Powerful boar fang amulet. Processing and decoration of hunting trophies Life in the wild

It doesn't matter what year it is, what era, and which way is developing civilization, the magic of animal amulets, the boar's fang amulets, is still in each of us in the blood. Created by Svarog in the world revealed by Rod, we remember the dull bitter smell of pine forest and snow, we hear the howl of wolves and snowstorms, our ear sensitively picks up the sound of a shot arrow. And may we, the children of megacities and high technology, have never experienced it, our genetic memory stores these memories.

The cult of wild animals in an archaic society, where hunting was one of the main activities of man and the guarantor of his survival, is associated with the use of animal parts in cult practices. It was believed that with boar fang amulet, warrior or hunter could get the spirit of the beast as an ally. But, gaining the spirit, a person receives strength not, but of a whole kind. An animal-spirit has its own characteristics and capabilities, and a person who enters into a spiritual union with him has a chance to develop the corresponding abilities in himself.

If your totem is a boar, you can become a good healer, you can learn how to heal ailments. The boar is prudent and cautious, but it happens that in moments of danger it goes ahead, regardless of the real risks.

Wild boar dedicated to Perun strong amulet Fang of a wild boar

The boar is mighty, he is the real master of the forest, the wolves are merciless, the lynxes are cunning and angry, but the hunter was not so afraid of them, as he was afraid to grapple one on one with a wild boar. This beast is cruel and obstinate. Having angered him, the fierce death will not have to wait long. The features of this predator inspired respect and horror in people. The Slavs dedicated the boar to Perun, the god of military power, the lord of thunderstorms. The boar symbolizes military prowess, but at the same time - greed, indefatigable pride, lust and trampling on innocence. so much to it ferocious predator was observed everywhere. So, it is known that the boar was depicted on the helmets of warriors in Ancient Greece to emphasize military power states.

Real boar tusk has long been used as amulet. Despite the fact that this is a male amulet that gives strength and perseverance in achieving the goal, it was also worn by women in the form of pendants, around the neck or on the belt. Two boar tusks connected in the form of a crescent were used to protect the horse. A boar fang can be used in an amulet amulet, as an attunement to the Boar totem, as a key to a powerful egregor.

Wild boar is a fairly large animal that can reach up to one and a half meters in length. The weight adult varies from 150 to 300 kilograms. The bristly fur of the boar resembles the color of a bear with a slight reddish tint. Them distinctive feature can be called large lower fangs, the size of which can be about 25 centimeters. This agile and agile beast is capable of accelerating up to 40 km per hour, which makes it elusive for both wild animals and hunters. On top of that, the wild boar is an excellent swimmer and jumps at a distance of 3.5 meters.

The role of fangs

The main function performed by the fangs of a wild boar can be called defense and attack. most main threat for this animal, a pack of wolves, hunters or a bear can act. When attacked, the boar is capable of inflicting lacerations thanks to its fangs. Everyone knows that the boar is an animal that people hunt with pleasure. You should know that this beast is not so stupid. There were many cases when wild boars lured a person to the reeds with various tricks, after which they suddenly attacked. It is very difficult to escape from the fangs of an angry boar, they are deadly. When an animal is injured, it becomes enraged and may retaliate. In such a wounded and furious state, even wolves do not touch him.

Wild boar habitats

Boar (boar) is a fairly common species that lives throughout Europe, Asia, America and other tropical places. This animal took root in coniferous forests and in deserts. The most favorite place for such wild boars are oak forests. Very often this big boar found in the Caucasus, in Transbaikalia mountain rivers. The boar is a herd animal. Females are smaller than males and have a smaller home range with piglets than the male. Its territory depends on the saturation of food in one place or another. These stray animals are able to cover several kilometers in one day in search of food.

Animal nutrition

The boar is an animal that eats quite diversely. The most favorite delicacies of a wild boar are:

  • Bulb plants.
  • Various roots.
  • Nuts, acorns, berries.
  • Herbaceous plants.
  • Frogs, lizards, snakes.
  • Various insects.
  • Bird eggs.

Offspring of a wild boar

An animal such as a boar (boar) is divided into 25 subspecies, for which characteristic features are stocky body with big head, wide ears and small eyes. All adults protect their herds. Each female is capable of producing approximately five piglets per year, each of which, after birth, can weigh about half a kilogram. Nature itself took care of the safety of the kids and painted them in stripes, which makes small boars less noticeable, unlike adult boars with a dark color. Since wild pigs most often join in huge herds in autumn time to protect their young, even wolves do not always dare to attack pig offspring.

Boar character

Most boars prefer to spend their day in gray wetlands, wallowing in holes. In case of danger, this huge boar is able to run away through thickets impenetrable for other animals, swim across water obstacle, and if necessary - to attack. After all, everyone knows that the best defense is an attack. The big boar tries to avoid meeting people, but there are often times when hunters, along with dogs, run into trouble themselves and they can find them. The pig's hearing is quite well developed, therefore, for general safety, feeding is done at night. The behavior of females should also be noted, because for the sake of their offspring they are ready to go into fire and water, and even against an armed man who will be pursued to the last.

Precautionary measures

In order not to run into such a deadly animal as a wild boar once again, it is recommended to proceed as follows:

  1. Be as careful as possible and do not come close to a flock of wild boars. It is best to leave before the person is seen.
  2. If you had to stumble upon a piglet, you should keep in mind that the mother is always somewhere nearby.
  3. If traces of a boar were found, it is better to go in the other direction, away from this pig trail.
  4. When a boar takes a person by surprise, there is no need to attack him. The best way out of this situation is to climb on tall tree and hide for a while.


Pregnancy of females can last about 120 days, after which they temporarily separate from their herd to build a nest in some quiet place. The new "house" for the brood is more like a hut of branches. The mother in this responsible period for her becomes as aggressive as possible, which allows her to reliably protect and protect her cubs. Unlike males, the female does not have huge frightening fangs, but this does not mean at all that she is harmless. When defending or attacking, she is able to fill up and trample her victim to death. After the offspring grow up, all family members return to the herd again.

Life in the wild

Everything is provided for by nature, but this does not mean at all that life in this world will be without difficulties and obstacles even for wild boars. Without a doubt, the fangs of a boar are powerful weapon and assistant during the entire period of their existence. But to foresee weather, which greatly complicate their lives, is impossible. Snow makes it difficult for them to move, as a result of which the animals are able to overcome only one and a half kilometers, which threatens them with hunger and no fangs and speed of the beast will help in this.

The skin of the boar is quite thick, especially around the thighs. Many hunters know this firsthand. An animal wounded in the thigh is worse than a healthy one, since such an evil animal is capable of fighting the offender to the last.

Everyone knows that the boar is an animal that emits a terrible roar that can put anyone into a stupor. When meeting with an animal, you need to remember that it has an excellent sense of smell and hearing, but its eyesight is slightly lame - this can be used in certain situations for your salvation. AT wild nature When this huge boar comes face to face with a rival, he will never back down, no matter how many enemies surround him.

wild boar

The boar is an animal with a rather unusual appearance. His body can be divided into two parts: back and front. In front, the boar is huge and massive, it has a smoothly flowing body, which narrows strongly at the back. That's why he looks a little hunched over. The comb, which is stretched along the entire back, gives aggressiveness. Upon reaching three years, the boar has two pairs of powerful fangs. Females are very different in this matter from their partners. This weapon can become sharper and more dangerous over the years, as wild boars constantly hone them on stones, frozen ground. A wild boar is an animal that resembles a kind of tank, capable of making its way through even the most impenetrable thickets at lightning speed. This allows you to save your life if necessary. Mud baths are considered the most favorite entertainment of the animal.

The body of the boar is so dense and knocked down that it looks more like a bristly shell, which not every hunter can break through, but it can tease the beast. This animal is unusually strong and is able to turn over huge stones and pick out the frozen ground by 10 centimeters. Of course, to meet one on one with such a powerful killer as a boar is a sad story, but one should not panic, even if the beast screeches and tries to intimidate a person. You must always soberly assess the situation. If you do not approach the animal and its cubs, do not provoke, do not catch the eye, then problems can be avoided. In extreme cases, it is recommended to climb the nearest tree - this is the only true option.

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Of all the game that is usually hunted, the prestigious cohort has long included boar also called wild pig. AT old times he had a different name - boar. This is a solid, far from stupid and savvy beast. He never retreats and is ready to defend his life to the end, which often threatens the hunter with serious injuries. The brilliant writer Cherkasov A.A., who described hunting with amazing talent, in the book “Notes of a Hunter Eastern Siberia» describes the behavior of a wild boar during a hunt: "... look at billhook when the dogs catch up with him, they stop him, the hunters fly up and surround him from all sides, and he, seeing the trouble, will begin to defend himself. All the hair on it will stand on end, its eyes burn with courage and throw terrible sparks, white foam pours out of its mouth in clubs, and the billhook either stands motionless, waiting for an attack, puffs and sharpens its huge white fangs with fury, then rushes at enemies with a bold, impetuous , with an elastic swoop knocks down brave fighters, crosses in two, like a mitten, throws up a snout, flogs with fangs like a knife, makes terrible mortal wounds, releases intestines ... One turn of his snout is enough to kill a careless hunter who decides to come too close to him and somehow blunders ... ".
The danger of boar hunting is also reflected in the well folk wisdom- in sayings, for example, one of them says: "You go for a bear - take a straw, for wild boar you go - drag the coffin."
But, nevertheless, knowing how dangerous this beast can be, you should not fall into a stupor from fear of such a game. If you meet such a serious opponent, you need to be very careful and not lose your temper. And of course, you don’t need to fussily move around, twitch, and you shouldn’t let fear guide your actions.

All appearance wild pig indicates that this animal is adapted for living in dense weaves of forest thickets and reed beds. The head is large, has the shape of a wedge (in proportion, it is almost one third of the entire length), a powerful neck and a large torso, as if squeezed on the sides, enable the beast, when threatened, to leave through the forest wilds and rubble, breaking through any thickets with amazing speed .
Boar legs are hardy, overgrown with coarse hair, short limbs. The tail is not too long, approximately to the heel joint, at its end there is a tassel. When a wild boar runs away from danger, its speed can be about 40 km / h, while it will jump about four meters in length and one and a half meters in height. And the wild boar is capable of maintaining such a pace without stopping for a “smoke break” at distances of 10 or even 15 km. This animal can quickly and without difficulty swim across water barriers, even if the river has a high flow rate, it forces swamps, and is able to overcome steep slopes.

A wild pig is a natural all-terrain vehicle, only impassable snow reduces its ability to maneuver. Only at first inattentive glance, a wild boar can be called a heavy and clumsy animal. In fact, this is a swift and frisky animal. The boar can at any time make a lightning throw to the side or at the enemy. The size of an adult pig is quite significant. The height at the withers can be about 120 cm, and at the same time, the length of the beast is often more than two meters. Such an animal weighs about three centners, or even more. With all this, it is also a well-armed enemy - the boar has well-developed fangs. They are clearly visible when looking at a wild boar - they do not fit in the oral cavity, and turn white menacingly on the outside. On the upper jaw, the fangs are blunt and not too long, and at the exit from the gums they are bent up. On the lower jaw, they are more serious in a wild boar - these are sharp trihedral fangs, and they grow all their lives, and when the boar is already seven years old, their size is already ten centimeters. I must say that the lower fangs of a wild boar are always sharply sharpened, they never become dull, the fact is that the upper fangs are close to them and act as a grindstone. The lower fangs are a lifesaver for a wild boar - this is a digging stick, an “axe”, and a “knife”, and much more. It was the impressive lower fangs of the wild boar that gave another name to adult males - they are often called billhooks.

Female feral pigs also have fangs, although they certainly cannot boast of the same size, they do not even protrude. Actually, this makes female boars less dangerous than adult billhooks.
Boars have a well-developed coat. AT winter time each bristle at the end splits, and itself becomes very strong and lengthens. These bristles on the animal's back tangle and create an original mane. In addition, a dense undercoat grows in cold times. Boar hair, its part, consisting of bristles, most often dark brown in color, brightened at the ends, can be with a grayish tint, or even completely white. The undercoat is also brown in color with an admixture of chestnut color. Wild boar skins do not differ in coloration, they can be brown or brown colors, almost always in darker shades, the limbs are always darker than the body, they can be completely black. In the summer, the bristles are thinned and shortened. The color also changes, it becomes lighter and moves to the “gray area”, in the color of the skin gray, and even ashen colors begin to predominate.
By nature, wild boars are prudent and cautious animals, so they usually try to leave when a person approaches. However, when a boar is wounded, or greatly angered by a long persecution, it can turn all its forces against its pursuer, spitting on a sense of self-preservation. Boars have a remarkably pronounced sense of hearing and smell. But vision is much weaker. But this does not mean that the vision of a wild boar can not be taken into account when hunting for it. Already from a distance of a hundred or one and a half meters, he can detect even small movements hunter and immediately leaves in the other direction.

Boar tusk processing

To extract the fangs of a wild boar, a part of the animal's muzzle is sawn off between the eyes and fangs, as shown in Figure 69. This piece of muzzle must be at least three and a half times longer than the visible part of the lower fangs. The sawn off part is placed in a boiler with cold water so that it is completely hidden under water. The water is brought to a boil and simmered for 2-3 hours. After boiling, the jaws with fangs are removed from the boiler and, without letting them cool, the fangs are removed. To avoid burns, use gloves or rags. The upper fangs are usually removed easily, and to extract the lower ones, they need to be pulled forward 3–5 cm, and then the jaw bones are carefully opened from the back so that the fangs come out freely. Then the fangs are placed in a cauldron of hot oily water to cool. They should not be left without water and washed with cold water. The fang, cooling in oily water, is saturated with fat and acquires a protective layer. After cooling, the nerves are removed from the fangs and the inner surface is wiped with cotton wool, dried in a humid and warm place to avoid cracking.

Rice. 69. Extraction of boar tusks

After drying, the fangs are degreased with gasoline. It is recommended to fill the inside of the fangs with BF glue (any) and, holding it inside for 5–10 s, pour it out, repeating this two or three times at intervals of 30 minutes. Before this, the glue is heated in a bowl with warm water so that it pours out more easily. Instead of BF glue, the inside of the fangs can be filled with epoxy resin of the following composition: 80 parts of filler and 20 hardener. Instead of glue, the canine cavities can be filled with tweezers with cotton soaked in epoxy resin, after 12 hours the glue hardens, giving them greater strength.

So that the fangs do not deteriorate from changes in humidity, they can be covered with a thin layer of colorless synthetic varnish. Canine teeth cannot be bleached.

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An adult boar usually has 44 teeth (12 incisors, 4 canines, 16 anterior and 12 posterior). The incisors, canines, second, third, and fourth anterior molars are diphyodont, i.e., they have two generations. All posterior teeth have no milk predecessors. Anteriolar P11 do not change and remain milky all their lives, and often do not appear in the lower jaw at all.

A brief description of age-related changes in individual groups of teeth can be summarized as follows.

incisors. They are located in the extreme anterior part of the skull. On the lower jaw they are directed straight forward, and on the upper jaw they grow perpendicularly down. Newborns have third incisors on both jaws. At the age of 12-15 days, the first pair of teeth erupt through the gum first in the lower and then in the upper jaw, but they grow relatively slowly: at 2 months of age they reach 0.5 cm in length. 3-month-old individuals already have all the milk incisors. The replacement of milk teeth with definitive ones occurs in the same sequence as the appearance of milk teeth: I3 erupt and are replaced at 9-10 months, I1 - at 15-16, and I2 - at the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 3rd year of life. Homologous teeth in the upper jaw usually erupt only when the lower teeth reach about 2/3 of their definitive length.

fangs. Newborns have both pairs of milk fangs, outwardly very similar to the third incisors. Milk fangs grow slowly and persist only until 10-11 months of age. Most salient feature the definitive fangs of males - their constant and rather rapid growth almost throughout their lives, while in females the fangs grow only up to 4-5 years and very slowly. The lower fangs in adult males are directed upwards and to the sides, slightly bending back. The upper ones, starting from the 2nd year of life, grow down and to the sides, and by the end of the 3rd year their tops begin to bend upwards and the more, the older the boar. Both pairs of canines gradually increase with age both in length and in diameter, reaching maximum dimensions in old males. Our observations and study of the fangs of males show that to some extent they can also be used to determine age. Figure 2 shows how the shape, size and wear of canines in males change depending on age. However, fangs by themselves cannot serve as a reliable indicator for determining the age of animals, since within each age group a wide range of variability in their size is found. Note that the length of the canine was measured along a large bend from the border of the alveolus to the top of the tooth, and the width - in the widest place at the level of the bone alveolus. The lower fangs in males are trihedral, the upper ones are rounded; in females, the lower ones are trihedral-rounded, and the upper ones are flat. In males, the length of the lower canine along the outer large bend from the root to the top reaches 230, and the upper canine - 140 mm; in females - 100 and 55 mm, respectively.

Anterior root. In a wild boar, all anterior and posterior molars (both deciduous and definitive) are placed close to each other, forming a compact row. Only in the lower jaw, the first pair is located apart between the canines and the second premolars.

On the 5-8th day after birth, the fourth pair of teeth protrudes noticeably from the alveoli on the lower jaw, and the third pair of teeth on the upper jaw: P4 erupt and develop after P3. By the age of 1.5 months, piglets have the first and third pairs of incisors, canines, as well as the third and fourth anterior teeth; the tops of the second incisors and the second anterior roots are cut through the bone alveolus. In the future, the growth and development of milk teeth proceed quickly and in a short time, which can be explained by the gradual transition of piglets from feeding on mother's milk to self-procurement of food. Young animals of 3-4 months of age already have well-developed anterior molars, with the exception of the first pair, which usually forms after the rest.

The replacement of milk anterior molars with definitive teeth begins at 15-16 months, with the fourth pair on the lower jaw erupting first; it grows rapidly, reaching full development by 18-20 months, while the third pair by this time grows only to 2/3 of its size, and the second is just erupting. In general, all definitive anterior teeth of the lower jaw are finally formed by the age of 22-24 months. However, if the milk teeth are largely adapted to crushing and grinding food, then all permanent premolars for the most part only crushing or cutting. This is due to the fact that the function of crushing food in 2-3-year-old wild boars is carried by developing posterior teeth.

posterior root. The first pair of posterior teeth erupt at the age of 4 months, and by 6 months it is already fully developed, but traces of wear on the tops of the tubercles appear only by 10 months. The development of the second is generally completed by 18-20 months, and the third - by the end of the 3rd year of the boar's life. The molars grow strictly alternately: the postalveolar differentiation of each tooth occurs only when the previous one is finally formed. The degree of wear of the cusps and surfaces of the crowns of the teeth also increases consistently. This sequence is one of the best diagnostic features for establishing a scale of age-related changes in teeth.