Strengths and weaknesses of an employee example. Weaknesses of the character in the resume

Each person has strengths and weaknesses of character that can play to his advantage, and to his detriment. Especially when applying for a job or at an interview, on which your future depends.

Human strengths

It is known that among us, ordinary people there are no "saints". And each person has their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the first of them. In order to “shine” in live speech during an interview and live communication, think in advance about the qualities that you think are inherent in you.

Example good list human virtues:

  • sociability;
  • Determination;
  • good faith;
  • performance;
  • friendliness;
  • Stress tolerance;
  • A responsibility;
  • Punctuality, etc.

If you list at least some of the above traits and qualities, this is half the battle. If the leader sees how seriously you approached this issue, he will appreciate your ability to correctly express thoughts and convey the essence. You should not praise yourself, and promise what you cannot deliver.

For example, if you do not specialize in a certain industry, but you are asked provocative questions on a specific issue, it would be more honest to answer that you do not yet possess such skills, but are striving and want to expand your boundaries and skills. Then the employer will be able to assess your honesty and desire to develop and move up the career ladder.

A future leader may ask you tricky questions, which will not be very convenient to answer. Endurance and ability to get out difficult situations and is checked in this way by the candidate.

It doesn't seem right. But if you are applying for a good position, with a high salary, and you need the ability to communicate with people competently and without emotions, then you must have endurance and discipline.

A potential employer, through live communication, will be able to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and draw conclusions about your personality.

The manager will also ask you about your strengths and weaknesses. You should not take this question seriously, and completely get all the "skeletons" out of the closet. It will be enough if you name some minor shortcomings: for example, shyness. This little vice rarely scares away. Therefore, you should not worry about this.

In order not to be embarrassed during an interview and a personal conversation with a potential employer, make a list of your strengths in advance. It will be useful for you to analyze the turn of your mind and character, thereby you will be ready for such a question and will not be at a loss.

Take Blank sheet paper and start writing the qualities you are proud of. For example, kindness, understanding, responsiveness, sociability, learning ability, etc. This is some kind of training. You will be able to objectively assess your pros and cons. And in advance, you can write a list of those qualities that you do not possess, but are trying to develop in yourself. This will give you a push and an incentive to change.

Weaknesses of a person, their list

Now we will try to consider the weaknesses of the human character. Most often, when trying to get a job, during the interview, the employer may notice some shortcomings of the future candidate for the position. For example, he may be alerted by inattention, absent-mindedness and slurred speech.

Consider a list of the most common shortcomings and weaknesses of a person:

  • indecision;
  • emotional stiffness;
  • Shyness;
  • Timidity;
  • Coarseness;
  • Rudeness, etc.

When talking, try to tell your boss about your hobbies, hobbies, a little about the family in which you grew up. Thus, you will position the employer, and he will appreciate your aspirations and see that you are ready for a lot for the sake of work. Honesty and unobtrusive frankness will do you good.

Weaknesses in resume

When writing a resume, be careful about the reason for leaving previous work. For example, if they were conflict situations with employees, or disagreements with the employer. It doesn't matter why you quit. Do not paint about the reasons for leaving, it is better to write about it with restraint. For example, I didn’t like the work schedule, or I had to change my position due to moving.

Also, try not to get personal and dedicate the future employer about the past work team. It is better to get around uncomfortable topics tactfully and carefully. At the same time, without losing self-control and self-esteem.

Strengths of a person in a resume example

When writing a resume, be careful about your strengths Oh. For example, you should not write about character traits that you do not possess. It is better to focus on the merits of your character. For example, you can write the following traits:

  • Determination;
  • Curiosity;
  • Stress tolerance;
  • sociability;
  • Ability to get out of different situations;
  • Active life position.

By listing these qualities, you will definitely make a positive impression on the boss, and your candidacy will be considered.

Strengths and weaknesses of a leader

Additionally, you may be asked what qualities and personal merit you would like to see in your boss. It is worth considering the answer to this question in advance. For example, you can say that in the leader you want to see:

  • Purposefulness;
  • Restraint;
  • Responsiveness;
  • Demanding;
  • sociability;
  • Individual approach to employees;
  • Decisiveness, etc.

You will not just be asked such questions. After all, every employer wants to see what the employee expects from the authorities. If you answer with dignity and like a potential boss, you will get a place in the permanent staff.

Strengths and weaknesses of character

Let's sum up a little. When applying for a job, you should think over your answers in advance in order to make a good impression on future employers. If you actively communicate, prove yourself with better side By focusing on the merits of your character, you will definitely get a promising job and the desired position.

On the way to professional self-realization, every person, immediately after training, is primarily puzzled by finding a decent job. Unfortunately, in our reality, this is not at all easy to do, especially if you are a young specialist with no work experience. Each of you knows perfectly well how important it is to provide potential employer a decent resume.

At first glance, it may seem that writing a few words about yourself is not a big deal and does not require special knowledge. But with this approach, don't be surprised if you get rejected. another employer. The more solid the company where you are going to find a job, the more important a successful resume cannot be made completely universal. As a rule, it describes in detail their strengths as a person and professional. But no less important is the ability to correctly pay attention to your weaknesses in the resume.

Man is a multifaceted creature, and this is his integrity, not without reason Abraham Lincoln said that a person without flaws, as a rule, has few virtues. Do not be afraid to talk about your shortcomings, which in certain circumstances can become your main trump card.

If you need to write a resume in a free form, then focus on your strengths as a person and specialist. But how to correctly describe your negative ones in order to still get the coveted job?

First general rule resume writing - increased attention to the style of presentation. You must write clearly and understandably, because at the interview there is an opportunity to get out and convey necessary information different ways, focusing on the reaction of the listener, and what is written is perceived unambiguously.

The main mistake that you should never make is ignoring the section of your resume where you need to enter your weaknesses. Many believe that admitting one's own shortcomings can get in the way of success.

However, this is a wrong opinion - the employer will automatically make a negative impression of you as a person with inadequate self-esteem.

Ideal people do not exist, the employer will appreciate your honesty if you briefly tell about your negative qualities ah, guided by some important points.

Absence of a standard

It cannot be unequivocally said that a particular quality is positive or negative. AT different areas activity, the same quality can become both weak and strong point worker. You can give a simple example: if you are applying for a job in a team, then your bright qualities of a leader can only get in the way. But if you are applying for the position of a manager, then this quality is definitely your strength.

Be honest

Asking the employer to indicate your negative qualities as a person and specialist for a resume does not have the direct purpose of learning about your weaknesses. This is done in order to find out how self-critical you are, how aware you are of your imperfection and the integrity of your personality.

Only an adult mature person can adequately assess their strengths and weaknesses. A mature person in the eyes of the employer is a priori perceived as a more valuable candidate.

Point out the weaknesses that can be developed

It is very important to tell the truth about your negative qualities, but pay attention to the fact that you are working on yourself, and not just resigned to the presence of negativity, from the “Yes, I am!” series.

An example of such qualities: shyness or impulsiveness. You can say that these qualities manifest themselves situationally, but you are constantly working on yourself, in the first case expanding your social circle, and in the second case, trying to control your emotions.

Your weaknesses as a person can become strengths on your resume.

An example is this: you do not know how to say “no” and in your personal life this quality prevents you from being guided own desires. But in the professional field, such a quality can make you an indispensable worker who is always ready to carry out important assignments. This quality is especially valuable for specialists who work under management.

Present your strengths as weaknesses

This is an old trick that should be used very carefully. You can safely consider your workaholism, striving for perfectionism and increased responsibility as your trump card in professional activity, but think twice before writing about it, because the employer may suspect you of insincerity.

A few tips in the video:

What specific weaknesses of your personality can become a trump card in the professional field?

However, in some cases it is best to be yourself!

Jan 17, 2018 Recruiters often ask candidates to list their shortcomings. The purpose of this question is for the HR specialist to understand how self-critical a potential employee is, whether he evaluates himself correctly and whether he is able to perceive criticism. The applicant can independently indicate his negative aspects in the resume, however, not forgetting to focus on his skills and abilities. In this article, we will tell you how to correctly present your negative qualities in a resume and give illustrative examples, But first things first. To get started, consider the basic rules for filling out the disadvantages section.
If the employer sends you an email or offers to fill out a resume form from the company before the meeting, then there will most likely be a question about weaknesses. In no case should you put a dash. If this section is present in the questionnaire, then this item is of interest to the employer unambiguously. Dash in this case will be regarded as an inability to soberly assess yourself and an overestimated self-esteem. Also, do not get carried away by filling out this section. Remember that disadvantages can become your advantage. For example, lack of communication for an accountant is undoubtedly a plus. But for a sales manager, it’s obviously a minus. Remember that your adequacy, self-criticism and truthfulness are evaluated, and not how many shortcomings you have. Examples of undesirable personal qualities in a resume - shortcomings that are definitely not worth pointing out I am often late;I am fond of gambling;Availability bad habits(alcohol, smoking, etc.); Often distracted; I work only for the sake of a salary; I like to start office romances; I'm lazy; I'm greedy; I'm quick-tempered; Passive; Disadvantages that may not work in your favor: Pedantry; Individualism; Self-criticism; Self-esteem; Hyper-reactivity; Modesty; Distrustfulness; Self-conceit; Straightforwardness; Vanity; Self-confidence; After that, highlight the character traits that will not interfere with you or will help you in your future work. Lucky disadvantages for a resume: Inability to respond with rudeness to rudeness; Increased demands on others; Tendency to make decisions based on one’s own opinion; Unwillingness to act to please others; I can’t always express my thoughts accurately; Prone to reflection; I trust people, sometimes too much; I spend a lot of time evaluating of my actions and actions; I can get carried away with work and forget about the break; I pass all situations through myself; I don’t know how to swear; I don’t know how to lie. Neutral qualities: Fear of insects, snakes, mice and other living creatures; Fear of airplanes; Lack of work experience (for those who start a career or change their field of activity); Age (for people over 40 years old); Love to make purchases. The list of negative qualities of a person in a resume should not contradict your line of work or question your professionalism. So, for example, to get a job as a sales consultant, you can specify: reliability (is a plus when working with clients); excessive scrupulousness (will be a plus when working with money); sellers are financially responsible for the goods, and this “flaw” is simply necessary for a good salesperson; excessive love for communication ( important point in working with clients, which is also a positive “disadvantage” for retail.) Negative qualities for an accountant can be as follows: Distrust of people and love for facts (or rather figures); Discharge from disorder (everything should be in its place and only so); Slowness (when working with large amounts, you definitely shouldn’t rush); Excessive attention to detail or pedantry.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 4 minutes


How to please the future boss if his profile contains an insidious item - weaknesses of character? In a summary, unlike a regular conversation, every word has weight, so it's better to prepare in advance for uncomfortable questions, and weak qualities in must be presented as very useful for the cause.

  1. You can simply not indicate your weak professional qualities in your resume. Concentrate on your skills, experience, education, and you can talk about personal qualities at the interview. However, it is impossible to refuse that item if you fill out a resume in in electronic format. Read also:
  2. A dash instead of information is another mistake of future employees. If the boss decided to leave this column, it means that he is really interested in this information. And the point is not even in it, but in checking an adequate perception of oneself, the ability to learn and understand the leader. Emptiness can speak of excessively high self-esteem or, on the contrary, self-doubt. Read also:
  3. Of course, you should not list all the shortcomings in too much detail or engage in self-flagellation. It is enough to remember that any weaknesses in the resume have reverse side for the employer. And what may be a problem for one may be an advantage for another. For example, if you are an accountant, your lack of communication will be useful in your work. And if you are a manager, then this is a serious omission.
  4. Filling in the summary of strengths and weaknesses, try to build on the position you want to occupy. For example, select deficiencies that are not related to your activity. Restlessness for a sales manager is the norm, but for an accountant it is a minus.
  5. "Turn weaknesses into strengths" is the old approach. It works if you can think creatively. Otherwise, the efforts will be too primitive and they will figure you out. So the trick of "with a heightened sense of responsibility, workaholism and perfectionism" may not be successful.
  6. Remember that some bosses do not look for faults in you at all. , but only evaluate the adequacy, truthfulness and self-criticism.
  7. It is better to describe your weaknesses in a resume that can be improved. This should also be reported in the text of the questionnaire. There are some bosses who want to train employees for themselves. In this case, your frankness and willingness to work on yourself will be appreciated adequately.
  8. Indicate not only individual characteristics, but also your properties in teamwork .
  9. Do not use flowery phrases like "my flaws are extensions of my virtues." This will not surprise, but only show the unwillingness to conduct a dialogue with the employer.
  10. The optimal number of flaws is 2 or 3 . Don't get carried away!

Weaknesses in the resume - examples:

  • Selfishness, pride, scrupulousness, inflexibility in labor matters, the habit of telling the truth directly, inability to establish contact with strangers, increased demands.
  • Propensity for formalism, overweight, lack of punctuality, slowness, restlessness, fear of airplanes, impulsiveness.
  • Reliability, high anxiety, hyperactivity, incredulity, straightforwardness, need for external motivation.
  • Hot temper, isolation, self-confidence, stubbornness.
  • Among the weaknesses, you can indicate in your resume that you do not always express your thoughts perfectly or tend to reflect . And if you are asked why this interferes, answer that you would like to spend less time analyzing the problem.

I bet that sometimes a wave of self-flagellation and introspection “rolls over” you, when you begin to zealously swarm in your soul and sort out your character “on the shelves” in order to find out what strengths you have, and which would be nice to work on.

And it turns out: you are lazy, but always ready to help. You are very touchy, but easily converge with people. Or you never finish what you started, but you just gush with ideas, your friends. What are the strengths and what are the weaknesses? By what general criteria are these very strengths and weaknesses of a person determined?

Criterion one: public opinion.

Public opinion

This was “driven” into our heads from childhood: a person should be kind, sympathetic, intelligent, moral, and so on. From the point of view of public morality, only he can bear the proud title of "man" who fully meets all these requirements.

No one argues with the fact that all these qualities of character are positive. But how, tell me, then to make a career in business for a kind, “understanding” person who enters into the position of all his employees and forgives them for absenteeism, drunkenness at work or rudeness with clients? And it is worth punishing such negligent workers, as you automatically fall into the category of "snobs" and "reptiles". So think now, is responsiveness a strong character trait, or is it still weak?

BUT ? It seems that in all respects, it fits the definition of “weak character trait”, but in this case, the world would not know what a TV remote control or ordinary ear sticks, which were invented when a person was tired of getting up from the couch and switching channels and winding cotton wool around a match.

Everything is very relative. Excessive talkativeness can be a weak character trait when you are a spy and carry out the task of the Motherland on the territory of a hostile state, but it also becomes a strong character trait for a conversational artist.

Human strengths

Strong character traits can be called those that make a person move forward. It could be:

  • Purposefulness;
  • perseverance;
  • Strength of will;
  • organization;
  • A responsibility;
  • Sociability, etc.

These qualities may be partially present in the character, or one of them may dominate the others. But balance is important here: well organized person- this is a strong trait of his character, but overly pedantic will already irritate others, and no one will consider such organization a strong trait.

Weaknesses of a person

There are people who, from birth, have the ability to make decisions with lightning speed and not “get hung up” on the past, but they are few. Everyone else has to develop such qualities on their own. “Sculpting yourself” is a titanic work, but if you have already dismantled your character into small nuts and screws, then now you just need to put it back together. As a constructor, patience will be required, but the result will be a completely different figure.

Weaknesses of character are not those for which you are ashamed, but those that need to be developed. And not for society, but for himself personally. Many of these "weak" character traits are easily corrected on their own within a month. Some require the intervention of a psychoanalyst. And one part is easier to adapt than to fix.

For example, you are always late. No matter how you set the clock forward an hour, meetings still fall apart. Here you need to adapt - make appointments in working time directly in the office or lunch break in that cafe where you always dine. There you will definitely not be late.

Or you are constantly overwhelmed with tasks that are becoming increasingly difficult to complete every day. Pick one of the most important ones and do it. Then the other most important thing, and until you bring it to its logical conclusion, do not take on another. A week later, you won’t even notice how you got rid of the lion’s share of the cases that hung over your neck like a sort of “Damocles sword”.

Identify your weaknesses. Write them down in a notebook. It could be:

  • Inability to "keep your mouth shut";
  • Excessive emotionality;
  • Lack of willpower;
  • slovenliness;
  • Shyness;
  • Aggressiveness;
  • Inability to refuse, etc.

Choose the most “nasty” character trait for yourself and start correcting it. It is impossible to fix everything at once, start with one. If you are ready to tell everyone and everything about your problems or gossip about your neighbors, then at the first uttered word in this direction, pinch your hand. Only hard to feel. In a few days, you will be afraid to open your mouth, if only not to put another bruise.

Or are you embarrassed to be in public. Sign up for courses, start talking with children in the yard, after them you can already start talking with their parents, then with neighbors, and then with strangers.


Since you have already grown up, you have already received a certain upbringing. If you don't like how your parents raised you, re-educate yourself. Become successful person can anyone who sincerely wants to become one.

It's easier than ever to attribute everything to your weaknesses: “I didn't write the report because I forgot. You know how forgetful I am!” or "Everyone hurts me because I'm weak and cowardly." And do something to stop being weak and cowardly weak? Maybe take a couple of kickboxing classes, huh?

Without working on your weaknesses and without increasing your strengths, you will forever remain in the swamp of life. Maybe, of course, you are one of the people who only need bread, butter, and beer, then you read it in vain. And if you want to get out of the quagmire, then start working. Right now. Take a pen, notepad, sit down at the table and write:

“I have a lot of strengths. This is…..” and, as a conclusion, “I have a few shortcomings, this is…..”. Have you written? Now fix your laziness exercise– go for a walk or start doing spring cleaning. Good luck, you will succeed!

Image: gcoldironjr2003(