Biography of Marilyn Kerro. Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro: biography and personal life of Kerro

Marilyn Kerro is a well-known Estonian witch who takes part in the popular program “The Battle of Psychics”. She is rightfully considered one of the strongest participants, although she still has not won first place. However, viewers believe in her miraculous power and many dream of a personal meeting with her.

Marilyn Kerro's life path

The future witch was born in a small village near Rakvere - a small village in northern Estonia. Marilyn does not hide the date of her birth and calmly talks about the date of her death. She is sure that she life path will end in the month of April 2071, i.e. when she is 82 years old (date of birth - September 18, 1988).

The Kerro family has always been very poor, and mainly due to the fact that her father drank heavily and did not help her mother at all to improve the well-being of her household. The mother herself pulled three daughters, the smallest of which was Marilyn. Despite financial difficulties, the girls regularly went to school and the youngest graduated with honors. During her studies, Marilyn often rebelled, as she was not satisfied with the existing education system. She quarreled with teachers and even left school for a while. During her studies, Marilyn Kerro tried to help her mother: she worked as a packer at the vegetable base and as a saleswoman. Of course, this work did not suit her, so she decided to complete modeling courses, since her appearance allowed it. The modeling business helped the family get out of total poverty - the girl began to appear in fashion magazines.

Since Marilyn was busy helping her mother to get normal life families, time to enter medical university she missed. But this circumstance did not upset the girl too much, because she always felt her life purpose - to be a sorceress. However, she believes that special education in the field of medicine, she still deserves to get it. The practical magic that Marilyn professes is closely related to the structure of the human body.

When Marilyn felt like a witch

Marilyn often communicated with her aunt, who, from the very tender age of the girl, began to show her fortune-telling cards and teach her how to handle them. At the age of six, Marilyn experienced terrible blow lightning, after which she opened clairvoyance. At that time, she still did not understand this very clearly, but she could already predict some minor events in the lives of loved ones. Every year the gift of clairvoyance only intensified, and the girl even learned to communicate with spirits. A few years later, she accidentally found her great-grandmother's book, which detailed how a woman could become a witch. By the way, the great-grandmother of the current witch was also a famous witch. The old book helped develop Marilyn's abilities even more and now she considers herself a voodoo magician. It was at this time, when the girl went headlong into the study of practical magic, that she completely left the modeling business.

Merlin Kerro - Voodoo magician

Each witch in her work uses different characters and ways. Voodoo refers to those who need animal entrails, human blood, wax dolls for rituals. Marilyn does not do without knives and candles. The combination of these rather ominous symbols helps the witch to look into the past and predict the future for people.

By the way, Marilyn is a true vegetarian, i. does not eat animal meat at all. Here's how to use them internal organs in his rituals, he considers it justified and necessary if it helps a person in establishing some mysterious truth.

Using human blood, the girl takes it from herself - inflicts a deep cut on herself and thus receives the remedy necessary for magic. Everyone who saw Marilyn live or watched programs with her participation notes increased emotionality. Marilyn often cries, but she doesn't do it on purpose. She says that when she is completely immersed in the suffering of another person, tears begin to flow involuntarily and help her better understand the problems and fears of her interlocutor.

Marilyn Kerro - how to get an appointment

Many people who believe in practical magic want to see the witch Marilyn in person and ask her for help or advice. Does Marilyn work individually with individuals? Sources say yes. There is information that you can contact her through social networks:, “

Today we will tell you how ordinary girl from a poor family became a hereditary witch, what obstacles did she have to go through in order to succeed and reach the final of the famous reality show "The Battle of Psychics". So, today we will talk about a girl named Marilyn Kerro, and you will also find out if there is the real Marilyn in social network In contact with.


  • Marilyn was born in autumn 1988 in Estonia. She has gone through many trials in her life.
  • When Marilyn was little, her mother was involved in her upbringing, and her father suffered from alcoholism. The family lived in poverty, but, despite this, the girl studied at school with excellent marks.
  • Since the family was experiencing financial difficulties, the girl immediately after school got a job as a seller. But after some time it was reduced. After that, she worked as a packer.
A little later, you will find out if there is Marilyn Kerro VK, and now we will tell you how the girl became a hereditary witch.

Modeling career and a sharp turn in life

  • Marilyn successfully completes modeling courses. Model removed for magazines.
  • A little later, the girl quits her modeling career, as she finds old books that previously belonged to her witch great-grandmother. Marilyn's great-grandmother practiced voodoo magic.
  • The girl began to study books and began to conduct experiments in the field of magic.
  • During one of their séances, Marilyn saw her great-grandmother, who told the girl that she should become a real witch!

"The fight of extrasensories"

  • Marilyn decided to take part in the famous "Battle of Psychics" program, where the most powerful magicians, sorcerers, psychics and witches compete with each other and test their magical abilities.
  • This decision came to the girl after prophetic dream, in which Marilyn makes it to the finals of the reality show.

Is she registered with VK?

And now you will find out if there is a page of the participant of the “Battle of Psychics” on VKontakte. We want to please you: Marilyn is a user of our favorite social network. Her real page You can find at this address:

Marilyn Kerro has only about 90 friends and more than 62 thousand subscribers. You can add a girl as a friend, but you will not be able to write her a private message if she does not confirm your application on VKontakte. Even added as a friend to Marilyn Kerro.

Marilyn Kerro published 20 videos on her page. Here you can watch a video with a star, an excerpt from the "Battle of Psychics" with Alexander and Marilyn, a video "New Battle of Psychics - Victim to the Spirits" and other interesting moments from the reality show. Marilyn has not published a single photo album on her page. But you can see photos of the girl on the avatar.


Marilyn Kerro in VKontakte is one of the leaders of the official community, which is called: “Marilyn Kerro | Official group". You can find this group here: The community has over 43 thousand members. The community is dedicated to the magical activities of Marilyn.

Now you know how to find Marilyn Kerro in the social network Contact . You can subscribe to her page or join the official group dedicated to her activities. Good luck!

The finalist of the popular show "Battle of Psychics" Estonian Marilyn Kerro excited fans with one picture.
On Instagram, the psychic showed a tummy that clearly indicates pregnancy.

45 thousand channel subscribers did not believe their eyes, and went for confirmation to official page Marilyn VKontakte. “What do you think, whose dream is guarded by a dog?” - a photo with a provocative entry appeared on the Telegram channel under the name of the red-haired star of the Battle of Psychics.

And there the same photo was waiting for them, only with an even more provocative entry: Whatever we are waiting for - peace, contentment, grace, an inner awareness of simple abundance - it will certainly come to us, but only when we are ready to accept it with an open mind. and a grateful heart,” Marilyn wrote.

Fans began to congratulate 29-year-old Kerro on her first pregnancy. Although some are still upset, because the child is not from Alexander Sheps, another finalist of the show "Battle of Psychics", whom Marilyn met for several years. Fans were waiting for the wedding of the esotericists, but they broke up without explanation.

Now Kerro has an affair with Mark Alexander Hansen. However, little is known about the new chosen one.

For some time, fans of the TV witch condemned her, saying that Hansen was allegedly married and had a small child. Later, information appeared that the man broke up with his wife a few months before the meeting of the Estonian witch.

It is worth noting that there were no direct statements from Marilyn Kerro about her pregnancy.

But fans believe that the best proof is a photo with a tummy, which, however, does not show the face of the Estonian herself.

Biography of Marilyn Kerro

Marilyn Kerro - one of the most striking and original characters in all seasons of the Battle of Psychics, a hereditary Estonian witch, was born in a small village, a suburb of Rakvere, on September 18, 1988.


When Marilyn is asked to talk about her childhood, she herself notes that she had ambiguous impressions. On the one hand, in this childhood, sometimes the most elementary was lacking - a new beautiful clothes, fashion trinkets, and sometimes even food.

The girl's parents were poor, and her father also often looked into the bottle.
Marilyn and her two sisters were raised by their mother. Although this can not even be called education in the usual sense.

Conducting most time on low-paid physical work In order to somehow make ends meet, my mother nevertheless tried to maintain a warm and trusting relationship with the girls.

Marilyn understood from childhood that she had no one to rely on, so she tried to do well in order to escape from such an existence in the future. She studied well - especially since the subjects were given to her easily.

However, due to the fact that the girl always had her own opinion and was not afraid to express it, conflicts with teachers became commonplace. Therefore, having received a basic education, she simply dropped out of school.

Photo: Marilyn Kerro in childhood


For admission to higher educational institution the family had no money, and the girl began to work. The biography of Marilyn Kerro is rich in a variety of professions that had to be mastered.

At first, she worked as a seller for three months, but she got laid off. Then she became a packer based on vegetables.

But the future star realized in time that she deserved more successful career, she did not want to repeat the fate of her mother. And the next step in her career was model business.

After completing courses at a modeling school, the girl worked as a model in Tallinn for about 6 years.

Photos of Marilyn Kerro from the time of her career can become an example and model of beauty, style and self-presentation in front of the camera for many aspiring models. The girl chose this path to prove her importance to her father in society.

Mom supported her in every possible way, since she sincerely wanted to distract her daughter from the spiritualistic "fun". At the age of 16, Kerro experienced anorexia, and a year later she faced a more serious illness - bulimia.

Marilyn Kerro in the seasons of the Battle of Psychics

In 2013, having reached the final of the 14th season of "Battle" and taking second place, Marilyn gained tremendous experience and earned the love of millions of viewers. The victory was won by Alexander Sheps, who was even ready to give her his prize. But Mary said that she herself would return for him next season, and she kept her promise.

In 2015, she took part in the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics. The audience remembered the episode in which the organizers hid the skull in a box, allegedly Bigfoot.

Entering the room where the remains lay, Kerro began to tremble and cry. “People are paying for this – one woman has already buried her husband, there will be more deaths.”

According to the results of that issue, she was recognized as the best psychic. But again, she was only one step away from victory, which was literally snatched from her hands by the St. Petersburg witch Victoria Rydos.

But this failure did not break the purposeful Estonian. In 2016, she unexpectedly reappeared in the "Battle" for everyone.

Her third arrival caused bewilderment and criticism not only among rivals, but also in the ranks of viewers. However, Marilyn did not pay attention to such trifles and stubbornly walked towards her goal.

And again the second place - the first went to the mystic Swami Dasha. Fans are left wondering if their favorite will make an appearance in the next season of The Battle or will follow the saying "God loves trinity".

What kind of magic does the Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro practice?

Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro positions herself as a voodoo magician. She frequently uses animal entrails, blood, knives, candles, and wax dolls in her magical work.

Mary works not only with voodoo egregor, but also with the world of the dead. She also uses her blood, and the depth of the cuts inflicted on herself often shocked the public.

But Mary takes this calmly and does not believe that cuts can negatively affect her well-being. She practices blood magic, and considers cuts a forced measure that cannot be abandoned if there is a desire to get serious results in witchcraft.

Kerro was introduced to magic by her aunt, who was a witch and made her living by fortune-telling. Her training began in early childhood.

At the age of six, Marilyn survived a lightning strike, after which her abilities manifested in full force. After that, not only voodoo magic and the help of the dead became available to her, but also visions of the future.

At an older age, Marilyn found a book belonging to her great-grandmother, who turned out to be a witch.

The study of magic and a career as a clairvoyant became the main reason for the end of her modeling career. The most favorite entertainment in childhood, the witch calls the calls of the spirits that came to her seances and moved objects.

After some time, she learned to see spirits without spiritualism. The first time this happened, the young witch, then a beginner, was frightened.

It happened while playing with my sister in an old abandoned house.

The future witch saw a woman who lived in it until her death. Later, this abandoned house was for some time the place in which she performed rituals.

Photo: Marilyn Kerro now - with a new chosen one

During one of the seances that Marilyn held after she found her great-grandmother's book, the owner of the book appeared to her. She said that magic is the life path of her great-granddaughter, she should take the baton and become the next witch in the dynasty.

Now the ghosts are no longer able to frighten Marilyn. She knows how to lure creatures from another world with the help of blood.

It took a long time for Marilyn to decipher her great-grandmother's notes. A well-known Estonian specialist in ancient books helped her in this. With his help, the witch managed to understand the knowledge left by the previous witch in the family.

After Mary took up a focused study of magic, her friends noticed how she had changed. Her views on life became more serious, high spirits evaporated. Marilyn began to take the choice of friends more seriously, and the gift of clairvoyance helped her find out the true intentions of others.

It was during this period that Mary decided to leave the modeling career imposed by her mother and become famous psychic. Despite being wary of men, Marilyn Kerro loves to attract attention and arouse admiration.

She feeds on the energy of male attention and considers attractiveness and femininity to be important qualities for every witch.

Marilyn Cerro - the famous Estonian psychic, who captivated the audience not only with magical art, but also with incredible perseverance. The girl was the first witch who came to the Battle of Psychics project three times. But in each season she took second place, losing several audience votes to her rivals. Despite all the failures, Mary is deservedly the most powerful psychic of the famous project.

early years

The famous witch was born in September 1988. The girl's birthplace was a suburb of the town Rakvere in Estonia. The early years of the witch passed in very difficult conditions. A constantly busy mother trying to feed her children and a drinking father. When Marilyn Kerro was only 6 years old, her parents separated. The father simply disappeared from their lives, and it was even for the best, because, getting drunk, he could hit his wife in front of the children. Until now, Mary considers her stepfather, who passed away in 2015, to be her father. According to the memoirs of the young witch, the family was constantly short of money, so Kerro was deprived of those things that her peers could afford. And the reputation of a child with "oddities" did not give joy and happiness. Young Marilyn discovered her abilities at the age of six. Then a girl walking down the street was struck by lightning. Since then, she has become interested in mysticism and other world. her aunt Salma began to teach her niece the art of witchcraft and divination. It was she who became the person who discovered Marilyn door to the world of magic.

Instead of running and playing with friends,

Kerro arranged séances in abandoned houses. Loneliness never left Marilyn , even though she grew up surrounded by sisters and relatives. Difficulties well tempered the character of the young witch, because due to lack of attention she had to choose her own path through victories and defeats. Despite the difficult childhood, the girl is very grateful to her mother. She admires her strength and courage, as the woman managed absolutely everything, even despite the fact that long time was a single mother of many children.


While still a child, Mary began to combine school and work. There were a lot of professions in the girl's life. At first, Mary worked as a shop assistant. This work came to the girl's liking, but by coincidence, she was laid off and was fired. Kerro's new place of work was a vegetable base, where she packaged goods. Having worked as a packer, young girl realized that if she continued to live like this, she could repeat the fate of her mother. Marilyn Kerro, whose photos are simply mesmerizing, graduated from modeling courses and decided to devote herself to a modeling career. Mom was delighted with the choice of the girl, because she herself once dreamed of such an activity.

After working for six years, the young witch realized that she was not going her own way. At the age of 16, the girl decided to change her life and left for the UK, leaving school and work. She recalls how she sat at the station for two days, having not a penny to her name, until, by a lucky chance, she was offered to work in a cafe. But the young witch did not like life in another country either. Returning to her homeland, the girl nevertheless graduated from high school with honors. Mary did not go further to receive an education, since financial situation did not allow her to pay for her studies. But in her dreams, Kerro imagined herself a doctor who, thanks to her psychic abilities, could find out the cause of the disease without apparatus. However, the girl was not confident in her abilities. Therefore, after watching several seasons of the Battle of Psychics show, Marilyn Kerro decided to take part in the project in order to prove her abilities to herself and others.

"The fight of extrasensories"

Once on the famous show, the girl from the first tests began to surprise the presenters and viewers with her gift. 2013 was for the girl a real discovery of herself and her abilities. Not having the skills of the Russian language, the witch used the services of an interpreter. The audience immediately liked the girl, she was incredibly charming and modest. Occupying a leading position, she easily passed one test for others. Marilyn Cerro I watched with pleasure how her colleagues on the show work, and adopted invaluable experience.

Season 14 famous show became not only a test of strength, but also a new romantic story in the life of a witch. In the final, the girl was in the top three psychics, which also included Alexander Sheps . The guy was not inferior to the Estonian witch in his abilities, and after the announcement of the results he became the winner of the battle. Everyone was surprised by Alexander's gesture, he wanted to give his prize to the Estonian witch, but she did not accept the gift. After the end of season 14 Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps began to communicate more, which led them to a serious relationship.

In the 16th season, Mary gathered her strength and returned to the show. AT last time second place was not to her liking, and she returned to take her first place, with tremendous experience and a crowd of fans behind her. However, despite this, the girl again took second place, losing to her rival.

In the 17th season of the battle, the girl again surprised her fans by participating in the show. Before that, no one came to the "Battle of Psychics" three times in a row. At Marilyn Cerro began to appear anti fans not only among the audience, but also among the participants of the show. Nevertheless, the girl again failed, and she never became the owner of the main prize.

Type of Estonian witch magic

Marilyn Kerro, whose biography surprises with its richness, uses magic voodoo . During their magical rituals the girl uses the blood of animals, as well as the insides, which she places next to the wax dolls. The Estonian witch also often uses her blood, as well as the blood of a person who wants to know his fate. The girl was taught such magic by her aunt and books, which were inherited from her great-grandmother-witch.

Deepening into the knowledge of magic,

Marilyn realized who he really is. Throwing modeling career, the girl devoted herself to the development of magical abilities. Now the Estonian witch can see the future and the past, as well as communicate with spirits and ghosts. She can easily figure out the intentions of the person who is standing in front of her. On the this moment Mary is a student of healing and her focus is on helping people.

The men in Mary's life

Despite the magnificent natural data, the girl did not develop relationships with the opposite sex throughout her life. The Estonian witch often encounters the admiring glances of men, but she could not find personal happiness for a long time. The girl's fans believe that this happened because of Mary's modest and shy disposition. The clairvoyant herself is sure that all problems with men go deep from childhood. Girls who were brought up without a father are always not too confident in themselves and in their personal happiness.

Before participating in the project, the Estonian witch was in close contact with the famous Vitaly Gibert, but their friendship never turned into a relationship. Also in the girl's friends was Alex

Pokhabov , but the star of the novel did not work with him either. The guy simply disappeared without even explaining to the girl what happened

Kerro and Sheps

After the end of the 14th season, the psychic Sheps and Marilyn Kerro began to communicate closely, and as a result fell in love with each other. They began to live together and actively shared in their microblogs pictures joint trips and videos from life. Even when the girl participated in the 16th battle, Alexander supported his beloved in every possible way and asked his fans to help the girl.

But when she came to the seventeenth battle, Mary stunned everyone with the statement that they

Sheps no longer together. The guy packed his things and moved out of their rented apartment. the true reason the girl did not advertise the parting, but it was clear that some disagreements arose in the pair of magicians. What was the surprise of the fans when Alexander Sheps appeared in the show's finale. The lovers reunited and, judging by the joint pictures, very happy. About when the wedding will take place, Marilyn Cerro and Alexander are not reported.

  • Marilyn Kerro is a vegetarian, she completely refused meat.
  • In her youth, the witch had bulimia, which she was able to cope with on her own.
  • The girl considers herself a hereditary witch and is ready to soon teach her younger sister everything.
  • There are several tattoos on the girl's body.
  • Marilyn was abused in her early years and encourages girls not to be shy and to speak openly about the problem.
  • Estonian witch openly disapproves modern system education with grades.

Marilyn Kerro now

At the moment, the girl, along with her lover, is engaged in her own store of magical items and plans to expand. She creates amulets and amulets. The girl also helps people solve problems with the help of sessions.

Mary continues to participate in the filming of the program "Psychics are investigating." The girl considers it her duty to help people in every possible way in their difficult situations.

If you watch the TV show "The Battle of Psychics", then you probably remember the bright participant of the 14th and 16th seasons with the name Marilyn Kerro. This heroine, originally from Estonia, went through several circles of earthly hell before appearing on the television screen.

Marilyn Kerro was born in a difficult time - September 18, 1988. Poor family, stepfather with a violent temper and heavy fists, working with early years at the vegetable store. Deciding to turn the tide, Kerro goes to modeling school and starts a modeling career, but this bread is not so easy. And only then the girl remembers that in her family she had a real witch for a reason ...

According to Marilyn Kerro, the spirit of the great-grandmother did not take long and appeared at one of the first seances. Then the girl was convinced: magic is for her! The magic methods were not the most pleasant, and the ingredients were sometimes very unappetizing. But who said it would be easy? But looking at Marilyn's "work" on the show turned out to be insanely interesting, so, having missed the 15th season, she returned to the 16th.

The audience remembers how the magician made Linda cry, how she talked about the detention of Victor Cohen, how her magic turned out to be stronger than that of other participants in the show. They say she even managed to bewitch another psychic - Alexander Sheps!

Marilyn's Instagram is for crazy people only

If you consider yourself a little “out of this world”, if you are inclined to explore new esoteric spaces and are able to discover new layers of reality, if you are visited by unknown images, and you understand non-existent languages, then Marilyn Kerro is on Instagram. This is not just a photo album of a popular psychic girl. This is an assembly place for extraordinary, not mundane people. As of March 2016, more than 350 thousand people subscribed to Marilyn Kerro's Instagram.

The page is located at the predictable address marilyn_kerro - you don't need paranormal powers to find it. However, the content of the blog is as extraordinary as Marilyn Kerro herself. She shares on Instagram not only fragments of a TV show, but also her products - for example, unusual and probably "charged" earrings, bracelets, and other accessories.

They say all witches love vice. Kerro likes to pose in bold poses, apparently remembering her modeling past. And she also loves cats: it’s not just that these cute animals are “sewn” with all sorts of mysticism! So even non-fans of Psychics make sense to go to Marilyn's Instagram.