What kind of tank is object 907 in wot. New reward system

November 2014 begins timed to coincide with the centenary of the start of the First World War, the Third, which has already become traditional, campaign on global map World of Tanks.

Campaign is a war of clans for the redivision of the world and domination over play areas. Already with 10th of November an alternative Global Map created specifically for the campaign will be available for testing. 20 November it will be cleansed and all clans World of Tanks those with ambition will be able to start the struggle for the conquest and retention of territories. Players will compete for unique rewards, including new tank which cannot be obtained in any other way.

The third campaign is divided into three stages. In each of them, tankers will be assigned unique tasks, for which clans will receive additional rewards, all stages will begin with map reset. At the first stage, it will be possible to use vehicles from tiers 1 to 6 in battles, the second stage allows the use of tanks from tiers 1 to 8, and at the third stage there will be no restrictions on the level of vehicles at all.

All campaign participants will receive fame points for completing combat missions and other effective actions on the battlefield, while clans will receive the total number of fame points of their members. Based on glory points will be created two ratings, individual and clan.

Exactly personal rating , based on the individual skill of tankers and the effectiveness of their performance in clan wars on the global map, will allow you to receive a much-desired unique tank as a reward. Its lucky owners will include only leaders in terms of Fame Points earned on the Global Map. This year, WoT developers offer players to choose their own reward: you can get new medium tank tenth level "Object 907" or one of the tanks for the first two campaigns, M60 or VK 7201(K).

We are in again We invite you to use our services and get one of these rare tanks! Because it's enough difficult task, there are certain requirements for ordering:

  1. Clan players will need to leave the current clan before November 19 to be invited to our clan, which will actively participate in tank battles on the global map. You cannot leave a new clan until the results of the campaign are summed up.
  2. Approximately within 4 weeks, our employees will participate in the battles for the provinces 5-7 days a week in the evenings. During the execution of the order, it is impossible to communicate within the clan and log into the account during the prime time of the clan. If the disconnect of our employee is the owner account will lead to the defeat of the team - you can lose the amount paid without a guarantee of the result.
  3. The account must have 5000 in-game gold or the equivalent in credits to install the required modules and purchase gold consumables.
  4. Crew on tanks must be upgraded to 100%.
  5. The account must have the following types of equipment:
  6. Tier 10 vehicles - Bat.-Chatillon 25 t or IS-7 or E-100 or Object 263 or any Soviet medium tank or any American heavy tank, or British heavy tank or PT, T110E5 or Object 268 or AMX 50 Foch (155) or Bat.-Chatillon 25 t or Waffentrager E-100,
  7. Tier 8 vehicles - IS-3 or T32, or AMX 50 100, or AMX 13 90,
  8. Tier 6 vehicles - M18 Hellcat or T-34-85, or KV-85, or VK 36.01, or T37.

It is highly desirable to have several of these tanks or the ability to buy researched tanks and put a crew on them. Sufficiently strict conditions for the hangar are explained by the specifics of the game on the Global Map, for which not every vehicle is suitable. In the absence of these tanks, you can order their pumping from us before the start of the campaign.

The cost of any of your choice of three unique tanks for the Third Campaign:

  • The first seven tanks - 22900 rubles
  • The next five tanks - 24900 rubles
  • Other - 26900 rubles.

In addition to the rare tank, as a result of the campaign on the Global Map, you will receive a significant amount of experience gained in battles. If for some reason the tank is not received, subject to the client's compliance with all conditions of the order, we guarantee a refund.


You can place an order and specify the number of remaining places at - in the chat or through any of the contacts indicated on our website.

Applications are accepted until November 19. For the first seven orders the best prices, hurry up!

Appeared the new kind combat vehicle - tank. He rightfully became the king of the battlefields of the First World War. Around the same time in another European country erupted Civil War. It should be noted that after the invention of the machine gun, with its density of fire, the importance of the cavalry in the conduct of hostilities faded into the background. Attacks in the equestrian ranks have sunk into oblivion, leaving only outposts, reconnaissance, and communications. And so, a certain Nestor Makhno decided to install a machine gun on a cart, and a certain Semyon Budyonny tested in practice the possibility of massive use of the invention of his ally-enemy. This is how the concept of strategic cavalry appeared, a striking example of which was the years passed. The "strategic cavalry" in the Soviet Union was reborn into the "Deep Breakthrough Theory", which already provided for the massive use of mechanized units. After the Kyiv maneuvers in 1935, this issue was also taken care of in Germany. And here both Soviet and German military specialists faced one problem - forcing numerous mobile formations water barriers, in the first place - the capture of bridgeheads. We solved this problem in different ways. If a German specialists developed a device to ensure buoyancy or overcome obstacles along the bottom linear tanks, then Soviet designers created floating machines.

Development of amphibious tanks

The first serial Soviet amphibious tank T-37A was put into service in August 1933, it was replaced in February 1936 by the T-38. Taking into account the experience of operating these machines, it was developed new model- T-40. It was recognized by experts as the best Soviet amphibious tank of the pre-war period. After June 22, 1941, all further developments new technology were suspended in favor of ensuring the release of the one in production. After the war, as we advanced to the west, our troops had to overcome a large number of rivers, straits, estuaries and lakes. Since most of the rivers flow in the meridional direction, their western banks in the Northern Hemisphere are high, which additionally hindered forcing. Therefore, after the end of the war, it was decided to continue work on the creation of watercraft. The task for the development was issued to plant No. 112 Krasnoye Sormovo, and later to the All-Russian Research Institute of Transport Engineering. The brainchild of the latter ("Object 740") and went into the series under the symbol PT-76.

Floating tank "Object 907"

Almost immediately after the PT-76 began to enter service with the Soviet tank troops the question arose about its modernization. At the beginning of 1959, the design team of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant began work on the design of a new model, which received the designation "Object 907". Already in August, engineers Yu. M. Sorokin and S. A. Fedorov presented the first assembled machine for testing.

Device and design

The layout of the tank was made according to the classical scheme, with a rear power unit. The armored hull has been significantly improved compared to basic model. The front part had the shape of a ship's nose. Although the thickness of the armor plates has not changed, more rational angles of inclination have increased protection. "Object 907" was equipped with forced diesel engine capacity 280 Horse power. Despite the increase in the mass of the tank, the speed of movement, both on the highway (45 km / h) and on water (11.2 km / h), did not decrease. The machine was equipped with an anti-nuclear protection system, in connection with which the air supply of the engine and habitable compartment was divided. The armament of the tank consisted of a D-56TS rifled gun with vertical stabilization and an SGMT machine gun. The model was equipped with a telescopic sight and a night vision device. The tests that began revealed that the tank had no advantages, and when moving through water, it showed low stability and a tendency to dive, which was the reason for the closure of the project. The only car built was in the BTT Museum in Kubinka.

Another "Object" - medium

In addition to the modernization of the floating PT-76, there was another project under the symbol "Object 907" - a medium tank. This machine was developed in accordance with the requirements for ST, developed at a meeting held by the USSR Ministry of Defense Industry in May 1952. The new device was supposed to enter the troops to replace the main T-54 tank. The vehicle was supposed to be equipped with a 100 mm D-54 cannon. Unfortunately, only the one-piece cast hull and parts of the turret were built in metal, after which the project was closed due to changes in the USSR and the reduction of "non-nuclear" weapons.

World of Tanks: "Object 907" is reborn

After World of Tanks appeared on the computer market, the developers introduced into the game not only cars embodied in metal, but also various models that existed only on paper. They did not bypass their attention and "Object 907". WOT began testing it in the spring of 2013. Object 907 is a Tier X Soviet medium tank. The tactics of playing on it differ little from those on other top MTs: quick detours, shooting on the move, group actions, reconnaissance. Accordingly, the installed modules: ventilation, gun stabilizer, coated optics.

Purchase options

Now let's move on to the question that worries many gamers: "How to get "Object 907"?" The answer is simple: this tank will not be sold or upgraded. This will be a vehicle that can be won by participating in clan battles as part of special campaigns. It remains only to wait. Although some supertesters, who are especially close to the developers, already have such a machine in the hangar.

Object 907 was a secret development in the USSR in the tank industry. On the initiative of Marshal I.V. Bogdanov, it was decided to create a medium tank with excellent combat abilities. By 1952, together with design engineers, modernization prospects were being created military equipment.

Already in June 1952, tactical and technical parameters (TTX) were described, which in many respects were superior to the then famous Soviet tank T-54

The layout of the hull was made of lithium steel, in terms of the amount of armor it surpassed the average T-54 and even the heavy T-10 tank. The turret with a high angle of inclination was well armored. Compared to the competitor T-54, the Object 907 was several times better protected.

For lovers of Soviet military equipment, we will tell you about the 907 World of Tanks where to get it. In the game, the tank can be obtained through the Walk of Fame promotion.

During the passage of the Third Campaign, only 30 thousand selected players have the opportunity to receive as a reward and try out its capabilities. The tank belongs to the premium class and does not require modernization or crew upgrades. At the tank average weight 40 tons, powerful engine of 610 horsepower. A good undercarriage provides it with decent maneuverability; a 100-mm D-54 TS cannon with good penetration rates is used as a weapon.

Combat efficiency indicators put it in the top among premium Soviet tanks

The tank is well camouflaged, it has a low silhouette, and thanks to a powerful engine, you can easily hide from enemy bullets. The frontal part of the machine has a decent ricochet, because of which you can clearly hear a direct hit on the side. The tower itself is similar in appearance to the tank of the previous generation "Object 140".

Describing the advantages, you can also point out the disadvantages. One of the main problems is the vulnerable roof, and with it the hatches. The ammunition rack can also receive regular damage, especially from tank destroyers. Of the minuses of the gun, one can point to modest declination angles.

As for the crew, this tank is promotional and initially comes without one. If you have one of the four top USSR tanks, you can transfer any crew from there in the amount of 4 people. Many people advise using the crew from the "Object 430", pumping the crew, focus on accuracy. For equipment, use a fire extinguisher and repair, as it was already said above, the ammunition rack suffers very often.

Used as ammunition sub-caliber shells cumulative type for tough opponents. high-explosive shells should be reserved for light tanks with weak armor.

Thus, we learned everything about the 907 World of Tanks, where to get it and that you can get it only as a promotional reward for winning the Third Campaign.

A Soviet medium tank "Object 907" drove up to our review. What is he like, does he look like relatives and what is the best battle tactic? Let's talk further.

Object 907 - promotional soviet tank Tier X Middleweight. You can get it at. Despite the fact that 30,000 top players received the tank in the third campaign, it was also available for selection in subsequent campaigns.

Tactical and technical characteristics

We start our review with the strength of the machine. The 907th has a durability of 2000 units. This is not the highest result among classmates, but it is very close to it. So, T-22 Wed. has a durability of 1900 units, and the American T95E6 has a top 2150 units.

Booking at first sight does not cause delight: the hull is 110/100/45 mm, the tower is 228/180/46. The main thing here is not millimeters of armor, but the shape of the tank itself. It is streamlined, down to earth, hard to catch. It will be extremely difficult to break through such a technique “in the forehead”, but the sides should be protected. The turret, as if recessed into the hull, is almost inaccessible, one has only to protect the commander's turret from accurate aimed strikes.

The review of 400 meters also does not go beyond the scope of its classmates, holding somewhere in the middle, however, this good review and exactly the advantage of this machine.

The mass of the 907th armored car is from 36 to 39 tons. It is endowed with a 610 hp engine. Consequently, the specific power of the equipment cannot be high - only 16.94 horsepower per ton. In comparison with classmates, this result is low. For example, the specific power of the M60 is 20.53 hp / t.

The maximum speed is again within the framework: 55 km / h. The T-22 Sr has the same result. Turning speed - 40 degrees / s, turret rotation - 30 degrees / s. These are quite good indicators of the speed and maneuverability of the armored vehicle.


The next item will talk about the armament of the Object. Its gun is similar to its Soviet relatives, it has the usual damage of 320/320/420 units. This is a low result among classmates. For example, the M60 has 390/390/480 damage, while the American T95E6 has 400/400/515 damage.

However, this damage figure is offset by the Object's rate of fire: 9.23 rounds per minute result in almost 3,000 damage per minute. Only T95E6 can compete with such a result among classmates, their difference of seven units is not visible, which is why we can say with confidence about the highest result in rate of fire.

The armor penetration value of 264/330/50 will allow you to successfully attack special vehicles. Of course, difficulties can arise with heavy equipment, but here you can get out of gold or, using maneuverability, attack from the side.

The vertical aiming angles, on the contrary, are very upsetting. The gun can bend down only five degrees - inconvenient.

But accuracy shouldn't be a problem. Precisely at close and medium distances. But with long-range fire, inconvenience may appear. The dispersion at 100 meters is 0.36 meters, the stabilization is average, but the aiming speed of two seconds is excellent.

Advantages and disadvantages

It will help us to systematize all the knowledge gained precise definition pros and cons of this technique. So we will clearly see and remember all of the above.

The benefits include:

  • mundane silhouette;
  • booking;
  • maneuverability;
  • rate of fire;
  • good accuracy.

Cons of Object 907:

  • vulnerable commander's cupola;


There are always two ways to install equipment. Hiding cons or improving pros. Having seen a clear picture, we go along the second path and strengthen the armored car.

  • Rammer will increase the amount of damage per minute. We already have a good result, so we will increase it to be with the top indicator;
  • Vertical stabilizer will provide even greater accuracy of the gun with our average;
  • Improved ventilation will increase all crew skills.

The third paragraph can be replaced coated optics for more better view, which will be needed on open maps.

Crew training

Object 907 has four people in its crew team: commander (radio operator), gunner, driver and loader.

The choice of crew skills must always be approached thoughtfully. The outcome of the game on your tank may depend on the skills of the team. We offer the following training sequence:

  • Commander (radio operator)"Sixth Sense", "Repair" , « The Brotherhood of War» , "Radio Interception";
  • Gunner -"Repair", "Smooth turn of the tower", "The Brotherhood of War", "Disguise" ;
  • Driver mechanic- "Repair", "Smooth running", "The Brotherhood of War", "Disguise" ;
  • Charging- "Repair", "Non-contact ammo rack", "The Brotherhood of War", "Masking" .


A standard purchase with a lack of silver can be considered a set:

  • small first aid kit;
  • small repair kit;
  • manual fire extinguisher.

However, if it is possible to take a better set, we take this:

  • large first aid kit;
  • large repair kit;
  • additional rations (you can also take an automatic fire extinguisher, but this technique rarely burns, so this is better).

How to play Object 907

The Soviet tank is a very promising vehicle. She is interesting and ready to implement different tactics.

On the Object, you can fight from the second line, thanks to excellent camouflage and accuracy. Or you can use it as an attack aircraft, having excellent frontal armor, damage per minute and maneuverability.

To move, attack on the sides or stand in the bushes to demonstrate their accuracy is the business of every tanker. This tank will be able to show itself in battle from different angles. It remains only to try it!

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