How long does it take for a plastic bottle to decompose. How long does it take for food waste, diapers and other garbage to decompose?

Many of us throw garbage anywhere, in any place, in nature and wherever we want! Have you ever wondered how long it will take to decompose? I don't think so. So let's read this publication to know how long this garbage that we throw on the streets will lie for years. The publication is informative, I hope many will draw the right conclusions!

Animal droppings are a problem in big cities. The decomposition period is small, only 10-15 days, but it causes a lot of trouble.

Food waste. They decompose in about a month.

Newsprint. Decomposition period from 1 month to 1 season

Leaves, seeds, twigs. Even they can cause serious pollution in urban environments. Decomposition period 3 - 4 months

Cardboard boxes decompose within 3 months

Paper. The most common, office paper decomposes in 2 years

Boards from the construction site. If they are not properly cared for, they can decompose up to 10 years.

Decomposition period 11 - 13 years

Iron banks. term 10 years

Old shoes - 10 years

Fragments of brick and concrete 100 years

Car batteries for about 100 years

Foil over 100 years old

Electric batteries 110 years old

Rubber tires 120-140 years

Plastic bottles. about 180-200 years old

aluminum cans- almost the most dangerous garbage. Decomposition period 500 years

And finally glass. No one knows how much it is already stuffed in our places of rest. The period of glass decomposition is more than 1000 years, at least another 12-15 generations will enjoy our fragments.

If you accidentally drop a water bottle under your feet, you will breathe a sigh of relief, thinking “it's good that scientists have invented such a practical material as plastic.” After all, if not for him, the floor would be filled with liquid, and you risked stepping on sharp fragments.

Imagine that you went on a hike and, of course, took with you mineral water in a plastic bottle. After a few hours, all the water is used up and unnecessary plastic can be thrown away. But here's the problem - there is not a single urn around, and the thought creeps into my head: "why not throw this bottle somewhere here - sooner or later the plastic will decompose." But a responsible and sane person would never do that. Organic materials such as wood, when buried in the soil, quickly decompose and turn into compost by bacteria. But when it comes to plastic, bacteria won't help break it down.

It may seem to be abandoned plastic bottle will decompose forever, but of course it doesn't. There,…

Does it exist in pacific ocean garbage continent? What geological epoch are we living in? Is it true that a plastic bag thrown into the forest will remain there forever? And is it worth it to be afraid of the garbage end of the world? Ivan Bushmarinov, Senior Researcher at INEOS RAS, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, answers these questions.

The readers of this text have probably heard the ecological “horror story” about the fact that plastics are not biodegradable and, for example, a package left in the forest will remain there forever, have seen photographs of marine animals mutilated by packages, and may even know about drifting somewhere in the Pacific Ocean trash continent. Indeed, every year humanity produces 200-300 million tons of various plastics, most of which under standard conditions of the land part of the Earth does not decompose biological organisms(actually, for the sake of this they are produced - to pack, isolate, protect against bacteria). But with how plastic travels through the global ecosystem of the Earth (conditions in ...

How long does plastic decompose?

Recently one good man opened my eyes. There are problems in our world besides eating better and sleeping better.

Well done to those who remove plastic and save nature

after all, about 40% of all garbage in the world is the packaging of goods!

We humans have become like pigs. Even worse.

Because our waste destroys all living things around. An example is plastic.

Today I just bought something for the house at the Magnit store, and it all turned out to be made of plastic. At the same time, at the checkout, I was offered to buy a plastic bag for this.

Came home and began to look around the plastic.

What is most offensive, a lot of "heavy" plastic. The package will decompose in the ground in 100-200 years, but heavy plastic for storage food products or containers for chemicals can lie for 500 years. Even a thousand.

In addition, when decomposing, plastic emits terrible chemical substances poisoning the soil and everything around.

If you at least sometimes pay attention to environmental problems, then you probably know what damage plastic does to our planet. This collection contains 20 facts about plastic that will make you think even more about whether it is worth massing it.

1. It takes about 450 years for plastic to start decomposing. After that, it will take another 50-80 years until it completely decomposes. At the current rate of production of this material, our planet will be completely covered in plastic before it begins to decompose.

2. Taking into account the period of decomposition, it can be said that not a single piece of plastic produced in the next 4 centuries will even begin to decompose

3. The average American consumed 1.6 gallons of bottled water in 1976. Already in 2006 this figure rose to 28.3 gallons and continues to grow rapidly.

4. 40% of total plastic waste is plastic bottles

5. One more interesting fact is that 90% of the price you pay for water is the cost of plastic, while the water itself costs about 10%

6. One resident of any of the highly developed countries buys an average of 150 bottles of water per year, while not paying attention to the alternative

7. 24 million gallons of oil are needed to make a billion plastic bottles

8. Only 25 recycled bottles are enough to make a jacket for an adult.

9. Europeans are also not interested in plastic recycling. Currently, only 2.5 percent of the total mass is recycled in Europe.

10. One of the main polluters of the ocean is the fishing industry. throwing out a huge amount of plastic waste. Approximately 150 tons enter the water every year, including packaging, fishing nets, and other debris.

11. This garbage causes the death of many marine life who mistake garbage for food. The number of animals dying is in the millions. The ejection of debris also leads to the formation of the Great Pacific Garbage Island, where currents bring all of the ejected plastic.

12. Over 13 billion plastic bottles are produced in the world every year.

13. good sign is that over the past few years, plastic recycling in the United States has at least tripled, with more than 1,600 enterprises already involved in recycling

14. However, the percentage of recycled plastic in the US is only 27%, which is still the highest in the world.

15. Recycling just one plastic bottle can generate enough energy to power a 60V light bulb for 6 hours.

16. Recycling plastic can save up to 2/3 of the energy needed to make plastic from raw materials.

17. 4 out of 5 bottles in the US are made of plastic. In other countries of the world, this figure is much higher.

18. Research shows that about 90% of consumers reuse plastic bags, as garbage bags or for any other purpose

19. Storing and shipping water in plastic bottles is the least energy efficient method, but still the most popular.

20. Some countries completely ban the use of plastic bottles. Among them are Australia, China, Austria, Bangladesh, Ireland and several other countries.

Every day we see abandoned bottles, leftover food, plastic bags, paper and plastic cups and other garbage on the roads, sidewalks, yards and parks that were simply left on the street.

Sometimes it seems to us that in another day it will be removed, and in the landfill it will begin to decompose. But, firstly, not everywhere the garbage is removed in a timely manner, and secondly, some garbage can decompose for thousands of years.

How long does garbage take to decompose?

Scientists have already proven that plastic bottles and bags can lie for hundreds, thousands and even millions of years and not decompose.
Here is a list of the things we throw away and how long it takes for that garbage to decompose.

Paper and food waste

2 weeks
Apple cores and other fruit leftovers.

Although this is a fairly short time to decompose, leftover food on the ground can attract unwanted "friends" such as rats.

About 1 month
Paper napkins, paper bags, newspapers, paper towels.

The time it takes these things to decompose can vary greatly, as it depends on how you got rid of that type of trash.

6 weeks
Cereal boxes, paper bags, banana peels.

Banana peel can decompose in more than long term if the weather is cooler. Since the peel is designed to keep the fruit fresh, it is high in cellulose, the same material that plastic bags are made from.

Some conservationists warn that the skins of some fruits, including banana peels, can take months to decompose. Even if the product is natural, this does not mean that it decomposes quickly.

2 to 3 months
Cardboard packaging for milk and juices and other types of cardboard.

The decomposition time of the cardboard primarily depends on its thickness. It is worth noting that some cartons may contain chemicals that significantly slow down the decomposition process.

6 months
Cotton clothes and paper books.

Of all types of fabrics, cotton decomposes the fastest because it is natural. If the cotton fabric thrown into the landfill is rather thin, then in warm weather it can decompose in just a week.

1 year
Woolen clothes (sweaters, socks).

Wool is a natural product and can decompose relatively quickly. What's more, as wool decomposes, it releases soil-friendly elements such as keratins. This product cannot be called completely garbage, as it does not cause long-term harm. environment.

2 years
Orange peel, plywood, cigarette butts (although some studies indicate that cigarette butts can take over 10 years to decompose).

Up to 5 years
Heavy clothing made of wool, such as a coat or overcoat.

plastic trash

Up to 20 years old
Plastic bags. But studies show that in some cases, plastic bags can take up to 1,000 years to decompose.

Lots of new plastic bags designed to degrade quickly when exposed to direct sunlight.
However, most plastic bags are made from high-density polyethylene. Microorganisms in the ground do not perceive the chemicals that make up the bag as food, and therefore they do not participate in its decomposition.

30-40 years old
Products containing nylon: bodysuits, windbreakers, carpets, diapers. Some scientists believe that such goods can take up to 500 years to decompose, depending on environmental conditions.

While diapers are quite comfortable, they are also quite toxic, even if you haven't used them yet. They are processed with a variety of chemicals such as toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, and dipentene, as well as a chemical called dioxin, which is a highly toxic carcinogen.

Metal debris, rubber, leather

50 years
Cans, car tires, foam cups, leather.

Leather can be chemically treated (as in the case of fashion items) and take much longer to decompose.
The thick leather used to make shoes can take up to 80 years to decompose.

Decomposition of polyethylene

70 to 80 years old
Rustling plastic bags (from chips and packaging, for example).

Despite the fact that a person eats the contents of a bag of chips very quickly, the bags themselves decompose for a long time. For example, a US resident found an empty bag of crisps on a Devon beach, dated 1967, but the bag itself looked like it had been thrown away last week.

About 100 years
Polyethylene products.

Of course, the decomposition time depends on the density and structure of the goods. For example, ordinary plastic shopping bags can take up to 100 years to decompose.
Also in the category of things that can decompose for more than a century includes plastic bottles and various plastic containers and bowls.
It is worth noting that small details made of polyethylene can pose a danger to animals that can choke on them.

Aluminum decomposition

About 200 years
Aluminum cans (from beer or soda, for example).

In this case, everything also depends on the density of the material and its structure. AT best case such objects decompose for 200 years, but this process can drag on for half a millennium.
It is worth noting that, like plastic products, such items are dangerous for small animals that can climb into an empty jar and get stuck in it.
Such cans can be recycled many times and this process requires much less energy than creating a new can. Using the same amount of energy, you can make 20 recycled cans or 1 new aluminum can.

Recycling aluminum cans

Plastic decomposition

Not in vain in different countries In the world, it is customary to sort the garbage that residents throw away, and in some of them, you can get a fine for improper sorting. Why are such laws passed in developed countries peace? The reason is simple: many types of waste do not decompose for a very long time, or when decomposed, they cause irreparable harm to the environment, which is why they are destroyed or recycled in a special way. We present you the decomposition time various views household waste.

1. Animal droppings - decomposition period 10-15 days

The least harmful garbage that can be seen on the streets of small towns and villages, but it causes a lot of trouble for residents.

2. Food waste - decomposition period 30 days

Potato peels, meat trimmings, and anything that remains edible after cooking can be classified as this type of garbage. Also not that dangerous.

3. Newsprint - decomposition period 1-4 months

Before throwing the newspaper on the road, think that for another 4 months the inhabitants of your yard will admire the paper trampled into the mud.

4. Leaves, seeds, twigs - decomposition period 3-4 months

If public utilities did not remove natural garbage in the parks, then soon people would be walking along the mountains of branches and leaves.

5. Cardboard boxes - decomposition period 3 months

Completely harmless waste if thrown into the trash.

6. Office paper - decomposition period 2 years

Yes, just imagine. It's all about the composition and density: paper is made precisely so that the documents printed on it can be stored for a long time, which, unfortunately, does not disregard the period of its decomposition.

7. Boards - decomposition period 10 years

Ordinary boards that are used at construction sites. Of course, if they are not subject to any processing (for example, oil impregnation).

8. Iron cans - decomposition period 10 years

Like boards, canned stew or condensed milk tins will rot in the ground for another 10 years after you throw them under a tree in the forest.

9. Old shoes - decomposition period 10 years

Here, of course, everything depends on the composition of the shoes and the degree of wear, but on average, leatherette shoes will decompose for a tenth of a century.

10. Fragments of brick and concrete - decomposition period of 100 years

It is the garbage that each developer company prefers to bury under the playground in the courtyard of the house. Yes, and they do it quite often. Perhaps this is justified: after all, the "Stalins" have already been standing for 80 years =)

11. Car batteries - decomposition period of 100 years

Such garbage, which is more profitable, of course, to be recycled. After all, for 1 used battery (20-25 kg) you can get about 500 rubles.

12. Foil - more than 100 years of decomposition

Yes, despite the fact that the thickness of the iron sheet is less than 0.5 mm, it is very strongly compressed. So don't throw away your packaging. meat products on hikes.

13. Electric batteries - decomposition period 110 years

Here, not only the period of decomposition plays a role, but also the harm to the environment that causes lithium battery, oxidizing. Lot charities, fighting for the cleanliness of the planet, offer to save batteries so that they later come and take them from you.

14. Rubber tires - decomposition period 120-140 years

Rubber is one of the most durable materials. Fortunately, when changing tires at a service station, most drivers leave their old one as a gift, or for a symbolic price in the same place. And smart service holders then hand it over for processing.

15. Plastic bottles - decomposition period 180-200 years

Plastic is also highly dangerous and toxic, not to mention the fact that it is not very pleasant to look at roadsides strewn with empty plastic bottles from.

16. Aluminum cans - 500 years of decomposition

Almost the most dangerous garbage. It decomposes for a long time, emits harmful substances during oxidation, and prevails on our planet.

17. Glass - the decomposition period is more than 1000 years

No one knows how much it is already stuffed in our places of rest. just think about it: a millennium! At least another 12-15 generations will enjoy our fragments.