Endangered animal species Irrawaddy dolphins. Little-studied animals: Irrawaddy dolphin. Dolphins in Kratie

Specialists World Fund wildlife(WWF) are concerned about the rapid decline in the population of Irrawaddy dolphins living in the Mekong River. According to the latest calculations by scientists, which was carried out using photographic technology, the number of these unique mammals has decreased to critical levels: today no more than 85 individuals of this species of dolphin live in the wild, WWF notes.

These marine mammals are sacred animals in Laos and Cambodia. However, despite the respect and protection of Irrawaddy dolphins in these Asian countries, their numbers are rapidly declining. Experts explain this by the fact that old individuals die, and young ones do not live to adulthood. Thus, there is simply no one to continue the family line...

Irrawaddy dolphin (lat. Orcaella brevirostris) - aquatic mammal from the genus Orcaella of the dolphin family. Having a flexible neck, Irrawaddy dolphins are unique in that, unlike other species of the dolphin family, they lack a beak. The dorsal fin of Orcaella brevirostris also differs from the fins of other species of dolphins: it is small in size and located closer to the tail. The color of this species of dolphin is bluish-gray, lighter in the lower part of the body. Length adult The Irrawaddy dolphin can reach about 2.5 meters and weigh 150 kg. A newborn Irrawaddy dolphin calf weighs 12 kg and is no more than 1 meter long. Irrawaddy dolphins live in small schools: from 2 to 10 individuals. Dolphins of the species Orcaella brevirostris are found in coastal sea ​​waters Southeast Asia, as well as in the fresh waters of such rivers as the Mekong (Laos and Cambodia), Mahakam (Indonesia) and Irrawaddy (Burma).

The Irrawaddy dolphin is very friendly to humans. Individuals of this dolphin often accompany fishing boats, helping to drive schools of fish into the nets of local fishermen. However, it is precisely these fishing nets that often kill dolphins: mammals become entangled in them and die.

Experts from WWF note that the decline in the number of Orcaella brevirostris will cause serious harm to people living near the habitats of the Irrawaddy dolphin. Annually large number tourists come to admire these sacred marine mammals. And if their numbers decrease, the flow of eco-tourists will decrease noticeably, threatening the incomes of many local residents focused on working in ecotourism.

Biologists hope that the governments of Laos and Cambodia will take effective measures to stop the decline in the number of these unique inhabitants Mekong River. Creation of protected natural areas, as well as a ban on the use of fishing nets in them will help restore the population of Irrawaddy dolphins, experts from WWF believe.

But in 2012, to the great joy of conservationists, biologists discovered 20 individuals of Irrawaddy dolphins in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam. No one knows exactly how many of these rare aquatic mammals are left now. According to the World Wildlife Fund, as of August 2011, there were no more than 87 individuals there.

Unlike many other members of the dolphin family, the Irrawaddy dolphin ( Orcaella brevirostris) is under threat of complete extinction. Finding 20 animals in one place at once is incomparable luck when there are only a couple hundred of these creatures in the whole world.

The population of Irrawaddy dolphins was discovered during an expedition in the Kiên Giang conservation area, located in the south of Vietnam, by employees of the Vietnam Institute of Tropical Biology. “The number of these dolphins turned out to be greater than previously encountered in Malampaya Bay in the Philippines or anywhere else in the Mekong,” the Internet portal reports PC-Games, with reference to one of the expedition participants.

In general, the Irrawaddy dolphin is a very interesting creature. For a long time it was believed that this is the only representative of the family that is absolutely devoid of even any semblance of a “beak” (let me remind you that the beak of dolphins is the protrusion on the muzzle formed by elongated jaws). In addition, these dolphins are one of the few cetaceans whose neck can move in different directions (in most representatives of this group it is completely motionless).

Despite the fact that, apparently, contacts between Irrawaddy dolphins and people began when the latter had just begun to populate Southeast Asia, very little is still known about them. In all zoological databases they appear as a “species for which there is insufficient data.” These friendly and sociable animals are known to live in groups of three to six animals.

It is interesting that adult individuals can move from one group to another (this is not typical for most dolphins; they are wary of strangers in groups). As they explore their territory, dolphins lift their heads out of the water and spin around to see everything around them. They swim rather slowly, and when breathing they never stick their heads out completely. This is why they are not so easy to see in the wild.

It is known that Irrawaddy dolphins can live in both sea and fresh water. However, some populations almost never go far into the sea, and the inhabitants of the Mekong belong precisely to this “river” form. At the same time, Irrawaddy dolphins living near the coast of Indonesia almost never enter rivers. Based on these data, biologists divide the species into two subspecies - marine and freshwater.

Fishermen in Southeast Asia love the Irrawaddy dolphin because it helps them catch fish in their nets. Moreover, it has been noticed that these animals quickly remember the places where people place them, and begin to deliberately drive a school of fish directly into the trap, knowing for sure that the net will help stop it. In the century before last, almost every fishing village in the Indonesian archipelago had its own “local” school of dolphins, which always drove the fish directly to their nets. It’s funny that sometimes residents of different villages even sued their neighbors if they managed to lure the pod to their fishing area (although, in fairness, the dolphins should have been sued).

However, it was net fishing that ultimately destroyed this numerous species. The fact is that the whole flock, including cubs and teenagers, took part in driving the fish into the net. They, unlike adults, could not always stop in time, so they often got entangled in nets and died. According to data from the mid-twentieth century, infant mortality in many populations of the Irrawaddy dolphin reached 60 percent (which, apparently, led to a catastrophic decline in numbers). And the transition of the inhabitants of this region to trawl fishing turned out to be a disaster for dolphins - the infant mortality rate in some places increased to 80 percent!

Perhaps the pollution of sea and river water with runoff from fields containing toxic fertilizers for many animals, which intensified towards the end of the last century, also played a fatal role. For example, tissue samples from some dead animals contained high concentrations of mercury, which probably comes from gold mines located upstream of the river. As for poaching, it apparently has not had any impact on the decline in the number of this species, since in most countries in the region the Irrawaddy dolphin is considered a sacred animal and local residents they don't touch him. (And careless tourists who decide to hunt them are at great risk - they can be drowned for this.)

So, since the main problem for Irrawaddy dolphins has long been caused by fishing and water pollution, on the initiative International Union Nature Conservation (IUCN) they were listed in the Red Book as a species under threat of complete destruction. According to the latest report from the World Wildlife Fund, there are no more than 85 Irrawaddy dolphins in the Mekong. In total there are about 200 individuals, although at the beginning of the century there were over five hundred. True, perhaps the number of Irrawaddy dolphins fell by 2005 also due to the fault of... zoologists!

Not long ago, Australian scientists realized that the animal living off the coast of the Green Continent, previously considered an Irrawaddy dolphin, is not one. In 2005, after conducting a variety of studies, including molecular ones, it was determined that the animals that make up the Australian populations actually belong to another species, which was named the Australian snub-nosed dolphin ( Orcaella heinsohni). At the same time, the external differences between these two types are minimal - Orcaella heinsohni differs from the Irrawaddy only in that its body color includes not two, but three colors.

However, as a result of this discovery, the Irrawaddy dolphin population immediately decreased by about 230 individuals (no one knows the exact number of Australian snub-nosed dolphins either). Now belonging to this species Only those populations that live north of Indonesia are considered. Before the current discovery, it was believed that a total of about 100 animals lived near Indonesia, about 20 at the mouth of the Irrawaddy River in Burma, and somewhere around 85-87 in the Mekong. Now the Mekong population has “increased” by 20 individuals. However, this still does not inspire biologists with much optimism.

“The number of dolphins continues to decline further, with few calves reaching breeding age,” warns WWF Mekong regional officer Stefan Ziegler. The World Wildlife Fund has asked the Cambodian government to establish a legal framework to protect endangered species. “Trawling should be prohibited in environmental protection zones,” says the biologist.

According to the World Wildlife Fund in Laos, despite the country's animal protection legislation, the number of Irrawaddy dolphins is also declining and there are currently no more than eight individuals. The largest population of these aquatic mammals is found on the border between Cambodia and Laos. Now we can say with confidence that these dolphins also live in Vietnam (although until now it was believed that these animals disappeared there in the second half of the twentieth century).

Let's hope that the governments of the countries through which the Mekong flows will take all measures to protect this friendly and useful dolphin from extinction. Otherwise, not only the ecosystems in which this cetacean lives will suffer, but also the fishermen. There will be no one else to drive their fish directly into the net... http://www.pravda.ru/science/planet/environment/16...2/1104367-irrawaddy_dolphin-1/


International scientific name

Orcaella brevirostris Owen in Gray

Area Security status
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Irrawaddy dolphin(lat. Orcaella brevirostris) - an aquatic mammal from the genus Orcaella dolphin family ( Delphinidae).


Unlike other members of the dolphin family, Irrawaddy dolphins have no beak and have a flexible neck. The reason for this feature is the visible folds behind the head. The head is convex, the forehead widens above the mouth. The pectoral fins are wide and triangular in shape. The dorsal fins are also triangular, their length is two-thirds of the length of the entire body. The color varies from gray-blue to bluish-gray, with the lower part being lighter. The teeth are narrow, pointed, about 1 cm in length. Weight 114-143 kg, body length 146-275 cm. Males, as a rule, are larger in size, their dorsal fins are longer. The stomach of Irrawaddy dolphins is divided into compartments.



Irrawaddy dolphins live in groups of 3-6 animals. They can move from one group to another. While exploring their territory, dolphins lift their heads out of the water and spin around to see everything around them. They swim quite slowly. When diving, to swallow air, Irrawaddy dolphins expose only top part heads. Inhalation is done very quickly, and only 14% of dives are made with splashes.

See also

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  • : information on the website “Encyclopedia of Life” ( EOL) (English) (Retrieved December 23, 2010)

An excerpt characterizing the Irrawaddy dolphin

Another very funny and at the same time sad incident happened with my dad’s aquarium. My father, as far as I remember him, was always very fond of fish and dreamed of one day building a large aquarium at home (which he later realized). But at that moment, for lack of anything better, we simply had a small round aquarium that could only hold a few colorful fish. And since even such a small “living corner” brought dad spiritual joy, everyone in the house looked after it with pleasure, including me.
And so, one “unfortunate” day, when I was just passing by, all busy with my “moving” thoughts, I accidentally looked at the fish and regretted that they, poor things, had so little space to live freely... The aquarium suddenly shook and, to my great horror, it burst, spilling water throughout the room. Before the poor fish had time to come to their senses, they were eaten with great appetite by our beloved cat, who suddenly, right from the sky, received such an unexpected pleasure... I felt really sad, since I in no way wanted to upset my dad , and even more so, to interrupt someone’s life, even a very small one.
That evening I was waiting for my dad in a completely broken state - it was very insulting and embarrassing to make such a stupid mistake. And although I knew that no one would punish me for this, for some reason I felt very bad in my soul and, as they say, the cats were scratching very loudly inside of me. I realized more and more that some of my “talents” could be very, very dangerous in certain circumstances. But, unfortunately, I didn’t know how to control this and therefore I became more and more worried about the unpredictability of some of my actions and about their possible consequences with results that were completely undesirable for me...
But I was still just a curious nine-year-old girl and could not worry for a long time about the tragically dead fish, although it was entirely my fault. I continued to diligently try to move all the objects that came my way and was incredibly happy about any unusual manifestation in my “research” practice. So, one fine morning during breakfast, my milk cup suddenly hung in the air right in front of me and continued to hang, and I had no idea how to lower it... My grandmother was in the kitchen at that moment and I was feverishly trying to figure out what to do. “to figure it out” so that you don’t have to blush and explain yourself again, expecting to hear complete disapproval on her part. But the unfortunate cup stubbornly refused to come back. On the contrary, she suddenly moved smoothly and, as if teasingly, began to describe wide circles over the table... And the funny thing is that I couldn’t grab her.

A fairly large population of Irrawaddy dolphins has been spotted in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam. 20 individuals at once - scientists have never seen such a large group of Irrawaddyans. Biologists consider this a huge success, given that no more than two hundred of these animals remain in nature.

The population of endangered Irrawaddy dolphins was discovered quite by accident by employees of the Vietnam Institute of Tropical Biology during an expedition in the Kien Giang conservation area. The researchers called on the governments of all countries along which the Mekong flows to take all necessary measures to protect the endangered species.

Irrawaddy dolphins have some features that are unique to this species. Firstly, the jaws of these animals are not elongated, which deprives them of the beak-like protrusion on the muzzle that is usual for dolphins. Secondly, Irrawaddy dolphins live in both sea and fresh water. Thirdly, the Irrawaddy is one of the few cetaceans whose neck can move in different directions. During the exploration of the territory, these amazing creatures raise their head above the water and turn it in all directions to see everything that surrounds them. However, they appear above the water surface very rarely, so they are not so easy to see in the wild. In all zoological databases they appear as a “species for which there is insufficient data.”

Fishermen in Southeast Asia note that Irrawaddy dolphins were once not uncommon. Schools of these animals even collaborated with fishermen: they remembered the location of the nets and deliberately drove a school of fish straight into it, knowing for sure that the trap would help stop it. In the 19th century, each fishing village had “its own” pod of driving dolphins.

But such cooperation with people played a cruel joke on the Irrawaddy people. Baby dolphins, unlike adults, could not always stop in time when driving fish into the net, and they themselves fell into a deadly trap. According to studies from the mid-20th century, infant mortality among Irrawaddy dolphins reached 60%, and with the transition of fishermen to trawl fishing, this figure increased to 80%. This, apparently, led to the extinction of the species.

In addition, the decline in the number of Irrawaddy dolphins was also influenced by the deterioration of the ecology in their habitats. High concentrations of mercury and other toxic substances were found in tissue samples from some of the dead animals. But on poachers in in this case There is no point in sinning. The fact is that Irrawaddy dolphins in Southeast Asia are considered sacred animals, and you can pay with your life for their targeted extermination.

"The number of dolphins continues to decline further, with few calves reaching breeding age," said WWF Mekong Region officials. An effective way to protect these animals from complete extinction is to ban trawling in protected areas.

We can only hope that the authorities of the countries through which the Mekong flows will listen to the appeals of environmentalists and take care of the well-being of the remaining Irrawaddy dolphins.

The number of Irrawaddy dolphins in the Mekong River has dropped to 85 individuals. According to WWF, the population is at high risk of extinction.

The fact that these marine mammals, considered sacred in Cambodia and Laos, are closer than ever to extinction is indicated by their extremely low numbers and extremely low survival rate of their calves. Old dolphins die, and there are no replacements for them, since only a few young animals reach adulthood.

To count dolphins from 2007–2010, WWF used photography technology, which involves identifying each animal by a unique marking on its dorsal fin; Previously, this technique was used to estimate the population sizes of whales, tigers, horses, leopards and other animals.

The only species in the genus Orcellus. These beaked dolphins reach 2.2 m in length, have a spherical head and moderately long pectoral fins. The general body color is slate gray. Orcella brevirostris inhabits coastal waters Southeast Asia, from Madras to Bangkok, including the Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea, Gulf of Thailand.

O. brevirostris lives in both sea and fresh water, and therefore is often kept in dolphinariums. The riverine subspecies lives not only in the Mekong, but also in the Irrawaddy (Burma) and Mahakam (Indonesia) rivers. WWF studied only the inhabitants of the Mekong, but biologists say that all three populations are on the verge of extinction.

Fishermen are very fond of the Irrawaddy dolphin because it helps them catch fish in their nets. However, it is fishing nets that are the main source of danger for O. brevirostris: the animal gets entangled in them and dies. People living in dolphin habitats will suffer from a decline in the population of this species. Since these marine mammals are considered sacred, many locals and tourists are eager to admire them, thereby developing ecotourism. If dolphins disappear, the flow of “ecotourism” dollars will dry up, which will lead to a sharp drop in the standard of living of the local population.

According to biologists, it is possible to save dolphins in the Mekong only if the authorities of Cambodia and Laos join forces and take immediate action. For example, the Cambodian government should establish a clear legal framework for the conservation of O. brevirostris, including the establishment of protected areas and banning or limiting the use of set nets by fishermen.

Calling all avid fans oriental culture visit Cambodia and see one simply fabulous location - quiet small town of Kratie. Cambodia is a country with Buddhist and Hindu religions, on the one hand it is interesting, but at the same time, sad story of your country. However, today it is a tourist center, visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists per season.

Meet the inhabitants of the Mekong River.

Arriving in the capital of Cambodia, do not miss the opportunity to visit one of the picturesque provinces with the city of the same name - Kratie (Kratie), which is called the home of freshwater dolphins. The city itself is located in the northeast of the country, on the Mekong River - the largest water artery peninsula of Hindustan, thanks to which everything holds together agriculture in the country. Here you can see quite large dolphins, similar in appearance to beluga, but closer in size family ties to sea killer whales.

Freshwater Irrawaddy dolphins.

These dolphins are called Irrawaddy dolphins. They were discovered in the mid-19th century by European naturalist Richard Owen. These mammals reach up to 2.5 meters in length. They have a rounded head, a non-prominent beak, and a short triangular fin on the back, also somewhat rounded. Such an animal is not capable of “rushing” along the river at the speed of the wind. Irrawaddy are slow dolphins. Although, according to eyewitnesses, in case of danger, dolphins can reach speeds of up to 25 km/h.

Dolphins feed on slowly swimming river fish, usually wounded or unhealthy individuals, thus controlling populations river world Mekong River.
“Communication” in the flock occurs, like with other relatives of the Irrawaddy - with the help of clicks, creaks, and crackles. Fish in muddy water is located in the same way - with the help of high-frequency vibrations released by dolphins, according to the principle of operation of a sound locator. The food is absorbed by suction and streams of water are released through the water outlet.

Dolphins in Kratje.

Due to pollution of the Mekong River, Irrawaddy dolphins are on the verge of extinction. Infections in the river, which arose as a result of stagnation or poor flow of water, practically destroyed the population of these dolphins, which by their nature are not particularly fertile. Today in the river there are only, according to various estimates, from 40 to 60 individuals in the entire river. But tourists can still see them in the area of ​​the province and near the city of Kratie (Kratie).

How to get to Kratie (Kratie).

How to get to the province? You can get to the city from different parts country, since the province itself where the city is located has a fairly developed infrastructure. Therefore, the tourist can choose from three types of transport: car, bus. You can also get to the town by bus from Laos.
You can come to the city from different directions from Kampong Cham (Another spelling - ) (direction to the south) or Stung Traeng (direction to the north). These are good transport arteries along which buses run from local bus stations. You can also try to hitchhike on trucks. From Stung Traeng the journey will take about 3 hours. You can try to get there from Siem Reap, from there you can leave by morning bus at 7.30 am, and the ticket will cost about $10.

For extreme sports enthusiasts, you can try to get there by truck (local view public transport), but it’s unsafe, more expensive than taking a bus, and slower, but you’ll get to know local Khmers who speak good English. From Kampong Cham the cost of a ticket for the back is 10,000 riel, for the cabin - 15,000, time 8 hours; Stung Traenga – 25-30,000 riel, 8-9 hours; Ratanakiri (city) 12 hours drive, $12.
Traveling through this small town, you can walk and see local temples and other attractions. Or take a tuk-tuk ride for 500 riel. Alternatively, you can rent a motorcycle for $6.

Sights of the province of Kratie.

Now about what you can see besides dolphins and where you can relax.
Phnom Sam Bok is a natural tourist complex with rare and beautiful plants and birds. This attraction is located just 11 km from the city in the commune of Tmor Kre. If you climb a mountain, then from two high points you can admire the Mekong River valley. There is also cleanest pond with beautiful flora that will not leave even the most unemotional tourist indifferent.
Pagoda of One Hundred Columns– the attraction is located 36 km from the city. There are four Buddhist temples facing the four cardinal directions:
1 — Vihear Lao- Buddhist shrine facing west - Vihear Sa Sar“looks” to the north; — Vihera Cork Keut turned “facing” the rising sun; Vihear Cork has a direction towards the south (only the foundation remains of the temple).
Traditionally, the locals hold their four-day festival, starting on the first day at the northern temple and ending at sunset at Vihear Lao, the western temple.
2. Kampli Resort- this is a vacation for tourists with a beautiful view of the Mekong River, where these dolphins live. An attractive place with green islands, characterized by tranquility.
There are local restaurants or cafes, calm atmosphere resort with swimming in the river. The resort operates from January to May.

Irrawaddy dolphins in the Mekong River have decreased to 85 individuals. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the population is at high risk of complete extinction.

The fact that these marine mammals, considered sacred in Cambodia and Laos, are closer than ever to extinction is indicated by their extremely low numbers and extremely low survival rate of their calves. Old dolphins die, and there are no replacements for them, since only a few young animals reach adulthood.

To count dolphins from 2007–2010, WWF used photography technology, which involves identifying each animal by a unique marking on its dorsal fin; Previously, this technique was used to estimate the population sizes of whales, tigers, horses, leopards and other animals.

Irrawaddy dolphin- the only species in the genus Orcellus. These beaked dolphins reach 2.2 m in length, have a spherical head and moderately long pectoral fins. The general body color is slate gray. Orcella brevirostris inhabits the coastal waters of Southeast Asia, from Madras to Bangkok, including the Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea, and Gulf of Thailand.

O. brevirostris lives in both sea and fresh water, and therefore is often kept in dolphinariums. The riverine subspecies lives not only in the Mekong, but also in the Irrawaddy (Burma) and Mahakam (Indonesia) rivers. WWF studied only the inhabitants of the Mekong, but biologists say that all three populations are on the verge of extinction.

Fishermen are very fond of the Irrawaddy dolphin because it helps them catch fish in their nets. However, it is fishing nets that are the main source of danger for O. brevirostris: the animal gets entangled in them and dies. People living in dolphin habitats will suffer from a decline in the population of this species. Since these marine mammals are considered sacred, many locals and tourists are eager to admire them, thereby developing ecotourism. If dolphins disappear, the flow of “ecotourism” dollars will dry up, which will lead to a sharp drop in the standard of living of the local population.

According to biologists, it is possible to save dolphins in the Mekong only if the authorities of Cambodia and Laos join forces and take immediate action. For example, the Cambodian government should establish a clear legal framework for the conservation of O. brevirostris, including the creation of protected areas and banning or limiting the use of fixed nets by fishermen, writes