Southern Urals. Presentation on geography on the topic "natural conditions of the Urals" Presentation on the diversity of nature in the Urals

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Nature of the Urals Presentation for a geography lesson, grade 8

The Urals is a geographical region in Russia and Kazakhstan, stretching between the East European and West Siberian plains. The main part of this region is the Ural mountain system. The Urals are located at the junction of Europe and Asia and are the border between these regions. The stone belt of the Urals and the adjacent elevated plains of the Urals extend from the shores of the Arctic Ocean in the north to the semi-desert regions of Kazakhstan in the south: for more than 2,500 km they separate the East European and West Siberian plains.

From natural resources Ural vital importance have it mineral resources. The Urals have long been the country's largest mining and metallurgical base. And the Urals ranks first in the world in the extraction of some mineral ores. Placers of gold and deposits of platinum were found in the mountains, and precious stones were found on the eastern slope.

A couple of centuries ago fauna was richer than now. Plowing, hunting, and deforestation have displaced and destroyed the habitats of many animals. Disappeared (hamsters, field mice) In the north you can meet the inhabitants of the tundra - reindeer, and in the south the typical inhabitants of the steppes are marmots, shrews, snakes and lizards. Forests are inhabited by predators: brown bears, wolves, wolverines, foxes, sables, ermines, lynxes. They are home to ungulates (elk, deer, roe deer, etc.) and birds various types. Otters and beavers are found along the river valleys. The sika deer was successfully acclimatized in the Ilmen Nature Reserve; muskrat, beaver, deer, muskrat, raccoon dog, American mink, and Barguzin sable were also settled.

Ural Mountains consist of low ridges and massifs. The highest of them, rising above 1200-1500 m, are located in the Subpolar (Mount Narodnaya - 1895 m), Northern (Mount Telposis - 1617 m) and Southern (Mount Yamantau - 1640 m) Urals. The massifs of the Middle Urals are much lower, usually no higher than 600-800 m. The western and eastern foothills of the Urals and foothill plains are often dissected by deep river valleys; there are many rivers in the Urals and the Urals.

Rivers and Lakes Rivers belong to the basins of the Arctic Ocean (on the western slope - Pechora with Usa, on the eastern slope - Tobol, Iset, Tura, Lozva, Northern Sosva, belonging to the Ob system) and the Caspian Sea (Kama with Chusovaya and Belaya; the Ural River) .

Cities of the Urals There are many versions of the origin of the toponym “Ural”. An analysis of the linguistic contacts of the first Russian settlers in the region indicates that the toponym, in all likelihood, was adopted from Bashkir language. Indeed, of all the peoples of the Urals, this name has existed since ancient times only among the Bashkirs, and is supported at the level of the language, legends and traditions of this people (the epic Ural-Batyr). Other indigenous peoples of the Urals (Khanty, Mansi, Udmurts, Komi) have other traditional names for the Ural Mountains, adopting the name “Ural” only in XIX-XX centuries from the Russian language.

Middle Urals located in the lowlands of the Ural Mountains. It is bounded by the Konzhakovsky Stone and the Yurma and Oslyanka mountains. The Middle Urals are more developed by humans than the Northern Urals.

The attractions of the Middle Urals are not only its geographical features. Tourists come here to visit the granite rocks of Peter Gronsky, ancient mansions and watchtowers.

The city of Kushva is also interesting to people, because it is the center of mining.

The Middle Urals is the place where the famous writer D.N. was born. Mamin-Sibiryak.

Flora of the Middle Urals

The Middle Urals are a zone of endless forests. Warmer areas are favorable for forest-steppes.

The most common trees found in forests are pine, spruce and fir. And deciduous tree species are birch and aspen. The undergrowth of these zones is juniper, raspberry, alder and currant. And in the undergrowth pine forests Honeysuckle, wolf's bast and currant are often found.

The Middle Urals are located between the Northern, where the taiga reigns, and the Southern, where it grows large number plant species.

The Middle Urals are famous traditional medicine. Many herbs from these areas are used in medicinal purposes, for example, clover, forest balsam, Tibetan lofan, barberry, henbane, wintergreen, cranberry, fragrant chamomile and others.

Many plants are listed in the Red Book of the Middle Urals. Some of them are: Alpine aster, Clausia sunflower, Ural jaskola, Dianthus dianthus, Permian astragalus, Ural thyme, northern flax, swamp dremlik and many others. Also, fern species are on the verge of extinction - woodsia graceica and asiatica and wallflower. The following mushrooms are included in the Red Book of the Middle Urals: northern climacodon, felt tinder fungus, fragrant haploporus and others.

Fauna of the Middle Urals

The fauna of the Middle Urals consists mainly of species capable of living in conditions coniferous forests. For example, wolverine, sable, weasel, chipmunk, hazel grouse and black grouse.

Wooded areas are habitat for wolves, foxes, stoats and weasels. You can rarely see vipers, grass snakes, viviparous lizards and grass frogs.

Otters, minks and water voles live along the rivers. Here, on the lakes and swamps, you can find mallards, geese, pintails and teal. The swamps are also a habitat for snipes, great snipes, woodcocks and partridges.

There are much more inhabitants in broadleaf forests than in taiga forests. Hedgehogs, forest ferrets, badgers, brown hares - all these animals are the main species representing the fauna of the Middle Urals. Among the birds found here are nightingales, orioles, finches, siskins, goldfinches, starlings and rooks. And among amphibians there are Not poisonous snakes, toads and newts.

Forest-steppe zones are suitable for the life and reproduction of various squirrels, wood grouse and white hares. And in the open steppe spaces there are gophers, jerboas and hamsters. Also, these areas are suitable for life for many birds - larks, partridges, spotted eagles and falcon eagles. The sand lizard is the main representative of reptiles in the forest-steppe zone.

The taiga of the Middle Urals is suitable for the life of commercial animals - sable, weasel and martens. It was in the Urals that these animals formed a kind of symbiosis with each other, this species was called kidus. Also game animals are squirrels, chipmunks, foxes and white hares.

There are practically no large animals in the Middle Urals; they live in the northern regions, where there are no people. It is very rare to see a moose.

Many animals of these places are included in the Red Book of the Middle Urals. Endangered species are under special supervision: muskrat, common hedgehog, mink, eel, pond and water bats. Among the representatives of birds, the black stork is protected.

Climate in the Middle Urals

Spring passes very quickly in the Middle Urals. The duration of this time of year is about 1-1.5 months. Night frosts persist here until summer, with daytime temperatures rising slightly above zero.

The summer of the Middle Urals is quite warm, but rainy. Closer to the south, precipitation falls less often, and the air temperature can warm up to +20 degrees.

Autumn lasts about 2 months, from September to the end of October. Characterized by heavy rainfall and low temperatures. In November, the first snow falls in the Middle Urals, and winter sets in.

Winter is the longest and coldest season in the Middle Urals. In January average temperature is -15 degrees, and sometimes drops to -40 degrees. Snow cover begins at the end of November and lasts until mid-April.

“The Urals is an area of ​​great past and great future, generously endowed with an amazing variety of natural resources.”

A. P. Karpinsky

The nature of the Urals is unique in its diversity and can amaze with its beauty and richness.

In the Ural Mountains one can observe a pronounced altitudinal zone, that is, if you start climbing in the mountain-forest zone, you can end up in the mountain tundra.

In some places in the Urals there are relict plants (glacial and post-glacial) and endemics that live in a relatively limited range.

The danger in the Urals is represented by ticks, which transmit many dangerous infections, including encephalitis (there are especially many of them in May-June), and poisonous snakes, of which only vipers are found in the Urals. There is also a danger of meeting the owner of the taiga - the bear.

Natural attractions

Far beyond the borders of the Urals, such unique natural attractions of the Urals are known as weathering pillars on Manpupuner Plateau , Kapova Cave (Shulgan-Tash) with ancient rock paintings, underwater gypsum Orda cave , Kungur Ice Cave , Chusovaya River, Mount Narodnaya, Taganay National Park and many other places.

In the east of the Komi Republic and the west of the Yamal-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug are the highest mountains of the Urals (including the highest point of the Ural Mountains - Mount Narodnaya in the Subpolar Urals, 1895 m). Here, in hard-to-reach places, in some places almost virgin Ural nature is still preserved.

In the Sverdlovsk region, on the contrary, in places you can drive through the Urals without even noticing the mountains. This is the lowest part of the Ural Mountains. In the Yekaterinburg area, the predominant heights are on average around 500 meters.

IN Perm region most rivers, including those suitable for tourist rafting. There are also many caves here (including the Divya Cave, the longest in the region). Bashkiria is also very rich in caves. And the Chelyabinsk region has the most lakes. There are also many beautiful mountains here that are relatively easy to visit.

Rivers flowing from the western slope of the Urals carry their waters into the Caspian Sea, and from the eastern slope - into the Northern Arctic Ocean. The most long river region - Ural (formerly Yaik).

Unique Feature The Urals is also due to the fact that almost every river has factory ponds. Now water energy is no longer used in factories; ponds have begun to be used mainly for recreation.

Problems of the Urals

But not everything is as rosy as we would like. The Urals are experiencing great environmental problems. Environment Numerous factories pollute, and many mountains, as a result of mining and just crushed stones, forever change their appearance, or even disappear altogether. Soon a quarry should appear even on such an iconic peak as Konzhakov stone.

Radioactive contamination of the Urals is also very significant. First of all, as a result of the activities plant "Mayak" V Chelyabinsk region. More than one generation of Ural residents will experience the harmful effects of Mayak.

There are fewer and fewer animals and fish in the Urals. Many species of animals and plants are on the verge of extinction, listed in Red Book.

Almost all Ural forests were completely cut down at least two or three times in XVIII-XIX centuries to produce charcoal for mining factories. Active logging is still going on. Only in some places there are areas of untouched forests (mainly in the north).

Film about the nature of the Urals

The rich nature of the Urals is reflected in literature and art. He wrote best about the Ural nature writer D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak. The Urals were depicted in paintings by many artists; they were taken from late XIX century photographers.

Many travelers, having once visited the Urals and admired its nature, want to return here again and again. Appreciate and take care of the nature of the Urals!

Geographical position The territory of the Urals is located in the interfluve of the great rivers Volga-Kama and Ob-Irtysh. From west to east, the Urals are conventionally divided into three parts. The first part is the Western Urals, or the Cis-Urals, the Urals. Here the western foothills of the Ural Mountains gradually transform into the Russian Plain. The second part is the Ural ridge, or the Mountain Urals. The Ural range from north to south is divided into Polar, Subpolar, Northern, Middle and Southern. The third part is Trans-Urals. The eastern slope of the Ural ridge ends with a protrusion into the West Siberian Lowland.

Relief In the relief of the Urals, two strips of foothills (western and eastern) and a system of mountain ranges located between them, stretched parallel to each other in the submeridional direction corresponding to the strike of the tectonic zones, are clearly distinguished. There may be two or three such ridges, but in some places their number increases to six to eight. The ridges are separated from each other by extensive depressions along which rivers flow. As a rule, ridges correspond to anticlinal folds composed of more ancient and stronger rocks, and depressions correspond to synclinal folds.

Relief The Ural Mountains are located in northwestern Russia. They lie between the East European and West Siberian plains. The length of the Ural ridge is more than 2000 kilometers, width - from 40 to 150 km. The most high point Ural - Mount Narodnaya (1895 m.). The Ural Mountains were formed in the late Paleozoic during an era of intense mountain building (Hercynian folding). Formation mountain system The Urals began in the late Devonian (about 350 million years ago) and ended in the Triassic (about 200 million years ago). In ancient sources, the Ural Mountains are called the Riphean or Hyperborean Mountains. Russian pioneers called it Stone; these mountains were first mentioned in Russian sources at the end of the 17th century under the name Ural.

Climate The climate of the Urals is typical mountainous; precipitation is distributed unevenly not only across regions, but also within each region. The West Siberian Plain is a territory with harsh continental climate; in the meridional direction its continentality increases much less sharply than on the Russian Plain. Climate mountainous areas Western Siberia less continental than climate West Siberian Plain. Interestingly, within the same zone on the plains of the Cis-Urals and Trans-Urals natural conditions noticeably different. This is explained by the fact that the Ural Mountains serve as a kind of climatic barrier. To the west of them there is more precipitation, the climate is more humid and mild; to the east, that is, beyond the Urals, there is less precipitation, the climate is drier, with pronounced continental features. The climate of the Urals is varied. The mountains extend for 2000 km in the meridional direction, and the northern part of the Urals is located in the Arctic and receives solar radiation much less than southern part The Urals, located south of 55 degrees north latitude.

Northern Urals This region is wider and higher than the Middle Urals (up to 1600 m). The area is located in mountain zone, covered with forests. The climate is more severe. The area is sparsely populated. In the Northern Urals there are Pechoro-Ilychsky and Vishera nature reserves (the fourth largest in Europe). There are a lot of berries and mushrooms in the forests, and there is good fishing in the rivers. Tourist routes pass through uninhabited areas in complete autonomy.

Central Urals This is the narrowest and lowest (up to 1000 m) part of the Urals. The area is located in the zone of coniferous forests (spruce, pine, larch). The Middle Urals are densely populated, the transport network and industry are developed, business tourism is widely developed.

Southern Urals This is the widest part of the Urals. The eastern slopes are characterized by forest-steppe with numerous lakes, the western slopes up to an altitude of 1200 m are covered with forest, and the southern part is covered with steppe. In July and August there is the clearest and most warm weather. Karst phenomena are developed on the western slope. The area is quite densely populated, with developed railway and road connections.

The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "Geography"

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