What does the word irina mean from ancient Greek. The meaning of the name Irina

According to Popov

Delicate taste, balance in words and deeds from ancient times made Irina in Rus' a symbol of peacemaking and common sense emanating from a woman.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

Irina is a woman capable of selfless, bordering on sacrifice, love. She is educated, knows how to control herself, has tremendous willpower. Love for her is most often a dramatic situation: a unique first love, unforgettable last love... She likes the very romance of love as a feeling of something unusual, sublime. She is not so much looking for a way out of her loneliness in love, but she plays out her love drama in life. In love, Irina, like no other woman, is able to give warmth. She asserts herself in the world through love, afraid to admit to herself that she is not sure of the correctness of her sexual behavior. She never gives the appearance that she is familiar with mental anguish and suffering, a feeling of sexual dissatisfaction.

Irina loves light flirting, beautiful courtship, conversations on the verge of what is permitted, but she is rarely captured by deep feelings, strong passions. Even with the most ardent lover, Irina feels lonely. She makes her choice herself, Irina is not one of those women who follow those who are more persistent. In the sexual process, she seeks equality, not imposing her style of behavior on a partner, but not completely submitting to him. For "winter" Irina, sex is a way to express herself, her disposition, for her it is like a continuation of communication with a man. Her life is full of love adventures, often with a touch of adventurism. She gets married very carefully, not wanting to hamper her freedom in any way.

“Autumn” Irina is looking for strong sexual harmony in marriage, but for her sex is not the main thing in life, she wants to see in her chosen one, first of all, a person worthy of love and respect, and then a skilled and ardent lover, Irina can get married unexpectedly, for a person whom she knows only a few hours, but more often - for someone with whom she has known for a long time and with whom she is connected not by passion, but by spiritual kinship, by common intellectual interests. Irina remembers her first love for a long time and often, having married, she cannot forget her old affection. She attracts the attention of men for a long time, because she never, even with age, loses her attractiveness.

According to Mendelev

Good, simple, joyful, tender and feminine name perceived by many as typically feminine.

Very emotional, excitable and inconsistent, guided by the so-called female logic (although in fact the logic of women is more formal and prone to straightforward conclusions than that of men). Often has a strong will, choleric temperament and, which is much less common in women, a developed sense of humor. She is open, even open, sociable, not prone to scrupulous analysis and "weighing" her own and others' actions. The decision is made instantly on the basis of her intuition and emotional assessment of the circumstances and behavior of the people around her, therefore, she may later regret some of her actions bitterly. He eagerly takes up any business, brings his personal attitude, personal approach to it, but does not always bring this matter to the end. The ratings are very subjective. Unforgiving and kind, but reacts to insults and insults in the highest degree sharp and sharp. Authorities are not very fond of and have their own point of view on many things.

Irina's intelligence is high, but superficial: her strength is not in analysis. She usually singles out one or two, as she believes, the main qualities of a person or phenomenon and makes her judgment as a whole, discarding secondary details.

It is very popular with men, it is perceived as a source of joy, therefore Irina rarely has unhappy love, there are almost no problems in the family. He loves holidays and feasts. When choosing a profession, she gravitates toward typically female ones; she is not interested in technology. More prone to strenuous, but short-term efforts than to constant, systematic and consistent activity.

In relationships with children, she is as inconsistent as in many other things. In a family, he rarely becomes the head, relying entirely on his spouse. Irina rarely becomes a good housewife, cook, housewife.

Highly popular name, in terms of prevalence, it is in the top five names, especially in cities. The color of the name is bright blue.

By Higiru

The name is of ancient Greek origin and it means: peace, tranquility.

Since childhood, Irina has been distinguished by independence and determination. More drawn to his father than to his mother. Able to study well, it does not require much effort from her. Soberly approaches the assessment of the world around her. Likes to read detective novels, science fiction, visits sport sections. Not sentimental, on the contrary, somewhat harsh. To see Irina crying over the suffering of the heroes of the soap opera is a rarity. Communicative, easy to find mutual language with strangers. In company, he behaves relaxedly, willingly drinks, sometimes a little more than decency requires. He feels more comfortable and easier in a male company, among women he quickly gets bored. Direct and sharp in judgments and statements. Jealous.

Compatibility and marriage named after Irina

By nature, Irina is amorous. However, they always retain their independence. Women with this name almost never dissolve in a loved one, family, do not subordinate their lives only hearth. The acquisition of a profession, and then professional growth, is an important and obligatory moment for her. And these are, as a rule, valuable workers. Irina always knows what she wants. Married Irina easily gains the authority not only of her husband and children, but also of work colleagues and neighbors. She is no less thorough in choosing a husband. The latter may not doubt her devotion, but only on condition that he constantly makes her feel her significance. Underestimation of Irina's husband is dangerous - this can push her to betrayal, although she is unlikely to decide on a divorce - because of her love for stability and peace.

Irina cooks well, is fond of new systems of raising children, and likes to read special magazines. Most often, Irina tend to be overweight. Mothers-in-law usually dislike Irin for their independence.

The marriage with Leonid, Boris, Andrey, Sergey, Stepan, Yefim, Ivan will be successful. Less luck with Dmitry, Konstantin, Yaroslav, Roman, Valery.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Peace, tranquility" (Greek)

Energy and character of the name Irina

In the name Irina, such qualities as firmness, cheerfulness, mobility and purposefulness are perfectly balanced. At the same time, sufficient independence is observed in him, and therefore all of the above properties are difficult to level in the process of education. It is for the best, since a balanced combination of such character traits can make Irina's fate quite favorable.

The energy of the name suggests Ira has an analytical mindset, but this does not mean that she will grow up to be a kind of scientific cracker. Rather, on the contrary, it’s just that she usually clearly knows what she wants from life, and of all emotions she prefers a sense of humor. Most likely, since childhood, Ira will not limit her communication to purely girlish companies, it is possible that she will be more attracted to the society of boys, where she can even become a ringleader. But still, boyish games are unlikely to captivate her too much and interfere with her studies - usually she knows the measure in this, not wanting to complicate her life once again.

With age, Irina most often tries to devote enough time to her career, which is primarily due not to ambitious dreams, but to the desire to further strengthen her independence and independence. At the same time, she can have well-developed makings of an intelligent leader, since her inner balance, prudence and sense of humor allow her to get along well not only with her superiors, but also with her subordinates. It is hard to imagine that she will raise her voice to her employees, especially since by treating people in a purely human way, much more can be achieved from them. Irina is a good diplomat and psychologist, because she knows how to feel the mood of the interlocutor and often uses it very skillfully.

It is practically impossible for Ira to decide to limit her life to only economic and family concerns, and this should be taken into account by her husband or a candidate for such a position. Of course, her energy will allow her to maintain the economy at the proper level, but she is unlikely to give up her career. Even if the husband is able to provide for Irina and the children beyond measure, all the same, her independence will find some way out for herself, otherwise Ira will simply wither away. And the husband, having tried to imprison her within four walls, soon runs the risk of coming face to face with the independent character of his wife: either Irina will soon arrange an active personal life for herself, or sooner or later she will take her husband to iron gloves. Or both will happen. In a word, this name is perfect for a modern emancipated woman, which should always be considered by candidates for her hand and heart.

Secrets of communication: Sometimes in communication with Irina, you may get the impression that she either has no problems at all, or she treats them quite easily. It is unlikely that this is actually the case, it is just that she usually prefers not to show the full depth of her experiences. But if you suddenly noticed these experiences, you should not show too obsessive pity. Much better when compassion is combined with gentle humor.

Famous people named Irina

Irina Khakamada

"You can't do without housewives in the political kitchen!" - such a slogan was chosen by Irina Khakamada for herself in the election campaign, and it is this image that is closer to her - the image of an elegant charming woman, self-confident, at the same time fragile and strong. Not surprisingly, the French firm Carlos Villalon asked Irina Khakamada to represent Delicate Poison eau de toilette before launching it on the Russian market. It so happened that for the creators of "poison" a woman politician, half Japanese, has become a symbol of the modern Russian woman.

In general, the biography of Irina Khakamada is full of all kinds amazing facts. It is interesting, for example, that her father, Mutsuo Hakamada, is none other than former leader communist party Japan, who emigrated to the USSR after World War II. Irina herself, having finished Faculty of Economics Moscow State University, by the age of thirty she became an assistant professor, successfully engaged in business, headed one of the largest charities... It's hard to imagine how this woman manages to do everything at the same time: while doing politics, she finds time for aerobics, reading, social events, visiting nightclubs, where rap dances with selflessness. But still Irina Khakamada - loving wife(though the third husband) and a caring mother. In a word, for many it is the ideal of modern business woman, independent of anyone and steadily following the motto: "I should always feel beautiful - both internally and externally."

The secret of the name oculus.ru

Irina, Arina- the world (ancient Greek).
A very popular name. In terms of prevalence, it is in the top five names, especially in cities.
name zodiac: Calf.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: pale blue.
Talisman Stone: opal.
auspicious plant: chestnut, lily of the valley.
name patron: owl.
Happy day: Friday.
happy season: Spring.
Diminutive forms: Ira, Irinka, Irishka, Irusya, Irusha, Irenka, Arinka, Arishka, Aryusha.
Main features: independence, aspiration.


Irina Aquileyskaya, martyr, April 29 (16). Irina and her sisters Agapia and Chionia, pious Christians, died martyrs in the 4th century for the faith of Christ.
Irina Egyptian, martyr, October 1 (September 18).
Irina Constantinople, May 26 (13).
Irina Korinfskaya, martyr. April 29 (16).
Irina Macedonian, Great Martyr, May 18 (5). St. Irina lived in the 1st century, she was the daughter of the ruler of the city of Migdoniy. By order of the new ruler, Zedekiah, the saint was thrown for ten days into a pit filled with snakes. But the Angel of the Lord kept her unharmed. Then Zedekiah ordered that Irene be sawn with a saw, but the saws broke one after another. Finally, the fourth saw stained the body of the martyr. Zedekiah said with a laugh, "Where is your God?" Suddenly a whirlwind arose, a blinding lightning flashed, striking many of the tormentors. However, Zedekiah continued to torture, but the indignant people expelled the ruler from the city. More than 10,000 pagans were converted to Christianity by St. Irene. Reposed St. martyr in a cave, not far from the city of Ephesus.


April 29 - Irina - rip the shores, snatch the snow: around this time it begins to melt off the coast: "Hollow water washes away the shores."
May 18 - Irina the nursery: they burn grass in the fields - "On Irina, the thin grass is out of the field!"


Already in childhood, Ira feels some kind of adulthood, independence. He loves his father very much and enjoys playing with him. When there is a company of adults in the house, he does not interfere, he prefers to do his own thing. It is better not to pay attention to her, not to require reading poetry or demonstration dances. Ira knows all this, but when she becomes the center of attention, she fades into the background and "swallows her tongue."

At school, Ira studies well and it does not require much effort from her. She is talented, draws well, sews, knits. Likes to read detective novels, watch Hollywood movies. She is not sentimental, she will not sob over the suffering of the heroes of foreign serials, they are simply ridiculous to her. Ira has many friends, but she does not limit her communication with them, she is attracted to the society of boys, she also finds a common language with them. He likes to attend sports sections, more like a pool, swimming.

Irina knows how to control herself, balance is felt in her words and actions, but in certain situations she can be aggressive. There is a lot of common sense in her words and actions, she has her own opinion, delicate taste.

Irina always knows what she wants. If she does not get married early, she can master several professions, in parallel with the main one - to learn the language, work on a computer, photographing. He does everything slowly, but thoroughly. Irina can be an intelligent leader, she will never raise her voice to a subordinate, internal balance and prudence will allow her to get along well with both her subordinates and her superiors. Irina gravitates towards pure women's professions: works in design office, a music teacher, a salesperson, a cashier, a nurse, a designer, a fashion designer, a hairdresser, etc. Irina does not always work with concentration and brings the matter to the end, but she always brings a personal attitude to the matter, she works better when she is praised. Irina is a good diplomat and psychologist, she knows how to feel the mood of the interlocutor, skillfully uses it.

Irina is an amorous nature, but she does not lose her head in hobbies, she always knows what kind of husband she needs and strives to find her ideal. Irina is coldish, but she does not know about it herself, she simply considers herself a reasonable and sober-minded person. At the same time, it is difficult for her to be alone, and she is ready to make some sacrifices, just not to be left alone. It is very popular with men. Irina loves male company, beautiful courtship, conversations on the verge of what is permitted.

Irina is almost always married faithful wife, a good mother who will do everything for her child, but at the same time she will never completely subordinate herself to the hearth. He does not strive to be the head of the family, he will completely rely on his spouse. He can find his happiness with Andrey, Boris, Ivan, Leonid, Sergey, Stepan.


Irina Nikolaevna Bugrimova (1910-2001) - famous animal trainer, the first woman in our country who began to train predators.

Irina Bugrimova joined the circus in 1929. Together with A.N. Buslaev, she had a theatrical performance "Sled Flight". Soon this number ceased to satisfy her, she dreamed of creating something new.

The appeal to the animals was not accidental. Irina Nikolaevna's father was a veterinarian of the Kharkov circus, and she, as a girl, constantly helped him in his work. “And whoever they didn’t bring, they didn’t bring to us: dogs and cats, goats and geese, cows, pigs and horses. Somehow they even brought a camel,” the artist wrote. Irina Bugrimova was offered to take a ready-made group of animals. But Bugrimova refused, saying that she was more interested in raising the animals herself. “If you tame, then the king of beasts,” said Irina Nikolaevna and asked her to give the lions. They went to meet her halfway, gave her the first three cubs, who had "imperial" names - Kai, Julius, Caesar, to raise. The first issue of Bugrimova in 1940 was outwardly furnished very effectively. When the artist appeared in the arena, torches flashed in the hands of the assistants, there was a lot of noise in the room, sharp shouts, and the cracking of a whip. All this emphasized the image in which the tamer performed: beautiful, with blue-black hair, a beautiful figure, she played a bold, exotic, somewhat mysterious woman, captivated the audience with her courage and romance. And the tricks in the room were selected accordingly. The most spectacular of them is the "Chair of Death". The artist sat down in a chair, two lions leaned with their front paws on its armrests, and the third on the back, and the artist fed them meat - a very risky trick!

But these externalities did not prevent Irina Nikolaevna from being the most humane trainer who takes care of her pets. She wrote: "... We must be sensitive and remember every moment that is in front of us creature with his complex world". Everyone understands that animals need to be fed, watered. Of course, they must be well-groomed, healthy. But Bugrimova still claims "with her own complex world." She saw a personality in each animal, she knew many stories about each. "Here, for example , Caesar. Once the lion Taimur tore Kayu's mouth. The sick lion was bleeding and roaring, did not let anyone near him, but Caesar went up to his sick comrade and began to lick his wound. This went on for several days - until Kai's full recovery.

Bugrimova was on the arena for thirty years and about a hundred "lion personalities passed through her hands. And how many tense situations were there during performances or rehearsals, often dangerous. Irina Nikolaevna had a unique trick during which she, along with a lioness, rushes on a swing literally over The stunt from the side seemed quite dangerous, since Bugrimova and the lioness were standing on a swing board without any fence.

And you're sure the lioness won't jump down? - asked the trainer.

Absolutely sure. Firstly, because the lioness is blinded by a spotlight, and secondly (or this is firstly), with all her power, the lioness is afraid of heights, although she can jump several meters in length or from bottom to top.

So once, during a trick with a swing, Bugrimova accidentally moved her leg forward a few centimeters, hitting the paw of the lioness standing in front with the toe of her boot. She instinctively, in order to stay on the board, dug her claws into Irina's leg. Sharp claws pierced through the thin skin of the boot and the trainer felt that the wound was bleeding. She immediately signaled to her assistants. They immediately lowered the swing and sent the lioness out of the arena, into a cage. The hall was bursting with applause, not even suspecting that trouble could happen.

Bugrimova was not only an excellent trainer, a great artist, but also desperately bold and self-possessed. Here is what she once wrote in her memoirs: “With age, lions, like old people, become capricious, grumpy, do not like young lions, they hardly accept them in their environment, they do not want to work. For example, I had a nine-year-old lion Nero in my group "He used to be distinguished by discipline, but now he literally began to hunt for me. I had rehearsed: after performing the trick, Nero goes to the place and suddenly, instantly turning around, rushes at me. But now he was clearly overplaying, getting excited. He had a bad character. And it was impossible to guess at what moment he would rush at me again. Now Nero set the scenes, but he didn’t tell me about it! And Nero carried out his mise-en-scene, rushed from behind to the trainer, "... My white tights now turned red, blood was squelching in my boots. But I pulled myself together and brought the number to the end ..."

Since 1976, Bugrimova did not work at the arena, but led an active public life. Irina Nikolaevna was the chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Russian State Circus Company, a member of the Presidium of the Central House of Arts, the Society for the Protection of Animals. In 2000 she was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree.

In the history of the world circus there will remain a strong, courageous, charming woman, subjugating to its will far from the most good-natured representatives of the fauna. A woman among lions, an earthly "queen over kings", artist Irina Nikolaevna Bugrimova.

Hello, dear readers of the Sprint-Answer website. In this article, we will find out the correct answer to the thirteenth question in the game "Who wants to be a millionaire?" for January 5, 2018, in which Gennady Khazanov and Anna Bolshova took part. The release was a replay of the January 3, 2014 game. The question in the game concerned the meaning of the name Irina.

How is the name Irina translated from the ancient Greek?

Irina is a female Russian personal name of Greek origin; goes back to other Greek. Εἰρήνη - the name of the goddess of peaceful life in ancient Greek mythology Eirens; also εἰρήνη - "peace", "peace".
Irina is a rebel by nature, bright, with an analytical mind and organizational skills, capable of decisive actions, with a controversial character, does not at all justify her name, which came from Greek goddess Eirene, born in the union of two Greek gods, Zeus and Themis. Translated into Russian, her name means "World".

Other forms of the name: colloquial - Arina, Erina, Yarina, Irinya; arising under the influence of Western European languages ​​\u200b\u200b- Irene, Irene, Irene, Irene; ancient church - Orina, Irinia. Common short forms named: Ira, Rina, Rena. Some of the listed forms are used as independent personal names.

Gennady and Anna take a hint Call a friend: the friend does not have time to answer.
Next, the players take another clue 50:50 - options B and C remain.
Correct answer - B

A: freedom
B: World
C: Happiness
D: Anger

As we have already understood, the correct answer to the question is: world .

In the Soviet Union this female name was one of the five most popular, but now it has been undeservedly forgotten. If you decide to name your daughter Irina: the meaning of the name, character and fate that awaits the girl in the future.

Over the years, the name Irina is less and less common, and perhaps in 30-50 years it will become unusual.

Irina is by nature a fighter for peace and justice.

According to philologists, the name comes from the ancient Greek goddess Eirena, and in translation it means “peace” and “peace”.

In the Middle Ages in Rus', the name Irina was very popular among the nobles.

Description of personality

This woman has a strong and determined character. Of course, she can be impressionable and vulnerable, but in situations where it is necessary to make a decision quickly, she will not be at a loss.

relationship marriage

Irina is a faithful and reliable friend for both sexes. She can copy male mannerisms and even speak obscene words. Among men, she feels better.

In relations with men, she is restrained, she hides her real emotions for a long time. In the first marriage, she is rarely happy, divorce is very likely. A mistake can happen if she chooses a man as strong and intelligent as her husband. And the fact that she needs a completely opposite type, she will most likely understand later.

The life of this woman is burdensome, but she copes well with it. As a rule, he does not see comfort without a pet.

As a rule, boys are born to her, but an exception is possible. From childhood, she instills noble qualities in her child, she is not inclined to spoil him.

The second marriage is more successful and happy.


She is an intellectual, reads a lot, she has a competent and well-delivered speech. Irina can sit at home all weekend with a book and a cup of tea, because she is a homebody.


In the professional field, he can realize himself as a serious boss. She is inclined to teaching, so she can choose the field of education. Any specialty related to communication will suit her: doctor, lawyer, teacher, psychologist.

Irina will never exchange work for a family, especially if she likes the work. At work, she is an indispensable employee, if the work does not suit her, then Ira will look for her dream job and will definitely find it.

Irina is a fighter for justice, wherever she works, therefore she is highly respected among her colleagues. It is important for her to be praised and set as an example.


If the work environment is tense, she can get nervous breakdowns. And as a result, she is constantly drawn to relieve tension with a cigarette. Weak point her body is a stomach.

Influence of date of birth:

  • spring - since childhood, she has been growing up as a little mischievous hooligan. Only the stage or sport can curb her vigor.
  • summer - a very feminine and cunning fox with a rich imagination, most of all she likes the holidays;
  • autumn - will be distinguished by a responsible and serious approach to any issue, it will be greedy for knowledge;
  • winter is smart and decisive, she knows exactly what she wants.

How will her life turn out?

The patron planet named after Irina is Jupiter.

The name endows its bearer with a decisive and strong-willed character along with femininity.

At first sight, strange combination qualities, but it is because of him that these women often achieve great success in life.

Irina will leave early Father's house tends to be self-reliant and independent. Can show excessive stubbornness, especially if they put spokes in her wheels. She may regret some of her actions all her life, repeatedly experiencing an unpleasant moment.

In her youth, she is very amorous. With age, she becomes more selective in her desires when choosing a partner. She usually has one child, although she may agree to adopt a girl. AT family relationships soft leader and perfectionist.

To get what he wants, he acts with the help of female tricks, and not directly. She loves it when everything happens exactly as she said.

Irina is attracted strong men, but she will be happy with a softer and more caring partner. In the first unsuccessful marriage, a divorce is possible after the birth of a child.

With age, it can become softer and more sensitive, less demanding. She is maximally long time will maintain efficiency and clarity of mind.

What will the girl be like?

They say that all Ira have a sweet tooth.

As a child, Irochka is a sensitive and touchy child.

In the process of knowing the world, many things will both interest and frighten her.


With young years she will be an excellent manipulator. Ira will not get along well with other children, but excessive suspiciousness and resentment will weaken every year and primary school she will become an ordinary cheerful and carefree girl. Perhaps he will begin to be more friends with boys and will resemble a girl - a bully.

Relationship with family

Little Ira will grow daddy's daughter, she will not lose closeness with her father throughout her life. She will also help her mother, but with less desire. With age, he loses contact with her.

If Ira is the eldest child in the family, then she will approach the upbringing of her children with all responsibility. younger brothers and sisters.

Most of all, the baby will be attracted by dad's digging in the car or repairing home appliances.


At school, she will become a diligent student. For praise and good grades, she will try very hard. During this period, she can discover sports and achieve great success in this direction in the future. Many adults, after talking with her, have the feeling that the girl is developed beyond her years.

Transitional age

Having become a teenager, Irina already knows exactly what kind of occupation she will choose. During this period, she notices that the boys curl around her and hint not at all at friendship. Man's love learns late, but on the whole quite successfully and painlessly.

namesake celebrities

  1. I. Slutskaya (born 1979) - Russian figure skater, two-time world champion (2002, 2005), the first ever seven-time European champion in figure skating(1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006), Honored Master of Sports;
  2. I. Khakamada (born 1955) is a Russian politician and statesman, conducts courses at Moscow State University and conducts motivational trainings;
  3. I. Alferova (born 1951) - theater and film actress;
  4. I. Chashchina (born 1982) is an athlete in rhythmic gymnastics.
You can be promiscuous when forming your own image. By by and large The quality and comfort of clothing is much more important to you than the conformity of its style to today's fashion. The only rule that you should probably follow is to ensure that your costume does not destroy the impression of you as a person who deserves all kinds of trust. After all, that is the impression you want to make.

Irina name compatibility, manifestation in love

Irina, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to show your feelings in such forms that they can’t but cause a reaction. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift to find beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades. But although you often endure the breakup easily, memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, because you like to sort through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. So quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It is good if you have enough prudence to focus on a specific goal and direct all your efforts towards its achievement. It is bad if you are trying to "chase two birds with one stone", not wanting to give up even a small chance of success. In this case, you run the risk of wasting all your spiritual potential for nothing, “spraying” it, letting it go to the wind. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He does not care about external brilliance, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic natures. Therefore, it is it that at the right time will tell you the only thing the right decision. Try to "hear" it.