Vladimir icon history of creation. Description of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

There are many in the world different images Virgin Mary, who appeared at the very different time. All of them are revered by Christians and considered miraculous. But the Vladimir Icon is most revered Mother of God, which has quite interesting story origin, numerous miraculous deeds are attributed to her. It differs from all the others not only in the manner of writing, but also in its meaning for Christians.

If you believe history, then the first image of the Mother of God was a portrait painted by Saint Luke on a board from the table at which little Jesus, the Virgin Mary and Joseph were eating. When the Mother of God saw this work, she blessed it and promised that from now on all her images would bring only heavenly grace into the world.

The Vladimir icon was in Jerusalem for a long time. But during the reign of Theodosius the Younger it was moved to the capital of the Byzantine state - Constantinople. A century later, the icon was donated to Yuri Dolgoruky. On the territory of Rus' it long time was stored in Vyshgorsky convent. It was from there that rumors of her miraculous power spread throughout the world.

The icon remained in the monastery until 1155, when Andrei Bogolyubsky ordered its transfer to the city of Vladimir. The world famous Assumption Cathedral was erected here for the image. And the icon itself has since received the name of the Vladimir Mother of God. It was at this time that a precious frame of gold and silver was made for the image, decorated with a large number of precious stones and pearls.

Since ancient times, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God guarded the troops of Rus' during the raids of invaders. The main examples of her miraculous intercession include the victory of Andrei Bogolyubsky over the Bulgars and the defeat of Tamerlane’s army. During the latter's invasion, the image was brought to one of the churches in Moscow and an akathist was read before it by all the monks and ministers. Khan Tamerlane was afraid of the power of the Vladimir Mother of God and retreated before her power. Historians say that in a dream, the khan dreamed of a detachment in shining armor descending from a mountain, over which the Mother of God of Vladimir hovered and blessed the troops.

The day when the icon was brought to the Moscow temple has since been celebrated as the Feast of the Presentation. This day usually falls on September 8 or August 26 according to the old style. And in memory of the miracle performed by the Mother of God, it was erected Sretensky Cathedral and a monastery.

In the life of every person, a variety of situations can happen that require immediate solutions. If ordinary and familiar methods do not give the desired results, then people turn to the Mother of God, who hears, sees, and always comes to the aid of those praying.

The Vladimir Mother of God performed many miracles. But the most famous and difficult to interpret are the following:

Miracles were performed not only by the icon itself, but also by numerous copies of it, which are distributed throughout the world. There are legends about these miracles that confirm the power of the Vladimir Mother of God.

This shrine has witnessed many events in Russia. She was able to go through all the military campaigns with the troops, and was at the coronation of the emperors. The naming of many patriarchs took place before her. Prayers are read to her at the moment when it is necessary to calm the anger of enemies, remove their anger and eliminate the fear of those who go on a military campaign.

Many parishioners turned to the Mother of God with prayers for making a fateful decision or for her to grant strength in getting what they wanted. It is she who helps to get rid of many diseases and heal even the most seriously ill people. The icon of the Vladimir Mother of God helps:

  • strengthen faith and gain strength to cope with any adversity;
  • to be healed of blindness and heart disease;
  • get rid of sinful thoughts and bad intentions;
  • accept what is important and fateful decision when a person cannot understand what to do in a given situation.

Meaning Vladimir icon The Mother of God has always been great for all Russian people. It helps in the most difficult times, when there is nowhere else to wait for protection and help. But we can say that such an icon is not the only one. And here will be the mistake - this image is very different from others with a similar context.

Based on the type of writing, it belongs to the “Caressing” variety. This image is one of the most lyrical of all possible depictions of the face of the Virgin Mary. With one hand, the Mother of God holds the baby, hugging him to herself and protecting him from the whole world. Their faces are pressed against each other, which reveals a completely different side of the communication between mother and son. In this icon they appear not as the Mother of God and the Child of God, but as simple mother and son who endlessly love each other.

Only the mother and baby are depicted on the canvas. There are no angels, no archangels, no one else on the canvas. The head of the Mother of God is tilted towards the baby, and he hugs her neck with his hand. Distinctive feature The icon is that the baby's leg is curved and his foot is visible.

The main prayer to the face of the Vladimir Mother of God is the following:

Today, the original image is located in Tolmachi in the museum at the Church of St. Nicholas. But even knowing where the original icon is located, you should not rush to go to pay homage to it. You can pray to any of the lists that are located in many churches in Russia.

For every Russian person has great value Vladimir icon. She helps in the most unexpected and difficult situations. Therefore, in many homes there is an image of the Mother of God, in front of which candles are placed and prayers are offered for the bestowing of health to loved ones.

Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God helps

What does the Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God help with: how to pray to the Vladimir Icon correctly, The meaning of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God and how it helps

What does the Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God help with: how to pray to the Vladimir Icon correctly

The Lord’s favor and disposition towards our sinful, suffering world is great, and it is hard not to notice this. You need to take a closer look, and you can see it in the ordinary confession of every Christian, in the humble shine of immaculate faces, in the course of our history and the fate of leaders. And also the goodwill and favor of God are presented to us in the form of sacred icons, of which ours is so rich Orthodox church. As before, so today it has a special significance and respect among people who believe in God has a face.

The icon of the Vladimir Mother of God is the patroness Russian people and herself Russian Federation. According to legend, this appearance was described by the Evangelist Luke during the period of Her earthly existence. And seeing her own image, the Virgin Mary said:

From now on, everyone will please me. The grace of the one born from me, and mine will arrive with this face.

Throughout the entire history of the appearance of the Most Holy One, a lot of amazing deeds and amazing incidents have been recorded that affected not only the Russian Federation, but also thousands of people who believe in the Lord the Creator. Significance, what it can help with Vladimir image Immaculate, how to offer a prayer and beg for her support - our publication will tell you about absolutely everything.

The meaning of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God and how it helps

Prayer before any of the revered images of the Most Holy Guardian and Patroness of the human race before our Creator is of great importance. After all, it can protect each of us and our souls from misfortune. The population of the earth was presented with many of its miraculous icons, and the stories of their acquisition testify to the fact that in various everyday moments we can rush to its diverse forms.

The Most Pure Mother of God of Vladimir can help any person who believes in God and turns to her with a sincere prayer. She is a patron and protector, protects the home and can help in resolving a large number of everyday matters. Any pious Christian is simply obliged to have this miraculous face in his own home.

And about the history and significance of the icon for the Russian people, many cases have been recorded that happened in ancient times and are happening right up to the present day.

In addition to the fact that the icon saved the Russian lands from enemy invasions three times, the Most Pure Virgin expressed her will through her own appearance. So, for example, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, at the moment of prayer, received information about where the image was supposed to be located on the territory of Vladimir.

Also on the territory of Vyshgorod, in the cathedral, the icon independently moved from one place to another. As a result, Prince Andrei, at the end of the prayer, took the icon with him to the Rostov lands.

Subsequently, a fairly large number of miraculous cures of Christians were witnessed. Eye and heart ailments were especially susceptible to frequent healing.

A clergyman named Mikula had a pregnant wife. She miraculously managed to escape from a horse that went berserk after offering prayers.

Parishioner Mary was able to be healed from an eye ailment after she prayerfully drank water from her immaculate appearance.

Once upon a time, in a city called Vladimir, a misfortune happened. The golden gate of the passage tower fell and killed twelve people. The ruler of the city continuously offered prayers before the face of the Mother of God, and all the people not only remained alive, but also got out without a single scratch.

The newborn was saved from the evil eye after he was washed with holy water.

Christian Efimiya was diagnosed with a heart disease. As soon as she was told about the miraculous cures from the face of the Most Pure One, she, together with the clergyman Lazarus, sent a large number of gold items to the cathedral to the image. And later he brought her holy water. She offered a prayer, drank it and recovered.

There are many similar stories. They relate both to the original appearance of the Most Holy Patroness, and to a large number of her lists and prayers directed towards her.

How does the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God help?

The icon bears witness to the most important incidents in the history of the Russian Federation. Namely: military campaigns, appointments of patriarchs, before the face Holy Mother of God the coronation of the monarch and the oath of allegiance to the fatherland were carried out. Prayer directed towards the shrine is salvation in troubled times and a split in the state. It helps eliminate hostility, anger, and calm passions.

Numerous people who believe in God flock to the Immaculate One for support in making important decisions, in the presence of illnesses, in order to strengthen the spirit. If you are wondering what help can be provided Orthodox Christian icon the answer will be as follows:

Assists in the search true path, making the right decision.

Gives strength in the most difficult moments existence, helps strengthen faith.

Heals from physical illness. In particular, prayers are often offered to her to cure heart and eye ailments.

Protects against attacks from enemies, sinful thoughts and despondency.

The patroness helps the marriage remain happy, as well as maintain the strength of family ties, eliminating quarrels and discord. After all, this is precisely the key to a strong state.

Prayer before the Vladimir icon

**“O Mother of God, Heavenly Queen, All-Powerful Patroness, our shameless Hope! Thanking you for all your great blessings, throughout the generations of generations the Russian people who were from you, before your immaculate appearance, we send up a prayer: protect this city and your servants and all the Russian lands from floods, fires, destruction, earthquakes, internecine wars, alien invasions. Protect and help, Most Holy One, our Almighty (name of rivers), His Holiness Patriarch Moscow and the entire Russian land, and our Lord (name of rivers), Most Holy Bishop (title), and all the Most Reverend metropolitans, archbishops and Orthodox bishops. Give them the Russian Church as a good steward, the faithful sheep of Christ bend down to keep. Remember, O Lady, the entire priestly and monastic order and preserve them, warm their hearts with zeal for God and strengthen everyone to walk worthy of their calling. Save, O Lady, and have mercy on all your servants and grant us the path of the earthly field to pass without blemish. Confirm us in the faith of Christ and in zeal for Orthodox Church, put into our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, give us patience in adversity, abstinence in prosperity, understanding towards our neighbors, forgiveness towards the enemy, good deeds prosperity. Deliver us from every sinful act and from petrified insensibility, on the terrible day of Judgment grant us, through Your intercession, to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, to Him belongs all glory, respect and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. forever and ever. Let it be so".**

The original of the Most Pure Image is located on the territory of the city of Tolmach in the Tretyakov Gallery of the Cathedral - Museum of St. Nicholas. You are allowed to travel to the miraculous list that is located in the cathedrals, named in honor of the Most Holy Mother of God:

In the village of Novovasilyevka, Berdyansk district,

The village of Bykovo, which is located in the Ramensky district,

You can also see lists in the village of Vilna in the Moscow region,

South Butovo has lists of icons,

City of Vinogradovo,
and of course in the capital.

On the territory of Ukraine, you can pray in the temple named in honor of Our Lady of Vladimir in the capital.

May our almighty creator and patron be with you!

The Most Holy Theotokos is the protector and patroness of the entire Russian people. People turned to her for help in the most difficult times. life situations. Believers often ask the question: “The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God: what does it help with and how to pray?” The answer can be found in this article.

History of the creation of the icon

An ancient legend says that the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God was painted by the Evangelist Luke during the life of the Mother of God. For a long time(until 405) she remained in Jerusalem. And in the 12th century, Andrei Bogolyubsky took her from Kyiv to the city of Vladimir. There it got its name - Vladimirskaya. Having traveled through Europe and Rus', it was only in the 14th century that the face of the Mother of God came to Moscow. On this moment The icon is in the Church of St. Nicholas. Now her miraculous lists are found in almost every Orthodox church.

Initially, this image of the Mother of God was addressed with a prayer for victory over the enemies and conquerors of the Russian land. And in all subsequent years, more than once the Fatherland was saved by such prayer.

Strong prayer to the Vladimir Mother of God

Each of the revered images Holy Mother of God great and priceless. The Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God is one of the main Russian shrines, capable of creating a miracle. The prayer addressed to her was at all times one of the most powerful.

In total, 8 variants of prayer texts can be read in front of the Vladimir Icon. If there is some important request, it is better to pray in memorable dates– June 3, July 6 and September 8. These days, words addressed to the image of the Mother of God acquire special power.

In the home iconostasis it is necessary to have this icon along with the image of Christ.

How and in what way does an icon help?

The power of prayer before the face of the Virgin Mary is limitless. According to the testimonies of believers, there are many cases of incredible healings and miracles. Before the image of the Mother of God they ask:

  • protect the state from enemies in difficult times, strengthen the country and unite the people;
  • soften hearts and pacify anger and malice in man;
  • help in curing female diseases;
  • about easy pregnancy and happy delivery;
  • about protecting young children from harm;
  • for a speedy recovery.

Since the family has always been the stronghold of the strong Russian state, then they turn to the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God with prayers for a happy marriage.

Many women come to the face of the Lady in tears and sorrows, and return from the temple already spiritualized and filled with light. Our Lady will not abandon those who suffer, and this must be remembered even in the most difficult times.

Among Russian believers, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is considered the most beloved and revered. Its significance for Rus' is enormous. She saved the country from enemy attacks more than once, thanks to her the Russians avoided enslavement.

History of the icon

Church tradition says that the Holy Face was painted by the Apostle and Evangelist Luke after the Ascension of the Lord into Heaven on an ordinary board from the table at which Mary, Joseph and Jesus ate. Until 450, the image rested on Jerusalem soil, and then was transferred to Constantinople. In the 12th century, the icon was brought as a gift by Patriarch Luka Chrysoverkh to Grand Duke Yuri Dolgoruky.

Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

In the monastic monastery of the city of Vyshgorod, Lik became famous for many miraculous events. But in 1155, Andrei Bogolyubsky, the son of Yuri Dolgoruky, transported the icon to Vladimir. For this occasion, the shrine began to be called Vladimir. The image was decorated with gold and silver, pearls and precious stones.

In 1164, during the military campaign of Prince Andrei against the Bulgarians, the Mother of God helped the Russians defeat the enemy. Her Face was preserved even in the strongest fire that raged in the cathedral. It remained safe and sound during the destruction of the city by Batu in 1237.

In 1395, the icon began to be kept in Moscow so that it would survive the invasion of Tamerlane. He invaded the Ryazan lands, ruining them, and soon went to Moscow, destroying and ruining everything that came along his route. Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich gathered troops, at the same time Metropolitan Cyprian was blessed for the post and service. The Moscow prince and metropolitan decided to use spiritual powers, so the image of the Most Pure Virgin was transferred from Vladimir to Moscow. The icon was kept in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. A miracle happened and Tamerlane left the Moscow borders. As it turned out, during Procession of the Cross with the Vladimir Mother of God to Moscow, pilgrims and people standing on both sides of the road along the procession route prayed to the Mother of God to grant peace to the Russian Land.

In turn, Tamerlane had a vision: he saw a huge mountain, with saints descending from its top, holding golden rods in their hands. The radiant Virgin rose above the saints, commanding him to leave the Russian borders. Later he realized that the Wife is the Mother of God, a Christian protector and intercessor. He understood everything and ordered his army to go back. In memory of this event it was established church celebration icons.

In 1480, the Mother of God saved Russia from the invasion of the troops of the Khan of the Golden Horde, Akhmat. Russian troops met the Tatars near the Ugra River. The fighters positioned themselves on both sides of the river and waited for the attack to begin. Russian soldiers held the Vladimir Icon in their hands and the Queen of Heaven put the Horde horde to flight. In honor of the miraculous event, a second celebration of the image was established.

In 1521, the Kazan Khan Makhmet-Girey moved to Moscow. The area through which the Tatars passed was a terrible sight: ruins could be seen on the sites of cities and villages, the property of the inhabitants was plundered, the elderly and children were mercilessly beaten, and then killed or sold into slavery. The attack was unexpected and people were very afraid that Moscow would also be ruined. Meanwhile, the khan reached the borders of Moscow and began to burn the city. But suddenly a miracle happened and the enemy troops began to retreat from the capital. And again the Mother of God helped. On this occasion, the Church established a third celebration.

Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God

Before the face of Vladimir they performed important events Russia:

  • election of patriarchs;
  • taking an oath of allegiance to the Fatherland;
  • prayers before military campaigns.

And at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War people day and night begged the Queen of Heaven for the intercession of Christ. Even Stalin himself came to the temple at night, furtively from prying eyes, and prayed to the Mother of God for help, and then gave the order to load the Holy Face into a plane and personally flew with it around the capital.

Iconography of the image

The icon depicts the tender “communication” of the Mother of God with the Son - the human side of family relationships. The Virgin and Child are in close contact, Jesus puts his arm around Mary's neck.

A special feature of the Vladimir Icon is the image of the Baby’s heel.

The icon has two sides, on the second the throne and symbols of the passion are depicted. This idea is not accidental and means the upcoming sacrifice of Christ and the mourning of the Son by the Mother.

This is interesting! No ancient icons like the Vladimir icon have survived to this day. Over many centuries, the image was restored several times, several layers of paint were applied to it. But what is surprising is that the faces of Christ and the Virgin Mary still remain in their original form.

During the entire existence of the image, none of the icon painters decided to tint or correct them.

What does Vladimirsky Lik help with?

The main thing is sincere faith in the power and mercy of the Queen of Heaven, which She reveals to humanity through the iconographic image. The Most Pure Virgin helps:

  • prayer before the icon affirms the Orthodox spirit and gives it perseverance;
  • delivers the prayer book from heretical attacks;
  • protects Rus' from enemies, instilling courage and bravery in the hearts of warriors;
  • protects against military conflicts, external threats and internal unrest;
  • promotes reconciliation with the enemy;
  • provides guidance before making a difficult decision;
  • eliminates uncertainty and doubts;
  • gives peace and tranquility;
  • protects marriage and family from discord;
  • grants spouses love, unity, understanding and respect;
  • heals diseases;
  • grants spiritual and physical insight;
  • helps in difficult childbirth;
  • protects mothers and their children in a special way;
  • heals infertility and ailments of the female genital organs.

The image of the Vladimir Mother of God is the greatest fruit of reflection on the life of Christ on earth, the great humility of His Most Pure Mother, the earthly path they traversed and sacrificial love.

Important! The miraculous Face is kept in the Moscow Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. His memory is celebrated annually on June 3, July 6 and September 8.

Video about the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

In Orthodoxy, the Mother of God is revered on a par with Christ himself, and there are quite a few images of her. One of the most popular and interesting is the Vladimir image, the significance of which for Russia is great.

It is believed that the first icon was painted by the Evangelist Luke, and in the 5th century it moved from Jerusalem to Constantinople to Emperor Theodosius. The icon came to Rus' from Byzantium in the 12th century, around 1131 - it was a gift from the Patriarch of Constantinople, Luke Chrysoverg, to Prince Mstislav. The image was delivered by the Greek Metropolitan Michael, who arrived the day before, in 1130.


Initially, the Mother of God was kept in the Mother of God convent in the city of Vyshgorod near Kyiv - hence its Ukrainian name, Vyshgorod Mother of God. In 1155, the icon was taken by Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky and transported to Vladimir - from here it follows Russian name. The prince decorated the image with an expensive frame, but after his death, by order of Prince Yaropolk, the jewelry was removed and the icon was given to Prince Gleb of Ryazan. Only after the victory of Prince Michael the Mother of God and the precious dress was returned back to the Assumption Cathedral.

In 1237, after the destruction of the city of Vladimir by the Mongol-Tatars, the Assumption Cathedral was also plundered, and the image again lost its decoration. The cathedral and the icon were restored under Prince Yaroslavl. After this, at the end of the 14th century, Prince Vasily I, during the invasion of Tamerlane’s army, ordered the icon to be transported to Moscow to protect the capital. She was placed in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin on the right side of the royal gates. At the place where the image met with the Muscovites (“Sretenie”), the Sretensky Cathedral was founded, and later a street of the same name lay.

At the same time, Tamerlane’s army suddenly, without any reason, turned back, reaching only the city of Yelets. It was decided that the Mother of God interceded for Moscow, revealing a miracle. But the miracles did not end there: similar sudden retreats occurred in 1451 during the invasion of the Nogai prince Mazovsha and in 1480 while standing on the Ugra River.

Experts believe that between Tamerlane’s retreat and standing on the Ugra, the icon was transported several times to Vladimir and back, since 1480 was especially marked by the return of the Vladimir icon to Moscow.

Later, the icon was taken from the capital in 1812 to Vladimir and Murom; after the victory, it was returned to the Assumption Cathedral and was not touched until 1918. This year the cathedral was closed Soviet power, and the image was sent for restoration. After 8 years it was transported to the Historical Museum, and after another 4 years - to the Tretyakov Gallery.

Since 1999, the icon has been in the Church-Museum of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi. This is a house church at the Tretyakov Museum, in which services are held for believers, and the rest of the time the church is open as a museum hall.

In 1989, part of the icon (the eye and nose of the Mother of God) was used in the logo of Mel Gibson's Icon Productions film company. This company produced the film "The Passion of the Christ."


In addition to the incredible salvation of Moscow from its enemies, other miracles performed by the Mother of God have been preserved in history:

Unfortunately, finding out which icon is involved in miracles(the original from Constantinople or a copy of it) is impossible, but many have noted that almost all images work miracles.


The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is of the type (“Eleusa”), which is easy to identify. Unlike the Kazan image, where the Baby is first of all the Son of the Lord and blesses people, and the Mother of God sees his fate in advance, Vladimirskaya is more “humane”, the mother and child, her love for him are clearly visible in her. Widespread image received in the 11th century, although it was known in early Christian times. A description of the image and its meaning is given below:

The first icon to come to Russia dates back to the 12th century, researchers believe that it was drawn in Constantinople, that is, it was originally a copy of the original by the Evangelist Luke. However, it is a monument Byzantine painting 1057-1185 (Comnenian revival), which were preserved.

The dimensions of the icon are 78*55 cm. Over all the centuries of its existence, it was rewritten (redrawn in the same place) at least 4 times:

  1. In the first half of the 13th century;
  2. At the beginning of the 15th century;
  3. In 1514, during renovations in the Kremlin Assumption Cathedral;
  4. In 1895-1896 before the coronation of Nicholas II.

The icon was also partially updated in:

  1. 1567 by Metropolitan Athanasius in the Chudov Monastery;
  2. In the 18th century;
  3. In the 19th century.

In fact, today only a few fragments remain of the original icon:

  1. Faces of the Mother of God and Child;
  2. The entire left hand and part of the right hand of the Infant;
  3. Part of a blue cap and border with gold;
  4. Part of the Child's golden-ocher chiton and the visible transparent edge of his shirt;
  5. Part of the general background.

The precious setting also suffered: the first setting ordered by Andrei Bogolyubsky (about 5 kg of gold alone, not counting silver and precious stones) was not preserved at all. The second was ordered by Metropolitan Photius at the beginning of the 15th century and was also lost. The third was created in mid-17th century century, by order of Patriarch Nikon, made of gold and is now kept in the Armory.


Today the Vladimir Icon is a very common image and is in large quantities temples around the world. Of course, consider every Vladimir icon a creation Luke is not allowed: the very designation “Vladimir” means a certain pose of the Mother of God and the Child, the expression of their faces. In fact, today all icons of this type are copies (copies) of the original, which has not reached us.

The most significant lists are:

All the above icons Although they are lists, they are revered as miraculous. Also, the Vladimir Mother of God became the basis for the creation of other images: “The Tale of the Vladimir Icon”, “The Presentation of the Vladimir Icon”, “The Vladimir Icon with Akathist”, Igorevskaya Vladimir Icon (a shortened version of the original), “Praise of the Vladimir Icon” (“Tree of the Russian Sovereigns” , author Simon Ushakov).

Days of Honor

The icon has only 3 dates:

  1. June 3: gratitude for the victory in 1521 over Khan Mahmet-Girey;
  2. July 6: gratitude for the victory in 1480 over the Mongol-Tatars;
  3. September 8: gratitude for the victory in 1395 over Khan Tamerlane. This also includes the meeting (meeting) of the icon in Moscow.

On these days, ceremonial services are usually held, especially in churches with miraculous lists.

What does it help with?

“What does the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God help with?” - people who came to the temple ask. Most often they prayed to her to protect Russia from enemies, but this is not the entire list of her “opportunities.” The icon is also addressed in “smaller” situations:

You don't have to come to prayer to pray. miraculous list, although if there is an opportunity, it is worth taking advantage of. You can pray to the Mother of God at home by saying a ready-made prayer (easy to find on the Internet) or expressing a wish in your own words. No special rituals are required, and there is also no need to come to the temple. The only condition is that thoughts must be pure. You can’t wish someone harm or say a prayer while thinking about someone else..


The miraculous Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God with the Child is not only one of the most popular images in Orthodoxy, but is also considered extremely emotional. It does not depict the Son of God, but a mother protecting her child, whose fate was foretold to her in advance.