Dating horoscope: how your relationship will turn out. True love

Love is a magical bright feeling that lifts you to the skies and demonstrates new life prospects. A man and a woman are like two different worlds, learn to coexist, understand and accept each other's differences.

We have a tendency to pay attention to little things, look closely at various symbols and signs, and try to find out our destiny. It is possible to predict compatibility and possible development of relationships using numerology.

General characteristics of numerology

The concept of numerology is considered to be a set of magical beliefs about the connection of numbers with human life. Its origins can be traced to the philosophy of the ancient Greeks, Indian mysticism and Vedic teachings about astrology. Fortune telling by numbers helps to find out the fate of a future married couple and the development of their relationship.

Love can flare up or fade away for many reasons, but one of the main ones is the energy vibrations inherent in every person from birth. They are the ones in to a greater extent influence love relationship than character or actions. To determine the compatibility of two people, numerology uses fortune telling by fate numbers.

Determining compatibility by date of acquaintance

With the help of numerology, you can create a real portrait of your potential partner or find out your joint destiny. The forecast can be calculated using the date you met. We hope you remember these important numbers and can use the method described below. Treat this summary information as an astrological forecast. Use it after analyzing the relationship and your man. As a rule, if you are an Aries, then at least half of the characteristics inherent in this zodiac sign are also characteristic of you. The same rule applies to numerology.

In this teaching, any number must be reduced to the number from one to nine. What will you need to calculate your love destiny? Only the date you met and the rule for counting numbers.

Let's give an example to understand the equation. We take the date July 28, 2017. Let's sum all the numbers together: 2+8+0+7+2+0+1+7. We get the number 27. We also add it up: 2+7=9. This means nine is a patronizing number for everyone who met on July 28th. Now all that’s left to do is find out the meaning of the number using numerological explanations.

Enter the date you met:

Select the resulting number: , , , , , , , , .

Love number 1

People who are protected by a unit usually have difficulty coping with monogamy. During their lives, they had a sufficient number of connections, and they did not stay with a specific person for a long time. They have an innate sexuality and attractiveness. They see sex only as a free expression of their sexuality, and do not assume equal treatment married. However, such people gain recognition and authority in the family, and also become excellent parents.

  • Man. He is characterized by constant activity and assertiveness in solving cases. The determination and energy of such a man attracts representatives of the opposite sex. He is a support and support in difficult times for loved one, ready to do anything for the sake of his love. Sometimes he falls in love recklessly and does unpredictable things because of his passion. The ideal choice for such a man would be an independent and no less energetic lady, who has an active social position and her own interests. Life together with a “one” will not be boring. He likes the admiration of his person; he often pulls the blanket over himself and decides for two. It is difficult to persuade him to marry and have offspring.
  • Woman. She is confident in herself and her abilities, has perseverance and perseverance, achieves her goals and easily achieves her goals. Often it is she who initiates the relationship, personally choosing and getting to know the man. A woman with the number one is stubborn, but many guys like to overcome difficulties to win over their chosen one. She loves a busy and active life; staying locked up at home is not her thing. Sometimes a feeling of loneliness awakens in her, and she wants to be weak and experience affection and tenderness from a man. Physical intimacy with her partner is more important to her than spiritual communication.

Love number 2

People who are patronized by this number put first place family well-being and measured home life. Sex life is less important to them than communication, mutual respect and love. Loyal and caring, they demand the same consistency from their partner. Feeling love and constancy, they are calm and happy. But as soon as doubts about their partner’s fidelity creep into their heads, “twos” change radically, showing strong jealousy, which can lead to extreme measures in order to preserve the family.

  • Man. He loves communication and strives to constantly be in society. He is flexible to the problems of others, trusting and always strives to come to the aid of those in need. What he appreciates in women is their beauty appearance and constancy, sometimes easily succumbing to attraction due to someone's charm. Care and loyalty towards a partner are at times replaced by jealousy, demandingness and power. Next to him there should be a woman who values ​​home comfort and family relationships, shares his interests and aspirations.
  • Woman. An incredibly charming person who loves communication and puts the well-being of the family at the forefront. When love and harmony reign at home, all other areas of her life also work out with a bang. It is difficult to resist other people's emotions, giving in so that the partner does not feel vulnerable. Hates conflicts and any stressful showdowns with a man. Subject to regular sexual fantasies. Their implementation by a man will contribute to improvement cohabitation. Her feelings are often very ambivalent - constancy on short time gives way to windiness. Sometimes her emotionality and jealousy make relationships with a man difficult.

Love number 3

People under the sign of three are weak to the charm and sexual energy of the opposite sex, and attract precisely this type. However, this is not enough to create a strong relationship, which is why they are interested in psychology human soul. The illusions of youth about marriage are crushed into stone with age. When the romance of the first months gives way to monotonous life, they will be disappointed. For a strong alliance with a troika, it is important to have common hobbies or joint activities.

  • Man. He is very popular with the opposite sex, which influences his views regarding relationships. Having several love affairs at the same time is in the order of things for him. Loves fun, risk, and is not suited to sitting in one place. Often those around him do not take him seriously because of his frivolous outlook on life. With a partner, he should not feel tension or boredom. He chooses a girl based on his first impression on a date, and only after a while he realizes his mistake. What sets the fair sex apart is not external characteristics, but sociability, a wide range of interests, and a sense of humor. Such a man should not “cut off oxygen,” that is, limit freedom.
  • Woman. An interesting and fascinating person, communication with whom will bring pleasure to any man. Intelligence and self-confidence attract partners, but excessive narcissism sometimes scares them off. She has an optimistic outlook on life and makes plans for the future. A woman number 3 should feel like she’s in charge in a relationship, that’s when she will gain confidence and her partner will see her for real. He does not like to remember his past relationships and continues to flirt with others even with constant contact. Her interest needs to be maintained with all kinds of entertainment, adventure and lots of compliments.

Love number 4

People ruled by the number 4 are reserved and uncommunicative. They honor family ties and harmony more than others sex life. They exude an aura of sexuality. However, they are not interested in sex without commitment; they need a normal long-term relationship. Marriage and the birth of children are taken very seriously and responsibly.

  • Man. Such a representative of the stronger sex loves reliable, trusting relationships and chooses women who are only interested in long-term relationships with subsequent development. He is sensitive about material well-being and makes every effort to achieve it. Expects a woman to be practical and thrifty. He is not impulsive in choosing a life partner, he tends to think for a long time, assessing all her qualities. Not prone to cheating and partying on the side. Calm and persistent, such a man loves order in the house and sincerity in relationships.
  • Woman. She is practical and sensible, prefers reliable men with good financial standing. For peace of mind she needs harmony and peace in the house, the absence of conflicts with household members. He saves money, but sometimes makes thoughtless purchases and gets expensive manicures. He achieves his goal with hysterics and whims, and can spoil the mood because of some little thing. Incredibly jealous, prone to suspicion of her partner. Her man must be an active and purposeful person, otherwise his inertia will disappoint her. Not prone to cheating, she usually becomes a good housewife and mother.

Love number 5

Those born under the sign of five prefer to enjoy life to their fullest and try out different partners before settling down. Sex for them is a wide field for experimentation, and they expect the same return from their partners. Their marriage will largely depend on this - dedication and the desire to learn new things play important role in choosing a life partner.

  • Man. Charming and charismatic. Confident in his abilities and able to provide for his family. He lives for this day and looks to the future with enthusiasm. Drama and hysterics alienate him from his partner. He likes to be in charge in a relationship, to feel respect and strength. Sometimes he is too lazy and serene, does not notice his own negative character traits. IN opposite field he likes not only her appearance, but also her character - the woman’s sociability and openness, her willingness to discuss any issues. He will give her a lot of tenderness and sensuality if she provides him with comfort, care and idolizes him.
  • Woman. She is incredibly charming and loves attention from the opposite sex. Sometimes she is subject to flirting on the side and incredible selfishness. She likes it when relationships are open to others, so that they envy the merits of the chosen one. She is independent in making decisions, so you should not put pressure on her and try to wean her from bad habits. When the time comes, she will do it herself. The Five woman is impulsive and caring; her partner is not always sure what will happen in the next minute.

Love number 6

People with this number usually enjoy the love of everyone: the opposite sex, work colleagues, friends, relatives. When choosing a partner, first of all pay attention to financial situation, and then to everything else. Restrained expression feelings leads to misunderstandings with the other half, so they should more actively show their affection.

  • Man. He is distinguished by his great hard work and desire to provide for his family as much as possible. He loves freely, sometimes enduring unfair reproaches. He endures grievances for a long time. He strives to find a life partner who will understand his feelings and remain devoted and faithful. If he feels a lack of respect, then he desperately wants change. He has a warm, trusting relationship with his mother, and the future wife has to work very hard to attract attention to herself. Demanding and does not forgive the shortcomings of others. The lady should share his interests and hobbies.
  • Woman. For strangers she appears cold and unfeeling, but once you get to know her, a sexy and sensual woman emerges. IN early years usually very naive in relationships, but therefore becomes more reasonable and wise. She is attractive for her unpredictability: from a shy young lady she can suddenly turn into a flirtatious cat. She gives herself completely to her partner and demands reciprocal sensuality and care.

Love number 7

It is difficult to maintain relationships with people under this sign, especially if the partner is the complete opposite. Loyal and obligatory to their chosen one, supportive home, responsible, hardworking, value common interests with their significant other.

  • Man. He is independent, self-sufficient and takes marriage seriously. His inner core and restraint make him a cold, calculating man, but this is only the first impression. He is attracted by the intellect of his chosen one, her ability to make laugh and nullify any conflict situation. When he is lonely, he is preoccupied with his own problems, but when he creates a family, he switches to her needs. He does not like unforeseen situations and surprises, he is devoted to one woman and their mutual understanding. If she does not support his aspirations, then he will not hesitate to look for a new woman.
  • Woman. Smart and cunning, knows how to show off the best side. As a child, he dreams of a handsome prince, adult life I am ready to associate myself only with a wealthy and respectable man. This woman has a hard time with breakups; her search for love causes her a great fear of losing it. Often does not trust his partner and does not rightfully appreciate all of his positive qualities. Conversely, excessive idealization leads to bitter disappointment. A stable relationship with a seven can be found by taking control and initiative into your own hands.

Love number 8

People under the number 8 are not suitable for early marriages. At this time, they are completely absorbed in their careers and hobbies, and devote little time to their families, which leads to constant quarrels. At a more mature age, they gain stability and are ready to devote themselves family ties. They are faithful to their spouses, but at any age they can prefer work to family.

  • Man. An independent and self-sufficient person, persistent and self-confident at work and sincerely loving at home. Sometimes it turns from soft and gentle man into a demanding and cruel tyrant. His financial situation, as a rule, is stable, and the career is successful. He needs a woman who will appreciate and praise him and give in all the time. The pressure of such a man is very difficult to resist. Can't decide for a long time married life, carefully considers his choices and possible options.
  • Woman. Assertive and self-confident, she really needs support and love. In appearance she is self-sufficient and strong, but deep down she is incredibly sensual, charming and full of sexuality. She is absolutely not selfish, supports her partner in any endeavor. Keeps feelings and dissatisfaction inside, which leads to discomfort and destruction of relationships. Needs strong a confident man, who will not be inferior to her in intelligence and abilities.

Love number 9

For representatives of this number, love always comes first. They easily give in to impulses of passion and sincerely desire to be loved. For the sake of romance, they can move mountains and prove their feelings. They quickly lose interest in a person if he does not succumb to their charm. In marriage, these people must constantly see signs of attention from their partner, otherwise they may think that they are not loved enough and look for something else.

  • Man. Smart, well-read and romantic, he easily opens his heart to new relationships. This representative of the stronger sex prefers frank spiritual communication to sex. He chooses women who have a clear goal in life and know what they want. A man has a clear idea of ​​​​an ideal relationship, and withdraws when his partner’s opinion does not coincide with his. During the courtship period, he carefully thinks through all the dates, makes pleasant signs of attention and easily wins the heart of his chosen one. Sometimes he idealizes his partner.
  • Woman. An interesting and elusive person, always absorbed in work and creativity. Values ​​intellectual communication and prefers to communicate with creative and intelligent people. She devotes a lot of time cultural recreation, so the future partner should invite her to an exhibition or concert. She loves flowers, gifts and other signs of attention. She does not like obligations and conventions, coercion from a man. A comfortable relationship can arise with someone who gives her freedom and does not require her to be with him 24 hours a day.

Relationship forecast by date of acquaintance

Love relationships can be influenced by various factors. Numerology is no exception. To inveterate skeptics this may seem like a sick fantasy or ridiculous naivety.

Of course, neither numerology nor astrology can unambiguously determine the weather of your relationship, but they are quite capable of influencing their development. Approximately the same as magnetic “storms” that can have a certain, albeit insignificant, effect on the state of your body.

Therefore, numerology and date of acquaintance are quite comparable things. Well, let's check it out.

Numerology of the fate of your relationship - how to make a forecast?

So, remember the date you met. Guys, by the way, most often have a short-term memory for these things, and sometimes even a temporary one, but there’s nothing terrible about that - women, as a rule, remember everything.
In order to calculate the numerological number of your acquaintance, you need to add up all the numbers of the year, month and date of your meeting to the final and unambiguous number. So, an example:
November 20, 1991 – November 20, 1991 = 2+0+1+1+1+9+9+1 = 24 = 2+4 = 6
This means that number 6 patronizes your relationships. The meaning of each number is shown below.

Numerology. compatibility of partners by date of acquaintance.

Number meanings

1. Number of the Sun.
The symbol of number 1 is the ambition of partners and self-confidence. As a rule, relationships are capable of uniting some common professional and business qualities, aspirations for high achievements and growth. Often partners with this dating number tend to either general cooperation, or, on the contrary, secretly compete with each other.
What can interfere with a relationship? IN in this case The stumbling block may be envy and the desire to prove something to your soulmate.
In addition, the numerology of fate in relationships warns lovers - a romance with this dating number is often subject to “noble” interventions from family and friends. Try to listen to your heart without taking outside advice to heart.
What can bring a couple together? A variety of emotions, events, impressions. Romantic meetings, travel, diverse and educational conversations can contribute to your love.

2 is the number of the Moon.
Implies romance, softness, sentimentality. Even in relationships that initially begin on self-interest and sex, moonlight can illuminate the path for lovers to true love. However, for this you need to be patient, because you may be hampered by lack of confidence in yourself and your partner, doubts about feelings, and weakness of spirit. But, having overcome everything, you will be able to build a reverent relationship in care and tenderness.
What can interfere with a relationship? According to the numerological relationship forecast, elementary haste and the desire to speed up events can hinder love and your romance. Any forcing of events in a relationship can destroy a couple, so be patient and avoid sudden and enchanting changes.
What can bring a couple together? A protracted candy-bouquet period can cement the union. The beginning of a relationship must certainly be romantic. Long-term and long-term married relationships can be refreshed by separations and dates that can bring new emotions and sensations.

3. number of Mars.

This number helps create strong families, whom difficulties can only harden. Mars will help you analyze your behavior and avoid future mistakes. “Troika” will provide assistance in resolving financial, everyday and psychological disagreements, which will only help strengthen your love affair. Numerology of love advises not to lose prudence.
What can interfere with a relationship? The most important thing is other people's envy of your happiness. The planets advise you to beware of intriguers and conspirators in your company, people capable of meanness. In addition, couples with this dating number should beware of laziness.
What can bring a couple together? New goals, peaks and ways to achieve them. Joint affairs and concerns. Fresh ideas, romantic evenings and trips. Refresh your relationships with positive emotions.

Number 4 – Mercury.

The planet gives couples sociability and allows for frank conversations in relationships, thereby helping to avoid boredom together. And couples with this dating number rarely have to be alone - their communication attracts friends and relatives. They will be the first to be approached for advice, as well as money. By the way, “four” also promises a couple material well-being and stability.
What can interfere with a relationship? Excessive gullibility of the couple and interference of surrounding people in the relationship. Be sociable, but not too open. Don't wash dirty linen in public. In addition, avoid jealousy and other troubles. Try to lend money to reliable people, otherwise this may become a reason for a quarrel on domestic grounds.
What can bring a couple together? First of all, trust in each other will help you pass any test. In addition, the numerological forecast advises the couple to pay more attention to their relationship and not waste a lot of energy on the problems of others.

5. number of Jupiter.

Planet of great happiness. A wonderful number according to the numerology of fate. It promises you a successful marriage and a wonderful future when your relationship is fifteen years from now. life together will not be deprived of sensuality and love.
What can interfere with a relationship? But even these relations cannot be called cloudless. If a quarrel occurs in a couple, it can be accompanied by impulsive separations and no less stormy reconciliations. Try to moderate your emotionality - this will help maintain feelings and respect for each other.
What can bring a couple together? As stated above, restraint in quarrels. Also try not to descend into insults in your emotions. Before blaming each other, analyze the situation as objectively as possible.

6. Venus number

A numerological relationship forecast promises owners of this dating number many feelings and experiences. Often this number is haunted by secret admirers and exes who are trying to lead the couple to separation. They are often accompanied by a showdown and jealousy (and most often not without reason).
What can interfere with a relationship? Affairs on the side, betrayals and secret sighs for former passions.
What will hold the union together? The ability to forgive, patience, loyalty. Try to make compromises.

7. Number of Saturn.

It promises misunderstanding and even non-acceptance of the relationship by others. Cold Saturn can take the heat and feeling out of a relationship. Most often, such a couple rarely visits, and there may be only a few friends. However, this does not bother lovers much, since the world for them exists only in each other. But talented children are often born in such a couple.
What can interfere with a relationship? Excessive talkativeness and excessive isolation from the outside world. Don't forget about the people who love you. At the same time, do not take harsh criticism of your “strangeness” addressed to you.
What can bring a couple together? Balance of relationships, mutual concessions, romantic madness. If you like all this, everything will be fine. In addition, don’t think too much about whether your partner was offended by the under-salted borscht. Look at the world and relationships a little more simply.

8. Number of Uranus.

A very unpredictable relationship. The numerological forecast of love for a couple and the date of their acquaintance promise to be careful in such a romance: any little things can overshadow sunlight the cloudlessness that accompanied your love just yesterday. Lovers can be subjected to various tests, sometimes constantly whispering about love, sometimes announcing separation in the relationship. But despite the cries about the latter, separation is unlikely to happen, because difficult period misunderstandings and disagreements will certainly become a good experience for relationships and develop into love.
What can interfere with a relationship? Eternal reproach, brain drain, excessive care and constant control.
What can bring a couple together? It is very important to respect each other’s personal space, allowing your loved one to pursue himself and personal hobbies.

9. Neptune's number

The date of acquaintance with this number has a number of features - dreaminess and passion. Neptune tends to invent ideals and build sandcastles, which leads to a frequent surge of short-term, albeit sensual, romances. Most often, the passion in such love overshadows the subsequent disappointment, but the breakup in most cases is painless. But pleasant memories and vivid emotions remain in the memory as an irreplaceable experience in building relationships.
What can interfere with a relationship? Imposing oneself as a partner, annoying calls and conversations in the first days of meeting about a future together. Enjoy the romance that has flared up in you and let go of your emotions - let them circulate freely in space.
What can bring a couple together? Moderate manifestation of imagination and its implementation with romantic ideas, sudden trips, wonderful emotions. Even if your romance is short-lived, like a flash, it will certainly remain in your memory as a pleasant adventure.

Of course, the relationship forecast based on the date of acquaintance should not be taken unambiguously. Numerology (relationship compatibility) does not determine the basic weather of your feelings and your future - everything depends on you. But the planets can have a certain influence on our destinies, and there is nothing wrong with the tips listed above. So, if they work for you, take them into account.
Warmth and love to you!

Each of the twelve months, according to astrology, corresponds to a certain zodiac sign, so a person born in a certain month receives the qualities of that sign. But Zodiac signs influence not only our character, they also influence the events that take place under the auspices of these signs. For example, if you met in July - August, then your relationship will be influenced by the sign of Leo, if it is March - April - Aries, and so on. Knowing which sign corresponds to the period of your acquaintance, you can determine the nature of your relationship and the pitfalls that may arise along the way.

Usually during this period, acquaintances begin brightly and emotionally; these are easy and quick acquaintances. Over time, disagreements may arise in the relationship, since a lot of emotions and hasty decisions will be made by the partners. A partnership will last a long time if the partners are connected by common goals and views. The most important thing in such relationships is to refrain from harsh statements and learn to hear each other.

If the acquaintance happened precisely during this period, we can say that it was based only on passionate emotions. Despite this, the relationship promises to be long. You shouldn’t think that the relationship will be passionate and romantic on its own; unfortunately, the fire of love can fade if you stop giving each other gifts, compliments, and surprises. It depends only on you how long your relationship with your partner will be colorful.

These acquaintances often occur somewhere on a trip or in a noisy company. Usually these are unexpected acquaintances, which are most often based on similarities of views and intellects. They do not arise spontaneously and feelings do not overwhelm you. It all starts with ordinary communication. True, there is a possibility that the acquaintance will not last long, do not be upset, if so, it means it was not yours.

During this period, acquaintances are usually established based on the dominance of one partner over the other. If this state of affairs suits both, the union will be quite fruitful and strong. In many ways, the tone of the relationship will be set by the emotionality and mood of the leader in this couple. If you are the leader, try to listen to the opinions of your partner and let her make decisions sometimes. One careless word can ruin your relationship.

These acquaintances most often occur on cultural events, in theaters, at concerts, exhibitions, in cinemas. You can also find your other half on vacation. In this union, the most important thing is not to focus only on your problems, learn to give as much as you take, and then such an alliance will not be afraid of either gossip or the machinations of enemies.

This acquaintance could begin with a friendly relationship and gradually develop into a romantic relationship. The most important thing for partners is to be attentive to each other, but at the same time not to find fault with trifles. The stumbling block can be unfulfilled promises and excessive modesty in the expression of feelings, which subsequently will be regarded by one of the partners as inattention and indifference. Don't be afraid to show your partner how much you love him.

During this period, dating is shrouded in romance and full of love and tenderness. True, alas, they are as fickle as they are beautiful. Periods of enthusiasm are replaced by alienation and misunderstanding. If partners pay enough attention to each other and listen to each other’s desires, then the relationship can develop into something more serious. Although, if a disagreement occurs, everything will happen quickly and painlessly for both.

This relationship began with passion and attraction, but what can I say - sex on the first date, during this period it sounds like a thing for granted. Also, partners can be united by an interest in the unknown and the occult. The relationship, unfortunately, is unlikely to last, as it turns out later that you had too little in common...

Such relationships are usually lightweight and short-lived. Such acquaintances are ideal for having fun, but nothing more. Everything will depend on the partners’ ability to compromise and hear each other. But a partnership based on equality can be quite long-lasting.

These acquaintances are usually long-lasting and serious. Very often they begin with friendship; they can arise between people with similar interests, who subsequently want to work together on some project. Attachment will eventually develop into a very strong and bright feeling called love. If the partners decide to separate, the separation will not be easy and will not happen right away.

Most likely, this acquaintance took you by surprise. By chance, you met the person you seemed to be looking for all your life. Relationships that began during this period are quite original, even if you don’t end up signing or starting living civil marriage, then you will stay good friends Necessarily. To avoid disappointment in the end, try not to idealize your partner.

If you met during this period, then the relationship may be of an uncertain nature, then you seem to be dating, then it seems not. Your partner can give you flowers every day and then disappear from your life for a month. Most importantly, try to soberly assess your relationship, trust your intuition - it will not let you down! If you want this acquaintance to develop into something more serious, learn to sacrifice your interests for the sake of your partner.

The dating horoscope will tell you how to make sure that any contact brings only a charge of positivity and joy, while avoiding unwanted meetings.

The main difference between a dating horoscope and a love horoscope is that the first tells not about already established relationships (although this is also possible), but about those that are just beginning to develop. Moreover, the contact can be not only love, but also business, friendly or even casual. The stars will tell you how to make your meetings more pleasant and useful, as well as what prospects await your relationship with the person you are interested in. If you know the day you met, the horoscope will be the answer to your question “what will this meeting be like for me.”

It was not for nothing that Pythagoras said that any thing can be represented in the form of numbers. Astrologers assure us that each number corresponds to a specific planet. A person’s fate is influenced by the number of letters in his name, the number of his birth, and even the place where he was born. Let's assume that everything is really like this, and the fate of a person is in the power of numbers? Well, then we can make this system work for us. A correctly compiled horoscope of the date of acquaintance will tell you everything about your contacts that took place on a certain day. Based on the knowledge you have gained, you will know on what day you should schedule a business meeting, and what time is more suitable for romantic dates and love affairs. Remember: the day of your first meeting is the day when a new relationship is born. And on each date a certain zodiac sign leaves its mark. If the day you met the horoscope was at the junction of two signs, this means that the influence will be of both one constellation and the other, so you should look at the description for each of them. If you decide to look at a horoscope, for example, for your other half, and it turns out to be unfavorable, do not be upset. In addition to the information provided by the dating horoscope, many other factors influenced your meeting that day. Don’t forget that if the prognosis is favorable, you should never let the development of relationships take their course. Work on them, and then everything will definitely work out successfully.

The dating horoscope will also help you in your work. If you are recruiting personnel for your company, you can schedule interviews on the dates that are most suitable for this. If you yourself are in search of a professional business, the stars will tell you which day will be favorable in business terms. What can we say about those who want to find their soulmate and get married? The horoscope of the date of acquaintance will help you choose the time when the stars will show the most favorable situation in the love sphere. Agree, it’s always nice to have such a trump card with you, because any meeting or acquaintance will become more useful and memorable.

Your zodiac sign is determined by the date you met.

If you met between March 21 and April 20, this relationship, despite the fact that you fell in love at first sight, is too unstable. There is no use in blaming anyone here. This is the period of Aries’s power, characterized by constant quarrels and eternal grievances, due to which these relationships are, to put it mildly, shaky.

But the relationship will be stable if the period acquaintance fell on April 21 – May 21. Here Taurus already rules the roost. This couple always gives gifts and often indulges in lovemaking. Sex, as well as the material side, are paramount in these relationships.

Mega contacts, eternal quarrels and quick reconciliations - these are the main satellites of the relations that began during the May 22 to June 21. Despite the feelings, it is impossible to imagine this relationship without betrayal, as well as without regular guests and trips. The main problem of these relations is of a moral and ethical nature.

Depth of feelings, emotional nourishment, similarity of souls are the main characteristics of relationships that have started from June 22 (until July 22). The partners complement each other too much and very soon begin to think about their future together, make common plans, and plan their future home. The relationship of one of the partners is not of a loving, but of a fatherly nature. And one of the partners is closed, which undoubtedly causes aggression from the other partner.

A beautiful couple and a vibrant connection - this is how the relationship that began in the Leo period is described in a nutshell. Strong feelings like creative activity There is no point in denying it; in addition, joint hobbies and interests are possible. Children will not only strengthen this couple, but also improve the relationship between the partners. A significant disadvantage of relationships is mistrust, which results in mutual deception.

Relationships on an intellectual level, as well as joint projects possible between those who met during the period from August 24 to September 23. The harmony of this interesting couple can be disrupted due to details and little things that are important in this union.

If you met during the Libra period (24.09. – 23.10.) – You don’t have to worry: the connection is strong. In addition to the loving role of partners, they are also partners who can implement a successful project together. These relationships are too beautiful from the outside: constant gifts and signs of attention cannot go unnoticed. Unfortunately, a double life cannot be ruled out. And it is worth considering the desire to achieve high social status.

Eternal jealousy and mega-passions, intense social contacts, as well as the possibility of a complete change in relationships - these are the main characteristics of the relationship that began during the reign of Scorpio. Despite the strongest passion, there will be no harmony in these relationships: everyone will poke their nose into their partner’s life too much, thereby disturbing balance and peace.

If you met November 23 to December 21, Your relationships are characterized by ardor and strong feelings. A common life position, as well as a social orientation of partnership, are possible in these relationships. In addition, mutual exploitation and guardianship should not be ruled out.

If your relationship started on New Year's Eve (22.12-20.01) – you need one thing from life and you make far-reaching plans. Despite the outward coldness and stiffness of the relationship, this connection can be very strong, the main thing is not to strive for primacy.

If you met from January 21 to February 19– this relationship can hardly be called anything other than strange. Each partner strives for freedom, and is also not without cockroaches. These relationships are insanely intellectual with minimal sex (a little more often than on holidays).

It's good to meet in Fish period (20.02. – 20.03.) . The relationship is so permeated with understanding that sometimes the impression of telepathic contact is created. Almost no attention is paid to trifles in this couple; reality as such worries the partners little, but too much attention is paid to what is happening between the partners. great value. It’s difficult to say anything about the future of this couple; rather, life will put everything in its place...


Have you ever wondered what the day you met means and what it signifies for your couple? Interesting, isn't it?! So let's find out.

Astrologers are convinced that not only the compatibility of partners’ zodiac signs is of great importance for relationships and marriage, but the day they met is also equally important. Based on the date of the first meeting, a Astrological forecast , according to which you can determine what awaits your relationship. It will be love, mutual understanding, strong bonds; or nothing good will come from meeting you.
Astrologers divided the year into the zodiac signs familiar to everyone. But in this case, each zodiac sign means the period of the day of your first meeting.

Let's look at this with an example:

If the day you meet falls on April 12 , then the zodiac sign of your acquaintance is Aries (it covers the period from 21.03 – 20.04)

Now find out your dating zodiac sign, and what to expect from your relationship!

Aquarius (21.01 – 19.02)

You are a very unusual couple. Your quirks and oddities surprise many. You give each other freedom. The relationship is highly intellectual.

Fish (20.02 – 20.03)

Your contact is almost telepathic. There is real mutual understanding in your couple. But try to use all your love and patience to correct your inadequate assessment of reality.

Aries (21.03 – 20.04)

Your acquaintance is love at first sight. But the relationship cannot be called stable. Frequent arguments and resentments can always create a risk of relationship breakdown.

Taurus (21.04 – 21.05)

You are in a stable relationship. Whether they are based on nice gifts or on a general idea - you know best. In addition, material relationships in your couple are not the least important. But sex is still more important for your union.

Twins (22.05 – 21.06)

The intensity of your relationship, constant quarrels and reconciliations do not let you get bored. You love visiting, traveling and other active pastimes. But your couple's burning issue may be one of ethics and morality. Unfortunately, mild betrayals can occur from time to time.

Cancer (22.06 – 23.07)

Your union is imbued with deep feelings, real kinship of souls. Intuitive complementation of each other's needs, close emotional contact greatly strengthens your relationship. Are you trying to create common house. Sometimes these relationships can have a paternalistic tone on the part of one of the partners. The only fly in the ointment that can cause aggression is the closedness of one of the partners.

Lion (24.07 – 23.08)

You are often told that you are - beautiful couple. Usually this is a very vivid connection with strong feelings. General creativity, hobbies and interests create even greater harmony. Your relationship will be greatly strengthened with the advent of children. Just do not allow mistrust and suspicion into your union - this can provoke real deception.

Virgo (24.08 – 23.09)

Your relationship is intellectual. You can even work freely together and implement joint projects. The harmony of relationships can be destroyed due to too much a lot of attention to little things and details.

Scales (24.09 – 23.10)

There is a fairly strong connection in your union. Your type of interaction is partnership. You know how to make a relationship truly beautiful: how to show each other attention, how to please each other with a gift. You both want to get your passport stamped, but astrologers warn about the dangers of living a double life.

Scorpion (24.10 – 22.11)

This zodiac sign fills your relationships with passion and jealousy. Dramatic changes are always possible in your couple. Your social contacts are especially intense. The imbalance of the union, lack of peace and violation of personal boundaries can destroy your harmony in relationships.