Anna Sedokova's ex-husband became a father for the second time. Sedokova's ex-husband became a dad for the second time Anna Sedakova's husband is a bachelor

Many women admire Anna Sedokova’s appearance: excellent figure, appetizing shapes and a face like a 20-year-old student. But the star is already 35 years old, and she has three children, but still no husband. It turns out that it's not just about beauty...

The personal life of a celebrity has never been cloudless. Although she was not deprived of male attention, she never met the one with whom she would live in sorrow and joy until old age. We talk about the novels of the star beauty.

First husband

She stole her first lover, Dynamo Kyiv football player Valentin Belkevich, from him common-law wife Lesia, with whom he lived long enough long time. After the wedding, Valentin and Anna had a daughter, Alina.

Family happiness did not last long. Sedokova left VIA Gra and demanded that her husband invest money in her solo career. But her husband saw her exclusively as a housewife... A year and a half after the wedding, they separated, Belkevich returned to his ex-lover.

After the divorce, Anna and her daughter received a luxurious apartment and a car. In 2014, her ex-husband died suddenly: he lost a blood clot. Since the football player did not leave a will, Sedokova had to fight for the property in court.

Second husband

Sedokova met her second husband, Maxim Chernyavsky, at an elite sports club. Some time after they met, the couple went to Los Angeles, where they settled. They got married in 2011, and six months later Anna gave birth to a daughter, Monica.

They failed to build a family nest. There were rumors that Chernyavsky often cheated on Anna with her friends. After the divorce, Maxim’s rich grandmother said that Sedokova does not know what love is, she only needs money. And all family photos on Instagram are just window dressing.

At first, her ex-husband fully provided for his daughter, but now he decided to deprive Anna of parental rights. According to the artist, she now sees her daughter exclusively in the presence of a lawyer and communicates with her only in English.

“For eight months now I have not had the opportunity to communicate normally with her, just to be near her. Her father, a man I trusted, went to war against me. Maxim decided to deprive me of my maternal rights, and I absolutely don’t understand why. I never forbade him to see his daughter or take her. Maxim and his grandmother took Monica to America and went to court.", Anna said in an interview.

Third lover

By tradition, the father of Sedokova’s third child was a successful and rich man. Artem Komarov is the son of a billionaire. When she told him that she was pregnant, the man decided to get married. However, the wedding never took place. Apparently, the guy's parents were against this marriage.

Eternal single mother

“It’s difficult for a mother to be alone. Not financially. I have long been accustomed to supporting everyone, being the basis. It is difficult to be the only warrior in the field. One parent"- Sedokova once admitted.

She addressed all women who are also raising children alone: “I read your comments, and I am filled with a feeling of pride for each of you. For my mother, who raised us herself, and for the thousands and hundreds of thousands of girls and women who were forced to learn the word “masculinity.” I'm strong and I can handle it. Like hundreds of thousands of mothers who raised their children without fathers..."

News about new celebrity novels constantly appears on the Internet. Who knows, maybe the prince on a white horse is already somewhere nearby...

Or maybe? Life is an unpredictable thing!

Maxim Chernyavsky is a businessman. Known to the Russian television audience thanks to his participation in the show "". The man came to the project in the hope of finding his other half and was very confident that he would immediately spot the fakes and money hunters. Being, by his own admission, a shy person, he doubted that show business was the right place to find a bride.

“And there’s also a lot of work in America, a daughter, friends, hobbies.”

It was Maxim’s friends who persuaded him to accept the invitation, and the producers promised to move part of the filming to the USA so that the entrepreneur’s usual schedule would not change.

Childhood and youth

Maxim Chernyavsky was born in Kyiv, according to the zodiac sign Virgo. At the time of his son’s birth, the father was a military serviceman, and the mother was a student at an economics university, and later began working as the chief accountant of a large enterprise. A few years later, my father decided to found own business, financial situation things went up sharply in the family, but after that the parents decided to divorce.

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Maxim Chernyavsky

Maxim stayed to live with his mother and his grandmother Marina, who took care of the boy most of all. Actually, it was the grandmother who was the head of the family. The woman is the founder and owner of the well-known chain of construction hypermarkets “Maxi” in Kyiv, which she named after her only grandson. In one of these stores back in school age Chernyavsky received the first work experience, working part-time as a cashier. And when he turned 19, his grandmother entrusted the young man with managing the hypermarket.

After graduation elite school With a gold medal, Maxim entered the Kiev National Trade and Economic University, from which he graduated with honors. He founded his first company while still a student.

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It was a development company that did not bring in much income, and the company was suspended. After graduating from university, Maxim Chernyavsky returned to the project and began to successfully engage in construction, as well as the sale of luxury real estate.

Later, the young man moved to Los Angeles, where he completed an architecture course at a local college. The man also transferred to America most of business, as he prefers to build houses in the Art Nouveau style, which is not in demand in post-Soviet countries. Nevertheless, Maxim often visits both Ukraine and Russia.

Project "Bachelor"

In 2013 television channel TNT invited Maxim Chernyavsky to become the main character Russian version romantic reality show "The Bachelor". Since after his divorce from his first wife, Anna Sedokova, the young man was free, and the project, which offered communication with 26 diverse girls, would add to his popularity, Maxim agreed.

Maxim Chernyavsky and participants in the show “The Bachelor” (still from the TV show “The Bachelor”)

In the program, Maxim Chernyavsky is surrounded by attributes luxurious life. In the first episode, a man arrives in a shiny Rolls-Royce and receives guests in an elite home in Los Angeles.

Filming of the project took place in the fall and winter of 2013 in Russia, Ukraine, the USA, Switzerland, Italy and France, and the show appeared on the air in the spring of 2014. 26 girls from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus competed for Chernyavsky’s heart.

The winner of the 2nd season of the show “The Bachelor” was a 23-year-old employee of a law office, whom Maxim Chernyavsky preferred to the other contenders. Explaining his choice, he explained that he believed in the girl’s sincerity, that she was experiencing real feelings. In addition, Masha is smart and loves children, which was important for Maxim.

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Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola

Chernyavsky remained to live in Los Angeles, Drigola - in St. Petersburg, but once a month she flew to her potential groom. According to rumors, the lovers planned a wedding for September 2014; they wanted to register in the bride’s homeland and celebrate the wedding in the Maldives. Maria allegedly had her eye on a dress from Vera Wang, and Maxim ordered Cartier rings.

However, love could not withstand the distance, and the couple broke up. Nevertheless, the project played important role in the biography of Chernyavsky. And Drigola, who has become prettier and has changed her hairstyle, now travels a lot and does not remember the show, thereby making it clear that she is quite happy with life.


A man is often presented in the media as a “successful millionaire”, the owner of a “large construction company in Los Angeles, which has branches all over the world,” but in 2016, Russian publications repeatedly reported that Chernyavsky was experiencing financial difficulties, and this was not visible behind the haze of fake wealth.

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Businessman Maxim Chernyavsky

Marina Chernyavskaya, Maxim's grandmother, is a successful businesswoman in Ukraine. As Ukrainian journalists report, the development company headed by Maxim is the merit of his grandmother, since she helped develop her grandson’s first project. However, Maxim’s business failed, and 3 months after the start of his activities, the young businessman was left with nothing. But the man managed to purchase real estate in Kyiv and Los Angeles.

In addition, journalists learned that the name of Maxim Chernyavsky’s company is Monaco Development. It does not have an official website, but only a Facebook page. Media representatives reported that at the address indicated in social network, there is a private village house, but not an office of a “construction empire”.

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A mother of many children is trying to secure her future

The 35-year-old has an excellent figure, seductive breasts and “full tuning” (see the “before” photo of the singer above, on the left). The star has three children and no husband. But Anna does not despair - she has enough millionaire acquaintances who know: this beauty needs to be introduced to serious relationship with wealthy guys. There were a lot of such acquaintances, but why did none of the rich people “from Anna Sedokova’s list” become her support and ensure a “comfortable old age”.

Anna Sedokova’s personal life was difficult. We remember the former and current men of the famous beauty.

First husband

Anna Sedokova's first wedding. 2004 Photo: archive.

Anna Sedokova married a promising athlete with a lucrative contract 14 years ago. Valentin Belkevich was a famous football player in Dynamo Kiev. Anna was 22 years old, her chosen one was 31 years old. They were introduced by a common stylist. For the sake of an affair with the singer, Belkevich left his common-law wife Lesya, with whom he lived for almost 10 years.
Five and a half months after the wedding, the couple had a daughter, Alina Belkevich. A year and a half after the wedding, the couple divorced - Belkevich returned to his former lover. Family life with Sedakova did not work out: different characters, the singer left VIA GRA and wanted her husband to invest money in her solo career - the football player wanted his wife to stay at home... Belkevich visited his ex...
After the divorce, Sedokova had an apartment in Kyiv as a dowry and expensive car. The singer went to conquer Moscow.

In 2014, Belkevich died (a blood clot broke loose). Anna Sedokova then wrote on Instagram: “This is some kind of horror. I don't believe. He was a brilliant athlete, strategist and good man. He loved his daughter. He was loved and respected by millions. And especially one little girl..."
Valentin Belkevich did not leave a will and Sedokova filed a lawsuit so that part of his property would go to them common daughter. Belkevich’s wife Olesya, who gave birth to a son, also claimed the inheritance.

Second husband

Sedokova met her second husband at an elite sports club. Businessman Maxim Chernyavsky “accidentally” turned out to be the grandson of a well-known businesswoman in Kyiv. Anna often visited Chernyavsky’s 3-story mansion in Kyiv, and vacationed with him in Los Angeles, where the couple later settled. The couple got married in February 2011, and their daughter Monica was born in July. Family idyll seemed eternal, but they say that Maxim had an affair with one of the then soloists of VIA GRA - there is no evidence of this.
But Sedokova said that she ex-girlfriend, when Anna flew off on tour, she kept her husband company: “...And there were several such friends. I sobbed on another girl’s shoulder and told her, sitting in the kitchen, that Maxim and I were in a quarrel, that we both didn’t know whether we wanted to be together or apart. She listened sympathetically and nodded. Two days later I flew to Moscow to host the event, and already there I found out that the friend who pitied me so much was now riding in the car with Maxim, spending evenings with him in clubs and often visiting our house. I think I chose the wrong “friends.”
Sedokova was the first to talk about divorce, and Maxim immediately began to draw up documents... Chernyavsky said that the reason for the divorce was the reluctance to build a joint nest - the wife often flew off on tour, regardless of her husband’s opinion.
After the divorce, the couple’s child is being raised by his father: the girl lives with him in Los Angeles and attends school. In Chernyavsky’s personal life, everything is also in order. Maxim fully provides for his child.
Maxim’s grandmother Marina Chernyavsky, in an interview with the site, characterized her grandson’s ex-wife this way: “Don’t make me laugh, okay?! Anya lives for social networks, for image, for photographs, she lives for advertising, but not for children. Children are PR. She has forgotten what love is, but she remembers what money is. If Sedokova changes, it will be at about 70 years old. And even then, it’s unlikely...”

Anna with her second husband. Photo: archive.

Third millionaire

According to tradition, Sedokova gave birth to her third child from a very successful, rich man... But even the son did not force the man to marry Anna. And how beautifully it all started: a guy 10 years younger than the singer. He is the heir from a very rich and influential family. Sedokova was introduced to the millionaire by her friend (also a millionaire). After a short affair, Anna told her chosen one that she was pregnant, and he decided to get married. But they say that his parents did not allow this marriage. And the groom, apparently, didn’t really insist.
It happens that dreams come true. Therefore, Sedokova can still meet her rich prince, and he may even marry her. Now there are reports in the press about the singer’s new romances - with colleagues, a photographer... It’s just a photo, a game, an interesting pastime. Only a rich man can be next to Anya on a permanent basis. Or maybe her last millionaire will return to her?

Currently, marriage is not such a strong unit of society as it was before. Now this substance seems so fragile and ephemeral that one can only be surprised at how quickly everything collapses. People may seem completely happy and carefree, but one day all their problems come to the surface. This applies not only to ordinary mortals, but also to rich and famous people.

Anna Sedokova is a bright, spectacular woman, model, singer, former participant in the famous project “ VIA Gra" Her life was always under the radar of cameras. Therefore, when it became known about Ani with businessman Maxim Chernyavsky, it became a real event. The paparazzi praised the couple and showered them with attention, capturing them in romantic and beautiful places. It seemed to everyone around that now the beauty would be happier than in her first marriage, and this union would become eternal. Who would have thought that they would break up? It's been a year since the divorce, and real reason this drama still remains behind the scenes.

Chernyavsky's version

The question of why Sedakova divorced her husband is interesting not only to the press, but also to those around the couple. Their mutual friends take different sides, so they cannot give an objective answer. In February of this year, we finally managed to bring Maxim to a frank conversation, in which he told how everything really happened. The couple was happy. They lived in America, since Chernyavsky is engaged in the construction of cottages in Los Angeles. Soon it became known about Anna's pregnancy. Maxim was extremely happy about this event, expecting Anna to settle down after giving birth. But this did not happen. Very little time passed after giving birth, and Sedokova was invited to Moscow for a concert. At that very time, trouble happened - Maxim injured both legs as a result of an accident at sea, so he was on sick leave at home. Despite this, Anna decided to leave him with two daughters (the eldest from her first marriage), and she herself flew to Russia. Nevertheless, Chernyavsky understood her and let her go, understanding the importance of a career for the singer. So why did Sedakova divorce her husband?


Anna's concert program became more and more intense. She flew away from home more and more often, leaving her children with her husband. Russia and Ukraine became much more visited places for her. Maxim understood that something had gone wrong, his wife was moving away from him.

To support her, in November 2012, he flew out to pick her up for one of the concerts. As the businessman later said, he simply did not recognize her. Anna clearly made it clear to him that she deliberately destroyed their relationship, which had been built for so long by both parties.

Sedakova divorced her second husband, leaving her alone with the children. Moreover, Maxim filed for divorce. Some argue that she simply could not cross the line herself, others say that Maxim could no longer tolerate his wife’s coldness.

Sedokova's version

Anna Sedokova also gave interviews to the press regarding her divorce. In it, she reported that their mutual friends were to blame for everything, who not only later slandered her, but also betrayed her. Anna says that when she went to concerts, her friends stayed next to Maxim, flirted with the man, and then pretended that they fully supported Anna. Such friends became the cause of discord between the spouses, since she could no longer understand whether there was a place for betrayal or whether it was all just a game. One way or another, Anna Sedakova divorced her husband, claiming that she felt insurmountable pain after this event. However, she would not have been able to do otherwise. Bringing back the former warmth turned out to be much more difficult than she thought.

Current relations

After everything that happened, Maxim and Anna continue to maintain a relationship, touching only on issues related to their daughter Monica. At one time, Anna declared her supposed poverty, but Maxim instantly refuted this lie, saying that he pays large alimony payments. Both sides try not to remember the past and move on. Anna believes that after some more time they will be able to become real friends. The question of why Sedakova and Chernyavsky divorced is still open, since their versions of what happened are too different. Journalists claim that they trust the open and honest Maxim more.

Maxim recently announced that he intends to participate in the show “The Bachelor,” where lonely beauties will fight for his heart. For him, this project should become a kind of outlet. There are no women in his circle worthy of his love, maybe television can help? In addition, Chernyavsky has never dealt with such projects, so this will be an interesting experience for the man.

So, why did Sedakova divorce her husband? No one can give an exact answer, since the parties themselves have too different positions on this matter. But one thing is for sure: both Anna and Maxim are still depressed. Their feelings are understandable, because it’s not every day that you lose something real.

In February 2011, Anna Sedokova married for the second time: the singer’s chosen one was businessman Maxim Chernyavsky. The couple had a daughter, Monica, but the couple could not save the family even for the sake of the child. Chernyavsky was extremely dissatisfied with the fact that Anna spent more time musical career rather than family, so in 2013 the couple decided to separate.

Three years ago, the businessman found personal happiness with 27-year-old model Daria Sidorova, who gave birth to his daughter. As it became known, the young people were introduced by Anastasia Reshetova, who was Sidorova’s rival at Miss Russia 2014. At the competition, Daria represented the city of Novosibirsk.

It is not yet known whether Maxim will propose marriage to his beloved. Only one thing is clear: in given time they are expecting him nice chores with a newborn baby. And his ex-wife Anna Sedokova is still single. She does not hide this and often writes on social networks that she wants to find a soul mate. The singer is in no hurry to talk about her son’s father, but sometimes hints to fans that the man is in no hurry to see Hector.

“I often come across the fact that men’s love for a child is directly related to the quality of love for their mother. How stronger man loves a woman, the stronger his connection with their common children. For us girls, it seems to me that this has absolutely nothing to do with it. We just love our kids. Sometimes, even despite her feelings for a man,” Anna recently wrote on Instagram.

Until recently, Sedokova was not in the best better relations with Maxim Chernyavsky. Former spouses they couldn't share their daughter Monica. Sedokova was deprived of meetings with the heiress for a long time, and if meetings did happen, they were short and in the presence of a stranger. Later this difficult question was decided: both parties signed settlement agreement, and now Monica has the opportunity to see both mom and dad.

“There is happiness and I am also very happy, the settlement agreement has been signed! Monica is already on the plane, flying to Cyprus, to join me. And on July 19 there will be a big holiday, Mona is 7 years old, and her mother is getting ready to celebrate. I’m sure this will be something great for Manyuni, her mother knows how to do it. I think you will see all this on her page. Thank you to everyone who helped me, supported me, however, it was very difficult for me, thank you very much, good luck to you,” shared the girl’s grandmother Marina Chernyavskaya.

After an unsuccessful family life Maxim Chernyavsky tries to keep his personal life away from prying eyes. The businessman does not tell either his fans or the Super portal what he named his newborn daughter.