What is the most dangerous animal on the planet. The most dangerous animals. The polar bear is a hunter of people

Created 08/19/2013 12:33
Outwardly they may look sweet and innocent, but many even the most can be deadly. As a reminder of this important point We invite you to visit our gallery of the 15 most attractive and cutest animals in the world that can cause serious and sometimes fatal harm.


There are few fish more attractive looking than the round, funny pufferfish, but don't let that fool you. This bloated fish is the second most venomous vertebrate on the planet. Fishermen recommend using thick gloves to avoid poison and the risk of being bitten when removing the hook. the pufferfish, which does not have an antidote, kills by paralysis of the diaphragm, thereby causing suffocation.
Slow loris

This animal may resemble a harmless big-eyed toy, but in fact slow lorises are the only ones in the world poisonous mammals. Their delicate nature makes them popular on the animal black market, but you should be aware of the venom they secrete from glands located on their elbows. In case of danger, the loris takes poison into its mouth and mixes it with saliva. In addition, the animal licks its fur to... The poison can cause death due to anaphylactic shock.

Don't let that cartoon smile fool you: moose are among the most dangerous animals in the world that people regularly encounter. They prefer to leave humans alone, but when in a state of alarm or danger, these animals are known to react with unusual aggression. Every year they attack larger number people than bears, and in the case of protecting young animals, moose show particular rage.
Big cats

They may look like an overgrown version of your pet, but do not forget that the menu of almost everyone in the world includes human flesh. For example, cougars can be a threat to lone travelers and small children. But all of the world's big cats, including tigers, lions, jaguars, leopards and cheetahs, can threaten human life if not handled correctly. You should know that only a small percentage big cats kept in captivity live in accredited zoos.

The cassowary resembles a colorful ostrich and can be found in tropical forests Australia and New Guinea. This flightless bird prefers to behave extremely reservedly, but in case of danger it can become an extremely aggressive creature. The cassowary is capable of running high speed, and at the moment of attack the bird sharply strikes with its large beak with the intention of gutting its victim.
Blue-ringed octopus

This tiny blue-ringed one has powerful weapons. It is considered one of the most poisonous creatures of nature. Octopuses of this species live in tidal regions from Australia to Japan, and are often encountered by those who like to soak up warm waters. coastal waters. If you tease this octopus or step on it, it will bite. The venom of this creature has no antidote and can kill an adult within minutes.
The Bears

Bears are among the world's most lovable large predators, often the subject of children's fairy tales, and teddy bears are the favorite toy of all children around the world. These associations are quite strange considering that bears are among the animals known to hunt and kill humans. Grizzlies are the most feared, but everyone large species bears can be dangerous, even giant pandas leading a vegetarian lifestyle.
Tree frog

This frog's pleasing colors may catch your attention, but these colors are also nature's way of hinting to stay away. is among the most poisonous creatures on the ground. Native American Indians used the poisonous secretions of this frog to poison arrowheads.
Giant anteater

As can be judged by its appearance and name, this big creature feeds only on ants and termites. Part of what makes the anteater dangerous is the size of its body, but the real weapon is its powerful and sharp claws. In case of danger, the anteater is capable of torturing a person and can disembowel an adult with just one swing of its paw.

This little creature is not worth messing with. His aggressive nature is widely known through comics and cartoons. Wolverine, armed with powerful jaws, sharp claws and thick hide, can take down such big catch like a moose, and even steals food from bears and wolves.
Cuttlefish Pfeffer

Don't even try to pet this cuttlefish. Pleasant to the eye and bright color plays the role of a warning signal. Although these creatures rarely encounter humans, their venom is considered extremely toxic and can cause death, like blue-ringed octopus toxin.
Leopard seal

The leopard seal ranks high on the food chain at home in Antarctica, and this is one sea ​​predator, which you would not want to encounter in the waters. The leopard seal is persistent, powerful and curious, and is known to prey on humans, although its prey is usually penguins. In 1985, Scottish explorer Gareth Wood was bitten twice on the leg when leopard seal tried to pull it off an ice floe into the sea, and in 2003, underwater biologist Christy Brown became the victim of this creature.
Venom-tooth lizard

This cute, pink or orange spotted lizard is one of the few venomous lizards in the world. Despite its slowness, the echinoderm is capable of releasing a fatal dose of poison if teased or stepped on. In case of a bite, it is necessary to immerse the lizard in water, thanks to which it will be possible to free itself from the strong grip.

Elephants are often portrayed as gentle giants, and the animals, when tamed by trainers and zookeepers, can be quite peaceful. But in case of aggression or when meeting in wildlife The elephant can be one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. These giants sometimes experience unexpected outbursts of rage and are also known to be vengeful. In India, hundreds of people die due to the mishandling of elephants or their rampages.

These animals most closely resemble people, creating both a natural relationship and, at the same time, some difficulties. A number of diseases carried by monkeys can easily be transmitted to humans. Even a small monkey can bite, infecting it with viruses such as hepatitis C. More like chimpanzees, orangutans and gorillas, are powerful animals that can tear apart a person in case of danger.

Man is just one species of living beings on Earth. We are far from the fastest, strongest, and toughest. It’s hard to call us even the most adaptable. But so far we have managed to survive, although exposed to hourly danger from our neighbors on the planet.

1. Crocodile

The crocodile was for different nations and sacred animals and even deities. Others hunted crocodiles for their meat and skin. Thanks to their stable habitat, crocodiles have managed to survive virtually unchanged since the time of the dinosaurs, only improving as a real killing machine in the form of an aquatic predator.
Nowadays, clashes between large crested and Nile crocodiles and people regularly occur. Stories are regularly told of people having to hide for hours on end. tall trees from a huge predator, and those who are especially unlucky disappear into the mouth of a crocodile.

2. Tiger

Tiger is the most major representative felines on the planet. They weigh up to 4 centners and reach a length of 2.8 m. According to statistics, every tenth tiger becomes a man-eater. The reasons for this phenomenon are not known, despite the fact that other tigers completely ignore human flesh. Needless to say, the outcome of a meeting with a tiger is very predictable and sad.

3. Bear

Maybe high rating The danger of bears is associated with the proximity of their habitats to humans. In any case, you shouldn’t try to make friends with these “cute plush toys” when you meet. The bear will staunchly protect its territory, its offspring, and even simply remove Bad mood. And given his strength and size... White and grizzly bears are considered the most dangerous, followed by brown and black. Particular caution should be exercised at the end of winter - beginning of spring, when bears are just getting out of their dens and urgently looking for high-calorie food.

4. Wolf

Wolves are very careful animals. In addition, they usually do not like to eat unfamiliar food. That's why it's so difficult to poison them, and even to people gray predators They rarely attack, as the Rybalych Blog knows. But even in the most hopeless time of hunger, they also happen to hunt a person.

5. Anaconda

Anaconda is the most large snake with its 16 meters of length. This huge snake is feeding large rodents, does not disdain monkeys. And with her low vision a person is no different from ordinary food.

6. Raven

already told. They can take revenge, attack in a pack, steal something from a child, and even peck at it in the right environment. Crows do not like to take risks; they themselves clearly monitor the danger.

7. Cockroaches

Cockroaches can be carriers of various infections. They can make you tremble and lead to a heart attack just by the fact of their presence. By the way, you don’t have to leave a single crumb of food in the house - any biological tissue (hair, dead skin, etc.) will be enough for cockroaches.

8. Lice

Very dangerous creatures are lice and bedbugs. They will not allow you to live in peace, they will cause irritation, and will carry the most terrible infections. They have already become a problem on a national scale, as Rybalych said in the article

9. Mosquitoes and midges

Of course, these small insects will not be able to eat a person. But they can seriously ruin your nerves. Even one mosquito flying around the room at night is enough to poison a well-deserved rest. What can we say about the huge clouds of midges?! But there are also malaria mosquitoes...

15. Bacteria

The role of bacteria in our lives is difficult to assess. They process waste and purify water. They decompose organic matter and create the basis for life on Earth. At the same time, an incredible number of their species live in our body and they constantly eat us! Perhaps they are the largest predators that feed on people constantly and continuously.

There are a lot of dangerous animals in the world. Based on the estimated number of people they kill each year, snakes are at the top of the list, mainly due to their aggressive behavior and toxic poisons. Also quite dangerous are small animals, which are very difficult to notice before something irreparable happens. Every person should know and recognize these ferocious animals. If you live in an area that doesn't contain any of these predators, consider yourself lucky. But if you travel often, then always try to find out more information about the dangers that may await you. This way you can avoid many unpleasant situations. In addition to those animals that are included in this list, there are also a huge number that pose a danger to human life: scorpions, jellyfish, tigers, polar bears, moose, buffalos, stingrays...

Brown bears: dead: 5-10 per year

Lives in conifers and mixed forests Eurasia and western regions North America. In North America it is known as the "grizzly bear". The largest individuals live in the north Far East and the American northwest. Giants up to 2.3 m long and weighing 700 kg are often found here. When bears are hungry (usually around the end of winter), it is better to stay away from their habitats. But, if you are relaxing in the forest, then never keep food close to you: in your tent or car. Bears can easily tear down your tent or car doors and wreak havoc.

White shark Death toll: 10-25 per year

Carcharodon is the common name for the white shark. Its range covers tropical and subtropical zone World ocean. The body length reaches 6.4 m, weight – up to 3.2 tons. There is information about specimens up to 8 m, but they are not confirmed by any significant evidence. It feeds on various marine animals, mainly fish, but often attacks birds and mammals, and does not disdain carrion. But its main prey is probably sharks of other species. Mostly stays alone. It is found both in the open ocean and near the coast. This is what makes the white shark very dangerous. It’s as if she shares the World Ocean with another, also very known predator- killer whale. If this dolphin reigns in cold and temperate waters, then Carcharodon belongs to the warm waters of the ocean. The largest and most aggressive among predatory sharks, and the most dangerous for humans. In many languages, it is called the "man-eating shark." While sharks do not kill as many people as other animals on this list, they still have pride of place on the list. dangerous predators ocean. Dangerous incidents happen in the United States; more rare in Florida, California, Texas and Hawaii.

Dart frogs and leaf frogs: deaths: 100+ per year

About 60 species of these brightly colored and very dangerous tailless amphibians live in tropical rainforests South America. Their very name speaks of an arboreal lifestyle. The body length of animals is 18-25 mm. The secret of special skin glands contains one of the most strong poisons animal origin. There are from one to 40 eggs in a clutch, which are laid on land (stones, puff axils). The eggs are often observed by a man who regularly visits the eggs and moisturizes them.

When the tadpoles emerge, the male carries them on his back to a pond, where they complete their development. Indians still catch leaf climbers and tree climbers to collect their poison. There are such toxic species that the poison of one individual is enough to treat the tips of fifty arrows. Even lightly wounded animals quickly die from such an arrow. And people often become their prey when they touch them through their curiosity or carelessness.

African Lion: Fatalities: 200+ per year

These large predators inhabit savannas, although they are also found in forests. In ancient times, lions were found throughout Africa with the exception of deserts and tropical forests, in the Middle East, Iran, southern Europe, north and northwest India. As a result of hunting and reduction natural environment Today, the habitat of lions has narrowed significantly. Today representatives of the species are found in Central Africa and small regions of India. These felines live in related groups - prides, consisting of females, their offspring and one (less often several) adult males. Lions are one of the strongest and fastest animals for their size. Although most lions are not man-eaters, sometimes old males, who can no longer hunt well, attack people.

Hippopotamus: fatalities: 300+ per year

Inhabitant of rivers and lakes in Africa, south of the Sahara Desert. Its body length reaches 4.5 m, weight exceeds 3 tons. Hippos keep in herds, which include females and young animals. In such a herd there is usually one adult male. He protects the coastal strip from the encroachment of other males. Feeds on coastal vegetation. At night time is running graze over distances of several kilometers. Has the amazing ability to eat and metabolize the coarsest dried grass that other animals refuse. Although hippos may look cute and friendly, they are certainly among the very dangerous. Easily frightened and becoming extremely aggressive, hippos will not hesitate to attack a person, especially if there are babies nearby that they are protecting. Hippos pose the greatest threat to those living on the continent of Africa.

African Elephant: Fatalities: 500+ per year

Master tropical Africa, south of the Sahara Desert. The height of the male is up to 4 m, weight – up to 7 tons. The record length of the tusks is up to 3.5 m, and their weight is up to 100 kg. This is the largest animal in sushi. Because of its trunk, it can be considered the most versatile herbivorous animal. Females with cubs live in herds, males remain aloof. The elephant gives birth to one baby, who weighs close to 100 kg and is under adult care for almost ten years. Females usually remain in their native herd, and young males are kicked out. During droughts, they dig deep holes in which water collects. So they, by chance, help many other animals escape thirst. Paths are made in the thickets, making the area passable for smaller animals. They feed on branches, leaves of trees and bushes. They have the habit of eating the fruits of a special type of tree, the pulp of which begins to ferment. Then drunk and aggressive elephants appear. It can easily crush anyone who stands in its way, which is why the angry elephant is one of the most dangerous of all animals on the planet. Many of the deaths are caused by young males, who are more wild and aggressive, especially in India and Sri Lanka during the night.

Crocodiles: Dead: 4000+ per year

Crocodiles are one of the series of reptiles. There are currently 23 species of crocodiles left on the planet. All of them are predators leading a semi-aquatic lifestyle. Prey includes fish, turtles and those mammals that get too close to the water. When hunting, a crocodile dives, leaving only its nostrils and eyes on the surface. Having gotten close enough to the prey, the predator rushes at it with lightning speed and tightly closes its powerful jaws. It pulls the victim under water and tears it apart, twisting sharply in different directions. Crocodiles are common in tropical regions and prefer fresh water bodies. Some species tolerate salt water and live in the coastal part of the seas. The largest and most dangerous to humans are the combed crocodile, adult males of which can reach 7 m, and Nile crocodile, which grows up to 5 m. These are very fast and versatile killers, they can catch and consume almost any prey. They can easily overcome a large animal such as an antelope. These crocodiles are commonly found in southern Asia, Australia, and throughout Africa.

Venomous snakes: fatalities: 50,000+ per year

Snakes are considered the deadliest animals on earth due to large quantity people who die every year from snakebites. Here are some of the most dangerous representatives of this family:

  • Cobras ‒ Poisonous snakes, which have a “hood” at the back of the head. Cobras live in Africa and Asia. In the front of the upper jaw they have two fangs for injecting venom, which paralyzes and then kills the victim. King Cobra‒ the largest venomous snake in the world: it reaches 5.5 m in length.
  • Coral adders are venomous snakes with red, black, yellow and white stripes on their bodies. This coloring warns other animals that the snake is dangerous. One of the representatives of this family is the continental taipan or fierce snake. The venom of this terrible snake is the most toxic in the whole world. Until an antidote was created, a lot of people died from the poison of this snake, 80-85% of whom were children aged 4 to 6 years.
  • Mambas are poisonous snakes that live in Africa. They can move at a speed of about 20 km/h. The most dangerous look- black mamba, the poison of which can kill a person in 20 minutes. These reptiles are distinguished by their gray body and black mouth, while representatives of other species are green in color.
  • Sea snakes spend their entire lives in the ocean. They live in warm tropical latitudes and hunt fish and eels. These snakes breathe air on the surface and move by swimming with the help of flat tails. There are more than 60 types sea ​​snakes, they are all poisonous. Many species have striped skin - this camouflage coloring helps them hide when the light changes on the surface of the water. Bright representative These snakes are the bicolor bonito, one of the most dangerous sea snakes for humans.

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The fauna of our planet is so diverse that it accommodates a huge number of insects, reptiles, and mammals that are able to withstand external threats using fangs, spines and teeth. But there are representatives of the fauna that are small in size, whose appearance does not cause fear, but they have found another way of defense or attack - these are tentacles, teeth, claws or a poisonous sting.

The most formidable weapon is the venom of some individuals, which is mortal danger for humans. One type of poison causes excruciating pain, another causes cardiac arrest, and a third causes nerve or nerve paralysis. respiratory system. But the result in most cases is death! All representatives of the animal world can hardly be called dangerous in the full sense of the word: their behavior is driven by hunger and self-preservation instincts. As a rule, animals that are dangerous to human life and health do not attack without reason - they simply protect their territory and their offspring from encroachment.

Let's get acquainted with ten ferocious animals on the planet that are not recommended for humans to disturb, since the threat of attack is high.

1. Spotted dart frog

These cute little frogs inhabit the tropical forests of Costa Rica and Brazil. The unusual bright color amazes with the abundance of shades of colors: yellow, green, blue and orange. The poison of this frog is capable of killing 2 huge elephants or 20 people!! Cases of human death have been recorded just from touching this cute creature. It is interesting that in captivity spotted poison dart frogs stop producing poison due to the fact that there is no special types insects that are required for this process.

2. The most dangerous arachnids are the banana spider.

Outwardly it is not so scary, but it occupies an honorable place in the Guinness Book of Records as the most sinister killer. This title was received and well deserved - most people died from the poison of the greenish spider. It is dangerous because it does not have a specific habitat - it can live anywhere, so it is better to know the killer spider by sight!

3. Australian box jellyfish or sea wasp – Chironex fleckeri

Sometimes this representative of cnidarians is awarded the palm in the list of the most dangerous creatures on the planet. Box jellyfish live in warm Asian and Australian waters and have many species, but it is the sea wasp that is considered the most dangerous. This pale blue beauty weighs about 2 kilograms, has 15 three-meter tentacles and is the size of a basketball. Everything that gets caught and entangled in the long tentacles of the box jellyfish is affected by poison, which simply dissolves the prey. A person caught in her arms can still get out onto land, but the pain he experiences will be simply hellish. Rescuers say the pain of cutting off the affected limb will not be as severe as a sea wasp sting, which leaves deep scars for life. Three minutes after the poisonous sting of the jellyfish, brain functions are disrupted and shock occurs nervous system and the heart stops. Between 1884 and today, 63 deaths as a result of a human encounter with a sea wasp.

4. Ringed Octopus

This tiny octopus, no larger than a tennis ball, is an incredibly dangerous creature. “Where is his poison?” you ask. If you make this baby angry, his skin becomes dark in color, and the spots on it begin to glow brightly. When he attacks, the person completely loses his sight and dies from suffocation. The most dangerous thing about this sweet baby's poison is that today an antidote has still not been found! The insidious octopus lives in Japanese and Australian waters, and a person has only one salvation - to take certain precautions.

5. The most dangerous snakes - Inland taipan and Egyptian cobra

An interesting fact is that this snake has a shy disposition and tries to avoid proximity to other animals. But this type of taipan is the most poisonous and dangerous– the lethal dose of poison is 30 mg / kg of body, and with the next bite it delivers 44 mg, and can inject a total of 110. The snake reaches a length of 2 meters, it lives in the central part of Australia, where there is a small population. Its poison is called taypaxin - it is the recognized strongest toxin that science knows, and its effect is asphyxia and paralysis of the brain and muscles. Despite this, no deaths from a taipan bite have been recorded, and herpetologists say that this modest, quiet snake could live peacefully in a human terrarium if not for its poisonous insides.

Egyptian cobra— A graceful beauty of golden brown color, living in African forests, represents the greatest danger. Its glands secrete an incredibly powerful poison that can kill a person in a couple of hours. A huge elephant dies from the bite of an Egyptian cobra in just 3 hours! The poison causes paralysis of the respiratory system - the victim dies from painful suffocation.

6. Bear

The animal amazes with its size, menacing fangs and powerful clawed paws. Today, the world knows eight species of bears, and their habitats are Asia, South and North America, and Europe. You are familiar with the most terrible representatives, with impressive body sizes and ferocious habits - these are brown and polar bears. Most bears are considered omnivores, but there is an exception - the polar bear. This carnivore, eating only animals, is not afraid of humans and has no enemies. The formidable bear is ready to eat everything that has flesh and blood - and its brothers are no exception! When meeting a bear, it is useless to run - it can reach speeds of about 60 km/h. But they do not attack humans so often, since you rarely see people in their habitats. But cute panda bears prefer only food of plant origin.

7. African elephant

Although the elephant is a herbivore and has no enemies, this animal kills about 500 people every year, mercilessly impaling them with its tusks and trampling them under its massive feet. This is the largest animal on Earth, capable of causing a lot of harm to humans over its 70 years of life. You will be surprised to learn that elephant aggression is a consequence of the cruel attitude of people. The elephant has excellent hearing and smell, and is most dangerous during mating games, as testosterone levels increase 60 times! A strong and powerful animal can be obedient, but during the rutting period, as soon as it sees another male or person, it can give chase and attack.

8. The lion is the most dangerous member of the cat family

We all admire the power and beauty of the King of Beasts, combining the perfect balance of strength and speed. This predator is the only one that requires a team to hunt, but driving down a larger prey is not a problem! He rushes at a speed of 50 km/h, despite the impressive weight of 150-250 kg and is able to jump over a fence while holding it in powerful fangs cow! There was an aggressive lion in Kenya that killed 135 people.

9. The most dangerous fish

  • Fugue— The delicious meat of this fish is considered a delicacy among Asian peoples, although this spherical specimen is incredibly poisonous. If the cook prepares the fugu incorrectly, the person will die painfully - first there will be complete paralysis, and then the respiratory organs will fail. And if the cook does not correctly remove all the poisonous parts when cutting the fugu - voila! Dinner will be the last of your life.
  • Stone fish— The ominous-looking aquatic resident is truly dangerous, although she never attacks a person without reason. It uses poison only for protection, and when it enters the body, the person experiences incredible pain, and then paralysis and tissue death occurs.
  • Piranha“Everyone is familiar with these miniature, seemingly inconspicuous fish, at the sight of which there is absolutely no fear. But in the mouth of these dangerous underwater creatures there are several rows of small and razor-sharp teeth, ready to grab onto the victim and tear off pieces of flesh from it. They attack fish, marine animals, and rarely people. But you've all seen horror movies when a helpless victim is thrown into a pool with hungry piranhas, and after a while only bones remain.

10. Scorpio Leyurus

Not all scorpions are potentially dangerous, but a bite from this black beauty will lead to death. Leyurus is small in size, lives in Africa and the Middle East, and when it bites, the victim will experience severe pain, paralysis and death.

The fauna of the Earth is as diverse and delightful as it is dangerous and amazing. It’s hard to believe that representatives of so many food chains can coexist on one planet. There are insects, reptiles, and mammals. At the same time, small individuals often pose a danger to human life. Indeed, the most dangerous animals in the world are not giants at all. Much scarier and more disturbing for us is meeting with representatives of the reptile fauna. After all, it is scorpions and snakes that are a potential threat due to the presence of poison. However, spiders and mosquitoes are also quite a serious threat. We invite you to familiarize yourself with 20 creatures, meeting which means trouble.

20 most dangerous creatures on the planet


Costa Rica

The top 20 dangerous animals on the planet are revealed by a frog called the Spotted Darter frog. This individual is most often found in Costa Rica and Brazil. The danger to humans is the poison carried by toads. One bite is enough to kill two huge elephants and twenty people. At the same time, in history there have been recorded cases of death of people only from the touch of a frog. That is, the creature is covered with poison, which instantly affects our body.



As you already understand, not only large, but also small creatures pose a threat to human life. These should include banana spider, who was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most sinister killer in history. The poison of this small creature killed the most people on the planet. In this case, the insect does not have a specific place of residence. It can be found in any areas covered with vegetation. However, the homeland of the Banana Spider can be called Brazil, where palm trees are most concentrated. You need to know such individuals by sight.


Scientists consider ring-shaped octopuses to be the most dangerous animals on Earth. Despite the small size and harmless shape of the ball, these animals are capable of killing a person in an instant. They attack quite aggressively. At the same time they glow in the night. However, the octopus develops high speed, which makes it quite difficult to evade the attack. After the defeat, the person instantly loses his sight and dies from suffocation. Paralyzing poison takes effect after 1 minute.


Australia and Indonesia

After three minutes of being stung by a sea wasp, a person begins to experience problems with brain function. It's about about a cold-blooded killer who causes acute pain. Incredible torment is caused by an excess of poison, which is concentrated in the tentacles of the animal. In addition to hellish pain, a person struck by a jellyfish experiences dizziness and nausea. Rescuers say the sea wasp leaves deep scars after being stung. When meeting, it is important to have time to get to land after defeat. sea ​​wasp takes 1st place in the ranking of the most poisonous animals on our planet!


We are talking about one of the most dangerous reptiles. This is due not so much to toxicity as to the aggressiveness of the individual. The size of the snake is 2 meters. Unlike its relatives, it is not a passive hunter. This cold-blooded creature can attack on its own, even looking for a victim. At the same time, it is almost impossible to duck an attack, because the snake moves quickly and attacks to the last. There is an antidote, but it is unlikely to help, because the Egyptian cobra can bite one person up to 12 times.


Europe Asia

The most dangerous animals in Russia include: brown bear. The predator, menacing with its fangs and powerful jaws, lives not only in North America, but also in Asia and Europe. The habits and instincts of the northern, more precisely polar bears extremely difficult to determine. We are talking about an omnivore, a carnivore that eats, as a rule, animals. However, history knows of numerous cases in which people became victims. Running from bears is practically useless. They accelerate to 60 kilometers per hour.


Many people consider elephants to be friendly animals. Of course, this is true, but not in the case of African representatives giants. Every year this animal kills close to five hundred people by piercing their bodies with its huge tusks. It's about the large mammal who experiences aggression from time to time. This was not the case before, but last decades something has changed. This behavior is probably due to man's relationship to nature.


It would be strange not to see a lion in this ranking of dangerous creatures of the Earth. The king of animals, which belongs to the cat family, is the best predator and hunter in many countries. These animals are capable of accelerating up to 50 kilometers per hour. Moreover, their sizes can be up to 150-250 kilograms. At the same time, from time to time there appear individuals who are distinguished by an excess of aggression. In particular, in Kenya there lived a lion that killed 135 people in a year. He was later eliminated by hunters.


In the vastness of the oceans you can find amazing animal world, whose ranks include piranhas and fugues. The last individual is considered the most dangerous due to the excess of poison. Considering that this ranking is based on the number of deaths, we can't forget about poisonous fish, which is a favorite delicacy of hundreds of thousands of Japanese. At the same time, the slightest mistake by the cook can lead to the death of the client. And such cases are registered every year. In many restaurants, improper preparation of fugu leads to paralysis and death. Instant.


North America

In itself, this bear is unlikely to be one of the most dangerous animals for humans, since it does not strive to kill. But, if for some reason someone enters his territory, problems cannot be avoided. He attacks instantly if he senses danger or suspects that they are planning to take his food away. He doesn’t know how to climb trees, so the person has an advantage. Grizzlies are too big to climb. At the same time, a thin tree is unlikely to help, because it is powerful enough to be uprooted. Females are considered the most dangerous. They will do anything to protect the kids, and they attack even when there is no reason to suspect the guests of hostility.


In the ranking of dangerous animals, the Black Widow cannot be ignored. This is one of the most poisonous spiders on the planet, meeting with which implies a fatal outcome for humans. Small but very poisonous creatures are found mainly in North America. The important fact is that males practically do no harm and are not aggressive. As a rule, it is the females who bite, which are easy to distinguish by their more large sizes– the length of the legs can reach 5 centimeters. As you already understand, the danger lies in the neurotoxin contained in the venom - it is 15 times more powerful than that of a rattlesnake. It is extremely easy to recognize a bite - an acute burning sensation immediately occurs, followed by pain in the abdominal cavity.

There are plenty of reasons to be wary of this land-based bully. One of the most dangerous mammals can weigh up to 800 kilograms, reaching a height of 3 meters. Females are much smaller and therefore less dangerous. The largest representatives of the family live near the Bering Sea. Small polar bears live mainly on Spitsbergen. These animals differ from their relatives by their flat heads, black skin and long neck. The color of the noise may vary depending on the climate and season of the year. The theory that their cover absorbs ultraviolet rays is still spreading among scientists to this day. This is probably why they may appear dark when photographed under ultraviolet light. When faced with a large representative on its territory, it is extremely difficult to escape even with the help of trees, since they are capable of uprooting them.

As soon as man began to explore the waters of the Earth, the shark was considered one of the most dangerous animals in the ocean. Today, a huge number of stories regarding the meeting of people with sharks have been interpreted; there are rumors and legends, however. We are talking about merciless killers, among whom there are about 350 different types animals. The top 3 in terms of bloodthirstiness are:

  • hammerhead shark;
  • Tiger shark;
  • White shark.

The latter is the most terrible, found in the waters temperate climate. The white shark has an oblong shape with an enlarged upper lobe. In order not to sow panic, scientists assure that the risks of a predator meeting a person are minimal. At the same time, official statistics states that from 30 to 200 people die every year from white shark attacks alone.

By far the most dangerous dog in the world is the Caucasian Shepherd, which can weigh from 50 to 110 kilograms. The large dog is not afraid of cold, hunger and is aggressive. Her courageous, decisive and persistent character frightens even professional trainers. However, the dog is trainable, and with a close owner it is unlikely to cause harm to a passer-by, but an unwanted guest should worry about own life. The owner of loyal dog alone, and even the slightest command may be enough for the dog to attack a bear or wolf. It is important to educate with early childhood puppy. After some time, nothing can correct the character.

This beast has many names. However, not many people know that this type of bull is one of the most dangerous animals in Africa due to its uncontrollable behavior and enormous size. Power African buffalo delights and frightens. Just imagine a pile of muscles rushing at wild speed right at you. The weight of males can reach 1200 kilograms, and the height at the withers is about 1.8 meters. Forest inhabitants are much smaller than the inhabitants of the savannah, but even they are afraid of people and behave extremely anxiously. It is worth saying that these bulls have good adaptive abilities. They can be found even in the mountains at an altitude of up to 3000 meters. At the same time, there are very few of them far from bodies of water. They live in places with annual precipitation of up to 250 millimeters per year.

There have been legends about this insect for many centuries. Not without reason, because dangerous creature is a carrier of a terrible disease. You can distinguish Tsetse from any other fly by four characteristics.