Chorionic gonadotropin indications. Instructions for use of human chorionic gonadotropin - indications, dosage and side effects. Directions for use and doses

Treatment of ENT diseases requires a special approach. As a rule, therapy is complex; it can include various procedures, among which the use of the Vitafon device can be noted.

Modern treatment involves not only taking medicines, but also the use of various procedures, for example, vibroacoustic therapy, which is carried out using special equipment. The Vitafon device, which has a wide range of actions in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, is considered to be quite common and effective.

The principle of operation of the device is based on sound microvibrations of different frequencies, affecting tissues and organs. The device is equipped with a special program that provides periodically changing sound frequencies that create microvibration in organs and tissues. This allows us to achieve the following positive processes:

  • Improving lymph flow and blood circulation in capillaries.
  • Activation of immune and stem cells.
  • Elimination of puffiness.
  • Stimulating bone tissue regeneration.

During the procedure, a periodic change of frequencies occurs, determined by the selected operating mode of the device. When using the Vitafon, a slight vibration and warmth are felt in the places it affects. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct use of the device, as well as on the duration of the course. The device also helps prevent diseases.

Basic rules of application

The procedure is performed in a horizontal position on the back. A napkin is placed on the skin, and vibraphones are placed on top, which must be secured with a cuff or bandage. They should be placed depending on the type of disease, as well as in accordance with the instructions.

The basic rules are:

  1. Before using the device, you need to check the integrity of all its elements.
  2. Determine the point where the vibraphones will be located, cover them with paper or gauze, then press button C.
  3. Active elements should appear on the monitor.
  4. By default, mode No. 1 is set, which provides 1 minute of device operation. It is necessary to connect microvibration transducers, after which their activity should be displayed on the monitor.
  5. In accordance with the device instructions, select the session behavior mode.
  6. You can connect one or several vibraphones.
  7. Upon completion of the procedure, cold should be avoided for an hour.

After the device automatically shuts down, it can be used again after 1–2 minutes. There are modes 1 and 2. Vitafon can also be used for children. 1 operating mode and a reduced session time prescribed by the doctor are selected.

Indications and purpose

The range of applications of Vitafon is quite extensive. With its help, many disorders in the body are treated. As for ENT and respiratory diseases, a vibroacoustic device can help in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Bronchitis.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Tonsillitis.
  • Parotonsillitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Frontit.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Ethmoiditis.
  • Sinusitis.

Treatment and prevention of diseases can be carried out in both acute and chronic forms. The scheme of use of the device depends on the nature of the disease and is determined by a specialist, as well as the duration of therapy. Instructions for use of Vitafon contain all necessary information about how to use the device correctly.

Treatment of acute respiratory infections

Vitafon treats acute respiratory infections very well. Phonics helps the body improve the functioning of the lymphatic system, thereby reducing the frequency and duration of the disease.

The procedure is performed 2–3 times a day. At the beginning of the development of a cold, it is recommended to conduct one of the sessions at night, since at this time of day many important processes occur in the body.

The course of treatment lasts about 2 weeks. If the therapeutic effect is not sufficiently pronounced, therapy is extended for another 1 week.

Compared to treating acute respiratory infections with medications, phonation takes longer to eliminate symptoms, but subsequent courses become shorter. The incidence of recurrent disease is also reduced.

Most often, the device is applied to the liver area, where excess lymph is decomposed. Vibraphones are also located in the area of ​​the kidneys, cervical spine and mucous membranes. For example, in case of a runny nose, the nasal area is treated, in case of a sore throat, the tonsil area is treated, etc. Using Vitafon, you can completely get rid of a cold.

Treatment of sinusitis and rhinitis

Vitafon is very often used in the treatment of sinusitis. During the operation of the device, long-wave infrared radiation and a weak magnetic field occur, which allows you to achieve the following results for sinusitis:

  • Relieving swelling in the maxillary sinuses.
  • Improving capillary blood flow and regeneration.
  • Acceleration of detoxification processes.
  • Improved immune system responses.

The procedure involves applying vibraphones to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses on both sides. For acute sinusitis, it is very important to clear them of exudate. As a rule, vibroacoustic therapy is used as part of the main drug treatment. This allows you to improve the concentration of the drug in areas of inflammation. As a result, the dosage of the drug can be reduced, which will reduce the risk adverse reactions. For mild and uncomplicated forms of the disease, the device can be used as the main treatment.

If the disease is purulent, you cannot use the device.

In accordance with the instructions, vibraphones when treating sinusitis are applied to the following points:

  • K – kidney area.
  • M – liver region.
  • G – zone of the maxillary sinuses.
  • D1 – cervical region.

For chronic sinusitis, at least 3 courses are required, with breaks of about 5 days. A prerequisite is the absence of exacerbations.

The treatment regimen for rhinitis is almost the same. Vibraphones are installed on areas G and K. If the treatment was completed on time, mucus production increases on the 12th day. If rhinitis is of an allergic nature, the device can only be used at the final stage of treatment, in conjunction with anti-allergy medications.

For preventive purposes, the device can be used once a week. This will help remove mucus faster and relieve swelling of the mucous membranes, which will help improve breathing.

The first procedure takes 3 minutes. Gradually, the time of each session increases by another 2 minutes. The average course of treatment is 9–15 days. The duration of one session depends on the complexity of the disease, but does not exceed 15 minutes.

Treatment of otitis and tonsillitis

The device is often used to eliminate the symptoms of otitis media. Vibraphones are applied to the following areas:

  • D1 – highest highest point cervical region near the hair roots.
  • D2 – base of the cervical spine.
  • K – kidney area.
  • M – liver region.

The patient should be in a supine position. After the procedure, you need to turn over on your side and drip a medication into your ear, which is selected by a specialist.

After 3–5 minutes, apply vibraphones to the following areas:

  • A – the highest point of the auricle.
  • A1 is the area of ​​the middle of the ear, located below the temples.

The procedure is performed 2-3 times a day, the duration depends on the number of sessions. It is necessary to start phonation immediately when the first symptoms of the disease are present.

Treatment of tonsillitis should be carried out at a temperature no higher than 37.5 degrees. Sessions should take place 2–4 times a day. For the first 5 days, mode 1 is used, then mode 2. Before phonation, the tonsils are treated with an antiseptic, and plaque is also removed. Vibraphones are installed on areas D1, K, M, and also B (in the tonsil area). The duration of the course depends on the patient’s condition; as a rule, recovery occurs on the 16th day.

For preventive purposes, the procedure is performed 1–2 times a week for a month.

Treatment of bronchitis

Vibraphone is considered one of the effective devices for the treatment of bronchitis. The duration of the course is 9-15 days. The device is used to consolidate the result after treatment.

Installation of vibraphones is carried out with the patient lying on his back, on the area:

  • WITH - top part thoracic region.
  • E1 – area between the shoulder blades.
  • F – zone in the lower part under the shoulder blades.
  • K – kidney area.

The choice of point depends on the location of the inflammation. The procedure is carried out in mode 1, but if there is no effect or the patient’s weight is more than 80 kg, mode 2 is used.

In order to prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to begin therapy at the first symptoms. Phonation is performed on area C for 8 minutes in mode 2. A repeat session is recommended after 2–3 hours. Before going to bed, area K is phonated, with mode 2 for about 15 minutes. The exact treatment regimen will depend on the form of the disease, as well as its stage.

Therapy for chronic bronchitis may be accompanied by a cough on days 2–3, which gradually goes away. If a severe cough is observed during therapy, procedures on the lung area for 7–10 minutes will help improve the condition.

Use for children and pregnant women

In accordance with the instructions, the phonation device is allowed to be used by children younger age. For therapy of infants, 1 operating mode of the device is selected. It is important to consult a doctor before starting to use Vibrafon to determine the nature of the disease and its form.

As for the period of gestation, the device cannot be used at this moment. After childbirth, the use of Vitafon is not only allowed, but also necessary, since the device helps restore the body.


Despite the large list of positive effects, treatment with Vitafon also has contraindications, which are very important to consider. It is not recommended to use the device if the patient has:

  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Severe atherosclerosis.
  • High temperature.
  • The period of gestation.

Vibraphones cannot be used on malignant tumors, the heart area, or implanted stimulators. Also, special care should be taken when performing procedures for people with kidney stones or gallstones.

The device is unique and helps in the treatment of many diseases if used correctly. Before starting therapy, you need to consult your doctor, study the instructions and make sure there are no contraindications.

Vitafon, as indicated in the instructions for use, is a medical vibroacoustic device that has a pronounced physiotherapeutic effect on the whole organism through the creation of microvibration fields.

The device is used both for the complex treatment of existing diseases and for the preventive effect on general vegetative symptoms - fatigue, stress, decreased performance.

The description of the Vitafon device, instructions for use of which are included in the basic package, contains detailed information about the impact of the generated microvibrations on the human body - phonation.

Creating a powerful microvibration background brings the functioning of internal organs at the cellular level into a state of balance. Biological microvibrations created by muscle cells by the body itself become asynchronous with age, losing frequency and intensity. This is due to the gradual decrease energy resources body, slowing down intracellular metabolic processes inside myocytes.

Phoning Effects:

  • improvement of metabolism;
  • acceleration of immune processes;
  • stimulation of regenerative processes;
  • replenishment of the deficit of physiological microvibration;
  • improvement of capillary blood flow, venous and lymphatic outflow;

The resumption of microvibrations prevents the growth of energy imbalance, blocks the mechanisms of aging and chronic disease. The impact extends to both the primary and secondary sites of organ damage throughout the body, depending on the location of use.

The technical characteristics of the Vitafon device are presented in the instruction manual; they contain data on the basic configuration of the device and its main indicators.

Main characteristics:

  • required power supply voltage from 220 to 240 volts;
  • network frequency indicators from 50 hertz;
  • power no more than 8 VA;
  • voltage external source from 12.5 to 15.8 volts;
  • continuous operation for at least 8 hours;
  • average warranty period of at least 5 years;
  • The weight of the device is no more than 0.75 kg.

The basic package of the Vitafon device includes:

  • instructions for use;
  • user manual (with educational pictures);
  • recommendations for use;
  • electronic unit of the device;
  • protective packaging for nozzles;
  • power unit;
  • portable bag.

The device is intended for use in outpatient or home settings, in treatment-and-prophylactic and sanatorium-resort institutions. The constantly changing vibroacoustic frequency has a proven level of safety impact on human body.


Vitafon devices of various models have undergone extensive clinical trials, during which the presence of a pronounced therapeutic effect and good tolerability of the procedures were confirmed.

Precautionary measures when using Vitafon include recommendations on techniques for using the device at home for individual use.

Correct use of the device requires compliance with the following rules:

  • keep the device body dry;
  • Do not wipe the operating device with dry or wet wipes;
  • It is strictly forbidden to use the device in the bathroom;
  • The device cannot be used in a car;
  • before use, you must ensure that the plug, socket, and wires are intact;
  • prevent falls and impacts of the device;
  • It is prohibited to put the device cord and vibration tones together;
  • during the procedure, the device must be on a hard surface;
  • The device can only be stored in its original packaging.

Compliance with simple precautions allows you to extend the life of the Vitafon device and avoid the unpleasant consequences of improper use.

The instructions for use describe in detail how long the Vitafon device can be used; the positive effect of vibration frequencies on the body allows you to use the device throughout a person’s entire life.

Regular use of the device allows you to maintain physiological microvibration processes inside organs at the same level.

Instructions for using Vitafon for children include using the device from the very beginning. early age with the correct selection of the vibration frequency mode. The device affects the digestive processes, relieves colic in children in the first months of life, and stops painful teething. For infants and children under three years of age, the first vibration mode is suitable.

A consultation with a pediatrician must be carried out before using the Vitafon device. to determine indications, select a regimen, and duration of treatment. The use of the device, both in childhood and in adulthood, significantly increases the effectiveness of the medications used and speeds up the process of eliminating unpleasant symptoms of diseases.

The use of Vitafon during pregnancy is strictly contraindicated, since microvibrations can presumably negatively affect intrauterine growth and development of the fetus. Clinical studies have not been conducted among pregnant women, therefore the official instructions for use prohibit the use of the device due to the possibility of a teratogenic effect.

During lactation, Vitafon is indicated without restrictions, especially in the first three weeks after birth, when a large number of milk can cause stasis, mastitis. Microvibrations cause an increase in microcapillary blood flow of the mammary gland, accelerate the outflow of milk, and prevent the development of lactostasis.

The use of the Vitafon device in elderly people has an extremely positive effect on their well-being and the course of chronic diseases.

Indications for the procedure in the elderly are quite extensive, some of them:

  • chronic diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • disturbances of blood flow in the extremities;
  • weakness;
  • feeling tired;
  • constant fatigue;
  • to increase the effectiveness of conservative therapy;
  • use of local medications (drops, ointments, gels).

The device is actively used as a way to relieve pain in older people during exacerbation of diseases, chronic muscle pain in former athletes or overwork and exacerbations of rheumatism in summer residents in summer period. Results are achieved after the first two procedures; a decrease in the severity of symptoms occurs immediately after the first procedure.

Vitafon: indications for use, contraindications and use at home

Before using the Vitafon device for the first time, the indications for use determine the presence of certain symptoms in the treatment of which the effectiveness of vibration frequencies has been proven.

A large number of modifications and a wide selection of model ranges allow you to select a device taking into account individual characteristics.

For which diseases the use of the Vitafon device is prescribed is described in detail in the instructions for use, however, before the first procedure, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor, collect laboratory tests, and in some cases, instrumental examination methods.

The device is used for diseases:

  • reproductive function (decreased libido, potency);
  • prostate gland (chronic, granulomatous prostatitis, benign hyperplasia);
  • female genital organs (endometritis, salpingoophoritis, chronic adnexitis);
  • urinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis, bladder atony, renal dysfunction);
  • Central nervous system (neuropathy, cerebral palsy, paralysis, sensorineural hearing loss, sensory and motor disorders, decreased sound sensitivity);
  • musculoskeletal system (traumatic lesions, compression fractures, bruises, intervertebral hernias, sprains, radiculitis);
  • articular system (trauma, osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, chondrosis, chondritis);
  • vegetative-vascular function (insomnia, fatigue, stress);
  • respiratory system (bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, prolonged pneumonia);
  • organ of vision (glaucoma, cataract);
  • of cardio-vascular system ( high blood pressure, hypotension);
  • ENT organs (otitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis);
  • skin (furunculosis, eczema, rash, trophic ulcer);
  • Gastrointestinal tract (dyspepsia, constipation, fecal incontinence, hemorrhoids).

The device is also used after surgical interventions as postoperative rehabilitation therapy.

This causes rapid restoration of the functions of the operated tissues and organs, healing of the postoperative wound and sutures.

Vibration waves have a positive effect on burn patients various degrees in the healing stage, with frostbite of the extremities, after hypothermia or with severe swelling.

The spectrum of action extends to dental pathology, is used for stomatitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease, and to restore tooth enamel. Therapeutic effect on various diseases The Vitafon device lies in the nature of the effect on the patient’s tissues and organs.

Improving blood microcirculation after exposure to vibroacoustic waves has a positive effect on:

  • intracellular respiration;
  • cell lifespan;
  • tissue trophism;
  • lymph outflow;
  • immunity;
  • synthesis of enzymes, hormones;
  • cell function;
  • function of internal organs;
  • rheological properties of blood.

Stabilization of the valves of lymphatic vessels, arteries and veins leads to a directed flow of blood and lymph, microvibration waves create a pumping effect that cleanses tissues of:

  • slags;
  • toxins;
  • metabolic products;
  • dead cells.

The regulated outflow of fluid prevents the occurrence of edema, this ensures the outflow of venous blood and stabilizes the pressure inside the organs. Such changes have a beneficial effect on the functioning of vital organs and systems, lead to the elimination of the pathological focus, and the rapid onset of remission.

It is worth noting

For use at home, the Vitafon device is quite simple and convenient and does not require specific training. Following the instructions in the operating instructions leads to excellent results in a short time.

Before using the device yourself, you should prepare the surface (table, cabinet) for placing the device, and carefully read the instructions.

It is necessary to determine:

  • place of impact;
  • procedure time;
  • frequency of procedures;
  • duration of the course.

If the patient cannot decide on the conditions for phonation, he needs to contact his attending physician, who will help answer all questions. When receiving in parallel medicines A doctor's consultation is also necessary.

Contraindications to the use of the Vitafon device are:

  • hyperthermia, increased body temperature above 37.5;
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of malignant tumors, metastases;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • increased thrombosis;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • installed pacemaker.

It is strictly forbidden to use the device in the area of ​​the heart or large vessels; this can lead to the development of arrhythmia, extrasystole, and heart rhythm disturbances. In case of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, independent use of the device is limited and is possible only under the supervision of a physician.

Vibroacoustic device Vitafon, step-by-step instructions and technique

Detailed instructions for using the device Vibroacoustic device Vitafon contains step-by-step techniques for using the device independently at home.

Preparation for the procedure performed by the Vitafon vibroacoustic device is not required, due to the partial automation of the process and ease of use at home. Before the first use, the device body, vibraphones and transducers should be treated with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide applied to cotton fabric in small quantities.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Before first use, make sure that the case, plug, and cord of the device are intact;
  • click on the “Start” button;
  • check the display of all active elements on the monitor;
  • after two or three seconds the electronic display will display the set mode;
  • when turned on for the first time, Mode No. 1 is determined for one minute;
  • connect microvibration transducers;
  • the connection will be displayed on the monitor;
  • select the required mode and procedure time using the buttons indicated in the instructions;
  • connect one or more vibraphones;
  • place on an area of ​​the body;
  • turn on the "Start" button.

The device will automatically begin the procedure, and a timer will be displayed on the display counting down the time until the end of the session. After the time has expired, the device will emit a characteristic sound signal. Before the first procedure, if difficulties arise in organizing the procedure, you can use the video instructions on the manufacturer’s website.

After completing the operation of the device, it must be carefully turned off from the network and placed in its original box to prevent external damage to the case or wires, or damage to the integrity of the vibraphones.

Differences in the model range of the Vitafon vibroacoustic device:

  • Vitafon classic, the most simple model, eliminates the deficiency of tissue microvibration, restores capillary blood flow, convenient and safe for home use.
  • Vitafon-T can be used in a car, which significantly increases the mobility of the device and its popularity.
  • Vitafon-2 is equipped not only with microvibration, but also with infrared radiation, and there is full automation for regulating the intensity of exposure.
  • Vitafon-IR has new characteristics of frequency, field strength, exposure time, and is extremely effective in treatment after the latest modernization.
  • Vitafon-5 is the latest innovation, which includes positive sides previous models and eliminated shortcomings.

The Vitafon-5 vibroacoustic device is also distinguished by its complete autonomy of use, thanks to batteries, and the ability to carry equipment. Multiple clinical studies confirm it high efficiency compared to older models.

Treatment with Vitafon: instructions for using the device for the treatment of prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis with Vitafon is extremely effective when taking medications. Complex therapy quickly eliminates unpleasant symptoms, restores urination, improves the quality of life of a man.

For prostatitis, treatment with Vitafon, as indicated in the instructions, should follow a special scheme developed by the attending physician.

The therapeutic effect on prostatitis is due to the restoration of blood flow through the small capillaries of the prostate parenchyma, elimination of edema, and normalization of secretion. The prostate tissue is gradually restored, foci of local inflammation disappear, and normal prostate function returns.

You can not only carry out treatment with Vitafon, the instructions also recommend using the device for preventive purposes one to two times within six months from the moment of the last exacerbation. The duration of the course is determined by the urologist, taking into account the severity of clinical symptoms and changes in laboratory parameters.

Prices for the Vitafon device differ depending on the model and the number of vibraphones. Old models before 2007 have a price range from 3,100 to 4,300 thousand rubles. Newer the lineup, including the main representative of Vitafon-5, has cost fluctuations from 4600 to 7400 thousand rubles.

Vitafon was invented in 1994 and is a physiotherapeutic device that has unique properties. When taking Vitafon, a wide range of traumatic and inflammatory diseases are treated much more effectively. Highly effective treatment occurs due to an increase in lymph flow and microcapillary blood flow many times in the part of the body affected by Vitafon. The device affects tissue and skin with microvibration resulting from a constantly shifting sound frequency. It occurs within the given parameters automatic program within. The limits for the first range are 20Hz-4.5 kHz, the second – 200Hz-18 kHz.

Instructions for use

  • Before first use, make sure that the case, plug, and cord of the device are intact;
  • cover the membrane surfaces of the Vitafon device with paper, gauze or a cotton towel;
  • press button C (“Start”/“Stop”);
  • check the display of all active elements on the monitor;
  • after 2-3 seconds the electronic display will display the set mode;
  • when turned on for the first time, Mode No. 1 is determined for one minute;
  • connect microvibration transducers;
  • the connection will be displayed on the Vitafon monitor;
  • select the required mode and procedure time using the buttons indicated in the instructions for use;
  • connect one or more vibraphones;
  • place on an area of ​​the body and start using the device;
  • after the Vitafon treatment session ends, the device will automatically stop working. He only needs 1-2 seconds to rest. After this, you can select a new mode, data about which and the duration of the session will be displayed on the Vitafon display.

The fact that the Vitafon is in operation is indicated by the continuous sound of a change in frequency produced by the vibrating membranes. The sound frequencies for 5-30 seconds will be lower - 30-60 Hz. After 30 seconds of operation of the device, the frequencies will constantly change. They will be very low or very high and reverse order: very high to very low. High frequencies are close to ultrasound (from 90,000 to 18,000 Hz).

Vitafon: when and how to perform phonation.

The body experiences the greatest deficiency of microvibrations at night. In accordance with the instructions for using Vitafon, it is recommended to perform phonation before going to bed and immediately after waking up. If the effect is insufficient, the procedures are performed 2-4 times a day. In critical conditions (herniated disc, hypertensive crisis, etc.) periodically and around the clock 6-12 times. According to the Vitafon instructions, phonation is performed in the following way. Vibraphones are applied through a thin sanitary napkin to the skin and secured with hands, an elastic bandage or a special cuff. Details are given in the book instructions for the Vitafon.

Procedure time when using Vitafon

The procedure time depends on the number of vibraphones (devices) used simultaneously. The total dose is measured by the number of procedures performed using the phonation technique. To achieve the desired result, a very specific total dose sufficient for it is required. So, to heal a small fresh wound, 3-4 procedures will be required, to heal a trophic ulcer - 100 procedures in 3-6 weeks, in order to reduce the treatment of a fracture by 10 days, 60 procedures are required in 2-3 weeks, in order to cure hepatitis About 400 procedures will be required over 6-9 months.

Instructions for using Vitafon in pictures - diagrams of points

Table: Vitafon impact points, power levels, application time

Correspondence of modes between different Vitafon devices

*When using Vitafon-5, the designation 1-5 means that the procedures begin in mode 1 and gradually increase to mode 5, then continue phonation in mode 4 or 5, choosing greater comfort of perception. The designation 6-9 means a gradual increase in the mode.

Photo 1: Vitafon impact areas in the chest and abdominal cavity

Photo 2: Vitafon treatment areas in the neck, back and kidneys

Photo 3: Areas of influence of Vitafon in the area of ​​the shoulder and elbow joint

Photo 4: Areas of application of Vitafon in the groin and leg joints

Photo 5: Vitafon impact areas on the spine

Photo 6.7: Installation of a vibraphone in the eye area

Popular question: is it permissible to use Vitafon in the treatment of heel spurs?

Yes, in in this case The use of Vitafon is effective; the device is used to accelerate the resorption of heel spurs and prevent degradation of the tendon ligament. The approximate course of treatment for spurs is 2-3 weeks. How can Vitafon help with heel spurs? Heel pain can be reduced, and the resorption of heel spurs can be accelerated by saturating the pathological area with microvibration. Thanks to the effects of microvibration (phonation by Vitafon), immune cells pass through tissues faster and more actively with less tissue pressure. As a result, the pain decreases and the spur resolves faster. To reduce the traumatic load on the tendon and prevent the disease, the kidney area is additionally phonated.

Vitafon for children

According to the instructions for use, Vitafon can be used to treat young children. When using, you need to select the vibration mode correctly. Only the first mode is suitable for infants.

Vitafon during pregnancy

The Vitafon instructions prohibit using the device during pregnancy. Use 2-3 weeks after birth in the lumbar and cruciate area helps normalize the functioning of the abdominal organs and normalize the menstrual cycle, promotes more fast healing wounds and prevents complications from developing. Within a few days after its use, wounds and stitches will accelerate their healing.

Vitafon during breastfeeding

Often women who have given birth have problems with breastfeeding - this is an insufficient amount of milk. If expressing milk does not increase milk production by the mammary glands, then the cause is a deterioration in the blood supply to the mammary glands. Recommended after each breastfeeding daytime conduct a session lasting 5-10 minutes. Thanks to such procedures, lactation will improve and the risk of mastitis will decrease. Using Vitafon will help cope with such troubles as painful cracks in the nipples and blockage of the mammary glands.

Indications for use of Vitafon

When Vitafon was created, it was intended to treat the consequences of injuries. Research results show that more and more diseases can be treated using the device.

Vitafon is effective for the following diseases:

  • arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid polyarthritis;
  • alcohol withdrawal syndrome;
  • BPH;
  • bronchitis;
  • calluses;
  • cerebral palsy, consequences of cerebral palsy;
  • bruises, bruises, hematomas, swelling;
  • constipation;
  • cystitis;
  • stomatitis, periodonitis, periodontal disease;
  • fecal and urinary incontinence;
  • gastritis;
  • glaucoma;
  • otitis;
  • impotence;
  • sinusitis, rhinitis;
  • recovery of radiculitis, osteochondrosis, spinal injuries;
  • voice development;
  • complications of scoliosis;
  • mastitis.

Despite such a large list of diseases where the Vitafon device is effective, consulting a doctor before starting use is necessary. Hasty treatment and ignoring recommended treatment methods is not appropriate here.

The therapeutic effect of the Vitafon device is:

  • improving lymph drainage, relieving swelling;
  • nutrition of cells, stimulation of capillary blood flow;
  • improving immunity;
  • improving venous outflow;
  • cleansing tissues of waste and toxins;
  • restoration of regeneration processes, including bone tissue;
  • stimulating the release of stem cells into the bloodstream.

The duration of treatment sessions with Vitafon should increase gradually. In the absence of an accurate diagnosis, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Contraindications for using Vitafon

The device cannot be used in the following cases:

  • for oncological diseases;
  • with thrombophlebitis and atherosclerosis;
  • for acute infectious diseases, colds and flu;
  • at elevated body temperature;
  • in areas of implanted stimulators;
  • during pregnancy.

Precautions when using Vitafon

The housing of the device must always remain dry. It is prohibited to wipe dust from a working Vitafon device with a wet cloth. You cannot use Vitafon in a bathroom or shower. The instructions prohibit the use of the device plugged into a car socket while driving. vehicle. Before you start using the Vitafon device, you need to make sure that the plug and socket are not damaged.

The device should be protected from falls. The vibrotones of the device consist of small mechanical and optical parts, which can fail if they hit a hard surface. Vibrotone and cords must not be placed together. During use, the Vitafon should be placed on a table or bedside table, where it cannot fall, and it will be convenient to use it. After completing the treatment session, you must turn off the device and place it in the original box for storage.

Price in pharmacies

The price of Vitafon in different pharmacies may vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain.

Read the official information about the drug Vitafon, the instructions for use of which include general information and treatment plan. The text is provided for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

Designed for home use special devices which have physiotherapeutic properties. They help improve blood circulation in the affected area, relieve pain, and locally relieve inflammatory process. Such devices include the Vitafon device, which is known for its unique characteristics. Read its instructions for use.

What is Vitafon

According to the instructions, Vitafon is a physiotherapeutic device that allows you to treat a wide range of traumatic and inflammatory diseases. Its principle of action is based on a multiple increase in lymph flow and microcapillary circulation in local areas of the body. The device creates microvibration of tissues and skin, constantly changes the sound frequency: 20Hz–4.5 kHz, 200 Hz–18 kHz. The device can be used at home.

It is popular in sanatoriums and medical institutions, beauty salons. The development of the device took place in 1994. There are micro-oscillations in the human body - they are needed to support blood and lymph flow, conduct all energy flows, and improve metabolism. If they go astray, diseases occur. Vitafon is used to replenish energy loss. It helps get rid of chronic diseases, increases physical activity. The vibroacoustic device can be used at any age.

Device models

The effect of the Vitafon device is called phonation. There are several models of the device, each of which has its own instructions. Description of devices:

  1. Vitafon - the simplest model, eliminates the deficiency of microvibration in body tissues. Does not have a timer. The device is used for the prevention and treatment of disorders of lymph flow and blood circulation in the capillaries. The procedure helps relieve swelling, improve lymphatic drainage, increase the outflow of venous blood, increase cellular nutrition and immune activity, and speed up the regeneration process.
  2. Vitafon-IR – differs from the first model in frequency, presence of infrared radiation, and amplitude. The effectiveness of the device is due to a combination of vibroacoustics and infrared radiation. This provides trophic, decongestant, analgesic, regenerative and anti-inflammatory effects. More efficient to use this model for the treatment of inflammation, lymphostasis of the vessels of the lower extremities.
  3. Vitafon-T is the most popular model of the device; it has an adaptation for use in a car. The device has a timer that automatically turns off operation after completion of the procedure, and a remote power supply. The set includes a storage bag, so you don’t have to take the device out of it during use, and the cords are conveniently fixed. The device combines thermal and microvibration effects.
  4. Vitafon 2 – automatically adjusts the impact, which changes depending on the weight and height of the user. The impact is based on synchronous frequencies that continuously change in specified audio ranges. This model is used for the treatment of intervertebral disc herniation, prostate adenoma, pathologies of the hip joint, fractures, injuries, and the prevention of bedsores.
  5. Vitafon 5 – the last one new model, which combines all the advantages of previous devices. The device has simple controls, an autonomous power supply, memory of a previously performed procedure, 9 power modes for different zones impact. The set includes a belt, a vest for the chest, a mattress for the back, a cuff with pockets for converters.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, the device has a large number of indications for use. Here are just a few from the list:

  • arthritis, arthrosis, polyarthritis, radiculitis;
  • gastritis;
  • prostate adenoma, impotence;
  • tonsillitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, periodontal disease, otitis media, rhinitis, bronchitis;
  • hematomas;
  • osteochondrosis, scoliosis;
  • carbuncles, boils;
  • lactostasis (lactation disorder);
  • pyelonephritis, cystitis, enuresis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • withdrawal;
  • insomnia;
  • dislocations, vertebral hernias;
  • restoration of a broken voice;
  • flaccid paralysis;
  • burns, hypothermia;
  • acne;
  • dystonia;
  • muscle strains;
  • traumatic brain injuries.

How to use Vitafon

The instructions for the Vitafon device contain information about its use in great detail. Treatment is carried out in a supine position, vibraphones are applied to the skin over a thin napkin and secured with an elastic bandage or cuff. After the procedure, you need to stay warm for an hour. For diseases of different organs, the place of influence of the device changes.

For men

According to the instructions, the vibraphone is optimal for the treatment of impotence. Healing procedures give a lasting effect, have a beneficial effect on the pelvic organs. Potency returns if sexual impotence was caused by circulatory failure (physiological, not psychological problems). Vibration procedures help men with inflammation of the prostate gland. The influence of a vibraphone helps reduce pain in prostatitis, improve the functioning of the genital organs, relieve congestion, and increase arousal.

For women

The device helps treat and prevent the development of many diseases; it is used in for cosmetic purposes. Vibration procedures relieve swelling, heal wounds, and make postoperative scars softer and more elastic. Women more often than men suffer from sleep disorders, so using the device helps relieve problems with falling asleep and insomnia, and prevent the harmful effects of lack of sleep on skin aging.

The device is also used to relax tense muscles. If a woman is planning a pregnancy, then several months before conception you can undergo a course of vibroacoustic manipulations to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Also, using the device helps eliminate irregular periods if the failure is caused by physiological pathologies (in case of hormonal imbalance, the device is powerless).

The vibraphone can be used by women, girls and girls whose menstrual cycle is just becoming established. The instructions for use warn that the use of the device shortens the duration of menstruation by 1-2 days, which is associated with the stimulating effect of vibration currents on the adrenal glands and gonads, which affect the tone of the uterus.

In old age

For patients over 65 years of age, using the device is especially useful. At this age, hypertension is often a manifestation; high blood pressure can lead to heart pain, heart overload and myocardial infarction. This can result in stroke, paralysis and even death. The use of Vitafon by hypertensive patients helps normalize blood pressure, prevent the occurrence of a hypertensive crisis, and relieve symptoms of dizziness, weakness, and nausea.

After diagnosing hypertension, the instructions recommend using the vibraphone once a day before bed. If there is a persistent increase in blood pressure or renal hypertension, you should consult a doctor to prescribe complex therapy. The use of special medications together with vitaphonotherapy will help the patient achieve normalization of blood pressure and prevent the development of dangerous diseases.

Vitafon during pregnancy

According to the instructions, pregnancy is a contraindication for using Vitafon. The operation of the device itself is safe and cannot harm the pregnancy of the child, microvibration improves blood flow, but it is not yet known how the use of vibration currents can affect the health of the unborn child. After childbirth, the device can be used without restrictions.

If, during the passage of the child through the birth canal, tears have formed in the perineum, then using the device will help speed up their healing and prevent the occurrence of complications. 2-3 weeks after giving birth, a woman can undergo several courses of Vitaphonotherapy in the sacrum and lumbar region. Such procedures will help normalize the functioning of the abdominal organs.

Using the device after the birth of a child will help a woman cope with constipation, intestinal spasms, vaginal stretching, and speed up the healing of sutures when caesarean section, hemorrhoidal cones. The effect of vibroacoustics eliminates inflammation of the bladder, osteochondrosis of the spine, alleviates the condition of a young mother, and normalizes the production of breast milk if dysfunction of the mammary glands is associated with deterioration of the blood supply to the organs.

If you have hypolactia, you should use the device for 5-10 minutes after each daily feeding. This will additionally prevent the occurrence of mastitis. Similarly, the impact of vibroacoustic waves will accelerate the healing of cracks in the breast, eliminate blockage of the milk ducts, and increase blood circulation and lymph flow in the affected area of ​​the female breast.

In childhood

Excessive activity in children often leads to sprains, bruises and dislocations. To speed up recovery of the damaged area, doctors advise using the device regularly. According to the instructions, it relieves swelling and accelerates the resorption of hematomas. For bruises, use the device after two hours, for sprains and dislocations - after 10 hours. For wounds – every other day. Using the device prevents the formation of scars and complications.

If the child has burns no higher than second degree (the skin has retained its integrity), then the vibraphone can be used five minutes after the injury. Exposure to vibration currents improves digestion, helps cope with cisculatory encephalopathy, enuresis, intestinal paresis, fecal incontinence, hip dysplasia, flat feet, and postural disorders. The procedure can replace another manipulation - electrophoresis of the cervical spine. Infants are recommended to use only the first operating mode of the device.

Vitafon for sinusitis

For inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, the procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day - in the evening before bed and in the morning after waking up. For the first few days, you can use the device at night. In case of acute sinusitis, the procedure is carried out by a doctor, who first cleanses the sinuses of pus. The course of treatment for sinusitis with Vitafon is 28 days. If this is not enough, sessions are carried out three times a day for a week. For chronic sinusitis, the course is repeated 2-3 times a year. Treatment is carried out before the onset of exacerbation (during remission). For enlarged adenoids, therapy is carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Vitafon for diabetes

The use of the device is indicated in the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The device is placed on the chest, which helps stimulate the pancreas, which produces insulin. According to the instructions, the use of the device leads to a decrease in the level of glycemia in patients. To avoid diabetic foot, which risks developing into gangrene, phonation is performed in the kidney area. Diabetics with type 2 disease (non-insulin dependent) who simultaneously take oral hypoglycemic drugs respond better to physical therapy.

Vitafon in cosmetology

The use of the device for cosmetic purposes is popular. To smooth out facial wrinkles, the instructions advise installing vibraphones on problem areas. Each area is exposed to vibration current for five minutes. At home, you can use the device 3-4 times a week before going to bed; you can first apply cosmetic cream or serum to the skin. To relieve swelling around the eyes, apply the device daily for 20-30 minutes. To smooth out scars, procedures are carried out every day for 15 minutes.

For athletes

During training or competitions, injuries, sprains and bruises often occur. For quick recovery athletes can use the described device. According to the instructions, it increases the speed of wound healing. For prevention, the use of the device helps strengthen the lumbosacral and cervical regions spine, improve coordination of movements, performance. Vitaphonotherapy relieves muscle soreness, increases performance, and maximizes results due to the accumulation of glucose and oxygen in the muscles.

The compact vibroacoustic device Vitafon weighing 0.5 kg has found its application in medical, preventive and sanatorium institutions, where its effectiveness is documented and repeatedly proven in practice. This device has a unique therapeutic effect on the human body, which is achieved through repeated enhancement of biophysical microvibrations, microcapillary blood flow and lymph flow at the point of application.

Vitafon device, consisting of an IR emitter and a vibraphone - two paired transducers connected to electronic unit, is used in complex therapy of various diseases of both traumatic and inflammatory origin. The combined effect of microvibrations of constantly changing sound frequency and infrared radiation, implemented in the Vitafon, leads to a lasting therapeutic effect.

IN last years An increasing number of people are purchasing physiotherapeutic equipment for treatment various diseases at home. The device is intended for the prevention and treatment of a wide range of pathological conditions of the body associated with disorders of lymph flow and capillary blood flow, including kidney diseases, prostate adenoma in men, gynecological diseases, arterial hypertension, periodontal disease, hemorrhoids, pyelonephritis.

Vitafon: mechanism of action

Microvibration of tissue occurs in a contact manner through the influence of constantly changing sound frequencies produced by a vibraphone. Moreover, changing the frequency in certain parameters and switching from one range to another is carried out according to a certain, preset program. Microvibration by sound waves significantly enhances its effect when exposed to infrared radiation transmitted from the IR emitter included with the device.

Phonation ( vibroacoustic impact) allows you to directly influence blood flow in vessels with a small diameter. Each frequency range affects vessels of a certain caliber. That is why, to improve blood supply to tissues, activate blood flow and lymph flow in the pathological focus, a wide range of frequencies programmed in the device is used.

Vitafon produces constantly changing frequencies over a wide range.

  1. The frequency of band I constantly varies between 20 Hz - 4.5 kHz. This type phonation is designed to influence the flow of blood in the veins.
  2. The frequency of band II constantly varies between 200 Hz - 18 kHz. Phonation carried out in this range is aimed at enhancing the result of reducing hydrodynamic resistance in small vessels - capillaries.

The device is easy to use, its use is not difficult even for older people. By dialing several ready-made settings and selecting a specific microvibration mode, capillary microcurrent and lymph flow are activated in the affected areas of the body. The treatment zone of influence is from 5 to 7 cm.

Vitafon: indications for use

  • Most often, at home, the device treats hematomas, contusions, bruises, sprains, injuries, bone fractures, skin diseases and inflammatory phenomena. Hardware procedures are prescribed in the complex treatment of sinusitis, rhinitis and other ENT diseases.
  • Application in dermatology: boils, carbuncles, acne, pimples, acne, trophic ulcers, postoperative sutures, burns, frostbite, calluses, heel spurs.
  • Application in otolaryngology: tonsillitis (tonsillitis), rhinitis (runny nose), sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear), restoration and development of the voice, sensorineural hearing loss.
  • Application in pulmonology: bronchitis (acute and chronic phase), smoker's bronchitis, cough.
  • Use in therapy: prevention and treatment of colds, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza during the period when the patient’s body temperature is normal.
  • Application in urology and gynecological practice: cystitis, enuresis, prostate adenoma, impotence, frigidity, prostatitis.
  • In dentistry: periodontal disease, stomatitis, dental periodontitis.
  • In traumatology: bone fractures, sprains, dislocations and subluxations.
  • In rheumatology and orthopedics: arthritis, rheumatoid polyarthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis.
  • In neurology: insomnia, flaccid paralysis, neuroses, hypertension.
  • The device has proven itself well in ophthalmology. Procedures are prescribed for the treatment and prevention of cataracts, glaucoma, farsightedness and myopia.

It should be noted that procedures with the device not only improve treatment results, but also give our body additional energy for the normal functioning of all organs and systems, expanding the possibilities of independent recovery.

Vitafon against burns

Complex therapy using the device for burn lesions is carried out from the first day. Moreover, the earlier you start using the device, the lower the risk of complications, in particular burn shock, which most often occurs in children.

Vibration of the burn wound surface is carried out through a dry or moistened sterile napkin with an antiseptic solution. The procedure time is from 10 to 15 minutes, the frequency is from 1 to 3 times a day. Therapy is carried out until the patient is completely healed.

For large burn areas, the areas of skin projections of the kidneys are additionally exposed to Vitafon. Naturally, therapy for these conditions should be carried out in a hospital setting and under the constant supervision of specialists.