Time of day according to the clock morning afternoon. Note: When the morning ends and the day begins

Ekaterina Kiseleva
Lesson in senior group"Parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night"

Senior group lesson.

Parts of the day: morning, day, evening, night.

Tasks: - expand ideas about parts of the day, their characteristic features, sequences ( morning, day, evening, night, - be able to determine parts of the day, introduce a generalizing concept "Day".

Introductory word.

- Guess the riddle: I don’t walk and I don’t fly,

Try to catch up!

I can be golden.

Well, look into a fairy tale! (goldfish)

From which fairy tale did it come to us? Goldfish?

That's right, the goldfish lives at the bottom of the sea, where it is always dark. So she can't tell the time days. Let's help her.

A day as a measure of time has its own specific quantitative characteristic - 24 hours, so time is measured in days. It is the first natural unit of time.

The day is usually divided into four parts: morning, day, evening, night.

Time days when the sun appears above the horizon is called morning which comes with dawn. The sun is just rising above the horizon, rising above the trees and roofs of houses higher and higher, giving us its bright rays and sunny smile.

in winter morning starts later, and earlier in the summer. And even in the summer, there is morning dew on the grass. This is when the grass is wet, as if it had rained, but in fact there was no rain, just night the air cooled and turned into small droplets of water that settled on leaves and blades of grass. Morning starts with waking up. Plants wake up, opening their buds, animals and birds wake up, crawling out of their holes and flying out of their nests. In the morning you need to get out of bed and make it carefully. Then go wash, brush your teeth, do exercises and get ready for kindergarten or school. Meanwhile in the kitchen in the morning Breakfast is already waiting for us, which my mother prepared. Listen poem:


Dawn rises over the river

A rooster is crowing in the yard.

Kittens wash themselves

The guys are waking up.

During the day a person is awake. Children playing in the yard of the house or kindergarten, schoolchildren study and return home after lessons, while adults work. Small children are supposed to sleep a little after lunch during the day, and schoolchildren do homework for older people to up evenings to do do your favorite things and go for a walk.

During the day, the sun rises high in the sky and moves from east to west across the sky, gradually descending in the afternoon towards the horizon. In summer the sun rises high above the horizon, and in winter it sets low and quickly.

IN daytime classes are held for children throughout the day in kindergarten and school, after which it is lunch time. Lunch consists of first, second and third, after which you need to rest a little, and for younger children "quiet hour".

Closer to evening It's time to have lunch. An afternoon snack is a small dinner, which consists of a bun with tea or fruit and juice, after which you can go for a walk.


The sun is high in her

It's a long way from sunset

The mouse drags the grains into the hole.

Baby learns the alphabet.

In the evening the sun sinks lower and lower and sets below the horizon. It's time day is called evening. And when the sun disappears over the horizon you can watch beautiful sunset. It can be bright in yellow-red rays. in winter evening it comes early and the sun sets quickly, and in the summer evening long and the sun sets slowly.

Plants, animals and birds are preparing for sleep. Flowers close their buds, animals climb into their holes, an anthill in the forest closes, and birds sing lullabies near their nests.

Evening is the time when children come from a walk and adults from work. This is dinner time, after which you can play a little, watch TV or read an interesting book.

WITH evenings need to prepare for tomorrow, pack your clothes, books for school, brush your teeth and go to bed. After evenings the darkest time is coming day - night.


The red sun has set.

The squirrel hides in a hollow.

Dryoma comes to visit us,

He takes the story with him.

At night all the people, animals and plants rest to gain strength for the next day. People sleep in their beds under a warm blanket, dogs and cats curl up in their cozy places, birds hide in the branches of trees, and plants have their buds closed. Some animals, such as owls, which sleep during the day, stay awake at night, but most animals at night They sleep in their nests and burrows. Night is a time of silence, rest and sweet dreams.

The sun is hiding far below the horizon and it is very dark around. But now you can see the stars in the sky and the month appears for a while. During the day, the stars and moon are invisible due to the brightness sunlight, but at night in complete darkness they appear in all their glory.

At night a month appears in the sky. This is the moon - our satellite of planet Earth. When a month is full it is called a full moon. It comes in the form of a waxing or waning crescent. Or it may not happen at all - it’s called a new moon. While we last night, to the other parts globe the sun is shining and it's going strong day.

– The earth moves around the sun and at the same time rotates around its axis. To make it clearer, look at this globe.


The stars are shining in the sky.

The birds are sleeping and the fish are sleeping.

Flowers sleep in the garden beds,

Well, we are in our beds.

Now let's warm up:

Big round moon

Rising in the starry sky.

(raise your hands up, hug your head).

She sends her bright ray to me

And whispers: - It's very late!

(they raised their hand to their forehead and looked into the distance.


The moon rises, and I go to bed!

And you'll have to sleep until the morning!

(We raised our hands up and made a house above our heads.

Place your hands under your cheeks).

...Big Yellow Moon

He turns pale and leaves.

(Join your hands in a circle and lower).

The stars have gone out and you can see

Dawn. And the sun rises.

(Hands to the sides).

I will get up, and the moon will go to bed!

To she needs to sleep in the evening!

(We stretched, put our hands under our cheeks,

The index finger was raised to the lips and "chi-chi").

- And so, guys, you and I know what there is in a day day and night. It's light during the day. During the day in kindergarten there are classes, you can play, walk, nap during the day.

What are you doing during the day?

It's dark at night. Almost all people are asleep. What are you doing at night? (I'm sleeping).

Evening is coming when it ends day and it starts to get dark outside. What are you doing In the evening?

(I return from kindergarten, walk, watch TV, get ready for bed).

– When it ends night, comes morning. The sun is rising. What are you doing in the morning? (I wake up, get up, wash my face, go to kindergarten).

Now let's play.

Didactic game “When does this happen?”

Target: consolidate knowledge about parts of the day; practice matching pictures with parts of the day: morning, day, evening, night.

The game can accept participation from 1 to 4 people.

Game rules: according to the word that the teacher says, show the card and explain why he chose it. Match this card with the models parts of the day(squares yellow, white, brown, blue).

Game action: search for the desired picture and its relationship with the model parts of the day.

Material: models parts of the day, pictures reflecting activities in different times days.

The sun is rising brightly, the cockerel is singing in the garden,

Our children wake up and get ready for kindergarten.

When does this happen? (in the morning)

The sun is shining brightly in the sky, the children have gone for a walk.

When does this happen? (in the afternoon)

The day has passed, the sun sets, dusk slowly creeps in.

Light lamps and candles. The dark is coming (evening)

The bears and elephants are sleeping, the hare and the hedgehog are sleeping,

Everyone around should fall asleep.

Our children too. When is everyone sleeping? (at night)

Children guess riddles and choose a picture for themselves and look at it carefully. Match the picture with parts of the day and correlate with the desired model, explaining why.


How else can you call it day? (day)

From which parts consists of a day? (morning, day, evening, night)

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Our world is imperfect, primarily due to the lack of global standards. Of course, they exist, but not everywhere. As for time, here too the World decided not to use unified system, and use two at once - French (ours) and English (the same AM and PM). Whatever one may say, this approach creates confusion. I suggest you end it right now, and find out what AM is and...

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We master most of the commonly used concepts in early childhood. Despite the age of the whys, it is unlikely that any of the children require an academic explanation for the most simple concepts- Mom can explain everything literally on her fingers, in simple words. For example, “day is when the sun is shining” or “when you are walking and not sleeping in a crib.” Explanations quietly accumulate and systematize, forming an understanding of the term.

Meaning of the word "day"

If you look at the planet from the outside, you can see a very clear division into day and night sides. Formally, the simplest explanation turns out to be correct from the point of view of astronomy - daylight is considered to be the time when light from the star around which this planet rotates falls on the surface of the planet.

We believe that day is the daylight hours, and the weather does not play a role. Somewhere there, above the clouds, the sun is still shining, therefore, it is not night now, it is not dark around. In the circumpolar latitudes, this very principle is observed - concepts such as “polar day” and “polar night” are based precisely on natural illumination.

In some cases, this means time in general. For example, when they say “those were the days of sorrow” or “in those distant days,” we are talking about some distant time in the past when some events took place.

Dividing the day into parts

Theoretically, if we rely specifically on the presence of the sun in the sky, the day is divided into two relatively equal parts - day and night. In practice, it turns out that there is morning and evening, which are also illuminated to one degree or another. Morning begins when the reflection of the approaching sun appears in the sky, although technically it is still night. When the sun appears above the horizon, dawn begins, morning continues and lasts for several more hours until the sun rises to its zenith.

In most cases, day is the time from approximately noon to evening when the sun begins to decline above the horizon in the west. At the same time, they say “ten o’clock in the morning,” but “eleven o’clock in the afternoon,” and even in this case, variations are possible.

How many hours does a day last?

An average of six hours passes between morning and evening, and this is an approximate period. It turns out that a day is only a quarter of a day. The rest of the time is occupied at night and in intermediate states - morning and evening.

If a qualifying adjective is added, it becomes easier to determine what exactly is being said. For example, “daylight” clearly indicates that we are talking specifically about daylight hours, when the inclusion of additional sources of artificial lighting is not required. When explaining what a day is, it is advisable to immediately place emphasis and clarify that much depends on the specific situation and context, otherwise mutual misunderstanding may arise.

Often the length of the day is determined not by the actual number of hours or the duration of natural light, but solely by subjective sensations. A long or even endless day means that either a person cannot wait until evening, or he has managed to complete many different tasks.

Specification of time intervals

The word “day” is often used to mean “day”. For example, “you have three days to eliminate the shortcomings.” In the meaning of “day”, this word is used when you need to indicate a sufficiently long amount of time.

If you need to set some limits, then it can be a “working day” - the interpretation in this case provides that weekends and holidays are not considered. Working days take into account business obligations - fulfillment of orders, receipt of funds in a bank account, and so on. The outdated concept of “workdays” has a similar meaning; this is a unit for recording the labor of collective farmers for subsequent payment. When they say “day off,” they mean a day free from all kinds of labor responsibilities, time reserved for rest.

When trying to understand what a day is in the minds of another person, we usually try to simplify mutual communication as much as possible. Therefore, when they tell us “call tomorrow afternoon,” it is better to clarify in what time period the call will be appropriate. For some, eight o’clock in the morning is already day, while others are still sleeping. If you don’t specify, then by business etiquette the day is considered on average from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., and in good form will fit approximately in the middle of this gap. In other cases, it is better to ask for the exact time.

To the question What time does morning, day, evening, night begin? given by the author Arctic fox the best answer is Well, it depends on the individual. In general, everything is very simple: morning from 4-00, day from 12-00, evening from 18-00, night from 24-00. At least that's what I was taught at school. Maybe there are some new rules now?

Reply from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What time does morning, afternoon, evening, night begin?

Reply from Sound combination[newbie]

Reply from Evgeniy Kopachev[newbie]
Well, what kind of insanity?
How can the night be made shorter than the rest of the day?
24/4=6 Neck!
Six hours for each time of day, namely:
beginning of the day from 00:00 to 06:00 (night)
From 06:00 to 12:00 (morning)
From 12:00 to 18:00 (day)
From 18:00 to 00:00 (evening)
After all, everything is logical, why even on TV they can say a phrase like; "It's three in the morning"?
Settle down)

Reply from Stupidity[newbie]
morning - from 4:00, day - from 12:00, evening - from 17:00, night - it’s different for everyone.

Reply from Neuropathologist[newbie]
Morning from 4-00 to 12-00, day from 13-00 to 16-00, evening from 17-00 to 23-00, night from 24-00 to 03-00.
This is 100%!!! and practically does not depend on the time of year and time zone
Remember, the war started at 4 AM! MORNING...not night.
A standard working day ends at 17-00 or 18-00, and it’s already Evening! We don’t say that our working day begins at 8 (or 9) in the morning and lasts until 17 (or 18) in the afternoon...

Reply from Angela[newbie]
morning from 6 to 12

Reply from Sergey Shevchenko[newbie]
I think there are 24 hours in a day, which means everything starts at 6. morning 6-12. day 12-18. evening 18-00. night 00-6.

Reply from Lelik[expert]
How can I give everyone a minus? Well, all the answers are not correct.

Reply from Polina Kapelko[newbie]
Morning 4:00, Afternoon 12:00, Evening 18:00, Night 00:00

Reply from Briskent[active]
There are 4 times in a day. Morning day evening night
24:4 = 6
12 is noon, that means from 9 to 12 from 12 to 15 is a day
[from 15 to 21 this evening]
12 is midnight, that means from 21 to 24 from 00 to 3 is night
[from 3 to 9 this morning]

Reply from Elena Leonova[guru]
In general, morning is considered after three, day begins at 12, evening begins after 16, and night begins from 11 to 3 am.

Reply from Yotanislav Barannikov[newbie]
The morning starts at 04:00.
The day starts at 08:00
Lunch at 12:00
Evening at 16:00
Night at 20:00

Reply from Yaisa Ilnitskaya[guru]
You probably wanted to ask: “what time”? In the place where you live - about morning and night - the answer can be found in the calendar. What about the day?? ? I think each person's day starts at a different time. And it's not about the calendar. After all, a day is a person’s active life, right? My day is part of the night when I work, part of the evening when I work, and the time when the birds sing merrily. And the birds, as you know, sing most cheerfully at dawn, just at that time called morning.

Reply from Marina Karpukhina (Masko)[guru]
But I wonder, beyond the Arctic Circle, where half the year is day, and half the year is night, when do morning and evening begin?
So when you decide then they begin. In addition, there are also “owls” and “larks”. Their mornings and evenings begin at different times....:-)

Reply from Blya ***[guru]
It’s different for everyone... My morning starts at 4.50, and my neighbor’s starts at about 12...

Reply from Mikhail ozerov[guru]
morning from 5 to 12 afternoon from 12 to 17 evening from 17 to 24 night from 00 to 5 am

Reply from Jaconya[guru]
..everything depends on your biorhythms, based on this you make decisions on what to do, what to do - BY YOURSELF.. no need in the morning from 6 to 12.. in the afternoon from 12 to 18.. in the evening from 18 to 24 at night from 24 to 6 in the morning. ..AMOEBA NEEDED THIS..

Reply from Oh[guru]
It's probably different for everyone. In general - morning - from 3 to 9, day from 9 to 15, evening from 15 to 21 and then night)

Reply from User deleted[newbie]
Morning, I think at 4. Day at 12. Night at 00.

Reply from _Treasure_[guru]
13-18 days
like so__))

12 hour clock on Wikipedia
Look at the Wikipedia article about 12 hour clock

Evening on Wikipedia
Look at the Wikipedia article about Evening

“We’ll see you tomorrow morning”, “we’ll call you in the morning”... We use such phrases quite often, only then it often turns out that everyone’s morning begins and ends at different times. How much time can really be considered morning?

In fact, it’s hard to say for sure when the morning begins. There are a lot of definitions - folk, astronomical, official - and each of them in its own way defines the boundaries between times of day. Some people generally use the simple principle “ When I woke up - then it was morning“, so it turns out that for some, morning is five o’clock in the evening.

Until man began to use artificial lighting, morning began with sunrise, and evening began with sunset. Duration daylight hours determined the length of the “working” day. Some people still use this distinction, but the times of dawn and sunset shift depending on the time of year - the division of the time of day is too unclear. In addition, it is not clear how to draw the line between evening and night, morning and day. That is, it is clear when the morning begins, but it is impossible to objectively determine when it ends and the day begins.

In addition, each language has its own stable expressions related to time of day. For example, in Russian they say “two o’clock in the morning,” but in most cases they say “four o’clock in the morning,” that is, four o’clock is already morning, although in winter it may still be dark outside the window at this time. But, unfortunately, such descriptive constructions do not help to clearly distinguish between morning and day, evening and night: it happens that someone is used to saying “three o’clock in the morning,” and someone is used to saying “three o’clock in the morning.”

And in many English-speaking (and not only) countries it is generally customary to use 12 hour format time, and divide the day into only two periods - before noon (a.m., ante meridiem) and after noon (p.m., post meridiem). It is not customary for them to use descriptive constructions (although this does not mean that they do not use them at all), so the problem of dividing the time of day remains.

So it turns out that every country, and even every person has his own subjective perception of time of day, associated with the customs of the country and one’s own daily routine. For example, most office workers morning is associated with the beginning of the working day, day - with lunch break, and evening - with the end of the working day.

But still, is it possible to somehow bring this into a unified system and distinguish between the times of day in order to clearly understand when the morning begins and ends? This way a lot of misunderstandings could be avoided!

In the majority European countries a single division of the day is accepted. According to this division, the day is divided into four equal intervals of six hours each.

It turns out that the times of day are distributed as follows:

  • from 0 to 6 o'clock - night
  • from 6 to 12 o'clock - morning
  • from 12 to 18 o'clock - day
  • from 18 to 24 hours - evening

It is reasonable to use such a system, for example, when business communication, when you need to be 100% sure that the morning of the customer and the contractor coincides: it happens that the contractor is sure that he sent the work to the customer in the morning, as agreed, but at that time it is already day for the customer. And how will you understand who is right and who is wrong if everyone judges by their own criteria? This is why we need a pan-European system - so as not to wonder “ When does the morning end and the day begin?»