Do you know how to distinguish false mushrooms from real ones? Varieties of mushrooms - edible, false, meadow, Assumption, Chinese, winter, autumn, summer mushrooms: description, photo. What do edible and inedible mushrooms look like, how to distinguish them? Where rast

Sometimes, during the mushroom season, dubious specimens get into the mushroom pickers' basket, which cause bewilderment among novice pickers.

False mushrooms are sometimes very similar to, they grow in similar conditions and have a fruiting period at the same time.

Types of mushrooms

Favorite place of resettlement - on stumps. It is because of this that they were called mushrooms (popularly - mushrooms).

In total, more than 30 species of mushrooms are known, of which 22 species have been studied and described in detail. However, it has more scientific than applied value.

Usually only 3 types of edible mushrooms are collected, known to any mushroom picker:

  • summer mushrooms;
  • autumn mushrooms;
  • winter mushrooms.

And among the false mushrooms, the following are worthy of attention:

  • gray-lamellar (edible);
  • brick red (conditionally edible);
  • sulfur yellow (poisonous).

This deadly mushroom is often confused with summer mushroom.

Indeed, it can be quite difficult to distinguish between them. Sometimes this can only be done in the form of a dispute. Therefore, it is not recommended to collect summer mushrooms on stumps and the remains of coniferous trees.

Autumn mushrooms with a gallery look completely different. autumn honey agaric more solid, it has a thick leg covered with scales and flakes, thick flesh and a round scaly cap. Such mushrooms grow in large colonies, while the galerina is a loner.

The winter honey agaric bears fruit at a completely different time than the bordered galerina and is almost never confused with it. In isolated cases, it was found among the colonies of edible honey agarics during warm winters.

Signs of edible mushrooms

In order not to confuse edible fungi with poisonous ones, it is useful to remember the following differences:

  1. The most noticeable sign is that honey mushroom twins do not have a membranous ring on the leg, the remainder of the protective cover.
  2. The cap of this honey agaric has a creamy brown or yellowish-ocher color, while false mushrooms there are always more saturated tones: from yellow to reddish-brown.
  3. The cap is covered with small light scales, while the false ones have smooth caps. The exception is large specimens of real mushrooms; as they age, they often lose their scales.
  4. The plates at the bottom of the cap of edible mushrooms are usually light, yellowish. And in false ones they can be bluish, gray or olive-black.
  5. Edible mushrooms have a pleasant mushroom smell, while false mushrooms have a musty, earthy smell, sometimes quite sharp and persistent.

Take note: The main condition for the safe collection of mushrooms is caution and prudence.

Do not fall into a frenzy at the sight of mouth-watering colonies of mushrooms. You should calmly examine them, and if in doubt, it is better not to risk it.

How to recognize false mushrooms in the forest, see the following video:

Among mushroom pickers, honey mushrooms are very popular, which are pickled, fried, salads and various sauces are made from them. But there is a danger of confusing the edible representatives of the mushroom kingdom with false mushrooms.

Inedible twins honey agaric prefer to settle like their counterparts big families on deadwood, stumps and rotten trees

Inedible twins of honey mushrooms prefer to settle, like their counterparts, in large families on deadwood, stumps and rotten trees. All of them are very similar in appearance.

The legs of the mushrooms are very thin and hollow inside. The surface of the hats is painted in bright colors, which depend on the place of growth, the composition of the soil and the season. The skin is smooth to the touch.

Features of false mushrooms (video)

Botanical description of the main types of false mushrooms

The group of false mushrooms includes several types of mushrooms. Since they grow in identical conditions to edible representatives, it is very easy to confuse them. Some species are conditionally edible, others are inedible, and still others are poisonous. In view of the danger of getting serious poisoning, an inexperienced mushroom picker is advised not to pick suspicious mushrooms.

Poppy honey agaric

The second name of the fungus is gray-lamellar honey agaric. Grows on fallen trees and pine stumps. In rare cases, it occurs on a decaying rhizome. Begins to bear fruit last month summer and continues until mid-autumn.

The hemispherical cap reaches a size of 7 cm. In the process of growth of the fruiting body, it changes its appearance to a convex-prostrate one, along the edge of which particles of the bedspread remain. If the fruit grows in a humid environment, the hat acquires a light brown color. In a dry place, its surface is light yellow tones. The middle of the cap is much brighter than the edges. The smell of whitish pulp resembles dampness.

The plates located on the inner surface of the cap adhere to the stem. In young individuals, their color is pale yellow. Over time, the color changes, becoming similar to poppy seeds.. The long leg (up to 10 cm) can be either straight or curved. The membranous ring quickly disappears. At the base it has a red-red color, and yellow near the cap.

Since poppy mushroom belongs to the conditionally edible category, after processing it can be used for culinary purposes. It is not recommended to collect old mushrooms, which lose their taste with age.

Poppy honey agaric

Brick red honey agaric

poisonous mushroom that young age has a rounded convex hat, which turns into a semi-spread as it grows older. The surface is light reddish-brown tones, or red-brown and brick red. In the central part, the color is much more saturated. There are white hanging fragments along the edges, which are the remains of a bedspread. Bitter flesh of yellowish tones. Plates change color over time. In young specimens they are dirty yellow, and in mature ones they are olive-brown. The shape of the leg is flat or narrowed at the bottom. The color is yellowish, slightly brown in the lower part. The structure is dense.

Prefers to settle on hardwood in large families. The peak of fruiting occurs at the end of summer - the beginning of autumn.

Brick red honey agaric

Sulfur yellow honey agaric

The diameter of the cap of the poisonous mushroom is from 2 to 7 cm. In a young mushroom, its shape is similar to a bell. Becomes prostrate with age. The color can be yellow-brown or sulfur-yellow, which is reflected in its name. central part the caps are somewhat darker than along the edge.

The inside of the fruit is whitish or sulfur-yellow. The smell emanating from the pulp is unpleasant. The leg with a diameter of 0.5 cm grows up to 10 cm in length. From above sulfur-yellow with a fibrous structure. Mushrooms grow in groups of about 50 fruits, fused at the base with legs.

The difference between false mushrooms and autumn ones (video)

How to distinguish false mushrooms from edible mushrooms

Despite the fact that the features of edible mushrooms are in many ways similar to their false counterparts, having understood salient features and the differences of each species, you can learn to distinguish them. The main differences:

  1. Hat appearance. In real mushrooms, its surface layer is covered with peculiar scales of a darker color than the cap itself. Mature mushrooms become smooth, losing their scales. But this is not scary, since such mushrooms are no longer of interest.
  2. Ring or skirt. Edible young individuals under the cap have a white film, which, as the fungus grows, turns into a ring on the leg. False instances do not have it.
  3. Hat skin color. False representatives are much brighter edible mushrooms. Real mushrooms are usually tender Brown color. Not edible species with the addition of red and yellow-gray tones.
  4. Smell. Edible mushrooms have a mushroom flavor. Dangerous doubles, on the contrary, exude an unpleasant earthy smell or moldy.
  5. Records. True mushrooms are characterized by the presence of light plates (yellowish or beige). In inedible species, they are brighter and darker (olive, greenish, yellow).

The fruits also taste different from real mushrooms. false views unpleasant and bitter, but it is forbidden to taste them. Having carefully studied the signs that help to distinguish an edible mushroom from a dangerous one, you can protect yourself from the serious consequences of poisoning with toxic substances.

Toxic elements of false mushrooms negatively affect the cardiovascular system and the brain

Signs of poisoning with false mushrooms

In case of erroneous use of false mushrooms, intoxication of the body occurs, which manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • The first signs of poisoning appear within the first hour after eating, but there are times when it takes up to 12 hours.
  • Toxic compounds that enter the body are very quickly absorbed into the blood. Then, with its current, they penetrate into all organs, having a negative effect.
  • There are complaints of discomfort in the stomach, there is a slight dizziness, heartburn, stomach rumbling, nausea.
  • After 4-6 hours, the symptoms begin to progress. Lethargy, apathy, trembling in the limbs and general weakness join. As the nausea intensifies, vomiting occurs. Gastric cramps move to the entire abdomen. The stool becomes frequent and watery, accompanied by sharp abdominal pains. Cold sweat is released. Cold sweat appears on the palms and feet. The level of sugar in the blood drops.

The most poisonous mushrooms (video)

Toxic elements negatively affect the cardiovascular system and the brain. As a result, the heart rate slows down and blood pressure drops to a critical level. Lack of oxygen leads to blue skin (cyanosis). The patient suffers from headache and dizziness.

Intense vomiting and diarrhea dehydrate the body, so fluid balance needs to be replenished, otherwise vital processes will be disturbed. With absence necessary assistance the patient begins to delirium and hallucinations appear. There is an alternation of excitation and inhibition.

Health recovery after poisoning depends on the speed measures taken. Timely contacting a specialist and carrying out the necessary procedures reduces the recovery time and minimizes the consequences.

Those who go in search of mushrooms should remember that only those mushrooms in which there is no doubt that these are edible species should be collected in a basket. Otherwise, the find must be discarded.

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False mushrooms include several types of mushrooms, very similar to edible mushrooms. In addition, they are easy to confuse, because false mushrooms like to grow in the same places as edible ones - they grow in families on stumps, fallen trees, on trunks and protruding parts of tree roots. Some types of false mushrooms are inedible, others are conditionally edible, and others are poisonous. However, a mushroom picker, especially a beginner, should not experiment and one should never forget the main rule: "If you're not sure - don't take it!" Collect only real mushrooms when you are absolutely sure that they are! At the slightest doubt, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bputting the mushroom in the basket.

Most main feature, by which it is possible to distinguish a real honey agaric from a false one, is a membranous ring (skirt) on a leg. This ring is the remnant of the veil that protects fruiting body mushroom at a young age. False mushrooms do not have such a ring.

In edible mushrooms (on the left), the ring on the leg is clearly visible.
In false mushrooms (on the right), there are no rings on the legs.

For children, they even came up with a poem in order to better remember this main difference between edible mushrooms:

Edible mushrooms (autumn):
A, B - young, C - old

There are other differences as well.

1. The smell of edible mushrooms is a pleasant mushroom, false mushrooms emit an unpleasant earthy smell.

2. Hats of inedible mushrooms are more brightly, loudly colored than those of edible ones. The tone can vary from sulfur yellow to brick red (depending on the species). Edible mushrooms have a modest soft light brown color.

A - sulfur yellow, B - gray lamellar, C - brick red

3. In edible mushrooms, the hat is covered with small scales; in false mushrooms, there are no scales on the hat - it is usually smooth. But you need to remember that edible mushrooms at the age of flakes on the hat also no longer exist (see photo of old mushrooms above).

4. There are differences in the color of the plates (on reverse side mushroom caps). The plates of false mushrooms are yellow, those of old ones are greenish or olive-black, while those of edible mushrooms are cream or yellowish-white.

Plates again:
A - edible (autumn), B - gray lamellar, C - sulfur yellow

5. They note the bitter taste of false mushrooms, which edible ones do not have, but you should not get to the taste assessment - and without it there are enough signs by which you can distinguish edible mushrooms from false ones.

For an experienced mushroom picker, these signs immediately catch the eye, but beginners need to apply this knowledge with caution, since the signs listed above are largely subjective, that is, each person evaluates characteristics such as smell or color in different ways. Only experience can fix this. In the meantime, focus on the first, most important, sign - look for a skirt with legs again.

Today we will talk with you about one of the most beloved by most of our compatriots mushrooms - mushrooms.


Let's take a closer look at the varieties of this plant. Each of them has its own distinctive characteristics, special appearance, taste qualities etc.


From the name it is already clear where this mushroom grows - meadows, fields, edges, country roads and so on. Harvest can be harvested from the end of May or the beginning of June. You can safely go to the training camp until September.

They have the smallest hat among mushrooms, the size of which is from 3 to 7 centimeters. At a young age, the cap is bell-shaped, and then becomes flat and has a small tubercle in the center. The color is light brown, like a dense leg. Flesh with a slightly yellowish tint.

Meadow mushroom has an excellent taste and excellent aroma, reminiscent of almonds. It is best added to soups, fried, marinated and dried. Often they can grow right at home.


A very common type of mushrooms, the edibility and existence of which even not every mushroom picker knows. You can use it for food, but only after digestion, so as not to provoke an upset stomach.

The hat is hemispherical, convex in shape. As for the color, it can be different, from slightly yellowish to light brown.

Grows predominantly in deciduous and coniferous forests loves moisture. The harvest period is from May to early October. Pay attention to the presence of a pleasant smell and ocher legs. This suggests that the mushroom is edible. There are similar ones, but inedible species. These smell like sauerkraut, and the leg is pubescent.


This mushroom appears in June and grows until October. Places of growth are similar to those in autumn. The size of the cap can be a maximum of 7 cm, while its shape is convex, in the center there is a small tubercle. After the rain becomes sticky. The color is yellow-brown with lightening in the middle. The pulp is tasty and fragrant, the leg grows in some mushrooms up to 8 cm in length, hollow and brown in color with brown rings.

Summer mushrooms are category 4 mushrooms. They can be dried, salted, pickled, added to soups. It is better not to use the legs for cooking, they are too hard.

grow up large groups, but it is necessary to find the moment to collect them. The fact is that mushrooms quickly appear and disappear just as quickly.


Found everywhere from ordinary gardens before forest zones. Habitat - stumps, tree roots, windbreaks, living trees, drying trunks 2-3 meters from the ground.

The hat is quite large - 10-15 centimeters. In young mushrooms, it has a convex shape, then it becomes flatter, and a tubercle in the center is not uncommon. There are fibrous scales, the color is yellow-brown or gray-brown. Over time, the scales disappear. The pulp is white, has a very pleasant aroma of mushrooms.

The length of the legs, depending on the place where the mushroom grows, is 5-10 cm. To gain access to the light, the mushroom is extended and vice versa.


A distinctive feature of the species is a velvety hairy leg, pale brown in color, which is lighter on top. In autumn and winter, honey agaric is found only on trees. A cap with a diameter of 2-6 centimeters with a slippery surface. The leg grows up to 7 centimeters, but at first light, and then dark as it grows. The taste is quite mild, and the aroma is weak.

Prefers poplar, willow, but is found on other hardwood trees. Winter mushrooms grow only in autumn, they can survive even under snow cover, but only if the winter is not severe.

The legs of the winter honey agaric are harsh, therefore they are rarely used for food. Preferably added to stews and soups. It cannot boast of a special rich taste, therefore it is better to pickle or pickle the mushrooms. Its main "trick" is that it can be found at a time when not a single mushroom has been growing for a long time.

false honey agaric

Going to collect mushrooms, it is very important to find out about the existence of false mushrooms. They are called sulphur-yellow, as well as brick-red false foam. Them distinguishing feature lies in the color of the powder with spores. The grey-yellow powder has a greenish tinge, and the brick-red powder is completely purple. For comparison, this substance in autumn and summer honey agaric is white and brown (brown), respectively.

Often, mushrooms that are edible and dangerous to humans grow together, in the same area. Here it is better to focus on the color. The fact is that poisonous false honeysuckles are trying to become noticeable to others, and therefore the color is saturated, pronounced, bright. But edible mushrooms do their best not to be found.

How to choose

Whether you go to the forest for mushrooms or just buy mushrooms in the market, you should definitely know the main nuances of their choice:

  • Safe mushrooms have a muted color, while poisonous ones are always bright;
  • Scales must be present on the hats;
  • Examine the pulp. good mushroom has white flesh, and in dangerous pseudo-honey it is yellow;
  • Also look at the legs. You only need those mushrooms on which the so-called cuff ring is present.

Nutritional value and calories

Like all mushrooms, mushrooms are a low-calorie product. For 100 grams again account for:

Chemical composition

Having defined chemical composition, it is possible to find out how useful the mushroom is, what it can be used for and in what cases it can act as a medicine or prophylactic. In honey mushrooms, the main substances useful for humans are:

  • Proteins;
  • Fats;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Mushroom antibiotics;
  • Polysaccharides (help fight cancer);
  • Copper;
  • Zinc and many other components.

Beneficial features

To begin with, we will determine not only the culinary, but also the healing potential of these mushrooms. Studying mushrooms, doctors discovered in them a rather extensive list of useful properties. Among the main ones are:

  • Have a laxative effect;
  • Detrimental to various kinds of bacteria;
  • Strengthen the body;
  • Have an antitumor effect;
  • Increase immunity;
  • Improve performance;
  • Reduce pressure;
  • Normalize metabolism;
  • Beneficial effect on the thyroid gland;
  • Struggling with intestinal infections, purulent skin diseases, constipation;
  • Improve the work of the heart;
  • Beneficial for diabetes;
  • Soothe, restore nerves;
  • Useful in the prevention of malignant tumors;
  • Eliminate stomach problems;
  • Promote high-quality blood formation;
  • Stimulate the normalization of blood circulation;
  • Resist viruses, relieve inflammation;
  • affect the improvement of memory;
  • Remove bad cholesterol;
  • Dissolves blood clots and so on.

The list of benefits is actually much more extensive. In many ways, scientists have not yet fully studied the properties of this fungus. But already today we can talk about mushrooms not only as a tasty, but also incredibly useful mushroom for human health.

More about useful properties again, you can learn from the program "Live healthy."

Harm and contraindications

As such, there is no harm from these mushrooms. The main thing is not to abuse and choose only high-quality, edible specimens. As for contraindications, there are only two of them:

  • Mushrooms should not be consumed serious illnesses intestines and stomach;
  • It is not recommended to give them to children under the age of 7 years.

How to cook

Honey mushrooms are magnificent mushrooms in terms of cooking. They make excellent soups, they are excellently dried, added to stews, main dishes, casseroles and so on.

Delicious, delicate sauces are prepared from mushrooms

Stuffing from mushrooms in baked pies will appeal to many

But, perhaps, mushrooms show their taste qualities most fully when salting, pickling and canning.

Therefore, today we will share with you several recipes, discuss the features of cooking, preparing, freezing and even frying mushrooms.


It will not be superfluous to find out what is useful in a fresh honey agaric.

For a long time, these mushrooms have been used in medicine, because they have the properties of a strong and natural antibiotic. In addition, fresh mushrooms have antiviral and anti-cancer effects.

By eating it, you will receive the daily norm of copper and zinc, thereby benefiting the circulatory system.

Special attention mushrooms should be given to those who are struggling with excess weight. Mushrooms have a lot of protein, but the product is extremely low in calories. In other words, you quickly saturate the body, block the feeling of hunger, but again you get only 22 calories out of 100 grams.

Thiamine is an important and rare component in nature that is part of fresh honey agarics. It helps to restore the reproductive function of a person and normalize work. nervous system. It should be noted such useful elements as phosphorus, potassium and iodine.


We will tell you about two very popular pickling methods. The first is fast, the second involves harvesting mushrooms for the winter.

Please note that kilogram fresh mushrooms will fit in a three-liter jar, while ready-made pickled mushrooms are placed in a liter jar. This should be taken into account when selecting ingredients.

How to boil

Before pickling, the mushrooms must be boiled. To do this, place them already in boiling water, and 10 minutes after boiling, be sure to drain the first water. This way you will take everything dangerous substances. Until ready, the mushrooms are brought to the second water. The cooking process takes 30 to 60 minutes. If they are ready, then they will almost completely settle at the bottom.

During the cooking process, remove the foam, and carefully follow this. It is generated several times.

The second broth is ideal for preparing a marinade, but it is better to refuse plain water.

Quick Pickling

  • Honey mushrooms;
  • 30 milliliters of vinegar (9%);
  • A glass of purified water;
  • 1.5 tablespoons rock salt;
  • Cloves and peppercorns - 3 things.

Boil the mushrooms by placing them in boiling water. You already know the subtleties of cooking. Place them in a sterilized jar. Strain the resulting mushroom broth, add the indicated amount of salt and other spices. If desired, you can add sugar, in a similar amount with salt. When the broth boils, turn off the heat, add vinegar and pour jars with marinade. Close covers. Ready!

Marinating for the winter

We note right away that the amount of vinegar is indicated in the recipe based on the preparation of 1 liter of marinade.

You will need to take:

  • Honey mushrooms;
  • 1.5 liters of purified water;
  • 8 peas of allspice;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 leaves of laurel;
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar;
  • salt and vinegar - 2 tbsp each

The cooking process is:

Boil the mushrooms according to the recipe. Take a clean saucepan, pour the resulting second broth into it, cut the garlic into slices and place all the indicated spices. Boil the resulting mixture for 10 minutes after boiling, turn off the heat and add vinegar. Wait until the marinade cools down by itself at room temperature, do not artificially cool it. If desired, add aromatic spices to give the mushrooms a richer flavor. Just put them in a saucepan when boiling the marinade, and do not put them in jars. This will allow the mushrooms not to deteriorate during long-term storage. Fill jars with mushrooms with marinade, close the lids. Ready.


If you fry mushrooms, you will get an excellent, very tasty dish. But first you need to understand the intricacies of frying.

You can fry in three ways - without cooking, with welding and frozen mushrooms.

Without cooking. Rinse the mushrooms properly, fry over low heat for 20 minutes. There is no need to cover the pan with a lid. Readiness is easy to determine by the characteristic light shooting.

With welding. You need to take salted water, boil mushrooms in it for 10 minutes, and then drain the water. After that, put the mushrooms in the pan. Cook on medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Frozen. If you have frozen mushrooms, you do not need to boil them. Frying takes 15 minutes over medium heat, also without a lid, so that excess moisture can escape.

The recipe may vary. So, mushrooms are tasty when fried with potatoes, vegetables, onions. Try, experiment, but be sure to follow the basic rules for cooking time.


We bring to your attention a very delicious recipe cooking canned mushrooms. It is not difficult to make them, but you can enjoy their excellent taste for a very long time.

Of the ingredients you will need:

  • 2 dill umbrellas;
  • Cherry, currant and laurel leaves - 5 pieces each;
  • 1 tbsp vinegar essence;
  • 10 peas of allspice;
  • Garlic - optional and your taste;
  • 2 glasses vegetable oil;
  • Honey mushrooms.

These ingredients are designed to preserve 5 kilograms of mushrooms.

The cooking process is as follows:

  • Peel, rinse the mushrooms, put in a large saucepan, pour cold water and add salt to your liking;
  • Put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 20 minutes;
  • Set aside 2 cups of the resulting broth, the rest can be poured;
  • Add leaves, dill, pepper, garlic to the mushrooms, which before that it is desirable to cut into plates. Also add oil and pour in the reserved broth;
  • Sterilize 0.5 liter jars, spread mushrooms over them and sterilize for 20 minutes;
  • Close with preservation lids or with screws.


Just remember that fresh mushrooms need to be boiled for at least 40 minutes, but no more than an hour. After boiling, the foam is removed, the water is drained and cooking continues until tender. If you took frozen mushrooms, then cook for 20 minutes over low heat.

Decide in advance why you cook mushrooms. So, if you plan to fry them later, you can boil them for 20 minutes. It's enough.

If you want to eat boiled mushrooms, then this process should last 40-60 minutes. Always remove the foam, drain the first decoction and add salt.

With an insufficient degree of cooking, mushrooms cause indigestion.


You can use one of two methods for preparing salted mushrooms. It is cold and therefore hot.

Ingredients, the set of which does not depend on the cooking option, will require the following:

  • 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • 1 bunch of fresh dill;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 garlic;
  • Ground pepper;
  • Lavrushka - 2 leaves;
  • 2 tbsp rock salt.

hot way

  • Peel, rinse the mushrooms, remove the legs if they are large mushrooms. Divide the hats into two parts. Cook small ones whole;
  • Boil them by salting the water, drain the first broth;
  • Peel the garlic, cut into 2 parts, onion in half rings, and finely chop the dill;
  • Add these vegetables, herbs, as well as spices and parsley to boiled mushrooms, sprinkle with salt, mix;
  • Set oppression on the pan and leave it in this form for 5 days;
  • Transfer the finished mushrooms to the banks, store in a cold place.

cold way

  • Put all the spices on the bottom of the selected container, place the mushrooms on top and add salt, evenly sprinkling mushrooms;
  • Place oppression on top and keep it like that for 45 days;
  • If mold appears, don't worry. It is enough just to wash the oppression occasionally;
  • Place the finished mushrooms in jars. Store in a cool and dry place.


Sort the collected or purchased mushrooms. You will need young, fresh and dense mushrooms. They do not need to be washed, as they should be dry when frozen.

It is not necessary to blanch mushrooms, like many other mushrooms, before freezing. Otherwise, they are deformed during subsequent cooking, lose their shape.

If you have a certain fear about freezing fresh mushrooms, you can weld them by adding a little salt to the water. But then be sure to transfer the mushrooms to a colander after cooking, let the whole excess fluid drain. Then place on a dry towel to soak up the moisture. Only then can it be frozen.

It is advisable to take a large plastic pallet, spread the mushrooms in one layer. Multi-layer freezing will again lead to deformation and slow cooling. If there is not enough space in the freezer, freeze the mushrooms in stages, but in one layer. So you can freeze a large number of and place on the same packages.

Packing also needs to be correct. Use multiple sachets. One such bag of frozen mushrooms should be enough for you to cook one dish. That is, defrost all the mushrooms in order to take half from there, and the second half should not be frozen again. From repeated freezing, the mushrooms will deteriorate and will be unsuitable for further use.

To learn about the benefits of including mushrooms in your diet, watch the program "Live healthy!"

If you plan to dry mushrooms, you do not need to wash them. Just dry clean thoroughly.

The mushroom got its name because of the places where it grows - on stumps.

most popular and delicious views- summer and autumn. Moreover, the summer one grows on old and fallen trees, but the autumn one loves a living tree, which it itself gradually destroys.

Going to collect mushrooms, take only a basket with you. You can't put them in a bag. They get wet, turn into something unsightly.

cultivation industrial way established only with autumn and winter mushrooms.

Honey mushrooms can also be grown at home in a jar, for this you need mushroom mycelium and a substrate

Mushrooms should be processed immediately after harvest.

Mushrooms can be stored in the freezer for a year.

The legs of mushrooms contain a large amount of fiber, and therefore do not rush to throw them away.

Young and small mushrooms are ideal for salting.

Don't worry if the mushrooms become lighter in color during the salting process. For honeysuckle, this is a natural process.

Mushroom mushroom is loved by everyone. The species of honey mushrooms described in the literature and the Internet have approximately 22 of their varieties, although it is generally accepted that there are 34 species of honey mushrooms. These mushrooms grow almost all year round. They grow on tree trunks, grow in families on stumps, especially rotten ones.

Beginning mushroom pickers should not forget that among honey mushrooms, as well as among other types of mushrooms, there are their inedible doubles (poisonous mushrooms), in our case - false mushrooms. About what types of inedible mushrooms exist, how to distinguish false mushrooms, as well as the symptoms of mushroom poisoning, our article will tell.

False foam brick red

Important!The main difference between honey mushrooms and false mushrooms is the presence of a ring on the leg.

False foam brick red similar to autumn honey agaric. In the photo on the right is a real honey agaric, and on the left is a brick-red false honey agaric.

The main difference between the false foam and the real one is the hat. It is spherical in shape, rich brick red in the center and lighter at the edges. Like all twins, the hat is smooth and dry.

The leg inside is empty, thin and even, with time - with a bend. If you break the leg, the mushroom will start to emit bad smell, but the real mushrooms have a pleasant, mushroomy aroma. Inside the hat there is a cobweb coverlet, over time it will hang from the edges.

The plates on the inside change color from yellow to dark brown. Brick-red false foam grows exclusively on rotten stumps and fallen trees, among common places are birch, alder, aspen. And sometimes these mushrooms are found on wooden fences.

The growth time of brick-red mushrooms is the same as that of autumn mushrooms - from the end of August until the first snow appears.

Did you know?False serolamella is considered an edible mushroom. Doesn't taste bitter.

It is used in the preparation of first and second courses, eaten boiled. The cap of the mushroom is thin, light yellow in color with a tubercle in the center. The cap is 3 to 8 inches in diameter.

The leg is also thin, with a bend. From above it is lighter, yellowish in color, below it is darker - rusty-brown. The color of the plates of the gray-lamellar false foam is from light yellow to gray-brown. Such a mushroom grows in coniferous forests, on rotting pine trees.

Important!The gray-lamellar false honey agaric is similar to the poisonous mushrooms of the same family, which are called sulfur-yellow false honey agaric. They are distinguished by plates of a sulfur-yellow fungus, which have a green color.

Did you know?False foam watery is also called Psatirella watery.

The young mushroom has a bell-shaped cap, and over time the cap becomes flatter. Its edges are always torn. The color of the cap depends on the humidity: at high humidity its color will be brown-chocolate, with a smaller one - the shade of the cap of the false foam watery will be as close as possible to cream.

The leg is high and smooth, white, up to eight centimeters high and half a centimeter in diameter. Also, this mushroom has a false ring at the top of the stem. The young mushroom is distinguished by light plates, which acquire a brown tint over time. The habitats of this false foam are deciduous and coniferous forests.

Important!False fungus water is not considered either poisonous or edible mushroom.

similar to many types of mushrooms: with summer and autumn honey mushrooms, with false honey mushrooms, which are considered edible. But the sulfur-yellow false mushrooms themselves are poisonous mushrooms.

The cap of this type of mushroom is smooth and without scales. It has the shape of a bell, which becomes flatter with time. The edges seem to be bent inwards. The color of the cap corresponds to the name of the mushroom, and the shade is lighter along the edges.

The color of the plates is olive-black. The leg is high, up to nine centimeters in length, cylindrical in shape, diameter - up to one centimeter. The mushroom, if cut, has an unpleasant odor, the color of the pulp is sulfur-yellow, fibrous consistency.

Also bears the name Psatirella Candolla. The mushroom grows from early May to early autumn. Inhabits parks, vegetable gardens, mixed and deciduous forests.

It is possible to distinguish this species from others by the white and white-yellow-brown color of the cap. The hat, like the previous species, has the shape of a bell, which flattens out over time, but there is still a small protrusion in the center.

Along the edges of the hat hang the remains of a bedspread that looks like a cobweb. The cap diameter is from three to seven centimeters. The young mushroom has grayish plates, and the adult one has dark brown ones, which, moreover, adhere to the stem.

The leg is white-cream in color with a fluff below. The length of the leg reaches seven to ten centimeters. As soon as summer comes, Candoll's false honeycomb competes with another species. dangerous mushrooms- flickering dung beetle. The first grows in the shade, the second - in the sun.

Important!Mushroom Psatirella Candoll is very cunning! On his appearance everything affects - air temperature, humidity, age of the fungus, habitat. Therefore, only an experienced mushroom picker can distinguish these mushrooms from edible mushrooms..

False mushrooms: first aid for mushroom poisoning

The poison of false mushrooms strikes gastrointestinal tract. poisonous mushrooms within one to two hours after eating, they will give the first symptoms of poisoning.

They will be the same as with any other food poisoning: dizziness, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (maybe up to 10 times a day), pain in the abdomen, in more severe cases, delirium, hallucinations and dehydration. .