Drawing up sentences on plot pictures. Schemes of proposals for all occasions

Tatiana Andronova
The system of working on a proposal with children of senior preschool age

Target: tell teachers a system for working on a proposal with children of older preschool age.

Working on a proposal preschool age contributes not only to the preparation for literacy, but also to the general speech and mental development of children. Without her the idea of ​​the word in a preschooler is indefinite, and the ability to analyze verbal composition develops very slowly.

Selection features preschoolers words from a sentence in the conditions of spontaneous formation of concepts about linguistic phenomena and in conditions special education were studied by S. N. Karpova. With spontaneous formation, this process proceeds extremely slowly, the child's orientation to the word is limited and unstable. He often singles out not one word, but a complex of words, repeats what he heard offer without realizing the essential features of the word.

Every child should be able to articulate before entering school. offer into words and name the number of words in it, any word in order, come up with suggestions on given quantity words, make up a deformed offer, write down sentences graphically.

The teacher uses the terms « offer» , "word" develops in children presentation of the offer.

I stage. Isolation sentences from the flow of speech.

Work on a proposal should start by separating proposals from the text and counting their number. For this, a short (at three or four suggestions) a story that is specially compiled by the educator and a picture is shown. While reading, the teacher intonation highlights the end suggestions and pause between proposals“Children are playing ball. The boy throws the ball to the girl. The girl catches the ball. The teacher asks children: "Who was the story about?", sets specific questions: What did I say about children? What did I say about the boy? What did I say about the girl?

Then the teacher says that in this story there were 3 suggestions: the first is about children, the second is about a girl, the third is about a boy. Children's attention is drawn to the lowering of the voice at the end suggestions. After listening to how many times the voice was lowered, the children determine the number of offers. The story is memorized so that children can tell it and name the first offer, second and third.

Next for children offered compose a story on some picture, with several episodes. The story can be collective, each child is offer. The teacher repeats them, making small pauses and lowering his voice at the end. suggestions. Children count suggestions, bending fingers.

“Children are on duty in the dining room. Katya lays out the plates. Kolya puts down the cups. Olya is carrying spoons.

The teacher asks: how many sentences in our story? What is the first offer(second) Then the story is repeated, each the sentence is reproduced by children in a chain.

Questions asked by the educator (about whom, what is said in the first offer What is said characterizes the semantic, semantic side suggestions as units of speech. The teacher emphasizes that offer subject not just called, but something is reported about him that is unknown to the listener.

Then the children make up toy deals, pictures. And every time the educator helps them to establish who or what is written offer what it says, i.e. isolate the semantic side suggestions.

In order to emphasize that in sentence has some meaning, the teacher always asks who it is about offer. What is said about the girl?

Further, it is advisable to graphically depict offer show the kids how to "write" his - a long line; Start proposals are marked with a corner, and put a dot at the end. You can also use strips of paper. Later, the children are trained in determining the number of sentences in the finished text. The text is pronounced with pauses, and the children indicate proposals on the charts. Then the correctness of the task is checked. For fixing ideas about the offer methods are used, as:

1. Inventing sentences with a given word;

2. Inventing suggestions, which would start with certain word; drafting two picture suggestions;

3. Inventing "funny" suggestions;

4. Drafting proposals for"live scenes".

All these methods are accompanied by proposals, their counting, analysis of semantic content. At this stage, children are led to the idea that our speech consists of their proposals what about each subject can say sentence. But, above all, these tasks are aimed at ensuring that children begin to understand and use the word « offer» .

II stage. Introduction to vocabulary proposals.

At this stage, children learn that sentence is made up of words.

Learning begins with the analysis of simple sentences without prepositions and conjunctions, consisting of 2 - 3 words (The doll is sitting. The doll is holding the ball). For analysis proposals visual-effective methods are used and tricks:

looking at toys

Demonstration of actions with toys,

looking at pictures,

Spatial modeling.

Simultaneously proposal drafting work. Learning is based on the spatial modeling of words using abstract symbols (lines, stripes). The latter helps the child understand linearity (subsequence) and discreteness (articulateness) speech. In the first lessons, in the process of actions with toys, children are shown that different things can be said about any toy. suggestions(The doll is sitting. The doll is lying. The doll is having breakfast). Sentences are repeated by children. Then they make up proposals for toys. One of proposals the teacher says with pauses after each word. Children at this time count how many words, which is the first word, which is the second. Similar Job carried out with other sentences of 2 - 3 words. As a result, children develop ideas about what about each subject can say sentences, what sentences are made up of words. This is how the primary orientation in the analysis develops. suggestions. From the very beginning, it is advisable to use diagrams. The teacher draws lines on the board according to the number of words in the analyzed sentence and say: “One line stands for one word. There are three features here, so in three words sentence. The first word is indicated not by a simple line, but by a line with a corner, at the end sentences end". It is advisable to have sets of cards with diagrams of different proposals. Children use these sets when analyzing and compiling proposals. Model schemas provide subject support in the formation of speech analysis skills, are a means of forming generalized ideas about the structure of the sentence.

The modeling of verbal composition has become widespread suggestions in the game"Living Words". The words in this living model are depicted by children. During the game, the teacher calls as many children as there are words in offer, and tells everyone what word it will be. Then "living words" offered stand in sequence, from left to right, according to the verbal composition suggestions. When naming words in order, children can "read" thought or spoken offer. Thus, in this "alive" model, speech reality stands out as an object of observation, study. In different versions of the game, children learn to observe the language, see, what happens when changing the order of words, spreading suggestions by adding one or two words, replacing one word, composing sentences from a set of words. In different versions of this game, analysis and synthesis exercises are used as components. proposals(“What is the first word? Which word goes after?").

In the future, children learn to compose and analyze suggestions from different quantity words, name words sequentially and randomly, correlate with the scheme. Offers children can take from fairy tales they know, make up subject and plot pictures, series of pictures.

In another version of the game - "Confusion"- the sequence of words is broken in offer while the children restore order. Thus, children are led to the idea that in offer All the words are linked in meaning and follow each other.

Gradually, children develop the ability to analyze the composition suggestions without relying on visual material. The mental action of analysis begins to take place in the inner plane.

Throughout the training period, the following tricks:

1. clear pronunciation of words with a pause; highlighting words in voice, their quantitative and ordinal count (how many words, what is the first word, what comes next,

2. pronunciation of words under the claps (educator, individual children, the whole group); sequential naming of words offer;

3. jumping rope,

4. tapping on a drum or tambourine as many times as

5. count words in suggestion on fingers, using counting sticks; in loud speech, to himself;

6. different variants games "Living Words";

7. pronunciation of words at random;

8. pronunciation of words in rows;

9. whisper analysis suggestions;

To consolidate the skill of analysis and synthesis suggestions This step uses the following tasks:

1. Determining the number of words in a sentence. How many words are in offer?

1. Definition word sequences. Say the first word, second, third.

2. Definition place of a word in relation to other words. Between which words is the word ... After which word is the word ... Before which word is the word. Name your neighbors...

3. Name of the first and last word in offer.

4. Which word in a row ...

5. Name the third word.

6. Naming words in breakdown: name the second, first, third, word.

7. "Confusion". Drafting proposals according to the deformed phrase.

8. "Fix My Mistake" An intentional error in the graphic designation is allowed suggestions. Did I spell correctly offer? Do you agree with me?

9. Selection proposals for a given scheme. Which scheme is correct?

10. What word is missing? Children close their eyes, the teacher removes one strip.

11. Pick up the missing word. Cat ... mouse. Hare ... a carrot.

12. Inventing sentences with a certain number of words.

13. Inventing sentences with the suggested word.

14. Come up with offer in two or three words.

15. Distribution proposals, by increasing the number of words using symbol strips.

16. Advise between which words to insert the word delicious. Sonya drinks juice.

Thus, proposed system for working on a proposal is an integral part training preschoolers to literacy. It helps not only to overcome the difficulties that children experience when isolating words from the composition proposals, but increase the level of arbitrariness of speech and contribute to the conscious operation of the language and its elements.

The ability to correctly formulate one's thoughts is fundamental for every literate person. Written speech differs from the oral one in that it is necessary to formulate thoughts especially carefully, making them understandable to everyone. However, in order to make a proposal, you need to understand only a few fundamental principles native language.

Proposal Basics

It is important to understand the main thing: the sentence must contain a complete thought.

In the classical version, it is expressed in the form of a grammatical basis and secondary members. Sometimes, the latter are missing. One of the main members of the grammatical basis may also be absent, in which case, the entire semantic load falls on the only main member. Such a proposal is called a one-part proposal.

Main members

The subject and predicate are the grammatical basis of a sentence.

The subject is expressed by a noun and is always used in the nominative case, that is, it answers the questions "who?" or "what?".

The predicate is expressed by the verb and tells us what the subject is doing.

What are active and passive voices

In order to correctly compose a sentence, it is necessary to take into account how it will sound, because a set of words cannot always be correctly understood.

If the subject acts as the performer of the action that expresses the predicate, then we are talking about the active voice: "Masha ate an apple."

If the subject does not perform the action expressed by the predicate, then we are talking about a passive voice: "The apple is eaten by Masha."

According to the rules of the Russian language, for a more accurate expression of thought, it is better to use the active voice. However, the passive voice is more appropriate in a number of cases:

  • When the performer is unknown;
  • When to focus on the subject;
  • In business correspondence.

Minor members

Most often, in addition to the subject and predicate, several words are added to the construction, one way or another, characterizing its grammatical basis. These words play a secondary role. Their presence makes the proposal widespread, and if they are not, it makes it non-common.

Compose a proposal minor members is not difficult, it is enough to specify or decorate the grammatical basis:

"We have planted magnificent dahlias in our garden."

Difficult sentence

A complex sentence includes two or more grammatical bases, in other words, it consists of several simple ones. Composing a complex sentence is not at all difficult, understanding simple rules.

There can be separating commas or conjunctions between grammatical stems. If simple sentences in a complex one are separated by a comma, then the sentence is considered to be non-union:

"The grass is turning green, the sun is shining, the swallow is flying in the canopy with spring."

If used for separation coordinating conjunctions- and, but, but, yes - the sentence is called compound:

"The dog barks and the cat meows."

Using subordinating unions- if, so that, how, because, etc. - the sentence is considered to be complex.

"We will sunbathe if the weather is sunny."

How to make a sentence with a phrase

AT school curriculum in Russian, there are often tasks related to the preparation of sentences with certain phrases. Do not be afraid of this, because it is not difficult at all.

To compose a sentence that includes a given phrase, it must be understood that the word forms in the proposed phrase can be changed in accordance with the meaning of the sentence. This means that words can be declined and conjugated.

These are just the main points regarding the drafting of proposals.

LBC 74.3

Yatsel O.S.
Learning to use prepositions correctly in speech: abstracts
classes on teaching children with OHP in senior and preparatory
groups / O.S. Yatsel. M. : Publishing house "GNOM" and D", 2005.- 48 p.

ISBN 5-296-00531-7

Speech therapists are offered abstracts of 24 lessons, designed for two years of study (in the senior and preparatory groups for school), on teaching children with OHP the ability to correctly use prepositions in speech.
In the classroom, the meaning of prepositions is clarified for children, their differentiation is carried out and the ability to correctly use prepositional-case constructions in speech is formed, i.e. correct usage some prepositions with nouns of indirect cases.
This manual is addressed to speech therapists and educators of speech therapy groups.



Lesson notes

for teaching children with OHP in senior
and preparatory groups



The attention of speech therapists is offered a system of work on teaching children the ability to correctly use prepositions in speech. It includes abstracts of 24 lessons, designed for two years of study (in the senior and preparatory groups for school) and demonstration material for classes .
In the classroom, the meaning of prepositions is clarified for children, their differentiation is carried out, and the ability to correctly use prepositional-reliable constructions in speech is formed (i.e., the correct use of some prepositions with nouns in indirect cases).
Control and verification classes, but the studied material are held at the end of the year.
AT senior a group of children are taught:
on, in, behind, under, to, from, by, about;
use prepositions with nouns and adjectives correctly in speech;
- Differentiate prepositions: on the- in, on- under, to - from;
make sentences with prepositions to demonstrate actions, according to plot and subject pictures, according to the preposition scheme and suggested words.
In classes in the older group, instead of the term "preposition", the speech therapist uses the term "small word".
AT preparatory the group is given more complex classes,
in which children are taught:
- understand the meaning of prepositions: from, from, over, because of, from under, through, between;
- use them correctly with nouns and adjectives;
differentiate prepositions: from-with, over-under, from-under-from, due-from;
analyze sentences with a preposition (determine the number of words in a sentence, what preposition is in a row, etc.);
- draw up a sentence scheme with a preposition in the scheme.
In the classroom in the preparatory group, the speech therapist introduces children to
the term "proposition". great attention in all classes, it is given to demonstrate actions, listening to the children's correct pronunciation by the teacher of prepositions and endings of nouns, loudly and clearly highlighted intonation.
The number of classes offered can be increased depending on the assimilation educational material children. Further consolidation of the material is carried out in individual lessons.

1 YEAR OF TRAINING. Senior group
Thematic plan
1. Introductory lesson
2. Topic: Preposition "ON"
3. Topic: Preposition "UNDER"
4. Topic: Differentiation of prepositions "ON", "UNDER"
5. Topic: Preposition "B"
6. Topic: Differentiation of prepositions "In", "NA"
7. Topic: Preposition "FOR"
8. Topic: Preposition "K"
9. Topic: Preposition "FROM"
10. Topic: Differentiation of prepositions "K", "OT"
11. Topic: Preposition "PO"
12. Final test session
W Annotation 1. INTRODUCTION
teach children: determine the spatial arrangement of objects, construct from cubes on the instructions of the teacher; develop attention, memory, phonemic hearing.
EQUIPMENT: a cap, boxes, pencils, cubes, tables, nesting dolls, cups, spoons.

1. Organizing time
Speech therapist: Today I am the commander and I give you tasks. You listen carefully and do quickly what I order. Put your hands on the table, under the table. Raise your hands up, put your hands down. Raise right hand, left hand. Turn back, left, right, straight.
2. The main part of the lesson Exercise "Build up!"
Speech therapist,(turning to the children in turn):"Lena, come forward. Sveta, stand behind Lena. Natasha, stand between Lena and Sveta. Petya, stand in front of Lena. Tolya, stand near Sveta. Tell me, who is ahead of Natasha? Etc.
Working with items
The speech therapist calls one of the children to the board and invites the child to complete tasks.
Speech therapist: Please take the pencil that is in the box (under the box, next to the box, behind the box).
Children monitor the correctness of the task, if it is done incorrectly, stomp their feet or clap their hands.
Game "Construction > (individual work)
Speech therapist: Place a cube on a cube. This is a wall. We put a table behind the wall. There is a matryoshka at the table. There are cups on the table. There is a ball under the table. Place the matryoshka at the table and feed her (playing out).
3. Summary of the lesson
Speech therapist: Well done boys! You listened carefully to your commander and carried out the commands correctly.

Introduce children to the preposition "ON", its scheme.
2. Teach to hear this preposition in colloquial speech.
3. Learn how to make sentences with prepositions "ON THE".

EQUIPMENT: snowflake (made of paper with tasks on the back), cubes (red and blue), toy table and chair, doll, card with a preposition scheme, figurines for flannelgraph (crow, jackdaw, sparrow, cat, Christmas tree, house roof, fence), mirror , plot pictures.)
1. Organizational moment
Speech therapist: Look out the window. What is the snow on? On the ground, on the roof, etc. And a beautiful snowflake flew to us. There is something written on it. These are assignments. Listen to them:
“Take the red cube, Tolya. Put it on the table. Take the blue cube and put it on the chair.” What is the red cube? (On the table.) Blue? (On the chair.)

2. The main part of the lesson
Speech therapist: Are the cubes at the top or bottom of the item? (Upstairs.) Listen carefully to what I'm about to say. If the item is on top of something, we say the little word "ON". On the table, on the cabinet, on the chair.
Listen and tell me, can we complete such a task? Put the doll down... a chair. (Not.) And why? (It is not clear where to put the doll.) D but, it is not clear, since there is no small, but very important word "ON". How to say? (Plant the doll on the chair.)
Now it’s clear where we will put the doll.
A card with the scheme of the preposition "ON" is shown. D Children look at and memorize the image.

Game "Sunny Bunny" » (show by mirror)
Speech therapist: A bunny jumps on the wall and winks at me,
Jumped to the picture, lingered on the shoe
danced on the ceiling, hid on the window,
Here he is hiding in the bed -

He plays hide and seek with us!
One, two, three, four, five
We're going to look for him!
Look for a bunny, and when you find it, tell me where it sits? (On the window, on the floor, on the closet, etc.)
Work with flannelgraph (teacher's story with simultaneous display of pictures)
Speech therapist: P listen carefully to the story and try to hear the little word "ON".
Three birds sat on the ground and pecked at the seeds. The cat Vaska crept up to them and how he jumped ... The birds took off. The jackdaw sat on the fence. The sparrow - on the roof of the house, and the crow - on the top of the spruce. No one was caught by the cunning cat.
Where did the birds peck at the seeds?
Where did the birds go when the cat scared them away?
What little word did you hear in this story?

Individual work
Children are given plot pictures and are invited to make sentences on them with a small word " ON THE".

Summary of the lesson


GOALS: 1. Introduce children to the small word "UNDER".

2. Teach children to hear it in sentences.
3. Exercise children in the correct use of the preposition "UNDER" in speech.
EQUIPMENT: preposition scheme, cards with a preposition scheme for the number of children, plot pictures, flannelgraph, ball, toy table, chair, wardrobe, bed, TV.


1. Organizational moment
Speech therapist(shows the children the scheme of the preposition "ON": What is the little word for this diagram? (On the)
On this card, the ball lies on a cube. Now, look, where is the ball? Bottom or top of the cube? Who can tell where the ball lies? (Down below)
2. The main part of the lesson
Speech therapist: When an item is at the bottom of another item, we use the little word "BELOW". This is also an important word, and without it we will not understand what the sentence is talking about.
Listen: put down the cube... the chair. Understandably? (Not). Now, put the cube under the chair. Understandably? Remember the little word "UNDER"!
A card with a preposition scheme is shown.

Children look at and memorize the image.

Exercise "Where did the ball roll?"
On the flannelograph, the speech therapist moves the ball under different objects, and the children name what the ball rolled under. (Under the chair, under the table, under the wardrobe, under the bed, etc.)
Exercise "Pick up the card"
Children are given diagrams of the small word "UNDER". The speech therapist in the course of the story puts cards on the flannelgraph.
Speech therapist:Now I will tell you a story about a bunny. As soon as you hear the small word "UNDER", immediately hold up the card.
Lived in the forest Bunny. Once Gray Waves was chasing him. But our Bunny was smart and smart. As soon as the Wolf starts to catch up with him, the Bunny will hide under a bush, and the Wolf will run past. Bunny will jump out and run in the other direction. Again the Wolf catches up with the Bunny. And that Shast, and sit down under the birch, and then under the Christmas tree, under the mound will lie down. So the Wolf did not catch up with our Bunny.
Remember where the hare was hiding from the wolf?
Exercise "Dunno Mistakes"
Speech therapist: Dunno again got a deuce. He picked the wrong little word in a sentence. Let's fix Dunno's mistakes.
The apples fell on the apple tree.
Boletus grows in birches (under birches).
The mouse hid in the fungus (under fungus).
The fox dug a hole in the tree (under tree).

Individual work
Children are given plot pictures and are invited to make sentences on them with a small word "UNDER".
3. Summary of the lesson

1. To teach children to distinguish between the meaning of the prepositions "ON" and "UNDER" and use them correctly in speech.
2. To teach children to make sentences using two key words and a given preposition.

EQUIPMENT: cards with schemes of prepositions by the number of children, plot and subject pictures (bed, cat, squirrel, tree, napkin, plate).
1. Organizational moment
Children are given cards with schemes of prepositions "ON" and > UNDER ..
Speech therapist:“Who will say what children ride in winter?” (On the sledding, skating etc.)
2. The main part of the lesson
Speech therapist: What little word (preposition) did you hear in all of your answers? Show the diagram. (On the)
What little word do we still know? Show the diagram. (Under) Well done!
Today we will learn to distinguish between these small words.
Exercise "Be careful"
Speech therapist:"Listen to me and bring up the desired scheme."
The cat crawled under the closet.
The pillow is on the bed.
I buttered the bread.
The driver lies down
one machine and repairs it.
Exercise "Masha-confused"
Speech therapist: Look, the doll Masha came to us. She lost all her things. Listen carefully where is she

was looking for them.

Masha is looking for things, Masha is confused,
And not under the chair, and not on the chair,
Not on the bed, not under the bed,
That's what Masha, Masha-confused. Where did Masha look for her things?

Summary of the lesson


GOALS: <В>and his schema.
2. Exercise in the correct use of the preposition "B" with nouns in the accusative and prepositional cases.
3. Enrich vocabulary children, talk about the correct use of the verb "put".
4. Cultivate accuracy.
EQUIPMENT: tape recorder, cassette, pencils, boxes, notebooks, Pinocchio doll, table, sweets, candy box, subject pictures depicting animals.
1. Organizational moment
Speech therapist: I have a cassette on my desk. Let's turn on the tape recorder and listen to it.

The cassette contains the following text:“Listen carefully and do what I say. Take a pencil. Put it in a box. Where is the pencil? (AT box.) Take a pencil in your hand. Where is the pencil now? (AT hand.) Put your pencil in your notebook. Where is the pencil? (AT notebooks.) What little word did you say in your answers (in the box, in your hand, in your notebook)? (AT.)
Well done! Today you will get acquainted with the little word "B". This word is important, it must not be forgotten!” (Recording turns off.)
2. Main body
Speech therapist: What little word did you hear on the tape?” (AT.) Now listen carefully. When an object is inside something, we say the little word "B".
A card with the scheme of the preposition "B" is shown. Children look at and memorize the image.

Exercise "What will we wrap the toy in?"
Speech therapist:
Look at the table and say what you see? (Napkin, watch, book, towel, glass, newspaper, handkerchief.) I have a toy. Which of these items do you think it can be wrapped in? (In a napkin, in a newspaper, in a scarf, in a towel.)
The game "Where was Pinocchio"
Speech therapist: let's see who we wrapped? (Pinocchio.) Hello Pinocchio! How did you get to us? " I I walked around your kindergarten and saw a lot of interesting things. Guess where I've been:
There they dance, sing, spin, bow. (AT music room.)
There, having rolled up their sleeves, they lather their hands, wash them diligently, and dry them with a towel. (AT bathroom.)
They march, squat, jump, line up. (In the gym.)And etc.

Well done guys, they guessed where Pinocchio had been and called the small word “B” correctly.
Didactic game"Set the table for Pinocchio"
Speech therapist:
Guys, let's treat Pinocchio. First, let's set the table beautifully. We have napkins, sweets, bread, butter, milk, sugar. Make a suggestion about where we will put these items.
Put the candy... (in a candy bowl).
Place napkins... (in a napkin holder).
We put bread ... (in breadbasket).
We put oil... (in a butter dish).
Pour milk... (to the milk jug).
We put sugar... (to the sugar bowl).
Here is the table set. Please, Pinocchio, help yourself! (Playing out.)
Pinocchio really liked your treat! Let's say to him: "Goodbye!"
Individual work
Children are given subject pictures depicting animals.
Speech therapist: Look who is in your pictures? Think about where this animal sleeps and make a sentence with a small word "B".
3. Summary of the lesson

Teaching children to recognize prepositions < AT > and<НА>, it is correct to use them with nouns in the prepositional case.
2. Exercise children in making sentences with small words.
Equipment: plot pictures, cards with diagrams of prepositions in the number of children, diagrams, Dunno's notebook, a model of the forest.


1. Organizational moment
Speech therapist: Look at the picture and say who plays what. (A hare on a pipe, a bear on an accordion, etc.)
What little word did you name? (On the.) Now look at the pictures and tell me where the boy is going? (To school, to the store, to the circus.) What little word did you say? (AT.)
2. The main part of the lesson
Speech therapist: Today we will learn to distinguish between the small words "B" and "ON". Find patterns of small words "B" and "ON".
Exercise "Pick up the right scheme"
Children are given cards with schemes of prepositions "ON" and "B".
Speech therapist: I will speak a sentence, and you raise the desired scheme. (The speech therapist reads, highlighting the prepositions "B" and "NA" in voice.)
The apples are in the basket.
The bird is sitting in the nest.
The cat climbed a tree.
The frog lives in a swamp.
Mom put the pot on the stove.
Exercise "Notebook Dunno"
Speech therapist: Dunno again got a bad mark. What did he spell wrong? Listen carefully!
I love to ride... sled.
Dunno missed the little word "NA". How should it have been written?
I love sledding.
Listen to the next sentence.
Lena came today... in a beautiful dress.(AT)
The dog is sitting... in the booth.(AT)
flowers grow... clearing. (ON THE)
Working with the forest layout
Speech therapist We came with you to the forest. Look carefully at the layout of the forest and make sentences with the small word "TO".

Nest on a branch. The butterfly sat on a flower.
Now make sentences with the small word "B".

The fox hid in a hole. in the hollow- squirrel.
Individual work
Children are given story pictures.
Speech therapist: Make a sentence based on your picture and choose the desired small word scheme.

Summary of the lesson


GOALS: 1. Teach children to correctly use the preposition "FOR" with nouns in the creative and accusative.
2. Exercise children in making sentences with the preposition "FOR" in the picture.
3. Develop phonemic hearing.

EQUIPMENT: flannelograph, figurines (tree, stump, bush and animals), plot pictures, cube, characters from the fairy tale "Turnip".
1. Organizational moment
Follow the instructions of the speech therapist. Repetition of the past.
Didactic exercise <Волшебный кубик>

Speech therapist: I have a cube on the table, but it is not simple, but magical - with tasks. (The speech therapist reads the tasks to the children.)
Lena, come out and stand in front of the guys. (Girl come out t.)
Speech therapist(turns the cube and reads a new task):
Petya, come and stand behind Lena. Flipping again: Natasha, stand behind Petya. Olya, stand behind Natasha.
So the cube, all the guys built one after another! Now tell me who is behind whom. Where is Petya? ( For Lena.) Etc.

Am I right about Natasha?

Natasha is standing... Petey. (Not.)
What word did I not say? (“For.”) I missed a small but very important word “FOR”. Without him, it is not clear to you where Natasha is standing.
What is the correct way to say a sentence? (Natasha stands behind Petya.)
2. The main part of the lesson
Speech therapist: Today we will get acquainted with the small word "FOR".
let's figure out when to say the little word "FOR".
Did Petya stand behind or ahead of Lena? (Children: Behind). So for Lena. Therefore, we say a small word "FOR" when the object is behind something.
A card with the scheme of the preposition "FOR" is shown. Children look at and memorize the image.

Speech therapist: Look at the card, here the ball is behind the cube.

We will say that the ball after the cube. This, guys, is a diagram of a small word "FOR".
Exercise "Turnip"
Characters from the fairy tale "Turnip" are exhibited on the flannelograph.
Speech therapist: What fairy tale are these characters from? (Turnip.)
Are they worth it right? (Not.) Tell me who should stand behind whom, and Tolya (weak child) will listen to you and arrange the figures correctly.
Game "Hide and Seek"(on flannelgraph- forest)
Speech therapist: The animals decided to play hide and seek with you. They will hide, and you must find them and tell who hid behind what.
Close your eyes. (The figurines of animals are hiding so that it can be seen who hid where.) Open your eyes and tell me who hid where? (Children make sentences: Chanterelle hid behind a tree, etc.). What little word helped us to tell where the animals were hiding? ( Behind .)
Then the speech therapist can swap the little animals.
Individual work
Children are given story pictures. The speech therapist invites the children to make sentences on them with the small word " BEHIND".

Summary of the lesson

Lesson 8. Preposition "K"

GOALS: 1. Introduce children to a preposition<К>and his schema.
2. Teach children to use the preposition correctly<К>with nouns in dative case.
3. Enrich children's vocabulary by forming nouns with various suffixes.
4. Cultivate children's imagination.
EQUIPMENT: scheme, cards with a preposition scheme according to the number of children, plot pictures, flannelgraph, animal figurines, a butterfly on a thread, a subject picture depicting a magpie.


Organizing time

Speech therapist: Our ears listen attentively, our eyes look attentively, our hands do not interfere, but help.
Tolya, come to Yulia. Who did Tolya approach? Vasya, come to the blackboard. What did Vasya approach? Lena come... to the table.
Did I give the task to Lena correctly or did I miss something? yes, I didn't say a little word < To >.
How was it supposed to be said? (Lena come to the table.) What was Lena up to?
Today we will learn how to pronounce the small word "K" correctly.
2. The main part of the lesson

Speech therapist: let's find out when we say a little word

"TO". Listen carefully. When someone moves towards someone or something, we say the little word "K".

A card with a preposition scheme ((K)) is shown. Children look at and memorize the image.
Speech therapist: Look at the card. The arrow points towards the stick.

Speech therapist: This is the scheme of the little word "K".

Working with flannelgraph
In the course of the story, the speech therapist puts animal figures on the flannelograph.
Speech therapist: A fox cub, a bear cub, a wolf cub, a hare and a squirrel were playing somehow in a clearing in the forest. Suddenly heard. Tra-ta-ta-tah! (2 times).
The kids got scared and ran to their mothers.

fox to fox,
teddy bear to... (children name)
wolf cub to ...,
bunny to ...,
squirrel to ... .
Calm down the mothers of their babies. And suddenly again:
"Tra-ta-ta-tah!" "Who is it so terribly cracking?" - everyone asked with one voice. Look, a bird rushed to the forest. She herself is black, the sides are white, the tail is long and crackled again: “Tra-ta-tah!” and disappeared from sight.
Who scared the kids? (The speech therapist shows the children a subject picture depicting forty u.)
That's right, forty.
But tell me, is the magpie really scary? (Not.)
Exercise "Representatives"
Speech therapist: Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a forest. What can be approached in the forest? (To a tree, hemp, etc.)

And in the house, in the yard?
Individual work.
Children are given story pictures.

Speech therapist: Choose a picture from which you can make a sentence with a small word "K".

Summary of the lesson


GOALS: 1. Introduce children to the meaning of the preposition "FROM" and its scheme.
2. Exercise in the correct use of the preposition "FROM" with nouns in genitive case.
Z. To teach children to make sentences according to the scheme and subject pictures.
EQUIPMENT: scheme, plot and subject pictures, the plate "Gingerbread Man", the ball.


Organizing time

Repetition of the past.

2. The main part of the lesson
Speech therapist: Today we came to the alley of small words and on the way we came across such a scheme. Is she familiar to you? (Not.)

Speech therapist: I'll prompt. This scheme stands for the small word "FROM". Look, the arrow comes from the stick, as if bouncing off it, like a ball. The arrow moves away from the stick. Hear the little word? Name it. (From.)
Now listen carefully: the little word "OT" appears when the object moves away from something.
Training exercises
Speech therapist: Can you tell me what makes the ball bounce? (Throws at the wall.) From the wall, etc.
Drawing up sentences on plot pictures Children are given plot pictures and are invited to make sentences with a small word “K” on them.

Who is afraid of whom?
The speech therapist puts subject pictures on the board in pairs: a mouse- cat, hare- wolf, worm- bird, fox- hunter.
Speech therapist: Look at the picture and say who is running away from whom. (The mouse runs away from the cat, etc.)
Listening to the song Kolobok
Speech therapist: Who do you think sings this? (Kolobok.) Correctly! Remember the fairy tale. Who is Kolobok running away from?
And from whom did he fail to escape? (From the fox.) Why?
The game "I am Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man"
The speech therapist gives a figurine of Kolobok to one of the children, and he puts a figurine of the hero of a fairy tale on the board- grandfather.
The one who has the Gingerbread Man sings: "I'm Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I left my grandfather" (passes Kolobok to the next child, and the speech therapist will put the figure of Grandmother on the board).
The next one sings: “I am Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I left Grandma.” The game continues until all the children have sung the song.
Individual work
Drawing up proposals according to the scheme and subject pictures.

The car drove away from the house.

Summary of the lesson

GOALS: 1. Teach children to distinguish between the prepositions "FROM" and "TO" ».

2. Exercise children in the correct use of prepositions with nouns in the dative and genitive cases.

EQUIPMENT: 2 birds, cards with preposition schemes for the number of children, stars, Dunno's notebook.
1. Organizational moment
Speech therapist: Birds flew to us, and they have something in their beaks. Look what it is guys? (Schemes of small words.)
What does this diagram mean? (Little "K" word.)BUT This? ("From".)
Birds brought us schemes of small words in their beaks « K" and "OT".
2. The main part of the lesson
Speech therapist: The birds ask if you can distinguish these little words? Each diagram has stripes and arrows. How are the schemes different? yes, in one diagram the arrow is moving towards the stick and means a small word, and on the other the arrow is moving away from the stick and means a small word "OT".
The game "Claps"
Speech therapist: If you hear a small word "K", clap once, "OT" twice.
Exercise "Say the opposite"
Speech therapist: I say: “To the door”, and you: “From the door” (from wall to wall, etc.).
Game-competition "Who is more"
The speech therapist divides the children into two groups.
Speech therapist: One group needs to come up with as many sentences as possible with a small word "K", and the other with a small word "OT". For each proposal made, the reward is an asterisk.
Exercise "Correct Dunno's Mistakes"
The speech therapist reads sentences from Dunno's notebook, and the children correct them.

Speech therapist: Mom came over from tree. (To the tree.)
Petya ran away to home. (From the house.)
The hare galloped away to fox. (From the fox.)
Individual work
The children are given pictures. Children make sentences on them and choose the desired scheme of a small word.

Summary of the lesson

Lesson 11. The preposition "PO"

GOALS: 1. Introduce the meaning of the preposition<ПО>and his schema.
2. Teach children to correctly use the preposition "PO" with nouns in the dative case.
3. Develop attention, thinking and tactile sensations in children.
EQUIPMENT: cut pictures, cards with a preposition scheme for the number of children, toys (car and truck, boat, ship, helicopter, plane, train, motorcycle, ball), “magic bag”
1. Organizational moment
The speech therapist distributes the pictures cut into pieces to the children.
Speech therapist: Whoever correctly composes a picture from parts will receive the same toy.
Pick up your toys. How can one name them? (Transport.)
Journey game
Speech therapist:BUT now we are traveling.
Come and stand around me. (There is a railroad on the floor.) Guys that rides on railway? (A train.)
The child, who has the train in his hands, puts it on the rails.
Speech therapist: Here comes the train. Tu-tu-u-u.
What is the train for? (On rails.)

Speech therapist: We travel further. We met the sea. What do you think floats on the sea? (Ship, boat.)
Children who have a ship in their hands and a boat put them on the sea.
Speech therapist: A ship and a boat will sail. Why are they sailing? (By sea.)
Speech therapist: We travel further. See what is it? ( Road.) What's on the road? (Motorcycle, cars.)
Children put the appropriate toys on the road.
What do cars and motorcycles drive on? (On the way to.)
Speech therapist: What toys do you have left? (Airplane, helicopter.) Show how they fly. Where are the helicopter and plane flying? (Across the sky.)
Speech therapist Here we traveled. Now sit down. I will tell you about all the toys, and then you will tell me what little word you heard.
Cars are driving on road.
Ships and boat float on the sea.
Airplanes and helicopters fly
on sky.
The trains are coming
on railroad.
What little word did you hear? (By.)
Speech therapist: We say the little word "PO" when the object moves on the surface. Put your hand on the table. Where is the hand? (On the table.) Now move it. Why is the hand moving? (On the table.)
A card with a diagram of the preposition "PO" is shown. Children look at and memorize the image.

Training exercises
a) The game "What is the ball rolling on?" (On the table, on the board, etc.).
b) Examination of plot pictures and drawing up sentences on them with the preposition "ON".
c) Exercise "Magic bag".
An exercise<Волшебный мешочек>
Children are invited to guess by touch what is in the bag. Children feel the object with their hand and guess. For example, this is a caterpillar.
Speech therapist: Come up with a sentence about a caterpillar with a small word « ON" , each his own. (The caterpillar crawls on the grass, etc.)
3. Summary of the lesson

1. Clarify children's understanding of prepositions: "ON", "UNDER", "FOR", "FROM", "ON", "ABOUT", "BEFORE", "TO", "U".
2. Fix the correct use of these prepositions with nouns in different cases.
3. To consolidate the ability of children to make sentences according to the diagram and picture.
EQUIPMENT: toys, cards with diagrams of prepositions by the number of children, subject and plot pictures, a plot picture depicting a tree with a hollow, a bush, a snowman.


Organizing time

Hide and seek game
The speech therapist hides the toys in advance different corners rooms.
Speech therapist: I was told that uninvited guests settled in our group.
The tracker who was watching them writes that someone hid in the top drawer of the table. Who will go looking? Did you find it, Petya? Who is hiding there?
Who is hiding behind the closet? Under the doll's bed? On the table? etc. Here they are - uninvited guests.
What little words helped us find them? (IN, ON, FOR, etc.) And if the pathfinder’s sentences didn’t contain these little words, would we find guests? (Not.)
Here, guys, what are these important words!
2. The main part of the lesson
Speech therapist: Today in the lesson we will look at how you learned to speak small words correctly.

Exercise "Listen and show"
Children are given cards with schemes of prepositions.
Speech therapist: I say a sentence, and you show the outline of the little word you hear.
Lena went to Kindergarten. (Children show the scheme of the preposition "B") etc.
Game "The Enchanted Prince"
The speech therapist reads a fairy tale, putting figures on the board along the way.
Speech therapist: It was summer. There was a terrible heat. Once a man was riding a horse, he sees a Snowman standing in the forest. The man was surprised. Summer is. There are no snowmen in summer. The little man of the Snowman asks: “Where did you come from and why didn’t you melt?” And the Snowman says: “I am not a Snowman. I am the Prince. I was bewitched by an evil witch. She said she would disenchant if I guessed where she hid the snowflake. But I can’t find it, so I’m standing here and mourning.”
Guys, let's help the Snowman, look for a snowflake. Where do you think the witch could hide it? (To the Christmas tree? In the hollow? For the Snowman?)
The sorceress hid the snowflake under the Snowman's hat. Look, the Snowman and the snowflake have disappeared, and the living Prince is standing and smiling: “Thank you guys, you saved me, otherwise I would have remained a Snowman for the rest of my life. Farewell!"
Didactic exercise "Insert a preposition"
Speech therapist: blew strong wind and all the little words from the sentences flew away. Let's put them in.
Snow lay... on the roof. (Children call the whole sentence with pretext.)
Exercise "Choose a scheme" (individual work)
Everyone has plot pictures and cards with schemes of prepositions on the table.
Speech therapist: Look carefully at the picture and make sentences with small words. Choose the right scheme.

Summary of the lesson

2 YEAR OF TRAINING. preparatory group
Thematic plan
13. Topic: "The preposition" FROM ".
14. Topic: "Preposition "C" ("SO")".
15. Topic: “Differentiation of the prepositions “FROM” and “C”.
16. Topic: “Preposition “OVER”.
17. Topic: “Differentiation of the prepositions “OVER” and “UNDER”.
18. Topic: “The preposition “FROM UNDER”.
19. Topic: “Differentiation of the prepositions “FROM UNDER” and “FROM”.
20. Topic: "The preposition" BECAUSE ".
21. Topic: “Differentiation of the prepositions “FROM” and “FROM”.
22. Topic: "The preposition" BETWEEN ".
23. Topic: "The preposition" THROUGH ".
24. Final test session.

To acquaint children with the meaning of the preposition "FROM" and its scheme.
2. Teach children to correctly use the preposition "FROM" with nouns in the genitive case.
3. Develop attention, memory, thinking.
EQUIPMENT: plot pictures, cards with a preposition scheme for the number of children, toys (fox, bear, squirrel, bird, ball), pencils, sweets in a vase, riddles, a chamomile with tasks on each petal, a package.


Organizing time

The speech therapist puts a plot picture on the board.
Speech therapist: Look at the picture. Night. Everybody sleeps. Where does the squirrel sleep? (Double.) Where does the bear sleep? (In the den.) Birdie? (In the nest.) A fox? (In the hole.) But look! What is it? (The speech therapist puts a plot picture on the board, which depicts a fire.)

It's a fire! Animals,

The child meets the proposal already at the first stages of learning, when he begins to read and write. However, the concept of "offer" is mastered for a long time. AT oral speech the child uses the phrase without dividing it into constituent sentences. A sentence is a unit of written speech.

What kind typical mistakes do children do?

1. A capital letter and a punctuation mark at the end (period, question or exclamation marks) are not always relevant for the child.

2. In written work, some children forget to indicate the end of a sentence with the necessary sign.

3. The first word of a sentence is often written with a small letter.

4. In oral speech, there are difficulties in compiling sentences on a given topic, from the proposed words.

5. Particular difficulties arise when trying to read the text expressively. Intonation in oral speech always corresponds to the situation in which the child is. As for the text for reading, the child often finds it difficult to convey the implied intonation, since he does not sufficiently analyze the meaning of a single sentence.

6. Sentence break in dictation, connection different offers one is due to difficulties in recognizing the boundaries of the sentence, insufficiency of speech memory.

Of course, "the one who does not learn anything does not make mistakes." At the beginning of training, such mistakes are acceptable. However, in some cases they remain long time. They are especially common in presentations and essays, sometimes in dictations.

Of course, if errors of this kind are observed, it is advisable to consult a specialist. But parents themselves can provide the necessary assistance.

How to help a child understand that a sentence expresses a complete thought?

This can be done through a series of exercises.

Exclusion of superfluous word

Exercise: Eliminate the extra word to make a sentence.

  1. at Nadia and elephants Dima's dads are divers.
  2. At the bottom zoo ocean star.
  3. Polez Denis firewood to the fence.
  4. Along the rivers water ships are sailing.
  5. Tima's dad river works at a factory.
  6. We were in galloped park.
  7. The squirrel took bagels from aspen us out of hand.
  8. White rams beat in bison drums.
  9. Limes, pines grow in the park, compote, aspens.
  10. Planted guys hollowed out currants, plums and apple trees.

Completing the missing word

Exercise: Add words to make sentences.

  1. Shines in the sky...
  2. The children drew...
  3. Tima has skillful...
  4. After dinner, Lida washes herself ...
  5. Denis blushed like ...
  6. On Saturday we were...
  7. Beavers are razor-sharp...
  8. Beavers in a swamp made of aspen trunks ...
  9. Cat Barsik tangle ...
  10. Jumping from branch to branch...

Compilation of sentences from given words that do not require changes

Exercise: Make a sentence out of these words.

  1. And, Slava, he will grow up and become a captain.
  2. Paint, in, paw, cat, dipped.
  3. Lettuce, Polina, onion, grown, dill.
  4. Tractor driver, and, Victor, will grow up.
  5. Klava got up early in the morning.
  6. C, Klava, soap, hands, washed.
  7. Zoo, we will visit soon.
  8. Different, in, animals, zoo.
  9. Ivanovna, new, Nina told us fairy tales.
  10. Saturday, in, were, we, in, the circus.

Making sentences from words, some of which need to be changed

Exercise: Make sentences from words. Change the words if necessary.

  1. Sister, poured, brother, milk.
  2. Zoo, we saw the zebra.
  3. Squirrel, children, in, the park, saw.
  4. Forest, in, mushrooms, we collected.
  5. On, rivers, fishermen, shore, sat.
  6. On, beavers, dam, built, river.
  7. In, were, we, Saturday, the library.
  8. Euonymus, outskirts, forest, on, grew up.
  9. Over, river, waterfall, turn.
  10. Volga, in, float, Moscow, by, ships.

Correction of errors of coordination, management

Exercise: Correct mistakes.

  1. Masha went to the edge and saw cuckoo.
  2. Children on the edge blinded snow lady.
  3. In the morning walked snow, Misha and Zhenya rode by ski.
  4. girls in our class is engaged sports.
  5. Pierced the Bug's nose and ran away to your place.
  6. Installers performs important work.
  7. Sun came out because of the clouds.
  8. There are textbooks and notebooks on the shelf.
  9. Masha brought fish for our aquarium.
  10. On the forest clearing blushed strawberries.

Finding sentence boundaries in text

Exercise: Find the boundaries of the sentences. Label them.

A bus drove up to the entrance of the school, we entered the city, the train stopped at the junction, the puppy cringed from the cold, the elephant was attacked by an angry tiger, the goats ate the leaves by the bushes and flowers, the guys went on an excursion, the climb up the mountain was steep, they announced boarding a plane

Usually children like to do such tasks. Difficulties gradually disappear. The main thing is to be patient.

State correctional educational institution

"Special (correctional) general education

boarding school No. 6"

Writing Lesson Summary

in 2 "B" class on the topic:

« Drawing up sentences on plot pictures ».

completed by the teacher primary school:

Nazarova Alfiya Safaralievna

Grateful 2016

"Compilation of proposals for plot pictures."

Target: train childrenmake proposals according to the schemes.


educational: identify the level of the state of the skill of drawing up proposals according to schemes;

correctional-developing: correction of visual perception based on exercises in highlighting letters, development of fine motor skills;

educational: develop motivation for learning.

I. Organizational moment.

Good morning children. We have guests at the lesson today, turn around and say hello to them.

1. Emotional mood (dialogue between teacher and students).

Long awaited call

Lesson starts

Sounds with letters have come

To put things in order

attention girl,

Attention boys

Prepare your pens

The lesson starts!

For our lesson to be successful, we must set certain goals.

What goals should we achieve in the lesson?

Everyone reads in chorus: - I will learn ... - I will be able ... ... - I will find out ...

What a beautiful day the sun is shining outside the window, the classroom is warm and cozy.

Refinement of spatio-temporal representations:

Ball game. I will ask you questions and whoever I throw the ball to must answer and throw the ball back to me. Ready?

What season is it now?

What seasons do you know?

What month is it?

What day of the week?

What is today's date?

2. Repetition of the material covered.

We are going through the topic "Proposal".

Who will tell me with what letter we begin to write a sentence?

At the end of a sentence, what do we put?

What did you say? (The words.)

What can be made up of words? (Offers.)

Make sentences for the picture. (slide number 3)

II. The topic of the lesson.

Today, in the lesson of writing and speech development, we will learn how to make sentence patterns.

II. Gymnastics for fingers and hands (development of fine motor skills).

Before we start writing, let's finger gymnastics:

There is a lock on the door

Who could open it

They twisted and knocked.

Unlocked and opened.

What is the correct way to sit while writing?

I'll open the notebook and lay it down

I, friends, will not hide the pen from you, I hold it like this.

I'll sit straight, I won't bend for work, I'll take it

Write the date in a notebook. Today is April 27th.

On the next line Cool work

a) A minute of calligraphy.

Guess riddles, write riddles.

1. No windows, no doors -

Full of people. (cucumber )

2. The girl is beautiful in the dungeon,

And the spit is on the street. (carrot)

3. Silent during the day, grumbling at night.

Whoever goes to the owner lets him know. (dog)

Check spelling dictionary words according to the dictionary.

III. Updating students' knowledge.

1. Work on a plot picture (collective compilation of a simple non-common sentence).

Who is it? (Bear)

What is Mishka doing? (Water.)

What is watering? (Flowers)

What have we made? (offer)

Let's make a diagram of this proposal on the board.

What does the offer consist of? (From words.)

How many words are in this sentence?

Drawing up an offer scheme individually on the desks.

2. Self compilation simple sentences(work with plot pictures).

Children have envelopes with plot pictures and sentence schemes on their desks.

How many words can be in a sentence?

Look at your picture and make a sentence based on it.

Count how many words are in the sentence and draw a sentence diagram below the picture.

Suggestions (A boy hangs a fur coat. A girl swings on a swing. A girl drinks juice. A girl feeds chickens. A girl eats dryers.)

IV. Work on the topic.

1. Work according to the textbook (p. 148, exercise 1).

Read the task.

What task needs to be done? (Review the picture. List the objects in the first picture. Tell me what is shown in the second picture.

What line is the sentence on?

Write the sentence in your notebook. Draw a proposal outline.



VI. The game “Who makes what sound? ".

Read the words on the cards. (Growls, meows, howls, grunts, barks)

Name the items in the pictures. (Bear, wolf, cow, dog, cat. What sounds do they make?

Match the pictures-objects to the words-actions.

How many words are sentences? (out of 2)

Make diagrams in your notebooks.

VI . Textbook work : ex. 3 p.149.

Read find the line with the sentence. Write down the sentence. Follow the rules for writing an application.

VII .Work on cards .

Card number 1. Arrange the missing letters. Draw a diagram of the first sentence.

VIII . Rate your work.

in red - Goal not achieved.
yellow - the goal was achieved, but not everything worked out, it was difficult, we still have to work.
green - the goal was achieved, it was interesting, everything worked out.

Continue the sentence:
“Today I learned…, learned….”


Announced and explained homework: p. 149, exercise 4.

V. Summary of the lesson.

What did you do in the lesson? (suggestions.)

What was used for this? (Plot pictures and sentence schemes.)

How many words can a sentence be?

For work in the lesson, students are awarded prizes - stickers.

Let's summarize the lesson:

What did we do in class today?

What did you learn new?

What worked out best?

What tasks in the lesson did you like?

What was difficult?