Ferret description of the animal. Is a ferret a funny animal or a fearless predator? Habitat and lifestyle

Titles:black polecat, dark polecat, wood polecat (European polecat).

Area: Europe (Russia, England, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, England) and North-West Africa.

Description: The black ferret is a squat predator with a flexible, long and agile body. The muzzle is blunt. The ears are small, round, with white edges. The head is oval in shape, imperceptibly turning into a long neck. The eyes are small, the iris is brown.
The legs are short and strong. Each paw has five toes with strong claws. The toes are partially webbed. The skull is elongated, flattened, slightly compressed laterally. Larger in size than the common weasel. The tail accounts for about 1/4 of the entire body length; the fur on it is not too thick (compared to other mustelids). The undercoat is short, light, the fur is shiny, sparse, long (on the back it reaches up to 5-6 cm in length).
Males are larger and more massive than females.
Dental formula: I 3/3 C 1/1 P 3/3 M 1/2. There are 34 teeth in total. The upper canines are long and narrow.
The female has 3-5 pairs of breast nipples.

Color: the main background of the body is black and brown; the underbody, paws and tail are black; lips, upper part the forehead, chin and edges of the ears are white. There is a dark mask on the muzzle itself. The belly and sides are lighter, with pale underfur visible on the sides. Winter fur color ranges from light to dark.
Sometimes you come across very light-colored individuals.

Size: body length 30-48 cm, tail 8-17 cm, hind paw in male 5.3-6.8 cm, female 5.1-5.8 cm, ear height in male 2.2-2.9 cm , in the female 2.1-2.4 cm, the tail in the male is 12.5-16.5 cm, in the female 12.5-14.5 cm.

Weight: depends on the time of year - in the fall, males weigh 800-1700 g, females - up to 530-915 g.

Lifespan: in nature 5-6 years, in captivity up to 11 years.

Habitat: various habitats - deciduous, mixed and pine forests, groves, agricultural lands, banks of reservoirs, ravines, fields and edges, shrub and hummock swamps, dunes, clearings, settlements(attics, sheds, haylofts, heaps of manure, barnyards). Prefers damp lowlands. It does not go deep into forest thickets, preferring open areas.

Enemies: large predators - wolves, lynx, foxes, birds of prey(hawks, owls).

Food: the black ferret hunts small animals - rodents (mice, voles, water rats, shrews, rabbits, muskrats, ground squirrels, hamsters, hares), amphibians (frogs, toads) and reptiles (snakes, lizards), hedgehogs, birds (pheasant, hazel grouse, partridge) and their eggs, fish, insects and invertebrates (snails). Does not disdain carrion.
The composition of the diet depends on the season. Makes reserves in the autumn-winter period.

Behavior: the black ferret leads the ground crepuscular and sedentary image life. For the most part daily activity depends on the weather, for example, in severe cold or snowstorms, ferrets may not leave their shelter for several days.
It does not climb trees, but in case of danger it can hide from the enemy in a hollow located close to the ground.
He very rarely digs holes himself, but prefers to use other people’s (badgers, foxes), or uses natural hidden places (deadwood, haystacks, hollow trees, among stones). It is little attached to the hole and if disturbed, leaves it forever.
In winter it is less active than in summer and hunts more in daytime. Chases rodents under the snow or catches them in holes.
In defense, like a skunk, it uses smelly secretion from the anal glands.
The sense of smell, hearing and touch are well developed, but vision is not very good. Can climb trees and swim.
In spring, molting begins in April and ends in May. Second ( autumn molt) begins in early August and ends in November.

Social structure: The wood ferret, except for the breeding season, leads a solitary lifestyle.
An individual plot occupies 1-5 km 2. The male actively defends his territory from other males.

Reproduction: Males produce sperm from December to July (depending on the range). In spring, males begin to actively move in search of a female. Sexual activity in the forest ferret it is strongly dependent on photoperiod.
Females come into estrus from March to August. In a female in estrus, the vulva swells and becomes pink, the estrus itself lasts 3-5 days. The female can bear up to three litters per year (average interval between births is 140 days). One male can mate with several females. The male's penis is hooked.
Male ferrets fight among themselves over females: they bite each other, squeal loudly and roll around in balls. When mating, the male bites the female on the scruff of the neck and holds her, which stimulates ovulation. Mating lasts up to an hour.
For childbirth, the female builds a spherical nest, lined with grass, wool, down and rodent skins.

Breeding season/period: spring.

Puberty: 10-12 months

Pregnancy: lasts 40-43 days.

Offspring: litter of 4-8 hairless puppies (average 7.5) with eyes closed and ears. Males always predominate in the litter. Newborns weigh 9.5-12 grams, body length 5.5-7.0 cm, tail 1.4-1.5 cm. The female rarely leaves newborn cubs. At one week of age, the puppies grow thin, silky, whitish fur.
The eyes open at 30-35 days. At 3-4 weeks of age, the coat color turns brown. At 7-8 weeks, ferrets begin to erupt milk teeth, and at 11-13 weeks, permanent teeth begin to emerge.
Young ferrets of the same age vary greatly in size.
Lactation lasts up to 1-2.5 months, but from two weeks of age the mother begins to feed the puppies solid food. At 1.5-2 months of age, ferrets already go hunting with their mother.
At 2-3 months, young ferrets are already completely independent, but until the end of winter the brood stays together.

Benefit/harm for humans: The black ferret is a valuable fur-bearing animal; currently there is no commercial hunting for it. It is a carrier of rabies and scrabingylosis.
Albino form of furo ( Mustela putorius furo) has been domesticated since ancient times and kept as a pet. In Germany, hunters hunt wild rabbits with furo.
Used by some companies to help guide wires through pipes and narrow passages. In the Middle Ages, he exterminated rats on ships.
Destroys large numbers of harmful rodents.
Living near human habitation, it can attack poultry houses.

Population/Conservation Status
: While the wood polecat is numerous throughout its range, its numbers continue to decline every year.
The main threat to the species is death under the wheels of vehicles, poisoning by rodenticides, persecution by humans and loss of habitats.

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Ferrets are probably one of the most predatory animals in the mustelid family. Species Forest ferrets inhabit almost all European part Russia, except the Russian North. Most often they can be found in the edges of forests, in forests bordering burnt areas, near bodies of water - rivers, lakes, swamps. Also, some individuals can visit villages adjacent to the forest, and for the winter they can even settle in human buildings.

A ferret weighs from 0.5 to 2.5 kg; by winter, for example, it, like a badger, accumulates fat and weighs more than in summer. It can reach a little more than half a meter in length.

Ferret leads night look life, especially active after sunset and before dawn. This predator practically does not eat plants; the basis of its diet is animal food - moles, voles, shrews, etc. small rodents. The ferret also loves to feast on amphibians - frogs, lizards and newts. The ferret also really likes hedgehog meat; he attacks it even despite the sharp needles, which are supposed to protect the hedgehog’s life. Very often it destroys bird nests and feeds on eggs and chicks. If the opportunity arises, he can catch water rat- a muskrat, can catch a ferret and a hare, since ferrets are born hunters who can sneak up silently; upland game, black grouse, hazel grouse, etc. often become its prey. The ferret is not even afraid of snakes, and can feast on both harmless snakes and poisonous viper. A ferret can catch and eat large insects.

In villages and villages, a ferret can enter chicken coops and goose coops and strangle several birds. The ferret’s ability to make provisions for winter life has long been known; even when the ferret is well-fed, it still hunts “in reserve,” storing its prey in a secluded place.

Ferrets live in burrows that they dig themselves; the entrance to the burrow is where almost all day life ferret is often found under an old tree stump, in bushes and is very difficult to notice.

The rut in the life of ferrets begins from mid-winter to August, pregnancy in females lasts about 40 days, and after this time from 4 to 12 small ferrets are born, weighing no more than 10 grams each. The male does not participate in raising children, and the female raises the children alone. Until 7-8 weeks of life, newborns feed only on mother's milk, and after that they gradually switch to meat. While the female is hunting, the ferrets cuddle up to each other and wait for their mother. After three months, they go hunting as a whole brood, “helping” their mother and learning from her. By autumn they grow almost to their adult size and begin an independent life.

During the winter, ferrets often move to live closer to people - in cellars, barns, barns, stables... One of the reasons for such relocation is the desire for warmth and a “roof over their heads,” as well as an abundance of food. The ferret eats not only chickens and rabbits, but also rats and mice. Where the ferret has settled, these rodents do not exist, so the benefits of the ferret for humans are obvious. And with the onset of spring, the ferret leaves the shelter of a hospitable person and again goes into the forest.

Ferrets have a lot natural enemies who willingly eat it. These are wolves, foxes, eagle owls, eagles, golden eagles, etc. One of the ferret's methods of defense is the anal glands, which, when in serious danger, emit a strong foul odor. The ferret is a good swimmer and can even submerge completely in water for a while and can climb a tree. Life expectancy of a ferret wildlife about 6 years.

People have long made the ferret a pet; they are very smart, curious, observant animals with good learning ability!

Forest or black polecat, as well as common, dark or black polecat - all these are the names of a small animal of the mustelidae family, an order of predators. He is widely known among lovers of exotic pets, gets along easily with people and feels comfortable both in the wild and at home. Read more about the forest ferret and its characteristics below.

What does a wood ferret look like?

The ferret is small in size and in appearance is a typical representative of its family.


The body is elongated, flexible, squat with short but strong legs. This structure allows it to silently sneak up on its prey. The ferret has an elongated neck, a small oval head, an elongated muzzle, slightly flattened towards the nose.

Basic parameters of the forest ferret:


The animals have long fur, which can reach 6 cm, and different colors - from dark gray to black. However, in the wild there are also individuals with brown, reddish, yellow colors, and there are also albino representatives.

Color is never monotonous. So, the tail, belly and paws are always darker than the body, and on the muzzle there is a white mask, which is characteristic feature ferret.

In winter, after molting, the color of the forest ferret becomes darker than in warm time year.

Structural features

The main structural features of the animal include:

  • the small head smoothly transitions into a flexible and elongated neck;
  • the ears are small, low, with a wide base;
  • the eyes are brown, shiny, bead-like;
  • the paws are short and thick, even in the largest individuals the length of the hind legs is only 6-8 cm;
  • the paws have 5 toes, between which there are membranes;
  • the forest ferret has 28-30 teeth, of which 4 canines, 12 premolars, 12-14 incisors;
  • next to the tail of the animal there are special glands, which, in case of danger, secrete a secretion with a fetid odor.

Where does he live?

The habitat extends to the territory of Eurasia and the northwestern part African continent. Most often found in Russia, China, England, and Ukraine.

Not long ago, black ferrets were brought to New Zealand to reduce the rodent population; as a result, they took root there and feel more than comfortable.

Animals live in small forests and isolated groves. They prefer not to go far into the forest; they like to settle on the edges and clearings. Forest ferrets lead a sedentary lifestyle and are very attached to their chosen place. They occupy a small area and most often use natural shelters as permanent shelters - stacks of firewood, rotten stumps, haystacks, dead wood. They almost never dig their own holes; they can live in offshoots of badger or fox holes.

They will never choose dense taiga or open space for living; in extreme cases, they settle near human settlements.

Lifestyle and behavior

By nature, the ferret is aggressive and fearless; it can rush at an animal that is larger than it in size if it senses danger. The animal sleeps during the day and rarely leaves its shelter during daylight hours. At night the predator goes out hunting. He watches for the victim at the entrance to the home or rushes after it, sometimes even catching prey on the move. The ferret is a good swimmer, so you can find it near small rivers or other bodies of water.

Types and their features

The forest ferret has 2 domesticated species:

  • Fretka- colored ferret. A decorative representative of the species, it has fluffy fur of sable, golden or mother-of-pearl shades. A very sociable, active and inquisitive animal. Body length - 25-50 cm, weight - 800-2500 g. Frets love to sleep, they can doze up to 20 hours a day, especially in winter. The animal can be trained; you can train it to use a tray and even walk it on a leash. The diet includes food mice, mealworms, porridge with meat, and dry food. You cannot give raw food and feed at the same time; choose one or the other.
  • Furo- albino ferret. Fur white(due to the lack of melanin) or with a hint of champagne. There are some individuals with sable and pearlescent colors. The dimensions of the predator are 25-45 cm, weight is about 400 g. Distinctive feature- red eyes. It has the same qualities as the wood ferret. Loves active games and attention to yourself. It is recommended to include white meat, chicken eggs, vegetables, veal and fresh fish in the diet. It is forbidden to give furo sweets, as in large quantities they can lead to the death of the animal.

Since in the wild the ferret feeds at night, these species also need to be given food at certain times - around noon, during the day and late evening. Ferrets do not eat well in the morning.

Eating in the wild

Although the wood ferret is relatively large in size, it is a typical mouse eater. The main diet of the animal consists of:

  • small rodents - mice, rats, gerbils, voles, moles, gophers and ground squirrels;
  • frogs and toads;
  • large insects, for example, locusts;
  • hares and rabbits, can penetrate animal burrows and strangle young individuals;
  • reptiles - lizards and snakes;
  • small birds and their chicks, as well as eggs from ground clutches;
  • invertebrates such as worms;
  • carrion - if there is no other source of food, then the ferret will not disdain carrion.

Mark one interesting feature forest ferret - attacking bird's nest or getting into a hare's hole, the animal completely ruins them and strangles all the individuals located there. Although he only eats a small part.


Already 1 year after birth, a young ferret begins puberty. The rut begins in April-May, although there are also cases when this period can begin as early as February or end in August, depending on climatic conditions the area where the ferret lives.

Females can give birth up to 6 years of age!

Pregnancy lasts one and a half months, the female is able to bear from 4 to 6 cubs at a time. Ferret puppies are born very tiny and helpless, blind and deaf. The weight of a newborn is 10 g, and the length of the body is 5.5-7 cm. Females are very caring and attentive mothers; they rarely separate from the cubs, and if they do have to leave the offspring, they tightly plug the entrance to the home with straw. Females selflessly protect puppies from any danger.

Within a week, the babies are covered with silky white fur. And after a month, the puppies’ eyes open and the color of their fur changes to gray-brown.

The mother feeds the offspring with milk until they reach the age of one month, and when they have milk teeth, even before the end of the lactation period, she begins to feed the young with meat. The offspring stays with the mother until autumn, in some cases until next spring. At 3 months of age, ferrets are considered adults.

Young animals can be recognized by the presence of a special juvenile “mane”.

As for males, they participate in the process only at the mating stage, and all care for the offspring is entirely the responsibility of the female.

Natural enemies of the forest ferret

Since ferrets are small animals, in the wild they have enemies who represent mortal danger:

  • Wolves. Although ferrets run fast, they rarely manage to escape from a wolf in open areas. Therefore, they try to avoid open spaces and settle where there are a lot of bushes and similar shelters.
  • Foxes. Another terrestrial predator that is not averse to feasting on the forest ferret. Especially in winter, when foxes are short of food. Sly fox can reach a ferret even in its own hiding place if it is really hungry.
  • Lynx. Being an insidious “master of ambushes”, the predator does not leave the animal a chance to survive. A sharp teeth can eat a ferret in one bite.
  • Stray dogs. If a forest ferret gets close to a human settlement, then a dog may lie in wait for it.
  • Birds of Prey. At night, when the ferret goes hunting, he is also hunted by eagle owls or owls. During the day, golden eagles and falcons pose a danger. Although often a fight with a bird ends in victory for the ferret, since it is capable of aggressively and fearlessly counterattacking.
  • Human. The human factor cannot be excluded from this list, since it is humans who are able to reduce the population of an animal by illegally hunting for valuable fur. Human activities, such as deforestation, also cause damage to ferrets.

There are several interesting facts Things you should know about this animal:

  • among rural residents, the forest ferret has gained a negative reputation because it attacks poultry;
  • refers to valuable fur animals, however, hunting for it is not carried out and is prohibited by law, since the number of ferrets is small;
  • listed in the Red Book;
  • in the wild it lives for 3-4 years, at home life expectancy doubles;
  • the sensory system is well developed, but does not distinguish colors;
  • in the wild, hybrids of a forest ferret and a mink are often found, they are called honoriki;
  • The ferret is depicted on the coat of arms of the city of Boguchar ( Voronezh region) and the city of Oboyan (Kursk region);
  • an angry or frightened ferret may make a noise strange sound, similar to hissing;
  • the ferret's stomach is not able to digest organic fibers;
  • to prevent domestic ferrets from emitting a characteristic musky odor, a special gland is removed;
  • Leonardo da Vinci’s painting “Lady with an Ermine” depicts not an ermine at all, but a furo ferret;

So, for now, the resourceful and tenacious ferret manages to maintain its population. However main threat Its existence is still considered to be man and his activities. Perhaps very soon the animal will survive only in its domesticated forms.

A representative of the order of predators is the white ferret, which lives in flat areas. As a cute pet, he has proven himself to be a playful and very active creature that quickly gets used to people. However, we must not forget that the animal has the habits of a predator. If an animal senses a threat looming over its life, it immediately uses its fangs and a liquid with an incredibly foul odor, which is produced by special glands, to defend itself.

Representative of the order of predators - white ferret

As is known, wild ferret belongs to the weasel family. The habitat of such nimble and cute animals depends on the type of ferret. On the territory of the Russian Federation, only 2 species are common - the steppe and forest ferret. But in America, Asia and Europe there are red, white and black animals.

The forest ferret is a fairly active animal that obtains food for itself by hunting the smallest rodents. Adult wild ferrets are nocturnal. This particular species was domesticated because it has a calm disposition.

To find out what a steppe ferret looks like, just look at a photo of a forest inhabitant of this species; they are very similar. However, it is worth noting that the steppe animal is more aggressive and difficult to tame. The wild creature hunts mainly gophers and hamsters. The animal is active at night, and during the day it sleeps in a hole, hollow, crevice or small cave.

Ferret care (video)

What can you say about the characteristics of the animal?

By nature, the animal loves to hunt without competitors. That is, ferrets do not gather in groups. Nevertheless, in winter, forest inhabitants can still form not too numerous flocks, where a hierarchy is monitored.

The description of a small predator is quite interesting. Regardless of their habitat, such cute and cheerful animals have almost the same parameters, but the color of the fur of predators can be varied. For example, an animal living in the steppe has a very beautiful beige color. But the forest predator has darker fur. The black-footed ferret can be found in Europe.

The popular animal, whose ancestor was the steppe ferret, has a very interesting coloration, obtained as a result of long-term work by experienced breeders. Even baby ferrets have very sharp fangs that can cause serious injury in certain cases.

As stated above, pet can use for the best protection a liquid that has bad smell. If white ferrets are kept at home, the glands that produce this fluid must be removed.

Gallery: white ferret (25 photos)

What else can you tell us about ferrets?

Ferret is active, very affectionate and cute creature. Subject to availability proper care he will become the best pet who will amaze you with his neatness and cleanliness. An animal that lives in warmth and cozy atmosphere, will delight the owners for many years. Females are not as active as males, but they get used to people much faster, learn easily and show practically no aggression.

It should be remembered that in the absence of mating, a female can develop very serious diseases. Regardless of whether the animal is sleeping or awake, it will almost always feel danger. That is why the owner is obliged to create the most comfortable living conditions for the pet.

What ferret-like animal can attract your attention? But the answer is very simple. Only a ferret can bring brightness and fun into your measured life.

In order for your animal to always be healthy and feel great, you should consider certain features feeding. Since in natural conditions the ferret loves to hunt small rodents, you can offer him mice as the most suitable food. It is absolutely not difficult to imagine what such feeding will look like. However, such nutrition is not always acceptable.

It must be remembered that the predator is always worried about tomorrow. Therefore, he will try to hide the supply of food in the most secluded place. But the owner must prevent this by correctly calculating the portion size for the pet.

It is not recommended to feed your animal food that contains “fast” carbohydrates. After all, it is this diet that will harm the pet’s health. Several times a week, add cheese, cottage cheese and eggs to the animal’s menu. The animal spends its energy even in its sleep. In this regard, the ferret needs to be given food 2 times a day. The last meal should be about half an hour before bedtime.

Animal behavior

To ensure that your ferret does not show aggression and always feels comfortable in any home, you should raise it correctly from childhood. After all, it is during this period that he easily learns the most basic skills.

It should be remembered that in mating season the animals become too restless. The mating process itself lasts approximately 3 hours and is accompanied by loud screams, fights and quarrels between individuals. And at this time there is no need to interfere with them. The number of cubs is at least 10 in a litter.

After birth, the babies do not see or hear anything, and the female will diligently feed the cubs. Therefore, the owner must create the most acceptable diet for her.

For babies who are 3 weeks old, complementary foods can be introduced. The animals' menu should include boiled meat, whole grain porridge, vegetables, and cottage cheese. It is necessary to give children dietary supplements and vitamins.

How do ferrets relate to people and behave in a home environment?

The characteristics of the ferret's behavior towards people are very interesting. To begin with, the pet owner must remember that the ferret is a very smart and incredibly cunning animal. Therefore, in order to teach him to use the toilet and other skills, you should take a leadership position.

In the process of education, it is better to use the “carrot and stick” method, which is based on the use of rewards and punishments. The animal must understand that certain actions can lead to very unpleasant punishments, while others can lead to affection.

Very often, ferrets begin to mark their territory. Only males exhibit this instinctive feature. In addition, you need to remember that the ferret does not only dig the ground in natural conditions. Even in the house, following his instincts, he can start digging in flower pots every day.

Remember that each animal has a certain character. Therefore, by studying the characteristics of the character and manners of your beloved pet, you can raise a good friend.

Attention, TODAY only!

All living organisms on the planet are individual appearance, a method of survival, behavior, which suggests that in order to survive they must adapt to the conditions of their habitat. That is, the habitat is that part of nature that they inhabit, experiencing its influence, and in turn, influence it themselves. There is no habitat on the planet to which animals cannot adapt. Everything in the world is interconnected, and being in certain conditions environment. Such conditions that affect the life of animals in the wild are called environmental factors. These include living factors (the relationship between living things in the wild, as well as human influence) and inanimate nature(the influence on living organisms of temperature, light conditions, precipitation, soil structure and the structure of the earth's surface). As a result of the influence of the environment on the life of animals, they, in turn, developed adaptation to certain conditions and a way of life. The habitat most importantly influences the activity, nutrition, and reproduction of all living beings.

General characteristics

Ferret is carnivorous mammal the mustelid family, known to us most likely as an object of fur farming. But to many, especially rural residents, the ferret is known as an annoying and uninvited guest in their household, especially in the chicken coop. In addition to being renowned as a thief, the polecat has also become famous for its thinning “aroma”. But besides all this, ferrets are quite cute and cute animals, with a wonderful fluffy coat.

There are several species of ferret in the wild. The black ferret has a body length of 24-46 cm, the average female is 38 cm, the tail length is 14 cm, and the animals weigh from 620 grams for females and almost a kilogram for males. The animals are characterized by a muzzle color that resembles a mask and a slightly raised back, forming a so-called “hump.” The dark brown hair on the back and the underparts are almost all black. In addition to the forest ferret, the steppe ferret is also known, the largest among its relatives. By external structure and in behavior these animals are in many ways similar, only their place and habitat differ, but external difference between the two types of ferrets consists of different colors of hair: the winter fur of the forest ferret has a black-brown color with long hair, the fur of a steppe inhabitant is light yellow with thin guard hairs, the tips of which are brown. Summer fur is rarer, lower and duller in both species.


The forest polecat, or as it is also called the common or black ferret, is an inhabitant of the entire Eurasian continent. This is a popular resident Western Europe, there it populates its entire area, but recently it has gradually begun to narrow. It is dominated by broad-leaved deciduous forests on the plains and coniferous broad-leaved forests in the lowlands and coniferous forests in the mountains. A large population of ferrets lives in England, as well as in almost the entire territory of the European part of Russia, from the Urals to the western state border. The landscape of which is characterized by the presence mixed type forests with a predominance of deciduous species (oak, aspen, linden, birch). It is not found only in North Karelia, the Volga region and the Caucasus. The number of ferrets on Russian territory is subject to significant changes, and depends, first of all, on the availability of food in a certain area. The forest polecat is most common in the Smolensk region of Russia, as well as in Belarus. IN last decade The ferret has expanded its habitat and now inhabits the forests of Finland, the most rich country on forest resources, which make up 76% of its entire territory, and Karelia. It is also a common inhabitant of the northern and western forests of Africa. In the western part, ferrets inhabit subtropical forests on the slopes of the Atlas Mountains, valleys and plateaus, and hard-leaved evergreen forests with a predominance of oak species on the lower slopes. In the northern part, ferrets occupy equatorial type evergreen forests. In order to fight against rats and mice, this predator was brought to New Zealand. Currently, the ferret has quite well established itself in the evergreen beech forest lands characteristic of Zealand, and has even begun to threaten the indigenous fauna of the country.

Common ferret typical representative forests However, it avoids dense, continuous taiga massifs, and prefers small forest concentrations or isolated groves, mixed with crops and settlements, with meadow spaces or fields, rivers or other bodies of water.

The forest ferret does not like to roam and leads a sedentary lifestyle. Size hunting grounds small. At night, the ferret travels up to 5 km. Only in winter time they may increase slightly. Prefers to settle in the lowlands of small rivers, lakes, swampy places, ravines, and hollows. It uses natural camouflage as a permanent shelter, hiding in a pile of brushwood, firewood, stumps or haystacks. Sometimes a ferret can occupy the home of badgers or foxes, but the animal does not dig its own burrows. If it does dig, then they are not long, do not have tunnels - with one passage, and end in a nesting place. It is not uncommon for a ferret to find hiding places in villages or hamlets, where he makes a nest for himself in barns, a pile of firewood, or chooses some other secluded place.

The steppe ferret is the complete opposite of its brother. Forests and populated areas are not to his liking. Inhabits forest-steppes, steppes and semi-deserts. The zone of steppes and forest-steppes lies between the zone of forests and semi-deserts. That is, the forest-steppe is an intermediate zone that combines small areas of forest and areas of steppes. Forest-steppes are characterized by alternating broad-leaved and small-leaved forests, as well as mixed-grass steppes. The steppe is a plain covered with a variety of grasses, which is characterized by a complete absence of trees. The steppe ferret is a resident of these open areas. In terms of the vastness of its range, the light polecat has no rivals among steppe mammals. Its area of ​​settlement exceeds in size the range of any steppe beast. It is found throughout the steppe zone of Eurasia (the only exception is the easternmost limb), and is widespread beyond its borders. It inhabits the steppe zone, which extends into western Yugoslavia and the Czech Republic.

In Russia, the range of steppe ferrets is significantly larger than that of their forest counterpart. Here it successfully acclimatized throughout the entire area of ​​forest-steppes and steppe expanses of the Far East (from the Amur), Siberia, the European part to the Carpathians. The steppe polecat reached its largest population in the forest-steppe and steppe zones of Siberia and Ciscaucasia. This predator of open spaces has penetrated quite deeply into the taiga zone. The introduction of the light-colored ferret into the western zone of Siberia is taking place on a broad front: it spreads over all lightly snow-covered areas of the area, where it is present among rodents. common hamster. The light-colored ferret developed a special close relationship with him. Intensive plowing of land and the movement of crops north into the taiga zone influenced the spread of the hamster, which was relentlessly followed by its most avid enemy, the steppe polecat.

The ferret is also common in the steppes extending from the central and Central Asia, right up to the Far East and Eastern China.

Such regions have unique climatic, hydrological and orographic conditions. The climate of the steppes is characterized by very hot summers, when the earth is heated to the limit by the sun received, and cold winter, When earth's surface fetters severe frost. In such areas there is a large moisture deficit in summer time. The steppes are characterized by rather sharp temperature fluctuations. Therefore, it is very difficult for animals whose lives especially depend on such changes in unpredictable weather. In April, a sudden thaw may begin, and in mid-summer the temperature may drop sharply. However, the steppe representative of ferrets also acclimatized well to such conditions. Over the past half century, the range of the steppe ferret has expanded significantly towards the west and slightly north. Now the steppe ferret can be found in the west Ural mountains, on the left bank of the Volga, in the center of Russia and Europe. This expansion of the animals’ habitat is associated with human actions. As a result of deforestation and plowing of steppe zones, which caused the pumping to the north large quantities gophers, which are the main prey steppe animal, also resulted in the movement of ferrets. In this case, the influence of the factor of living nature is clearly visible, that is, the influence human activity on the habitat of the steppe ferret. In the mountains of Europe, these animals rise to a height of 800 meters, and in Central Asia this height reaches over 2600 meters. The steppe polecat settles on fallow lands, on pastures, in ravines and ravines. As a shelter, ferrets use other people's holes, mainly gophers, less often badgers or foxes. After all, without good shelter in such harsh conditions won't live long. They save the ferret not only from the heat, but also from predators, from which it is not so easy to hide from in a clearly visible area. However, the steppe ferret's ability to independently dig holes is quite well expressed. Its front paws are armed with strong, slightly curved claws (length 13-16 mm, width 1-2 mm). On hind legs claws are less developed. The connecting membranes between the fingers are better developed than in other cuniformes, and, apparently, have adaptive significance when scooping out and throwing away dug mail. When inhabiting a hole belonging to a hamster, this predator usually digs additional holes in a layer of clay so hard that it is difficult for an iron shovel to penetrate. Unlike forest dwellers, the steppe polecat is not tied to one habitat; it does not have clearly defined individual areas. In places where ground squirrels are most concentrated, they are much smaller in size, especially summer period when it is easier to get food. The winter domain of the steppe ferret varies from 12 to 18 hectares.

Lifestyle and nutrition of ferrets

There are no particular differences in the type of nutrition among ferrets. Both representatives are predators. Plant-based food is not included in their menu. The variety of food also depends on their habitat. The predominant prey in the diet of forest animals are small mice. Herbal frogs and toads, snakes, and insects play a large role in the menu. Birds hunted near bodies of water: black grouse, partridge. They can also attack domestic birds near settlements. The favorite prey of the steppe ferret are gophers and hamsters. In areas of high concentration of rodents, the number of steppe ferrets is greater than in other areas. Mouse-like rodents are included in the diet of the steppe species only as a replacement food when there is a “scarcity” of gophers, hamsters and other food. If there is a shortage of main prey, they can eat fish and carrion. It can also hunt larger prey, such as nutria. The forest representative, also possessing enough large sizes however, he prefers mostly mice on the menu. And only occasionally, climbing into hare holes, he strangles little bunnies.

Both types of ferrets hunt at night or at dusk. The activity of ferrets at night is also associated with the influence of environmental factors. Firstly, this gives predators an advantage over the prey; in the dark it is easier to get close to the prey undetected. Secondly, due to competition for food resources, all animals have developed a certain behavior, some hunt during the day, and some at night. And thirdly, most small rodents that are the main food of ferrets are also nocturnal. Plus, the night activity of animals in deserts, steppes and semi-deserts is an adaptive behavior to the habitat in which they exist. Living in the steppes, which are characterized, as already mentioned, by a very hot and very dry climate, the steppe ferret, to save moisture, sits in a shelter during the daytime, and only at dusk comes out to hunt.