Lesson “Trees. Speech development. lexical topic "trees and shrubs"





Outline of the competitive lesson on the topic:

"Trees. The structure of a tree."

Children's age: 6-7 years.

Number of children in the group: 10 people.

Subject: "Trees. The structure of a tree."
Target: To form in children an idea of ​​a tree. Introduce children to the variety of trees. Expand children's knowledge about the structure of wood.
Tasks:- Educational.

Expand children's knowledge about trees: the structural features of trees, their differences from each other, the properties of trees - change depending on the time of year.

To develop children’s ability for dialogical speech.

Expand children's understanding of the structure of trees (trunk, branches, root);

develop attention, creativity, logical thinking, mental operation “generalization”, fine motor skills of the hands.

Educating. to instill in children the need to communicate with nature, to cultivate a love for native nature, the desire to admire the world around us,

cultivate an aesthetic perception of the natural world.

Looking at a series of pictures “Trees”, reading fiction about the forest and trees, conversation: “We are friends of the forest.”

-Equipment and TSO.

- story pictures depicting the structure of a tree, didactic games, pictures of trees, a presentation on the topic, puzzles for each child on the topic: “Trees.”

Methods: Practical, visual-figurative, verbal, practical methods.

Connection with other subjects: Speech development, the world around us.

Type of lesson: Practical lesson.

Form of work: Group, individual

Elements of technology: personality-oriented, gaming,

health-preserving and information and communication.

Progress of the lesson

1.Organizational moment.

Greetings. Checking readiness for class.

2. Main part.

Pedago g: - Hello, forest!

dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

What are you making noise about?

On a dark, stormy night,

What do you whisper to us at dawn?

All in dew, like in silver?

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal? What bird?

Open everything, don’t hide:

You see, we are our own.

Teacher:-What is this poem about? (about the forest.)

All kinds of medicines are obtained from forest plants.

Forest is firewood and fuel. (Can be used instead of firewood, coal, etc.)


The forest supplies humans with food - mushrooms, berries, nuts, and animal meat.

For animals and birds, the forest is not only a breadwinner, but also a home.

It's a pity that each helicopter is only for one flight. (Maple.)

4 .Who is this girl?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round. (Christmas tree.)

Teacher:-What a great fellow you are, you guessed all the riddles, presented all your trees with dignity. And now, I invite everyone to watch a presentation on our topic. (View a presentation on the topic: “Tree. The structure of a tree.”

Children, for whom is the forest, with its variety of trees, still a home? (For animals and birds.) Yes. What animals live in the forest? What kind of animal lives in a hollow? (Squirrel). What animals live in burrows? (Hedgehog, fox, mice . ) What birds live in the forest? (Woodpecker, titmouse, black grouse, cuckoo, owl.) The forest is not only a home for animals and birds, but also the green outfit of the earth. There is always clean air in the forest, it is very beautiful, they grow medicinal plants, nuts, mushrooms and berries. The forest is our wealth!

4. Summary.

What benefits do you think the forest brings? (children's answers)

absorb 2 kg of carbon dioxide, and in 1 year release about 10 tons of acids

Didactic game"Friends of the Forest Rules"

Teacher:- we must show love and care to all inhabitants of the forest kingdom, protect and love the nature around us.

Each of you has 1 round sheet of paper with a red frame on the table - come up with a sign about what you shouldn’t do in the forest. (Children come up with prohibition signs)

Exhibition of children's prohibition signs. Praise and encouragement.

Subgroup speech therapy session on the development of coherent speech

On the topic: Trees. Forest.

Goal: To clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the forest and trees.

Educational:introduce the names of trees: birch, oak, maple, rowan; enrichment of the dictionary on the topic: “Forest. Trees"; formation of adjectives from nouns.

Corrective: development of general and fine motor skills, auditory perception, production of a stable air stream.

Educational: fostering a caring attitude towards native nature.

Equipment: subject pictures on the topic: “Trees. Forest", sensory track, software package "Games for Tigers", sand table.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

1.Communication game “Say hello, buddy!”

Children enter the sensory room and stand in a circle.

We ran, we walked,

Were mischievous

And how did we get into a circle?

Say hello, buddy!

Children sit on ottomans.


Hello guys, we have received a letter. It is written by Lesovichok. Let's read what it says. “Dear guys, hello! I am Lesovichok, the guardian of the forest. I protect the forest from people who do not value or protect the forest. They leave garbage, burn fires, cut down and break trees and bushes. I really hope you won't do this. After all, we cannot live without forests, without trees. Remember this! Please treat the forest with care!”

II. Main part

3. Introduction to the topic.

That's right guys, forests and trees are friends of all life on earth. Tell me, what is a forest? A forest is a place where many trees grow. Trees on our planet are the most different types. The forest, guys, is our wealth. Motherland - Russia. The forest, so beautiful and elegant at all times of the year, gives everyone around fresh and clean air, rich in oxygen, which is so necessary for people and animals. The forest is home to animals and birds. Fruit different trees feed animals and birds.

Today we will talk about the forest. And the theme of our lesson is “Forest”.

4.Guess the riddles.

Guys, we know that there are many trees growing in the forest. But we will find out what trees grow in the forest when we solve the riddles.

Russian beauty stands in a clearing,

In a green blouse, in a white sundress. (birch)

I crawled out of the little barrel,

He took roots and grew up,

I have become tall and mighty,

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.

I feed pigs and squirrels

It’s okay that my fruit is small. (oak)

Horned branches, winged fruits,

And the leaf is palm shaped, with a long stem. (maple)

Green in the spring, tanned in the summer,

In the fall I wore red corals. (rowan)

Let's try to find a picture of the tree you named on my desk and attach it to the board.

(children name the trees, find a picture of the tree they name and attach it to the board)

5.Describe the tree.

Look how many trees there are in our forest.

Birch - a smooth white thin trunk with black spots, thin branches drooping down, triangular leaves.

Oak - thick trunk and branches, oval leaves, acorns.

Maple trunk is dark gray, the leaves look like an outstretched palm.

Rowan - the trunk is thin, straight, brown, an oval-shaped leaf, consists of small leaflets arranged in pairs. Rowan has red berries.

6. Touch track.

Guys, do you like walking in the forest? (children's answers)

Now let's imagine that we will walk with you along the forest paths. (Children walk along the sensory path to music and recite the poem)

We go one after another

And we don’t get tired at all.

Raise your legs

On a forest path.

Left time, right time,

Look at us.

Everyone in the forest is surprised

Different trees grow:

Unraveled the branches-braids

White-trunk birch.

The oak spread its branches,

And the wind is not afraid of him.

The trees rustle their leaves,

It's like they're having a conversation

The arms and branches spread out,

The birds were invited to visit.

7. Auditory gymnastics.

Let's close our eyes and listen to the sounds of the forest .

Children close their eyes and listen to the sounds of the forest.

Guys, what sounds did you hear in the forest? (birds singing, leaves rustling, wind blowing)

8. Breathing exercises (games for Tigers)

Let's take turns blowing on a dandelion.

Children blow on a dandelion.

9. Articulation gymnastics

10.Game “Which branch are the kids from?”

Let's play a game. Find which tree the leaf fell from and name it.

Birch leaf (which one?)… birch

Oak leaf (which one?) ... oak

Rowan leaf (which one?)…rowan

Leaf from a maple (which one?)…maple

(pictures of trees hang on the board, children pick up a leaf from the floor and find which tree it fell from)

Well done guys, you did a good job.

11. Finger gymnastics “In the forest”

One, two, three, four, five,

We went for a walk in the woods.

This finger is on the path. clench and unclench fists

This finger is along the path,

This finger is for mushrooms.

This finger is behind the raspberry.

I saw this finger of birds.

The birds flew away noisily, shaking their tassels

They didn't want to play with him. clench and unclench fists

12. Drawing in the sand.

Let's draw the leaves that you found on the sand, but first remember the rules for drawing on sand.

Children remember the rules and draw leaves in the sand.

13. Rules of behavior in the forest. Do you know how to behave in the forest?

1. Do not destroy bird nests.

2. Be quiet in the forest.

3.Do not light fires in the forest.

4.Do not leave garbage in the forest.

We remembered how to behave in the forest.

III. Lesson results

Let's remember what trees we met while walking through the forest. Repeat the movements after me. (children pretend to be trees)

Mighty oak - hands to shoulders, fingers clenched into fists.

Slender birch - arms raised up, hands slightly tilted to the sides.

Maple - hands crossed above the head, tilted forward

Well done guys, they depicted the trees wonderfully.

Today we visited the forest. We remembered what trees grow in the forest. We remembered the rules of conduct in the forest. I’m sure Lesovichok can be calm, you will treat the forest with care. And so that you don’t forget the rules of behavior in the forest, here’s a house for you. exercise. You need to color the drawing.

Goal: To develop children's interest in nature

1. Teach children to distinguish and recognize trees in their immediate environment by external signs.

2. Deepen knowledge about the importance of trees in the lives of all living beings, including humans.

3. Form an understanding of the basic needs of a tree for light, water, air in the process of its growth and development.

4. Contribute to the development of a sense of empathy for the troubles of nature, the desire to fight for its preservation.

5Cultivate a love of nature.


1Photos of trees

2.music disc "Sounds of nature"

3. Demonstration material "Trees, their leaves and fruits."

4. Blank sheets of paper, colored pencils.


Music plays quietly.

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about the green kingdom of plants,

We will learn its new secrets. Do you know that our Earth is green planet? Yes, yes! This

the plants were given to her green. Now let's play a little.

Game "Green Color"; The teacher invites the children to listen to music Sounds of Nature.

Invites children to come up with what color it is green, what smell it might have,

soft? Children close their eyes and listen to quiet music. The teacher reads


I entered the forest

Green day

Green oak rocked in it.

green leaves, green grass,

Green frogs sing: qua, qua, qua

Green moss lay on the stump,

The green beetle buzzed above him.

A green, green dragonfly trembled in the sky.

She rolled her eyes in such surprise.

And now: The sun opens its eyes,

The silent forest comes to life,

Let's open the forest door,

We'll talk to the forest!

Guys, which of you knows and can tell what a forest is?

(Children's answers)

Right! The forest is a place where many plants grow, it is a home for birds and animals!

What plants did you see in the forest? What are they called?

(Children's answers)

Guys, which of you has been to our Troparevsky Park? What kind of trees grow there?

Children's answers)

Well done! We saw a lot of trees there!

But now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you try to guess it.

I crawled out of the little barrel,

I took root and grew, I became tall and mighty,

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds,

I feed pigs and squirrels

It’s okay that the fruit is my chalk.

(Children's answers)

You guessed correctly - it's oak. And its fruit is an acorn.

There are many oak trees growing in our park and in our area. The older the oak, the more powerful it is

trunk. No wonder it is also called the Hero Tree.

Which one of you will show us where the oak tree is depicted?

The teacher calls one child, who finds a photograph with the image

oak (We attach it to the stand)

Listen to the following riddle: This tree grows in our playgrounds, forests and

city ​​parks. It is very beautiful and symbolizes our Russia.

White-trunked beauties

We stood together by the path,

The branches go down to the bottom,

And on the branches there are earrings

(Children's answers)

That's right - it's birch.

A willing child finds a photograph with a picture of a birch tree and attaches it to

But this tree also grows in our area, and there is one in our garden.

Who can help me solve this riddle?

Listen to this: Small and unattractive

And they turn modestly green,

But in the fall their leaves

And the berries turn red.

(Children's answers)

That's right - this is a rowan tree. Guys, remember how many beautiful crafts we made?

Do you make it from rowan berries? The willing child also finds a photograph with the image of a rowan and attaches it to the stand.

And mine the last riddle for today:

From the trees in early summer

Suddenly snowflakes flutter

But this doesn’t make us happy; it makes us sneeze.

Guys, from what tree does fluff fly?

(children's answers)

You guessed correctly. This is a Poplar tree.

Remember, there comes a time when white fuzz flies everywhere. They fly to us

in the windows, in the face, circling in the parks, covering the paths with a white carpet.

Who will find and attach this tree to our stand?

Here are 4 trees at our stand today. Let’s repeat their names again. (Children

name the trees out loud)

Educator: Guys, you guessed my riddles very well, so now we

Let's play the game: "Tree and seeds" (physical education)

Children stand around the teacher

Educator: Let's imagine that I am a tree, and you are my tiny seeds.

Autumn has come, my seeds are ripe.

I am the mother tree, and you are my children,

I rocked you in a cradle on a branch.

But the time has come, it's time for you to fly away,

It's time for you big trees become!

But then a strong wind blew, and my seed children flew and began to spin. fell on

earth and fell asleep under a warm fluffy blanket, waiting for the arrival of spring. (children

spin around, squat down and close their eyes) The sun warmed up and melted

snow, a warm, spring rain began to fall. Roots sprouted from the seeds, and

thin green stem with branches. Small trees, hands - twigs

reach for the sun and grow. It will take a long time and you will become big

trees. So big! (Children slowly stand up, raise their hands up and


arms-twigs stretch and grow, turning into big tree.) Well done!

Guys, what is underneath the tree?

(children's answers) That's right, roots.

Now let's imagine that your hands are roots, hold hands. Like this

plant roots, intertwined, help each other. Especially this

help needed during strong wind, because the wind can uproot a tree and it

falls. But this only happens with lonely trees. And we got a whole

The forest and our trees are not in danger! Guys, you are so great! Guys, you should know that if you don’t protect nature, don’t take care of all living things, then trees

there will be less, the air will be polluted, it will be more difficult to breathe, health will become poor

To do this you need to love and protect nature!

And now we will smile,

Let's hold hands tightly,

And goodbye to each other

We will make a promise.

We will be friends with the forest,

Guard him. Love!

Now let's try to draw a tree. Each of you chooses one tree and

draws him. (oak, birch, rowan, poplar) And after you finish your drawings

we will arrange an exhibition of works and discuss them.

Correctional educational goals. Expanding ideas about the changes that occur in nature in autumn. Activation of the dictionary on the topic “Trees” Improvement grammatical structure speech ( formation of nouns in the genitive case with a preposition, agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender and number).

Corrective and developmental is intact. Development of prolonged exhalation, speech hearing, coherent speech, memory, thinking, articulatory, fine and general motor skills.

Correctional and educational goals. Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. Fostering love and respect for nature.

Equipment. Set of canvas, game “Colorful Leaves”, container with colored pencils, container with feathers.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment.

The one who names the days of the week sits down.

II. Main part.

1. Game "Colorful leaves". [Expanding and activating the vocabulary on the topic “Trees” (relative adjectives). Improving the grammatical structure of speech (formation of nouns in genitive case with the preposition s, agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender and number).]

The speech therapist places two sheets of cardboard on the typesetting canvas, which depict maple, chestnut, rowan, oak, pine, spruce.

Speech therapist. Do you recognize the trees that grow in the forest? Show and name them.

Children take turns going to the typesetting canvas, pointing and naming the trees. The speech therapist lays out cards with pictures of tree leaves in front of the children. The cards are equipped with Velcro.

Speech therapist. And here are the leaves of these trees. You must guess which tree each of them fell from, pin the leaf next to this tree and remember which leaf it is.

1st child. This leaf fell from the maple tree. Maple leaf.

2nd child. And this leaf fell from the rowan tree. Rowan leaf.

3rd child. This is a leaf from an oak tree. Oak leaf.

4th child. These needles are from the Christmas tree. Spruce needles.

5th child. And these needles are from pine trees. Pine needles.

6th child. And this leaf fell from the birch tree. Birch leaf.

7th child. This is a leaf from an oak tree. Oak leaf.

Speech therapist. From which tree did the last leaf fall?

Children. From chestnut.

Speech therapist. We'll call it chestnut leaf. It is not customary to say chestnut leaf. Now imagine what color the leaves of the trees are in the fall, and tell me about each of them. Listen to me tell you about spruce needles. These are green spruce needles.

1st child. Red maple leaf.

2nd child. Orange rowan leaf.

3rd child. Brown oak leaf.

4th child. Green pine needles.

5th child. Yellow chestnut leaf.

6th child. Yellow birch leaf.

7th child. Brown oak leaf.

Speech therapist. Well done. You did a very good job.

2. General articulation gymnastics.

The speech therapist invites the children to the mirror and checks whether they are sitting correctly, and then offers to do several general articulation gymnastics exercises.

Speech therapist. Let's do the "Bubble" exercise. Close your lips tightly. Puff out your cheeks. Slowly squeeze out air with your fists? through tightly compressed lips. Watch me do this exercise.

Children perform the exercise three times. After each performance, the speech therapist gives them the opportunity to rest and swallow saliva.

Speech therapist. The next exercise is called “Balls”. Try to draw air under one or the other cheek with your lips tightly closed. Look how I do it.

Children perform the exercise three times again. After each performance, the speech therapist gives them the opportunity to rest and swallow saliva.

Speech therapist. Now let’s do the “Pendulum” exercise.

Open your mouth wide, stretch out your tongue, tense it, touch the sharp tip of your tongue to the left or right corner of your lips. Make sure that your tongue moves through the air, not across your lower lip, so that your lower jaw does not move. Look how I do this exercise.

Children perform the exercise three times under the supervision of a speech therapist. After each performance, the speech therapist gives them the opportunity to rest and swallow saliva.

Speech therapist. You did all the exercises very well. Well done!

3 . Work in notebooks [Development. Prevention of violations writing. Activation of the dictionary on the topic “ Trees» ( relative adjectives). Improving the grammatical structure of speech ( agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender and number)]

The speech therapist distributes notebooks to children. Places a container with colored pencils on the table.

Speech therapist. What do you see?

Children. Leaves.

Speech therapist. The images of the leaves are superimposed on each other to make the task more difficult to complete. But first listen to the poem.

It is until late autumn

Everything is green.

That means he's resilient.

So, hardened.

Children. About oak.

Speech therapist. How did you guess?

Children. On an oak tree, the leaves remain green for a long time.

Speech therapist. Trace the oak leaf with your finger.

Children complete the task.

Speech therapist. Now take a green pencil, circle and color the leaf.

Children complete the task. The speech therapist makes sure that they sit correctly and hold the pencil correctly.

Speech therapist. Did you recognize the second piece of paper?

Children. This is a maple leaf.

Speech therapist. What might it look like in the fall?

Children. Red.

Speech therapist. Trace the maple leaf with a red pencil.

Children complete the task.

Speech therapist. What kind of leaf did you get?

Children. Red maple leaf.

Speech therapist. Fine. Close your notebooks.

The speech therapist puts away notebooks and pencils.

4. Outdoor game "Leaves". [Coordination of speech with movement. Improving the ability to jump with advancement on the toes.]

The speech therapist invites the children onto the carpet, where there is a ring of rope.

Speech therapist. Let's imagine that we turn into autumn leaves. Let's remember Only this time the leaves will swirl around a puddle, which we will mark with a blue rope, at the edge of the forest.

Children do the exercise.

Autumn leaves are quietly spinning, Spinning, arms outstretched.

The leaves fall quietly under our feet. They squat. And under your feet they rustle and rustle, moving your arms left and right.

As if they want to get dizzy again. They spin on their toes.

5. Exercise “Swan feathers”. [ Development of force and duration of exhalation. Consolidating ideas about the changes that occur in nature in autumn]

The children and the speech therapist remain standing on the carpet. The speech therapist takes out a container with white feathers.

Speech therapist. Remind us of what happens in the lives of migratory birds in the fall. Start your answer with the words migratory birds.

Children. Migratory birds fly away to warmer climes.

Speech therapist. Why do they do this?

Children. In autumn it gets cold, insects hide, plants die, and birds have nothing to eat.

Speech therapist. Right. What migratory birds do you know the names of?

Children. Geese, swans, cranes, swallows, rooks.

Speech therapist. A flock of swans flew over the forest where we are walking today. The swans lost these feathers. Take one feather at a time and place it on your palm. Hold your palm in front of your mouth. Let's blow on the feathers so that they spin in the air. Breathe in and out at my command. Don't puff out your cheeks.

The exercise is carried out 3-4 times so as not to provoke dizziness in children.

6. Exercise “Be careful. ( Development of speech hearing, memory, thinking).

Speech therapist. Now I want to check how attentive you are. Now I will pronounce the words. Try to remember them and determine which of these words is not related to autumn. Rain, leaf fall, blizzard, mushroom. Which word is missing? Why do you think so?

Children. The extra word is blizzard. Blizzards happen in winter.

Speech therapist. Blow, fall, collect, sunbathe.

Children. Another word is sunbathing. People sunbathe in summer.

Speech therapist. Rainy, cloudy, frosty, golden.

Children. The extra word frosty. There are frosty days in winter.

Name: Summary of the integrated lesson “Trees”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Speech therapist classes, Senior group

Position: teacher
Place of work: MKDOU Kindergarten combined type No. 15 “Berezka”
Location: region Ivanovskaya, Rodniki

Summary of an integrated lesson in a senior speech therapy group on the topic: “Trees.”

Program content:

Educational objectives:

  1. Continue to introduce children to the structure of a tree and its characteristic features.
  2. Strengthen children's ability to distinguish trees by their trunk and leaves.
  3. Form an idea of ​​“coniferous” and “deciduous” trees.
  4. Continue to enrich coherent speech; Encourage children to try to express their point of view on the question posed by the teacher.
  5. Improve the ability to navigate the surrounding space, understand the meaning of spatial relationships (above - below, right - left).
  6. Learn to draw birch branches.

Developmental tasks:

  1. Develop visual and auditory perception, attention, logical thinking, memory, fine motor skills of the fingers.
  2. Develop the ability to communicate in a friendly tone, express agreement or disagreement with a friend’s answer.

Educational tasks:

  1. Cultivate emotional responsiveness when learning about the world around you.
  2. Foster love and respect for nature.
  3. Continue to cultivate accuracy when working with paints. Materials: illustrations of trees, tree bark, dry leaves, multimedia, birch drawing, drawing supplies.

Progress of the lesson.

1. A mobile phone rings.

N: Hello! Is this a kindergarten?

B: - Yes. Who's calling?

N: - It’s me Dunno. Please ask the guys to help me solve the riddle.

B: - Guys, come here quickly. Dunno is calling, he asks you to help him solve a riddle. Can you help? Then listen carefully.

N: - Its in the spring and summer

We saw him dressed.

And in the fall from the poor thing

All the shirts were torn off. (tree)

Q: - What is this? How do you think? Say it louder so N. can hear.

N: - Thank you! Goodbye.

Q: Guys, do you know trees? Look how many trees I have (I post pictures of trees). Guess which tree I made a riddle about (mighty, strong, strong - oak; white-trunked, curly - birch; prickly, evergreen - fir-tree.) Which tree did I not make a riddle about?

2. Didactic game “The fourth odd one”

Look carefully and tell me which tree is the odd one out here and why. Explain your choice.

2 options:

1 birch - because it has a white trunk;

2 spruce - because it has needles, not leaves.

Both options are correct. Guys, if leaves grow on a tree, what do we call it? (deciduous). And the spruce tree has needles instead of leaves. They are called differently needles. And a tree with spruce needles - conifer. Say it all together.

3. Guys, trees are different: the trunk of trees can be thick and thin, and dark and white. Trees have both leaves and needles. But still, all trees have a lot in common. And the magic screen will help us make sure of this.

Multimedia “Structure of a tree”

Guys, what part of the tree appeared on the screen? (roots). Why don’t we see them near the tree? (because they are underground).

Every tree has roots. For some they go deep into the ground, for others they are located shallowly and spread out in all directions.

Guys, why do you think a tree needs roots? The roots not only hold the tree, but also take nutrients and mineral salts dissolved in it from the soil.

Guys, what is the name of this part of the tree? (trunk). The tree trunk is covered with bark on top. It can be smooth, or it can be rough. Feel what kind of bark it is. How else could it be different? (color) Correct. It can be light or dark depending on the species and age of the tree. The older the tree, the darker the bark.

Guys, why does a tree need bark? It, like human clothing, protects the tree from frost and hot sun rays. Guys, what do you think will appear on the screen now? What else does the tree have? Every tree has branches and leaves. They form the crown of the tree. What time of year is it now? What color is the crown in autumn? Blown autumn wind, picked up autumn leaves and the leaves began to fall. Turn around yourself and turn into a leaf.

4. Phys. just a minute.

Leaves “fly” like butterflies

Spinning, fluttering, “circling”

Both the porch and the bench “squat”

The leaves are falling.

Leaf fall, leaf fall "circling"

Shedding the old garden.

5.Work at tables.

Guys, let's make an “Autumn Carpet” from our leaves - take right hand yellow leaf maple and place it in the center of the napkin. On the right is an oak leaf, on the left of a maple leaf is a rowan leaf, Above the maple leaf is a linden leaf, below under the yellow maple leaf is a red maple leaf.

Guys, see if you laid out the autumn carpet correctly. Whoever completed the task correctly, clap your hands and come to me.

6. Guys, guess what tree is hidden here.

This forest fashionista

He often changes his outfit.

In a white fur coat - in winter,

All in earrings - in the spring.

Green sundress - in summer.

On an autumn day - dressed in a raincoat.

If the wind blows.

Golden cloak - rustling (birch tree)

The picture “Birch” is exhibited.

7.Finger game

Autumn with a long thin brush

Recolors leaves

Red, yellow, gold

What a beautiful colored sheet you are.

How is birch different from other trees? (barrel) That's right. The trunk of the birch tree is white, with black specks. And also - the location of the branches. Show me where the branches of the trees grow? (up), and at the Christmas tree - down. And the birch tree has weeping branches: first up, and then down. Let's show. These are some beautiful birch trees.

Today we will learn to draw a weeping birch tree. We have already learned to draw tree trunks. Let's remember. Show with your hands: draw the trunk, then the branches of the birch: up and down, up and down smoothly. Well done. Guys, tell me, how can you quickly draw birch foliage? (poking). Right. We put a little paint for foliage on a hard, dry brush and make a few test pokes on the paper.

8. Independent activity.

9. Summary. Look what wonderful birch trees we have, a real birch grove. Guys, tell me what you were doing? What do you remember? What did you like? What was difficult?