Fennec fox at home. Fennec at home. How to make your home safe for fennec cats

Can small predator– Fenech, which naturally lives in deserts and semi-deserts, to become a pet? The answer to this question is yes. But before you get such an unusual little animal, you need to have some idea about the care, feeding and conditions of keeping the fennec, as well as characteristic features behavior and needs of the little fox.

We have already written in the article about how to keep foxes and what difficulties may arise. Here we will look at some questions that potential fennec owners have.

Is it difficult to care for fennec at home?

Caring for a fennec cat means that you give it everything it needs: feed it in a timely and correct manner, educate it, play with it, and vaccinate it on time. Fox fur in some kind special care does not need. But if the animal gets very dirty, it is washed in warm water and dried well with a towel. It is also advisable to dry your pet with a hairdryer, although the animal is unlikely to like the sound of it. Yes, the little fox still needs to trim its claws.

Caring for a desert fox is not difficult, but you must be careful: no matter how tame he may seem, he is still a wild animal by nature!

Fenechs usually like to run between human legs, and the animal is so small and fast that it can simply not be noticed. A second ago you saw him in the next room, and now he is already standing in front of you. If you accidentally step on it, this little gentle creature could be seriously injured! Therefore, caution, and caution again!

Does Fenech take a lot of time?

Fennec Requires large quantity of our time, even more than cats or dogs. Only by paying a lot of attention to the fox cub can you hope that it will truly become a PET and not remain a “savage”. If you are often away from home (for example, you have work that requires business trips), fennec as pet won't suit you. Even a once tamed fox can forget you if you're away long time.

Many fennec cats enjoy traveling in a car, usually curling up and sleeping. However, not all pets are delighted when they have to travel in a cat carrier.

Although it is not entirely correct to compare miniature foxes with domestic animals, they are still in some ways similar to both cats and dogs. They are the same size as small cats, they have similar habits to them, sometimes they have some of the detachment of a cat, but the energy and playfulness of desert foxes is different from dogs. Some owners claim that fennec cats have a cat-like character.

Relationships with family members and strangers

Usually fennecs love all family members, but some individuals may “dislike” certain people without any visible reasons. Some animals are afraid of strangers, while others “fall in love” with anyone. Most will sympathize with anyone who has a “yummy” in their hands.

But never leave small children alone with these animals without supervision. If a child hurts a fenech, the animal may bite the offender.

Is it possible to train a fennec cat to a litter box?

As a rule, fennecs kept in an enclosure or a separate room, although with some difficulties, still learn to go to the tray. But “misses” also happen, especially if the animal is in an excited state. Many people have managed to train foxes to wear diapers. If it is constantly in one place, the pet will usually do its business on this diaper.

Male or female: which one to choose? Does it matter whether foxes are spayed/neutered?

Sterilization of females does not affect their character in any way. But castrated males, as owners notice, become calmer and more affectionate. Boys are by nature more obedient than girls. The latter are usually more timid and nimble. Sterilization will help make the smell of urine less strong.

How do fennecs get along with other pets?

Fenechs can be friends with any pets, except those they can eat. They are not averse to playing with dogs or cats, although they do not always share their interests. Rodents and birds are not suitable friends for a fox cub - for him they are easy prey. Therefore, if birds live in your house, as well as hamsters, house mice, chinchillas and other furry creatures, the fennec should not know about their presence. Most domestic foxes get along well with cats and dogs, but it should be noted that it is better not to leave a fennec fox alone with them unattended.

Does the fennec make a lot of noise?

Fenechs are quite talkative. They may make sounds similar to a dog's bark, and may also purr, growl, or snarl. The most beautiful sound that can be heard from a fennec cat (usually at night) is similar to a bird's trill. A fox can also howl pitifully, whine or grumble if he is bored and lacks communication. And when you return to him and call him to play, he will squeal with pleasure.

At night, fennecs usually like to make noise, so their room or enclosure should not be located next to your bedroom. There are also quite quiet individuals that make a quiet sound, the so-called greeting, when they greet you in the morning.

Some owners let the foxes out of the enclosure at night to walk around the apartment, although this is not recommended! An unattended pet can swallow something, choke, and it can also try to play with its owners and scratch with its sharp claws. But there are chanterelles that adapt to their owner’s daily routine, and accordingly, they also prefer to sleep at night. In general, it is not difficult to transfer a very young fennec cat to daytime mode. If you work with your pet all day and evening, play with him, by night his supply of irrepressible energy will dry up, and he will sleep soundly. So gradually the animal will get used to daytime look life.

If a fennec cat is left alone for a long time, it may bark. But some individuals do not bark at all. They only make sounds similar to yapping. Animals yap a lot when excited (they come out of their enclosure for a walk, play with their owner or their favorite toy, etc.).

What to feed a fennec fox?

IN wildlife The fennec cat's diet consists of 90% small animals/insects and 10% roots and the rare vegetation that can be found in desert conditions. In particular, in natural conditions, the fox feeds on locusts, beetles, lizards and other reptiles, birds and their eggs, rodents and other small mammals, and only a small proportion of their diet comes from plant foods (more information about how fennec lives in the wild is described in the article). Thus, the diet of fennec cats mainly consists of protein foods.

At home, you need to adhere to the same nutritional principles. If you feed a desert fox incorrectly, it will develop all sorts of health problems. The body of these animals is not adapted to process large amounts of plant fiber. If you give your fennec cat more plant food than he needs, he will experience indigestion (this can be seen by the nature of his stool). In addition, miniature foxes have weak jaws and small teeth, best suited for crushing insects. Therefore, the closer the animal’s diet is to natural, the better. If you remove small animals or insects from your fennec's menu, he may develop cardiomyopathy or liver disease.

Your pet should eat several dozen mealworms, several crickets or other insects per day, as well as eggs (chanterelles prefer quail eggs). In addition, they give lean raw meat, and if possible, mice.

Additional food includes vegetables (fresh or frozen), but no more than two teaspoons per day. Corn, carrots and grains are poorly digested by the fox's body. Fruits are given in small quantities as a treat. Figs and dates will especially please the little fox, as will cherries. The latter, by the way, reduces the smell of the animal’s urine. But let us repeat that the basis of the fennec cat’s diet is meat. They need a high protein diet.

Observe your pet's feces. If you feed a lot of grains or vegetables, you will see undigested pieces of these foods in your stool.

If you are not sure that your fox is getting all the vitamins and minerals he needs, give him Vionate (Vionate) 2 times a week, as well as taurine capsules. Sprinkle the contents of one capsule (500 mg) onto a serving of vegetables or mealworms and offer it to your fox 2 times a week.

Some facts about taurine

Taurine (a biologically active amino acid) is found only in products of animal origin. Taurine is necessary for proper operation cardiac muscle, maintaining the integrity of the retina, as well as reproductive function. Like cats, fennec cats need high amounts of taurine in their diet. With a deficiency of this element, cats and dogs experience reproductive problems, cardiomyopathies, juvenile cataracts, etc. The same problems can arise in fennec cats. Heat treatment destroys a lot of taurine. Best source taurine – raw meat.

Ready-made food for fennec cats

In addition to the above, fennec cats can be fed dry or canned cat food. But not every commercial food meets the needs of the chanterelle. It's no secret that cheap dog and cat food uses the cheapest ingredients. Such feeds are inadequate in quality and quantity of animal protein and fat, but they contain a lot of grain and starch. Fenechs are suitable for ready-made food with a high content of high-quality protein, as well as taurine and a minimal content of cereals and starch.

If you decide to feed your fennec cat with ready-made food, we recommend paying attention to the following:

Nature's Variety food

This food contains only high-quality meat protein, a small amount of carbohydrates, and does not contain grains at all. Feed components: chicken meat and fat, fish fat, vitamin C and supplements that are harmless to the animal.

Wellness food

This food is rich in proteins with additional high quality fats. Contains 2% taurine.

It has a completely natural composition, contains high-quality easily digestible protein and does not contain starch, preservatives, cereals/grains and other fillers. Excellent balanced food for fennec cats.

In addition to those listed, foods such as Innova, Felidae, Solid Gold and Eagle Pack Holistic are also suitable for chanterelles.

Raising a little fox

Although miniature foxes are close to cats in behavior and character, keeping and raising them is much more difficult.

Of great importance is the age at which the fennec tree comes into your home. The more early age this happens, the easier and more successful the process of taming and education will be. Already at 7-9 months the animal reaches sexual maturity. It is up to this age that it is advisable to take a fennec cat into the house. Then the pet will get used to you and your other pets (if you have any) without any problems.

The fennec fox is an inhabitant of the desert, and for it, like many other desert inhabitants, it is characterized by night look life. During the day the animal will sleep, but at night its hunting instincts and natural curiosity will fully manifest themselves. A fennec cat can run around the house, making an unimaginable noise, make various sounds, try to dig tunnels in the floor or sofa, try wires on its teeth, throw things on the floor, etc. In a word, get ready for the fact that night is the time of peak activity for the fennec, and he will restore order in the house. There is only one way out - to give the fennec a spacious enclosure where he can frolic to his heart's content, or even better - a separate specially equipped room in which you need to try to create conditions for the pet that will be as close to natural as possible.

However, the experience of some owners of these animals shows that with due patience and perseverance, the animal can be taught to sleep at night.

It is hardly possible to raise a fox the same way as a dog. But it won’t be difficult to respond to a nickname and teach him to walk on a leash.

Of course, the animal will need a toilet. A cat litter box is usually used as such. The smart little fox quickly understands where to go to do his “business”.

Take care of special toys for your fennec cat that he can chew and sharpen his teeth. Otherwise, the animal will use your shoes or something else for this purpose.

Each fox has its own character and it depends on three factors: heredity, habitat and upbringing. This means what your pet will be like depends largely on you. Do you want your animal to be playful and affectionate? Play with him, treat him kindly, create the necessary conditions for him, take care of him. Fenech is a rather shy animal. The animal will need maximum of your attention, especially at first. When there is a fox cub, you should not make sudden movements, much less shout at him or in his presence. Too loud sounds will not only frighten the fox, but can also damage its hearing.

As already mentioned, fennec foxes usually get along well with other pets, but sometimes cats or dogs can provoke a fox cub into aggression. The same applies to children. If a child hurts a fenech, the animal may bite him. Therefore, it is not recommended for families with small children to have a fennec cat, or at least leave them unattended. remember, that desert fox- The animal is still wild.

How to make your home safe for fennec cats?

Make sure that electrical wires and sockets are not accessible to your fennec cat. Floors should always be clean: any small objects that the fox finds on the floor can be swallowed by him.

Do not leave breakable or fragile things where the fox can reach them. Fenech can easily jump even on a fairly high table.

To avoid an accident, do not forget to close the toilet lid.

Even carelessly left on the floor plastic bag a curious fennec will try to explore and play with it. This will most likely end with the animal getting tangled in the handles.

Lock the windows and front door, otherwise you risk never seeing your pet again.

Many Fennecs love to dig through garbage bags or have a particular predilection for pieces of furniture or carpets. You can give your fennec a gift - give him an old sofa, in which he will definitely dig a hole.

They love to chew on metal things (buttons, coins, etc.). Keep in mind, this is very dangerous for animals, they should not have access to such things. Another passion of theirs is things made from rubber and leather. If an animal swallows such an object, it may need emergency veterinary attention.

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fennec fox becoming increasingly popular as a pet. What kind of animal is the fennec fox and is it possible to keep a fennec fox at home?

Fennec fox - who is it?

The fennec fox is probably the most amazing representative a genus of foxes in the canine family.

The name "Fennec" translates as "fox" (Arabic word fanak). However, the scientific name of this animal is Vulpes zerda, that is, literally, “dry fox.” This gives a clue as to the fennec's habitat. These animals live in the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa.

Scientists are still arguing about whether the fennec cat can be called a fox. After all, the behavior and structure of the fennec fox differs from other types of foxes. Even the number of chromosomes is different: the fennec fox has 32 pairs of chromosomes, while other fox species have 35 to 39. The fennec fox does not have the musk glands characteristic of a fox. And unlike foxes, which live alone, fennec foxes are social animals. Therefore, a number of scientists identified the fennec tree as separate genus"Fennecus".

What does fennec look like?

Fennec fox is a small animal, a fox, smaller in size than a domestic cat. The height at the withers of the fennec is from 18 to 22 cm, the body length is from 30 to 40 cm, the tail reaches a length of 30 cm. The fennec weighs no more than 1.5 kg.

The fennec muzzle is pointed and short. The eyes of this fox are quite large.

Fennec's ears are his distinctive feature. The fennec fox has the largest ears relative to the size of its head among predators - the fennec's ears can reach a length of 15 cm. Such ears are not a luxury; the animal is forced to catch the slightest rustle in order not to miss its prey - small animals and insects. In addition, the fennec's large ears are excellent for thermoregulation and remove excess heat from the little fox's body, which is necessary in a desert climate.

The fennec's feet are covered with fur, and thanks to this, the animal runs across the hot desert sands silently and easily.

Fennec cats have small teeth.

The fennec cat's fur is soft and thick.

The fennec's color allows it to blend in with the sand: the fennec's fur is fawn or reddish on top and white below. The young fennec fox is almost white. The tip of the fluffy tail is black.

Like others wild foxes, the fennec does not have sweat glands.

The fennec fox can endure thirst for a long time if it is possible to obtain liquid from food. Fennec's kidneys work in such a way that they do not allow dehydration for a long time.

In nature, the fenech chooses sparse bushes or thickets of grass, where it finds both food and shelter. The fennec lives in a hole, which is equipped with many secret passages.

Fenechs form family groups (up to 10 animals). However, they go out hunting one at a time.

The fennec fox jumps well: up to 120 cm forward and up to 70 cm up.

Can we say that the domestic fennec is an interesting pet?

If you create a fennec good conditions, he can become quite an interesting pet, smart and affectionate. However, keeping a fennec cat at home is quite difficult, since it is still a wild animal and not a pet.

Success in taming a fennec cat depends on the age at which it came to you. It is best to purchase a fennec cat at the age of 6 - 9 months (before puberty).

At first, give your pet maximum attention, communicate with him and feed him by hand. However, avoid sudden movements and loud sounds - the fennec fox is very sensitive and timid.

How does Fenech behave at home?

A tame fennec at home behaves friendly, playful and inquisitive. The fennec fox loves to sleep next to its owner or sit in his arms.

Fenech at home is a very active animal, looking for something almost all the time, running around, and easily jumping onto a bedside table, sofa or computer desk. So it’s better not to leave a cup of tea or coffee near your laptop!

Fenech is very talkative: he whines, snorts, barks, grumbles and howls. Moreover, it voices not only during the day, but also at night - you need to know about this before getting such a pet.

The fennec fox won't refuse to play pranks either. For example, if he finds a bag of sugar or cereal, he will be delighted and instantly take the contents to every corner.

Please also note that all electrical wires will have to be hidden - the fenech likes to chew on them.

In the photo: fennec at home

How does the fennec fox get along with other animals and with children?

Some owners say that a fennec cat and a cat can easily become friends and even play together. However, small animals can provoke aggression in the fennec fox. In addition, when living together with other animals, you need to take into account the timidity of the fennec fox. You should not stress your existing animals and your new pet if you are not sure that they will get along.

And no matter how much effort you make to tame a fennec cat, it is still not a dog. So you shouldn’t bring a fennec into a family with small children.

Is it possible to walk with a fennec cat?

If you train your fennec cat to take walks, he will be happy to keep you company. However, do not forget that the fennec fox is a heat-loving and gentle animal, for which hypothermia can be deadly. Therefore, in cold autumn, winter and the first half of spring, it is better to refrain from walking with a fennec.

It is better to lead a fennec cat not in a collar, but on a harness. A fennec fox can wriggle out of a collar and run away, and in addition, any accidental, even weak, tug on the leash in this case can cause injury to the cervical spine or larynx.

When walking with a fennec cat, you will have to be vigilant - oncoming dogs may show aggression.

It is better to walk with the fennec early in the morning and late in the evening - this way you will be in unison with the natural biorhythm of the fox.

There is an opinion that the fennec fox is the only representative of the fox genus that can be kept at home. But a breed of domestic foxes has already been bred, which also live in families.

Nevertheless, it is the keeping of fennec at home, although it has not yet become commonplace, that is gaining more and more popularity. However, is it easy to keep a fennec fox at home?

The domestic fennec fox is not as easy an animal to keep as some people think.

First of all, fennec is a nocturnal animal. This means that he is awake while we are sleeping, running around and making noise, causing a lot of anxiety.

Secondly, the fennec is neither a dog nor a cat; it is not easy to train him and it is not always easy to accustom him to a diaper or litter box. At the same time, the fennec fox does not smell like violets.

Thirdly, the fennec will not live in a cramped cage. He needs an aviary or separate room(and it must be heated).

The floor in the room where the fennec fox lives should be covered with sand or blankets should be provided for the pet’s use so that the animal can dig holes and bury itself.

You will have to maintain a temperature of +20 degrees or higher. If it gets colder, the fennec will quickly catch a cold. And a fennec cold often ends in death.

In addition, it must be taken into account that only a few veterinarians are willing to advise on the health of exotic animals such as the fennec fox. And it is very likely that if your pet gets sick, you will have no one to turn to for help.

Therefore, before deciding to keep a fennec fox at home, you should once again weigh the pros and cons.

What to feed your fennec cat?

Many potential owners are wondering “what to feed a fennec cat at home.” To find the answer, you need to consider that in natural conditions the fennec fox is almost omnivorous. Fenech feeds on insects, small vertebrates, bird eggs, fruits and roots of plants, and does not disdain carrion.

So at home, the diet of a fennec fox is similar to that of a small dog.

Fenech can be fed:

  • Meat (lamb, rabbit, veal, chicken).
  • Fish (boneless, boiled).
  • Vegetables (boiled).
  • Fruits (raw).

Fennec cat lifespan

The average lifespan of a fennec in nature is about 12 years. At home, the fennec fox usually lives 10 - 13 years, but when good care can live up to 15 years.

How much does a fennec fox cost?

The fennec fox is a rare animal, so its cost is quite high. In Russia home fennec costs 65 - 200 thousand rubles.

And even despite the high cost, it is not easy to buy a fennec fox both in Belarus and in Russia, so these animals are often brought from America or Western Europe. But if you choose this option, be careful and use the services of a specialist: you need to know the rules for the export and import of such animals, prepare the necessary package of documents and make sure that the fennec fox is healthy.

However, purchasing a fennec fox is only a small part of the cost of owning a fennec fox. It is necessary to create conditions for the pet that are close to natural. Otherwise, your furniture and other property will suffer, and Cohabitation with a fennec will turn into a living hell for both you and the animal.

  • The most famous fennec fox is the same fox from “ The Little Prince» Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It is he who owns the phrases “You are responsible for those you have tamed” and “Only the heart is vigilant - you cannot see the most important thing with your eyes.”
  • In Algeria, the fennec fox is revered, where the fennec fox is the national animal. Even the football team of this country is called “Fennecs”. In addition, the image of a fennec fox adorns the Algerian ¼ dinar coin.
  • The fennec fox also symbolizes the ecology of Tunisia, and in every city you will find an image of a fennec fox dressed in blue and white.
  • Fennec is the codename and logo of Firefox for mobile.
  • The popularity of the fennec cat as a pet jumped sharply after the appearance of the cartoon Zootopia.
  • Mentions of the fennec are found in the following works:
  • Mine Reid "Young Hunters" (although there is no fennec fox in Kalhari).
  • Henri Troyat "The Crash" and "City of Lions".
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry "Planet of Men".
  • Felix Krivin "Fennec Fox".
  • Sergey Lukyanenko “Transparent stained glass windows.”
  • Frank Herbert "Dune".

In the photo: fennec

The little fennec fox is really a fox, but very unique, with large ears, almost like those of a hare. This unusual appearance and its small size attract the attention of lovers of exotic animals to the fox. IN Lately This big-eared fox has gained popularity as a pet, kept in apartments like a cat or dog.

The little fennec fox is really a fox, but very unique, with large ears, almost like those of a hare.

Main characteristics of the species

This is the smallest fox in the world. Its parameters speak volumes:

  • the height of this animal at the withers reaches about 20 cm;
  • chanterelle length – no more than 40 cm;
  • the tail, of course, is fox, and therefore relatively long - about 30 cm;
  • the animal weighs no more than 1.5 kg;
  • Ears with such small sizes reach 15 cm in length.

Thus, the body of the fox itself is smaller than that of a cat. However, if you take into account the ears and tail, the cat will still seem smaller.

The systematic position of this animal differs from all other foxes. Fenech, like a dog, belongs to the canine family, but has nothing to do with the fox family. Especially for it, zoologists have identified a separate genus - Fennecus, to which only one species belongs - Vulpes zerda.

Fenech, like a dog, belongs to the canine family, but has nothing to do with the fox family

Lifestyle and character

The big-eared fox attracts and surprises everyone with the size of its ears. During strong winds the ears act like a sail and the poor animal has to make great efforts not to fly away along with the desert plants.

The fennec fox lives in the deserts of North Africa. It got its name thanks to the Arabic word fanak, which is translated as fox.

The small fennec fox hunts alone, mainly at night. She is a predator like all foxes. She only chooses her prey according to size. Its diet includes small lizards, insects, worms, mice, eggs of birds and reptiles, and the birds themselves. Life in the desert does not indulge in an abundance of food, so the bat-eared fox feeds on carrion, fruits and roots. All canines do not disdain such food. She tolerates thirst well, often being content with the water contained in her food.

Every year, domesticated exotic animals are becoming more and more common, among which the African fox, the fennec fox, is in particular demand. This is the smallest representative of the canine family, the only one who can live in apartment conditions with appropriate upbringing.


The size of the animal does not exceed the size of the most ordinary cat; with a weight of 1.5 kilograms, the height at the withers is 18-22 centimeters, and the length is 30-40 centimeters. The pointed muzzle is crowned with huge ears, which, in addition to hearing, perform the function of thermoregulation, which allows the fox to carry high temperatures. Cubs are white, but adults acquire a red or fawn shade of silky fur.

Home maintenance and care.

Fenech as a pet is considered quite unpretentious and easy to keep. Thanks to their flexible and affectionate nature, foxes are easy to find mutual language not only with all family members, but also with pets. The only thing you need to remember is that the fennec is a nocturnal animal. At night, your pet's hunting instincts may awaken. So, miniature foxes can start digging holes, rushing around the apartment, throwing things off the table, chewing wires, etc. Therefore, owners need to be patient and have an action plan in place for such a case. For example, you can allocate either a spacious enclosure or an entire room for your pet to live in. It should be noted that fennecs are easily tamed to the tray.

It is important to remember that this animal does not tolerate drafts very well and low temperatures. When a fennec catches a cold, it becomes very seriously ill, which can lead to fatal outcome. Therefore, pets need to be vaccinated, which will prevent a number of dangerous infectious diseases.

Foxes are practically omnivorous. At home, they need, first of all, meat products: minced lean meat, rodents and insects purchased from pet stores. Fruits and vegetables will be useful. Fennecs are able to go without water for a long time, extracting liquid from plant products.

Expert opinion

Roman Efremov

Work experience: 5 years. Specialization: all areas of jurisprudence.

To avoid problems, food for fox cubs should be balanced, rich in various vitamins and minerals. You can use dog food for food; the little fox will not refuse it. As a special treat, fennec cats prefer insects and small rodents, dates and figs.The original habitat of the animals is the desert. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to equip the animal’s enclosure with a separate place with sand, where the fennec will feel at home.When arranging an enclosure, you need to take into account that fennecs are quite noisy animals. They have a very shrill voice, and most time they communicate with each other through soundtrack. Therefore, the enclosure should be located in a well-insulated room, in which there is fairly good sound insulation.Fennec cats have unique hearing, capable of detecting even the slightest movements in a room. Because of this feature, you need to carefully protect their hearing. The animals are unusually timid; any loud sound or cry will become stressful for the little fox. In view of stressful situation some individuals can become aggressive and emit a specific unpleasant aroma.If there are small children in the house, you need to protect them as much as possible from communicating with fennec cats. Awkward movements, noise and improper handling of the animal will cause aggressive behavior, which can be dangerous for the child.Experts recommend that your animal be vaccinated against rabies at least once a year. However, finding a specialist who understands exotic animals and understands the characteristics of the animal is extremely difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of this issue in advance.

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Miniature foxes breed once a year. During the breeding season, which usually occurs in February, males can become very aggressive and begin to mark their territory. The pregnancy itself lasts about 50 days, so in the spring from 2 to 6 cubs are born, weighing no more than 50 grams. Because the female is very aggressive for two weeks, until the cubs open their eyes, she needs to organize a special place, reminiscent of a hole, so that she feels comfortable. Five-week-old cubs begin to explore the world on their own, but only at 3 months are they ready to leave their family. Fennecs reach sexual maturity at 6-9 months. The animals live 10-12 years.