Denis Semenikhin: biography, nutrition system and training secrets (photo). Instagram muscle: Denis Semenikhin

Denis Semenikhin is a multilateral personality.
The host of the All Inclusive program on the Russia-2 TV channel, the manager of a network of fitness clubs, the author of books on a healthy lifestyle - he copes brilliantly with each of his roles. At the sight of Denis, you begin to smile involuntarily, draw in your stomach and promise yourself to start a new one, healthy life from next Monday. Even a telephone conversation leaves all the listed symptoms: this is how the charisma and involvement of the main Russian fitness guru “work”.

The interview coincided with Denis' dinner.

- Denis, will it be convenient for you to talk?

OK-OK! Such traffic jams in the city! I left the car at the Park of Culture, took the metro two stops to Luzhniki, because the city is generally paralyzed. I'll wait at the restaurant, then I'll work out.

- I read in your interviews that you really like porridge ...

An, you will laugh, but right now I am sitting over a plate of porridge. I ordered myself buckwheat porridge with milk.

-Do you like the classics?

Yes. I eat oatmeal in the morning. From my student days, from the age of 17 to this day, in 95% of cases I eat porridge in the morning.

-On milk?

No, on the water.

- And how do you like this attitude to food as an event? When do people gather, try complex dishes, communicate?

No. I have great respect for people who see this as a kind of ritual. And often in films some feasts look very warm. But I don't have that.

I don’t like table speeches, I somehow strongly associate them with birthdays, and birthdays are associated with empty formulaic phrases and toasts. I somehow from childhood began to dislike all this. In general, a feast, gourmetism, are not present in my life. Food is functional for me. As I drove to the gas station, I filled in high-quality "gasoline" - that is, some of the correct components, in the correct ratio.

- Do you drink alcohol?

I could afford alcohol if I wanted to. But I don't really want it. Well, I student years now I don’t take it, when we are all trying to integrate into society. After alcohol, I don't switch to some other state, I just feel a hindrance. So it's not 100% anymore. the physical state. I think it will be close and understandable for athletes and those who are just into fitness. Although, if we talk about what really gives some kind of physical joy, then I remember winter snowboarding in the Caucasus, and after them - hot mulled wine, which “spills through the veins”. This is really pleasing. Against the background of active skiing, when the temperature is 10 with the wind in the mountains, mulled wine is what you need.

- When in last time did you eat fast food?

In California a month ago, there is such a network - Jack in the box. I took teriyaki chicken from them - just rice and chicken fillet. Even though it was fast food, the food seemed to be acceptable.

What to do when you really want to eat a cake late at night?

I'll tell you what to do. You are generally unbearable, and you know for sure that it is impossible. But the cake beckons magical powers... Take a bite a couple of times, and then wrap it up and leave it for the morning. The cake will not run away, it will be yours and it will be eaten by you. But in the morning! And now you can only try. It is imperative to stop, unless, of course, you are going to go for a run after that.

Are there days when you don't feel like getting out of bed?

I can't remember such a day. I remember my great-grandfather told me - I remembered this exactly in my childhood! - “Only real lazy people wake up and continue to wallow. It’s like not bathing… a real shame.” At the same time, I do not think that you need to wake up and immediately jump up like an army. I woke up, became aware of myself for 1-2 minutes and calmly got up.

- What, never felt sorry for yourself?

Regret? In what sense? The vast majority of people in good health do not have the slightest reason to feel sorry for themselves. It seems to me that we are so unaware of the degree of comfort in which we are at the current level of civilization! Even with all its complexities - stress, traffic jams, ecology, etc., which we have created for ourselves ....

We need to read more books about other times. And about recent times. And I'm not only talking about war times or famine, but simply about the state of the civilized world, let's say at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, about the lack of comfort for most of the world's population. Or, let's say, about the voluntary desire of people away from comforts - conquering mountain peaks, crossing oceans, conquering the Poles ... We forget that today we live in such mega-comfort that we have no reason to feel sorry for ourselves at all. Not to mention the fact that there are always people around us who are deprived of the very necessary things that we have - health, energy. We are talking about the disabled and the elderly ... In my opinion, most of us are simply ashamed to feel sorry for ourselves.

- How do you feel about the desire to maintain youth with all your might - with the help of plastic surgery, for example?

The theme of the impression is modern world is, of course, strong. But it cannot be said that true nature- this is where there are snags and windbreak, and a well-groomed park is a fake. I won't say that. But a person must still keep himself in shape natural methods. Eat more natural food, give yourself a physical load - and not attach electrodes to yourself so that they contract muscles, do not go for a massage so that someone breaks fat for you, but generate this burning from the inside so that the body, thanks to natural loads, is in optimal condition . I am closer to nature, I was brought up that way.

Is it important to you that your surroundings be at the same aesthetic height as you? Or is it important to be a good person?

I absolutely do not think that the physical appearance and muscle tone is the dominant characteristic. But I consider it a sign of a certain culture. The person may be Nobel laureate in the field of physics, but this does not negate the fact that you need to brush your teeth and eat right. I don't measure people by percentage subcutaneous fat and degree of muscle contraction. I measure people by the presence of a spark inside. If there is a spark in a person, if he is insanely interested in something, if he does not lie in bed in the morning, but strives to start the day as soon as possible in order to prove another theorem, climb another mountain, write another book, study a new specialty, or just start to do something better and in a new way - these people command respect. They have a drive inside!

Now in show business there are many women "in the body." Adele, Christina Hendricks. Such figured, from the 50th size. How do you feel about this trend?

If we talk about Adele, when I saw her video, where there are circles on the water, well, you understand .. She is magnificent! And why? Precisely because she has this fire inside her. The clip was shot very cool and showed its inner content, unreal energy. She does what she does with such passion... That's what I think is important for a woman: passion and femininity. These girls have always attracted me!

You tell me: “Denis, you are too politically correct. She has passion, but would you go out with her to have an affair? With all due respect, I still prefer slimmer girls. But this is subjective. This doesn't mean everyone has to be like that.

- Who is your ideal woman?

Well, I don't have a collective image. I can only give examples. Let's say outwardly, I really liked Kylie Minogue about seven or eight years ago ... I think she's super-feminine. Or Charlize Theron. Nicole Kidman.

You are a businessman, writer, TV presenter. What is more about moral satisfaction, and what about making money?

I don't have anything about "making money", I swear to you. I just got lucky. I grew up in a family where there was no feeling of “lack” of something and a zealous desire to assert myself through material values. I'm more for interest and I'm interested in everything I do. Naturally, there are always some routine things. Interaction with people brings me the greatest pleasure - book presentations, product presentations, just speeches about healthy way life, about what I felt and tested on myself. When people's eyes light up, it inspires me too.

- Are there people you look up to in a professional sense?

I read a lot of biographies, about people from different fields - science, sports, travel, politics, cinema, music. There are many amazing people, human destinies never cease to amaze and amaze. You will not find in any book of fiction what happens in life with real people around us. Concrete deeds - that's what can impress. I recently read a book about the first attempts to conquer Everest. These were English expeditions that tried to conquer Everest for three years in a row in the early 20s, but then they never succeeded and lives were lost. What makes people run away from comfort, from a stable life and strive for what is essentially a fantasy, an illusion? Who really cares about this one high mountain? Who cares about this northern or South Pole? Or that you were able to cross the ocean? Why do people choose such a goal and, against all odds, try to realize it? The most important question is why would I or you deprive yourself of comfort, would you make an extra effort on yourself. We all need to know where this inner fire lives in us.

-Do you have your personal answer to this question?

I'm always on the lookout. But I believe that we should not spend a single day just going with the flow and not asking ourselves the question - where is our Everest?

- Do you sometimes spend time passively? Are you friends with the internet?

I'm okay with the Internet, but I'm not in in social networks I'm more for real world. I would rather swim into the ocean on a surf or go somewhere on a bike. But don't think that I'm not man-made! I was among the first who bought a Palm handheld, now they probably don’t even remember them ... My late grandfather is still “Academician of the USSR in the field of Radioelectronics and Automation”. Therefore, in the family, the topic of computerization is laid down at the gene level. But I will not sit on the Internet for hours.

-Do you go to the cinema?

Yes, sure. I love cinema. I'm in acting school learned both in Hollywood and in our ...

-What role would you play?

I probably have few options - militants. In action films there is a moment of overcoming oneself, the proclamation of the strength of the individual, the ability to do something in spite of circumstances. I really liked it as a child sea ​​wolf» Jack London. Not the end of this book, but the development of events. When a person, thanks to an unreal inner strength and core, is able to control the circumstances around him.

- How do you see yourself in old age? 70 years old, say?

This is a tough question! This question is simply intolerable. I want to completely deny old age, in which I am not original, of course. I don't want to think about her. In the sense that I do not want to imagine myself physically weaker ... such things are not even said. I will move. I will move all the time.

-your A new book"Fitness. A guide to life ”- what readers of the previous“ Fitness is easy! ”will find new in it?

You know, it seems like the same topic, but the books are completely different in terms of core thought. The first book told what fitness is at its core. "Fitness. A guide to life” on how to make fitness an indispensable part of life. Therefore, the exercises in the book are not some kind of utopian. “Here are all the exercises on the simulators that you need to do.” But where to get trainers? - says a person who lives in the village and does not go to fitness clubs. In the new book, there are no exercises on simulators at all. People need freedom. The freedom to exercise anywhere – at home, in the park, while traveling, at the airport…

I once spent 24 hours in Frankfurt at the airport. I missed my connection on my flight to California. I did not have a Schengen visa, so I could not get out of the airport transit zone, I was chained. I bought new ticket and was supposed to fly exactly one day later. I had a great book with me. For about 10 hours out of 24 I read it and at the same time did exercises, rode luggage carts, did push-ups behind my back and from my chest, pulled myself up on some kind of ladder above my head, walked lunges, squatted, did press exercises ...

- Probably, a lot of spectators gathered around you?

When you do push-ups, people don't look at you like you're an idiot, they say to themselves or to each other - well done, that's cool! Because they know what they need too. Maybe this image will remain in their head, and someday they themselves will sit somewhere for several hours and think - maybe they can do push-ups? ...

- best advice on fitness, which you yourself received.

I had a situation not so long ago, very instructive. On the plane I was flying with an American woman, 37-38 years old, blonde, with clear eyes, positive, in a gorgeous physical form, while not pumped over, thin. I asked - you are in such great physical shape, what's the story? It turned out that she was flying to Los Angeles to shoot for a DVD of a home workout fitness program. Every person in America knows this program, it is the most popular now. We talked, and I had juice in my hands ( names the brand of packaged juice). And I began to feel that this juice should not be in my hand. It was worth thinking about it, as she tells me - but you should not drink it if you are a Russian fitness guru! We talked for 30 minutes about food. I found out that of sugars in any form, she allows only half an apple a day. This juice in my hands looks to her like a handful of sugar or a piece of cake. When I think about proper nutrition, I remember this 30-minute fellowship. To me, a person who writes books about fitness, this woman showed that real self-discipline is still very far away!

- Is there a new goal that you set for yourself? What's next?

I want my TV program interesting. I like what I do on the Russia-2 TV channel, I like interviews with eminent athletes - Dementieva, Dzyu, Isimbaeva. But I want to carry the ideas that we just talked about. Tell people what they CAN. From time to time, people give up, there is no strength. It is necessary to give people this kick, an additional impulse. A person has an extra 20 kg, and he thinks - that's it, no, I can't. Actually it can! This is the keyword. Busy with life, with stress, with the inability to eat right - he can get together, strain and implement the set of measures that will give a result. And when a person sees the result, it motivates, and you can’t stop him further. He becomes his own example. I love this transformation!


Denis was born on July 3, 1971, on this moment he is 45 years old (data for 2017). At this age, he remains perfect shape that any 20 year old would envy. Denis Vladimirovich's grandfather was an academician, after whom the Research Institute of Automatic Equipment was named. The boy attended a school with in-depth study of English and actively participated in olympiads. Denis remembers his childhood with warmth and admits that he loved not porridge, as he does now, but grandmother's pies with cabbage.

Everything changed when Denis watched the movie "Rocky" with Sylvester Stallone in leading role. It was then that a passion for training woke up in him, which has not subsided so far. At that time, Denis was still at school, and strength training was not as popular as it is now. People looked askance at those who voluntarily exhausted themselves with hard training. This, of course, did not stop Denis, and he continued to work hard on himself.


It is known that a person involved in sports is better at solving problems and adapting to different situations. It was the same with Semenikhin - he fought, trained and grew into a strong young man. After graduating from the State Financial Academy, he went to America to rest for a week, but stayed there for three whole years. Having lived in another country, Denis realized that he was not doing what he would like to do. His profession as a loader or a security guard did not bring him joy. And it was then that he was noticed by the owner of the World Gym fitness club, in which the guy trained. Impressive biceps showed that since Denis was able to pump himself up, he would also help his clients. Then no one knew that in the future this guy would become the manager of a large chain of fitness centers Gold's Gym, and then the president of the Olympic Star.

Education and the form that has become calling card attracted people. The network of fitness clubs has been untwisted thanks to the correct commercial approach, the company's revenues have increased. Denis became more and more popular, his business went uphill.

For 10 years, Denis graduated from the College of Sports Medicine, took several additional training courses. In 2004, when his studies ended, he received the American DEA Program Director of the Year Award for his contribution to fitness.

Video blog

In 2012, on the advice of a colleague Victoria Yushkevich, a blog was created. The girl appears in some videos, sometimes she is an operator.

The subject of the blog is training, nutrition, subtleties and nuances of fitness. In his blog Semenikhin:

  • Shares secrets with subscribers.

Denis tells what he does when he is attacked by the desire to eat a lot, talks about the intricacies of drying the body;

  • testing different programs

There are programs designed specifically for different types physique. The trainer tells how to choose the type of training for yourself, and also shows training in an informal setting: in the courtyard of the house, on the playground.

  • prepares sports and diet meals,

Fitness guru shows what to eat, explains when and what to eat. And of course, shows interesting and exotic dishes, such as protein jelly.

  • reviews the diets and workouts of the stars.

The blogger takes the diet and workout program of any famous person and studies them, evaluating and talking about everything in the blog. He approves of some stars, for example, Taylor Swift, and considers someone's diet too hungry (Megan Fox).

To date, this video blog on this topic is considered the most popular in Russia.

Personal life

For a long time, Denis met with an athlete and former model Victoria Yushkevich. They have collaborated since the creation of the channel, the girl was his assistant. Their romance lasted two years, and in June 2014 the couple broke up.

Denis's grandfather was a famous academician, he was engaged in the development of electronic computers. Vladimir Sergeevich Semenikhin (1918-1990) - famous Soviet scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician, Professor of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Laureate of three awards, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

The book "Fitness. Guide to life»

So far, Denis has two books on his account. The first is called “Fitness is easy”, the second is “Fitness. Guide to life." The book is dedicated, by the way, to my grandmother and parents.

In the second book, the author talks about his childhood and how he came to training. The beginning is supplemented with the meaning of the word "fitness" and a story about its significance for health. The following is about training programs for reducing and gaining weight, Denis's favorite exercises.

Women's workouts are highlighted in a separate chapter, which, by the way, Denis also worked on! Unlike others, this chapter contains little-known information that the author has collected throughout the development of his career.

At the end, recipes for delicious and healthy recipes are collected that you can afford with a diet or drying. Also given is a table of calorie content of different dishes, so the book will come in handy more than once in everyday life.

Denis Semenikhin's manual is written in a simple and plain language, and positive and energy charges even through the pages, so it is perfect for beginner athletes.

The secret of Denis' excellent form

The athlete always repeats that the key to his success is proper healthy nutrition and training. This allows him to look young and constantly maintain excellent physical shape.

Denis trains 6 days a week, in his programs he works out all muscle groups. There are no secrets in his classes, because he uses the basic rules and practices in the same way as any person can do.

The trainer's advice is simple and effective:

  • For muscle gain, he recommends strength and joint exercises, high-protein and high-carbohydrate nutrition, and limiting cardio;
  • To lose fat, Denis Vasilyevich gives generally accepted advice. Among them are cardio after the last meal, limiting strength exercises and light carbohydrates in the diet.
  • Denis advises to train constantly, and not in fits and starts. He is sure that not a powerful start, but regularity gives results.

The second component of a beautiful body relief of a blogger is nutrition. In this regard, he is very strict with himself and does not give himself concessions in the form of rolls, waffles and ice cream. Denis mainly cooks protein omelettes, steaks, chicken and fish, avoiding fatty foods.

  • Denis is very tall - his height reaches 190 cm, while he weighs 101-105 kg.
  • The blogger starred as a shooter in the short film S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
  • In an interview, Denis said that he loves to ride boards and often walks up the slope for an extra load.
  • The athlete promotes natural training, likes to flip tires instead of pulling the bar and believes that such loads make the whole body work synchronously and work out passive muscles.

Denis Semenikhin is a bright and cheerful person who simply seeths with energy! Looking at him, I want to improve and fight with myself in order to be just like him.

Denis is the person who helps to change the lives of others, he is a popular coach who transmits and shares personal experience in the direction of sports and figure. All TV viewers from Russia know him.

Semenikhin is also a well-known blogger, he has his own channel, and he works in the field of fitness. TV viewers are familiar with him from the popular show called Weighted People.

Has two channels on YouTube, the first is dedicated to proper nutrition, and the second with training programs. Through his participation in the show, he gained great fame and became very popular. I studied well at school, a class with in-depth study of English. Starting from the seventh grade at Moscow State University, he studied at the School of Economics. Then he graduated from the Academy of Finance, he also studied there French. When he was twenty-one, he went to live in California and graduated from college there with a degree in sports medicine.

He lived in America and for three years was a director there in a network of sports clubs, he had a decent income. AT given time he has published two fitness books. His height is almost two meters, one hundred and ninety centimeters. He has nearly a million subscribers on his channels. Its weight is one hundred and five kilograms. He participated in several television projects, including the Rehab show. Now he is forty-six years old, lives in the capital and is a native Muscovite. He was married, but then divorced, he has no children.

Semenikhin entered the lives of many suffering people very easily, for the first time he was seen on the Domashny TV channel. He is remembered as the leading Phenomenon. He is very charismatic and memorable from the first meeting. He is well erudite, always with a smile and a great attitude. His father was a famous scientist, and from childhood he was instilled with the best that a person should have in character. For many ladies now, he is a favorite guru who is obeyed. The man is talented in all his endeavors, no matter what he undertakes, he does everything with excellent results, he is beautifully built physically and everyone admires his abs and cubes on him. Previously, he was the host of fights without rules. He hosted a show about sports - about rugby.

He took acting classes to look better on television. He has a very concentrated diet, he makes the calculation for the whole day with the right amount of components. And Denis has daily workouts, he gives them ninety minutes a day. The coach tells his fans about how to keep your body in perfect order so that the weight remains at the same level always, despite the years lived. After all, this is the business card of the person himself and any partner or employer first of all evaluates appearance. He says that at an older age, great efforts are also required to maintain their natural beauty. And if you wish, you can improve your parameters at any age, this requires only desire.

Who among us does not want to have a beautiful body? A beautiful, slender figure, traced muscles look much more expensive than the most branded clothes. But for most people, this idea seems simply unattainable. Classes with a trainer in the gym can cost a lot, and besides, it is not always possible to set aside several days a week to visit the gym.

Denis Semenikhin will come to the rescue in this, you probably read his books or saw him on TV. Well, if not, then you will learn about the fitness gurus of our time from this article.

Who is this Semenikhin?

He entered our lives easily and swiftly along with the Domashny channel (and then appeared on the Rossiya and Rossiya 2 channels), and was also remembered by the audience as a charismatic host of the Phenomenon program.

He is smiling, tall and strong, a "typical trainer" from a fitness club, but erudite, cheerful and able to motivate everyone. Denis Semenikhin is really a coach, manager sports clubs, presenter, writer. If we abandon stereotypical statements, then this modern man who follows his dreams and is not afraid to be who he wants to be.

Denis Semenikhin - biography

There is a movie called The Man Who Changed Everything. The same phrase can be applied to the fate of Denis. Now, when he talks about his childhood, it is hard to believe that he has achieved what he has today. Sometimes there is an impression that our destiny is predetermined by the place where we were born and by the family in which we are brought up. Denis had such a fate that he was able to change.

Denis Semenikhin, whose biography is not so long to tell for a long time, was born in 1972 in the family of a scientist. Denis's grandfather was engaged in the development of electronic computers, even the Research Institute of Automatic Equipment was named in his honor. Little Denis he did not feel the need for anything, he spent weekends and holidays on Rublyovka in a rest house. His life was predetermined for years to come - good university, a career as a banker or diplomat ..

life turn

However, only the first point of the plan for such a life came true - Denis graduated from the State Financial Academy, faculty of International Economic Relations, then went to America for a week of rest, and returned .. three years later.

In America, Denis Semenikhin didn’t do anything - he delivered pizza, worked as a loader, a security guard at a nightclub, and then he was offered to become a coach at the club where he worked. The owner was not embarrassed by the fact that Denis had no special education. As Denis recalls today, he was told that since he himself was able to "pump up", then he could teach others to do the same.

In America, Denis Semenikhin graduated from the College of Sports Medicine, and when he returned to his homeland, he began his career as a coach, and then the head of sports clubs.

When asked what drives him, the coach and writer replies that this is not a calculation or a desire for fame, but a dream.

Experience as the basis for a book

Denis Semenikhin, whose age is 42 today, does not look his age. The “elixir of youth” is not rejuvenating apples or living water, but sports and proper nutrition. This is what Denis wants to convey to everyone who thinks about their appearance.

The author based the book on nothing more than own experience. Having been involved in sports since the age of fifteen and having managed to turn from a skinny boy into a muscular athlete, Denis knows everything about losing weight. excess weight and which workouts are the most effective.

Denis Semenikhin is firmly convinced that fitness is simple and pleasant, which he talks about not only in his book, but also in video lessons of effective training.

Is fitness really easy?

If fitness is so easy, then why are there so many fat people around or those who are unhappy with their appearance?

Perhaps it's a lack of knowledge. We are not taught at school what to eat in order to be slim and beautiful all our lives, and our beloved grandmothers are fed pies. Sports are not easy either. If you are not lucky enough to meet a competent trainer, then you will immediately be taken aback by the information that in order to create a beautiful body you need to work hard and hard. To what extent is this all true?

Denis Semenikhin - books from sports gurus

First of all, you will be able to determine your own goal - gaining muscle mass or losing weight, learn about the meaning of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for the body. One of the foundations of health and attractive appearance is metabolism. Denis Semenikhin talks about the impact of sports on metabolism and how it can be accelerated. Do I need to take nutritional supplements? This is one of the most exciting questions. Isn't it harmful, or, on the contrary, sports nutrition- necessity? In the book, the author retells his opinion, composed on the basis of personal experience.

And, of course, sports and training! Denis tells readers how much time should be devoted to classes per week, where it is better to practice, is there a fundamental difference between "male" and "female" workouts. It is important for everyone who starts playing sports to know how strength training differs from cardio, and the author focuses on this.

Simple fitness - part two

Not so long ago, the world saw the second book by Denis Semenikhin “Fitness. Guide to life. This work is not a continuation of the first book, as many people think. Denis Semenikhin, after the publication of “Fitness is Easy,” received many letters from readers in which they shared what they liked and what they didn’t like, what was missing in the book, and what was superfluous.

And Denis himself changed his lifestyle since 2007 - he traveled more and expanded his own knowledge about sports and proper nutrition.

The second book of Denis contains where more information about workouts. Semenikhin gives as many as twelve programs on the pages of his work. As the fitness guru himself emphasizes, you can make your body perfect, regardless of whether you go to the gym or not, you lead sedentary life or constantly on the road. The main desire!

In addition, food also did not go unnoticed by the author - on many pages this important part of the life of each of us is described in the most practical way by Denis Semenikhin. Nutrition, as everyone already knows, is the basis of a healthy and beautiful body, and therefore the second book contains thirty recipes developed by the author.

Workouts for beautiful ladies

Do not think that Denis is a coach exclusively for men. Knowing the general principles of the functioning of the body, Semenikhin also developed a special complex for women. Reading his books, you can find a set of exercises that do not require a personal teacher and special equipment, just a ball and a pair of dumbbells.

Following the advice of Denis, thousands of girls have already said goodbye to excess weight and corrected their figure in the most optimal way.

Getting in shape is easy for everyone

As Denis Semenikhin repeatedly emphasizes in an interview, looking at beautiful people with an ideal body, most mere mortals believe that in order to achieve such a result, you need to lead unusual way life. This includes working days gym, special and probably tasteless food, compliance with the sports regime. In fact, this is not so, and to be convinced of this, you just need to read Denis's books or watch video tutorials with his participation. To be beautiful is a matter of your desire.

Having developed the right habits in yourself and having learned what is right, you will forget about all your complexes.