Healing of postoperative sutures without scars. What to do if the seam gets wet after surgery, causes and methods of treatment

Treatment of sutures after surgery is the most important condition that ensures a speedy recovery and restoration of the skin. Postoperative healing of surgical wounds depends on the patient himself and on the quality of his care. For the first 8-10 days, a person should not strain that part of the body that was subject to surgical intervention so that the seams do not come apart. And medical workers in rehabilitation period carefully monitor the sterility of the wound.

How to handle stitches after surgery

It is not without reason that so many different antiseptics have been invented (iodine, potassium permanganate, Baneocin ointment, Levomekol, etc., hydrogen peroxide, sodium chloride, etc.). The choice depends on the type of postoperative sutures, the complexity of the operation and the sensitivity of the skin.

Attention! You can not choose an antiseptic on your own (at your own discretion, on the advice of a pharmacy pharmacist or according to the principle "what is in home first aid kit"). You must strictly follow the doctor's instructions. Otherwise, you can burn the skin or cause an infection due to insufficient decontamination of the wound.

In addition to antiseptics, materials are required for the treatment of postoperative sutures. These are bandages, gauze napkins, bandages (stickers). Of course, everything must be strictly sterile. In the hospital, sterility is respected by default. But the patient must continue to follow this regimen outside the hospital. In the pharmacy, you should buy only materials marked "sterile". Cotton pads and sticks will not work. By the way, it is not recommended to use cotton wool, because. it leaves lint. An alternative would be a bandage folded several times.

Treatment of postoperative sutures at home

This is only possible if the wound is not infected. Because quartzization is regularly carried out in the hospital, and there is a minimum of microbes in the air. At home, it is difficult to comply with the conditions of sterility, so the first few days after the operation, until the wound has healed, the patient stays in the hospital.

But situations are different, and sometimes a person has to handle his own seams. This implies compliance with a certain algorithm of actions.

  1. Carefully remove the bandage from the wound. If it has dried up and does not go away, you can soak it with hydrogen peroxide. Don't rip!
  2. Before treating the wound, the condition of the seam should be assessed. If it bleeds, you can temporarily apply a sterile bandage to the wound to stop the bleeding.
  3. Then you need to moisten a piece of a sterile bandage in an antiseptic and with blotting movements, treat the seam and the skin around it within about 2-3 cm.
  4. Apply a bandage (if necessary). You can use a bandage or special sterile dressings. They look like huge band-aids.

Attention! In no case should you wash the wound with water, no matter how dirty it (the wound) may be! For washing, special solutions are used, which the doctor must prescribe. Usually it is hydrogen peroxide or Miramistin.

Seam treatment is usually carried out every day at the same time of day. Those. There should be approximately 24 hours between dressings. Sometimes the time interval can be shortened or extended at the discretion of the doctor. In any case, the specialist appoints a follow-up examination for 8-10 days after discharge, so he will be able to adjust the processing of the seams.

Scar treatment products

Even when the suture material has already been removed (or it has resolved), the wound must continue to be looked after. It comes down to caring for the resulting scar, which may have different character: atrophic, keloid, hypertrophic, tight. For processing, special ointments are used, which play the role of both an antiseptic and a regenerator. connective tissue.


Not to be confused with Baneocin. Baneocin ointment is used as a topical antibacterial agent. And Bepanten (active substance - dexpanthenol) is known precisely as a means for healing scars. Although the antiseptic is also not bad. Average price: 400 rubles.


The active substance is allantoin. An ointment that evens out the surface of the scar, as if grinding it. Softens hard tissues, reduces pain, improves tendon mobility, regenerates the outer layers of the skin. The treatment of the seam after cesarean in the first 5-7 days is usually carried out with liquid antiseptics, and it is Contractubex that is used to get rid of scars.


The active substance is methyluracin. Helps heal wounds and dissolve stitches. The ointment stimulates the maturation of red blood cells, which contributes to the speedy regeneration of all tissues, incl. connecting. Methyluracil can even treat internal gynecological sutures, which women have to impose due to ruptures during childbirth.

Healing of sutures and scars after surgery can also be facilitated by folk remedies. They should be used only in full conviction that there is no allergy to the components of the recipe, and after consulting a doctor. Not bad heals seams and scars baby cream (10 g) in combination with calendula, orange and rosemary oils (1 drop each). Another popular way is to lubricate the seams with tea tree oil.

It is better when a specialist deals with the processing of postoperative sutures. During rehabilitation, the patient gets used to daily dressings and learns some skills from the nurses. Then, after discharge, having received appointments and recommendations, a person can already complete recovery after abdominal surgery and heal his stitches completely. The main thing is not to deviate from medical prescriptions.

After the operation, scars and stitches appear on the skin, which persist for a long time. The duration of their healing is determined by the general resistance of the body, the characteristics of the skin and other factors. The main task in the postoperative period is to prevent the development of infection, and to accelerate the regeneration process in all possible ways.

After surgery on the abdomen and suturing, the healing process includes several stages

  1. Formation of collagen or connective tissue by fibroblasts. During the healing process, fibroblasts are activated by macrophages. Fibroblasts migrate to the site of injury, and subsequently they bind to fibrillar structures through fibronectin. At the same time, the process of active synthesis of extracellular matrix substances begins, among which collagen is also present. The main task of collagen is to eliminate tissue defects and ensure the strength of the emerging scar.
  2. epithelialization of the wound. This process begins as epithelial cells migrate from the edges of the wound to its surface. After the end of epithelization, a kind of barrier for microorganisms is formed, and fresh wounds are characterized by low resistance to infections. A few days after the operation, in the absence of any complications, the wound restores its resistance to infection. In the event that this does not happen, then the cause may have been the divergence of the seam after the operation.
  3. Reduction of wound surfaces and wound closure. This result can be achieved due to the effect of wound contraction, which is to a certain extent caused by the contraction of myofibroblasts.

The healing period after surgery is largely determined by the characteristics of the human body. In some situations, this process occurs quite quickly, while in other patients it can take quite a long time.

Treatment of sutures after surgery

Before answering the question of how long the suture heals after abdominal surgery, it is necessary to understand what affects this process. One of the conditions for a successful result is considered to be the correct therapy after the patient has been stitched. In addition, the following factors influence the duration of the postoperative period:

  • sterility;
  • materials for processing seams;
  • the regularity of the procedure.

After surgery, one of the important requirements is the observance of sterility. This means that only well-washed hands using disinfected tools can be used to treat seams.

How are sutures treated after abdominal surgery, and what disinfectants are the most effective? In fact, the choice of this or that drug is determined by the nature of the injury, and for treatment you can use:

  • medical alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • iodine;
  • potassium permanganate solution;
  • brilliant green;
  • ointments and gels with anti-inflammatory action.

In the event that it is necessary to process postoperative sutures at home, then for this purpose you can use the following traditional medicine:

  • pure tea tree oil;
  • tincture of larkspur roots from 20 grams herbal remedy, 200 ml of water and 1 glass of alcohol;
  • cream with calendula extract, to which you can add a drop of orange or rosemary oil.

Before using these folk remedies at home, it is recommended to consult with a specialist first.

What influences healing?

The duration of wound healing after suturing depends on the following factors:

  • the age of the patient - in young people, tissue repair occurs much faster than in the elderly;
  • body weight - the wound healing process can slow down if a person is overweight or obese;
  • nutritional features - lack of energy and plastic material can affect the quality and speed of reparative processes in the wound;
  • dehydration - lack of fluid in the body can lead to electrolyte imbalance, which slows down the healing of stitches after surgery;
  • state of blood supply - wound healing occurs much faster if there is a large number of vessels;
  • chronic pathologies can slow down the recovery process and cause various complications;
  • the state of immunity - with a decrease in the body's defenses, the prognosis of surgical intervention worsens and suppuration of wounds is possible.

The supply of the required amount of oxygen to the wound is considered one of the main conditions for wound healing, since it participates in the synthesis of collagen and helps to destroy bacteria by phagocytes. Anti-inflammatory drugs can slow down the healing process in the first few days, but subsequently have little effect on this process.

One of the common reasons for the deterioration of the wound after surgery and the slowdown in the healing process is secondary infection, which is accompanied by the formation of purulent exudate.

Processing rules

In order for the healing of the sutures to take place as soon as possible without the development of complications, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  • before starting the procedure, it is necessary to disinfect hands and tools that may be needed for its implementation;
  • you should carefully remove the applied bandage, and if it sticks to the skin, then pour it with peroxide;
  • you need to smear the seam with an antiseptic preparation using a cotton swab or gauze swab;
  • must be carefully bandaged.

It is important to remember that the seams should be treated twice a day, but if necessary, the number can be increased. In addition, it is necessary each time to carefully examine the wound for the presence of any inflammation in it. It is not recommended to remove dry crusts and scabs from the wound, as this can lead to scarring of the skin. Take a shower with care and do not rub the seam with a too hard sponge. In the event that the seams on the abdomen turn red or purulent exudate begins to stand out from them, then it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Only a doctor can decide when stitches are removed after abdominal surgery. This procedure is carried out under sterile conditions using special tools and usually 5-10 days after the operation.

Means for healing

In order to speed up the resorption and healing of sutures after surgery, antiseptic agents can be used at home. Experts recommend using them not for treating wet wounds, but already when the healing process has begun. The choice of one or another ointment depends on the nature of the damage and its depth. For shallow superficial wounds, the use of simple antiseptic agents is recommended, and with the development of complications, it is necessary to use preparations containing hormonal components.

How to remove a scar after abdominal surgery, and what ointments are considered the most effective when treating sutures?

  • Vishnevsky's ointment accelerates the removal of pus from the wound;
  • Levomekol has a combined effect;
  • Vulnuzan contains natural ingredients and is easy to use;
  • Levosin destroys bacteria and stops inflammatory process;
  • Stellanin helps to get rid of tissue swelling and destroy infections, and also accelerates skin regeneration;
  • Argosulfan has a pronounced bactericidal effect and helps to achieve an analgesic effect;
  • Actovegin successfully fights the inflammatory process in the wound;
  • Solcoseryl minimizes the risk of scars and scars.

Such medicines when used correctly, it helps to speed up the wound healing process after surgery and avoid infection. It is important to remember that before smearing a postoperative suture on the abdomen, it is imperative to consult a doctor. The fact is that self-treatment of postoperative sutures can result in severe suppuration of the wound and its further inflammation. Compliance with simple rules is the key to successful treatment of postoperative sutures and helps to prevent the formation of scars.

Proper antiseptic treatment of postoperative sutures is an important step in the rehabilitation of a woman who has undergone a caesarean section. Key aspects of this hygienic event are discussed within the walls of the maternity hospital.

Those recommendations that will be received by a young mother must be implemented in a clear manner and in compliance with all standards. The use of auxiliary techniques that can reduce the manifestation of surgical intervention is permissible only after the formation of a strong scar.

What are the scars

In modern medical practice, obstetrician-gynecologists use the most sparing methods of surgical incisions, which avoid the formation of rough keloid scars. To achieve the maximum aesthetic effect after surgery, the Pfannenstiel technique is used, the essence of which is to make an incision above the pubic hair growth zone.

In the postoperative period, such scars are not conspicuous and do not affect the self-esteem of a young mother. In addition, scarring of such sutures occurs in a short period of time. Despite this, the speed and quality of the formation of postoperative sutures directly depends on the observance of measures to care for the wound surface.

If there are appropriate indications, women in labor undergo a vertical dissection of the anterior abdominal wall, as a result of which a rough vertical keloid scar is formed. The main indication for performing this kind of intervention is an urgent situation when the life of the mother or fetus is in danger. During the rehabilitation period after performing a vertical incision, women feel daily pain and discomfort. The duration of such a recovery period can be more than 1 month.

Suture options

When performing a caesarean section, the various options suture material. The speed and quality of formation of connective (scar) tissue depends on their structure and origin. For this purpose, catgut and silk threads are often used.

If the sutures were applied using silk, then this allows you to bring the edges of the wound as close as possible to each other and prevent the divergence of the postoperative suture. During this period, while the suture material dissolves on its own, the young mother is under the supervision of a medical specialist.

Care after surgery

Hygiene measures in the period after caesarean section are two-stage. The first stage of processing is carried out within the walls of the maternity hospital. After performing a surgical intervention, the woman is under the daily supervision of a medical specialist to monitor the condition of the stitches.

If the restrictive regime is not observed in the postoperative period and if the suturing is incorrect, the young mother may experience the following complications:

  • The entry of pathogens into the wound surface and suppuration of the wound;
  • Divergence of seams;
  • Bleeding from a wound;
  • Formation of the inflammatory process, which involves different layers of soft tissues.

You can recognize bleeding from the suture by the presence of liquid contents on a special bandage. This complication can be provoked by damage inside the cavity, as well as the lack of proper contact between the edges of the wound. In order to exclude intracavitary bleeding, an ultrasound examination is performed on a young mother.

The lack of proper antiseptic treatment entails the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms of a bacterial nature. Against the background of this process, suppuration and an inflammatory reaction develop. If measures to eliminate the infection are not followed in time, the purulent-inflammatory process will cause partial tissue necrosis.

An equally common problem is the divergence of postoperative sutures. This condition occurs when a young mother does not comply with the restrictive regime. The ban includes carrying a child in her arms, lifting weights, sudden movements and squats.

When a young mother is in the maternity hospital, paid nurses are responsible for the antiseptic treatment of the postoperative suture. Both edges of the wound surface are lubricated with a broad-spectrum antiseptic solution. Most maternity hospitals use water solution Chlorhexidine, which has a pronounced antimicrobial and bactericidal effect.

After that, a solution of brilliant green is applied to a clean wound surface, which avoids wetting of the wound. The final stage of treatment is the application of a sterile bandage or a special plaster.

In addition to caring for a postoperative wound, attention should be paid to the antiseptic treatment of the external genital organs. This procedure is carried out by washing the area with antiseptic liquids (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine). You should not use ordinary soap to cleanse the external genitalia, as it affects the pH of the vagina, opening up access to pathogenic microorganisms.

Self Care

The basic rules for hygienic treatment of the postoperative suture at home do not cause difficulties for young mothers. Care of the wound surface in a home environment includes the following activities:

  • Compliance with the regime of limited physical activity;
  • Wound treatment with antiseptics;
  • Care of the external genital organs;
  • Cleansing the skin around the wound with water;
  • Control over the quality and speed of formation of a keloid scar.

Important! It is necessary to start cleaning the wound surface after the main washing of the body. While taking a shower, it is strictly forbidden to use a washcloth or brush to wash the body in the area of ​​​​the postoperative suture. Any physical impact on this area will lead to a divergence of the edges of the wound and bleeding.

Until the wound is completely healed, it is strictly forbidden for a young mother to perform any work that is associated with bending over, squats and lifting weights.

After taking a shower, a woman needs to dry the seam area with a soft cotton cloth with gentle blotting movements. The previously mentioned brilliant green is used as an antiseptic solution. In order to avoid traces of brilliant green on clothes, after processing, the seam is covered with a piece of sterile bandage and fixed with a plaster.

Alternative means include a weak solution of potassium permanganate (manganese), Chlorhexidine, a solution of furacilin and 3% hydrogen peroxide. For processing, cotton swabs or pieces of a sterile bandage soaked in an antiseptic solution are used. This hygienic measure is performed daily until the final overgrowth of the wound.

Important! For antiseptic treatment of the wound surface, it is strictly forbidden to use such products as a soap solution, baking soda and salt diluted in water, pharmaceutical iodine, vodka, 96% alcohol. The listed chemical components have an aggressive effect on soft tissues, thereby leading to irritation and chemical burns.

In order to protect the wound surface as much as possible from injury and the ingress of pathogens, it is important for every young mother who has undergone a caesarean section to wear a postpartum bandage. This medical device speeds up and facilitates postpartum recovery and gives a sense of security. In order for the postpartum bandage to help achieve the desired result, it is worn around the clock, periodically removing it for 10-15 minutes in order to get air on the skin.

In order to prevent the divergence of internal and external seams, a young mother should not lift weights of more than 3 kg. Despite following all the recommendations described, the rehabilitation period does not always go smoothly.

Reasons for seeking medical advice are the following symptoms:

  • Soreness and discomfort in the area of ​​the postoperative suture;
  • The appearance of purulent or bloody discharge from the wound;
  • Noticeable divergence of the suture material;
  • Redness and swelling of the skin around the scar;
  • An increase in body temperature to 37.5-38 degrees.

Women who have experienced infection of the suture are shown a surgical revision of the wound area, additional antiseptic treatment, re-apposition of suture material and excision of the wound edges involved in the necrosis process. In order to avoid such severe consequences, women after cesarean section are advised not to neglect the key recommendations for the care of the postoperative suture.

The implementation of childbirth not in a natural way, but by caesarean section, scares many women. Since the procedure is a cavity operation with a layer-by-layer dissection of the layers of tissues of the abdominal wall in front. The operation itself is not long, but the scar after it requires proper care. First, women in labor face pain and inconvenience, and then for the rest of their lives, an ugly scar reminds them of operative childbirth.

Classification of sutures after cesarean

On soft tissues abdominal cavity, as well as the walls of the uterus, doctors make a small incision to make it easier to pull out the baby without injuring him. In this case, all layers of tissues are cut, the suturing of each of which after the operation occurs with specific subtleties.

Layered types of sutures after surgical delivery

  • suture on the uterus. The incision on the uterus is sutured with sutures running continuously in one row with a strong synthetic material that is self-absorbable;
  • suture on the abdomen. Serous film covering internal organs, sutured with a suture absorbable product from the small intestine of sheep (catgut). Catgut sutures are applied in a continuous row;
  • seams on the muscles. The muscles that have undergone an incision are also sutured with continuous catgut sutures;
  • connective tissue sutures. Synthetic absorbable sutures are intended for suturing the tendon plate (aponeurosis).

Postoperative sutures are placed on a different recess, due to the different depth of the incisions:

  1. Internal.
  2. Outdoor.

The external section during operative childbirth is done in a different direction. The differences are due to the nature of the course of childbirth:

  1. Vertical section. An incision extending from the umbilicus to the pubic area is done with a corporal caesarean section. Doctors make such a decision in the presence of heavy bleeding in a pregnant woman or acute fetal hypoxia. The longitudinal seam increases over the years, becoming thicker.
  2. Transverse incision (laparotomy according to Joel-Kohen). The incision runs in the transverse direction below the middle of the distance between the navel and the pubic area by 3 cm.
  3. Arcuate transverse incision (Pfannenstiel laparotomy). In a standard caesarean section, doctors cut the skin on the abdomen in a transverse direction along the skin suprapubic fold. The tightening of the incision passes quickly, leaving behind an almost imperceptible scar that merges with the suprapubic fold of the skin.

Depending on the incision, doctors impose different types seams:

  • intradermal cosmetic. Such a seam is applied with an arcuate transverse incision. The cosmetic seam is located in the suprapubic fold, it is hardly noticeable and looks aesthetically pleasing;
  • nodal sutures. Separate interrupted sutures are made in order to increase the strength of the vertical suture during corporal incision of the abdomen.

The characteristic of the seams

One week after childbirth surgical intervention a scar forms on the uterus. On the seventh day, the incision heals.

Silk sutures are removed 5-7 days after caesarean section. Cosmetic sutures dissolve themselves after 2-3 months.

A cut on the skin and uterus in the first days after a cesarean causes terrible pain. To alleviate the condition of women in labor, doctors inject them with analgesics. Women take antibiotics to prevent infection.

The nuances of seam care

The seam is treated immediately after application with an antiseptic and a sterile bandage is applied to it. In the maternity hospital, the medical staff monitors the postoperative suture, but after discharge, care for it falls entirely on the shoulders of the woman in labor.

How to care for a suture after a cesarean in the hospital?

In the maternity hospital, careful monitoring of wound healing after cesarean is carried out. Nurses for women who have not had their stitches removed change their dressings daily and treat the stitches with an antiseptic or brilliant green.

To reduce pain, it is recommended to tie up the stomach with a diaper in the absence of a postpartum bandage. With a very weeping scar, the bandage is replaced more often. Thanks to a good examination in the maternity hospital, the risk of complications, which can be manifested by increased pain and fever, is prevented.

How to care for a stitch after a caesarean at home?

A new mother should look after a scar acquired as a result of a caesarean section at home no worse than nurses in a maternity hospital.

After removing the sutures, further wound healing may be difficult. Therefore, women need to know how to properly care for a suture after a cesarean section when they return home:

The scar is washed regularly with water and treated with disinfectants (salicylic acid, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, brilliant green, iodine, etc.).

The scar during the shower is washed with intimate soap without using a washcloth and wiped dry;

For speedy healing, the scar is lubricated with special ointments prescribed by the doctor.

In order to avoid complications, in addition to the basic care of the suture, women in labor will have to follow special recommendations:

  1. Adhere to personal hygiene rules regarding hand washing after stools to prevent the appearance and spread of bacteria in the rumen.
  2. In the first 2 months, do not lift more than 2 kg of weight.
  3. Reduce pressure on the press.
  4. Do not make sudden movements.
  5. Wear a postpartum bandage.
  6. Avoid wearing things that can rub the scar, so it is advisable to wear cotton, not tight-fitting underwear.
  7. Use disposable paper towels to wipe the scar, not terry towels.
  8. Do not use a washcloth for a week after the stitches have been removed.

How to reduce the visibility of the scar after cesarean?

To make the scar less noticeable and not scare the mothers themselves, use the following at home:

  • creams and ointments that improve skin regeneration;
  • ampoules of vitamin E, which accelerates healing and nourishes the skin;
  • films and patches that reduce scars.

Any funds are applied to the formed scar with a healed wound. Laser resurfacing allows you to cleanly get rid of a defective scar, peelings, plastic and exposure to aluminum particles (microdermabrasion) are less effective.

How should you deal with complications?

The healing of the suture for many women in labor can be accompanied by various complications. The following symptoms testify to problems with a scar:

  • discharge of pus and blood;
  • seam divergence;
  • numbness in the area of ​​the scar;
  • temperature rise;
  • headache;
  • prolonged pain in the area of ​​the uterus and scar.

Complications are divided into 2 types:

  • early ailments (hematomas, bleeding, suppuration, divergence of seams). Such problems occur in the postoperative period before the removal of sutures and are detected during dressing changes and scar treatment;
  • late diseases (ligature fistulas, keloid scar, postoperative hernia). These diseases appear after a month or more.

  1. Moms and medical staff should be attentive to the scar. If it gets wet consistently, it is washed regularly and dressed with antiseptics. Missing this moment, the seam can fester and lead to inflammation. When pus is released, women in labor are prescribed antibiotics, and the dressing continues to be done with antibacterial ointments. A bandage soaked in blood is reported to the doctor immediately, this may be a sign of hematoma formation and bleeding.
  2. The divergence of the seams cannot be cured at home, if such a problem is found, they immediately seek qualified help.
  3. Ligature fistulas can be the roots of painful sensations that haunt a woman in labor after a cesarean section for more than a month, redness, thickening and swelling of the scar. It is useless to get rid of fistulas that form as a result of rejection of the suture material by the woman's body at home with the help of ointments and creams. This defect is removed exclusively by a specialist.
  4. The tingling and numbness in the scar area is caused by damage to the nerve endings and goes away on its own when the nerves heal. Itching of the suture is associated with its healing. Women will have to endure this symptom, since it is forbidden to use antipruritic agents with an unhealed wound. Special ointments that eliminate unpleasant symptoms, begin to use after two weeks after surgical delivery.
  5. The proliferation of connective tissue that creates a keloid scar is a cosmetic defect. The source of this defect is a hereditary predisposition, and not the actions to care for the scar. Therefore, women in labor cannot influence the occurrence of an unaesthetic seam. But in any case, women after caesarean section it is necessary to pay attention to the scar that has arisen not only in the maternity hospital, but also at home for about a year.

Surgery involves leaving sutures. How good the healing will be, the absence of complications, depends on the correct care of the wound in a medical institution and at home. It is important to use special means for healing sutures after surgery. At the same time, the correct application of the dressing, the cleanliness of the suture, and many other factors affect the rate of recovery.

What is the treatment of the seam after the operation

Proper care involves daily cleaning of the surgical site. When manipulations take place on the territory of a medical institution, the actions are carried out by a medical worker, knowing the rules processing and dressing. However, it is not always possible to visit a hospital or clinic every day, so knowing how to process a suture after an operation while at home will be useful to everyone.

What is used to keep the wound clean, what drugs are used for accelerated healing:

  • All products are antiseptics, providing a clean surface from germs, viruses and bacteria;
  • Halides. These are liquid products used both at home and in the hospital. Iodine, potassium iodide. They are used to clean the wound, eliminating all pathogens. They also cauterize damaged tissues, creating a protective film on the surface. However, this procedure can be performed no more than once a day;
  • salt heavy metals. Silver nitrate treatments have become popular today. These are not only ointments applied under the bandage, but the wounds themselves are treated with a special solution. He is able to burn. However, its use is limited. Only if an inflammatory process is observed in the wound or the wound has been wetted, then it is advisable to use a silver solution;
  • Alcohol means. Often you can find the treatment of the seam with ethyl alcohol. But its use is justified if there is severe suppuration with an infectious component in the wound;
  • Dyes. The most common is green. An almost universal remedy used for any type of damage;
  • Acids. Bright representative acid class is a solution of boric. It is a good antiseptic drug. It can be used as an ointment. Like a powder. Indispensable as a powder, also suitable for use in the composition of the solution. Usage boric acid allowed at least twice a day. As a rule, in the evening and morning hours;
  • Oxidizers. Potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide are the main representatives of this class. They are often used both for household needs and in medical practice.

Seam processing methods

How to treat the postoperative suture for better healing? The main tool used to accelerate regeneration is a solution of potassium permanganate. Furacilin diluted in water is also used. A good remedy to disinfect a wound is hydrogen peroxide. Pharmacies sell ready-made antiseptic - Chlorhexedine.

Do not forget about the edges of the wound. It is here that pathogenic microorganisms often accumulate. Zelenka is used along the edges of the seam as a healing agent.

In addition, in modern medicine, various ointments are also used to accelerate wound healing after surgery, which have a special effect. But there is also important point which cannot be ignored. If a person has strong immunity and no infection has entered the postoperative sutured wound, that is, there are no signs of suppuration or inflammation, then there is no need to use ointments.

The use of ointments in the treatment of postoperative wounds is justified only in cases where there is serious threat occurrence of complications and inflammatory-purulent processes.

In this case, specialized ointments are used to prevent the formation of suppuration or to treat it, but only when the superimposed suture material is removed. Such ointments usually include: the composition of Vishnevsky, Solcoseryl, Levomekol and other drugs. It should be remembered that wound care after suture removal requires special attention, therefore, before using any means, you should consult your doctor.

Seam processing at home

Traditional medicine offers many various methods treatment of postoperative sutures with high efficiency and to speed up the healing process of wounds.

Most often, at home, the following means are used to heal sutures after surgery:

Japanese Sophora fruits in a crushed state, mixed with a fatty base, which can be used as a variety of animal fat. Most often, geese or badger fat is used to prepare this healing composition. The mass should be mixed and heated for two hours in a water bath, repeating this process for the next three days. On the fourth day, the mixture must be quickly brought to a boil, cooled slightly and, after straining, poured into a container with a lid for storage. It is best to use ceramic or glass containers. The ointment is applied in a small amount to a sterile gauze pad and applied to the wound. The bandage should be changed daily until the suture heals.

You can process the seams and special sea buckthorn oil, as well as corn and rose hips. To prepare the remedy, you must take the selected product

You can process the seams and special sea buckthorn oil, as well as corn and rose hips. To prepare the product, you need to take the selected product (rose hips or sea buckthorn berries, or fresh corn grains), natural beeswax and vegetable oil. The components are mixed and infused for about a week. For better mixing, the feedstock can be crushed. The application of such oil can significantly speed up the process of scarring of damaged tissues. mix and infuse for about a week. For better mixing, the feedstock can be crushed. The application of such oil can significantly speed up the process of scarring of damaged tissues.