and still
did not feel any connection between the scarlet decoration and Gray's direct goal.

–– (8) Now, – said Gray, – when my sails are red, the wind is good,
and in my heart there is more happiness than an elephant at the sight of a small bun,
I will try to tune you in with my thoughts, as I promised in Lisse. (9) Note, I don’t think you’re stupid or stubborn, no; you are an exemplary sailor, and that is worth a lot. (10) But you, like the majority, listen to the voices of all simple truths through the thick glass of life. (11) They scream, but you won’t hear. (12) I do what exists as an ancient idea of ​​​​a beautiful, unrealizable thing, and which, in essence, is as possible as a country walk. (13) Soon you will see the girl Assol, who cannot, should not get married otherwise than in the way that I am developing before your eyes: her lover will come for her on a ship with scarlet sails. (14) She heard such a prediction in childhood from the wizard Egle.(15) You see how closely fate, will and character traits are intertwined here. (16) I come to the one who is waiting and can only wait for me,I don’t want anyone else but her, perhaps precisely because thanks to Assol I understood one simple truth. (17) She is to do so-called miracles with your own hands.(18) When the main thing for a person is to receive the dearest nickel, it is easy to give this nickel, but when the soul conceals the grain of a fiery plant - a miracle, give him this miracle if you

able.(19) He will have a new soul and you will have a new one. (20) When the head of the prison himself releases the prisoner, when the billionaire gives the scribe a villa, an operetta singer and a safe, and the jockey at least once holds his horse for another unlucky horse, then everyone will understand how pleasant it is, how inexpressibly wonderful. (21) But there are no less miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness, and the right word spoken at the right time. (22) To own this means to own everything.(23) As for me, our beginning – mine and Assol’s – will remain for us forever in the scarlet glow of the sails created by the depths of the heart, which knows what love is. (24) Do you understand me?

(25) Gray turned around, looking up; silently tore over him Scarlet Sails; the sun at their seams shone with purple smoke. (26) The “Secret” went out to sea, moving away from the shore. (27) There was no doubt about Gray’s sonorous soul—no dull sounds of alarm, no noise of petty worries. (28) Calm as a sail, he rushed towards an amazing goal, full of those thoughts that precede words.

(According to A. Green*)

* Alexander Green (1880 ––1932) ––Russian prose writer, poet, creator of the fictional country in which many of his works take place, including the most famous romantic books––“Running on the Waves” and “Scarlet Sails”.

OGE 25 arguments for an essay on the topic “What is real art”

1. The heroine of A. Kuprin’s story “ Garnet bracelet“Vera Nikolaevna, having heard Beethoven’s Second Sonata, experiences the awakening of a new spiritual mood, she understands that a great love has passed her by, which is repeated only once in a thousand years. The sonata is in tune with the mood of the heroine; through music, her soul connects with the soul of the deceased Zheltkov.

2. The last scene of K. Paustovsky’s story “The Old Cook” shows how omnipotent real art is. The music played by the stranger on the harpsichord had a magical effect on all listeners: the musician was pale, the dog got out of his booth and quietly shook his ears, and the blind old man suddenly saw a young, laughing Martha. His memory recalled that winter day in the mountains when they first met. K. Paustovsky managed to convey the feelings of a dying person, no longer expecting anything from life, who unexpectedly came into contact with beautiful music and his past.

3. The main character of A.P. Chekhov’s work “Rothschild’s Violin” - Yakov Matveevich - the melody he found, amazingly beautiful, touching and sad, forces him to make philosophical generalizations of a humane nature: if there were no hatred and malice between people, the world would become beautiful, no one would bother each other. For the first time, he felt shame from offending others.

4. The great composer, the hero of K. Paustovsky’s story “Basket with fir cones", gave his music to the forester's daughter. When Dagny heard her, she discovered a new, amazingly bright, colorful, inspiring world. Feelings and emotions that were previously unfamiliar to her stirred her entire soul and opened her eyes to an as yet unknown beauty. This music showed Dagny not only the greatness of the world around her, but also the value human life, because the composer was no longer alive by that time.

5. The hero of V. Korolenko’s book “The Blind Musician” - the boy Petrus - was born blind. But thanks to art, namely music, he not only did not drown in his grief, but also found his place in life, becoming a famous musician.

6. The hero of A. Kuprin's story "Taper" - a thin and poorly dressed thirteen-year-old boy - accidentally ended up in a noble family as a musician. It was difficult to imagine musical abilities in this modest guest, but when he began to play, it became clear to everyone that in front of them was a talented musician. Among the guests, by lucky chance, was the famous pianist Anton Grigorievich Rubinstein. He noticed the boy's talent and subsequently became his mentor.

7. Main character L. Tolstoy's story "Albert" is a brilliant musician. He plays the violin mesmerizingly, and the listeners feel as if they are once again experiencing something that has been lost forever, that their souls are warming.

8. The hero of Ray Bradbury's story "Smile" m During the next “cultural revolution”, little boy Tom, risking his life, takes away and hides the canvas on which Mona Lisa is depicted. He wants to preserve it in order to later return it to people: Tom believes that real art can ennoble even a wild crowd.

9. In the George Clooney film Treasure Hunters, the story is told about an organization known as the Monuments, Art and Archives Unit. Employees of this organization, created in 1943 by US President Franklin Roosevelt, returned many cultural objects stolen by the Nazis to their rightful owners and museums. The rescued works of art have not lost their value over the centuries.

10. Actress Vera Alentova recalls such an incident. One day she received a letter from an unknown woman who said that when she was left alone, she did not want to live. But after watching the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” she became a different person: “You won’t believe it, I suddenly saw that people were smiling and they weren’t as bad as I thought all these years. And the grass, it turns out, is green, and the sun is shining... I recovered, for which I thank you very much.”

11. Russian nature inspired not only composers, but also many poets, one of whom is Sergei Yesenin. Not a single poem by the master of words is complete without pictures of nature: she shares the poet’s joy and sorrow, warns him, instills hope in him, cries over his unfulfilled dreams. Nature is not only the “cradle” and the poetic school of S. Yesenin, it is the soul of Yesenin’s poems, the source that feeds the poet’s lyrical feelings.

12. Amazing woman, artist Evfrosinya Antonovna Kersnovskaya spent 12 years in a Stalinist camp. After leaving it, she began to sketch this period of her life in order to free herself from those difficult memories. As many as twelve general notebooks were painted by her in the 60s of the last century. In 1991, they were published as a separate book called “Rock Painting.” Looking at these drawings that were born so long ago, somewhere deep inside you feel how much art helped this amazing artist and simply noble woman to survive.

13. Artist Boris Sveshnikov also for a long time was in captivity. His albums were drawn in captivity, but they were not about the camp, not about the life he lived then - they were fantastic. He depicted some kind of fictional reality and extraordinary cities. With a thin feather, he created in his albums a parallel mysterious life. And subsequently, these albums became evidence that his inner world, fantasy, and creativity saved his life in this camp. He survived thanks to real art.

14. Another extraordinary artist, Mikhail Sokolov, being imprisoned for his extravagant appearance, also tried to seek freedom and salvation in creativity. He drew small pictures with colored pencils, and sometimes with pencil stubs, and hid them under his pillow. And these small fantastic drawings by Sokolov are in some sense grander than some huge paintings painted by another artist in a bright and comfortable studio. You can depict reality, or you can depict fantasy. In both cases, what you transfer from your head, from your soul, from your heart, from your memory onto paper, frees you, sets you free, even if there are prison bars around you.

15. Many front-line soldiers talk about how soldiers exchanged smokes and bread for clippings from a front-line newspaper, where chapters from A. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” were published. This means that an encouraging word was sometimes more important to the soldiers than food. This is the power of literature as an art form.

16. When the Nazis laid siege to Leningrad, Dmitri Shostakovich's 7th Symphony had a huge impact on the city's residents. It, as eyewitnesses testify, gave people new strength to fight the enemy.

17. The history of literature has preserved a lot of evidence related to stage history comedy by D. Fonvizin "The Minor". They say that many noble children, recognizing themselves in the image of the slacker Mitrofanushka, experienced a complete rebirth: they began to study diligently, read a lot and grew up worthy sons fatherland.

18. People truly believed magical power art. Thus, some cultural figures suggested that during the First World War the French should defend Verdun, their strongest fortress, not with forts and cannons, but with the treasures of the Louvre. “Put the “La Gioconda” or “Madonna and Child and Saint Anne” by the great Leonardo da Vinci in front of the besiegers - and the Germans will not dare to shoot!” - they argued.

19. One day, the American inventor Nikola Tesla fell seriously ill. His life was in danger. Recovery, according to Tesla’s own story, came completely unexpectedly: during his illness, he began reading “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain. The cheerful book awakened in him such a desire to live that by an effort of will he forced himself to overcome the disease and soon, to the surprise of the doctors who treated him, he recovered.

20. Having heard the legendary Alexandrov Choir, which with its songs awakened courage in people and gave them strength to fight, the English Prime Minister W. Churchill called the musical group “a secret singing weapon.”

21. The outstanding Russian writer of the 20th century M. Prishvin recalls the following incident in his diaries: in the mournful days of the First World War, people gathered in front of his house and the speaker began to tell people that Russia would soon turn into a German colony. Then one poor peasant woman in a white headscarf made her way to the speaker through the crowd and stopped his speech, turning to the people: “Don’t believe him, comrades! As long as Leo Tolstoy, Pushkin and Dostoevsky are with us, Russia will not perish!”

22. Never left Moscow for a single day Musical Theatre named after K. S. Stanislavsky and Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. At the request of a group of Bolshoi Theater artists who remained in Moscow, a branch of the Bolshoi Theater was opened. Holding our breath, forgetting for a while about the war, the auditorium was immersed in beautiful world music by Tchaikovsky, A. S. Dargomyzhsky, G. Verdi, G. Puccini.

23. The legendary ataman Ermak conquered Siberia in the company of singers with a set of folk instruments, which were specially assigned to him to raise the morale of his Cossacks... Peter I, understanding the importance of military songs as a moral factor and the morale of the troops, issued an order to each regiment in 1722 to have their own orchestra... Suvorov's miracle heroes marched to storm Izmail to the Cossack song "The nights are dark, the clouds are threatening...".

24. There are cases when military songs saved hundreds of soldiers' lives. So, in 1904, during the battle with the Japanese near Mukden, the musicians of the Moksha infantry regiment raised soldiers demoralized by huge losses and the death of the regiment commander to attack, who broke through the encirclement. The first to go into battle with wind instruments was 25-year-old regimental bandmaster Ilya Shatrov (future author of the composition “Moksha Regiment on the Hills of Manchuria,” which was later remade into the legendary waltz “On the Hills of Manchuria”), in company with seven musicians - flutists and trumpeters.

25. During the Great Patriotic War, the song was the most common genre of Soviet music. The wartime showed in all its fullness and strength its mobility, close proximity to Everyday life society. The song becomes a spiritual weapon of the front and rear. It calls to battle, inspires with the memory of peaceful days and instills confidence in victory in human hearts.

An essay on a linguistic topic based on a statement by L.S. Sukhorukov: “Our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, our mind”

Absolutely fair and correct opinion famous writer L.S. Sukhorukov, who wrote: “Our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, and mind.” A person’s speech, the words and expressions he uses make it possible to get an idea of ​​his character and upbringing. Unfortunately, today rude words and jargon are increasingly used in speech. And this phenomenon is undeniable evidence of a person’s low culture and shortcomings in upbringing.

In the text offered to us, in sentences 17, the hero uses the words “face” and “smeared”; in sentence 26, the rude “cretin” comes out of his mouth. Well-mannered people try not to use such expressions in their speech.

The boy's father, judging by the text, is a strong, balanced and well-mannered man. Speaking about his son's grades, he makes comments in a humorous, neutral form (sentences 10 and 11). Assessing the unpleasant episode with the fight in sentences 18-21 (an act, frankly speaking, that does not paint the main character), the father also tries to soften his words. In the above dialogues, the adult’s desire to achieve his goals in education is clearly visible. By approving unseemly actions, the father is trying to make his son think about whether he is doing the right thing.

And at the end of the text in sentences 36 and 37, when mom says: “So love and care didn’t make you selfish,” mom concluded. “We are very happy.” This short phrase allows us to judge the correct approach to education and the moral climate in the family. The use is precisely short phrases and sentences characterizes mom as a person who doesn’t like to talk too much; she is a person of action.

Taking into account these descriptions and analyzing them, we can say that only through communication with the interlocutor we get an idea of ​​the level of his upbringing, character, and intelligence.

How to work with an argumentative essay on a linguistic topic?

An essay - an argument on a linguistic topic (task 15.1) consists of four sections:

  • introduction, which states the thesis;
  • the main idea of ​​the text that needs to be revealed;
  • description with examples from the text, allowing you to justify the first part of the statement;
  • description interpreting the second part of the quote with grammatical examples from control text;
  • conclusion.

The first paragraph should contain a quote on the basis of which the essay will be written. Use, for example, cliches such as

  • Let's try to understand the meaning of this statement...
  • I agree with...
  • I can't help but agree with...
  • I share the writer’s point of view...
  • I support the linguist's opinion...

Express your attitude to what you are writing about.

In the second part of the essay, explain how you understand the quote and support your opinion with examples from the text. The same must be done with the third paragraph of the essay:

  • To support this text, I will give an example...
  • To confirm what has been said, let us turn to ... the proposal.
  • An example is a sentence ... of the text.
  • Illustrate this…. The phenomenon can be illustrated by ... a sentence in the text.
  • Let's consider... the proposal. It uses such a lexical (grammatical) phenomenon as... . this confirms the conclusion that… .
  • An example of a lexical (grammatical) phenomenon can be found in sentence No.....
  • The validity of this idea can be seen in the example of... a sentence in which the author uses such a lexical (grammatical) phenomenon as...

You draw a conclusion about the correctness of the judgment based on your essay. In the above essay, this is a conclusion about the culture of behavior and education:

  • We managed to prove that...
  • We have come to the conclusion that...
  • These examples from the text provided convincing evidence that...
  • As a result of reasoning, we came to the conclusion that...*

*Cliché from the manual Russian language. 9th grade. Preparation for the State Examination 2014: educational and methodological manual / Edited by N.A. Senina. – Rostov na/D: Legion-M, 2013.

Source text for analysis:

(1) They waited for me for sixteen years... (2) It’s terrible to be late child! (3) I have become a precious gift, like a cup that, elegant and clean, stands behind glass, but from which one never drinks tea. (4) They can’t wait for the late child, and when they finally wait, they begin to show him such love, such attention that he wants to run away to the ends of the world.

(5) To be honest, the pride of our family should be sister Lyudmila: she is a candidate of sciences and works in an architectural studio.
(6) And everyone in the house is proud of me. (7) This is unfair.

(8) To disguise this injustice, my father praises me as if in jest. (9) Even for C grades brought home from school, they don’t scold me.

- (10) What a capable man! (11) I didn’t study my homework at all yesterday, I was sitting in front of the TV, and I got a C!

(12) Often my father asks me to remind him of the contents of a movie or a book that we both read.

- (13) What a wonderful memory, eh! - he says joyfully. - (14) He remembers everything, as if he was reading it yesterday... (15) But I forgot everything, got everything mixed up!

(16) It seems to me that my father is just happy that he forgets and confuses everything.

(17) The next day, after I smeared Kostya’s face, my father said:

- (18) Fighting, of course, is not good. (19) But still, how brave! (20) Two heads lower, but he went on the offensive and made up his mind! (21) Such a one will not burn in fire and will not drown in water!

(22) This is what love can lead to!

(23) But I don’t like it at all that everyone at home praises me.
(24) Is it difficult to answer a three? (25) Or remember the contents of the book? (26) What kind of cretin am I? (27) And why should we be especially happy that I am “two heads” shorter than Kostya? (28) Although in fact it’s only half a head.

(29) Father and mother, it seems to me, are very pleased that I am short. (30) After all, they were expecting a child and want me to stay with them for the rest of my life. (31) But I don’t want to!

(32) I once heard on the radio that if there are several children in a family, it is not good to single out one of them. (33) I told my parents about this.

- (34) Another would be proud to be singled out, but this one thinks about his sister. (35) How kind, eh! - exclaimed the father.

“(36) So, love and care did not make you selfish,” concluded my mother. - (37) We are very happy.

(38) That's all for you! (39) They are very happy. (40) And me?..

(According to A.A. Aleksin)*

* Aleksin Anatoly Georgievich(born in 1924) – writer, playwright. His works such as “My Brother Plays the Clarinet”, “ Characters and performers”, “Third in the fifth row”, etc., tell mainly about the world of youth. (From Open Bank FIPI)

The material was prepared by Larisa Gennadievna Dovgomelya

C 2. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky: “There is nothing in life and in our consciousness that cannot be conveyed in the Russian word.”

Essay-reasoning 1

I understand K. G. Paustovsky’s statement this way. There is no object in the universe for which man has not come up with a word. Using words, he named not only objects, but also every action and state. Especially rich for denoting phenomena Russian word. I will give examples from the text.

To convey how the children felt as they stayed close to each other, the author uses the colloquial word “huddled” (sentence 2).

And to determine the condition of the poor mother, from whom the most precious thing was taken away, letters dead son, in sentence 52 the writer uses gradation: “He faded away, died, perished...” This stylistic figure enhances the semantic and emotional meaning of what the elderly woman felt.

Thus, I can conclude that K. G. Paustovsky was right when he argued that “... there is nothing in life and in our consciousness that cannot be conveyed in the Russian word.” (126 words)


The poet V. Shefner wrote:

A word can kill, a word can save,

With a word you can lead the shelves with you.

In a word you can sell, and betray, and buy,

The word can be poured into striking lead.

How these poetic lines vividly confirm the statement of K. G. Paustovsky! Our precise, emotional Russian word can not only designate some object, phenomenon, but also “can kill”...

Let us remember the 53rd sentence of the text, which talks about the condition of a poor mother, from whom the most precious thing that was left of her son who died in the war was taken away. After this, “not only she, but also her soul became blind and deaf...” And the blind and deaf soul of a person is equivalent to his moral death.

The scary thing is that little children “killed” the unfortunate mother. The boy, who understood that he should not take the letters, allowed them to be stolen, frightened by the girl’s threats. Here it is, the destructive power of the word!

Thus, I can conclude that K. G. Paustovsky was right when he argued that “... there is nothing in life and in our consciousness that cannot be conveyed in the Russian word.” (150 words)

Essay-reasoning 3

K. G. Paustovsky was right when he asserted that “... there is nothing in life and in our consciousness that cannot be conveyed in the Russian word.” Let's turn to the text.

So, in sentence 12 the author uses the word “husked.” He could choose among the synonyms of this group “talked”, “whispered”, “consulted”, but stops at the colloquial word “husked”, meaning “whisper, talk to each other in secret”. The writer does this in order to depict what is being described more clearly and vividly.

In sentence 43, when naming children, he uses the book word “delegation”. It would seem that it does not fit this text at all. One could write “guys”, “group of children”, “school envoys”, but K. G. Paustovsky, in order to show some officiality of the visitors, chooses this particular word.

Thus, I can conclude that the synonyms used by the author help to express thoughts more clearly, more emotionally, and more accurately. (125 words)

Essay-reasoning 4

The word is the clothing of all facts, all thoughts. Whatever the author wants to name this or that object or action, he will name it; which word suits him best from the synonymous series, he will choose. Let's turn to the text.

In sentence 5 I find the ambiguous word “initiation”. He has more modern “clothes” - synonyms: “undertaking”, “initiative”. But it is important for the author to show how soullessly, “officially inhuman” the schoolchildren approach the assigned task, and he uses the word “initial”, which is clearly unfamiliar and incomprehensible to children.

And in grandmother Anna Fedotovna’s speech, sentence 28 contains the official word “document.” This is what she calls the most precious thing left from her son, his letters. But, communicating with such unchildish children, the elderly woman also begins to use words that are not characteristic of her speech.

Thus, I can conclude that K. G. Paustovsky was right when he argued that “... there is nothing in life and in our consciousness that cannot be conveyed in the Russian word.” (145 words)

Essay-reasoning 5

This is how I understand this phrase. The word is the soul of language, its wealth and pride. My native Russian language is especially rich in words, because many words in it are used directly and figurative meaning, the language has a huge army of synonyms, antonyms, and phraseological units. I'll focus on the latter.

In sentence 7 I find the phraseological unit “blurted out everything in one breath" It acts as a synonymous expression meaning “very quickly, instantly.” But the stable combination in the text sounds clearly brighter and more expressive.

In sentence 24 the author uses the phraseological unit “ inserted herself into the conversation" It also has a synonym for “interrupting, interfering in someone else’s conversation.” This phraseological unit characterizes the girl’s unceremonious behavior. In this text it is used as a figurative means of language.

Thus, I can conclude that K. G. Paustovsky was right when he argued that “... there is nothing in life and in our consciousness that cannot be conveyed in the Russian word.” (135 words)

Essay-reasoning 6

K. G. Paustovsky was right when he asserted that “... there is nothing in life and in our consciousness that cannot be conveyed in the Russian word.” He’s right because the Russian language is very rich. Many words in it are used not only in the literal but also figurative sense. Visual means are based on this property of language: epithets, metaphors, personifications, which help the writer achieve greater expressiveness. Let's turn to the text.

So, sentence 36 says that the boy whispered “hotly and incomprehensibly.” Before us are epithets expressed by adverbs. They help the writer convey the excitement and fear of a teenager.

In sentence 53 I find the clearest metaphor: “...they were taken out of her soul, and now not only she, but also her soul has become blind and deaf.” What moving words characterizing the condition of the poor mother!

Thus, I can conclude that a word can not only name an object or action, but also convey any state of a person. The poet Ya. Kozlovsky wrote about this:

Words can cry and laugh,

Command, pray and conjure,

And, like a heart, it bleeds,

And breathe the cold indifferently.