Statements on the topic of intelligence. Sayings of great people about feelings, mind, intelligence and ego. Quotes about feelings

  • Our destiny is created by our feelings; The course of life is determined by what the heart believes, not by what the mind thinks. Carl A. Hammerschlag
  • When wisdom enters your heart, and knowledge is pleasant to your soul, then prudence will guard you, understanding will guard you, to save you from the evil way, from the man who speaks lies, from those who forsake the straight paths to walk in the paths of darkness. .
  • Love is the triumph of the heart over the mind. Anatoly Rakhmatov
  • I don’t need a way to your heart - it’s better to show me the way to your mind. Yana Dzhangirova
  • The heart, imagination and mind are the environment where what we call culture is born. Konstantin Paustovsky
  • Education has three main parts: physical education; moral education, which has as its subject the education of the heart, and rational education, which deals with the enlightenment or education of the mind. Nikolay Ivanovich Novikov
  • There are people who create their own hearts with their minds, others who create their own minds with their hearts: the latter succeed more than the former, because feeling is much more more sense than in the mind of the senses. Petr Yakovlevich Chaadaev
  • The mind understands only what the heart has already confirmed. Boris Krieger
  • Train your mind to doubt and your heart to tolerance. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
  • I was amazed at how helpless our mind, our reason, our heart turn out to be when we need to make the slightest change, untie one knot, which life itself then unravels with incomprehensible ease. Marcel Proust
  • L’esprit cherche et c’est le coeur qui trouve.- The mind searches, and only the heart finds.
  • Where to get capital? In a person's mind, assets are created, and in his heart, they are saved. Konstantin Madei
  • True morality grows from the heart with the fruitful assistance of the bright rays of the mind. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky
  • It was a constant conflict between her heart and his mind. Yana Dzhangirova
  • A sensible woman should not marry without the consent of her mind and take a lover without the consent of her heart. Ninon de Lanclos
  • Books warm the mind, love warms the soul, dreams warm the heart, money warms the pocket. Yuri Tatarkin
  • The very first path is always the most correct, because it is at the call of the heart, the other paths are just mistakes of the mind. Vavilin Andrey Valerievich
  • Some people bring the voice of reason into the world, others the voice of the heart, and others only sounds digestive tract. Stas Yankovsky
  • Look for love that comes not so much from the heart as from the mind - it is worthy of the individual. Baltasar Gracian y Morales
  • You should always listen to your heart and act in accordance with your mind. Anatoly Rakhmatov

The main topics of the issue: mind and feelings, quotes and aphorisms.

  • I can’t stand it when people tell me what I should experience, because then I seem blind to myself, although I can understand what it’s about we're talking about. Max Frisch
  • …He who is able to make [reasonable] decisions is also prudent in in a general sense words. Aristotle
  • The feeling organ is at the same time an understanding organ. Oswald Spengler
  • It's nice to be loved and dear. Cicero Marcus Tullius
  • Feeling in itself does not constitute poetry; the feeling must be born of an idea and express the idea. Meaningless feelings are the lot of animals; they humiliate a person. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky
  • In an unreasonable age, reason set free is destructive for its owner. George Saville Halifax
  • Feeling awakens thought in us - everyone agrees with this; but not everyone will agree that thought awakens feeling, but this is no less correct! Nicola Sebastian Chamfort
  • After all, no one can believe in anyone or anything without conviction; and in general it is impossible to explain anything to anyone without the help of reason and intellect. Andrzej Guilty
  • Feeling is fire, thought is oil. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky
  • Seeing and feeling is being, thinking, living. William Shakespeare
  • Sensual consciousness persists. Gilles Deleuze
  • Will is the distinctive feature of the human race, and reason itself is only the eternal rule for guiding the will. Friedrich Schiller
  • Feelings provide raw material. Georg Simmel
  • The whole life of feeling consists only of superstition. Emile Durkheim
  • To use your own reason requires remarkable courage. Edmund Burke

  • Whenever I see women, and even men, blindly infatuated with someone, I stop believing in their ability to feel deeply. This rule has never deceived me yet. Nicola Sebastian Chamfort
  • The fewer words, the greater the feeling. William Shakespeare
  • A harmonious emotion means a complex of mutually reinforcing emotions. Alfred North Whitehead
  • Human feelings are often more excited or softened by examples than by words. Pierre Abelard
  • Trusting unreasonable sensations is a characteristic of rude souls. Heraclitus of Ephesus
  • A person who is prone to exalted feelings usually deceives himself and others. Erich Maria Remarque
  • If reason reigned in the world, nothing would happen in it.
  • Often someone who pretends to be in love falls in love in earnest and, starting with pretense, ends up seriously. All the more leniently should you, women, treat those pretending to be lovers - the former imaginary lover will turn into a real one. Ovid
  • There are people who create their hearts with their minds, others who create their minds with their hearts: the latter succeed more than the former, because there is much more reason in feeling than in the mind of feelings. Petr Yakovlevich Chaadaev
  • Although reason, by the will of Providence, must govern our feelings, at two decisive moments of earthly existence, feelings still take precedence over reason. This is, firstly, the desire to reproduce one’s own kind - not one sensible person would never have married if he had listened to the voice of reason, and, secondly, fear of death, which also contradicts common sense: if a person did not give in to feelings, he would hate life and would like it to end as soon as possible or never begin. Jonathan Swift
  • A living person, devoid of reason, is worse than a dead person. Charles Dickens
  • The triumph of reason lies in getting along with people who lack reason. Voltaire
  • It is known that a fiery feeling is expressed briefly, but powerfully. Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin
  • Only then does the feeling become purified when it comes into contact with the highest beauty, with the beauty of the ideal. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
  • Impulses and emotions do not explain anything; they always stem: either from the power of the body, or from the weakness of the spirit. Claude Lévi-Strauss
  • Your own reason is the only oracle given to you by heaven, and you are responsible not for the correctness, but for the honesty of the decision. Thomas Jefferson
  • An intellect that seeks to reduce itself to logical formalism destroys itself. Emmanuel Mounier
  • Too fine a sensitivity is a true misfortune. Carl Julius Weber
  • Explore everything, let your mind come first; let him lead you. Pythagoras of Samos
  • The heart changes so quickly that you can’t keep track. Murasaki
  • How good it is when human well-being is based on the laws of reason™ Pythagoras of Samos
  • The light of reason is found on the part of those who seek to remove the blinders from their eyes. Pierre Bourdieu
  • If we rely more on the eyes than on the mind in making judgments, then we would be far inferior to the eagle in wisdom. Apuleius
  • The stupidest person in the world experiences the same feelings as the smartest. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield
  • Only in the mind is happiness, trouble without it, Only in the mind is wealth, need without it. Ferdowsi
  • Do not talk much to a foolish person, and do not go to a foolish person. Old Testament. Sirach
  • Many people say that they do not need exciting experiences, but we will take the liberty to say that most of people are actively looking for them. Eric Bern
  • To fight love with reason is reckless. To get along with a deity, a deity is needed. Pierre de Ronsard
  • We can say that we have a mind as well as a language to communicate with other people. Karl Raymund Popper
  • A reasonable person sets limits for himself even in good deeds. Michel de Montaigne
  • A reprimand has a stronger effect on a wise man than a hundred blows on a stupid man. Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon
  • A wise man benefits more from his enemies than a fool from his friends. Baltasar Gracian y Morales
  • The most essential and noblest of all that is inherent in us is the mind. Gabriel Bonneau de Mably
  • A mind that is not organized by an idea is not yet the force that enters life creatively. Maksim Gorky
  • Our mind is a mobile, dangerous, capricious instrument; it is not easy to moderate and squeeze into a framework. Michel de Montaigne
  • A man's mind is stronger than his fists. Francois Rabelais
  • Our feelings mostly merge into general conditions, in which the individual components become indistinguishable. Wilhelm Dilthey

  • The mind is not a fire-breathing Dragon at all. Without rage and without joy, indifferently and as if lifelessly, he kills and disintegrates every desire and ridicules every goal. Lev Karsavin
  • Nothing is as exciting as this mental activity, does not force one to discover new aspects of objects and phenomena, such as conscious sympathies or antipathies. Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin
  • Reason shows a person not only appearance, the beauty and goodness of each object, but also provides it with its actual use. Kozma Prutkov
  • It is very difficult to force yourself to speak. It is more difficult to force yourself to remain silent. It's even more difficult to force yourself to think. But the hardest thing is to make yourself feel. Khal il Gibran Gibran
  • Straightforwardness adorns all the feelings it accompanies. Jean Jacques Rousseau
  • To feel means to understand and comprehend. Miguel de Unamuno
  • Flat natures give themselves over to impressions, allowing one to crowd out the other. Wilhelm Dilthey
  • The mind is not its own master; it is always dependent on the real conditions in which its activity is manifested. Hans Georg Gadamer
  • Distance increases charm. Tacitus Publius Cornelius
  • The mind tortures and cannot help but torture new ups and, however, each such ups is inevitably accompanied by a fall. Sergei Nikolaevich Bulgakov
  • Nothing - neither words, nor thoughts, nor even our actions express ourselves and our attitude to the world so clearly and truly as our feelings: in them one can hear the character of not a separate thought, not a separate decision, but the entire content of our soul and its structure . Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky
  • The mind of a fanatic is like the pupil of the eye - the brighter the light shed on it, the more it contracts. Oliver Wendell Holmes
  • Our minds are discerning rather than consistent, and embrace more than we can comprehend. Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues
  • Intelligence! When will your long minority end? William Hazlitt

  • To be in the shackles of contemplating time is, I am afraid, the hereditary sin of the intellect. Wilhelm Windelband
  • It is easiest for a reasonable person to be accused of heartlessness and lack of spirituality. Frantisek Kryshka
  • You have to feel strongly for others to feel. Niccolo Paganini
  • A reasonable person does not pursue what is pleasant, but what saves him from trouble. Aristotle
  • We don't feel the same emotions for everyone. Karl Raymund Popper
  • The mind does not have to choose if the choice is between truth and fiction. Cicero Marcus Tullius
  • You can give in to force, but you meekly submit only to reason. Louis Auguste Blanqui
  • The human race would be in danger and would soon be plunged into despair if it shied away from the wonderful dangers of intellect and reason. Jacques Maritain
  • People are always against reason when reason is against them. Claude Adrian Helvetius
  • The greatest wealth is the mind. Ali ibn Abi Talib
  • It is only thanks to the objectively developed wealth of the human being that the wealth of subjective human sensuality develops, and in part is first generated: the musical ear, the eye that feels the beauty of the form - in short, those feelings that are capable of human pleasures... Karl Marx
  • Most best person the one who lives primarily by his own thoughts and other people's feelings, the worst kind of person is the one who lives by other people's thoughts and his own feelings. From various combinations These four foundations, motives of activity - all the difference between people. People who live only by their feelings are animals. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
  • Whoever God wants to destroy, he first deprives him of his reason. Sophocles
  • Sentimental people are the most senseless of mortals... Thomas Carlyle
  • Each experience has its own temporality. Edmund Husserl
  • The heart of the wise will ponder the parable, and the attentive ear is the desire of the wise. Old Testament. Sirach
  • The irrational is always clerical. It exaggerates to stun. Reason is unquestionable, it does not distort, it does not adapt, it does not mystify: it is simply limited and useless. Emmanuel Mounier
  • The sleep of reason gives birth to monsters. Francisco Goya
  • Some Russian minds are much superior to those overseas; but since it does not yet have as much respect and approval as a foreign mind, it often becomes dull. Nikolay Ivanovich Novikov
  • What we do, we could do without the participation of feelings - feelings only accompany our actions. Alfred Adler
  • It is Reason that includes such abstract monsters as Duty, Duty, Morality, Truth and their more concrete predecessors, the gods, which were used to intimidate man and limit his free and happy development. Paul Karl Feyerabend
  • Only reason elevated us: without its gifts. There would be better than man the worst of lions. As-Samarkandi
  • If you follow reason far enough, you will certainly come to consequences that contradict reason. Samuel Butler
  • One has a clearer head, the other less. Ernst Simon Bloch
  • There are feelings that replenish and darken the mind, and there is a mind that cools the movement of the feelings. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin
  • The goal of all the activities of the intellect is to transform some “miracle” into something comprehensible... Albert Einstein
  • If the feelings are not true, then our whole mind will turn out to be false. Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus)
  • Man can discover God only with the help of his mind. Take away reason and man will be unable to understand anything; then it will be all the same to whom the Bible is read - a horse or a man. Thomas Paine (Pan)
  • If there were no reason, sensuality would overwhelm us. That's what intelligence is for, to curb its absurdities. William Shakespeare
  • A person needs to experience strong feelings in order for him to develop noble qualities that would expand the circle of his life. Honore de Balzac
  • Two extremes: cross out reason, recognize only reason. Blaise Pascal
  • The human mind, left to its own devices, is not trustworthy. Francis Bacon
  • Every feeling tends to turn into lust or aversion. Wilhelm Dilthey
  • than the results scientific research. Maksim Gorky
  • Every thought born from moral idea, there is a feeling. Pierre Simon Ballanche
  • Feelings meet us in life all the time in specific mergers. Wilhelm Dilthey
  • Everyone complains about their memory, but no one complains about their mind. Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • The senses deceive; they are limited in space and in various possibilities. Jean-François Lyotard
  • Master your passions, otherwise your passions will take over you. Epictetus

Quotes and epigraphs for the “Reason and Feelings” direction of the final essay 2016-2017 in literature

  • Category: Final essay
  • ...Whoever has conquered his feelings, his consciousness is steadfast. "Bhagavad Gita"
  • At twenty years old, feeling reigns, at thirty - talent, at forty - reason. Baltasar Gracian y Morales
  • It is in the nature of rational beings to feel their imperfections; That’s why nature gave us modesty, that is, a feeling of shame in front of these imperfections. Charles Louis Montesquieu
  • Seeing and feeling is being, thinking, living. William Shakespeare
  • Every thought born from a moral idea is a feeling. Pierre Simon Ballanche
  • All knowledge originates from the mind and comes from the senses. Francesco Patrizi
  • If the feelings are not true, then our whole mind will turn out to be false. Titus Lucretius Carus
  • What are features truly human in man? Mind, will and heart. A perfect person has the power of thinking, the power of will and the power of feeling. The power of thinking is the light of knowledge, the power of will is the energy of character, the power of feeling is love. Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach
  • When the heart sings from love, the mind should not sing along, but conduct. Vadim Panov
  • If your heart and mind start an argument, don’t expect any good for yourself. Lyudmila Tatyanicheva
  • You can be the master of your actions, but we are not free in our feelings. Gustave Flaubert
  • Wisdom is a combination of knowledge and feelings. Ivan Efremov
  • Our reason sometimes brings us no less grief than our passions. Chamfort
  • Nothing stimulates mental activity to such an extent, forces one to discover new aspects of objects and phenomena, as conscious sympathies or antipathies. Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin
  • Morality is the mind of the heart. Heinrich Heine
  • You need to let your feelings out. It's worse if you stop doing it. Otherwise, they will accumulate and harden inside. And then - die. X. Murakami
  • The main reason for the mistakes a person makes lies in the constant struggle between feelings and reason. Blaise Pascal
  • To understand what is fair, to feel what is beautiful, to desire what is good - this is the chain of rational life.
  • August Platen
  • Enlightened reason ennobles moral feelings; The head must educate the heart. Friedrich Schiller
  • Let everyone try to think and speak intelligently, but give up trying to convince others of the infallibility of their tastes and feelings: this is too difficult an undertaking. Jean de La Bruyère
  • Let your mind guide your affairs. He will not allow your soul to be harmed. Ferdowsi
  • Reason and passion are the rudder and sails... of a soul sailing on the sea. Jubran Hamil (Lebanese writer)
  • Reason gains value only when it serves love. A. de Saint-Exupéry
  • A reasonable person does not pursue what is pleasant, but what saves him from trouble. Aristotle
  • The mind is a burning glass, which, while ignited, itself remains cold. Descartes
  • The stupidest person in the world experiences the same feelings as the smartest. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield
  • Sentimental people are the most senseless of mortals... Thomas Carlyle
  • The heart and mind are only strong when they are at one. Lyudmila Tatyanicheva
  • The heart, imagination and mind are the environment where what we call culture is born. K.G. Paustovsky
  • The triumph of reason lies in getting along with people who do not have it. Voltaire
  • Everyone’s eyes will darken if, standing at the edge of the abyss, they look into its depths. This is not fear, but a natural feeling, beyond the control of reason. Lucius Annaeus Seneca
  • Man is a receptive, feeling, intelligent and judicious being, striving for self-preservation and happiness. Paul Henri-Holbach
  • A person who is prone to exalted feelings usually deceives himself and others. Remarque EM.
  • A person needs to experience strong feelings in order for noble qualities to develop in him,
  • which would expand the circle of his life.
  • O.Balzac
  • A person needs to experience strong feelings in order for him to develop noble qualities that would expand the circle of his life. Honore de Balzac
  • The fewer words, the greater the feeling. William Shakespeare
  • Feeling is fire, thought is oil. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky
  • Feeling is a moral force that instinctively, without the help of reason, makes a judgment about everything that lives... Pierre Simon Ballanche
  • Feeling awakens thought in us - everyone agrees with this; but not everyone will agree that thought awakens feeling, but this is no less correct! Nicola Sebastian Chamfort
  • Feeling is life, not thought, and when this life finds expression, not yet curbed by thought, then poetry is obtained. Benedetto Croce
  • Feeling in itself does not constitute poetry; the feeling must be born of an idea and express the idea. Meaningless feelings are the lot of animals; they humiliate a person. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky
  • Feeling, captive to crude practical needs, has only a limited
  • meaning.
  • Karl Marx

Great feeling protects against sensitivity.

Wilhelm Fischer

The fullness and depth of feelings and thoughts do not allow frantic impulses.

M.Yu. Lermontov

When we are ready to succumb to the dictates of feelings,
Shyness always prevents us from admitting it.
Know how to recognize behind the coldness of words
Excitement of the soul and heart is a tender call.

J. Moliere

Having reached the end of what should be known, you will find yourself at the beginning of what should be felt.

D. H. Gibran

If there were no reason, sensuality would overwhelm us. That's what intelligence is for, to curb its absurdities.

W. Shakespeare

Only a coincidence of circumstances reveals our essence to others and, most importantly, to ourselves.

F. La Rochefoucauld

We often treat those who burden us leniently, but we are never lenient towards those who burden us.

F. La Rochefoucauld

A feeling that has a price is worthless.

N. Chamfort

A person suffers not so much from what happens, but from how he evaluates what happens to him.

M. Montaigne

Seeing and feeling is being, thinking is living.

W. Shakespeare

Light feelings often last a very long time, nothing crushes them, because nothing strains them; they follow circumstances and disappear with them, while deep attachments are completely torn apart, leaving painful wounds in their place.

Anna Stahl

Feeling prevails over reason, but not over reason.

A. Blok

Feelings are the coloring of thoughts. Without them, our thoughts are simple, dry, lifeless outlines, but not pictures.

Nikolay Shelgunov

The most unpleasant feeling is the feeling of your own powerlessness.

T. Carlyle

A person without pride is insignificant. Self-love is an Archimedes lever with which the earth can be moved.

I. Turgenev

We all have one anchor from which, unless you want to, you will never break free: a sense of duty.

I. Turgenev

It is easy to hide hatred, difficult to hide love, and most difficult to hide is indifference.

L. Berne

We are more sincere towards others than towards ourselves.

F. Nietzsche

When I try to recognize true feelings people, I rely on my eyes more than my ears.

F. Chesterfield

The only way to get rid of temptation is to give in to it.

O. Wilde

A person is not given to understand if there is no love in him, and is not given to recognize if he does not sacrifice himself.


Master your passions, which rule if not obeyed.


If a person never controls his feelings, he must always control his expressions.

P. Buast

B. Auerbach

Beliefs are feelings. Feelings are not analyzed, they are not discussed.

O. de Badzak

The sense of right and wrong is the basis of the ability to acquire knowledge.


Feeling is only truer and clearer than reason when we are looking for the truth.

Wilhelm Fischer

Feelings don't deceive. The judgment made on them deceives.

V. Hugo

Feeling precedes knowledge. He who did not feel the truth did not understand, did not recognize it.

V. Belinsky

People only understand feelings that are similar to theirs with your own feelings; others, no matter how beautifully expressed, do not affect them: the eyes look, but the heart does not participate, and soon the eyes turn away.

I. Ten

If the feelings are not true, then the whole mind will turn out to be false.


It is very difficult to force yourself to speak. The more difficult thing is to force yourself to remain silent. It’s even more difficult to force yourself to think. But the hardest thing is to make yourself feel.

D. H. Gibran

Nobility of feelings is not always accompanied by nobility of manners.

O. Balzac

You will never achieve mutual understanding between people except through feelings.

Germaine de Stael

If a person did not give in to feelings, he would hate life and would like it to end as soon as possible or never begin.

D. Swift

A sensitive person is like an unarmed person among well-armed ones.