Green pepper lecho with tomato paste. Lecho for the winter - incredibly tasty recipes. Bulgarian lecho with garlic

Whitefly is a frequent visitor to our greenhouses and conservatories. This small, voracious insect can destroy an entire crop in a short time. Preventive autumn processing is an important step in pest control.

Autumn treatment of a greenhouse against whitefly

Work on treating the greenhouse against whiteflies begins after fruiting and harvesting have ended. It is necessary to complete all preventive measures before the onset of stable frosts.

Treatment of a greenhouse against whiteflies is carried out when everything in the greenhouse has already been cleaned


First, you need to put things in order in the greenhouse, carefully collect and burn all plant debris (fallen rotten fruits, tops, leaves, roots, etc.).

Experts do not advise putting greenhouse vegetation in compost, because insect larvae and fungal spores remaining in it can cause re-infection.

All plant residues are collected and burned

Structure processing

It is necessary to remove colonies of moss and mold from all structural elements. The entire greenhouse, both inside and outside, should be washed with warm soapy water. Using a long-handled brush or sponge, wash all frames and glass, starting from the very top and gradually moving down. Particular emphasis is placed on joints, grooves and joints. Then the detergent is washed off with clean water from a spray bottle or hose.

The greenhouse is disinfected with a bleach solution

Subsequent disinfection is carried out using the following means:

  • The entire structure, as well as garter ropes, supports, rods, etc., are carefully treated with a strong dark solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Wooden elements are whitened with freshly prepared lime (0.5–0.6 kg per 10 liters of water) or painted.
  • Metal parts are disinfected with kerosene.
  • The following chemicals are used to treat the entire greenhouse:
    • Bitoxibacillin - 0.1 kg per 10 l;
    • copper sulfate with lime (1:1) - 0.2 kg per 10 l;
    • colloidal sulfur - 80 g per 10 l.

Greenhouses are disinfected using various chemicals.

You should not use abrasives or hard brushes when processing polycarbonate products, because scratches remain on the relatively soft material.

A good friend of mine, who works in a large cucumber greenhouse, brought from there to her garden plot several spools of ropes for tying cucumber vines. Apparently, whitefly larvae remained on them, because then these insects multiplied in incredible numbers. From which we can conclude that all equipment and devices brought from foreign territory must be disinfected.

Video: washing the greenhouse

Tillage in a greenhouse

Since whitefly larvae overwinter in greenhouse soil, it must also be treated. The best solution is to replace the top layer of soil (8–10 cm).

If this is not possible, then the soil in the greenhouse should be thoroughly dug up, and in case of severe infection, spilled with solutions of the following drugs:

The soil is disinfected with insecticides

All preparations are diluted with water strictly according to the attached instructions. The use of chemicals is most effective at ambient temperatures above +10 °C.

Photo gallery: preparations for treating soil in a greenhouse against whiteflies

Akarin is a biologically active preparation against pests. The Aktara preparation is intended for treating various berry and vegetable crops against insects. Verticillin affects not only adult whiteflies, but also eggs and larvae
Insecticide Iskra is a highly effective universal drug against dangerous garden pests
Confidor is a new drug with a long-term (about a month) effect. Mospilan helps not only against the Colorado potato beetle, but also against a number of other harmful insects
Fufanon is a strong insecticide that every gardener should have.
Actellik is a highly toxic drug that destroys many small pests present in open and protected soil

Steaming the soil is considered environmentally friendly. To do this, pour boiling water over the soil (3–4 liters per 1 m2) and cover it with a thick film for 2–3 days.

Video: how to treat a greenhouse in the fall

Fumigation with smoke bombs

Radical and in an effective way To combat insects, whiteflies, including fumigation of the premises with sulfur dioxide. This poisonous gas, released when sulfur burns, penetrates into all holes and cracks, as well as deep into the soil, killing adult insects and their larvae. Tobacco smoke bombs also have a detrimental effect on pests.

Tobacco is considered environmentally safe

Video: tobacco dust from whiteflies

Fumigation is carried out as follows:

Smoke from a sulfur bomb penetrates even the smallest cracks

It is recommended to pre-moisten the ceiling, walls and ground, because water molecules, entering into a chemical reaction with dioxide, are converted into sulfuric acid. The efficiency of the treatment increases as the acid additionally disinfects.

When working with chemicals, especially with sulfur bombs, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment (respirator, gloves, gas mask, etc.)

Video: how to fumigate a greenhouse with a sulfur bomb

Folk remedies to combat whitefly

Adherents of organic farming can use infusions of toxic herbs to disinfect the greenhouse:

You can spread fern leaves on the surface of the soil in the greenhouse and leave them until spring.

Video: preparing a greenhouse for winter

Take the time and effort to treat the greenhouse against whiteflies in the fall, this will help avoid the appearance of the pest next season and save the harvest.

Reading time: 6 min

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It's amazing what damage tiny, insidious insects can cause to garden plantings. The appearance of whiteflies in a greenhouse brings serious trouble to summer residents, and if measures are not taken, the crop will be destroyed. Why is this miniature moth dangerous, and how to get rid of this voracious pest?

What you need to know about whitefly

A tiny (up to 2-3 mm) butterfly comes from South America, therefore in our area it prefers to live on greenhouse crops. In insect shelters the most favorable microclimate is warm and humid.

Any questions?

Ask and receive useful tips from professional gardeners and experienced summer residents.

The representative of the Aleurodid family received its name because of two pairs of whitish wings. The body is yellowish, in females it is slightly larger than in males. The life span of adults is about 30-40 days, during which time the female makes several clutches of eggs totaling up to 200 eggs.

Life cycle complex, includes several stages of development:

  • larva (vagrant or creeper stages, nymph);
  • chrysalis;
  • imago (adult butterfly).

The tramp is born with a size of about 0.3 mm, during development (about 18-20 days) it grows to a full-fledged insect. Dangerous are nymphs that feed on plant juices, as well as adults that devour foliage and shoots (see photo).

Whitefly larvae are covered with a special waxy coating, which makes the pest invulnerable to most insecticides. They secrete a special sugary substance, which serves as the basis for the appearance and development of sooty fungus. In addition to the danger of destroying plants, the greenhouse whitefly poses a threat as a spreader of serious fungal and viral infections.


One plant in a greenhouse can contain pests of all stages of its life cycle, from vagrants to flying adult butterflies.

The best temperature regime for insects is from +20ºC to +26ºC. At higher rates, the life span of the imago is shortened; at temperatures below +10ºC, the whitefly pest dies. But at the same time, the larvae and pupae survive the cold season quite safely, overwintering in plant debris.

How to recognize a pest

Whitefly is most dangerous for crops with loose tissues:

  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • zucchini.

About 150 species of plants are attacked by this insect, while some species of butterflies prefer to lay eggs and live on certain crops.

Without taking prompt treatment measures, the leaves become deformed, the buds and flowers fall off, and the ovaries are missing. At the same time, due to the sooty fungus that clogs the pores, the process of photosynthesis is disrupted. Infections appear in greenhouse plantings, and plants die before our eyes.

Methods for controlling whiteflies

Many summer residents, faced with the appearance of a pest in a greenhouse, often did not even know what to do. Meanwhile, a successful result is largely determined by the efficiency of measures and the correctness of actions.

Removing whiteflies manually

A simple and safe, but time-consuming way to remove clutches of eggs and larvae from the underside of leaves is to carefully clean them with a damp cloth or a stream from a hose. Afterwards, it is recommended to wipe the surface with a solution of laundry soap.

Application of devices

Whitefly traps were first tested in the USA. The insect is attracted to bright surfaces, so cardboard, wooden or hardboard planks are painted yellow for bait. Then a sticky layer is applied and the traps are hung in the shelter.

Pests attracted bright color, fly up to the bait and stick tightly to the surface. As a sticky substance self-production use rosin.


Stores sell ready-made traps, for example, from the company Argus (Russia). The set includes five plates measuring 10x24 cm, coated with a sticky layer.

Smoke bombs, familiar moth tablets, and fumigators also help control the pest.

Folk remedies

For small colonies of the pest, various decoctions or infusions of herbs are used to treat plants. The “advantages” of this method are safety for humans and beneficial insects, ease of preparation.

They come to the rescue:

  • decoctions from onion peels;
  • infusions of wormwood, yarrow, dandelion (100 grams of herbs are taken per liter of water);
  • garlic infusion (pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the crushed head, leave for 4-6 days, dilute a teaspoon of concentrate per liter of water);
  • infusion of ash (a glass of 5 liters of water).

Spraying plants with a solution helps a lot in greenhouses ammonia: spoon of the drug per 9 liters of water. It is recommended to use before crops bloom.

Biological agents

In large greenhouse farms, its natural enemies, encarsia, help fight the insidious butterfly. The predatory rider lays an egg in each larva; in total, the female can neutralize up to 45-50 adults in this way.

The beneficial macrolophus bug, known to everyone, selflessly fights the whitefly ladybug, lacewing.


For 1 sq. 3-5 insects are released per meter.

To attract ladybugs and lacewings, calendula, dill, coriander, fennel, and cosmos are planted near the greenhouse.


When large-scale “capture” of plantings by whiteflies occurs, chemical agents must be used. When choosing insecticides, take into account the growing season of plants, dosages, and waiting time after treatment.

The following drugs showed good results:

  • Teppeki - produced in granules, it is reliable and has a quick effect on the pest;
  • Aktara - based on the substance thiamethoxam, used for spraying and watering plants under the roots;
  • Confidor - contains imidacloprid. The pest dies approximately 1.5-2 hours after spraying. In a greenhouse, a single treatment of plants is sufficient.

Gardeners use the Iskra line of products - Bio, Double effect, Golden. The population can be destroyed in one spray. Planting protection – up to 30 days.

Summer residents appreciated the whitefly remedy benzyl benzoate, which is used against scabies mites. Pour 30 ml of the drug into a liter of water, stir and gently spray on tomatoes or cucumbers.

Gardeners use special inhibitor insecticides that disrupt the process of chitin synthesis, as well as hormonal agents. Among them:

  • Applewood - contains buprofezin, which blocks molting in whitefly larvae, causing the insect to die;
  • Admiral is a hormonal drug that causes sterilization of adults, developmental anomalies and the destruction of whiteflies.

Among the advantages of Apploud is the absence of harm to humans, animals, bees and fish; insects have no resistance to the drug, a significant period of protection - up to a month. It is also important that when using the product, beneficial insects do not die, so complex treatments can be carried out: spraying plants with Apploud and releasing encarsia against whiteflies.

There are many ways to combat the dangerous whitefly butterfly, so each summer resident can choose the most suitable options for a particular situation. But it is best to try to follow the rules of agricultural technology and prevent the pest from appearing in the greenhouse.

The whitefly is an unwanted guest in greenhouses and causes a lot of trouble. This insect can gradually destroy a significant part of the crop. To protect garden crops, you need to treat the greenhouse in advance.

How to treat a greenhouse against whitefly

Whitefly is a dangerous pest

Greenhouse preparation

At the initial stage of preparing the greenhouse for thorough processing, it is necessary to remove all remaining tops, fruits, leaves, and roots from it. All this must be burned and not placed in a compost heap, since plant debris from the greenhouse can become a source of infection.

After cleaning, all structural elements must be washed with a hot or warm soapy solution. It is convenient to wash frames and glass with a brush with a fairly long handle. Special attention It is worth paying attention to grooves and joints. Leftovers detergent be sure to wash it off. You can do this with water from a hose.

Industrial products

After preparatory stage frames and glass in the greenhouse are treated with a disinfectant. Suitable for these purposes:

  • bright pink solution of potassium permanganate (process glass, rods, ropes);
  • colloidal sulfur (80 g per 10 liters of water);
  • Bitoxibacillin (0.1 kg per 10 liters of water);
  • copper sulfate with lime for treating wooden supports (0.2 kg of copper sulfate and lime per 10 liters of water).

There is no need to wash off disinfectant residues from frames and glass if the treatment is carried out in the fall. Additional rinsing is necessary if the greenhouse is treated with colloidal sulfur in the spring. Potassium permanganate and Bitoxibacillin are completely safe. Only wooden supports are treated with copper sulfate and lime. This composition does not require rinsing.

To treat the walls of the greenhouse I use potassium permanganate. I make a rich pink solution and spray it on the already washed structural elements. I do not recommend using detergent creams and pastes that contain abrasive substances to wash polycarbonate greenhouses. Polycarbonate can be easily damaged.

After processing the greenhouse elements, you should begin disinfecting the soil. Whitefly larvae overwinter in greenhouse soil. Used:

  • Confidor (1 g of the drug per 10 liters of water);
  • Aktara (4 g per 10 liters of water);
  • Akarin (1 ampoule per 10 liters of water);
  • Spark (2 g per 10 liters of water)
  • Bordeaux mixture (30 g per 10 liters of water).

The required amount of the drug is diluted in a bucket of water and spilled or sprayed generously top part soil. The approximate consumption of the working solution is 5 liters per 1 sq. m.

Folk remedies

The use of chemicals is not always justified and is expensive. For this reason, before resorting to such drastic measures to combat whiteflies, you can try treating the greenhouse with folk remedies.

Pouring boiling water over the soil has a good effect. Under the influence high temperature Whitefly larvae die. The top layer of soil is poured with boiling water, after which the ground is covered with film for 2–3 days.

Whitefly larvae are afraid of frost, so freezing the soil is acceptable in regions with cold climates. If possible, it is better to open the greenhouse for the winter so that the soil is well frozen.

Fumigation with smoke bombs

Fumigation with smoke bombs of sulfur is in an efficient way fight against whitefly. Substances formed during the combustion of sulfur dioxide even destroy larvae. Tobacco smoke bombs are no less effective. But to achieve the desired effect, the fumigation procedure must be carried out correctly:

  1. All cracks and holes in the greenhouse are caulked and sealed with tape.
  2. Place a smoke bomb on a non-flammable stand in the center and set it on fire, after which they immediately leave the greenhouse, tightly closing the doors behind them.
  3. After 2 days, the door must be opened and the greenhouse ventilated, first removing the tape and sealants to prevent mold from forming.

In the fall I always light a sulfur bomb in the greenhouse. If everything is done according to the rules, the whitefly is destroyed. Before processing, I must remove all equipment, metal and wooden products from the greenhouse. There should be no personal belongings and, what seems obvious, food in the greenhouse. Substances that are formed when sulfur burns cause corrosion of metals and gradually destroy wood. For this reason, I use this method of fighting whiteflies no more than once a year. There is another little secret for glass greenhouses. Before treatment, you can moisten the walls with a spray bottle. Substances formed during combustion react with water to form hydrochloric acid. This gives an additional disinfecting effect. After treatment, there is no need to rinse the greenhouse walls with water. Over the winter everything is potential hazardous substances disintegrate.

Sulfur bomb is one of the most effective methods of combating whitefly


Garlic repels whiteflies. To cultivate the soil in the greenhouse, as well as the polycarbonate or glass structure itself, you need to chop 250 g of peeled garlic cloves and pour 1 liter of them hot water. The mixture is infused under a closed lid for 2 days, and then filtered, poured into a spray bottle and sprayed on the internal walls, ceiling in the greenhouse, and also the soil. There is no need to wash off the remaining solution from the walls of the greenhouse.

Treating a greenhouse against whiteflies - video

Good evening, dear reader! It is no secret to an experienced gardener that pests occur not only in spring and summer, but also in autumn. And since I am just a beginner gardener - an amateur, I only found out about this in the fall, when whiteflies appeared in my greenhouse.

At first I didn’t even understand what happened to my plants. But when I figured out the reason, half of my harvest was already ruined. The fight had to begin immediately in order to save the rest.

For advice, as always, I turned to my beloved mother and she told me what should be done to get rid of the pest and prevent its appearance. In this article you will learn: how to treat a greenhouse against whiteflies in the fall, how to determine the presence of the insect and destroy it.

How to treat a greenhouse against whiteflies in the fall: how and with what

From the larval stage to the adult stage, the insect causes serious harm to plants, weakens them, and creates a favorable environment for other infections, so the question of how to deal with whiteflies in a greenhouse is relevant and paramount.

You can determine the presence of whiteflies in a greenhouse by the white dots on the leaves; chlorosis is a mosaic yellow, a shiny coating, black spots also indicate the arrival of an uninvited, harmful guest. The leaves become deformed, dry out, and the ovaries die. If you do not begin to destroy the pest, the entire crop will die. The first symptoms of the appearance of whiteflies in a greenhouse should be a signal to immediate measures control and prevention.

Mechanical control methods are effective traps

You can save tomatoes from whiteflies and destroy adult individuals if you fight them using mechanical methods - making special bait traps. The bright yellow color is attractive to aleurodids. You can make traps yourself from plywood or thick cardboard.

The prepared pieces should be painted yellow and a mixture of honey and rosin should be applied. For these purposes, you can use honey or castor oil. Traps attached to a holder should be placed next to the infected plant.

Bait traps are sold in specialized stores. They are small sheets of plastic or cardboard coated with non-drying glue.

And at night, set a second trap:

  • Step 1. We drill holes in the box at the level of the light bulb - and we place it inside the box.
  • Step 2. We also paint the light bulb in orange-yellow color.
  • Step 3. Under the light bulb, at the bottom of the box, place a container of water.
  • The principle of operation of the trap is as follows: whiteflies strive for this light at night, get inside the box, fly, get burned on the light bulb and fall into a container of water. They don't know how to swim.

    Copper sulfate treatment

    The insect can hide in the upper layers of the soil, corners, and small crevices. If a whitefly appears on tomatoes or cucumbers, you can get rid of it forever in the greenhouse only with the help of comprehensive measures. The soil and the greenhouse itself should be treated with a solution of copper sulfate.

    This substance effectively fights many types of pests and at the same time fertilizes the soil. This method of disinfection can be used no more than once every five years. Otherwise, copper will accumulate in the soil and worsen yields.

    This procedure can be carried out in spring or autumn, a month before planting seedlings.

    Before processing, the soil must be prepared:

    1. Remove all remaining vegetation;
    2. Carefully dig up the ground and loosen it;
    3. Remove roots and other debris.

    It is better to prepare a disinfection solution from copper sulfate with the addition of lime in a 1:1 ratio, so as not to increase the acidity of the soil. Recommended dose of copper sulfate in the presence of pests in the soil: 200 g per 10 liters of water. With the same solution, you need to thoroughly rinse all surfaces of the greenhouse: walls, ceiling, frame. If such soil treatment does not help get rid of harmful insects, then it must be completely replaced.

    Disinfection with potassium permanganate

    To combat aleurodides, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate. Experienced gardeners know how to get rid of whiteflies in a greenhouse using this simple remedy: they treat the soil and the plants themselves.

    This method of disinfection gives good results.

    Chemical, hormonal, biological control agents

    The fight against whiteflies in a greenhouse is not complete without the use of special chemicals. All these drugs contain toxic substances: they kill the insect at all stages of the life cycle.

    The following drugs provide lasting and quick results:

    • "Confidor"
    • Active substance– imidacloprid. This chemical is used to spray affected plants. It provides long-lasting protection for 30 days.

      2-3 days after spraying, it is worth treating the leaves with a mixture of 96% alcohol and water (2 tablespoons per 1 liter). This measure will help destroy the eggs: alcohol, unlike chemicals, dissolves their waxy coating.

    • "Aktara"

      A drug that saves plants from whiteflies. The active ingredient is thiamethoxam. The seedlings are watered at the root. The poisonous substance gets into the juices on which the pests feed.

    • "Akarin" Effectively destroys whitefly. One treatment is enough to significantly reduce the number of insects.
    • "Spark"

      Available in the form of liquid ampoules, tablets or powder. The prepared solution is used for irrigating leaves and watering. The drug remains effective for 25 days.

    All these drugs will help destroy adult individuals. To combat eggs and larvae, you need to use hormonal agents, such as “Match”, “Admiral”. The combination of two types of drugs - chemical and hormonal - will help to simultaneously get rid of the pest at all stages of the life cycle.

    Chemicals are quite effective, but they penetrate inside the plant.

    The benefits of vitamins are negated by their presence in fruits toxic substances. Destruction of midges without the use of chemicals is almost impossible, but it is possible to minimize the number of treatments and eliminate the pest by using gentle biological methods.

    Frosting of the greenhouse

    Even if you managed to destroy all the midges and harvest, there is a high probability that next year they will appear again. Aleurodids in the form of pupae can hide on the upper layers of the soil. Treating it with a disinfectant does not always completely destroy insects.

    So that next year you don’t have to look for information on how to fight whiteflies on tomatoes in a greenhouse, you should freeze the soil and buildings.

    This insect is known to be afraid of severe frosts: it dies at temperatures less than 10 degrees below zero.

    You need to prepare the greenhouse and freeze it according to the following scheme:

    1. Treatment of a greenhouse in the fall against whitefly chemicals. The entire inside of the greenhouse is disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate, with all small cracks thoroughly treated.
    2. The soil is well dug up and cleared of all plant debris - whitefly larvae and nymphs may be hiding on them.
    3. During the onset of frost, the greenhouse is kept open for at least two days. The soil inside should freeze well.

    How to get rid of whiteflies using folk remedies

    Whiteflies can be neutralized using folk remedies, some of which can also protect greenhouse crops from various types of diseases. To choose the right way to treat a greenhouse against whiteflies in the fall to achieve a positive result, you should try several at once. traditional methods.

    If for some reason you are forced to stop using biological and chemicals, in the fight against whitefly in a greenhouse there are effective traditional methods:

    • You can hang glue traps, you can buy them in a store or make them yourself from bright tape, covering it with rosin.
    • Plant ghoul and dill between the plants, which attract other insects that are dangerous to the whitefly moth.
    • Insects attracted by dill lay their larvae in moth larvae, destroying them.

    • Fumigating a greenhouse with smoke bombs is considered the most effective way to kill insects.
    • Good to know: The use of sulfur bombs is recommended for disinfecting greenhouses in the fall or spring, before planting plants. Tobacco sticks are harmless to plants, so they can be used at any time.

    • Garlic infusion is very helpful in the fight against whiteflies: crush 5 large cloves and dissolve in a liter of water, pour into a spray bottle, and thoroughly spray plants and surfaces.

    We tried to make a complete overview of measures on how to get rid of whiteflies in a greenhouse. But let us emphasize once again that in the absence of proper prevention, all methods of control are temporary.

    Garlic solution and other folk remedies

    Small populations of aleurodids can be controlled by washing the leaves with warm water or soapy water several times a day. Garlic solution will help get rid of pests - this is what the whitefly in the greenhouse is afraid of.

    It’s easy to prepare: finely chop 150 g of fresh garlic, add 1 liter of water and leave for at least five days. Before use, dilute the resulting infusion with water in a ratio of 6 g per 1 liter. Plants affected by insects should be treated with the solution.

    You can treat affected crops with an infusion of yarrow (100 g per 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 24 hours) or dandelion roots (80 g per 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 24 hours).

    It is better to prevent whiteflies from appearing in the greenhouse. Each seedling bush must be carefully inspected before planting, and preventative disinfection of the soil and greenhouse must be carried out in spring and autumn.

    Dandelion infusion, ingredients:

    1. Dandelion rhizomes – 40 grams;
    2. Dandelion leaves – 40 grams;
    3. Water – 1 liter.

    The rhizomes and leaves must be crushed and filled with water. Let it brew for a few days. After which you can strain the finished infusion and spray it on insect-infested plants.

    Repeated processing can be carried out after two weeks.

    Infusion of yarrow herb, ingredients:

    • Water – 1 liter;
    • Crushed yarrow leaves 80-90 grams.

    The prepared raw materials are filled with water and left for about two days. After the infusion, it is filtered and, using a sprayer, applied to vegetable crops occupied by whiteflies.

    Herbs against whitefly

    Herbal infusions also work well. There are several recipes:

    1. Option 1: chop a head of garlic and add water (half a liter). Wait for it to brew for 7 days. Then you can dilute the resulting mixture in water - 5 g per 1 liter and start spraying.
    2. Option 2: Grind the yarrow leaves. Fill with a liter of water. Wait two days. Strain and use.
    3. Option 3: Take 40 g of dandelion roots and leaves. Grind. Fill with water - 1 liter. We wait a few days for the solution to infuse. That's all, you can spray the plants.

    You can plant tansy in the corners of the greenhouse - insects will also try to escape.

    We get rid of pests using plants and biochemicals

    One of the most common means of controlling whiteflies in a greenhouse is tobacco. It can be used in various ways:

    • fumigation with tobacco smoke;
    • use of tobacco sticks;
    • spraying the leaves and stem with tobacco infusion.
    Nicotine can kill adult insects. When treating a greenhouse with tobacco smoke, drafts should not be allowed.

    Modern biochemical preparations will help get rid of midges. They are created on the basis of living microflora and are absolutely safe for the future harvest:

    1. "Aversectin S";
    2. "Avertin-N";
    3. "Bioinsecticide Actofite";
    4. "Bitoxibacillin."

    Destruction of whiteflies by other insects

    For 2 sq. m of area, only three individuals of this insect are needed to significantly reduce the aleurodid population. Encarzia should be started two weeks before seedlings are introduced.

    Another insect that preys on whiteflies is the macrolophus bug. For 1 sq. We will need at least five bedbugs, which must be released into the greenhouse every two weeks. Ladybugs and lacewings help fight aleurodids.
    Source: ";;;"

    How to get rid of whiteflies in a greenhouse in the fall

    To protect the harvest next year, it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect the greenhouse before winter. Before treating the greenhouse against whiteflies in the fall, general cleaning is done using household chemicals. Then the surfaces are treated with bleach, copper sulfate, polycarbonate structures are washed with a manganese solution.

    The fight against whiteflies in a greenhouse in the fall will be more effective if you fumigate the room with a sulfur smoke bomb. But such a measure will harm the greenhouse on a galvanized metal frame, so it should be treated with copper sulfate 2 times.

    The soil must be poured with boiling water, covered with a thick film for steaming, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times. After that, the soil is sprinkled with quicklime, dug up, and spilled with a solution of copper dioxide.

    If we touch upon the question of where the whitefly overwinters in a greenhouse, it becomes clear why experts recommend removing the layer of soil and taking it outside to freeze in winter. It turns out that eggs and larvae of insects settle in the upper layer of the earth, where they calmly tolerate slight frost. Therefore, even if there were no infections during the season, it is better to freeze the soil.

    How to block the “way back” for a pest

    What to do after the pest is destroyed? Did he leave his “spies” behind closed doors? Your fears are not unfounded - and then strictly follow these rules:

    • First: this is a deep digging of all the greenhouse soil - in the fall. If insects burrow into the soil, they will end up on the surface, and the cold will then finish them off.
    • Second: After harvesting, always remove and burn all plant debris.
    • Third: never place a composter directly in the greenhouse - all the pests from the garden can breed from it.

    But how to make sure that this misfortune never appears? What preventive measures are there:

    1. Rule 1. For the winter, try to remove the covering from the greenhouse or at least remove the top.
    2. Rule 2. If the covering has not been removed, be sure to disinfect the polycarbonate or glass in the spring, and treat the frame with bleach.
    3. Rule 3. Before planting, water the soil with a solution of iron or copper sulfate.

    To save plants and the future harvest, the greenhouse should be treated in the fall using disinfectants. But first, you need to do a general cleaning of the greenhouse with the addition of household chemicals.

    If a greenhouse made of a material such as polycarbonate is used for planting crops, then it must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. A more effective method to combat whiteflies is to fumigate the greenhouse with sulfur smoke bombs.

    But this processing option is not suitable for structures with a galvanized metal frame. This type It is better to treat structures twice with copper sulfate. To prevent whiteflies from appearing, you should water the soil boiled water and closing it using a thick film so that it steams well.

    This procedure must be carried out at least 2 times. Next, the soil should be sprinkled with lime, dug up and spilled with a solution that includes copper dioxide.

    The larvae of this insect occupy the top layer of soil, where they can easily withstand winter frosts. To combat whitefly, according to the recommendations of experts in the fall, you should perform the procedure of removing the top soil layer in order to freeze it in winter period.

    If the soil in the greenhouse has not been contaminated by the larvae of such an insect, then for prevention it is also worth freezing the ground. When you clean up the greenhouse structure in the fall, pay attention to all the nodes and connections. They need to be cleaned with a brush.

    Aphids or whiteflies

    First of all, learn to identify the first signs of a pest in the greenhouse:

    • Stickiness is felt in different places of the plants.
    • Leaves are deformed, curled and wilted.
    • On the inside of the leaves you see larvae with a waxy coating.
    • Some leaf blades of vegetable crops are covered with yellow spots, but the boundaries are unclear.

    And finally, just touch the infected bush - a whole flock of small white flies immediately rose and flew to another bush? These are definitely whiteflies. And, if you are not squeamish, take a closer look at one of them - is it similar to the photos below?

    Life cycle of a pest

    Why, it would seem, does an ordinary summer resident need to know how an insect reproduces and develops? After all, we are not biologists! But it is precisely this knowledge that will help to effectively combat this scourge: the problem is that many are trying to destroy adult individuals, while many larvae have already been left behind. Or vice versa.

    So, let's take a closer look at it. Whiteflies are very similar in appearance to aphids, but only white. She settles in in large groups on leaves or young shoots of plants, and lays eggs there. The larvae emerge quickly and search for food on their own.

    This is precisely the moment that cannot be missed: as soon as the larvae stop feeding, they can no longer be killed by any insecticides - their bodies are already enveloped in a dense waxy coating.

    In a word, the cocoon of this scourge is impenetrable, and if an adult emerges from the pupa, the harvest will be lost, because the body of the young whitefly is still covered with this wax. Then the new generation will migrate to neighboring plants and repeat its entire life cycle, and it is not difficult to guess what remains of the last bush.

    The whitefly is one of the pests of cultivated plants. The insect is small in size and resembles an aphid, with the only difference being the white color of the body. It prefers to settle in large groups on young shoots and leaf blades, where it is easy to feed on plant sap.

    The inside of the leaves provides an excellent place for laying eggs. In the next of them, larvae appear, capable of moving independently in search of tender areas of the plant necessary for nutrition.

    At this stage, the whitefly poses the greatest danger to greenhouse crops. After some time, the larvae stop feeding and become inaccessible to all types of insecticides. Their body is covered with a waxy coating. During this period, the formation of an adult insect occurs under reliable protection.

    After emerging from a kind of cocoon, the pest firmly establishes itself on the plants and begins to actively drink juice. At the same time, his body is still just as reliable, protected by a waxy coating. Subsequently, the younger generation of whiteflies migrates to neighboring plants and the life cycle of the pest is repeated again.

    It is worth noting that insects consume more juice than they need.

    All excess nutrient fluid is released from the body by “honeyweed,” which provides a fertile environment for the development of many fungal diseases. Adults emerge in greenhouses and settle on the inside of plant leaves.

    Here they lay small oblong eggs. Fertile females are capable of laying up to two hundred of them in one cycle. A week later a huge number of children appear, appearance resembling yellowish-transparent scales.

    In its development, an insect goes through several stages:

    1. Larval stage.
    2. Initially they are almost invisible and can be detected with great difficulty. Worms move around in search of a comfortable place for several hours after birth. Having found it, they become motionless, and the process of intensive feeding begins.

      This is the time that is most favorable for destroying whiteflies in the greenhouse. After two weeks, she stops feeding, her body is enveloped in a dense waxy coating, making the larva invulnerable.

    3. Nymph or pupa.
    4. In this state, insects are resistant to any drugs. They continue to feed on plant sap, and after 10-16 days they turn into adults.

    5. Adult.
    6. The adults remain on the leaves for some time. With small numbers, whiteflies do not fly away from their favorite bush.

    The time of the complete life cycle of insect development is determined by the conditions environment. The higher the temperature, the faster the adult is formed. Important! -7-11.5°C is the temperature of death of all phases harmful insect.

    The greenhouse whitefly can grow more than fifteen generations in one year. Throughout the entire period of their life, pests feed on amino acids contained in plant sap, depriving them of their strength.

    Whitefly growth stages

    The complete transformation of the pest from an egg into a sexually mature individual occurs in 25-40 days. The more favorable the conditions for the butterfly’s existence—humid air and room temperature—the faster the whitefly “ripes.” The life cycle of the whitefly consists of four “ages”, during each of which the butterfly causes harm to garden and vegetable crops.

    • Tramp larva - hatches 11-12 days after laying eggs. The size is 0.25-0.3 mm, intensively spreads over the surface of the leaves in search of the most favorable habitat.
    • The nymph larva - after 5-6 days, is tightly attached to the underside of the leaves of the plant.
    • Having pierced the leaf, the nymph provides itself with nutrition from the juice of the foliage and remains completely immobile until reaching the next stage of growth. It is difficult to detect visually; it looks like a thin greenish scale.

      During its existence, it becomes covered with a waxy secretion, which makes it invulnerable to insecticides.

    • The pupa is the final stage of whitefly development and lasts from 7 to 30 days.
    • Formation of an imago (adult whitefly), ready to devour the plant.

    An adult female whitefly lives about 30 days, during which time she can lay up to 140 eggs. For this reason, one greenhouse plant can often become a haven for harmful butterflies at all stages of development - from colonies of eggs to hundreds of adult moths.

    In the absence of timely treatment, the plant is doomed to rapid death - the larvae deprive it of its vitality by drinking the juice, and the adults eat the fleshy part in a matter of days.

    In addition to the direct threat, whiteflies are carriers of many viruses. The larvae produce a sugary substance, which is a beneficial environment for fungi to live in. Very often, in greenhouses where whiteflies are common, plants are affected by black fungus, a type of sooty fungus.

    Signs of the presence of whiteflies

    Before pest control begins, it is worth identifying it. If you see small, light-colored spots on the leaves of plants in your greenhouse, look for colonies of white insects. They immediately take off when disturbed. The larvae will be more difficult to detect. They look like yellowish-transparent scales.

    Attached to the inside of the sheet. In this case, the leaf turns yellow and subsequently falls off. If you do not get rid of pests in time, you can lose your harvest, as the insect reproduces very quickly.

    The pest is dangerous because it sucks the juice from plants and carries various infections.

    It is quite easy to determine whether there are colonies of whiteflies in the greenhouse. To do this, you need to know the following signs of their appearance:

    1. Upon contact with plants, many small and white insects rise into the air;
    2. The leaf plates of vegetable crops are covered with specific yellow spots with unclear boundaries;
    3. The appearance of sticky spots in insect feeding areas;
    4. Deformation, curling and wilting of leaves;
    5. The presence of larvae covered with a waxy coating on the inside of the leaves.
    IMPORTANT: The appearance of a black coating on the sticky discharge indicates infection of the cultivated plant with a sooty fungus. In this case, the affected bushes must be removed and burned.

    Whitefly infestation is not easy to detect at the initial stage. This is explained by the fact that the insect nests mainly on the underside of the leaves, and its larvae are so small that they resemble small scales. One of the characteristic signs that a plant is affected by whitefly is the appearance of whitish or yellow spots with blurred boundaries.

    The plants take on an unhealthy, depressed appearance; on the underside of the leaves you can see light tubercles - places where second-instar larvae accumulate. When examining the leaves, their deformation and curling are noted. After a short time, the affected leaves turn yellow and die.

    The secretions of the larvae cover the plant with a sticky coating, which is easily detected when touched. This plaque clogs the pores of the leaves, preventing natural photosynthesis and normal plant development.

    If black velvety spots are found on the leaves, then it's already underway about a concomitant disease - sooty fungus, which is carried by whiteflies. If any of the listed signs of an unhealthy plant appear, urgent measures should be taken to save the crop.

    What harm does this insect cause?

    Another unpleasant thing that pests carry with them is that they overconsume liquids from plants, and therefore secrete liquid from themselves, which is especially beneficial for the development of all kinds of fungi. And what is especially troublesome is that the insect also lays eggs on the underside of the leaves.

    Moreover, they consume it in very large volumes (more than is needed for their normal life activities). It is noteworthy that they secrete excess juice in the form of honeydew. It serves as a substrate for the reproduction and settlement of a wide variety of pathogenic microflora (fungi, microorganisms, etc.).

    As a result, a plant that has been affected by this pest very quickly becomes covered with a sticky black coating. This leads not only to loss of attractiveness, but also to disruption of photosynthesis processes. After some time, the cucumber bushes begin to weaken and dry out. The leaves curl and gradually wither.

    It is worth noting that insect secretions attract ants, which in turn destroy the natural enemies of these insects.

    You need to know that whiteflies also harm vegetable crops because they are carriers of a large number of diseases, including those of viral origin. For example, these insects serve as carriers of the following diseases:

    • chlorosis;
    • leaf curl;
    • fruit necrosis;
    • jaundice;
    • yellow mosaic.
    They lay eggs on leaves, which leads to a manifold increase in the insect population. It is the larvae that cause the greatest harm to cucumbers.
    1. a white coating appears on the leaves, which looks like small spots;
    2. on back side a large concentration of pests can be found on the leaf plate.
    3. If disturbed, they will fly off. It will be much more difficult to detect larvae on plants than adults. This is due to the fact that they externally resemble scales, which have a yellowish-transparent color.

      They can also be found on the back of the sheet.

    4. leaves of affected plants begin to turn yellow. After a while they fall off.

    If an insect is found on cucumber bushes, then you should start fighting it immediately. Otherwise, it will quickly multiply and overwhelm the plant, which will lead to its rapid death. Aleurodids are capable of destroying large areas planting of vegetable crops, which leads to a significant drop in yield.

    A greenhouse on the site is a guarantee of abundance healthy vegetables, greens, berries on your table. But growing crops indoors involves some difficulties; a favorable microclimate for plants is also comfortable for the occurrence and reproduction of infections, diseases, and insects. One of the most destructive and tenacious scourges is the whitefly, which can destroy the entire standing crop.

    Next, we will tell you in detail why whiteflies appear in a greenhouse, how to get rid of the insect, what preventive measures should be taken, how and with what preparations to treat surfaces and soil so that the infection does not start in the greenhouse.

    How to recognize whiteflies in a greenhouse

    Whitefly is a small moth, 1-1.5 mm in size, with a yellowish body and white wings, very dangerous for plants and prolific. The danger to plants in a greenhouse is posed not only by the whitefly moth itself (it is an active carrier of infections), but also by its metabolic products. By eating foliage, the whitefly secretes a special substance, which is a favorable breeding ground for the emergence and reproduction of the fungus.

    Females lay slightly yellowish, small eggs from the bottom of the leaf; there can be several hundred of them from one individual. After 9 days, the eggs increase in size and become black, and larvae emerge from them. At the initial stage of development of the whitefly larva, it has legs and antennae, with which it sticks to the surface of the leaf. The legs fall off and the insect looks like a shiny plaque-scale. After a few days, the nymph stage begins; on the leaf it looks like a transparent greenish drop, but if you look closely, you can see red eyes.

    If the outbreak of an insect is not detected in time and disinfection measures are not taken, it will multiply in short terms to great numbers

    How to get rid of whiteflies in a greenhouse in the fall

    To protect the harvest for next year, it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect the greenhouse before winter. Before treating the greenhouse against whiteflies in the fall, general cleaning is done using household chemicals. Then the surfaces are treated with bleach and copper sulfate; polycarbonate structures are washed with a manganese solution.

    When cleaning the greenhouse in the fall, be sure to clean all nodes and connections with a brush.

    The fight against whiteflies in a greenhouse in the fall will be more effective if you fumigate the room with a sulfur smoke bomb. But such a measure will harm the greenhouse on a galvanized metal frame, so it should be treated with copper sulfate 2 times.

    The soil must be poured with boiling water, covered with a thick film for steaming, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times. After that, the soil is sprinkled with quicklime, dug up, and spilled with a solution of copper dioxide.

    If we touch upon the question of where the whitefly overwinters in a greenhouse, it becomes clear why experts recommend removing the layer of soil and taking it outside to freeze in winter. It turns out that eggs and larvae of insects settle in the upper layer of the earth, where they calmly tolerate slight frost. Therefore, even if there were no infections during the season, it is better to freeze the soil.

    Watch a video that demonstrates how to carefully treat a greenhouse against whiteflies in the fall; the video will tell you how to properly steam the soil.

    How to remove whiteflies from a greenhouse

    From the larval stage to the adult stage, the insect causes serious harm to plants, weakens them, and creates a favorable environment for other infections, so the question of how to deal with whiteflies in a greenhouse is relevant and paramount.

    The presence of whiteflies in a greenhouse can be determined by white dots on the leaves; chlorosis is a mosaic of yellow color, a shiny coating, black spots also indicate the presence of an uninvited, harmful guest. The leaves become deformed, dry out, and the ovaries die.

    If you do not begin to destroy the pest, the entire crop will die. The first symptoms of the appearance of whiteflies in a greenhouse should be a signal for immediate control and prevention measures.

    Prevention measures

    Whiteflies in a greenhouse cannot appear out of nowhere; most often they are brought in by the owners themselves with seedlings or soil. Therefore, in order to avoid the question of how to destroy whiteflies in a greenhouse, it is necessary to take preventive measures:

    • The new soil must be frozen, sprinkled with bleach, mixed, and sprinkled with copper sulfate.
    • After thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the greenhouse in the fall, close the doors to prevent insect larvae from being blown away by gusts of wind and finding a warm place to overwinter.
    • Even if a polycarbonate greenhouse was treated against whiteflies in the fall, the disinfection procedure should be repeated in the spring, and the soil and surfaces should be additionally treated with pesticides.
    • Carefully inspect the seedlings; at the slightest sign of plant disease, refuse to plant them.
    • During the development and growth of plants, try to maintain the correct microclimate in the greenhouse, ventilate the room in time to get rid of dampness.

    These simple preventive measures will help prevent the appearance of whiteflies and other dangerous diseases in the greenhouse.

    Before planting in closed ground, it is recommended to treat plants with biological preparations to avoid infection.

    Whitefly in a greenhouse - chemical and biological control methods

    The most effective method Today, the fight against whitefly in a greenhouse is treatment with chemicals and biological agents.

    Good to know: If after primary processing It was not possible to remove the whitefly from the greenhouse, it is necessary to carry out secondary disinfection, but change the drugs, since the insect quickly adapts to the active substances.

    The most popular substances for controlling whiteflies in greenhouses are Inta-Vir, Fufanol, Iskra, Actellik. The preparations are applied at the root, or dissolved in water and sprayed on plants and surfaces. In order not to do any harm with your own hands, any purchased remedy for whiteflies in a greenhouse must be used strictly according to the instructions located on the package.

    • Confidor is diluted in water, 0.1 ml of the drug per 1 liter. It is recommended to use once per season.
    • Add 0.05 g of mospilan to 1 liter of water and use it once.
    • Fufanol requires 1.5 ml per 1 liter of clean water, used once.
    • 2 ml of Pegasus substance per 1 liter of water, spray solution is used 2 times per season, every week.
    • Actellik is a very effective means for destroying not only adult insects, but also eggs, larvae, and nymphs of whiteflies in a greenhouse. For spraying, 1 ampoule is dissolved in a liter of water, which is enough for 5 m2 of the surface to be treated. The product can be used 4 times per season.
    • Verticillin is similar in action to Pegasus, but much more substance is required for processing, approximately 25 ml per liter.

    Watch a video that will tell you how to treat a greenhouse against whiteflies and how to properly dilute the preparations.

    Whitefly in a greenhouse - how to get rid of it using folk remedies

    If for some reason you are forced to abandon the use of biological and chemical substances, there are effective folk methods in the fight against whiteflies in a greenhouse:

    • You can hang glue traps, you can buy them in a store or make them yourself from bright tape, covering it with rosin.
    • Plant ghoul and dill between the plants, which attract other insects that are dangerous to the whitefly moth. Insects attracted by dill lay their larvae in moth larvae, destroying them.
    • Fumigating a greenhouse with smoke bombs is considered the most effective way to kill insects.
    Good to know: The use of sulfur bombs is recommended for disinfection of greenhouses in the fall or spring, before planting. Tobacco sticks are harmless to plants, so they can be used at any time.
    • Garlic infusion is very helpful in the fight against whiteflies: crush 5 large cloves and dissolve in a liter of water, pour into a spray bottle, and thoroughly spray plants and surfaces.

    Bright traps attract insects and kill them

    We tried to make a complete overview of measures on how to get rid of whiteflies in a greenhouse. But let us emphasize once again that in the absence of proper prevention, all methods of control are temporary.