How old is Valery Leontiev. Biography of Valery Leontev Valery Leontiev real name

Pop singer Valery Yakovlevich Leontiev was born on March 19, 1949 in the village of Ust-Usa, Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now the Komi Republic) in the family of a reindeer breeder veterinarian.

He spent his childhood in the Arkhangelsk region. In 1961, together with his parents, he moved to the city of Yuryevets, Ivanovo Region. As a child, Valery Leontiev sang in the school choir, went to the drama club, and danced. After school, I wanted to enter GITIS, but changed my mind at the last moment.

In his youth, he managed to work as an auxiliary worker at brick factory, postman, electrician, tailor, fashion designer.

In 1968 he moved to Vorkuta, studied at the evening department of the Vorkuta Mining Institute. In 1973 he graduated from the All-Union Creative Workshop of Variety Art in vocal class. He studied at the course of the famous Soviet singer Georgy Vinogradov.

In 1987, Leontiev graduated from the directing department of the Leningrad state institution culture them. N.K. Krupskaya (now St. Petersburg State University culture and arts).

While studying at the Vorkuta Mining Institute, he worked as a laboratory assistant at the Scientific Research Institute, participated in amateur art activities.

In 1971 he took second place at the regional competition "Song - 71" with the song "Carnival". In 1972 he became the winner of the competition of the Syktyvkar Philharmonic "We are looking for talents".
He began his professional creative career at the Syktyvkar Philharmonic, was a soloist in the ensembles "Dreamers" (1974), "Echo" (1975).

In 1979 he moved to the Gorky Philharmonic (now the Rostropovich Nizhny Novgorod Philharmonic). In the same year, for the performance of the ballad "In Memory of the Guitarist", he received the Grand Prix at the I All-Union Competition for the best performance of songs from the countries of the socialist community in Yalta.

In March 1980, Leontiev's first solo concerts took place in Moscow - at the Variety Theater. In 1980, the first records of the singer were released - "Dance hour in the sun" and "Disks are spinning".

In 1982-1983, Leontiev performed with the first bright show programs "Valery Leontiev Sings" and "I'm Just a Singer".

In 1983, he moved to the Voroshilovgrad Philharmonic (now the Luhansk Regional Philharmonic, Ukraine).

Over the years of creativity, Valery Leontiev has released about 30 copyright records and CDs, among them: "Colorful Fairs" (1982), " The Velvet season"(1986), "Disco Club" (1986), "A Matter of Taste" (1990), "Night" (1993), "There, in September" (1995), "Santa Barbara" (1998), "Everyone wants to love" (1999), Rope Dancer (1999), Augustine (2001), Caged Bird (2002), Maple Leaf (2003), Night Call (2004), Artist (2011) .

The singer's repertoire includes songs by Raymond Pauls, Anna Pakhmutova, David Tukhmanov, Vladimir Shainsky.
The most famous were Leontiev's show programs "Running Through Life" (1984), "Alone with Everyone" (1985), "Full Moon" (1993), "On the Road to Hollywood" (1996), "Dream Photographer" (1999), "Nameless Planet" (2001).

In 1988, Valery Leontiev played three main roles - Jester, Satan and Giordano Bruno - in the rock opera Giordano by Laura Quint.

In June 1994, he performed with the program "Beauty and Casanova" in a duet with the famous Italian film actress Gina Lollobrigida.

Leontiev starred in several feature films. He played supporting roles in the films "On someone else's holiday" (1981), "Don't go, girls, get married" (1985), "How to become a star" (1986), "If I want to - I'll love" (1990), "Carnival Night - 2" (1996), "Cinderella" (2002), leading role Chinese in fantasy movie Gennady Glagolev "Psychic" (1991).

Leontiev - National artist Russia (1996), laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1985), Prize of the Moscow Government in the field of literature and art (1996).

Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2005), the Order of Honor (2009).

The work of Valery Leontiev has been repeatedly awarded with musical awards "Ovation", "Golden Gramophone", "Sound Track", "Song of the Year". In 1980 he won the Grand Prix at the 16th International Pop Song Festival "Golden Orpheus" in Bulgaria, in 1991 he received the "Golden Treble Clef" of the international music award World Music Awards in Monte Carlo, in 2003 he was awarded the Muses Prize -TV.

In 1998, Valery Leontiev's nominal plate was laid on the "Square of Stars".

Since 1998, the singer has been married to the former musical director of the Echo ensemble, Lyudmila Isakovich.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

Audio provided by Federal State Unitary Enterprise Firm Melodiya

Born - March 19, 1949 in the village of Ust-Usa (Komi ASSR) in a family of reindeer herders and livestock specialists. Childhood passed in the Arkhangelsk region.

Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1987).
People's Artist of Russia (1996).

He studied at the Vorkuta Mining Institute, the director's department of the Leningrad State Institute of Culture named after N.K. Krupskaya. He graduated from the All-Union Creative Workshop of Variety Art in vocal class (1973).

1966 - soloist in the choir of labor veterans in Yuryevets.
1968 - the city of Vorkuta: a participant in amateur performances.
1969 - a group of amateur performances of the builders of the Palace of Culture Miners, participation in the operetta by Y. Milyutin "The Circus Lights the Lights".
1971 - the city of Vorkuta: II place at the regional competition.
1972 - the city of Syktyvkar: I degree diploma for the best performance of a political song in the festival - competition "We are looking for talents".
April 9, 1972 - DK Shakhterov: the first solo concert.
1972 - sent to Moscow to study at the All-Union Creative Workshop of Variety Art.
1974 - soloist of the ensemble "Dreamers" in the program "Joy on the Road".
1975 - Ensemble "Echo"; tours around the country.
October 15, 1977 - the premiere of the program "Smile northern land"DK Wallets.
October 23, 1977 - participation in the festival dedicated to the 60th anniversary of October.
1979 - transfer to the Gorky Philharmonic.
August 1979 - I All-Union competition for the best performance of songs of the countries of the socialist community in Yalta - I prize. Participation in the festival "Crimean Dawns".
March 1980 - solo concerts in Moscow at the Variety Theater.
July 1980 - 16th International Pop Song Festival "Golden Orpheus" - I prize.
December 1980 - solo concert at the Variety Theatre.
April 1981 - solo concert in the Olympic village.
May 1982 - Leningrad: Oktyabrsky Hall - solo concert.
1983 - Lenin Komsomol Prize.
1983 - transfer to the Voroshilovgrad (Lugansk) Philharmonic.
December 1985 - a trip to Afghanistan with concerts.
1987 - awarded the title of "Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR".
16 - 26 June 1988 - premiere of Laura Quint's opera "Giordano".
March - May 1989 - tour in India.
November 1990 - US tour.
May 1991 - tour in Germany.
May 15, 1991 - International Festival "World Music Awards" - prize "Golden Treble Clef" Monte Carlo.
September 1991 - tour in the USA and Canada.
June 21, 1992 - participant in the program "Stars among the stars" on Red Square.
July 24, 25, 1994 - the program "Beauty and Casanova".
March 1996 - awarded the title "People's Artist of Russia".
September 1996 - Prize of the Government of Moscow in the field of literature and art.
December 1997 - the annual television competition "Song of the Year - 97" - awarding a special prize "For huge contribution in the development of the Russian stage".
November 1999 - awarded the Prize of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art.
February 2003 - the release of the new album "Maple Leaf".
June 2003 - Award "For Achievement in the Development of Popular Music" and participation in the awarding ceremony of the "First National Music Television Award in the field of popular music."
2004 - release of the album "Night Call".

Reference information of the official website of V.Ya.Leontiev

The personal life of Valery Leontiev is a secret with seven seals. This also applies to his past, the artist prefers not to talk about his origin and rarely talks about his parents. There is a lot of confusion in the past of a celebrity. As it turned out, the singer long time He considered his mother to be his sister and his grandmother to be his mother.

Today, on the singer's birthday, The Day newspaper publishes the story of a woman who told sensational details this story.

Anna Vlasovna Moskaleva lives in the village of Zagoryanka near Moscow. She met Leontiev in 1949, when he was ... six months old. She graduated from a technical school in the Vologda region and came to work in the village of Novik-Bozh, in the Komi Republic. Once in a village she met Maya Leontieva.

We became friends, and I began to visit her house often. Maya was about 16 years old. The Leontiefs occupied part big house- two rooms and a kitchen. They lived poorly. There I first saw Maya's mother, Ekaterina Ivanovna. And six-month-old Valerka in diapers. It was her, her grandmother, Valera long years considered and called mother. And Maya is the older sister ...

The Leontiev family moved to Novik-Bozh with Far East. Everyone in the village was sure that little Valera - younger son Maya, and it could not have occurred to anyone that the 15-year-old girl was actually the mother of Valery Leontiev. Trying to hide the family shame, the Leontievs even gave Valera's middle name the same as Maya's - Yakovlevich. Who was the real father of Valera is unknown.

Ekaterina Ivanovna herself gave birth to Maya, well, being married. However, by the time her daughter was born, she was an adult. Maya's real father was called Jacob, and he was a gypsy. When she was born, he left her mother. And after some time, Catherine married Jacob, but another. Yakov Leontiev worked as a livestock veterinarian at a reindeer-breeding state farm. So the family received the name Leontiev.

After some time, Maya went to study in Syktyvkar, Anna Vlasovna recalls. - And Valerka stayed with his grandmother. He was artificial - Maya breastfed him for only a few days. So Ekaterina Ivanovna raised Valerka. And I often helped her. And at all was have them in family his. They did not hide from me that Valera is the son of Maya. Once I asked Ivanovna: who is Valera's father?


Why doesn't she live with her husband?

He is not a match for her, - Ivanovna snapped.

But I didn't believe her. It is clear that Maya did not have any husband.

After studying, Maya went to work in Vorkuta, where she married a man named Rudaya and gave birth to a son, Igor, from him. For some time they lived together - Maya took Valera from her mother. But the marriage turned out to be short-lived - the young woman was left alone with her two sons. And again, Ekaterina Ivanovna took Valera to her place - for a long time already. By that time, she had already moved with her husband to Yuryev, and then to Nizhny Novgorod. Only after graduating from school, Valera went to live with Maya.

Valera entered the Mining College, then evening department branch of the Leningrad Mining Institute - to the faculty of industrial and civil engineering. But after the second year, he left the institute and seriously took up vocals.

Moskaleva is sure that even now Valery Leontiev does not know the whole truth about his family. She heard how several times in an interview he called Ekaterina Ivanovna his mother.

When I first saw the singer Valery Leontiev on the screen, I didn’t think that this was the same Valery that I carried in my arms, ”she says. - But I heard his interview - Novik-Bozh, the father of a livestock specialist - I realized - he is! And much later I learned from neighbors that next to us, in Valentinovka, in the dacha, Leontiev lives with his mother.

I thought that he lives there with Maya, and rushed to Valentinovka ... Only the fourth time I was lucky. A woman came out of a neighboring house and said that Valera was late. He comes with his ballet, the music rumbles until the morning. I asked: "And mom?"

She recently died, the woman said. “She was a very old woman, after all.

How very old? I was surprised, but then I realized that we are talking not about Maya, but about Ekaterina Ivanovna ...

Singer Valery Leontiev won world popularity not only thanks to his own talent and considerable charisma, which, of course, he has. In each of his pieces of music, he always created an unforgettable emotional background, which was then transmitted to all those who listened to his songs! The hall during his concerts seemed to be charged with invisible energy and received a lot of positive impressions, as well as a charge of positive emotions.

Where and when was Valery Leontiev born?

As the biography testifies, Valery Leontiev was born on March 19, 1949, and this significant event happened for all admirers domestic stage event in the village of Ust-Usa, which is located in the Komi Republic. It is unlikely that his father, a veterinarian-sheep breeder by profession, could then imagine what life path his son would choose.

But even despite the fact that Leontiev comes from a relatively poor family, he managed to achieve true fame and popularity with the audience with his painstaking work. After all, talent, if it really exists, can help a person realize his most ambitious life goals! Everything about this happened with this singer, who decided to devote himself entirely to his beloved vocation.

The early childhood of the singer

It so happened that little Valera was forced to spend his childhood in the Arkhangelsk region. However, already in 1961, the family of Valery Leontiev moved to the city of Yuryevets, which is part of territorial location Ivanovo region. It is here that, while still a schoolboy, Valera begins to sing in a children's choir. At the same time, he did not forget to visit the drama club.

Also, young Valery Leontiev carved out free time for dancing. In fact, already from childhood, the future great pop performer begins to show an increasingly active craving for art.

According to the confessions of the singer himself, at school he studied at "3" and "4". At the same time, he was constantly afraid of friendship with the guys, as they beat him and always disliked him. The whole point is that already early childhood Leontiev was inclined to dye and glue his eyelashes, put on various women's costumes. Therefore, many of his peers did not perceive such behavior of the future pop star and tried in every possible way to humiliate and insult him.

The riddle of nationality

Singer Valery Leontiev always tried to hide the question of nationality from the broad masses, declaring that the road became his homeland. However, unofficial data suggests that the singer is a Permian Komi, because this pop genius was born in the Komi Republic. There is also an opinion that Valery Yakovlevich belongs to the gypsy family on the side of his father, therefore he cannot sit in one place, but is prone to constant travel.

So who is Valery Leontiev by nationality? Another version on this issue says that the singer also has Jewish roots. However, there is no exact official data, and the performer himself tries to elegantly avoid this topic, answering direct questions somewhat evasively.

Therefore, it has not yet been possible to accurately establish the nationality of Valery Leontiev. Perhaps in the future his personal life will become more understandable for admirers of his creative talent. And someday an exact answer will be given, to which nationality Valery Leontiev belongs.

Features of the personal life of Valery Leontiev and an important secret

This question is also very interesting to all his fans. There are indeed many unusual secrets in the personal life of Valery Leontiev. Maya Rudaya, whom even he himself called his half-sister, was actually his mother. She gave birth in enough early age because she was only 18 at the time. And immediately after these births, she got a job as a pioneer leader in a school. But she gave little Valera to be raised by her grandmother, Catherine, who was considered by everyone to be the mother of an outstanding artist.

Valery Leontiev hid this secret of his family even from his own wife. Yes, and Maya herself did not tell her own husband anything about this. There is an opinion that this question was opened to Leontiev only when Maya Rudaya herself died at the age of 74 in 2005.

Therefore, we can safely say that the entire biography of Valery Leontiev is rather confusing and unusual. Already looking at all this through the prism of time, his fans begin to understand how big the mystery from the personal life of their idol was.

Children of Leontiev

The children of Valery Leontiev could only be born if, at one time, this star performer, instead of own career devoted more time to his personal life. However, in one of the interviews, he somehow nevertheless admitted that he was very sorry that he had not taken care of the birth of children before. In fact, having put his career in the forefront, Leontiev was never able to leave offspring.

But there are rumors that Valery Leontiev still has children. Illegitimate daughter singer was allegedly born in Yuryevets, and with her mother, a teacher lower grades, he met when he worked at a local weaving factory. It was then that a stormy romance began between them, which eventually led to such consequences. The singer was not destined to become a father anymore.

First creative steps

As evidenced by the biography, Valery Leontiev began his career as a pop singer in 1972, when he took part in a young talent competition held in Syktyvkar. Thanks to the eccentricity of the performance, the singer managed to quite successfully break the solid Soviet idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal of the singer. Leontiev on stage not only performed popular songs, but moved very gracefully. And his original costumes complemented his already bright appearance well. Moreover, as you know, he himself prepared them, spending a lot of his time on tailoring.

However, the advantage of this situation was that the singer Valery Leontiev, whose biography is interesting to all his fans, independently selected the most suitable image for him. There was no need for him to listen to the advice of stylists and spend considerable cash on their services.

Barriers to Creative Career Development

Soviet censorship did not always unequivocally perceive the unusual young singer, so sometimes she put sticks in his wheels, removing him from concerts and forbidding him to go on stage. It even got to the point that songs performed by Leontiev were simply cut out of Ogonki. Yes, and photographs with his face on various posters were not printed, but even this did not prevent Valery Yakovlevich from periodically releasing his own albums with his performances.

And the more obstacles Valery Yakovlevich Leontiev met on his own creative path, the more enthusiastically he began to overcome the obstacles artificially created for him.

After the collapse of the USSR creative way for the performer was already open, so he began to storm at this time new creative heights.

Popular albums and songs of the singer

The album "The Best" includes the most famous musical hits performed by Valery Leontiev. These are all songs past years which at one time sounded many times on radio and television. This included such famous song "pearls" as "Don't forget me", "Treasures of the Black Sea", "Augustin", "Casanova", "Vernissage" and many others.

In each of his songs, Valery Yakovlevich Leontiev tried to convey its theme as much as possible, and also personally performed many original dance-related movements on stage. Here, the dance training he received as a child came in handy. Therefore, it was always interesting to watch his concerts, and especially to attend them yourself and listen to songs right in the hall.

What costumes Leontiev used on stage

Valery Leontiev's costumes have always amazed with their originality. On stage, he could get into character thanks to an interesting selection of clothes. However, he always treated her with a clear understanding that everything in its own appearance can be corrected immediately. As eyewitnesses said, Valery Yakovlevich, unexpectedly for everyone, took and cut off the legs from his jeans. He also gravitated towards constantly altering his own costumes, redrawing them and each time choosing new stage images for himself. In this matter, Leontiev always showed amazing ingenuity.

The performer's figure itself has always been close to ideal. Therefore, this pronounced extravagance in his wardrobe clearly distinguished Leontiev from many others. famous singers the last century and the beginning of the present.

The role of his work in world culture

The work of Valery Leontiev contributed new round into development musical art. Trying to bring something new to the stage, the singer, unexpectedly for many, gave a new impetus to this art. After the bright and memorable performances of Leontiev, the audience already understood that it was not enough for them to hear the song itself and its high-quality performance. No less important is the visual show prepared for them by the performers of their favorite musical works. Now it has already become obvious that properly thought-out movements on the stage actually complement the performance with some new and unusual colors.

If you look at modern clips, then the main components in them are the music itself, the meaning of the song, as well as a video picture with dynamic scenes. During the flourishing of Valery Yakovlevich's work, these concepts were only in their infancy, so it was very important for him to show how closely they are connected with the piece of music itself.

Now Leontiev is known not only in Russia, but also in many other countries of the world, his songs are actively listened to abroad as well. And this suggests that this performer managed to reach out to many hearts of the audience, thanks to this he won great world fame for himself.

What is Valery Leontiev in his current life

Valery Leontiev is now a person with considerable life experience and great popularity among his admirers. But even despite the fact that he is already 69 years old, Valery Yakovlevich still has a lot of strength and vitality.

But in the plans of the performer, the count still has to leave the stage, giving an anniversary concert on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. It is after him that this pop star is expected to leave his creative vocation and begin a completely different life.

The main initiator of such an act is the wife of the great singer, who persuades him to end his performing career. She complains that numerous tours and flights rob Valery Leontiev of enormous strength, which is not so easy to restore at his venerable age.

Valery Yakovlevich Leontiev himself, although he agrees with his wife, is well aware that it will be extremely difficult for him to leave his beloved work forever. Therefore, mentally, he prepares for this step gradually. Of course, it will always be difficult for such a person to find the courage in himself and stop his activities related to music, but personal life and well-being will always be more expensive than any professional activity.

Valery Yakovlevich Leontiev. Born March 19, 1949 in the village of Ust-Usa (Komi ASSR). Soviet and Russian singer, actor. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1996).

Father - Yakov Stepanovich Leontiev, came from Pomors of the Arkhangelsk region.

Mother - Ekaterina Ivanovna Leontieva (nee Klyuts), was born in Ukraine.

Parents worked as veterinary reindeer breeders.

Had an older sister Maya (1930-2005).

Some sources claim that Valery Leontiev is a Mansi by nationality. However, he himself claims that he has Russian and Ukrainian roots.

In one of the programs “Let them talk!” TV presenter expressed the version that the singer's mother was his older sister Maya, and Yakov Stepanovich and Ekaterina Ivanovna, were in reality his grandparents, who declared him their son in order to cover for an unmarried daughter who gave birth early. Valery Leontiev threatened Malakhov with a lawsuit, but the scandal was settled.

Was late child in family. He spent his childhood in the village of Upper Matigory, Kholmogory district, Arkhangelsk region.

In 1961, the family moved to the city of Yuryevets, Ivanovo Region, where Leontiev graduated from high school.

AT school years wanted to become an oceanologist, he was going to enter the Far Eastern University, but because of financial problems in the family, the plans had to part.

In 1966, he submitted documents to GITIS, but at the last moment changed his mind and took them back.

Returning to his Yuryevets, in search of work, he managed to try many professions - an auxiliary worker at a brick factory, an operator at a dairy factory, a ribbon-oiler at a flax-spinning factory, a postman, an electrician, a tailor, etc.

Later he moved to Vorkuta, where he entered the branch of the Leningrad Mining Institute, worked as a laboratory assistant at the Research Institute of Foundations and Underground Structures.

On April 9, 1972, the first solo concert of Valery Leontiev took place. "It happened in the village of Loima, Komi ASSR. It was a fierce winter, and I had to work in an unheated building former church. There were forty people seated on the benches. And in order to warm both ourselves and the audience, we chipped ice from firewood, chopped logs and stoked the stove," he said.

In the same year, he won the regional competition "Song-72" in Syktyvkar with the song "Carnival in the North". The prize for winning the competition was training at the Creative Workshop of Variety Art of Georgy Vinogradov in Moscow.

However, the singer did not complete his studies and in 1973 he returned to Syktyvkar, where he worked as a soloist in the local philharmonic society.

In 1974, Valery Leontiev became the soloist of the Dreamers group, which was soon renamed into "Echo". Valery works with this team to this day.

Graduated in 1978 extramural Leningrad Institute of Culture.

In 1979, Valery Leontiev moved to the Gorky Philharmonic on the condition that the latter send him to the All-Union Competition in Yalta. For the performance of the 12-minute ballad "In Memory of the Guitarist" by David Tukhmanov, Leontiev received the first prize in a competition broadcast throughout the country.

Then he continued to collaborate with Tukhmanov, the songs “The Beloved Side” to the verses of Igor Shaferan, “There in September” to the verses of Leonid Derbenev (for the first time on the TV screen in the Music Kiosk program) and others appeared. The song “Dancing Hour in the Sun” Tukhmanov brought Leontiev first prize at the Golden Orpheus festival in Bulgaria in 1980.

From July 28, 1982 to 1995, he worked at the Voroshilovgrad (now Lugansk) Philharmonic Society as a soloist-vocalist of the pop genre, artistic director of the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Echo". It was during this period that he was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1985), and in 1987 Valery Leontiev was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR.

In the 1980s, a period of work began with. They collaborated most actively in 1984-1986, then the hits "Green Light", "Inactivity", "Years of Wanderings", "Eclipse of the Heart", "Disappeared sunny days" and etc.

Valery Leontiev - Sunny days have disappeared

During the years of perestroika in 1987, the Ministry of Education of the USSR considered the participation Soviet Union in the prestigious European song contest Eurovision. USSR Minister of Education Georgy Veselov proposed to send Valery Leontiev. However, the idea of ​​Georgy Veselov was not supported by the Central Committee of the CPSU and Gorbachev. Even in the Ministry of Education, the majority was determined that the USSR was not yet ready for such radical steps.

He took part in the Pauls program "Holy love for music" at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia". The song "Farewell to Mom" ​​marked the beginning of cooperation with Laura Quint.

New song programs were prepared annually, the premieres of which were held in Leningrad in the Oktyabrsky concert hall, and since the mid-1980s in Moscow at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall: “I'm just a singer” (1982), “Running through life” (1984) , "Alone with Everyone" (1985), "Star Story" (1986), "Confession" (1987), "It seems to me that I have not lived yet" (1990), etc.

The old dream of the theater led Leontiev to work on a rock opera. Thanks to his enthusiasm and energy, the premiere of the opera Giordano (1988, music. Quint, art. V. Kostrov, director V. Druzhinin) took place at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia", in which Leontiev played three diverse roles: Giordano, Jester, Satan.

In 1991, Valery Leontiev received the The World Music Awards as the best performer, the leader in sales of sound carriers in the USSR.

From 1992 to 1998 he worked with Alla Dukhova's ballet Todes. Since 1998 he has been working with his ballet Dangerous Liaisons.

In 1993, his show "Full Moon" at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" was recognized as the best show of the year.

In 1997, together with the composer Y. Chernyavsky, he recorded the albums "On the Road to Hollywood" and "Santa Barbara" in the USA.

On March 28, 1998, in the very center of Moscow, not far from the Kremlin, a solemn ceremony of laying Valery Leontiev's personal star on the "Square of Stars" was held.

In 2006, he sang a duet with. In August 2006, a concert was held in Sochi for the heads of the CIS, at which Leontiev presented a program of four songs. At the end of the performance, when the artist was called for an encore, he decided to perform the song "Hope". Unexpectedly, Vladimir Putin joined him and Leontiev handed him the microphone.

In 2009, Leontiev's nominal star appeared on the "Avenue of Stars" of the Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk.

In 2015, a creative evening of Valery Leontiev took place on the New Wave in Sochi.

In 2017, Valery Leontiev will celebrate the 45th anniversary of being on stage.

Socio-political views of Valery Leontiev

In 2014, he supported Vladimir Putin's policy on Ukraine and Crimea.

In April 2017, the singer “Who would have thought that while I was finishing the concert in Volgograd, someone was adding me to the black list of performers in Ukraine. I did not plan to offend Ukrainian legislators with my visit to a reserved corner of Russia, and, of course, I will see Ukrainian fans and friends," the artist said in his commentary.

Valery Leontiev. Casanova. Let them talk

The growth of Valery Leontiev: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Valery Leontiev:

Wife - Lyudmila Isakovich, a former bass player, and now a groomer (specialist in animal care), lives in the USA.

They have been together since 1972, officially registered their relationship in 1998. Later, according to media reports, they broke up, Leontiev left his ex-wife a house in Miami. At the same time, the artist himself denied these rumors.

The singer was credited with a relationship with, Larisa Dolina,. The latter confirmed that they had an affair.

There were also many rumors that the artist has an adult daughter.

did a lot plastic surgery in order to rejuvenate one's appearance: facelifts, Botox injections, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, abdominoplasty, hip correction, etc. etc.

Valery Leontiev has repeatedly declared his tolerant attitude towards homosexuality: “As recent studies show, this is predetermined at the genetic level. In general, it seems to me that everything created by God and nature has the right to be. But if it is a sin, then, then, it means God has sinned against himself."

Filmography of Valery Leontiev:

1981 - At someone else's holiday - Oleg
1985 - Don't go, girls, get married - cameo
1985 - Insurance agent - guy in a restaurant
1991 - Psychic - Chinese

Discography of Valery Leontiev:

1983 - Muse
1984 - Dialogue
1984 - Premiere
1986 - Disco
1986 - Velvet Season
1988 - I'm just a singer
1990 - A matter of taste
1990 - Sinful way
1993 - Night
1993 - Full Moon
1994 - At the gates of the Lord
1995 - On the road to Hollywood
1998 - Santa Barbara
1999 - Rope dancer
1999 - Everyone wants to love
2001 - Augustine
2003 - Maple Leaf
2004 - Night call
2005 - I'm falling into the sky ...
2009 - Years of wandering
2011 - Artist
2014 - Love-trap
2017 - This is love

Video clips of Valery Leontiev:

1980 - There, in September
1981 - Mask
1981 - Who is to blame?
1982 - Where did the circus go
1983 - Hang gliding
1984 - Singing mime
1985 - Steamboats
1986 - Arena
1986 - Lighthouse
1986 - Horse, my horse
1987 - Dog Show
1988 - Margarita
1989 - Drawing
1990 - Santa Maria
1990 - Emelya
1990 - Black Sea
1991 - Night
1992 - At the gates of the Lord
1993 - Casanova
1994 - Confession
1995 - On the road to Hollywood
1997 - Hafanana
2000 - Eternal love
2000 - Augustine
2001 - Red cat
2001 - Adjuster
2001 - Michelle
2002 - Not like that
2003 - Night call
2004 - A mi double (with Dmitry Gordon)