Flounder fish description for children. Sea flounder: description, habitats, spawning and fishing methods

An adult flounder is unmistakably recognizable - it has very strong body asymmetry. The side of the fish where it spends its entire life adult life, pale and rough. It has no fins or eyes. The side facing the surface is smooth and disguised to match the color of the bottom. Typically, the top of the fish is dark brown, but may vary depending on the habitat.

Juvenile flounder does not differ in appearance from ordinary fish and swims vertically. Before maturation, the fry go through all the stages of changes that have occurred with flounder over thousands of years of evolution. Hiding from enemies, the flounder has adapted to lie on the bottom, merging with the ground. It is inconvenient to observe what is happening from above with one eye, so the eye of the fish, located on the lower side, gradually shifted upward, to the upper side.

The movement of the fish “on its belly” along the bottom led to a rough roughness of the lower side. The fish on this side feels like fine sandpaper to the touch. Its hard skin protects the flounder from slipping on sharp rocks and pebbles.

Sometimes a fish, in order to completely merge with its surroundings, buries itself in the sand, leaving only its eyes on the surface. Moreover, some types of flounder even have the ability to change their pigmentation to match the color of the bottom, like a chameleon.

Flounder feeds on crustaceans and small fish that live on seabed. She has strong, well-developed teeth. In search of food, flounder tries not to leave the bottom, but some species are known that are found in high layers of water during feeding.

Flounder - the only fish, which was seen at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. When diving to a depth of 11 km. Jacques Picard I noticed small flat fish, about 30 cm in length, similar to the familiar flounder.

Many species of flounder are of valuable commercial importance due to delicious meat. The European species of flounder and Japanese olive flounder are of greatest interest for fishing on an industrial scale. Species native to the western and northern Atlantic are popular among sport fishermen.

Only medium and large-sized species of flounder are of gastronomic interest. For example, halibut, considered a delicacy, can reach 2.5 m in length. The European species is smaller - about 1 m. There are also species, for example, oligolepis Tarphops, which grow only up to 4.5 cm and reach a mass of 2 grams.

Fishing on sea ​​flounder not much different from catching other bottom fish. Acts as bait small fish, or pieces of fish, shrimp, crustaceans. In Russia, when fishing for flounder, sometimes they even use sausage, which the fish readily grabs. Flounder grabs bait slowly, which is typical for its sedentary lifestyle. Bites occur at a depth of 10-100 m. The fish does not resist very actively, but you must fish it out carefully so as not to tear its lip.

Scientific classification

intermediate ranks

International scientific name

Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus, )

Security status

This fish breeds in the sea, however most of spends its life in fresh or brackish water.


The body of flounder is flattened, up to 50 cm long, weighing up to 3 kg. Both eyes are placed on one, upper, side of the body. Most flounders have eyes located on the right side. The upper side of the body is better organized than the lower side - the skeleton is better developed here, there are fins, and a brighter color. The pectoral fins of flounders are located on both sides of the body, one of them points up and the other points down. The gills located behind the head are identical on both sides of the body, one gill cover opens upward and the other opens downward.


It lives off the coast of Scandinavia, Central Europe and the Mediterranean Sea from the high tide line to a depth of 55 m, as well as in river mouths and some lakes off the coast. River flounder is one of the most numerous species of flounder; it also adapts better than other species to new environmental conditions. It is found from the Arctic coast of northern Norway to areas of shallow, sun-warmed water off the coast of North Africa. Can live in both sea and fresh water. River flounder is often found in brackish waters sea ​​bays. The tidal waters lift the fish upstream where they find rich food sources.


River flounder stays solitary, but at spawning grounds they gather in large groups. Perfectly adapted to life in freshwater reservoirs and the sea. Typically, the fish "lies on its side" in sand or mud, exhaling water through gills located on the upper side of the body. Often uses its amazing gill structure to hide from the enemy: by taking in water and releasing it through the gill cover located below, the fish can quickly push off from the bottom.

The best protection for river flounder is provided by the ability to change color and adapt to the surrounding world. Under normal conditions, the upper side of the flounder's body is brown, with yellow, brown or black speckles. The underside of the flounder's body is white, less often white with brown spots. If necessary, flounder changes color and can acquire the color of sand or bottom silt and even become covered with spots, becoming like pebbles. The color changes over the course of several days, so the fish buries itself in the sand to better camouflage itself. When a flounder swims, it makes an up and down wave-like motion with its flat body. Dorsal and ventral fins can also participate in the movement.


Feeds on mollusks, crustaceans, Life cycle

  • Puberty: from 3-4 years.
  • Spawning: from February to May (depending on water temperature).
  • Caviar: up to 2 million eggs.
  • Incubation period: 11 days.

River flounder lives and feeds in fresh water, but it breeds in the sea. Spawning occurs at a depth of 25-40 m, and the eggs released into the water first float in the water column, and before metamorphosis they sink to the bottom; the fry hatched from the eggs remain at the surface, where they feed on small planktonic organisms. After hatching, the eyes of the flounder are still located on both sides of the head. Flounder larvae have the same symmetrical body structure as other fish. The grown fish lies on its side on the seabed. Around this time, the flounder's left eye moves to the top side of its head. The upper side of the fish’s body darkens, then the juveniles release air from the swim bladder and sink to the bottom. In late spring they find refuge in river shallows.

Most flounder lie on the left side of the body. However, sometimes there are “inverted” individuals lying on their right side.

  • Sometimes river flounder crosses with other species of fish from the flounder family. Such offspring develop features of both parents.
  • Adult river flounder often travel vast distances to get to their spawning grounds. During such a journey, they lose up to 10% of their mass.
  • Flounder should be understood as several species of fish, distinguished by their unusual body structure and body shape itself. Flounder should be understood as “flat” fish species, which is what it means in translation.

    As a rule, these types of fish live in close proximity to the bottom and are of industrial interest due to the fact that the meat of these fish has excellent taste. Basically, flounder lives in the seas and oceans, but sometimes enters rivers. Flounder is considered a predatory fish because it feeds exclusively on living organisms. About how much healthy fish, its catching and its behavior will be discussed in this article.


    What is most interesting is that what is seen is not the truth. The back and belly of the flounder are actually the sides of the fish, some of which are colored and others not. At the same time, both eyes of the fish are located on one side, although they can look in different directions, independently of one another. This allows the fish to react in time to external stimuli, such as the enemies of flounder. They also help her hunt.

    Adults are laid on their side, their eyes are moved to the top of the head, which is their characteristic feature. Determining how old an individual is is quite simple by the asymmetry of its body. In adult individuals, there is a strong asymmetry of the body, and the part of the body on which it spends almost its entire life is characterized by very pronounced roughness. Its color is somewhat pale, and its eyes are located on the other side. As for the other side, it is smooth and has a sandy color, which helps the fish camouflage on the bottom. The color of the top may depend on the fish's habitat. Young individuals are practically no different from ordinary fish species and swim just as vertically. In the process of growing up, certain metamorphoses occur. By the time of reproduction, the flounder becomes a flounder: the left eye moves to the right side, and the fish begins to swim horizontally.

    Flounder hides from its enemies at the bottom, burying itself in sand or other soil. At the same time, she leaves her eyes outside to monitor what is happening around her. In this position, she also monitors potential prey. If it suits her, she instantly grabs it.

    The lower part of the flounder has quite durable and rough skin. This is due to the fact that the fish mainly moves along the bottom, among scatterings of stones and shells, which can be quite sharp. To the touch, this part of the flounder’s body can be compared to sandpaper. There are species of flounder that can change color depending on their habitat, which helps the fish hide from their enemies.

    Where does flounder live?

    Flounder can be found in almost all oceans and seas. Most representatives of this species prefer the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, as well as the waters of the Sea of ​​Japan, etc. Oddly enough, flounder was found in Mariana Trench, at a depth of 11 km. This type of flounder grows up to 30 cm in length. Three species of flounder live in the Black Sea. Most close-up view- This is a kalkan flounder. Some individuals are capable of gaining weight up to 15 kg. In addition, the kalkan flounder is capable of changing its color, adapting to external conditions habitat. This species of flounder has no scales.

    In the Black Sea there are river flounder (gloss) and sole, which also belongs to this type of fish. Many fishermen note that the most catchy place is the Kerch Strait. In addition, fishing can be no less productive at Cape Tarkhankut, as well as at the mouths of the Dniester and Dnieper. The same types of flounder are also found in the Sea of ​​Azov.

    How does it reproduce

    Flounder, compared to other fish species, is quite prolific. Adults are capable of laying up to ten million eggs. This fish lays eggs at a depth of at least 50 meters.

    Flounder meat is valued for its taste, which is why it is caught on an industrial scale. Especially, olive Japanese flounder and European flounder are in great demand. Flounders are also very popular among amateur fishermen, especially those that inhabit the northern and western parts Atlantic Ocean. As a rule, amateur fishermen go to the open ocean or open sea to catch this tasty fish and try their hand.

    Flounder fishing

    What gear is used

    Since flounder leads a bottom-dwelling lifestyle, bottom (feeder) gear is more suitable for catching it. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that flounder can be caught with a spoon if it is held at the very bottom or using the vertical lure method. As bait for the hook, you should choose those living organisms that are included in the diet of flounder.

    Line selection

    The main line should have a thickness of about 0.5-0.7 mm, and the line for the leash is chosen a little thinner, about 0.4-0.6 mm. This is necessary so that the fishing line can withstand a large specimen, which gets hooked quite often. When fishing, flounder exhibits great resistance. This is also due to the structure of her body. The strongly flattened body provides a lot of resistance, plus the resistance of the fish itself. When fishing from the shore, you need to have enough line to cast the tackle as far as possible.

    Selection of hooks

    It is better to choose hooks for catching flounder with a long shank and numbers No. 6, No. 7. This is due to the fact that flounder can swallow the bait quite deeply. Therefore, other sizes and shapes of hooks are subsequently difficult to remove from the fish’s mouth.


    Experienced fishermen point out that small mollusks, crabs or small fish, which form the basis of its diet, can be put on the hook. You need to attach it so that the hook is not visible.

    Methods for catching flounder

    Flounder can be caught either from the shore or from a boat. She swallows the bait in a lying position, after which she tries to move to the side. At this moment you need to hook. When playing, you should take into account the fact that this fish strongly resists, therefore, you should not force events.

    You need to wait the right time, gradually pulling it either to the shore or to the boat. During this time she will get tired, and at the end of the event she will not resist so much. This will allow you not only to catch such tasty fish, but also to keep your tackle intact.

    Catching flounder from the shore is effective when it comes close to the shore, which happens at the end of autumn and this period continues for almost the whole winter. To catch flounder from the shore, you need to arm yourself with:

    • Spinning rod, the length of which can range from 2 to 5 meters. Moreover, the spinning rod must be powerful, with a dough of at least 150 grams.
    • Feeder (bottom tackle). To catch this powerful fish Powerful river feeders with a marine reel installed on them are perfect.
    • A powerful and strong fishing line, with a breaking force of at least 10 kilograms. Its thickness is selected within 0.5 mm, no less. This is also necessary in order to throw a tackle with a sinker weighing about 200 grams far. If the reservoir has a sandy bottom, then it is better to take an anchor sinker.
    • Hooks, numbers from No. 6 to No. 12.

    Some tips for catching flounder from the shore

    • Flounder prefers a solitary lifestyle and does not travel in schools.
    • If the shore is sandy, then this is one of the best places to catch this fish. You should not choose a place with stones. The tackle needs to be thrown at different distances in a checkerboard pattern.
    • It is necessary to throw the tackle as far as possible, at a distance of at least 50 meters. The rod on the shore should be set at an angle of 75 degrees.
    • It is better to place small fish on the hook, either whole or in pieces.
    • If the shore is flat, then it is better to take advantage of this advantage by dragging the flounder to the shore.
    • If the fish weighs 5 and more kilos, then pulling it out is not easy, without some experience. In this case, it is better to exhaust the fish, although this may take a lot of time.
    • As experienced fishermen point out, the most intense bite is observed early in the morning, although it is possible to catch flounder at night.
    • The bite is determined by the behavior of the rod tip. If there is wind and waves on the water, then this is more difficult to do without experience in catching this fish.
    • When catching the Black Sea flounder kalkan, you should be extremely careful, since it has a sharp spine that can easily create a long-lasting wound on the human body. When catching flounder, it is better to remove this thorn immediately.

    Using some tips, flounder fishing will always be productive. For example:

    • For fishing from a boat you do not need a long spinning rod. Even a winter fishing rod can come in handy here. The thickness of the fishing line is selected in the range of 0.5-0.6 mm.
    • The line for the leash is selected within 0.35 mm.
    • The sinker is selected weighing from 80 to 120 grams. It is better not to use an anchor sinker.
    • When fishing from a boat, the bait should be lowered vertically in relation to the boat. If the place is not deep, then the tackle can be thrown to the side, and then pulled up to the “plumb” position. The second cast is carried out in the same way, but from the other side of the boat.
    • If bites are rare, then you can lower the spinning rods on both sides of the boat, and cast the third one.
    • If a flounder bites, it will mean that it is securely on the hook, since its mouth is strong.
    • When fishing from a boat, you need to have a hook, since it is unlikely that you will be able to drag a large specimen into the boat with your hands.

    Flounder meat is considered dietary and is easily digested by the human body. Flounder meat contains B vitamins, as well as microelements, which have a positive effect on the functioning of almost all internal organs.

    100 grams of flounder meat contains only 90 kcal. At the same time, 16 grams of protein and 3 grams of fat were found. Flounder meat does not contain carbohydrates, which contribute to weight gain. excess weight. Flounder meat is not only healthy, but also tasty.

    Despite this, flounder has its own specific aroma, which disappears if the skin is removed from the fish. Thanks to his amazing taste, man has come up with many recipes and cooking methods. The meat of this fish can be fried, boiled, stewed or baked. At the same time, you must always remember that flounder will be most useful when most of the nutrients are retained in the fish meat if it is boiled, stewed or baked. Many experts do not recommend frying flounder, since any fried dish burdens the stomach.

    Flounder is a very common, healthy fish, characterized by unsurpassed taste. Thanks to such data, it is caught on an industrial scale.

    Along with fishermen, flounder fishing is also carried out by amateurs. Basically, they are attracted by the fact that the flounder seriously resists, and this means extra doses of adrenaline and a memory for life. For fishing to be successful, you need to correctly select all the elements of the gear and find a catchable place.

    Domain: Eukaryotes

    Kingdom: Animals

    Type: Chordata

    Class: Ray-finned fish

    Squad: Flounders

    Family: Flounder

    Distribution and habitats

    Marine and river flounder species have various places habitat. Marine fish live mainly in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. But it is also common in the White, Northern and Okhotsk Seas. River flounder can live both in the sea and in rivers, where they can swim quite far. This fish lives in the Black and Mediterranean Seas, in the rivers flowing into them, as well as in the Yenisei. They even highlight special kind flounder: Black Sea.

    Black Sea flounder is shown in the photo. She is valuable commercial fish, which fishermen love to hunt. Black Sea flounder, like any other, prefers to lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle. It is preferable for her that the soil be loose enough to burrow into it easily. But thanks to the ability of mimicry, this is not so important: how many colored stones there are on the bottom, the number of colors will be conveyed by the upper surface of the fish.


    Flounder – sea ​​fish, which belongs to the flounder family. The strongly flattened body, as well as the eyes located on one side of the fish, are its two most important differences.

    What seems to us to be the back or belly of a fish is actually the sides of a flounder, it’s just that one of them has coloring and the other does not. Both eyes of a flounder are located on the same side, but can look in completely different directions: this can help the fish sense approaching danger in time. One of characteristic features flounder - adults of this fish lay on one side, after which the eyes of the flounder are shifted to the top of the head.

    You can easily find out whether this individual is an adult - it usually has a very asymmetrical body, but the side, on which it spends most of its life, is very rough and pale. There are no fins on this side, and the eyes are located on the other side. But the other side of an adult flounder is smooth, it has a sandy color, which helps the fish camouflage on the bottom (usually dark brown, although there are other options depending on its habitat). The appearance of young flounder differs little from its relatives. She swims vertically.

    To hide from numerous enemies, this fish lies on the bottom, where it disguises itself as soil, buries itself in the sand and carefully watches what is happening with its eyes remaining on the surface. The bottom side of the flounder has become rough due to constant movement along the bottom. From such movements it became hard to protect the skin of the fish from pebbles and sharp stones. The bottom side may feel like sandpaper to the touch. In addition, some representatives of this fish can, like a chameleon, change their color to match the color of the bottom.


    River flounder

    The species Platichthys flesus, large in population but poor in related taxa, has successfully acclimatized for permanent residence in fresh and slightly salty water. It is distinguished by a rounded body and spines on the lateral line. The sighted side has a dull brown or olive-brown color with chaotic yellow and dark specks. It will grow up to 3 kg with a body length of 50 cm.

    For full development, the clutch of flounder must constantly receive a fresh supply of oxygen due to drift in the water column (pelagic eggs). But this is only possible in a dense salty environment (from 10 ppm). In freshwater rivers, the larvae do not maintain buoyancy, sink to the bottom and die, so the fish go to sea to spawn.

    The cool Baltic is ideal for these purposes with a vast basin, low salinity (11-12%), long coastline, moderate depths of 30-50 m and rich food base. River view also officially called Baltic flounder due to its wide distribution in the coastal zone, inflowing rivers and sea waters.

    Star flounder

    The species Platichthys stellatus lives in northern waters Pacific Ocean(Bering, Okhotsk, Chukchi, Sea of ​​Japan). The freshwater form inhabits lagoons, bays and lower reaches of rivers (150-200 km from the mouth). It has left-sided eyes, dark color (greenish, brown), wide black stripes on the fins and spiked star-shaped plates on the eye side. Due to its distribution, the taxon is also known as the Pacific river flounder. The usual size of the fish is 50-60 cm and weighs 3-4 kg. There are frequent cases of catching large individuals weighing 7-9 kg (75-90 cm).

    Black Sea Kalkan

    The fish is similar to flounder, but belongs to a separate family called Scophthalmidae. Inhabits the North Atlantic and the Black, Baltic, and Mediterranean seas. It grows over a meter in length and weighs up to 20 kg. It is distinguished by the left location of the eyes, a round shape and a large number of tuberous spines scattered over the entire surface of the brown-olive sighted side. Except marine environment, feels excellent in the lower reaches of the Dnieper, Southern Bug, and Dniester. Due to increased salinity Sea of ​​Azov Due to the shallowing of the inflowing rivers, the Black Sea flounder spread to the mouth of the Don. A smaller subspecies also lives here - the Azov diamond, which will grow in length up to 40-45 cm.

    Arctic flounder

    A cold-resistant Arctic species (Liopsetta glacialis) with an elongated oval body of a uniform dark brown color and brick-colored fins. Prefers soft silty soil. Inhabits the Kara, Barents, White, Bering and Okhotsk seas. Reproduces in winter under ice, with negative temperature water (up to – 1.5°C). Often the warm feeding season is spent in the low-salt lower reaches Siberian rivers. Found everywhere in the Kara, Yenisei, Ob, Tugur.

    Sea flounder

    The salty environment is home to dozens of species of flat fish that thrive both on the shallow coastal shelf and at depths of several kilometers. They are characterized by a wide variation in size, body shape, fin color, sighted and blind sides.

    Common sole

    The basic taxon (Pleuronectes platessa), living in low- and high-salinity water (10-40%) at depths of 30-200 m, is an important commercial fish object. Inhabits the Eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean, White, Barents, Baltic and other seas. The main color is brown-green with reddish or orange spots. It grows up to 6-7 kg, maximum size up to 1 m. It has well-developed mimicry.

    White-bellied flounder

    Sea bottom fish that grows up to half a meter. The minimum fishing size is 21 cm. Features appearance– arc-shaped diluted lateral line, milky color of the blind side, brown or wheat-brown color of the eye side.

    There are two subspecies:

    • Southern white-bellied flounder (Lepidopsetta bilineata mochigarei) lives in the coastal zone of Primorye and the Sea of ​​Japan.
    • Northern (Lepidopsetta bilineata bilineata) - in the waters of the Kamchatka, Okhotsk and Bering seas. Both form large populations in Peter the Great Bay (southern Primorsky Krai) and the Strait of Tartary, which separates Sakhalin from the mainland.

    Yellowfin flounder

    A cold-loving species (Limanda aspera) from the genus Limanda, which is common in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Japan and Bering Sea. There are numerous fish west coast Kamchatka and Sakhalin. Prefers depths of 15-80 meters, where it adheres to sandy soils. Other common names for the taxon - spiny limanda and red flounder - are given because of the spiked scales and rounded brown body framed by yellow-golden fins. Maximum size is 45-50 cm with a weight of 0.9-1.0 kg.

    Far Eastern flounder

    Collective name for a dozen taxa of flat fish. In addition to the yellowfin, star and white-bellied forms, there are two-lined, long-snouted, proboscis, halibut, yellow-bellied, warty and others. It is the northern territories that provide the majority of the world's catch of flounder.


    Flounder is solitary, but at spawning grounds it gathers in large groups. Perfectly adapted to life in freshwater reservoirs and the sea. Typically, the fish "lies on its side" in sand or mud, exhaling water through gills located on the upper side of the body. Often uses its amazing gill structure to hide from the enemy: by taking in water and releasing it through the gill cover located below, the fish can quickly push off from the bottom.

    The best protection for river flounder is provided by the ability to change color and adapt to the surrounding world. Under normal conditions, the upper side of the flounder's body is brown, with yellow, brown or black speckles. The underside of the flounder's body is white, less often white with brown spots. If necessary, flounder changes color and can acquire the color of sand or bottom silt and even become covered with spots, becoming like pebbles. The color changes over the course of several days, so the fish buries itself in the sand to better camouflage itself. When a flounder swims, it makes an up and down wave-like motion with its flat body. The dorsal and pelvic fins may also be involved in movement.


    Flounder feeds very variedly. It can be attributed to predatory fish. The basis of nutrition consists of worms, mollusks and small crustaceans. But small fish that swim near the shelter are also often eaten. The fish does not like to leave it, so as not to become prey itself.

    Despite the fact that flounder is a predator, fishermen prefer to use natural bait. To do this, they take worms or shellfish meat. For a fish to pay attention to its potential prey, it must be right under its nose. Otherwise, she is unlikely to come out of hiding, even to eat.


    Flounder breeds between February and May. This variation in timing is due to the fact that the habitat is quite wide, and in each case the fish has its own period of time when active spawning occurs. Despite the fact that flounder prefers to live alone, it gathers in schools for spawning. Sometimes several varieties of flounder mix in schools, and then crossing of different species can occur.

    Flounder reaches sexual maturity at 3-4 years. During the spawning period, it spawns from several hundred to several million eggs. The amount of caviar depends on the type and size of the fish. The eggs survive an incubation period of 11 days, after which the fry hatch. The fry's left eye is on the left side, and the right eye is on the right: everything is like in ordinary fish.

    After hatching, the fry feed on zooplankton, and as they grow, they feed on more nutritious food. Gradually left side turns into the lower part, from which the eye moves to the right side. Very rarely the right side becomes the lower part. What this is connected with is still unknown to science.

    Fishing methods

    The flounder spends the main part of its life lying on the bottom, on its blind side. Often, only the eyes and mouth peek out from the mud and sand. Therefore, they catch this fish with bottom gear. The most popular places for fishing: coastal areas of Norway, Far East, Barents Sea. In the Azov and Black Seas, flounder is found less frequently.

    Mostly you come across specimens weighing from 150 g to a weight slightly exceeding 1 kg. In this case, the age of the fish is 3-6 years. Flounder more weight caught much less frequently.

    Flounder is caught using durable spinning bottom gear. The rod is rigid and made of durable carbon fiber material. It is better to take a multiplier reel with a depth gauge, thick monofilament fishing line or a good cord of 0.35 m and above. As bait, baits made from fry, worms, and shellfish meat are used.

    Nutritional value

    Flounder is a valuable commercial fish due to its excellent taste qualities and rich chemical composition. Despite the variety of flounder species, chemical properties these fish are approximately the same. Flounder meat contains up to 20% complete protein, water, fat, ash, vitamins and minerals. Proteins contain the optimal amount of amino acids, as well as methionine, which has lipotropic properties.

    Compared to meat of animal origin, fish has several times less connective tissue, so fish protein is much more easily absorbed by the human body. Flounder is a low-fat fish, it contains only up to 3% fat, so this fish is ideal for a balanced diet. The minimal amount of fat in flounder will not lead to problems with excess weight, but it is perfectly absorbed by the body and saturates the cells with vitamins A and E.

    Flounder is a low-calorie fish, it contains 90 kcal per 100 grams of product. In Eastern countries, this fish is considered an aphrodisiac - a product that increases libido, sexual potential and even the ability to conceive. Flounder is eaten fried, boiled, and salted. Fried or flounder – traditional favorite dish many eastern and coastal countries.



      http://fishingwiki.ru/Flounder http://sostavproduktov.ru/produkt/kambala https://tvoytrofey.ru/rybalka/articles/kambala/ https://inokean.ru/animal/fish/104-kambala http http://hnb.com.ua/articles/s-zdorovie-kambala-3576

    Flounder is a flat-looking fish that lives in the waters of the Okhotsk, Barents, Black and Mediterranean seas. She lives exclusively in sea ​​waters and never swims into rivers on its own.

    This predatory species a fish that cannot be confused with other types of fish: it has a flattened body, on which there are two eyes on one side. These features are characteristic only of flounder and are not repeated in any other fish.

    Calorie content

    This type of marine life not only has unusual look, but also taste. There is a lot about its beneficial properties interesting information on Wikipedia. Flounder meat is used in many dietary dishes, since it is low in calories and contains many useful microelements that are important for our body.

    This fish, like many other marine inhabitants, contains a lot protein and amino acids. Compared to animal and fish meat, flounder has virtually no connective tissue, which has a beneficial effect on the speed of absorption of food by the human body.

    calorie content which is small, is very important for digestion and health. The usefulness is quite great, many vitamins and minerals that it contains are necessary for all people:
    • Vitamins E, A, B;
    • Thiamine, methionine, pyridoxine, riboflavin;
    • Pantothenic and nicotinic acids;
    • Omega-3 fatty acids;
    • Iron, zinc, copper, potassium and others;
    • Ash, water.

    The caloric content is small, only ninety calories. But these indicators relevant when properly prepared, for example, by steam. If you fry fish in a frying pan using oil, the number of calories in the finished product doubles.


    This fish can live in fresh waters, and in the sea. The flounder population includes both marine and river species.

    But despite the fact that she can live in any body of water, spawning she swims only in the sea.

    In nature, there are about forty species of flounder, the most common of which are:


    This large fish, which can reach a mass of up to seven kilograms. This species lives only in the sea waters of the European part.


    It lives not only in European seas, but also in rare cases swims into fresh rivers. It feeds on what is on the bottom due to the shape of its body. The fish has green or light brown scales on the upper part of the body and white shades on the belly. This species lives primarily in the ocean, Pacific and Atlantic. The following types of fish also live in the seas:

    • Halibut;
    • European smallmouth;
    • Solea;
    • Atlantic long;
    • Greenland halibut;
    • Yellow-bellied.

    Flounder, species of which live in the sea or river, differ in size and color scales. But she may also have different sizes eyes and they can be located at different distances from each other.

    Flounder is similar to chameleon in its qualities and can skillfully camouflage itself in case of danger. If she sees that any predator is threatening her, the color can change to the desired shade in a couple of minutes.

    Damage to flounder

    Each fish can be beneficial or harmful. In flounder meat useful qualities exceed other factors. But with all this, there are a number of contraindications; it should not be used:

    • People who have intolerance to protein foods;
    • Having severe pathological disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver;
    • Those who have a history of hyperthyroidism;
    • For acute seafood intolerance.

    The benefits of flounder

    The beneficial properties make this fish interesting not only for cooking, but also for cosmetic goals.

    It contains large number amino acids, as a result of which high-quality collagen, which is later used in cosmetology to make various creams and masks.

    This fish has a positive effect on the body:

    • Suitable for dietary nutrition, since its content is dominated by proteins, which are absorbed by the body as quickly as possible;
    • A large number of protein compounds activate the process of cell regeneration;
    • Flounder meat is considered a high-quality aphrodisiac and is beneficial for men;
    • This fish contains a large amount of selenium, which is necessary for the human body. This substance is involved in all significant processes and constant consumption of flounder helps to replenish it to the proper level;
    • Improves digestion processes, reduces cholesterol and normalizes cardiac activity.

    Due to its high value sea ​​creature is important for our diet. Regular consumption strengthens the immune system and saturates the body. useful substances, this is very important.

    How to choose quality fish

    Do I need to clean flounder before cooking it?

    Many people, when preparing to cook this fish for the first time, wonder whether they need to clean it somehow. It is worth saying right away that the process is quite unusual, since the flounder carcass is different from the rest. There is no need to try to remove the scales, since they simply may not be on it.

    Before cooking, cooks must wash the flounder and remove its skin. This is done quite simply, but you need to be careful, since the fish is flat and has tender meat, it should not be damaged. The entire cleaning process should be divided into several stages:

    • First, the fish must be washed with warm water;
    • Then carefully cut off the fins;
    • Through the resulting incision, the skin is removed from the entire surface of the flounder carcass, in the direction from the tail to the head.

    The need to remove the skin from fish arises in order to rid it of an unpleasant odor. But if the fish is small in size, you can deviate from this rule.