Equipment for the production of plastic bags code os. Our company produces plastic bags. What you need to get your business right

Demand plastic bags does not decrease over time, any store needs them. If a particular region has big production, there is still enough space for small or medium-sized businesses. For example, a mini-production of T-shirt plastic bags can be organized even in a garage or basement.

Business features

To produce this packaging material, special knowledge are not required for either the business owner or employees. But in any case, at least the minimum marketing research, allowing you to determine what products competitors produce and at what price they sell it. This will allow you to select finished products, which is produced little, but there is demand.

Although experts believe that “T-shirts” or “banana” packages are best suited for mini-production, you can diversify them by accepting orders for applying information about the customer in the form of a logo and contact information. But keep in mind that large production requires a large volume initial capital, which is unprofitable and even dangerous for a novice entrepreneur.

The easiest option- make bags from finished film. But this approach can only be used for initial stage, since it does not make it possible to compete in the field of the cost of finished products. If you produce polyethylene yourself, the cost of the bags is reduced, and this makes it possible to install more low price when selling. The most profitable option - production under the order. But for this it is necessary to conclude appropriate agreements not only with stores, but also with other organizations.


To produce plastic bags, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, indicating the preferred taxation system and OKVED codes(25.2, 25.22 and 51.47). In addition, the manufacture plastic bags requires permits from SES, administration, energy supervision, environmental service, fire protection. Finished products must comply with the requirements of GOST 10354-82. But the corresponding certificate is issued only after the production has started (product samples are required for examination).

Room selection

Special requirements are also imposed on the production premises. It cannot be located in a residential area, it must be equipped with water, heating, good ventilation, a three-phase connection to the mains. Walls, floors and ceilings must be finished with non-combustible materials, the possibility of quick evacuation in case of fire must be provided. Area industrial premises depends on production volumes. For full-cycle production, the area should not be less than 300m2.

Raw materials and manufacturing technology

If you organize a full production cycle, then it will consist of several stages:

    • loading granules into the extruder, heating up to 180-250 ° C and turning into a viscous mass, which is squeezed out of the device in the form of a film;
    • polyethylene is cooled, then rolled out using rollers and wound into rolls;
    • a drawing is applied to the material (paint diluted with alcohol is used);
    • the material is rewound into rolls for the second time, which are moved to a bag making device that forms templates of a certain size;
  • using a stamping press, handles are cut, the edges are sealed.

In this business, you can use only two types of raw materials for production: polyethylene low pressure(PND) And polyethylene high pressure(PVD). Prices vary between 420-750 dollars (per ton). If you plan to produce color film, you will need a dye. In the manufacture of garbage bags, the use of recycled granulate is allowed, which is sold at a lower cost.


A fairly wide range of equipment is offered, the price of which varies from several tens of thousands to a million or more rubles. For production with full cycle The best option is to buy a plastic bag production line:

  • extruder (transformation of granules into a film);
  • flexo printing machine (creating images);
  • cutting device;
  • punching press (cutting handles for T-shirt bags).

Do not forget about additional equipment for the office, warehouses, workplaces.

You can save if you refuse to manufacture plastic bags with a logo. Flexo printing machine from 65 thousand dollars, so its purchase with a shortage of funds is quite possible to postpone.

If the production is part-time, then you can buy a multifunctional machine for the production of plastic bags, which is able to carry out all operations except extrusion.

Business plan for the production of plastic bags

The business plan should include not only the cost of equipment ( from 1.5 to 3.8 million rubles), but also rent, water, heating and electricity costs, wages, taxes, which will amount to approximately 230 thousand rubles a month.

The cost and sale price of the finished package depends on the type of raw material, film density, size, absence or presence of handles and the features of their fastening, the presence or absence of color printing, dimensions.

To calculate the payback, you can take an opaque bag with a cutting handle 40x60 cm. Its cost is only 13-24 kopecks, and it is sold for an average of 70 kopecks. For an eight-hour shift of such packages, you can make 33,600 pieces, that is, earn about 18 thousand rubles. The initial costs in this business pay off in a year and a half.

When planning to implement, many aspiring entrepreneurs decide to start production. They purchase bricks, plastic bags, etc. To equip the shops, they need to find premises that will meet the established standards.

What equipment is needed for the production of plastic bags?

In order to establish the production of plastic bags, the subjects entrepreneurial activity you need to buy machines:

  1. Extruders. This equipment is designed for the processing of raw materials that enter the production in the form of balls. In the future, the machine converts the granules into a polyethylene film or sleeve.
  2. Machines for cutting and sealing polyethylene blanks. Roll material made of polyethylene is loaded into a special compartment of the machine. The operator sets certain parameters for the device, after which the cutting of blanks and sealing from the desired sides begins. With the help of cutting and soldering equipment, garbage and disposable bags without handles are produced.
  3. Punching presses. These machines are used for the production of plastic bags with handles.
  4. Flexographic device. Manufacturers use such equipment to apply images, logos, etc. to finished products.
  5. Auxiliary equipment: agglomerators, coronators, etc.

Advice: Entrepreneurs can purchase a bag making machine that performs all functions except for the processing of pellets. For its operation, it is necessary to use spools with plastic wrap. The cost of such a line starts from 1,500,000 rubles.

Use of additional equipment in the production process

If business entities decide to expand the range of polyethylene products, then standard equipment will not be enough for them. For the manufacture of packages of different sizes and shapes, they need to use additional machines. Many entrepreneurs purchase an installation that has a ZIP-lock (its cost can reach 80,000 US dollars). For its operation, it is necessary to use HDPE as a raw material. Such equipment, which has an extruder and a bag making machine as its main components, can be installed in rooms with an area of ​​more than 20 sq.m. Its working principle is as follows:

  1. The polyethylene film is loaded.
  2. A sleeve is blown out, along the edge of which a lock is formed.

note: the length of the finished product will be limited by the diameter of the die head, and the required width can be set by the operator.

Business entities can purchase equipment Chinese manufacturers, which is intended for the manufacture of products from polyethylene of different densities. Such machines are equipped with special units:

  • double servomotor;
  • control system;
  • monitor (liquid crystal).

The raw material is simply loaded into such a machine, after which it goes through the entire production cycle and is subjected to stamping, punching and trimming. The advantage of such equipment is full automation, thanks to which entrepreneurs can save on the wages of employees. The cost of such an installation can reach 20,000 US dollars.

If businesses decide to start producing T-shirt bags, they should purchase a special machine that costs as much as $80,000 on the market. Entrepreneurs will need to use HDPE or LDPE as raw materials for such equipment. During operation, the installation performs the following processes:

  • blows out a polyethylene sleeve;
  • cuts blanks;
  • cuts special necks;
  • solder the edges of the product.

note: the advantage of such equipment is the full automation of work processes. The advantages of the installation include the system for supplying finished products.

For the manufacture of packaging bags, business entities need to use machines Chinese made. Their cost can reach $60,000 (depending on the functionality and promotion of the brand). Such equipment is considered universal, as it is equipped with computer system management. The operator can control the temperature regime, as well as the quantity of manufactured products. These machines are highly productive. Entrepreneurs can use LDPE or HDPE as raw materials.

How to start a plastic bag business?

Every business entity that decides to set up a production line for the production of plastic bags can start with small capacities. First you need to equip the workshop, which has special requirements. To install a production line, entrepreneurs are advised to rent a room, the area of ​​which should not be less than 150 sq.m. Such production is considered harmful, therefore, workshops should be located at a remote distance from residential areas. In accordance with state regulations, the room must have high ceilings - at least 8 m. All important engineering communications must be carried out in it:

  • water supply;
  • heating;
  • sewerage;
  • electricity (three-phase).

Entrepreneurs should pay special attention to the ventilation system. In such workshops, it is necessary to install supply and exhaust ventilation, as well as climate control, thanks to which it will be possible to regulate the indicators of humidity and temperature. A fire safety system must be installed in the workshop. To minimize harmful emissions into the atmosphere and nearby water bodies, entrepreneurs should install treatment facilities. For arrangement production line businessmen will have to spend at least 500,000 rubles.

Advice: entrepreneurs can install, thanks to which they will expand the range of products. Such products are in great demand, so businessmen will not have problems with sales.

Beginning entrepreneurs who have just decided on their business strategy need to collect permits in many instances:

  • ecological service;
  • sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • fire inspection;
  • local administration.

After the entrepreneur launches the production line and receives the first samples of finished products, he needs to pass them for verification and receive certificates. To simplify the process of cooperation with wholesale buyers, experts recommend choosing an LLC when choosing a legal form.

How to choose a production technology and what raw materials to use?

If a business entity decides to produce plastic bags of the “T-shirt” shape, he needs to decide on the technology:

  1. Full production cycle. In this case, the entrepreneur will have to purchase equipment that will process raw materials and stamp finished products.
  2. Partial production cycle. An entrepreneur can save on some machines, for example, an extruder, and purchase blanks prepared for processing.

Advice: if entrepreneurs want to save money, they can use pellets as raw material recycling. Despite their cheapness, this will not affect the quality of the finished product.

Within the territory of Russian Federation plastic bags are made as follows:

  1. Initially, the worker pours the granules into a special hopper installed in the extruder. Under the influence of high temperature regime the raw material begins to melt and turns into a thick mass.
  2. Leaving the extruder, the molten mass takes the form of a polyethylene sleeve, which has a certain diameter.
  3. In the process of cooling, the polyethylene billet is rolled out by means of special rollers, and the sleeve acquires a flat shape.
  4. The workpiece is cut into separate fragments, the dimensions of which are set by the equipment operator.
  5. If technological process involves the application of drawings or logos to polyethylene products, then each package passes through the rollers that carry out the coloring.
  6. After applying the image, each package is wound into a separate roll and transferred to the bag making machine. In this machine, a template of the finished product is formed. The installation performs a bottom fold.
  7. Holes for handles are cut out on a special machine (a “t-shirt” package is obtained).
  8. Products are transferred to the line, where they are sealed, after which the packages are stacked in separate piles (they can remain wound into rolls).

How is the cost of one plastic bag formed?

When forming the cost of one package, business entities should take into account the following indicators:

  • product dimensions;
  • circulation;
  • staining (amount of dye);
  • cost of raw materials;
  • payment to employees who are involved in manufacturing process;
  • material density;
  • the presence of a bottom bookmark;
  • the presence of a handle;
  • transport and other production costs.

Any, Russia and other states of the post-Soviet space should be implemented in the presence of a competent strategy. If entrepreneurs decide to start making plastic bags, they should expect a return on their initial investment within 2-3 years. They will be able to accelerate this process only if they master the wholesale market and, in accordance with the growing demand, begin to increase capacity.

As well as, the production of plastic bags can bring a monthly income of 500,000 rubles. This calculation was made based on an average shop productivity of 60-70 bags per minute. If all current expenses are subtracted from the monthly income, then the net profit will be at least 100,000 rubles. When planning to start such a business in a region where there are already manufacturers of polyethylene products, novice businessmen should not be afraid of competition, since the demand for such products is constantly increasing in the domestic market.

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Some people who want to make money prefer. Those entrepreneurs who plan to create a dynamically developing and promising business, can engage in the production of plastic bags. To open a workshop, they should purchase special equipment (in most cases made in China), the price of which can reach tens of thousands of dollars. They should take the issue of arranging the premises with great responsibility and comply with all state regulations. Before launching a production line, entrepreneurs need to obtain a large package of permits.

In contact with

The production of plastic bags can be organized in the garage or in your basement. We will talk about this business today.

How many times a week do you visit the shops? Have you ever paid attention to how many different packages, sachets and large plastic bags you get per day? During the week? Per month? Try and count. I think you will be surprised. But, by the way, the cost of all these bags, packages, packages is most often initially included in the price of the product itself. And how many of these bags are sold every day throughout the country? Think about these numbers and you will understand that the production of plastic bags is a real "gold mine".

The main types of plastic bags currently in demand on the market are:

  • Package - "T-shirt".
  • Package with internal handles.
  • Packages for packing.
  • Polyethylene packaging.

The production of plastic bags can be arranged from purchased film, but if you approach the matter “on a large scale”, of course it is better to have products made from your own raw materials. In the first case (the production of plastic bags from purchased film), it will be enough to purchase a soldering and cutting machine.
Accordingly, the income will be small. But for this production, it will be enough, say, a simple garage. To establish a whole workshop with a full cycle of equipment processing, much more will be required:

  • A special machine is an extruder that forms plastic materials by pressure.
  • Soldering and cutting machine for cutting the film to the desired dimensions and soldering in the right places.
  • A die cutter used to form handles.
  • A room with high (up to ten meters) ceilings and an area of ​​​​up to one hundred square meters, equipped with powerful ventilation and mandatory fire alarms and located on the outskirts locality or in the industrial sector. The reason for this condition is bad smell melted plastic.

The raw materials for the manufacture of plastic bags are polymeric materials:

  • polyethylene (waste);
  • polypropylene;
  • polystyrene in the form of granules.

They are made in a special device - a granulator at factories. Therefore, it will be necessary to conclude a contract for the uninterrupted supply of polymer granules. The cheapest raw materials are Korean or produced in the vast former USSR. The best way- this is the conclusion of a contract for the supply of raw materials directly with the manufacturing plant.

Sales of products

Plans for the sale of products need to be thought out in advance. Mainly wholesalers. IN Lately advertising printing on plastic bags is widespread. This gives a significant increase in income. Of course, printing ads will require installation additional equipment. An option for the production of plastic bags can be the production of eco-bags.
Rapidly gaining popularity in recent years. Additional raw materials for the production of such bags are various oxo additives, the equipment remains the same.

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Attention! Free business plan, offered for download below, is an example. Business plan, the best way corresponding to the conditions of your business, you need to create with the help of specialists.

Business plan for creating shopping bags and others

How it all started

I have always dreamed of starting my own business. However, it had to meet several requirements:

  • do not require significant, initial investment;
  • be competitive;
  • do not depend on the crisis, default and other cataclysms in the foreign exchange market;
  • be in demand.

Only one thing stopped me - I did not know which products are most suitable for this. And so, somehow walking along the streets of the city, I noticed that passers-by were running, hurrying about their business and everyone was holding packages with a wide variety of things - food, books, clothes.

Thus, the idea was born to create a private business for the production of plastic bags, at minimal cost.

Why did I carefully calculate everything?

Initially, I made a list of the necessary equipment:

  • Extruder for making film from raw materials;
  • Machine for cutting and soldering polyethylene;
  • Punching press for the manufacture of handles;
  • Flexographic machine to print attractive logos, designs.

Roughly calculated the cost of buying machine tools by looking at their prices on the Internet. I needed about 600,000 rubles, which, in our time, would not be a problem to get.

Not much, given that I planned to find companies that would be willing to pay good money for advertising - their logo on my packages.

It would seem that, in general, everything is ready, but I understood that without a well-written business plan, my production could fail at the initial stage.

  • competitiveness;
  • gradation of demand for goods;
  • raw material costs;
  • payback of the project;
  • regulations, laws and many more details.

Where can I get a business plan template?

Realizing the inexpediency of spending on the services of a consulting agency (as I roughly calculated, in order to recoup them, my factory would need three days of work), I decided to create an economic program on my own.

To do this, I downloaded an inexpensive business plan template on the Internet. It should be noted here that the network is full of free ones. Of course, I tried to download them, but the data there is so outdated that even if I substituted my derivatives, it would be impossible to achieve a clearly calibrated program.

But the template bought for 500 rubles pleasantly pleased with real analysis modern market sales-consumption. I substituted my values ​​​​into it and brought the data together in a special program, of which there are also a lot on the Internet, and I received a ready-made business plan.

Having carefully studied it, without a drop of doubt, I decided to establish my own derivative line, since the results of the payback were 100% satisfactory to me.

The next month, I spent in endless running around - I registered an individual entrepreneur, registered a company, looked for premises and workers, agreed on the placement of advertising logos and points of sale, and purchased equipment.

Soon, my workshop was opened and it works clearly, fully complying with the parameters of the business plan. Daily revenue is about 30,000 rubles, respectively, monthly - 900,000 rubles.

Within a year, taking into account all the costs of rent, salaries, raw materials, paying taxes and bills, I fully paid off my investment and began to receive quite stable profits.

Production of plastic bags

Some useful information and a brief presentation of the business plan for the production of bags:

Business plan for the production of plastic bags

We propose to consider a business project with low financial costs - the production of packages. Many who are already in the manufacturing business today say that this niche is the most promising.

This is a field of activity with great potential, because these products are in demand in all spheres of life. Polyethylene products are in high demand in trade, industry and everyday life.

Business bag making equipment

Modern extruders are in several price ranges. The equipment is characterized by product performance, the presence of advanced functions.

Inexpensive equipment segment within $10,000–12,000. The average price range of cars reaches $15,000. To organize a full-fledged production in a mini-factory for the manufacture of various polyethylene products, such equipment will cost $ 30,000.

The range of imported and domestic equipment representatives is diverse.

According to expert estimates, such a business has a rapid payback period of 2-3 years on average. Given the high demand for plastic packaging, the reported payback figures are realistic.

According to experts in the field of production, it is desirable to purchase several types of equipment. The fact is that by expanding the range of production resources, you will provide large quantities of goods to any customer. It is more profitable to form a loyal price against the background of large-scale production.

Types of production of polyethylene products:

  • production of bags - T-shirts, different density, sizes, colors. The choice will attract potential customers;
  • production of plastic bags standard sizes, colors, shapes;
  • production of paper bags;
  • production of garbage bags;
  • production of packages with a logo. Shops, supermarkets, shopping centers use packaging bags with their logo as promotional products - they are your potential customers.

The more directions you choose, the more functional devices will be required.

You will be able to reach a large audience of customers, and deliver your products consistently.

Modern equipment for the production of bags is automated, so one person per shift can manage and control the process.

The production equipment is easy to operate and maintain.

As a rule, companies that sell equipment perform commissioning and start-up of production.

financial calculation

Any entrepreneur is interested in the financial benefits of the future enterprise. Let's predict financial expenses future project.

You buy simple equipment that costs 300,000 rubles. Its capacity is 50 bags per minute. Material costs for the production of one package costs 10 kopecks.

Table number 1. Potential of package consumers in Russia

Our wholesale customers buy for 40 kopecks. In total, the profit from one package will be 30 kopecks. We calculate the average daily operation of the machine (10-12 hours) - we get the production of 30,000 units.

In monetary terms, products worth 9,000 rubles are produced in one day.

For one working week from simple equipment, the income will be 198,000 rubles. We will have to take into account that the costs of wages, transport, consumables for machines should be deducted from this amount.

Salary per worker production equipment per month is about 18,000 rubles.

In addition, organizations production activities, it is necessary to design a marketing plan. In large industries, this is done by marketers and sales specialists.

Table number 2. Growth of participants in the bag manufacturing market in Russia

If your plans include launching a large-scale production line, then, of course, professionals should be involved in sales. In a small business, this function is performed by business partners and entrepreneurs.

From strategic marketing plan development to delivery commercial offer potential customers. Activities in this area of ​​production, with the right calculation, pay off from six months to several years.

We are confident that the organization of the production of bags on the shoulder of purposeful entrepreneurs will become a profitable enterprise for you.

IN modern world Many people want to start their own business. Many factors contribute to this desire. However, organizing your own business is not so difficult. The main thing is to choose the best idea that you like.

And today there are a lot of ideas. IN this review We will talk about one of the types of entrepreneurial activity.

The need to purchase a production line

When organizing your enterprise, in some individual situations you will have to make a choice of equipment. For the production of plastic bags, namely for the organization of such an entrepreneurial idea, this rule undoubtedly applies. So, what equipment is popular today? Order certain technological lines in modern conditions available from China and Taiwan. These countries are popular with entrepreneurs.

List of main types of installations

When choosing equipment for the production of plastic bags, it is necessary to discuss those basic devices that must be present without fail.

  1. extruder. It is used in order to be able to process blanks entering production in the form of balls. Subsequently, it is from this raw material that the creation of a plastic sleeve or a finished polyethylene film takes place.
  2. Cutting and soldering machine for the manufacture of polyethylene bags. Equipment of this type takes the film and cuts it. In this case, the device is guided by the parameters specified by the program. After that, the blanks are sealed from a certain side. Using this type of machine, you can get garbage bags or bags that do not have handles. In order to start producing products with handles, you will need to purchase plastic bag making machines such as punch presses.
  3. You need to purchase a flexographic device. It can provide the possibility of applying any images to already finished products. It can be logos or a trademark.

What can affect the cost?

When choosing equipment for the production of plastic bags, it is necessary to understand that the cost of the line will depend on the manufacturer of a particular unit. A new device or a used one - this factor also plays a major role.

The need for additional equipment

Due to the fact that the packages have different sizes and forms, and are also used in the most different areas human life, a variety of settings can be applied. This may affect the choice of equipment for the production of plastic bags.

An example is a special machine that has a ZIP-lock. HDPE is used as raw material. In order to place the unit indoors, there must be an area equal to at least 20 square meters. The cost of such a system reaches 80 thousand dollars.

The main components are an extruder and a bag making machine. A lock is formed on the blowing of the sleeve. In terms of its length, the finished product is limited only by the diameter that the die head has. The width can be set programmatically.

You can buy equipment in China

It is also worth buying a device made in China. With it, you can create products of various densities. The cost of the equipment reaches 20 thousand dollars. Such equipment can be delivered to almost any city in the country.

As the main components, a double servo motor, a control system, and a liquid crystal monitor are used. Raw materials for the production of plastic bags are loaded quite simply. This is facilitated by the thoughtful design of the entire equipment as a whole. The same can be said about stamping, punching and trimming. It should be noted that such a line is fully automated.

Production of the T-shirt package

In order to produce packages that have the shape of a "t-shirt", you should use a special unit, the cost of which reaches 80 thousand dollars. The equipment is manufactured in China. The composition of plastic bags in this situation includes LDPE or HDPE.

The production process is divided into several separate stages. The first stage includes the blowing of the sleeve. At the final step, a special neck is cut out. The main advantages of such a device include full automation, as well as a system for supplying finished products.

Universal installations

Packing bags are produced using Chinese equipment, the cost of which is 60 thousand dollars. The raw material is HDPE or PVD. Such devices can be classified as universal. They are computer controlled. It is possible to control the temperature and the quantity of finished products. All this happens automatically. The performance is also very high.


In this review, the main types of equipment that are used for the production of plastic bags were considered. Additional equipment that will be required at the time of expanding business activities was also partially described. One big downside to this idea is that the cost of all the equipment is too high. This can explain the rather low competitiveness that is observed on the territory of our country.

This may affect the desire of aspiring entrepreneurs to engage in such a business. However, if you correctly organize entrepreneurial activities of this nature, you can start to get a fairly high profit. The business will pay off with the right approach and vigorous activity quite quickly. And this factor should always be attributed to the merits of an organized enterprise.

I wish you the best of luck in starting your bagging business!