Dream interpretation cards playing aces. Dream interpretation ace of hearts

Modern combined dream book

A dream in which you saw four aces of different suits- portends that you will achieve a high position in society.

Ace of the crosses- portends a difficult trip on official business.

Ace of hearts- is a sign that you are waiting for a stormy love story.

Ace of Diamonds- means that you will receive a long-awaited letter.

Ace of Spades- portends illness. The death of one of the close relatives is possible.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Ace of Cards- ascend to glory, and then descend in disgrace.

Complete dream book of the New Era

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Dream interpretation ace

When you see cards in a dream, the interpreters will advise you to prepare for deception or fun. A dream can promise some trouble, depending on what suit you saw, what you did, whether you were at your best.

Ace of Cards

When you dream not of all the cards, but of a certain suit or rank, then the vision takes on a different meaning. According to the dream book, the ace in night vision, as in life, is the card that is the most significant in rank. Thus, it will more likely promise you either success or failure.

What will the suit say

Dreamed of cards

Take a closer look at the suit, it is responsible for different aspects of the life of a sleeping person:

  • worms denote the personal sphere, love and friendship;
  • tambourines show what is happening in your business field;
  • Baptists are responsible for the material side of life;
  • peaks promise trouble, obstacles on the way, warn of difficulties.

Interpreters' predictions

The deck of cards contains 4 aces. They are of the highest value if we are talking about a deck of 36 cards.

Seeing a card in a sleeve in a dream

Because of this, the interpreters of dreams most often endow them with more power, and also believe that in general they promise success.

Longo's opinion

An ace up your sleeve means that in reality you have hidden talents that you yourself are not aware of.

Pay attention to them and try to improve.

This vision also shows that business area are you alright.

Modern interpreter

This dream book separates each card separately. The prediction will depend on what suit the ace was in your dream:

Dreaming of a diamond suit

  • club - you will be sent on a business trip, unforeseen difficulties may arise during the journey;
  • ace of spades - difficulties of the financial plan;
  • worms - new love, passion, romance;
  • tambourine - you will finally receive the news that you have been waiting for so long.

Slavic interpreter

This dream book considers aces to be negative cards. It is believed that they always promise danger, the onset of a difficult period.

Tsvetkov's prediction

I dreamed of three off-suit cards

The esoteric believed that when an ace is dreaming, it means that luck will accompany all your affairs. You will take risks that will pay off in the end.

Are there aces of all suits except for one? Then it is worth watching the interpretation of this particular card, it will be of key importance.

So, this is not enough for you to be completely successful.

Did you have such a dream? Try to remember what suit you missed:

Russian interpreter

According to this dream book, cards, aces in your hands promise you an advantage. You will always be one step ahead of your competitors.

Interpreter of Medea

The sorceress believed that the cards seen in a dream meant the onset of a favorable period when fate would give you a chance.

If you dreamed of a certain ace, then you should indicate its suit. According to the dream book, the ace of hearts means that there will be a place for romance in your life.

Seeing in a dream the main cards of all suits

Diamonds predict the beginning of a profitable business, you will take risks and succeed. Peak - there will be some difficulties along the way.

Club promises financial stability and material well-being.

Collect all aces

The most positive is the vision in which you have four aces of different suits in your hands. The dream says that you will achieve fame, high social status.

Soon there will be a chance to fully show all your talents. The dreamer will successfully do this and deserve universal admiration. Such a dream promises the favor of fate.

I dreamed of two aces

It is believed that three cards promise to make a profit, but you will have to earn this money. What prevents you from doing this can be understood by the suit of the missing card. Perhaps this is your soulmate or the inability to express yourself.

Two aces promise acquaintance with interesting person which may well become a good friend to you.

One - the prediction will depend on what kind of suit appeared before you.

Take a closer look at appearance cards. If the card was torn, then it is possible that troubles await you, various small things that will distract from the most important thing.

A soiled map always promises difficulties. If you held it in your hands, then you will be able to cope with all the obstacles, made a move with it in the game - to the right decision.

Lying on the table - guests will come to you.

Your mark:

Ace is a card that has incredible power, its presence gives the player a great advantage over rivals. Perhaps that is why dream books consider this image a symbol of success and good luck, especially if not one card is seen, but four aces at once.

What if you dream of four aces?

Why 4 aces dream, you can find out from Tsvetkov’s dream book. The interpreter believes that if all the cards were of different suits, then a white streak will come in the life of the sleeper. Moreover, luck will be present in all spheres of life without exception.

Sometimes it happens that all the dreaming cards were of the same suit. In this case, the value of this card increases several times. For example, if all four aces were spades, then the dreamer's success may turn out to be only an appearance. The time will come when the sleeper and his greed will simply be laughed at.

Aces of clubs are a sign that despite the presence of a large financial condition, the dreamer will not receive power. Therefore, all his efforts will be in vain.

The red color of the cards indicates well-being. For example, aces of hearts predict huge success in your personal life. If the dreamer has not yet had a couple, now he will definitely meet his love. family people this symbol prophesies harmony and mutual understanding.

The diamond suit in night dreams often personifies the receipt of some kind of pleasant information. And since the highest cards were seen - aces, then the news will be very important. Perhaps they will even radically change the dreamer's life.

The dream book of the healer Akulina agrees with her colleague and also believes that aces promise a good future. However, the interpreter does not consider it necessary to divide the cards into suits. In his opinion, any ace is a symbol of success, happiness and prosperity.

Loff's dream book, like his predecessors, is convinced that the ace is a good symbol. which promises victory over the enemy. If you dreamed of 4 identical cards at once, then, in addition to the abilities of the sleeping person, a pleasant coincidence of circumstances will also play into his hands. That is, fate itself helps the dreamer.

The publication of Catherine the Great interprets this image as a high position in society that the dreamer will be able to occupy. The sleeper will become an influential and respected person, but for this he will need to gather his strength and show all his talents.

The classic dream book believes that the main cards in the deck indicate a profitable business that will soon be offered to the dreamer. You should not refuse it, especially if the sleeper wants improvement financial situation.

What portends?

Medium Hasse believes that this dream is most beneficial for gambling people. The interpreter is sure that the image he sees indicates big win, which will go to the sleeper if he is not afraid of his rivals.

Russian folk dream book has his own opinion. According to him, if you dreamed of four aces of spades, it means that thanks to your abilities, the sleeper will have the opportunity to stand out from society.

The suit of hearts, as always, indicates personal life. And if the sleeping person in a dream came across four aces of hearts at once, then there will be no problems in relations with the opposite sex.

Aces of the cross portend difficult negotiations, but they will end with the victory of the dreamer. He will definitely achieve what he wants and convince his opponents of the correctness of his actions.

Aces of diamonds can represent both the receipt of very important information and a pleasant pastime with close friends. The dreamer will be able to understand what exactly awaits him intuitively, taking into account the events in his real life.

Dreaming of four aces in any dream book portends positive events. Love, happiness, getting rich and fast career- this is what awaits the dreamer in the near future. Therefore, you should not be afraid of this symbol at all.

Why dream of figures of the highest dignity from a deck of cards? The dream book will tell about this today. Aces hint in a dream that the situation will suddenly take a favorable turn and help reveal hidden talents. For a more accurate decoding, you need to take into account various nuances.

Card sign with double meaning

What are aces for anyway? On the one hand, they are associated with a profitable offer and success, on the other hand, they warn of all sorts of obstacles.

If you managed to draw the highest card in a dream, then at the right moment, show yourself from an unexpected side. In addition, in reality, an extremely risky decision has to be made.

Four cards enhance any value

As the dream book suggests: four aces promise a quick achievement of a high position literally on all fronts.

In a dream, aces of the same suit mean that a multiple improvement will occur only in a certain area.

Main stream

But do not forget what the dream book says: you dreamed of three aces or two, be sure to give an interpretation to each. For this, a general decoding of what card aces mean is useful.

  • Worms - relationships, love.
  • Tambourines - personal initiative, communication.
  • Clubs - financial position.
  • Peaks - barriers, strength.

Dreams will come true!

Why is the ace of hearts dreaming specifically? This is the most auspicious symbol, portending harmonious relationships and fidelity to loved ones.

You are destined for spiritual joy, fulfillment of desires and an exciting adventure. Sometimes worms hint at the visit of guests, friendly meetings, plentiful and pleasant feasts.

Hearts - a real gift of fate!

If this particular figure appeared in a dream, then tomorrow it will begin good period: stability, mutual understanding, health will come.

The dream book considers this sign a real gift of fate, because positive changes will happen by themselves and will not require effort from the dreamer.

Bubnovy calls to action!

Why is the ace of diamonds dreaming? Any undertakings will be successful, and there will be clear progress in current affairs.

But the ace of diamonds, the dream book insists on this, requires increased activity. Only through continuous activity can you get the desired results.

It's time to take a risk!

If you happened to see the main person a tambourine in a dream, then in real life you can safely get involved in risky adventures. It is possible that in the near future you will receive long-awaited news or money.

We must not forget that tambourines are closely connected with the spiritual development of the individual. Perhaps some search will finally be crowned with success.

Crosses promise good luck!

Why is the ace of the cross dreaming? According to the dream book, it is associated with new ideas, creative ideas, unusual undertakings.

The main representative of the club reflects not only the desire, but also the ability to achieve the goal. In fact, this is a rare opportunity, which is very undesirable to miss.

Club guarantees stability!

Although this picture is often associated exclusively with business activities and careers, the cross in a dream promises efficiency in all areas.

In general, if you dreamed of the indicated image, then you can prepare for business trips, financial independence and excellent prospects.

Get together and everything will work out!

What is the dream of the ace of spades? It is believed that after such a vision, one should expect great troubles and life difficulties. The appearance of a black "leader" warns of illness, deceit and even the death of loved ones.

But if an ace of spades was seen in a dream, the dream book is sure: it reflects the strength, courage and determination that will help you pass the test with dignity.

What else is the peak talking about?

This suit makes it clear: you need to get rid of illusions, show firmness and self-discipline, clearly focus on your goal.

Now you have a great chance to solve pressing problems literally in one fell swoop. If you are decisive, then things will move from " dead center and unbelievable prospects will open up.

The most important and interesting on the topic: "Four aces to see in a dream" with a full description.

interpretation of sleep cards aces

The Ace card seen in a dream means that luck is expected in the future, luck in business, a risk that will be justified. If in a dream you hold three Aces in your hands, then the key will be the one whose suit is missing. If the Ace of Spades is not enough, in life a business that is already considered successful may fail, and those who are too self-confident may be laughed at. The absence of the Ace of the Cross (of Clubs) will mean that, even having acquired material wealth, you will still remain weak-willed, you will not rule. If you do not observe the Ace of Hearts in your hands, you may soon be betrayed for the sake of profit, which will give you very unpleasant sensations. If there is no Ace of Diamonds among the set of aces, this may portend that material well-being You will have to achieve alone. The same dream can be a harbinger of imminent impotence.

Dream Interpretation Longo

why do aces cards dream

Ace up the sleeve - the presence of hidden talents. It can also mean that your business is very successful.

Russian dream book

cards aces according to the dream book

An ace in hand can promise an advantage over rivals.

Modern dream book

interpretation of sleep cards aces

Ace of Spades - to financial difficulties. Ace of the Cross - a business trip in which difficulties may arise. Ace of Hearts - to a passionate relationship. Ace of Tambourines is a very important and long-awaited news.

Ace is a winning card. He has the most power in the entire deck and provides a significant advantage. Therefore, the ace enters the dream book most often as a symbol of good luck and success. However, in order to find out exact value, you should remember the details of sleep.

Interpretation according to popular dream books

If you ask a question what the ace is dreaming of, in Slavic dream book, then you will find out that this is a harbinger of an imminent meeting with important person. It can be either a person you already know or a new influential acquaintance. You will enlist his support and receive some important advice.

The dream book of the healer Akulina says that the main card is dreaming as a sign of victory over competitors. You will show ingenuity and your sharp mind, which will allow you to take a leading position. If at the same time you saw all 4 aces in your hands, then in addition to your abilities, a good combination of circumstances will also play into your hands.

Catherine the Great interpreted the appearance of an ace in a dream as a symbol of a high position in society. you will become influential person, the environment will express you great honor and respect. Apparently, the queen gave meaning to the dream based on her experience, so it makes sense to trust him implicitly.

The classic Russian dream book says that the main card of the deck is dreaming as a harbinger of a profitable offer. It can be related to any area of ​​your life. There is a high probability of improving your financial situation.

Medium Hasse gives a fairly direct interpretation of sleep with an ace - in the near future you will win cards. Therefore, it is recommended to actively participate in this game of chance. This will be especially beneficial for you if the game is played for material gain.

Many people remember a specific card suit in a dream. You can find out what the ace of spades or hearts is dreaming of by referring to the Russian dream book:

  • Ace of spades - stand out in society with your abilities.
  • The ace of hearts comes to sleep if success in love affairs awaits you.
  • Ace of clubs - win in difficult negotiations.
  • Ace of diamonds - find out important information which will allow you to improve current position affairs.

Playing cards

If you played cards in a circle of friends in a dream, then you will meet with loved ones. The game was with strangers - in reality, you will have a good time with new people who can later become your true friends.

Remember that during the game you collected three aces, it means that in life you lack a significant detail in order to make a serious breakthrough. It may be some important quality, lack of money, acquaintances. Analyze your current position and understand what piece is missing for the perfect puzzle.

It is important to remember which card you covered with an ace:

  • 3 - waiting for success in an insignificant matter.
  • 10 - waiting for material well-being.
  • Jack - enlist the support of a good friend.
  • Lady - get a "shock dose" of love from the opposite sex.
  • King - you will be honored and respected by a person higher than you in status.

I dreamed of all the aces in my hands, but you could not win the cards - it means that in life you do not use your full potential. The dream book recommends that you start using your skills and tools to the maximum. This will allow you to quickly achieve success in areas that are interesting and important to you.

If you dream of the main cards of the deck in the wrong hands, in reality you are jealous of some person. Remember the proverb that the neighbor's grass is always greener. Focus on your life, and then you will be able to become a truly happy person.

During the game, you never held a single ace in your hands - in life you are missing out on profitable opportunities. Dream Interpretation recommends starting to pay close attention to all offers. Most of them will really be useful to you.

Won the game without a single ace - in reality, be smart and find an interesting way out of the situation. At the same time, others will notice your skill and in the future they will be able to offer you interesting projects on the same topic. So feel free to offer your bold ideas.

An ace may indicate a hidden talent - an ace (trump card) up your sleeve. Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo does not interpret such a dream at all. Is Ace dreaming? Share your dream. I dreamed of Ace what it means, the interpretation of sleep Ace.

Yuri Longo's dream book reads as follows:

In magic, "" is used for the purpose of mastering a powerful creative force and is used very effectively in love plots. Why do aces cards dream interpretation of sleep from dream books.

The Ace card seen in a dream means that luck is expected in the future, luck in business, a risk that will be justified. If in a dream you hold three Aces in your hands, then the key will be the one whose suit is missing. If the Ace of Spades is not enough, in life a business that is already considered successful may fail, and those who are too self-confident may be laughed at. The absence of the Ace of the Cross (of Clubs) will mean that, even having acquired material wealth, you will still remain weak-willed, you will not rule. If you do not observe the Ace of Hearts in your hands, you may soon be betrayed for the sake of profit, which will give you very unpleasant sensations. If there is no Ace of Diamonds among the set of aces, this may portend that you will have to achieve material well-being alone. The same dream can be a harbinger of imminent impotence. Imagine that you have all four aces in your hands. The competitors in card game there's just no chance.

According to Aristotle, the triad three is a sign of plurality, creative power, growth and synthesis, since through its connection with the trinity it embodies the productive male sexual energy and powerful spiritual creative power. Why dream of three aces, had a dream ace - what does it mean for you.

Dream nuances:

Summer interpreter of dreams. Three often means family, it expresses the number of luck.

Ace for what it is - you see aces of all four stripes in a dream - a dream promises you a very high position in society; you will be pleased to read an article about yourself in the encyclopedia. You see an ace of the cross in a dream - a business trip will not be easy; never accept offerings if you don't want ropes to be twisted out of you. You are holding an ace of spades in your hands - in the near future you may get sick; try to avoid spicy foods and foods that cause heartburn. You dream of an ace of hearts - your love affair will be stormy, fleeting; the memory of him will also be short; when you throw away the old notebook then forget about it completely. You are dreaming of an ace of diamonds - you will actually receive a letter that you have been waiting for a long time.

Ace - A profitable offer awaits you.

If the ace of hearts was absent in a dream, one can talk about lost emotions and even betrayal of neighbors for the sake of profit, for the sake of money.

I had a dream Ace, what is it about.

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff.

In magic, "" is used for the purpose of mastering a powerful creative force and is used very effectively in love spells.

Why does Ace dream at night in a dream.

The first number that is assigned the word "all. Ace is dreaming in a dream, what does it mean.

Why dream of Ace, dream book Ace to see in a dream what it means.

I dreamed of aces cards.

The ace of the cross (club), which you did not have in your hands in a dream, means that with all your income you will not receive power, you will remain a weak-willed person.

When copying a link to is required. Dream Interpretation Three Aces dreamed of why Three Aces dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically. dreamed of aces cards.

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