Return defective goods without a receipt. Paperwork when returning a purchase without a receipt. The main conditions under which the goods may not be accepted back

Is it possible to issue a return of goods without a check by law has long been clearly defined. Any product purchased in the event of a defective product or for any other reason can be returned.
An exchange or a refund occurs if the buyer has a check, and in his absence.

The buyer returns the money for the goods, or exchanges it for a similar one.

If the product is returned without a receipt, an application is drawn up, one of the copies of which remains with the buyer.

It contains the details of the seller, the data of the owner and his contacts. You should indicate the date of purchase, the price at which it was purchased, and what specific characteristic did not suit the buyer (shape, size, etc.).

Often it is necessary to return the money, not exchange. The best way in case of persistence of the store representative - the seller's demand for an exchange for a similar one, but which he cannot present (a product with different characteristics).

You can return a purchase in the absence of a receipt, and this is clearly stated in the law. Arriving at the store, you will need to present another document confirming the fact of purchase. One of these documents is a copy of the check stored in the cash register program and you can check the fact of purchase using the cash tape.

In the absence of documents confirming the acquisition of the thing, you should invite a witness with you or refer to the testimony of surveillance cameras.

How to set deadlines

The application must be signed and dated on the day of application. No more than 14 days must pass from the date of purchase.

A passport is required if the item is returned on the day of purchase. If the seller asks you for a passport on any other day, and you cannot present it, this will not be a reason for refusing to exchange or return.

If you were refused an exchange, but you are sure that you are right, contact the consumer rights protection society.

A number of goods by law cannot be exchanged and returned:

  • textile
  • cosmetical tools
  • medicines
  • some electrical goods and clothing
  • firearms
  • plants and animals
  • jewelry

The list is approved by law.

Return without receipt

Non-compliance with certain characteristics and quality level is a sufficient reason for its return, and you can refund money for such a purchase or exchange it if you do not have it on hand cash receipt.

When exchanging a defective product and low-quality goods, you will need to draw up a written claim, which indicates the data and the reason for the refusal to purchase. Return is carried out if the expiration date of the product and its warranty period have not expired.

When returning a defective product, the seller, at the request of the buyer, is obliged:

  1. Reimburse the full cost.
  2. Exchange for a similar one with recalculation of the payment amount.
  3. To reduce the price.
  4. Eliminate defects (in case the buyer is not going to return the product).

When refunding money for a purchase, the seller has the right to send the buyer to a service center where an examination will be carried out.

Returning a quality product is a simple procedure. A sufficient condition is the preservation of the presentation and the integrity of the package. The purchase can be returned without packaging, but not every seller will calmly accept a return without packaging, labels and tags.

Is it possible to return products, based on the law

The right to return the purchased item is confirmed federal law"Consumer Protection". You can return it within two weeks from the date of its purchase (excluding the day of purchase) and only in that point of sale where it was purchased.

Article 25 of this law stipulates that the buyer may present any document confirming the fact of purchase, i.e. not necessarily a cashier's check. Such documents include:

  • User guide
  • registration certificate
  • Other documents that contain information and record the fact of acquisition

In the absence of such documents, you can refer to the testimony of a person accompanying you at the time of purchase.



You can exchange and get money back for the goods both in case of its poor quality, and for other reasons, for example, if it turned out that the purchase did not meet your expectations.

You may be denied

The situation occurs in the following cases:

  1. When purchased during a sale or as part of a promotion (according to the law, products can still be returned under certain circumstances).
  2. Some devices - the conditions of complex technical devices (laptops, etc.) must be negotiated with the seller in advance.

It will not be possible to return goods included in the list that are not subject to exchange and return.

When returning a product of good quality, it must:

  • Keep the original presentation, in which its further sale is possible
  • Conform to its characteristics, have no damage or abrasions
  • Have packaging and proper equipment

The seller must receive the purchased product, check its completeness and fully refund the money or exchange it.

If the representative of the outlet does not want to return the goods within the period specified in the law and subject to all conditions, you should contact Rospotrebnadzor or a society that protects the rights of buyers. They will resolve the issue competently and quickly.

You will need to submit an application to the organization, indicating detailed specifications, a description of the defects and an explanation of the essence of the problem that arose with the seller. The application will be reviewed and the consumer protection organization will take further steps to resolve the dispute between the buyer and the outlet.

If such measures fail, the buyer has the right to sue the seller. The seller, in case of being wrong, tries to prevent such a situation, and the issue is resolved amicably.

Can I get a refund for an item without a receipt?

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Returning an item to the store with a receipt and a price tag is quite simple, since the law provides for the deadlines for completing such a procedure, as well as specific factors by which you can exchange or return an item.

Problems arise when you do not have a receipt for payment of a purchase. Sellers take advantage of the fact that buyers usually do not know the law, and therefore refuse to return the money.

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However, this is only possible if you provide some other proof that the purchase was made in a particular store no earlier than 14 days ago.

Rules for returning goods and receiving money

While in the store, you must draw up an application for the return of the purchased item in the presence of the seller. Be sure to indicate exactly what product you purchased, when, in which store and at what price, and also specify for what reason you want to return it (it will not be superfluous to refer to the articles of the law indicated above).

In the application, indicate your contact details, place of residence and attach a cash receipt. If the check was lost, then the sellers are required to attach a copy of it from the cash register.

If you paid for the goods in cash, you will receive the money immediately. If the payment for the purchase was made by card, then the store is obliged to return the money to your account within 10 days from the date the buyer applied with an application.

Deadlines for filing a claim

The buyer can make up or exchange goods within 2 weeks from the date of purchase. At the same time, you cannot exchange the goods on the same day when you bought it, and this day is not included in the due date.

Guarantee period

It should be especially noted that many products that belong to complex technology have guaranteed uptime. The manufacturer guarantees high quality its products. This product is required warranty card with warranty period.

Fault-free operation can be guaranteed from 1 year to 3 years. It depends on the manufacturer's confidence in the reliability of components and assemblies sophisticated technology: TV, washing machine, refrigerator. If the device breaks down during the warranty period, then without a receipt, you can hand over the goods for warranty repair.

Repair is free of charge at the expense of the manufacturer warranty period is extended. If it is impossible to repair the device, the manufacturer through its network service centers maybe replace the item with a new one. Therefore it is important that when buying in a store, a mark was made in the warranty card with the date of sale.

How to return if purchased in an online store

The procedure for returning goods from an online store is significantly different from the traditional one.

You have the right to refuse any product during delivery or within 7 days after receiving the item, without giving reasons. In addition, even underwear and cosmetics can be returned if all the necessary conditions are met.

The rule that the goods must not show traces of use remains in force. You cannot return a custom-made item, unless the reason for the return is a defective product.

Along with the product, you should receive a reminder that you can return the purchase within 7 days. If it is missing, then the return period is extended to 3 months.

The information sheet must contain the following information:

  • Seller contact details, including the return address and mode of operation;
  • A reminder that the return must be made within 7 days, as well as the need to keep the presentation of the item;
  • Detailed description of the terms and procedures for the return of money.

Saving the receipt from the consumer is not required, since you can prove the purchase in other ways:

  1. an extract from the card with which the item was paid for,
  2. email correspondence with the seller,
  3. witness's testimonies.

The seller must return the money for the returned item within 10 days. Returns can be made to bank card the buyer, by postal order at the place of his residence or in cash directly to the buyer.

Where to go if the seller does not meet the buyer halfway?

If all the conditions for returning the goods have been met, but the seller refuses to refund cash, first of all, you must write a claim with detailed description not only the product itself, but also return violations committed by the seller.

In many cases, sellers do not fulfill their obligations even after writing a claim. Then you can file a claim with the court, where the fate of the return of money will be decided.

A sample statement of claim for the protection of consumer rights to the court can be downloaded.

In addition to these drastic measures, you can use internet service"Angry Citizen" Your application will be processed, and then they will help you file a complaint with the appropriate authority and monitor the issuance and execution of the decision.

Return or exchange of goods from an ordinary procedure often turns into a real torment. It is best not to make rash purchases so that you do not have to deal with their return or exchange.

To avoid unnecessary problems when returning or exchanging goods, keep receipts and price tags of your purchases for 14 days.

How can I return an item without a receipt? Watch the video and it will become clear that there are no hopeless situations:

1. Return of goods without a receipt of proper quality.

If you are not satisfied with an item you bought in a store, the Law (Federal
Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" dated February 7, 1992 No. 2300-I) provides the right to return it. To do this, you need to contact the seller from whom the goods were purchased within 14 days, not counting the day of purchase.

The right of the consumer to return goods of good quality is realized if certain conditions are met. In particular:
- the product was not in use;
- the trade dress of the thing is preserved;
- the goods have not lost their consumer properties;
— there are seals and factory labels;
- a sales or cash receipt or other document confirming payment has been saved.

Firstly, as expressly stated in Article 25 of the Law, in addition to the usual cash or sales receipt, you can present another document confirming payment. This may be a receipt for a tear-off coupon, a receipt for a receipt cash warrant, instruction manual, duly executed technical passport, user manual, as well as other documents that contain information about the seller, the date of purchase of the product, its name and cost. Even tare and packaging elements indicating the purchase of goods from a particular seller can act as evidence when returning goods without a receipt.

Secondly, if absolutely no documents of the purchase have been preserved, you are not deprived of the opportunity to rely on witness statements. Both the person who accompanied you during shopping and the seller who remembered you can act as a witness. The latter, oddly enough, is not uncommon in practice, unless the cashiers and employees of the hall are instructed in advance by the employer to “not remember” the client.

The algorithm for returning goods of good quality without a receipt is as follows.
1. Make an application in two copies.

- In the "header" of the document, indicate the name and details of the seller (shop, individual entrepreneur). Usually such information is contained in the check, but since you do not have one, you will have to visit the outlet where you purchased the goods and clarify the information on the spot.

Also include your last name, first name, patronymic and contact details.

- In the text of the application, write when and what product was purchased, at what price. Indicate that the item did not suit you according to one of the following characteristics:

  • the form;
  • dimensions;
  • style;
  • colors;
  • size;
  • equipment.

Please note that this list is closed, so no other reasons should be given. Fortunately, at least one of the named characteristics can be found in any product, even if the reason for the return was not its inconsistency with your expectations, but, for example, it was simply a pity for the money spent.

Mention the document that confirms the fact of purchase, if you have one. If there are no documents, it is better not to write anything about this, including do not focus on the absence of a check.

- In conclusion, formulate a requirement to exchange the goods for a similar one, but differing accordingly in shape, dimensions, style, color, size or configuration. Often the consumer is not interested in the exchange at all, but (as in the case of regretting the money spent), the return of the goods with the receipt of the amount paid for it back. To achieve just such a scenario, it is enough to demand for an exchange a product of such a characteristic that the seller does not have.

- Sign the application, put the current date or the date when you are going to contact the seller directly (remember that you only have 14 days).

2. Go to the point of sale where the product was purchased. Ask to invite the person who is responsible for the return and exchange of goods (usually a merchandiser or store manager if the store is small).
If you do not have a receipt or a document confirming the purchase, bring a witness with you who will confirm the fact of purchasing the goods here. Give the seller one copy of the return statement, and ask for a receipt on the other. The receipt includes legibly specified date, position, surname, initials, signature.

As for the passport, they ask for it if you hand over the goods not on the day of purchase, because this is necessary for accounting. However, if for some reason you cannot submit this document, the seller has no right to refuse to accept the goods on this basis.

If it seems to you that the possibility of returning without a receipt is a convenient option for dishonest citizens who actually did not purchase goods at this outlet, believe that this is not so. Store employees can check the tape for the day of purchase at the checkout and find the copy of the check they have left. So the deception will immediately be revealed.

If you have met all the conditions mentioned above, the seller is obliged to exchange the goods or refund your money when the exchange is not possible. If this does not happen in reality, contact your local consumer protection society, where they will help you with the preparation of a statement of claim.

All of the above does not apply to some goods that are not subject to return and exchange, regardless of the presence or absence of a receipt from the consumer. This, for example, cosmetics and perfumes, textiles, furniture and others. The list of non-refundable goods was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55 dated January 19, 1998.

2. Return of goods of inadequate quality without a receipt.

If you purchased a product that turned out to be of poor quality, you can also return the product to the store without a receipt, while demanding:
- replacement of goods (with or without recalculation of the purchase price);
- or a refund for the purchase.

In addition, you have the right to make claims that are not related to the return of goods without a receipt:
- on the reduction of the purchase price in proportion to the identified defect;
- on the elimination of deficiencies;
- on reimbursement of expenses for the elimination of deficiencies that you made on your own or by third parties;

Paragraph 5 of Article 18 of the Law explicitly states that if the consumer does not have:
- cashier's check;
- sales receipt;
- another document certifying the fact and conditions of the purchase of goods - this circumstance cannot be a basis for refusing to satisfy the requirements mentioned above. All the same testimonies will come to the rescue.

To return goods of inadequate quality without a receipt, make a claim.

- In the "header" of the document, indicate the name and details of the seller (shop, individual entrepreneur), as well as your last name, first name, patronymic, address, telephone number. Optionally, you can specify passport data.

- In the text of the claim, write when and what product was purchased, for what amount, when and what shortcomings were identified in it. If you have any document that can confirm the fact and conditions of the purchase, refer to it. Otherwise, indicate that the receipt is lost and name the witness who was present when the goods were purchased and is ready to confirm your words.

- Formulate one of the requirements mentioned above, in accordance with Article 18 of the Law.

- Sign the claim, put the current date.

When returning an item of inadequate quality, please note the following:

- the requirement to return the goods (as well as other requirements not related to the return) must be declared before the expiration of the warranty period or expiration date. Where such periods are not fixed, within a reasonable period of time within two years from the date of sale, unless a longer period is prescribed by law or contract;

- You should contact the seller with the requirements.

About the replacement of goods with a thing of a different brand, model, article and the return of money paid for the goods, a claim can also be sent to the manufacturer or importer;
- in relation to technically complex goods, the List of which was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2011 No. 924, slightly different rules apply, which, however, do not affect the ability to return goods without a receipt.
Now you know how to return an item without a receipt. The main thing - do not lose confidence in your own rightness when negotiating with the seller. And remember that you have the Law on your side. And, as I said above, if you lack self-confidence, be sure to read the book by R. Kirranov How to become more confident in yourself in 3 months.

Volodina Anna

When purchasing a product, any buyer has the right to return it back to the store if for any reason it turned out to be unsuitable for him.

The buyer must write an application to submit it to the store administration. At the same time, he is obliged to attach to the application the goods, the cash receipt, if there is a sales receipt. He has the right to exchange the goods for a new one, similar to the handed over goods, which meets the needs of the buyer.

Why does a consumer need a cashier's check?

Many buyers are interested in the question: “is it possible to return the goods without a receipt if the allotted time has expired”? When returning goods, stores require the buyer to present a cash receipt, sales receipt. In some cases, if the buyer does not have a receipt, they are asked to provide any other document that confirms the fact of purchasing the goods from them, about making payment for it.

Although the requirements of the seller in such situations are illegal.

In practice, there are cases when the seller, at his own discretion, accepts the goods. At the same time, he returns the money taken from the buyer for the goods, but the buyer must provide evidence that it was from him that the goods were purchased.

As a rule, most buyers, when making purchases, legally demand from sellers that they give them a cash receipt. If the buyer is entity, then the check is necessary for compiling a report on the goods purchased by him for a certain amount of money.

A cash receipt for an individual who purchased any product in a store may be needed when returning the purchased product. It serves as an evidence base, saving the buyer from many hassles when returning goods that have ceased to be necessary for him or simply did not fit.

The use of a cashier's check in the field of trade

Subjects entrepreneurial activity in the field of trade, according to legislative acts, they are required to use in the sale of consumer goods. The buyer, along with the purchased goods, is given a cash receipt of a certain form, which is the primary accounting document on paper.

A cash receipt confirms the cash settlement using a payment card for the goods, contains information about it, which is registered by the cash register software and hardware.

It provides proper accounting Money when the settlement is made, so the cash receipt has significance for the seller and the buyer. Issuing a check to the buyer is the responsibility of the seller.

It contains the required details:

  • name of the goods, its cost;
  • the date of purchase by the buyer of the goods, the time of purchase;
  • serial number of the cash receipt;
  • official name of the seller, its TIN, certificate of registration;
  • serial number of KKM, affixed upon release;
  • legal address of registration of the cash register;
  • properties of the tax regime.

If you decipher the details of the details, then you can establish the validity of the purchase of goods.

In addition, the information placed on the check allows the tax service to check the seller's compliance with:

  • rules for cash transactions;
  • cash handling;
  • monitoring the amount of revenue for specific periods of time.

In addition to the required details, it is allowed to place other information, for example, advertising. Any entrepreneur engaged in trade must correctly draw up cash transactions, correctly print out a cash receipt for issuing it to the buyer. If the details are not printed clearly, then the operation of the device is suspended.


The measure of influence for non-compliance with the norms of legislative acts on the issuance of a check, a payment order by the seller is carried out in the form of a penalty, which can be replaced by a warning.

Moreover, it applies to the store administrator, if he has not previously been held administratively liable, has not committed an offense in issuing a payment order, a cash receipt identified during the audit.

How is consumer protection carried out?

Federal Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", issued in February 1992 under the number 2300-I, governs the relationship between the seller and the buyer. It protects the rights of Russian citizens by obliging sellers to accept a quality product if the buyer decides to return it for any reason. At the same time, in accordance with the instructions of the law, for the return of goods, 14 days, which are counted from the day following the day of purchase of the goods.

According to his instructions, the buyer is entitled to return the goods, regardless of its quality, but only under certain conditions.

Moreover, he has the right to return the goods without a receipt if he has not retained it in accordance with Article 18. Moreover, the absence of a cash receipt, another type of official paper certifying the fact of the commission, the circumstances under which the goods were purchased, cannot serve as a basis for the seller's refusal to satisfy the buyer's claims.

TO mandatory conditions acceptance of the goods by the seller include:

  • the purchased goods were not used for their intended purpose;
  • its presentation was not lost;
  • the product has not lost its consumer properties;
  • seals and labels on the product are not damaged.

If, for objective reasons, the buyer was unable to return the goods within the above period, and the seller does not accept it back, referring to the delay, then the buyer may file a claim with a judicial institution.

Sometimes the store goes to meet the buyer, offering him to exchange the goods, despite the expiration of the return period. In this situation, he is legally released from the performance of any obligations.

The above law provides consumer protection, so potential buyers need to study and know it in order to protect their rights. Unfortunately, the citizens of Russia do not know that they are endowed with certain opportunities as a consumer. Not everyone who lost a cashier's check Russian citizen goes to the store to return the product he doesn’t like, taking into account the after-sales service in Russian stores.

According to the instructions of the current law on consumer rights, the goods must be accepted by the seller without a receipt issued at the checkout, because it is printed in two copies. One check is given to the buyer, and the second remains in the store, so it will not be difficult to prove that it was purchased in it. the seller is obliged, upon receipt of the application, to view the cash tape to make sure that the buyer is right.

If the buyer cannot present the check, he can turn to witnesses, whose testimony is considered evidence. However, according to legal acts, not all types of goods can be returned or exchanged, including personal items, bed and underwear, pharmaceutical products, Stuffed Toys for children, goods for newborns, complex technical devices, publishing products. Full of such goods published in the same law.

If you refuse to accept the goods without a receipt, you can contact the organization "RosPotrebNadzor", "Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights" with a claim statement. It is necessary to describe in detail the characteristics of the goods, if there are defects identified after purchase, then indicate them. These organizations, having received the application, consider it, analyze the reasons and take measures to prevent violations. If the disagreement cannot be resolved peacefully, then it is resolved during the trial.

It is also possible to return goods sold at a discount or promotions, because they are not exclusive according to legislative acts.

Usually these include things that are out of fashion. They indicate that it cannot be returned or exchanged. The buyer has the right to return the goods purchased at a discount within the period prescribed by law if he changes his mind about keeping it.

Buyer's actions when making a return

How to return goods of inadequate quality without a receipt?

To return the goods without a receipt, you must submit an application to the store administration, indicating its name, details, personal data, address, contact phone number. In its content, describe the product, when it was purchased, the date, the defects of the product, the time they were discovered, and its cost. It should also be noted that the check is lost.

Often, the seller, having received an application for the return of goods for warranty service that does not meet the needs of the buyer, asks to contact the technical center to inspect the goods for a defect. If the examination confirms its non-compliance with mandatory standards, then the money is returned to the buyer or it is changed to another. but this method return is acceptable within the validity period of the warranty card. But all this must be done within the warranty period for the product.

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If a product that turned out to be of poor quality was purchased, then you can contact the seller with the requirements:

  • replace it with another product, if necessary, recalculate the cost;
  • return the money spent on it.

If the buyer has the intention to keep the goods, he may demand a reduction in its value in proportion to the detected defect, eliminate its deficiency by repairing it or reimburse the costs of eliminating the defect.

If there are witnesses who were present at the time of the purchase of the goods, you must provide information about them, but before writing the application, you must obtain their consent to confirm the fact that took place. The application must be signed, put down the date of writing.

Products without signs of marriage

Returning a quality purchase is much easier. The law states that the buyer has the right to return the purchased goods within the approved period certain reasons, such as did not fit the buyer in size, he is not satisfied with the color, style, shape, dimensions.

But in this case, the condition must be met - it must not be damaged by the buyer.

As for the exchange of goods in the absence of a receipt, the buyer is obliged to provide evidence of the purchase of it in the store to which he applied.

In this situation, he can present:

  • warranty card;
  • barcode on the product packaging;
  • witness's testimonies.

The buyer can receive the funds spent for the purchase of the goods by presenting a cash receipt, which is the basis of the transaction. The way out of this situation may be a duplicate that the seller has left.

Important nuances

Return of goods that do not correspond to the qualities presented by the manufacturer can be carried out:

  • before the end of the warranty period;
  • before the expiration date.

If the terms for both items are not approved, then you can return it within two years from the date of its sale. The buyer has the right to address both the seller and the manufacturer. If other terms are established by legislative acts or the purchase agreement during their duration.

It is quite acceptable to replace the product with another one that has a different brand, model, article or return the costs if it is included in the approved by the Government Russian Federation scroll. This provision has been in effect since November 2011.

If the product has a quality that meets all the requirements, then the seller will try to exchange it without returning the money. In this case, the buyer who wants to return his money must demand a similar product. You need to know that the law has endowed the buyer with the rights by which he can return almost any product without a receipt.

When buying most goods, buyers have the right to change their mind and exchange, return them if for some reason they did not fit or turned out to be of inadequate quality. To do this, an appropriate application is submitted to the administration of the store, to which a sales receipt is attached. At the same time, many consumers are wondering if a receipt is needed when returning a purchased product or is it not required.

Most stores require a receipt when returning goods, this is known to almost everyone. It is for this reason that many refuse to return the idea if there is no receipt or it is lost. But you should be aware of your rights: there is a law in Russia, the articles of which are aimed at protecting consumer rights. This also includes the right of citizens to return the goods if a person has lost a check. In such a situation, another document may be used instead of a receipt as proof that the purchase was made in a particular store.

The fact that a receipt can easily get lost, especially when a person does not initially plan to refuse a purchase, is a common thing. For this reason, some stores offer refunds without any problems, but there are exceptions. In judicial practice, there are many cases when a consumer demands a refund through a lawsuit.

How to return goods without a receipt and what rights they have individuals, we will consider further.

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Is it possible to return an item without a receipt?

Since the answer to the question of whether it is possible to return goods without a receipt almost always has a positive answer, the population should know more about this exclusive right. In Russia, the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" was approved back in 1992, changing and supplementing to this day. According to the data legal act returning goods without a receipt issued by the seller is a common practice, provided that you necessarily have any other evidence that you made a purchase from the person from whom you are demanding money back. Whether the return is made due to the quality of the purchased item or for other reasons, it does not matter, but the time when a legal return can be made is limited.

The law obliges sellers to accept back even high-quality goods without any flaws. The buyer must process the return within fourteen days from the date of purchase, and a receipt is not required.

When presenting an object for return, certain conditions must be met in order for the seller to accept it. Regardless of whether you have a receipt or not, an application is submitted to the store stating:

  • Its full name and address;
  • Information about the buyer (last name, first name, patronymic, residential address, telephone numbers);
  • List of things purchased in this store (name, model, quantity, price, other key characteristics);
  • Date of purchase;
  • Reason for return;
  • If the thing did not fit because of the quality, you need to indicate what and when the flaws were identified in it;
  • The fact that the buyer lost the check;
  • Date of application and signature of the applicant.

If you have witnesses to the purchase, they are also mentioned in the application. But only if these people agree, if necessary, to confirm your words.

Conditions that the buyer must comply with in order to return the purchase:

Based on the foregoing, you can see why the buyer needs a check in the first place - so that without problems and in as soon as possible exercise your rights to return the purchase. Otherwise, if the store is extremely reluctant to negotiate with you, you will have to spend time proving that the item was bought from him.

How to confirm the fact of purchase without a receipt

On the legal side, a check as a document serves as confirmation of the conclusion between the parties of the contract of sale, and this is exactly what it is for. In order to return the purchased goods, knowing whether it is realistic to do this in your case, other evidence of the transaction between the parties is required. Not all stores can restore a receipt, although most have cash registers and books, video surveillance, computer base. Since the check was lost through no fault of the seller, in order to return the goods, the buyer should take care of the proof of purchase himself.

Article 493 Civil Code Russian Federation, if the receipt is not preserved, the thing can be returned on the basis of other documents confirming the fact that the contract of sale was concluded. These documents include:

  • Operating documentation with a note on payment;
  • Warranty cards;
  • Commodity accounts;
  • Marks in the passport for the purchased item.

Considering whether it will be possible to return the purchased item without a receipt, the evidence of the purchase is the testimony of witnesses, the conclusions of the warranty service workshop. It is important to keep copies of complaints sent to the store, with marks of their acceptance, as well as official, written responses to them.

When the reason for the return of the goods is its inadequate quality, which caused losses for the buyer, their presence must also be documented. The absence of a check or receipt does not have the right to serve as a reason for refusal to the consumer, but all the money spent on proving the transaction lies precisely on the latter.

When it comes to going to court, it is often possible to restore the check if it has not survived. Whether there will be grounds for returning the goods and your money through the court depends on the seller.

Under what conditions can the goods not be accepted back

It is the legal right of consumers to return a purchase after its actual purchase, whether it is an exchange for another similar object or a full refund, it does not matter. You can issue a return without a receipt or with a cash receipt, but in the absence of proof of purchase, the return of goods is not possible. But each of the consumers must know that in addition to the conditions mentioned above for refusing to purchase, there is a list of things that the store does not legally accept back, which will be discussed a little later.

As for the conditions themselves, when there is actually no possibility to return the goods without a receipt, whether there are good reasons for this or not, the thing will not be accepted when:

  • It belongs to the non-refundable category;
  • 14 days have passed from the date of purchase;
  • When returning the applicant, he was unable to present either a receipt for the goods or other evidence of its purchase in this store;
  • The buyer presented proof of purchase, but the thing itself has lost its presentation, there are defects after unpacking.

When asked whether it is necessary to comply with each item listed above, the answer is unequivocally “Yes”. If the object does not pass at least one of them, the money will not be returned to you and the object will not be exchanged.

Otherwise, if all the conditions are met by the buyer, the goods will be accepted immediately without a receipt. Whether there will be complications in this process largely depends not only on the seller, but also on you. If you do not hesitate with a claim, you approach its preparation, contacting the store competently, the administration will have no reason to refuse you, which means that you can not be afraid of a conflict.

What purchased items cannot be returned or exchanged

On the question of how to return the product you purchased if there is no receipt for it, but almost immediately after the purchase you were disappointed in it, it is important to know one nuance. It lies in the fact that not all things are legally accepted back.

Before returning the purchased item back to the store, regardless of whether you have a receipt, make sure that it does not belong to the list of non-returnable objects. These include:

This list is quite extensive and is approved by government Decree No. 55 in latest edition from 2016. With one caveat: this applies to goods of exactly the right quality. Returning defective items from the same list, even if the receipt is lost, is real. But a person who has lost a cash receipt must prove that the thing was not damaged by him. How to do this depends on the circumstances and the type of product purchased.

That is why it is so important when purchasing something expensive to always take into account all the nuances of how to return an item to the store without a receipt or with it, just in case. In order not to waste your time in vain, before you go to write an application to return the purchased item without a check, prepare the maximum possible package of documents that will testify in your favor.

It is also worth paying attention to what exactly the law is guided by in such matters as returning money for goods without a saved check and when they are returned.

Rights of a buyer who has lost a cash receipt

Most full information about the return without a receipt at the request of the buyer, as well as the rules for returning goods without a receipt, you can find out the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights". First of all, this is his article 25, which clearly fixes the right of citizens to return goods to the store if they are of inadequate quality. Is it possible to make an exchange or return your money without a check, the answers to these questions are also regulated by the government. The absence of a check does not give the seller the right to refuse the consumer if he wants to return a defective item or return an item that did not fit him in terms of size, style, color, configuration, size. This is fixed in the first paragraph of Article 25.

Everyone who asks a question like “Can I return the goods without a check?” Should first of all refer not to the opinion of their environment and not to personal guesses, but to what is provided for by law. A receipt is not the only reason to return a product that does not suit you.

The consumer protection law, in particular article 18, describes what rights the buyer has if he finds defects in the goods that he intends to return, without a receipt or with a receipt - it does not matter. In the case where the store ignores the law and the rights of the buyer and consumer, refusing to accept the return of the purchased item without a previously issued check, you should pay attention to the LOCA, article 17. It describes the procedure for protecting the interests of the consumer in court. Knowing that it is possible to return the goods without a check issued by the store, the claim is filed at the place of residence of the plaintiff or the location of the store.

When a consumer demands an exchange of goods without a receipt instead of a return, the seller is obliged to exchange the item, even if he does not currently have the desired model. This rule is fixed in the law by article 21. In turn, article 22 reflects the timeframe in which the seller must invest in order to return the money for the goods. Is it possible to demand compensation for losses incurred through the fault of the store without a cash receipt, also explains article 22.

Since the absence of a receipt is not a basis for refusing to return the goods, if this product does not belong to the category of non-returnable items, the law is entirely on the side of the consumer. Therefore, referring to the same law, you can safely apply to the store for the return of goods without a receipt, protecting your rights. As shows arbitrage practice, the rights of consumers to return money, even in the absence of a check, are almost always defended in court, so it is absolutely unprofitable for sellers to bend their line, adding to the violations also the costs associated with the court. It is important that the returned goods have the original presentation, the only way you can get your money back even without a check. Whether this applies to your situation is up to you to analyze.

If the seller does not meet the buyer

Faced with the refusal of the store to accept the item purchased from them and return the money to you, you must submit an application for consumer protection to Rospotrebnadzor or the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights. But before such a step is taken, make sure that it is possible to return your product, all things considered. This is important regardless of the presence or absence of a check.

It is important to make copies of all claims that were submitted to the seller, with a note of their acceptance, as well as copies of written responses. A sample claim for the return of your goods without a receipt can be found online or directly at the place of application, since in any case you will need the exact details of the seller. All available evidence that the item was purchased in this store must be attached to Rospotrebnadzor.

Return of purchased goods sales receipt usually significantly limits the seller's ability to avoid liability, while if it is lost, the consumer will have to actively fight for his rights. Precisely because the population knows very little about these rights, many entrepreneurs and even civil servants violate them without fear of being held accountable.

The task of Rospotrebnadzor is to consider the application received, to establish whether it is possible in your case to return the goods, take into account all the accompanying circumstances and fix the offense on the part of the seller. If you do not have a cash receipt, make sure that you hand over the maximum possible amount of documentary evidence in your favor along with the application to Rospotrebnadzor.

Deadlines for filing a claim

The specified period for the return of money and the purchased item to the store, in accordance with the law, both with a check and without a cash receipt, is two weeks from the date of purchase. In the event that the expiration date of this period falls on a weekend, non-working, holiday, it is transferred to the next working day after the weekend.

If you do not have a receipt issued with the purchase, you can return both the goods and the money only in the same store where the purchase was made. Will manufacturers and importers be responsible for the identified defect, expiration date, if this was the reason for the return? No, they will not do. All questions you decide only with the store.

Whether it is possible to do without writing a claim depends on the seller. Before you hand over the goods to the store, even with a check, even without, talk about the possibility of a replacement. If you have never rented things in this way before, do not rush to take drastic measures right away.

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