Horoscope for October Scorpio horse. For beautiful ladies. What the stars promise to Scorpio women

An Aquarius woman and a Taurus man are a couple that for some reason is considered unsuccessful for developing a serious relationship.

However, these zodiac signs have good compatibility; they can harmonize well if they have information about which direction they should move.

Practical Taurus and idealistic Aquarius, so incompatible at first glance, can form a strong union and complement each other well, as the horoscope shows.

About the seduction of Taurus

An Aquarius in love needs to know well what a Taurus man is looking for. And he is looking for a woman who will give him stability, but at the same time will not let him - a man, a conqueror - get bored.

This task will not be difficult for Aquarius. After all, a girl born under this zodiac sign well combines the traits of constancy and easy mobility inherent in the element of Air.

Having found such a combination, Taurus may initially develop an inexplicable craving for Aquarius. And he himself may not yet realize that he has fallen in love seriously and for a long time.

This is where the difficulties begin. It is quite difficult to get a Taurus in love to switch to new stage relationships.

A Taurus man can get so used to an Aquarius woman that he will stop treating these feelings as something unusual. And forget to offer serious relationship, and the girl will be worried.

Just imagine, a Taurus man is able to love an Aquarius woman for years, but at the same time not admit his feelings. That is why the horoscope says that the initiative should belong to the woman.

But putting pressure on a man will not lead to anything good, because the slow and clumsy Taurus is very afraid to change his moderate and normal life. They will help turn a man of this zodiac sign in the right direction best qualities Aquarius: lightness and contact.

With an unobtrusive presentation, a woman born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius can hint to her companion that the chance may be lost. Change that means failure will scare him much more than the relationship itself. After all, mentally he has been with his beloved for a long time.

The horoscope will advise a woman on what to do in this case:

  • Propose a love match to a Taurus man on your own.
  • Carefully and easily hint that you will not insist and run.
  • Don't push or impose.

About the ideal couple

The horoscope says that the basis in the relationship of this couple is respect. The man and woman of these zodiac signs understand perfectly well that their differences should not lead to discord, so they choose to treat each other with care and reverence.

Even after many years of relationship, they manage to maintain some distance, so they do not bother each other. This is observed in the fact that each partner has the right to personal time.

At the same time, partners are growing and material well-being. And those around them consider them a very calm and sweet couple. But if life turns to the wrong couple the best side, a man and a woman face serious difficulties.

Having passed the tests of fate, Taurus and Aquarius clearly begin to understand that they have become family and now they will not need distance and freedom. Relationships can become closer, tension and jealousy will disappear from the couple.

About difficulties

There is an attraction between an Aquarius woman and a Taurus man, but despite this, they do not always understand each other. This is especially true for young people, because in our youth we put compatibility of views in first place.

A woman begins to notice that a man born under the sign of Taurus does not understand her at all. It's easy to explain: Taurus lives in material world according to specific earthly laws.

For Aquarius, ideas, inspiration and reflection are important. A man cannot separate the interest from conversations on such topics. He simply does not know how to think about what does not exist. An Aquarius woman may experience a lack of understanding about her ideas, thoughts and worries.

But the Taurus man is calm and confident that such a woman will not encroach on his money and will not seek benefits in the relationship with him. Practical Taurus will reduce everything to materialization and practicality.

About maintaining peace in the family

The compatibility horoscope advises the beloved to remember: the Taurus man has guidelines in the material world. The girl's task is to show the man a different world.

The horoscope also says that if Aquarius helps her loved one see the connection between the ideological and the material, then she will make life easier for herself, her partner and improve relationships. Patient Aquarius will cope with this task like no other, even among the zodiac signs belonging to the element of Air.

  • You must try not to discuss overly abstract thoughts with a Taurus man.
  • The Earth sign should not be criticized for being too pragmatic.
  • In marriage, you should give your spouse personal space and not burden him with ideas.

Taurus and Aquarius

A complex and contradictory union, which has its pros and cons. Its duration and fullness of emotions depends on the flexibility of Taurus and mutual desire be together. However, these signs can live well with each other if their interests and aspirations coincide.

Taurus is considered earth sign. He is practical, patient, prone to hoarding and aesthetics. Many of them are very charming and have creative abilities, which can mark the beginning of their first crush. Aquarius woman loves creative life and will gladly share it with the pragmatic Taurus, if he has a pronounced masculine charm. However, this union has its pitfalls, overcoming which you can become happy.

The air element rewards Aquarius with a lively mind, sociability, desire for change and love of life. These qualities can attract Taurus, especially those who are ready for changes and bright events in their life.

If partners have a sense of humor and common creative interests, the union will be successful. Aquarius can add freshness to the pragmatic and constant Taurus, who is used to calculating everything and relying more on common sense than on emotions.

The success of living together depends on whether the Taurus man can not put pressure on the Aquarius woman and adapt to his variability and inconstancy. What the Aquarius woman does not like is any attempts to limit her freedom, pressure and ridicule. If a conservative partner tries to change his other doormat, the union will fall apart quite quickly and both partners will remain enemies for life.

Advantages of the union: Taurus Man and Aquarius Woman

The success of the union of an Aquarius woman and a Taurus man largely depends on their common views on life, contacts and common interests. The most successful relationships creative people, if they are connected by a common cause. If this is not the case, the likelihood of divorce increases, since there will be many conflicts on domestic grounds. However, in the case of a very strong mutual desire to be together, all of them can be overcome.

The Aquarius woman brings a bright touch of novelty into the life of a Taurus man, interesting events and new ideas. A Taurus is unlikely to get bored with an Aquarius woman, as she will disturb his peace and long-term routine. She is sociable, easy-going, can change both the creative and life plans of a Taurus man radically and discover in him talents and abilities that he did not even suspect. This is what can engender in his heart love, affection and the desire to see an Aquarius woman next to him always.

For an Aquarius woman, a Taurus man can turn out to be a charming and reliable partner, provided that he does not insist too much on marriage and living together. If other women prefer persistent men, then for Aquarius this quality will only repel them.

Therefore, Taurus will have to reconsider their values ​​and try to act outside the box. This will spur him on creativity, will add ingenuity and will contribute to personal growth and broadening the horizons of this sign.

  • friendliness;
  • the ability of both partners to remain independent from each other even with the strongest sympathy;
  • frequent surprises, surprises, gifts;
  • lack of monotony, routine, boredom;
  • creative complement to each other;
  • a pronounced sense of humor of both partners;
  • readiness for reconciliation in any conflict;
  • personal growth of both partners;
  • successful cooperation in your favorite business;
  • absence of frequent scandals and minor quibbles.

Disadvantages of the union: Taurus Man and Aquarius Woman

In the union of an Aquarius woman and a Taurus man, there are also pitfalls, without overcoming which it is difficult to be happy. Taurus will have to overcome his conservatism and desire for order and hoarding: if he can learn to relax, spend money, understand the oddities of others and treat them friendly, then he can find common language with an Aquarius woman.

Another obstacle to understanding can be Taurus’ narrow outlook, aimed at practical things. If he can understand and accept the changeable nature of Aquarius, then the union will be preserved. Successful marriages are only those that arose out of passionate and mutual love or if the relationship is sealed by a common creative endeavor in which both signs show their abilities.

For Aquarius, Taurus can turn out to be a reliable partner, capable of realizing many dreams. However, over time, his attacks of laziness and constancy can bore a woman, and she will begin to gradually move away from him.

Conflicts can also arise due to jealousy, since a man will consider a woman too fickle and frivolous, and a woman will evaluate the charm of Taurus as dangerous for her independence. If she really likes a Taurus man, she may consider him frivolous and capable of cheating. Therefore, quarrels and conflicts are possible between these signs, which can lead to divorce for some time. life together.

  • frequent conflicts on domestic grounds, if partners are not connected by common creative interests or strong passion;
  • Taurus’s constant desire to keep Aquarius near him, to tame him;
  • mutual jealousy;
  • misunderstanding if Taurus does not expand his own horizons and does not concentrate on the little things;
  • different views on raising children;
  • inability to negotiate;
  • different views on marital relationships and family values;
  • the unpredictability of Aquarius;
  • the desire to act in spite of a partner;
  • unsuccessful attempts to remake each other.

How to find a common language in a couple: Taurus Man and Aquarius Woman

To avoid pitfalls, a Taurus man needs to weigh the pros and cons before proposing to an Aquarius woman. The independence and unpredictability of this sign can provoke conflicts between you and eventually cause separation.

Creative work, a willingness to change their views and a common creative work will help the independent and original Aquarius and the practical Taurus find a common language. Then the qualities of the partners will complement each other and contribute to mutual comfort and success.

Even the most perfect couples Over time, conflicts may arise in raising children, especially when adolescence. Aquarius may give them too much freedom, according to Taurus, and support their unconventional and strange hobbies. Taurus will strive to instill in them a classic sense of beauty, practicality and groundedness, which can provoke conflicts between parents.

Try to develop a common point of view and agreement that will suit both parties. Then the transitional age of children will not become a provocateur of conflicts in your life, right up to divorce. The basis of your union will be mutual understanding, goodwill and a common creative cause.

Compatibility of a couple in bed: Taurus Man and Aquarius Woman

If partners do not expect more than intimate relationships, then their relationship will be quite successful and even eventually lead to marriage and mutual love. A conservative and passionate Taurus man will like the liveliness and originality of the Aquarius woman, who is accustomed to trying something unusual and new even in bed. The relationship promises to be harmonious if the partner takes the initiative and behaves unusually.

For the bright and independent Aquarius, Taurus in bed can be a pleasant find. Usually she rarely experiences sexual interest in men of this sign, but she may not resist the charm of Taurus. The beginning of a relationship may not give vivid emotions, but passion will gain momentum over time, giving rise not only to affection, but also to mutual sympathy for both partners.

Usually frivolous relationships rarely last more than a year. Over time, they develop into a serious romance and cohabitation, lead to marriage or become friendships. To maintain harmony, partners need to live separately from each other for some time, and periodically rest separately. Then an intriguing newness will appear in the relationship, and the partners will not have time to get tired of each other. The main thing is not to impose your will and not to try to restrain anyone.

Compatibility of a couple in marriage: Taurus Man and Aquarius Woman

IN family relationships There can be many pitfalls for Taurus men and Aquarius women. Therefore, among representatives of these signs there are many divorces within a short time of marriage. Finding a common language for Taurus and Aquarius in marriage will not be easy, but it all depends on the mutual desire to be together and mutual understanding.

A Taurus man should curb his jealousy and not try to keep an Aquarius woman near him with generally accepted norms and rules established over centuries. This can only cause hostility, since she wants bright emotions and strives for true love. It is emotional attachment, understanding, sensitivity and unraveling her thoughts that turn out to be reliable tools for achieving harmony in marriage.

An Aquarius woman should not demand speed, originality in decision-making and changeability from a Taurus man. This partner has his own values ​​and principles that give him the necessary feeling of comfort.

In this union, pitfalls can be different views on life, including raising children. You should not put pressure on a Taurus man to expand his horizons and understand your thoughts - this will only anger him and lead to conflicts. Try to find compromises in raising children and think about whose solution is better for each specific situation.

Compatibility of a couple in friendship: Taurus Man and Aquarius Woman

In friendships, the characteristics of both partners are best revealed. Of all the relationships, it is friendship that turns out to be the connecting thread that unites the Taurus man and the Aquarius woman. First of all, both partners are friendly, well-wishing and have a great sense of humor. If they have common interests and activities, friends or business, then the relationship can last a very long time. The only thing that can destroy them is the passion or desire of one of the partners for a closer relationship.

An Aquarius woman can be amazed by the charm of a Taurus man. Especially if he is inaccessible and surrounded by many attractive women. To be closer to him, she will try to organize friendly relations and find common points.

However, then everything depends on Taurus’s desire to be with her. Depending on it, passion, intimacy, romance or something more flares up. Even if the bed relationship between them fades away, this will not affect the friendship in any way if Taurus does not have a permanent woman to whom he will trust his secrets or if their common interests do not diverge.

Taurus is attracted to an Aquarius woman by her love of life, originality, non-standard actions and outlook on life. He can for a long time stay away from it, but if there are common interests, the partners will gradually get closer. The duration of friendship depends on the common cause, the ability to support each other and whether the friendship will turn into something more or not.

Compatibility of a couple in business: Taurus Man and Aquarius Woman

In a partnership, much depends on the roles in business game. Relationships between partners develop best if Taurus and Aquarius are colleagues and are in equal positions or when a man begins to help a woman realize her talents. That is, the man plays business relations leading role.

It will not be easy for a Taurus to obey an Aquarius woman. Her exactingness, originality, irresponsibility and frivolity at some points will be difficult for an executive and hardworking Taurus man. He will have to constantly redo tasks and adapt to the demands of his boss, which can lead to a break in the joint relationship.

To avoid having to change your place of work, try to understand what is behind the words of Aquarius. After all, the representative of this sign loves to show originality and hide her true intentions.

It will be difficult for the Aquarius boss to cooperate with Taurus in matters that require deviation from generally accepted norms and rules, unless you are engaged in general creative projects. Taurus is unlikely to immediately understand what you want from him. Therefore, it is best to give him clear requirements and solve specific problems together that do not require a non-standard approach.

What an Aquarius Woman needs to know about a Taurus Man

The Taurus man is charming, smart and practical. At times, his charm turns out to be so strong that it is difficult for a woman to resist him. Therefore, get ready to be constantly tormented by jealousy, since he knows how to please women and break hearts.

Despite this, he values ​​constancy and devotion, provided that the woman is attractive to him. However, at the same time, he does not tolerate violence and intrusiveness and can run away after any attempt at pressure or untimely declaration of love, especially if the initiative was female.

To find an approach to him, study his habits and preferences. Typically, a Taurus man rarely changes them throughout his life. Try to show your ability to beautifully decorate your own home and cook. Typically, Taurus men are great gourmets and cannot resist expertly prepared dishes.

In life with a Taurus man, you can find many reasons to be happy. This man is faithful, constant, values ​​love, but does not forgive falsehood and deliberate manipulation. Therefore, having committed a bad act, it is better to admit your mistake than to try to be cunning or blame him for everything.

Taurus are flexible and can find a common language with different people, but he has principles and passions that he adheres to in any situation. For this reason, some men of this sign may abuse alcohol or turn out to be jealous despots. Therefore, try to carefully study the Taurus man before deciding to have a relationship with him.

What a Taurus Man needs to know about an Aquarius Woman

An Aquarius woman can be beautiful, charming, cheerful and original. She has a lot of ideas and you can hardly get bored with her. Sometimes her words, arguments or actions seem strange, incomprehensible, but often their meaning is not immediately revealed. Therefore, in a relationship with an Aquarius woman, you should prepare for surprises, all kinds of surprises.

You can establish a relationship with her provided that you constantly change and accept her for who she is and do not try to put pressure on her and force her to act according to generally accepted norms and rules family life. IN best case scenario this will lead to a rift between you; at worst, it can suppress your partner’s individuality, making the woman lifeless and gloomy.

In raising children, the Aquarius woman shows her best qualities. She almost always finds a common language with them, develops their abilities, but is unlikely to teach perseverance and discipline. This can irritate the practical Taurus man, who values ​​practicality and discipline in everything.

If you can find a common language, then the energy of the signs will be balanced. Aquarius' love of freedom, gentleness and friendliness will develop children's communication skills and talents, and Taurus will help create practical basis to realize their aspirations and ideas.

Compatibility of the Aquarius Woman with other signs

Compatibility of a Taurus man with other signs

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She - femme fatale possessing intelligence and mysterious moods. She can only be with a special man, and he can become this man with all his patience and desire to start a family. For him, she will forever remain an incredible and unusual woman who is impossible to understand. But this will not make his desire to be with her any less. On the contrary, he considers her the most suitable wife, since she knows how to behave and present him in front of friends and other people.

Compatibility of Taurus and Aquarius in LOVE

The love of this couple is very strange. She can calmly talk about her feelings, and he will accept it without complaints, although he believes that a man should be the first to declare his love. He forgives her even what is unusual for his nature. This is due to the fact that he sees in her a purpose and a truthful nature that he is unlikely to meet a second time. Sparks always run between them, which can lead to bright outbursts of emotions. This can complicate the relationship and strain it.

They will never have the calm feelings that are born when possessing each other. He will always feel that she is slipping away from him. He doesn't like sharing her with her friends and people in general, but he accepts her rules of the game. However, from time to time he will explode and then ask for forgiveness. Such relationships can hardly be called love, but this is love when it arises between him and her.

Compatibility of Taurus and Aquarius in MARRIAGE

Despite unpredictable character, it's pretty constant. Therefore, once she has chosen him, she will not rush around and can herself offer to legitimize the relationship. It may be shocking in its openness, but he wants the same thing. He is interested in being with her, as she makes adjustments to his life, gives him new sensations and thoughts. Therefore, their marriage can be called harmonious. They will be happy and patient with each other, which will only strengthen their relationship.

Being together, they will realize the most daring plans. They will be able to build a joint business. They will be able to make their home cozy and attractive to many. However, quarrels may break out between them, in which she will always leave to think about it. And he will look for ways to reconcile. But these are ordinary moments that they may not pay attention to, because the feelings between them become much deeper after quarrels.

Compatibility of Taurus and Aquarius in BED

Physical attraction on her part is abstract; she can imagine and imagine a lot. His attraction to her is quite real and tangible. Such a discrepancy can give rise to disharmony if each of them does not try to do everything to satisfy their partner. Harmonious relationships are also possible, since the opposites of their desires may be closer than they think. He will realize her desires, giving pleasure to her and himself.

The attraction between them arises spontaneously and she becomes the initiator. For him, everything is better predictable, when you can relax and enjoy every minute. For her, the more spontaneous and unexpected, the better. Despite a completely different idea, he accepts the rules of her game, since his tender affection for her overpowers everything. He wants to be with her, and he stays to serve his Beautiful Lady.

Important for girls to know!

To be with him, she often does not need to change anything about herself. In their relationship, he acts as the taker, so he is ready to accept any conditions. But even with such a lover, you cannot go too far. It is necessary to respect his opinion, try to make his life more comfortable, since comfort means a lot to him. Seeing her integral character and efforts to please him, he himself will try to maintain a relationship with this interesting woman.

In August 2017, Scorpios will enter into a major conflict with themselves, with their environment, and indeed with the whole world! In everything that happens around you, you will find some kind of negative connotation (even where there is not a hint of negativity). Well, as they say, he who seeks will certainly find, which means that at the end of this summer you too will be able to find a suitable “drama” for yourself (that is, a question about which you will be indignant and shower everyone around with cruel accusations). Is it necessary to clarify that a person who resembles an eternally grumbling pensioner who watches the younger generation with hatred will appeal to few people...

People whom you have known for a very long time (your family, colleagues, neighbors and relatives) will not fail to hint to you - “you are being deprived in your far from righteous anger!” But your stubbornness, dear Scorpios, will not allow you to hear these words, which for now represent only advice, and not ultimatums. You will interpret them as follows: “yeah, someone doesn’t like my behavior!”, immediately after which the person who made a tactful remark to you will be added to your “black list”. It’s a paradox, but the first on this list will be your regular partner, who will find it extremely difficult to exist next to you. He will get tired of what, instead of " Good morning“he receives from you another portion of caustic remarks about politics and the weather (and also about your neighbors, with whom you will be in a state of intense confrontation throughout August). In general, as soon as your partner hints that the negativity coming from you is bothering and disturbing him, you will stop communicating with your other half. It is impossible to predict how this silence will end (it all depends on how soon you get rid of the role of an eternally grumbling pensioner).

There will be no less grumbling in the life of lonely Scorpios in August 2017. Moreover, you will grumble mainly at those people who decide to get to know you a little better. You will tell them without mincing words, “Winning my heart is not easy.” It’s a paradox, but after such words, many, as if succumbing to the “passion for sports,” will begin to conquer you, demonstrating miracles of ingenuity. How nice it will be for you to watch that your fans (or admirers) are trying to jump above their heads, just to get at least a little attention from you! Well, enjoy! At the same time, you should not forget that love cannot be built on “sports passion”, and that for your suitors you are just a hard-to-get trophy, no more, no less...

The dissatisfaction that will cause you the whole world in August 2017, you will also demonstrate while fulfilling the duty of your service. Even before, only with a huge stretch, your relationship with your colleagues could be called more or less calm and friendly. At the end of this summer, you will completely refuse to pretend that you are pleased to be in the same room with your colleagues. Of course, the eternal cynicism that you show towards these people will lead to the appearance of very dangerous enemies, but you will ignore such an unpleasant moment, succumbing to the negative moods of this August!

But the August negativity will play into the hands of those Scorpios who are engaged in the field of individual entrepreneurship. You will stop at nothing to “break the enemy’s camp,” that is, to incapacitate the enterprise of your main competitor. As a result, you will put in a lot of work, and the “ship” that belonged to your fierce enemy will be sunk. But this fact will not bring you proper moral pleasure! Why? The reason is only in you, or more precisely in your August “negativism”, which you will show even when assessing your own victories.

Attention, the Scorpio horoscope for the month of August 2017 has been published in abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming 2017 Red Rooster, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

Scorpios will frankly enjoy all the events of October 2017. Fate seems to decide to thank you for those for many years that you spent in anticipation of your large-scale successes. That same large-scale success will finally come to you, immediately after which you will become a victim of “star fever”. Yes, yes, you will begin to be undisguisedly proud of yourself and shout loudly at every corner about all your great victories! Needless to say, few people will like such behavior (at least). At the very least, this triumphant October may end in complete disgrace for you...

But this is just a risk that you, dear Scorpios, have now been warned about. Just don’t allow yourself to become arrogant, and then everything in your life will be, as they say, sweet and smooth. Your personal front, for example, in October 2017 will turn into a marvelous blooming garden, pleasing to the eye with bright colors. Do you think what kind of “garden” can arise in a love affair that has lasted for almost a decade? So the age of your romance does not matter at all, because in mid-autumn both you and your regular partner will look at your relationship with new eyes. It will become clear to you that the morning disputes over the queue for the shower, the eternal “showdowns” over how to dispose of family budget, these are just unpleasant little things that do not change the most important thing (your mutual love and adoration). In general, your couple, by mutual agreement, will get rid of annoying and destructive little things, immediately after which the relationship within your couple will become exactly the same as they are described by classic soap operas (except perhaps not so sickly sweet).

Single Scorpios will have not one, but several interesting acquaintances in October 2017. You will have to urgently decide which of these worthy people appoint your soulmate to the role. Remember the risk of infection " star fever"? So, it is precisely because of her that you risk acting dishonestly and dishonestly! If you try to keep every applicant close to you, it will definitely not end well! Your deception will certainly be exposed, and then you will be left alone... Do you like this scenario? Instead of cunningly keeping these people close to you, ask your heart for advice (it knows exactly the answer with which one of your many suitors you should start new novel, and who should say “goodbye”).

Now a few words about another important aspect that will delight you beyond words in October 2017. We are talking about your career achievements. Everything that you have been working towards for several years now, everything for which you stayed up at night, refused lunches and smoke breaks, will finally become a reality. You will receive the coveted promotion, and with it a decent salary, which will be enough for you for a lot. If in the depths of your soul you have long and fruitlessly dreamed of a personal business project, know that you are just a couple of steps away from realizing such ambitious desires! To do this, you should not “waste” all your increased income on unnecessary acquisitions, on trips to bars or on the purchase of luxury goods. It’s better to start saving this “extra” money in reserve. If you methodically replenish your bank account (even if not with a very significant amount), very soon you will have the capital to start your business ideas. But this is advice for the future. In the meantime, in October 2017, you should think about something else (about how not to ruin your relationship with a team of colleagues who, observing your rapid career leap, cannot restrain themselves from showing envy towards you and your successes).

Attention, the Scorpio horoscope for the month of October 2017 has been published in an abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming Red Rooster 2017, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

Horoscope 2017 Rooster: 2017
Horoscope 2017 Rooster: 2017
Horoscope 2017 Rooster.