Why do you dream about a baby coming to life? Why do you dream of dead little children? Experiences and their absence

After sleep o dead man most people experience discomfort throughout the day. Such dreams leave an unpleasant aftertaste. If this dead person is also a baby, the person for a long time cannot get such a dream out of his head.

What if you dream about a dead baby?

Trying to find out why a dead baby dreams, people reread a large number of information in dream books and on the Internet, but they don’t always find what they need or find only a couple of lines of answer to their question that do not reveal the essence of the problem.

In fact dead child in a dream, if it is just an unfamiliar child, and not your own or not the child of one of your friends and relatives, it can display any projects, affairs, ideas, plans in real life.

It turns out that if a child died in a dream, then these plans and ideas in life are not destined to come true. They will simply turn out to be unpromising and unviable, so you should reconsider your life priorities and try to change plans for the future.

It may also turn out that a person is very worried about his future, does not believe in the fulfillment own plans and the realization of goals, which is why he dreams of a dead child. IN in this case It depends only on the dreamer whether he can achieve what he wants or not.

Sometimes the dreamer dreams that he sees a child dying, is very worried about this, tries to revive the baby, and suddenly he is resurrected, which causes immense joy in the person watching him.

This type of dream occurs in cases when people are destined to experience disappointment in their plans and hopes for the future, decide that nothing will work out in this direction and they need to completely change their life goals, but last attempt to achieve what you want, which already seems unrealistic and unattainable, you suddenly discover that the goal is close and can well be achieved, you just need to make a little effort for this.

This type of dream warns of possible failures that are not a serious obstacle on the way to the goal.

What does it portend?

Both previous sleep options do not pose a serious threat. It’s bad when you dream about your own dead baby, or the dead child of friends and relatives. That is, if this child really exists, but dreamed of being dead. In cases where people do not have a child, but dream that he exists and has died, then one should look at the first meaning of the dream.

If you dream of an existing child being dead, it means that child may become seriously ill, get injured, or face very big troubles.

When the child is actually still small, then most often the dream foreshadows precisely serious illnesses or injury, and various troubles and life’s difficulties are more threatening to grown children who are already adults this moment time.

After a dream about my own dead baby It’s better not to risk his health, but to try to protect the baby from possible dangers. And parents of adult children should not brush aside their problems and provide support to their children if they need it now.

Any unpleasant dream sometimes it means something, and sometimes it doesn’t. Often dreams happen just like that, without any omens. But, even if the dream may not come true, it is better to try to protect yourself and your loved ones from possible troubles, illnesses and injuries. It's not as easy as it seems, but an extra precaution never hurts.

Do not rush to get upset if you saw in a dream dead child. Undoubtedly, this dream is unpleasant, painful, but dream books give it different interpretations, which do not always imply a sad development of the situation in reality. To find out exactly why you dreamed of a lifeless baby, remember all the details of the dream, as well as the emotions you experienced during your night’s sleep.

Unknown child

If in a dream you saw an unfamiliar child dead, and did not experience much sadness or despair, then this may be a reflection of your doubts and fears in reality. For example, if you saw the corpse of a boy or girl on the eve of an important event, be prepared for the fact that you will have to urgently make adjustments to the plans for the upcoming event. And here, as the dream book suggests, you will have to act decisively, relying largely on intuition, but not forgetting about endurance. Try to keep everything under control and be resourceful.

The planned project will not bring the desired result, but will not affect your significant interests, and will not be costly, this is what a dead stranger may dream of.

And here Ancient dream book believes that a child without signs of life in night vision simply predicts a change in the weather.

Predictions of the Universal Dream Book

IN night dream Have you accidentally witnessed a stranger give birth to a stillborn child? If the baby is unknown to you, like his mother, then Universal dream book in reality he prophesies troubles and difficulties, but they have nothing to do with your own children.

At the same time, even a stranger’s lifeless baby in a dream is a hint - pay more attention to your children. They need your affection, protection or advice.

Parents sometimes see someone else's dead child in a dream. Such a plot should remind them that they need to be more sensitive to their own children.

Interpretations for pregnant women

The expectant mother, for obvious reasons, is very worried: why do you dream of a dead child? The reason for such a terrible vision may be the fears and experiences of a woman who is worried about questions: how will the birth go, will the baby be born healthy. But don't think about the bad. It is much more useful for both the expectant mother and the baby she carries under her heart to concentrate on more pleasant thoughts and dream about good things, the dream book recommends.

Don’t be scared, even if you dreamed of a lifeless baby, and even one stained with blood. On the contrary, such a plot allows us to hope that relatives will willingly help raise and educate the unborn child.

A long-awaited pregnancy, this is what a dead newborn may dream of for a woman who cannot yet conceive.

The Wanderer's Dream Book describes a vision that the development of the fetus in the mother's womb has stopped. The interpretation is this: you need to analyze your plans, perhaps you missed something or didn’t pay attention to it important detail, condition.

Happy Changelings

There are dreams whose meaning should be perceived exactly the opposite. So, for example, stillbirth a child in a dream can actually anticipate a quick addition to the sleeping person’s family.

When you wake up, you will learn important news, this is what you dreamed about how a lifeless baby was born during the now fashionable water birth.

In the Esoteric Dream Book, in general, the birth of a still child is interpreted as some kind of benefit for the dreamer. This is a sign that suggests that a person will be able to get rid of the past that burdens him. In addition, tempting, wonderful prospects will open up before him. Sometimes such a vision is a sign that the sleeper is entering a new stage of life, becoming more mature and wiser.

Miss Hasse explains why I dreamed about death own child. Such a dream predicts health problems or accidents, injuries at home, at work, or on the road. The smaller the dreamed baby was, the more serious the likely consequences in reality. Therefore, be careful and do not forget about the safety rules. Unfortunately, this same plot can also signal troubles of a very different nature that threaten the dreamer.

A lifeless son or daughter in a dream should make the sleeping person remember his parental responsibilities and that children at any age need wise instruction or an example of correct behavior in a given situation


If in a dream you were carrying the corpse of a child in your hands, then think about whether you are too authoritarian a parent? Isn't it time to give the heir a little more independence? Sometimes excessive control forces a child, and especially a teenager, to hide something from an adult.

Miracle of Resurrection

In the night phantasmagoria, do you see that the newborn shows no signs of life, but was it possible to resuscitate him? Or did the seemingly lifeless baby suddenly resurrect? In this case, the dream book promises the successful completion of even the most complex, unpromising project. Such a vision is always a great sign - despite all the obstacles, you will achieve what you want, the main thing is not to give up ahead of schedule, and firmly believe in the best.

In addition, this same plot is interpreted as an omen have a fascinating trip, an extraordinary incredible adventure.

Other interesting and useful interpretations

You risk catching a seasonal infection or going to bed for a day or two - this is what you dreamed of about a lifeless child in whose eyes you noticed tears.

More serious troubles await the one who in a dream noticed a baby in a coffin, which is clearly larger than required. However, do not despair; with perseverance and perseverance, you will be able to get out of any trouble with dignity.

According to Miller, if a parent sees a child in a dream who is actually not alive, then he should beware of family troubles and conflicts.

An unusual prediction can be found in the dream book of Sage Navi. She says that a dream in which a baby dies at the hands of the sleeping person can have a completely different meaning in reality. The dreamer will be the only character who can save the life of the dreaming baby. And it is important not to miss such a chance.

When in a dream you see the lifeless body of a child who is actually alive and well, be wary. According to the dream book, this may be a warning - in reality, some danger is hanging over you, clouds have gathered.

If this was a young lady’s dream, then she can hope for changes for the better.

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For a parent, his child is the most important person on the ground. Seeing the night scene where he dies is incredibly painful. In general, the death of children in dreams is unnatural. That is why such dreams cannot be ignored. This article will discuss why a dead child dreams.

For a parent, his child is the most important person on earth

The dream book gives the following interpretation of the image of a deceased child in dreams:

  1. A stillborn baby symbolizes the dreamer's aspirations and desires. Most likely, not everything in a person’s life turns out as originally planned. His wishes do not come true, and all his goals are unattainable. However, if a child resurrects in a dream, this is a sign that life will soon get better.
  2. Newborn children who die in a dream can portend misfortune with the dreamer's children. The dream book warns about the need to show more attention to your children.
  3. To see a dead child who has been resurrected means to realize an unattainable goal.
  4. If a woman dreams of a dead baby, this means that her child may have health problems. If on the eve of such a dream the baby fell ill, and the decision was made to treat him at home, it is worth playing it safe and showing the sick child to the doctor.
  5. Seeing a child die in a dream means ignoring the problems of your adult children. The dream book recommends being more attentive to your children, because they probably need parental love.
  6. The dreamer dreamed of someone else's dead baby - a long-awaited change in the weather will come.
  7. The image of a dead baby calling for itself foreshadows trouble for the dreamer.
  8. An acute illness will arise for someone who had a dream in which a long-dead child offered to eat together. The danger of death threatens the dreamer who accepted this invitation and ate with the deceased.

Dead children who come to life often dream of new and interesting adventures.

Child in a dream book (video)

Why do you dream about dead children?

The dream book foretells favorable things for a person life circumstances, if in his night dreams the image of a dead child came to him. But if you take into account individual details of the dream, the interpretation may be different.

  • A child died from a lightning strike or during a thunderstorm - there will soon be a new addition to the family. Perhaps the dreaming woman is unaware of her pregnancy. In this case, the dream book is in a hurry to please her!
  • Watching the death of an unfamiliar baby means experiencing indecision in real life. The dream book recommends gaining self-confidence before taking on an important task.
  • The dreamer must take responsibility for organizing an important event that is planned for the coming days. This is exactly what the image of a dead child means.
  • Watching a child's death throes means an indifferent attitude towards one's own children.
  • The image of a hanged baby can cause a lot of anxiety in the dreamer, but the dream book does not foretell any catastrophe. Perhaps a person will face a number of difficulties at work, but he will definitely cope with them.

The dream book foretells favorable life circumstances for a person if in his night dreams the image of a dead child comes to him

Very important has the image of a resurrected baby. Such a dream can be interpreted as follows: the dreamer will complete even the most hopeless undertakings.

Seeing the birth of a dead child in a dream

  1. If a person sees a dream in which the birth of a child ended in tragedy for him, that is, death, his plans clearly need careful revision. In general, giving birth to a child means coming face to face with serious trials.
  2. If the birth process took place in water and a dead child was born, the dreamer will receive good news.
  3. The woman dreamer gave birth to a long-awaited child, who died immediately after birth - she will soon face serious troubles. There is a risk of injury, so it is important to take care.

If a person sees a dream in which the birth of a child ended in tragedy for him, that is, death, his plans clearly need careful refinement

Holding the body of your dead child in your arms and mourning him is taking the upbringing of your children too seriously. The dream book recommends that such mothers give their children more freedom.

Why do you dream about someone else’s dead child?

  • The image of a deceased baby, unfamiliar to the dreamer, has a negative interpretation for entrepreneurs and people leading labor activity in commercial firms and corporations. This dream means that soon a person will have to face significant obstacles that will negatively affect his future work activity. The Dream Interpretation recommends temporarily suspending work, otherwise there is a risk of bankruptcy.
  • After such dreams, you obviously won’t have to wait for happiness in life. Such an image foreshadows the dreamer a lot of troubles related to both his work and relationships with others. Therefore, if on the eve of such a dream a person had some important event planned, it should be postponed.

The image of a deceased baby, unfamiliar to the dreamer, has a negative interpretation for entrepreneurs and people working in commercial firms and corporations

A more responsible approach to money is required from those who in their dreams fed an unfamiliar deceased child. The dreamer may become bankrupt if his attitude towards money continues to be careless.

Seeing a dead boy or girl in a dream: what does it mean?

The gender of the deceased baby can largely determine the interpretation of the dream.

  1. A dead girl in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's anti-spirituality. We are talking about his lack of moral principles, ideals and values. Perhaps, on the eve of his dream, a person committed an act that few can call correct. He could give a friend, steal a wallet, influence someone to get into an accident, etc. In this case, the dead girl is the embodiment of purity and injustice, and such a dream is a sign. The dreamer must change himself and his attitude towards life.
  2. If this image was seen by artists, its meaning also symbolizes a stop in spiritual growth, but it has a different nature. The creative dreamer has probably lost inspiration and the desire to “create.”

The gender of the deceased baby can largely determine the interpretation of the dream

The dead boy is a financial image. The more pity the dreamer showed for the deceased child, the more he suffers from shopaholism. The dream book recommends not to waste funds.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a dead baby?

As you know, women are more emotional than men, so it is mainly they who give meaning to dreams. Pregnant representatives of the fair sex are especially worried about their night visions. Having seen a dream in which a baby dies, a girl can really begin to panic, because she will probably think that this is a sign foreshadowing the death of her unborn child.

However, such a pregnant woman does not carry any negativity, so all expectant mothers can breathe a sigh of relief. The most important thing that a girl should remember after waking up is that she should not succumb to such provocations of consciousness. For more accurate interpretation image of the dead Children need to remember the details of the dream.

Why do dead people dream (video)

There are quite a few interpretations, but even if the interpretation of the dream is positive, you should not relax and lose vigilance. Why? Yes because death little man is unnatural in nature, especially in dreams, therefore it is an alarming sign that must be taken seriously.

Attention, TODAY only!

If a person dreams of a dead child, it is worth paying attention to the details of the plot.

The interpretation of a dream depends on who dreamed it (a man or a woman), who dreamed it (a boy or a girl, someone else’s child or one’s own). Special features, external characteristics, age and location of children also play a role important role. Often these types of sleep are closely related to affairs, endeavors, projects, and work activities.

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    Alien dead baby

    A person who dreams of someone else's dead child can expect trouble. They will not greatly affect his life, but it is necessary to carefully analyze the dream in order to avoid consequences.

    The interpretation of dreams with a dead child is as follows:

    • Birth in family of the dead a child portends difficulties for the dreamer. They have no direct connection with the family.
    • A dream with someone else's dead child is a kind of warning for parents: they need to more closely monitor their own children.
    • A dead boy or girl signals a failed or unsuccessful business that has no further prospects. But this will not affect your usual lifestyle. Having such a dream before the start of an important event means trouble. Finding a way out of situations is possible if you are smart. Such dreams symbolize self-doubt and lack of faith in your success.
    • If the dreamer held the corpse of a baby in his arms, he should stop overprotecting his children. Constant control suppresses their individuality.
    • A vision in which a dead child comes to life symbolizes a person who continues to fight despite the lack of support from loved ones.
    • A dreamer who sees a baby alive in reality, but dead in the dream, may be in danger.
    • A dream in which a baby lies in a coffin that is inappropriate in size predicts the possible presence of serious problems.
    • Seeing someone else's child dead means receiving good news, going on a trip.
    • If you dream of a dead newborn with tears in its eyes, this foretells a minor illness.
    • A dream in which a newborn dies or is born dead, but then comes to life, suggests that an initially unsuccessful business will succeed.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

    Your dead child

    The younger the age of the child in the dream, the more likely it is that negative consequences sleep.

    Seeing the death of your son means difficulties in the child’s life. This is a sign that he needs help and support from loved ones.

    Interpretation of sleep for a woman

    For a girl, such dreams do not foretell trouble, they even bring joyful news, foreshadow changes in better side. Female in this case, you should be careful and not trust others, especially friends. Possible options transcripts:

    • If a pregnant woman dreams of a child dying in her stomach, the dream is not a bad sign. A newborn in blood means that the girl can fully count on the support of her blood relatives.
    • Giving birth to a stillborn child symbolizes a new addition to the family. For a girl who could not conceive a child for a long time, such a dream foreshadows a long-awaited pregnancy. If the birth took place in water, get ready to receive important news.
    • A dream in which a fetus dies in the womb says that the dreamer has not thought through his plans well, and he should reconsider them more carefully.

    Why do you dream ex-husband- interpretations in dream books

    Communication with dead children

    Esoteric dream book warns that seeing dead children who are alive in reality is a sign of possible trouble. The dreamer should be careful in everything. Under no circumstances should you follow the deceased if he calls the dreamer to follow him.

    Communicating with the dead in a dream is always a bad sign. You should never come into contact with them.

    Dreams where dead children offer to eat with them foreshadows something bad related to health. In such cases, it is very important to be able to control your consciousness. The dreamer brings disaster upon himself if he comes into contact with the deceased child and accepts any proposals from him. Agreeing to have a meal with a dead person means that death awaits somewhere.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Sometimes you dream of a child who is dead in real life, but alive and well in the dream. Miller's dream book warns that problems may arise in the family.

    Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Navi

    There are visions where an infant dies at the hands of the dreamer. This is a message to the person: in the future he will have the opportunity to help or save this baby.

    The meaning of sleep by day of the week

    Dreams can come true depending on the days of the week:

    • Dreams on the night from Sunday to Monday are not prophetic, but it is worth paying attention to them. Visions can help you understand what needs to be changed in your life. The dreams themselves do not affect a person in any way. On this day they reflect a person’s subconscious, his experiences, desires. But this does not mean that the dreamer must experience them in the future. Dreaming with the Dead Leads to Change weather conditions.
    • Dreams on the night from Monday to Tuesday are very vivid, full of an extraordinary atmosphere. If the dreamer managed to remember all the details, then the dream is prophetic. Often a dream on this day warns of the approach of something unpleasant. Don’t be afraid, because details can change the interpretation in positive side. On Tuesday you need to be very active, competitive and try to resolve all important matters. Dreams can portend success in a certain area, victory.
    • Dreams on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday are often oversaturated with people and events. They can abruptly transport the dreamer from one location to another. Such dreams foreshadow new journeys and give clues about how to behave towards family and friends. Dead people help find a way out difficult situations and don't make mistakes.
    • Dreams on the night from Wednesday to Thursday concern a person’s activities, his career and financial situation. People can expect new things to do related to their childhood dreams and hobbies. Dreams warn of possible mistakes associated with financial situation. If a person remembers a dream, it can come true.
    • Dreams on the night from Thursday to Friday are prophetic. This is the day when dreams come true most often. Dreams on this day send a signal to a person that some problems or troubles may await him. They can be resolved with great effort. To do this, you need to live a calm life for several months, protecting yourself from negativity.
    • Dreams on the night from Friday to Saturday are fateful. They are often fulfilled, but do not foreshadow anything concrete and definite. The decoding is associated with negative events in which the dreamer’s close people appear. The vision can be turned to your advantage if you surround yourself with positive things and do good to people.
    • Dreams on the night from Saturday to Sunday help the dreamer determine his desires and foresee how events may unfold. It is extremely important to remember the details, because they will help you deal with the little things in life.

    Poor vision does not mean that the dreamer is in for trouble. Decoding a dream depends on many details that need to be analyzed correctly. Most often, a dead child symbolizes something pleasant and long-awaited.

Did you dream about dead children? Perhaps the ideas that you have been nurturing for too long will never be brought to reality. The dream book will explain in detail everything that happened in the dream and tell you what else this image is for.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book states that if one's own children die in their dreams, then this is a hint of their longevity, and for adult children it is a sign of imminent marriage.

What did you feel?

Did you dream about dead children? The vision hints that it is necessary to pay attention to household members more often. It is also possible that you offend them with your behavior or words.

In rare cases, the image warns of illnesses of relatives or the illness of the dreamer himself. However, the dream book reminds: to confirm the negative interpretation of a dream, it is important to remember additional details and personal feelings in the dream.

If the dream picture was associated with fear and even horror, then in reality something bad will happen. The absence of unpleasant feelings and even joy indicate unexpected luck.

Have you grown up?

The dream book reminds that in a dream, children often reflect the dreamer’s internal state. Have you ever seen children's corpses? The child at heart has clearly matured and is quite capable of taking responsibility for his own actions.

Sometimes dead children warn stressful situation, which will affect current circumstances. This is also a sign of future frustrations and disappointments.

Get rid of it!

Why do you dream of dead babies? You are overwhelmed by bad thoughts, and the dream book advises you to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

Lifeless babies also indicate the futility of planned projects and plans.

And, unsurprisingly, at the same time, dead babies promise relief from troubles, receiving good news and even profit.

Get your act together!

Why do we dream about many dead children? If in a dream you did not experience fear or other negativity, then success in a hopeless case is guaranteed.

Seeing many ulcers on children's bodies means that plans will be disrupted by an unfortunate incident, and real children will catch an infection.

Did you dream about a lot of lifeless bodies? The dream book recommends gathering strength: you have to solve a lot of different problems.

Specific values

To get the correct interpretation of the image, it is necessary to take into account who the dead children were.

  • Strangers - a favorable course of affairs, elimination of interference.
  • Their real ones - long life, poverty.
  • Your dreams are difficulties.
  • Boys, rely only on yourself.
  • Girls are failures.

Why do you dream of lifeless children who in your dream were twins? This means that any interpretation is increased by a certain number of times.

Think with your head!

Did you dream about dead children in the water? You will waste your money uselessly or even drink it away. If in a dream you found children’s corpses in the water, then in reality you will consciously get rid of what has been oppressing you for a long time.

Why do you dream that you had a chance to sail on calm river and see drowned people in the water? The dream book promises a period of losses and disappointments, and there will be exactly as many of them as the number of corpses you could count.

Let go...

In dead in a dream were the children in coffins? The dream book believes: a little earlier in life, an event occurred that prevents you from moving forward.

No matter how painful it may be, you need to come to terms with the misfortune and leave it behind. If you dreamed that you buried your children properly, you will soon experience relief.


  • I dreamed that my boyfriend was a murderer and he killed everyone around him in order to perform a ritual and become immortal. To do this, he killed the guardian of the tomb. The tomb was “decorated” with the corpses of children, they lay in lilies. But with the murder of the guard, they sank into the Earth. Then my beloved plunged into one of the baths and became beautiful again as before. All this time I helped him, was by his side. He invited me to another bath with more clean water and said that he filled the empty one with the blood of his relatives. I told him to go first and that I would join him soon. And she left to warn everyone to run away. I wanted to kill him, but then people came.

  • I dreamed that they were sending videos of my dead children onto my phone. Then I start running to where they were found, and they were cut in half by my children and neighbors, I felt horror. It's like in real life. Then my son starts talking, I want to call an ambulance but I can’t, it doesn’t work, the keyboard freezes. Tell me why this dream?

  • I dreamed that I was walking through some room where there were a lot of people. Like a hospital. And I walk along the corridor and already go out. When suddenly I turn around and see that many children are lying dead. I was dumbfounded by what I saw and crossed myself 3 times. She said: kingdom of heaven, may the earth rest in peace. She turned around and left. Well, I actually woke up. Please tell me what this dream is for!?