Note to the mushroom picker: how to recognize the Polish mushroom, and how it is useful. Polish porcini mushroom

Among all known to science mushrooms, there are special ones that are most popular and popular with mushroom pickers. The Polish mushroom (see photo) is a favorite of mushroom pickers, many people like it very much for its exceptional taste qualities, aroma and prevalence.

Polish mushrooms are called chestnut mushrooms, pans or brown mushrooms. By saturation and quality of taste and aroma, polish mushroom can be equated to white. By what signs can you recognize a Polish mushroom, where and when it grows, and also how it is useful - read about all this and more below.

Polish mushroom description.

In one of the mushroom classification systems, this species is included in the Boletov family, the genus Borovik. But, other classifier scientists rank it among Mokhoviks, or even consider it a separate species. The Polish mushroom is one of the most numerous edible species throughout Europe, common in middle lane Russia, mainly in coniferous forests, although it is also found in deciduous forests in small quantities. What does this mushroom look like and why is it special? Consider the characteristics.

  1. Hat.

In young mushrooms, the caps are small, have the shape of a hemisphere, but as they grow and develop, they change. Adult mushrooms are distinguished by flat or cushion-shaped caps, the maximum diameter of which is about 12 cm. The minimum cap diameter is 3-4 cm. One of the features is that the surface of the cap is covered with brownish skin, chocolate, brown or red-chestnut shade, which is not removed. The surface of the fungus is usually dry, but in conditions of high humidity it can become covered with a mucous coating and become wet and sticky.

  1. Leg.

The leg of the Polish mushroom can grow in thickness from 1 to 4 cm, and its length ranges from 4 to 12-13 cm. The shape of the leg is usually cylindrical, but in many mushrooms it expands towards the base, or vice versa, closer to the cap increases in diameter. The leg can be erect or curved - this is not a characteristic indicator. But, be sure to Polish mushrooms legs are fibrous, lighter closer to the base, colored from light brown to yellowish with red-brown fibers. In the context, the stem is white, it may be pale yellow, but after oxidation it acquires a brownish tint.

  1. Pulp.

After cutting the mushroom, it is important to pay attention to the initial state and color of the pulp, as well as how it changes under the influence of oxygen. In the context, the pulp of the mushroom is juicy, dense and quite fleshy. The pulp of the Polish mushroom has a pleasant, mushroomy aroma and a mild, but pronounced taste. Initially, at the cut site, the flesh may be white or slightly yellowish, but as the oxidation processes proceed, it acquires a bluish tint, which disappears over time.

  1. Spores and tubular layer.

The spores of the Polish fungus can be spindle-shaped or ellipsoid, medium in size, usually colored in a soft, yellowish hue and smooth. The tubular layer is light or rich yellow. The length of the pores is from 1.5 cm to 2 cm, they have an irregular, angular shape. In young mushrooms, the pores are white, small, inconspicuous, but with age they increase in size and are distinguished by a slight yellowness or acquire a slightly greenish tint. A feature of the Polish mushroom is that after touching, the pores may turn a little blue.

Where and when to pick Polish mushrooms?

Experienced mushroom pickers are well aware of the terms and conditions necessary for the growth of the Polish mushroom, and as a rule, it is sorted out in the forests first. When to go mushroom hunting? The first Polish mushrooms may appear in June, but initially there are very few of them. Peak fruiting of the Polish mushroom occurs in August-September, but this is not the end of the season. You can finish the hunting season for the Polish mushroom at the end of November.

On the territory of Russia, the Polish mushroom is most common in the European part, it can be found in large quantities on Far East and in the North Caucasian regions, as well as in the coniferous forests of Siberia. As a rule, the Polish fungus forms mycorrhiza with coniferous trees, so it is most often found under pines and cedars, but is also present in mixed forests.

Sometimes found in deciduous forests, prefers sandy soils, but can also grow on old stumps and trunk bases. Most often, the Polish mushroom grows large groups, but sometimes single instances can also be found. You can look for the Polish mushroom on the second day after the precipitation.

Precautionary measures.

does not exist in nature dangerous twins Polish mushroom, and he himself is well recognizable, so you should not be afraid to cut something toxic into a basket. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to remain attentive and check the presence of all the necessary characteristics given above. In addition, it is important to remember the main rule - you can not eat raw mushrooms, in any case do not collect them in polluted forests, and do not take specimens affected by worms.

The benefits and harms of the Polish mushroom.

To date, the Polish mushroom is considered one of the most useful and delicious. It contains a relatively high concentration of various minerals that perform different functions and affect the human body in different ways.

Zinc - has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails, is necessary to preserve youth, prevent the appearance of premature gray hair. Iron helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, sodium and potassium are responsible for blood clotting and water-salt balance, affect the health of the heart muscle. Fluorine, calcium and phosphorus are essential for caries prevention, bone and joint health.

All this is contained in the pulp of the Polish mushroom in high concentration. There are a little less vitamins in the pulp of the mushroom, but they are very valuable and important for the body. The mushroom contains 4 varieties of B vitamins, as well as PP, E and A. The mushroom is easily absorbed by the body, is a source of proteins and fatty acids, which ensure the restoration of nerve cells.

As for the dangerous and harmful properties of the Polish mushroom, there are few of them. For a healthy person, this product only benefits, but if there are contraindications due to the presence of serious illnesses, it is not recommended to use the mushroom. In addition, the Polish mushroom is excluded from the diet for the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, and is also contraindicated in young children who are just developing the digestive system.

Polish mushroom photo.

(Xerocomus badius) Polish White mushroom- one of the most common species from the genus Mokhovikov. Other names for the mushroom are; brown mushroom, pansky mushroom, chestnut mushroom. Polish edible mushroom, belongs to the 2nd category. AT Western Europe this mushroom is considered the best edible mushroom, which is used in cooking; fried, boiled, salted, dried. However, the dried Polish mushroom does not have such a strong aroma as the white mushroom, although it completely resembles the white mushroom in similarity, which is why it was called the Polish white mushroom.

Description of the mushroom


Polish mushroom is common in the forests of Europe, North Caucasus, Siberia, Far East. It occurs in coniferous, less often in deciduous forests, next to spruce and pine. Sometimes it grows on the bases of trunks and on stumps. The mushroom season lasts from July to October.

mushroom cap

The Polish spruce mushroom has a cap that reaches a diameter of 12 cm. The cap of the mushroom is at first cushion-shaped, convex, later almost flat. The color of the cap of the Polish mushroom can be brownish or chestnut-brown, in young mushrooms with a matte suede surface. The tubules are yellow-green, turning blue when pressed. The flesh is yellowish, turns blue at the break, then turns brown, with a pleasant smell and taste.

Mushroom base

The stem of the fungus is cylindrical, solid, sometimes tapering or slightly widened towards the base. The color of the legs of this is light brown, at the base it is lighter.


The Polish mushroom is edible, used in many mushroom dishes, and also suitable for drying and pickling.

A fairly common mushroom belonging to the family of bolets, the genus of mossiness mushrooms. The Polish mushroom has other names that characterize it. Russian mushroom, brown mushroom, pansky mushroom, chestnut mushroom - in fact, synonyms related to the Polish mushroom. It has long been considered an elite food available to the wealthy segments of the population. And it is still quite common in Europe, the Far East, Central Asia and even in Australia.

The cap of the Polish mushroom usually reaches 12-15 cm, having a pillow-shaped, rounded shape. Young mushrooms are distinguished by a hat with edges wrapped downwards, mature ones have edges wrapped up. As it matures, the cap becomes flatter. The color varies from chestnut to dark brown tones. At first smooth and slightly velvety, it becomes bare and dry. If the weather is humid, then the hat is covered with a sticky substance. The peel is difficult to separate, but it can be removed by tearing off in parts.

A tubular layer of yellowish hues, adhering to the stem, with a small notch at its base. The tubules are up to 2 cm long, with small pores, which at the beginning of maturation are small, white, and then acquire green-yellow hues, becoming larger. The flesh of the cap is usually whitish or yellowish. Therefore, the Polish mushroom is also called the white Polish mushroom, which is not entirely true. When pressed, it turns blue or brown. The smell is pleasant, mushroom.

The leg of the Polish mushroom reaches 14 cm in height and 4 cm in diameter. Dense, cylindrical in shape, slightly swollen towards the base. Most often smooth, however, some specimens have thin scales. The color of the legs can be light brown, brown or red-brown. The pulp is fibrous, dense, slightly blue on the cut.

Some similarity is observed with a porcini fungus, motley moss, but it does not have dangerous counterparts. Related representatives: granular oak, semi-white mushroom, satanic mushroom. Forms mycorrhiza with coniferous, sometimes deciduous, tree species (pine, oak, spruce, beech, chestnut). It can be found in sandy soils, although the Polish fungus prefers acidic soil, however, in this case, the fruiting bodies are dull and irregular in shape.

AT recent times Cultivation of the Polish mushroom at home has become quite popular. Specially created mixtures containing Polish fungus mycelium facilitate the implantation of fungal spores into the substrate. Trees are used for substrate. conifers, sawdust, moss, fallen leaves and some earth. The method of preparation and planting is similar to other mushrooms and does not require additional costs. The only condition is acidic soil and additional nutrition (sugar can be used). Lime is usually used to disinfect the soil. Under favorable conditions, fruiting occurs the next year, lasting up to 5 years. During the first year, you can collect about 5 kg from one tree.

The Polish mushroom belongs to mushrooms or mossiness mushrooms. Mushroom pickers call it brown, pansky mushroom or chestnut mushroom. You need to know what a Polish mushroom looks like, when to pick it, how to cook it properly.

Polish fungus can be found in coniferous forests or on sandy soil from August to late autumn.

Appearance description

The hat is semicircular, convex in shape, has a diameter of 40-120 mm, later becomes like a pillow or takes on a flat shape. The thin peel from the cap does not peel off, it is smooth, it becomes sticky when moisture gets in, the color of the young mushroom is beige, after that it is shiny.

The flesh is white or yellowish, dense and fleshy. When incised, the dissection site turns blue, and then returns to the original light color. On this basis, this species is sometimes distinguished from the rest. The smell of raw mushroom is pleasant, ready - soft and tasty, sometimes the taste of Polish is confused with white. The leg grows up to 120 mm in height and up to 40 mm in thickness. Mushroom pickers find the Polish species very rarely in deciduous forests, their habitat is coniferous forests and sandy soil.

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When and how to collect?

You need to cut the Polish mushroom at the very root, so that new mushrooms will grow out of it later.

The time for collecting the Polish species falls on August and late autumn. It reproduces by spores in the soil. Polish, like white mushroom, must be collected carefully, leaving part of it in the soil for further reproduction. Some experts say that you need to cut the mushroom at its very base. Others are absolutely sure that you need to get it out, as if twisting it, otherwise the residue will rot and destroy the spores.

During collection, it is better to immediately check for the presence of worms. Wormy, spoiled, overripe is better not to put in the basket. Some argue that they can cause frustration, worms can climb from these mushrooms to good ones and ruin everything during a forest walk.

Spoiled, wormy can be hung on a tree branch. When they dry, ripe spores will fall to the ground, next year there will be a crop of new mushrooms in this place.

The best container for collection is a basket. It passes air well, does not allow the collection to wrinkle and will keep it well until the moment of preparation. Plastic bag not a very good option for storing crops, even for a short time: everything harvested can deteriorate, be slippery and sticky, it is not recommended to eat this, such mushrooms can be poisonous.

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Preparation for cooking

Returning home from the forest, you need to start processing the harvested crop as soon as possible. To make the mushrooms breathe, put them on paper in a single layer, thereby preventing overheating and spoilage. There are opinions that the Polish mushroom after harvesting can be stored in the refrigerator for some time. During this time, the number of wormy and spoiled organisms may increase, so it is better not to take risks and process immediately.

Regardless of the method of preparation of mushrooms, they must first be boiled.

This type is quite easy to clean; for this, the part in which the mycelium is located and debris are removed with a knife. Using a knife, traces of worms are removed. If there is a spongy structure, it is better not to eat it and throw it away. Cleaned from dirt, they are washed, sometimes soaked in salted water to get rid of worms and washed again in clean water. Peeled mushrooms always need immediate heat treatment.

If boiling is planned, the peeled, washed, cut into pieces mushroom is placed in small portions in a large pot of boiling water. It must be remembered that water may foam during cooking. Until complete cooking, 10-15 minutes should be enough, after which you can apply a variety of recipes and enjoy delicacies. After cooking, the water is drained, and the product acquires dark color, and brightens during subsequent heat treatment. After boiling (15 minutes), the water is drained and a variety of dishes are made. The Polish look can be marinated, fried, dried, added to salads. The Polish mushroom looks almost the same as the white one, so they use the same recipes. You can put mushrooms in the freezer and take them out to cook soup, casserole, pizza, mushroom sauce, etc. Boiled frozen foods in some cases are the best option if the harvest is very small.

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Medicinal properties

Despite their simple origin, Polish mushrooms are quite useful and are used even for medicinal purposes:

  1. Remove puffiness due to the diuretic property.
  2. It helps well in cases of kidney failure, bruises, abrasions.
  3. It has long been used as a means for weight loss.
  4. Accelerates the process of resorption of hematomas, wen and even warts.
  5. Numerous studies have repeatedly confirmed the effect of the product on the removal of sand from the kidneys.

To eliminate hematomas, the fungus is used in the form of a slurry and applied to the site of the bruise. To lose weight or remove sand from the kidneys, you need to know the exact recipe for preparing the drug.