Aerial reconnaissance. Chapter IV Aerial reconnaissance Conducting reconnaissance in defense

Data on enemy positions is extremely important for effective combat operations. One of the ways to obtain such information is artillery reconnaissance, the emblem of which (a sight, two guns and bat) reflects the secrecy and effectiveness of the actions of this type of troops. The actions of such units are extremely important in both offensive and defensive conditions, and there are many reasons for this.

The essence of the process

This type of intelligence is necessary for accurate operation of artillery in combat conditions. Therefore, intelligence officers are tasked with obtaining and processing information about the enemy himself and the area where he is located.

Important is information about the main targets, which include control points, base camps, as well as resistance nodes and strongholds that form defensive lines. The positions of fire weapons are not left without attention. We are talking about mortars, combat vehicles, tanks, guns, concentrations of transport, columns of armored vehicles and vehicles, as well as regular formations and individual groups of infantry.

The control and artillery reconnaissance battery can fully operate once the network is deployed observation points and posts at which to receive necessary information radar and sound techniques are used. In addition, object detection devices can be used, as well as reconnaissance teams.

As a result, after completing the work described above, which is what artillery reconnaissance implies, it will become possible to conduct accurate fire, making it possible to destroy obstacles, obstructions and enemy positions in general.

The importance of intelligence

Gun fire can be considered effective only when it is directed at specific actual targets on enemy territory. Using this principle, it is possible to significantly slow down enemy troops during an offensive, destroying firing points and resistance nodes. If the enemy goes on the defensive, then the artillery must accurately work on the firing positions and attacking enemy units that pose the greatest threat.

To implement such combat schemes, artillery reconnaissance assets are simply necessary.

When not only the targets for firing guns, but also their activity, nature and significance are determined in a short time, then maximum damage will be caused to enemy troops.

Artillery reconnaissance structure

It is worth repeating once again the fact that artillery will not be able to operate normally without AR. And in order for the guns to fire accurately and hit current targets, various reconnaissance units are used that use air and ground resources. Here are the types used technical means need special attention. They are divided into the following types:

  • optical-electronic reconnaissance;
  • radio engineering;
  • sound;
  • optical;
  • radar.

In the case of optical-electronic reconnaissance (this also includes optical reconnaissance), units of artillery and reconnaissance units, command control vehicles and points where there is access to all data from various sources. The optical method of obtaining information is aimed at revealing all enemy control points, as well as positions, the position of the front line, firing points, strong points, areas where manpower and tanks are located. The basis for the successful operation of heavy guns and not only this is precisely this kind of artillery reconnaissance. Photos obtained using optics make it possible to study in detail the location of the enemy and make effective plan offensive or defensive.

To conduct sound reconnaissance, special platoons and batteries are used that use sound measuring systems. The tasks are to identify and record the coordinates of the positions of the batteries firing, as well as mortars, rocket launchers and field artillery.

Radar reconnaissance is carried out using the appropriate equipment necessary to detect enemy starting (firing) positions and ground moving targets. At the same time, the speed of movement is determined and maintenance of the firing of its own artillery is performed.

Platoons are engaged in detecting and recording the exact coordinates and characteristics of active enemy radar stations. Moreover, the operation of these objects is monitored, target designation and subsequent monitoring of the results of the fire of their own guns are carried out.

AR organization

There are a number of key principles on which artillery reconnaissance management is built. They underlie efficient work heavy, light and infantry guns.

The decision of the combined arms commander is determined as the starting point for the process of organizing artillery work.

So, the AR management process itself includes the following elements:

  • identification of all relevant goals and key tasks intelligence;
  • drawing up a procedure for obtaining the necessary information;
  • submitting applications to the headquarters above and setting tasks for performers;
  • the process of withdrawal and deployment of intelligence units;
  • practical work as part of the preparation;
  • control of readiness for active actions and provision of assistance if necessary.

The organization of artillery reconnaissance begins from the moment the main combat mission is brought to the attention of the command.


Artillery reconnaissance, within the framework of certain processes, is focused on performing various current tasks. They look like this:

  • On the approach to the desired positions, before the deployment of the side or lead detachments begins, it is necessary to identify paths along which artillery can easily pass.
  • After the forward guard units deploy into battle formation, using intelligence data to ensure the hidden and rapid distribution of guns to those positions that will guarantee maximum fire support for their own troops, minimizing the degree of damage from enemy strikes. To do this, the artillery reconnaissance department must find observation posts that allow them to determine the location of enemy troops and organize high-quality observation of both the movements of the enemy and the maneuvers of their own units. After this, constant surveillance is established in the found and occupied reconnaissance positions.

  • Determining the most successful positions for your guns and identifying paths that will allow you to carry out the necessary maneuvers with the greatest degree of secrecy.
  • After completing the work described above, the artillery takes the previously determined positions. Monitoring of enemy troops and our own does not stop.
  • The next task is to find additional observation points that will allow us to identify new enemy units or assess the positions of troops during the battle, coordinating fire.
  • Once all the objectives described above have been achieved, artillery reconnaissance continues to look for firing positions, as well as hidden paths leading to them, which may become necessary in the event of movement.

Naturally, all actions must be accompanied by constant communication.

Intelligence objects

As mentioned above, AR is focused on collecting data about the enemy. For a more efficient search necessary information The military initially sets the task of identifying priority targets in territory occupied by the enemy. We are talking about the following ground targets:

  • anti-aircraft and field artillery, as well as tactical and control elements;
  • fortifications of the area, barriers and structures;
  • anti-aircraft, rocket and mortar platoons, as well as specific batteries;
  • individual firepower and companies of motorized infantry, tank and other troops;
  • helicopters, for which advanced landing sites were chosen;
  • points intended for the control of weapons, brigades, battalions and other units equal to them;
  • separate landing craft, ships and transport vessels.

Artillery reconnaissance reveals all these objects. An autopsy should initially be understood as the detection, and then the recognition and determination of the coordinates of key targets of destruction.

It is also necessary to constantly assess the nature of AR objects, which may change periodically. The degree of detail of goals may also change.

How is reconnaissance carried out by a battery?

Within AR, a division (battery) plays an active role. And to use it, there is a certain algorithm of actions based on a number of necessary tasks.

First of all, we are talking about the purpose of the reconnaissance strip and the definition of the area within its boundaries special attention. The identification of this sector is carried out in full accordance with the task assigned to the division and the capabilities that the intelligence staff has.

The Artillery Reconnaissance Battery uses the area of ​​special attention mentioned above to concentrate assets and efforts in areas where important targets are likely to be located. The size of such a sector may be limited by the capabilities of the divisions.

As for reconnaissance targets, efforts to identify them are most relevant when conducting combat in an urban environment or in the event that it is necessary to organize a breakthrough of a fortified area. Working with specific objects is also relevant in the case of preparing an offensive, the main goal of which is to quickly obtain information about carefully camouflaged enemy structures and specific weapons located in them.

The direction of reconnaissance is necessary in cases where there is an oncoming battle, a retreating enemy is being pursued, or an offensive is developing in the depths of the enemy’s defense.

How is AP conducted on the offensive?

In such actions, the main resources are concentrated in the direction corresponding to the main attack and the breakthrough areas determined in advance, as well as their flanks.

In this case, the control and artillery reconnaissance battery tasks the units with identifying the following elements:

  • coordinates precision weapons, nuclear attack weapons and areas of their location;
  • the grouping and composition of the enemy on the flanks and in one’s own zone, and, if possible, the enemy’s strategy of action is determined;
  • character water barriers in the direction of movement of own troops within the framework of the offensive and the cross-country ability of the terrain as a whole;
  • coordinates of control points for weapons, troops and radio-electronic equipment;
  • outlines of the front edge, location of fire weapons, features of anti-tank equipment, terrain engineering equipment, as well as a system of obstacles and fire;
  • Army aviation landing sites and home airfields.

When organizing an offensive and supporting it with artillery resources, all commanders must personally observe the results of gun fire (heavy, medium, infantry), the actions and position of units of their own troops, especially those that fire at objects under battery fire.

During the offensive, the basic resources available to the artillery reconnaissance platoon are used to perform the following tasks:

  • at the right time, the promotion and deployment of reserves for counterattacks, as well as second echelons;
  • artillery reconnaissance also identifies those that have retained their combat effectiveness and new targets, among which the highest priority are anti-tank weapons, mortar and artillery batteries.

As for the movement of artillery weapons during an offensive, it is carried out in such a way that close interaction with military units and the process of firing itself remain continuous.

Conducting reconnaissance in defense

When troops have to defend themselves, artillery reconnaissance units first of all obtain information about those enemy targets that are on the approaches. The same algorithm is used in the case of infiltrating the enemy into the defense and repelling his attack.

In such conditions, the main resources of the AR are aimed at opening the following elements of the enemy troops:

  • control points;
  • mortar and artillery platoons;
  • radio-electronic means;
  • motorized infantry units and tank columns located on advance routes, deployment lines and subsequent transition to attack.

When the enemy takes active actions, AR determines the coordinates of advanced enemy objects, especially heavy equipment. Maintenance of firing of guns at targets detected earlier is also carried out.

If the enemy advances, then the artillery reconnaissance stations, after permission from the commander, are withdrawn to positions that have been previously prepared. Such actions are also carried out in the case of the introduction of enemy forces into the defense.

When artillery supports its own defenders, it first clarifies the current tasks, and then concentrates the efforts of all artillery units on the following goals:

  • identification of enemy radar equipment and control points;
  • fixing the approach of reserves to the wedging area;
  • determining whether enemy artillery has been moved to new positions;
  • obtaining information about the direction of the enemy’s attack and the coordinates of objects that managed to penetrate.

If counterattack actions are carried out, then the priority for the AR is to open those objects that will need to be neutralized first. Otherwise, the algorithm of reconnaissance actions during a counterattack remains the same as during an offensive.

Unmasking signs

Artillery reconnaissance, whose emblem has long earned respect, uses a number of proven methods to identify active guns and mortars, among others. Artillery firing is detected by the following signs:

  • dust that rises within the firing position after the shot is completed (provided that the ground is dry);
  • the sound of gunfire and shine;
  • smoke rising after a shot from a hidden weapon, taking the form of translucent clouds and rings.

If observation is carried out at night, then enemy positions can be determined by the short glare resulting from the emission of flame from guns that do not have a flash suppressor installed. As for sound, a shot can be heard at a distance of 15 km, moving artillery makes itself felt 2 km or 3 km (highway).

As for detecting mortars, this is not an easy task. The point is that they do not have pronounced unmasking features and are installed in trenches, hollows, large craters and other places that are difficult to see. To open such positions, observation of smoke after firing, short flashes and sound are used.


It is obvious that the effective destruction of enemy positions with the help of heavy and medium guns is largely ensured by artillery reconnaissance. The chevron of this type of troops is associated with accuracy, quick completion of tasks and high professionalism. This is not surprising, because in a real battle, the intelligence obtained by such units allows one to quickly neutralize the enemy and protect one’s own positions.

In the general complex of measures aimed at preparing the armed forces for new aggressive wars, the commands of the armies of the main capitalist states assign a large place to the organization of tactical aerial reconnaissance in the theater of operations, on the results of which, in their opinion, the success of the military operations of the troops will largely depend. Aerial reconnaissance conducted in the interests of all branches of the armed forces. In particular, it is designed to provide the Air Force command with the necessary data to solve problems of gaining air superiority, isolating the combat area and providing close air support to ground forces.

Tactical air reconnaissance efforts in gaining air superiority are intended to be directed primarily at identifying the airfield network, especially airfields and dispersal sites, as well as missile defense positions and control posts.

When isolating a combat area, the main aerial reconnaissance targets include reserves in concentration areas and on the move, highway junctions and railway stations, bridges, crossings, command posts and communications centers of formations and associations, warehouses and supply bases.

Especially great stress, as foreign military experts believe, will be required from the crews of reconnaissance aircraft when providing direct air support to ground forces, since ground fighting will be characterized by transience and be carried out over large spaces at any meteorological conditions. In this case, aviation must first identify the positions of troops, areas of their concentration, launchers tactical missiles, command posts and radio control equipment located in combat formations of troops.

The main task of aerial reconnaissance in theaters of operations, as noted by foreign military experts, is to timely detect the location of carriers nuclear weapons and nuclear ammunition depots.

It is believed that data obtained by aerial reconnaissance must be reliable and fully reflect the rapidly changing situation on the battlefield. Therefore, not only specially equipped, but also all combat aircraft are used to conduct it.

Tactical reconnaissance officers carry a greater burden of uncovering objects in the enemy’s tactical depths. For example, in recent years war of aggression in Vietnam from total number of sorties carried out by American aviation for the purpose of reconnaissance of the territory of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, 97% were tactical reconnaissance aircraft (RF-4C, RF-101 and others), 1%. - for unmanned aircraft and 2% - for strategic aircraft (U-2, ). The reconnaissance crews had to not only find the object, identify it and establish coordinates, but also determine how and from what directions it would be safer and more convenient to approach it.

Depending on the tasks and on whose interests the aerial reconnaissance is being conducted, its depth will vary. The foreign press reported that the depth of tactical reconnaissance for a field army is 300-100 km, an army corps - 100 km, and a division - 40 km.

To conduct tactical air reconnaissance, the US and French Air Forces have reconnaissance aviation wings (squadrons), consisting of two or three aviation squadrons of 15-18 aircraft each, and in other countries - reconnaissance squadrons. The US Air Force has formed a squadron of unmanned reconnaissance and jammer aircraft launched from the DC-130 mother aircraft. Reconnaissance aviation squadrons can independently solve aerial reconnaissance missions in a theater of operations.

Organization of air reconnaissance control in the theater of operations

Management of the actions of reconnaissance aviation in the theater of operations in the US Air Force is carried out through the tactical aviation control system, the main bodies of which are the tactical aviation control center, which is part of the command post of the commander of the Air Force in the theater of operations, and the direct air support center, created at the combat operations control center of the army corps or field army. Aerial reconnaissance operations are carried out on the basis of planned or urgent requests.

At the tactical aviation control center there are officers who plan actions and organize flights of reconnaissance aircraft. Here, on the basis of approved applications, detailed planning of reconnaissance aircraft sorties for the next day takes place according to planned requests that come from ground forces battalions through intelligence officers of divisions, corps and field armies. Each subsequent supervisor can approve or cancel the application. According to foreign press reports, during the Vietnam War, planned requests were implemented 4 hours or more after their receipt. They made up 3/4 of all applications.

Air intelligence officers at the close air support center are tasked with summarizing urgent requests. The latter, without coordination with higher authorities, are transmitted over tactical aviation control radio networks by Air Force liaison officers located in tactical aviation control commands or by forward air gunners. Having examined the application, the direct aviation support center reports this to the tactical aviation control center, and then calls reconnaissance aircraft through the command post of aviation units and subunits. Based on the experience of combat operations in Southeast Asia, urgent requests were carried out within 2-2.5 hours when aircraft took off from airfields and after 15 minutes. when calling a scout from a duty position in the zone.

According to foreign press, reconnaissance can be carried out by the following aircraft: single aircraft, part of strike groups, specially covered from the air. The first ones, as a rule, are sent to areas with weak air defense. They photograph the area from medium to high altitudes. The latter are intended for photographing objects after bomb attacks have been carried out on them. Reconnaissance aircraft, specially covered from the air, target objects with strong air defense.

The guidance of aircraft crews on routes is carried out through control and warning centers, observation and warning posts, as well as through forward aircraft gunners. The pilots are given information about the facility's air defense system, attacks by enemy fighters, weather changes, the location of the film release point, the actions of their aircraft in the reconnaissance area, etc.

Preparation for conducting aerial reconnaissance on the theater of operations

Preparation for conducting aerial reconnaissance in a squadron begins with receiving an order from the air wing command post. Based on it, the squadron commander gives appropriate instructions to the operational officer and photo reconnaissance officer.

The operational officer, who controls the calculation of the required fuel supply and the time of transmission of reconnaissance reports, determines the order of travel to the target, routes and time to reach the target, the conditions of radio exchange, those responsible for communication at the stages of the flight, and, if necessary, indicates the methods of interaction between reconnaissance officers and cover fighters.

Crews assigned to the mission begin preparing a flight plan. The route to the reconnaissance facility is selected taking into account covert access to it and bypassing areas covered by air defense systems. It is plotted on a map on which control landmarks are clearly visible. If necessary, the plan indicates the area for refueling aircraft in the air on the way back. If a reconnaissance aircraft must go on a mission together with a strike group, then the place, time and altitude of their meeting is recorded. When reconnaissance of targets with a strong air defense system, the plan reflects issues of interaction with the cover group.

Photo reconnaissance officer together with specialists radio-electronic equipment in accordance with the task and the weather, selects the type of ADF, the amount of film, filters and shooting intervals.

During pre-flight preparation, which can last up to 1.5 hours, the crews are briefed. The squadron commander clarifies the task and explains it. The intelligence officer familiarizes the crews with the target's credentials (if they have not learned them during preliminary preparation), then informs pilots about enemy air defense systems on the route and in the target area, recommends tactical techniques for overcoming them, names particularly noticeable visual landmarks and explains the camouflage of enemy objects. He also brings to the attention of the crews (in case they find themselves on enemy territory for some reason) the possible attitude of the population towards them, how to avoid capture and what to do during rescue.

The photo reconnaissance officer instructs the crews on the procedure for using the AFA, indicating the number of photographs that can be taken with each device and the reference points for the start of photographing.

Signal intelligence officer from the squadron maintenance resembles the operating modes of the equipment, the moments of its switching on and off, and the features of identifying radiation sources on on-board indicators.

The meteorological officer familiarizes the crew with the weather forecast along the route and in the target area.

Crews who have previously flown in a given area are specially invited to attend the briefing.

At the end of the briefing, the crews clarify flight routes to and from targets, time to fly over control landmarks and approach targets, and alternate routes in case of weather changes or unexpectedly strong opposition from enemy air defense forces.

After completing the task, the plane is met by the duty team, which removes cassettes of photographic film and delivers them to the darkroom. Here, the still wet film is reviewed by codebreakers for a preliminary assessment and preparation of an urgent report. In addition, the crew commander presents a report on the results of visual observation. When specified objects are detected on the film, it is sent to the photo reconnaissance technical squadron of the reconnaissance aviation wing. If objects are not detected, then the issue of a second flight is decided. In the photo reconnaissance technical squadron, the film is deciphered more carefully.

Foreign experts believe that the time spent on decoding the film is still long. Therefore, people abroad are trying to gain information about the enemy from an airplane. The value of such information lies in its timeliness and reliability, since the aircraft crew can transmit it within 3-5 minutes after detecting the object. All authorities interested in receiving them can simultaneously receive data about the target. During the Vietnam War, as the foreign press reported, the American command received more than 2/3 of the data on moving objects via radio from reconnaissance aircraft.

Rice. 1. RF-4C 2 reconnaissance aircraft

The capabilities of reconnaissance aircraft to survey terrain are determined visually by the tactical and technical characteristics of the onboard equipment.

Judging by foreign press reports, the main tactical reconnaissance aircraft in the air forces of the main capitalist countries is the RF-4C Phantom 2 (Fig. 1). Crew: two people. It is equipped with modern reconnaissance equipment. Its capabilities when shooting terrain from a height of 100 m are shown in Fig. 2. As you gain altitude, the area covered by photography increases.

Rice. 2. Strips of terrain captured by the reconnaissance equipment of the RF-4C aircraft during its flight at an altitude of 100 m: 1, 2 and 3 - AFA of forward, perspective and planned surveys; 4, 5 - IR and laser equipment; 6 - side-view radar, which films the terrain on both sides of the aircraft; 7 - range of electronic reconnaissance equipment

Television reconnaissance equipment is not installed on Phantom aircraft. This is explained by its poor noise immunity. However, it is used on unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. It was reported that it is planned to be used in conjunction with infrared surveillance equipment.

Thus, as can be judged by the data published in the foreign press, the conduct of tactical aerial reconnaissance in the theater of operations is given paramount importance in the armed forces of NATO countries. It is organized taking into account the use of all combat aircraft and the fastest transfer of data about the enemy to commanders.

Aerial photograph, 1889.

Aviation photography with French plane, 1916.

Aerial reconnaissance(aviation reconnaissance, aerial reconnaissance) - one of the types of military reconnaissance carried out from the air, from (using) aircraft.


Tactical air reconnaissance is conducted in the interests of the command of formations and units of branches of the armed forces and branches of the armed forces in order to provide them with intelligence data necessary for organizing and conducting combat. The main efforts of tactical air reconnaissance are concentrated on objects located on the battlefield and in tactical depth.

The main methods of conducting aerial reconnaissance are:

  • visual observation,
  • aerial photography and
  • reconnaissance using electronic means.

The choice of method for conducting aerial reconnaissance depends on the task being performed, the type of aircraft and its reconnaissance equipment, enemy counteraction, time of day and meteorological conditions.

Visual observation carried out with the naked eye or with the help of optical instruments. It allows you to quickly survey large areas, obtain general data about the enemy group and actions, about objects, study the terrain and weather, immediately summarize and transmit the obtained intelligence data from the aircraft to the command.

Aerial photo reconnaissance carried out using day and night aerial cameras (planning, perspective, panoramic). It provides the most complete, reliable and accurate data about enemy troops, objects and terrain.

Aerial reconnaissance using electronic means is divided into

  • radio-,
  • radio engineering,
  • radar,
  • television

For radio intelligence Aircraft radio receivers are used to reveal the content of enemy radio transmissions, determine the composition and location of his forces, and obtain data about their activities and intentions.

At electronic intelligence Direction-finding receivers are used to determine the basic technical parameters of the operation of enemy radar and radio-television control equipment, as well as their location. It can be carried out in any weather conditions, day or night.

Radar reconnaissance is carried out using aircraft radars, which make it possible to detect radar-contrasting objects, obtain photographs of radar images of objects and terrain, and reveal enemy radar camouflage measures.

Television intelligence carried out using television systems that include an aircraft transmitting and ground receiving station, which make it possible to monitor the objects and actions of enemy troops and friendly troops. Many countries are also implementing

Conducting aerial reconnaissance in Operation Desert Storm

Colonel V. Palagin,
captain A. Kaishauri

One of the key places in ensuring the preparation and conduct of the air offensive campaign and air-ground operation of the multinational forces (MNF) against Iraq (January 17 - February 28, 1991) was occupied by aerial reconnaissance. At the stage of strategic deployment and preparation of the armed forces of the United States and its allies for combat operations, the main efforts were concentrated on monitoring the progress of the operational deployment of the Iraqi armed forces, collecting and processing data on military facilities in the territories of Iraq and Kuwait for the purpose of planning missile and bomb strikes and electronic warfare. suppression, as well as ensuring the implementation of measures to control the naval blockade in the Persian Gulf. With the outbreak of hostilities, reconnaissance missions were refocused on assessing the results of missile and bomb strikes, identifying new targets for destruction, primarily mobile operational-tactical missiles (OTR)<Скад>, monitoring the movements of Iraqi troops and aviation, control airspace, primarily for the purpose of detecting Iraqi missile launches.
In solving these problems, along with space forces and means (satellites: optical-electronic reconnaissance satellites KN-11, radar -<Лакросс>, radio and radio engineering -<Феррет>, <Шале>, <Аквакейд>) took part reconnaissance aircraft of the US Air Force Strategic Air Command (since 1992 - Air Combat Command), early warning and control aircraft, including carrier-based aircraft, as well as tactical air reconnaissance assets.
By the beginning of hostilities in the Persian Gulf zone, the MNF command created a reconnaissance aviation group consisting of 41 AWACS aircraft (17 E-ZA<Сентри>AWACS and 24 E-2C systems<Хокай>), two E-8A and about 180 reconnaissance aircraft (six RC-135, one U-2C, nine TR-1A and approximately 150RF-4C,<Мираж-F.lCR>RF-14A<Томкэт>, rice. 1,<Торнадо-GR.lA>in the tactical reconnaissance version, fig. 2, and others).
Strategic reconnaissance aircraft RC-135, U-2C and TR-1A carried out round-the-clock radar, radio and electronic reconnaissance along the line of combat contact in order to identify military installations and enemy troop groups, determine the results of air and missile strikes, and additional reconnaissance of electronic command and control equipment and weapons, early detection of the Iraqi side’s preparations for a surprise air strike. The intensity of aerial reconnaissance during this period was 10-12 sorties per day, and during combat operations - up to 200 (10-15 percent of their total number). The onboard reconnaissance equipment systems of strategic reconnaissance aircraft made it possible to:
- photograph military facilities and troop positions at a distance of up to 60 km from RC-135 aircraft, up to 150 km from U-2C (with a resolution of 0.2-10 m) and up to 40 km in the infrared wavelength range (with a resolution of 5- 10 m);
- photograph objects with television equipment (with a resolution of 0.2-0.5 m);
- carry out radar surveys of objects at a distance of up to 150 km (with a resolution of 3 - 4.5 m);
- conduct radio and electronic reconnaissance in the HF range within a radius of up to 1000 km, and in the VHF range - up to 450 km of ground-based RES and up to 1000 km of aviation RES in flight.
The MNF command paid significant attention to solving the problems of searching and detecting mobile objects of the Iraqi armed forces, which required the allocation of a large detachment of reconnaissance aviation forces. For this purpose, a promising system of airborne radar reconnaissance and target designation was used for the first time<Джистарс>(an air squadron of two E-8A aircraft, created on the basis of the Boeing 707, and six ground mobile AN/TSQ-132 data reception and processing points). Ground stations were deployed as part of the main and advanced command posts ground forces, headquarters of the 7th AK and 18th Airborne Forces, the headquarters of the Air Force group (9th VA), as well as under the commander of the Marine Corps contingent of the US Armed Forces.
Two prototypes E-8A flew 54 combat missions. System<Джистарс>made it possible to solve the following tasks: track single and group mobile targets, primarily armored formations of Iraqi troops; ensure recognition of tracked and wheeled vehicles; detect low-flying helicopters and rotating air defense radar antennas; determine the characteristics of objects and issue target designations for them.
According to the American command, the main purpose of this system was to reconnaissance targets for hitting them with ATACMS missiles (firing range of more than 120 km). In addition, it was successfully used to guide tactical aircraft (F-15, F-16 and F-111) to ground targets, significantly increasing their combat capabilities. Thanks to the issuance of target designations at night, it was possible to carry out round-the-clock influence on the enemy.
For example, on February 13 alone, in 11 hours of flight time, the E-8A aircraft detected 225 combat vehicles, most of which were attacked by tactical fighters. Radar reconnaissance aircraft E-8A and TR-1 along with artificial Earth satellites of the type<Лакросс>provided reconnaissance of enemy territory in dense cloud conditions, sandstorms, as well as heavy smoke caused by fires at oil industry enterprises.
Tracking Iraqi mobile OTR installations on an E-8A system aircraft<Джистарс>carried out radar with selection of moving targets, the data of which was transmitted to the TR-1A aircraft equipped with an ASARS synthetic aperture radar with higher resolution. This radar provided detection of suspected OTR positions from high altitudes, and the aircraft were outside the Iraqi air defense zone. It is believed that the TR-1A, designated U-2R in 1993, will continue to operate in conjunction with the production E-8C aircraft, which are expected to enter service in 1996. The U-2R aircraft provided not only visual reconnaissance, but also electronic reconnaissance, which made it possible to observe areas masked from the system<Джистарс>.
In addition to the E-8A aircraft, the following were used to conduct aerial reconnaissance of the OTR and control air strikes against them:
- RF-4C aircraft<Фантом>, which are equipped with forward-looking cameras, infrared stations and side-view radars, as well as the Air Force RF-5E Saudi Arabia with infrared and photo reconnaissance equipment;
- carrier-based aircraft RF-14<Томкэт>, equipped with hanging containers with cameras and IR stations;
- all-weather reconnaissance aircraft<Торнадр-GR.lA>RAF with three airborne IR stations.
Reconnaissance missions to detect OTR turned out to be the most difficult for Allied aviation. During the first two weeks, up to 30 percent was spent on solving these problems. total number combat sorties by Allied aircraft. However, it was not possible to destroy all the mobile systems, despite the fact that they were on the ground for almost an hour before the launch. open area in a stationary position. A small number of complexes have been found on initial stage preparations for launch, which made it possible to aim at them attack aircraft. Some of the flights hit false targets, which diverted significant forces of reconnaissance and attack aircraft.
During the fighting against Iraq, new reconnaissance systems based on unmanned aerial vehicles were used in the interests of the ground forces and marines. aircraft(UAV) type<Пионер>-. The complex included 14 - 16 UAVs, as well as ground control and data reception equipment located on two vehicles of the type<Хаммер>. A total of six units were deployed: 3 for the Marines, one for the 7th Army Corps and one each for the battleships<Висконсин>And<Миссури>. Each of them was armed with up to five UAVs, which could be controlled from the main ground station within a radius of up to 185 km, and from a portable auxiliary station up to 74 km. During the operation<Буря в пустыне>total flight hours of the UAV type<Пионер>was 1011 hours. These devices, equipped with television cameras or forward-looking thermal imaging stations, performed flights both during the day and at night.
In the interests of the Navy, the devices were used to search for mines and target naval artillery. In addition, they carried out reconnaissance flights on behalf of Navy SEALs and were used to search for Iraqi coastal launch sites. anti-ship missiles <Силкворм>.
IN ground forces The UAV was tasked with reconnaissance of flight routes attack helicopters AN-64<Апач>. Before taking off on a combat mission, the pilots carried out reconnaissance of the area, selecting potential targets based on images received from the aircraft flying over a given area. In total, during the fighting in Iraq, the United States lost 12 UAVs: two were shot down, five were damaged by anti-aircraft fire, and five were damaged due to material failures or operator errors.
In addition to those indicated, UAVs of the FQM-151A type were used in the Persian Gulf region<Пойнтер>. Five complexes, each of which included four devices and two ground stations, were deployed in the areas where Marine Corps units and the 82nd Airborne Division were deployed. Lightweight devices in aluminum cases total mass 23 kg, carried in backpacks, were collected in the field. The UAV has a range of 4.8 km, is designed to operate in the air for 1 hour. Its flight altitude is 150 - 300 m. The efficiency of the devices<Пойнтер>, intended for reconnaissance and observation at low altitude, was reduced due to the unfavorable conditions of the desert area, devoid of landmarks. Currently, the possibility of equipping these UAVs with a global satellite navigation system (GPS) receiver and a night vision device from LORAL is being studied.
Assessing the results of air and air-ground operations of the Cape in the Persian Gulf, foreign experts note that successful solution The assigned tasks were greatly facilitated by comprehensive intelligence support. Thanks to this, it was possible to achieve a fairly high level of awareness of troop groups and control systems, weapons and military equipment Iraq, their tactical and technical characteristics, vulnerabilities, combat capabilities and features of use in this theater of operations. A thorough and lengthy (more than five months) reconnaissance of the territories of Iraq and Kuwait allowed the MNF command to clearly plan and conduct military operations.
Aerial reconnaissance promptly provided the US command and the MNF with detailed topographical and geodetic data with precise reference to important military-political, economic and military facilities, the location of armed forces, command and control posts, communications, and engineering fortifications. Based on the information received, the optimal routes to reach targets (objects) were selected and calculated, force orders, the required number and composition of weapons were determined. To increase the effectiveness of the use of high-precision weapons, it was necessary in some cases to clarify intelligence information about the key components of the targets.
At the same time, the war in the Persian Gulf revealed a number of shortcomings in the organization and conduct of MNF intelligence. Experts believe that, despite the use of all available air and space assets, American intelligence services were never able to reveal the locations of all Iraqi tactical personnel carriers and establish their exact numbers, although it was known that they were based in only two areas in a relatively small area. There have been repeated delays in the processing and provision of operational information to the relevant combat command and control agencies. The pace of aviation combat operations often outpaced the speed of data flow coming from aviation and space-based optical-electronic reconnaissance systems.
The intelligence report prepared by the Armed Services Committee of the US House of Representatives indicated, in particular, that its most serious shortcoming was inaccuracies in assessing the damage caused to the enemy. Thus, the number of Iraqi tanks destroyed by aircraft was significantly exaggerated (by 100 - 134 percent). MNF Commander-in-Chief General Schwarzkopf decided to conduct an air-ground offensive operation based on these assessments, and later stated:<Военные разведчики просто не знают, как вести подсчет ущерба, нанесенного боевой технике противника. Во время шестинедельной воздушной войны методика подсчета неоднократно изменялась в попытках повысить достоверность, однако анализ, проведенный по окончании боевых действий, показывает, что цифры оказались все же на удивление завышенными>.
The US Air Force command, having analyzed the shortcomings in conducting aerial reconnaissance during combat operations in the Persian Gulf zone, plans to take specific measures to increase the level of reliability and efficiency of the delivery of intelligence data, comprehensive and timely provision of it to its troops, and above all the air attack forces.

Dangerous skies of Afghanistan [Experience combat use Soviet aviation V local war, 1979–1989] Zhirokhov Mikhail Alexandrovich

Conducting aerial reconnaissance

Conducting aerial reconnaissance

Conducting some types of aerial reconnaissance in Afghanistan was entrusted to army aviation crews, often using Mi-24 combat helicopters. This choice was determined primarily by the presence of a guidance device, which allows detailed reconnaissance of individual areas and objects at 3- and 10-fold magnification. When conducting reconnaissance during the day, binoculars with 8- and 12-fold magnification were successfully used. At dusk and on a moonlit night, night vision binoculars of the BN-1 type were used, which made it possible to observe reconnaissance targets from a range of 800-1000 m.

A special feature of aerial reconnaissance was the detection of Mujahideen targets from the maximum ranges of their air defense systems. Therefore, achieving surprise and secrecy of access to enemy targets was essential when conducting aerial reconnaissance. In this case, the enemy did not have time to accept additional measures camouflage, especially in the morning and evening twilight, since the Mujahideen tried to carry out all movements of caravans, columns of vehicles, detachments and groups in the dark. With the onset of dawn, movement was limited, objects were camouflaged to match the background of the area in abandoned villages, ruins and gorges and resumed before dark.

The detection range of enemy objects in these conditions was significantly reduced due to deterioration of visibility and viewing conditions for darkened areas of the terrain, especially in areas with narrow and winding gorges. The detection range of enemy targets during aerial reconnaissance largely depended on horizontal flight visibility, weather conditions, time of day, terrain features and background.

The search for objects was carried out mainly by parallel courses or standard turns. Search by parallel courses provided best conditions viewing flat and hilly terrain to detect caravans, convoys, detachments and groups of Mujahideen as they move along roads and trails. The search for objects in high mountain areas was carried out with a standard turn, which under these conditions has proven to be the best for detecting small targets (strong points, places of concentration of Mujahideen in shelters, caves, under cornices, behind ledges of gorges, in fortresses, as well as positions of air defense fire weapons, etc. .). Crews carried out aerial reconnaissance, as a rule, from altitudes of 1500–2000 m, and for detailed viewing they descended to 400–600 m. When searching for objects in desert areas, extremely low and low altitudes were widely used to achieve surprise in reaching the target.

During aerial reconnaissance of enemy targets, with reliable information about possible air defense cover for them, the crews were advised to:

Constantly perform anti-aircraft maneuvers;

Select the route and flight profile taking into account avoidance of air defense zones;

When positions of air defense systems are exposed, take measures to destroy them;

When withdrawing from an attack, use shooting of false thermal targets.

In cases of detection of important objects on which it was necessary to carry out an air strike, the forces on duty were called, and the pair performing reconnaissance carried out target designation for the reinforcement group.

The most successful tasks of conducting aerial reconnaissance were solved by a group of a pair of Mi-24 helicopters and a pair of Mi-8 MT helicopters with an inspection group on board. This composition ensured the reliability and implementation of intelligence data. This is how Samvel Melkonyan, a helicopter pilot of the 50th Osap, wrote in one of his letters to the author: “Reconnaissance of the area was carried out on instructions from the command. To confirm the intelligence information, a flight was carried out to the expected area and the situation was reported. This task was necessary for the advancement of paratroopers and motorized riflemen. Anything suspicious was transmitted to the “ground people” via UK 2 (frequency for working with the “ground”). For them, we were additional eyes. Reconnaissance was also carried out in the interests of aviation. Before the planned operations, a flight was carried out to the area of ​​upcoming hostilities and landing sites were determined. But only to those areas where intelligence security could be ensured.”

As for reconnaissance aircraft, they appeared over Afghanistan from the first days of “providing international assistance to the DRA.” The first to appear beyond the Hindu Kush were Yak-28Rs from the 39th Orap and 87th Orap. Their crews operated exclusively from the territory of the USSR (Mary and Karshi airfields, respectively).

With the expansion of the scale of combat operations, the need arose to create a specialized unit, which became the 263rd separate tactical reconnaissance aviation squadron of the 40th Army Air Force (military unit 92199) in April 1980.

Further, the personnel came in shifts from the reconnaissance regiments of the Soviet Air Force and changed every year. In most cases, the composition of the shift was mixed - squadrons from specific regiments were supplemented with pilots from other regiments. As a rule, the period of stay on a business trip was limited to one year. In total, ten shifts took place during the Afghan war:

Date Regiment number Aircraft type Place of permanent deployment
01.1980 - 04.1980 87th Orap Yak-28R, MiG-21R Karshi (TurkVO)
04.1980 - 06.1981 229th oaetr MiG-21 R Chortkiv (PrikVO)
06.1981 - 05.1982 313th Orap MiG-21 R Vaziani (ZakVO)
05.1982 - 07.1983 293rd Orap MiG-21R Vozzhaevka (FEB)
07.1983 - 03.1984 10th Orap MiG-21R Shchuchin (BVI)
03.1984 - 05.1985 87th Orap Su-17MZR Karshi (TurkVO)
05.1985 - 04.1986 871st Orap Su-17MZR Chikment (SAVO)
04.1986 - 05.1987 101st Orap Su-17MZR Borzya (ZabVO)
05.1987 - 09.1988 313th Orap Su-17MZR Vaziani(ZakVO)
09.1988 - 01.1989 886th Orap Su-17M4R Jekabpils (PribVO)
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