The best month for a holiday in Tunisia. When is the best time to go to Tunisia for a beach holiday: reviews, beach season. Hammamet is the best for thalassotherapy

Resorts in Tunisia are not as popular as vacations in Egypt or Turkey, but this stunning Arab country has no less rich history, gorgeous beaches and one of the most the best centers thalassotherapy in the world. The unique charm of the East is read here in every corner, shimmering with bright colors of the golden desert and spicy spices, emerald tropics and the azure coast.

The borders of Tunisia lie from the snow-white beaches mediterranean sea deep into the sultry Sahara, forming two climatic zones. A tropical Mediterranean climate prevails in the north and northeast, while a desert climate prevails in the south. Mountain peaks in the west of the country winter period covered with snow. In the summer months, a more moderate temperature regime prevails there than in the northern regions of Tunisia.


In December, holidays in Tunisia are focused on recovery and relaxation. in thalassotherapy centers and balneological procedures. Most spa hotels have indoor swimming pools and water parks, where you can combine swimming and entertainment with healing rituals of beauty and youth. The weather in Tunisia during this period is not conducive to a beach holiday, as the air temperature varies at around 16-18 degrees.

To climb the mountains, you need to be prepared for sub-zero temperatures, as well as strong winds and cold nights in the desert, when the thermometer reaches only 8 degrees. Therefore, the excursion part of the holiday in Tunisia may not be available until spring.

In the north of the country, due to the abundance of precipitation, all the streets are covered with lush greenery of citrus and almonds, and the harvest of olives ripens. At the beginning of winter, international festivals dedicated to ancient customs and culture are held in Duza and Tozeur local population. Despite the abundance of storms, in winter in Tunisia you can find closed beaches and get a great tan.


Starting from March excursion tours to Tunisia. The temperature at the resort does not drop below 20 degrees, so trips to attractions and daytime desert safaris will take place in comfortable conditions. By the end of spring, many brave travelers open the swimming season, as the water warms up to 19 degrees, and the air temperature reaches 26 degrees.

For connoisseurs of everything ancient, in April you can visit the archaeological festival in Tataouine, dedicated to culture and art southern regions countries. In May, a holiday in Tunisia with children is considered the most optimal in terms of budget and weather conditions. Water sports become available on the beaches, including yachting and fishing.


Despite the fact that the air at the beginning of summer warms up to 30 degrees, the water remains at around 21 degrees. Holidays in Tunisia in June are suitable for the elderly, children and those who do not tolerate the heat, as the winds in the seas cool and refresh the air. Thanks to the 10 hour daylight hours you can devote more time to excursions in the desert and historical regions of the country. In addition to the attractions of Tunisia, tourists can visit the famous horse races in Sidi Thabet and Meknessi, as well as enjoy jazz compositions at the music festival in Tabarka.

Holidays in Tunisia in July can only be overshadowed by the season, which will last until September and winds. The air temperature can warm up to 33 degrees, and the water in the sea rises to a comfortable 26 degrees. July-August in the desert may be as uncomfortable as during the day when outside unbearable stuffiness and at night, when the temperature approaches zero. In the resorts of Tunisia, El-Jem and Hammamet, music and theater festivals are held during this period.

In August beach holiday reaches its peak in Tunisia. Water does not fall below 28 degrees, and the air can warm up to 35 degrees. Tourists at the end of summer are better off choosing northern resorts countries and more to be in the shadows. No less popular during this period are the spa resorts of thalassotherapy, where you can not only freshen up, but also relax. In desert increased risk of strong sandstorms , so exotic safaris may not be safe. All music lovers can spend the calendar summer in Tunisia with the music festival in Tabarka.


Tunisia in September pleases travelers with long-awaited freshness and comfortable temperatures for excursion trips. All amateur photographers can demonstrate their talent at the underwater photography competition in Tabarka at the beginning of autumn. Therefore, a holiday in Tunisia in September attracts many creative people from all over the world.

In October, Tunisia is suitable for a beach holiday, because the water and air temperatures are kept at around 25 degrees. Evenings can be chilly due to wind and occasional rainfall, so it's best to bring appropriate clothing. For connoisseurs of cinema in Korfagen, an international festival of creativity opens, and extreme lovers will appreciate the Shott's Steps marathon, which takes place right in the desert.

The weather in Tunisia in October is suitable for families with children. At the end of autumn, the resorts of the country are closed beach season and offer indoor water activities in hotels. The air warms up to 20 degrees, and it often rains, but during this period you can buy profitable last-minute tours to Tunisia and great savings on wellness holidays.

Tunisia is considered warm country where you can comfortably travel regardless of the season. The Tunisian climate is not characterized by sudden temperature fluctuations. Here, even in January, you will not interrogate snow, and in a number of regions it does not rain for years.

Guidebooks recommend travelers relax in Tunisia in the spring and autumn time . In the winter season, the Mediterranean resorts of the African state can be very cool, which is not at all conducive to a beach holiday.

And in the summer in Tunisia, on the contrary, the air can warm up to 35 degrees and even higher. And when the daytime sun mercilessly burns and the withering sirocco blows, travelers no longer care about walking through parks and the ruins of ancient settlements. They do not pay serious attention to the Tunisian weather, except perhaps those guests who like to visit the country for the sake of rejuvenating and wellness treatments.

Weather in Tunisia in January

After the New Year in the Mediterranean resorts of Tunisia, the temperature for days is, on average, at +15 degrees Celsius. But sea ​​water at this time it warms up to somewhere up to 13-15 degrees.

In the middle of winter in Tunisia weather very changeable.

If you are very lucky, then during the January trip to this country you will even be able to sunbathe a little. However, very often in January, the weather in Tunisia tests travelers with strong winds and rains.

However, this period is very suitable for sightseeing, such as the ruins of Carthage.

Sometimes in Tunisian resorts in January you can even swim in the Mediterranean Sea, which is often quite calm. There is no less fresh fruit in January than in any other month. January in Tunisia is considered coldest month of the year. During this period, it also falls a lot of rain.

Weather in Tunisia in February

In terms of tourism, February in Tunisia is one of the quietest months of the year. In the Mediterranean resorts, the sea during this period is very restless, which, incidentally, gives the coast a quite attractive look.

Tunisia in February is very beautiful. This month can even be considered the beginning of spring.

Tunisian nature, which did not think to wither for the winter, but only slightly faded, in February, begins to revive. Birds during this period sing louder here than in January, and plants amaze with the brightness of fresh colors. Despite the fact that the air at this time warms up only a couple of degrees more than in January, tourists should not discount February.

During this period, fans of thalassotherapy and everyone yearning for a measured oriental life love to come to the country.

Weather in Tunisia in March

March in Tunisian resorts is a waiting time. Hotels and restaurants are actively preparing for the tourist season.

There are already more sunny days in March than in winter, while the amount of precipitation decreases sharply.

March walks around Mediterranean coast perfectly invigorating and refreshing. The heat has not yet set in, but its approach is very well felt, because the air in March in Tunisian resorts is already warming up up to 19-20 degrees.

March in Tunisia ideal for relaxing for everyone who does not like the sizzling sun and is quite ready to swim in the hotel pools instead of the sea.

Weather in Tunisia in April

In April, the Tunisian resorts of Monastir, Sousse, Djerba and many others lure tourists with clean beaches and fresh fruits. Quite warm during this period on the island of Djerba, where the average daytime temperature is 22 degrees above zero.

However, April nights in the resorts of Tunisia can be quite cool due to sea ​​winds. The water in the sea during this period is not yet fully warmed up for swimming.

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Although in April in Tunisian resorts you can already meet daredevils who are not afraid of the waters of the Mediterranean Sea that have not warmed up after winter. In April, guests of Tunisia beautiful tan guaranteed. On cool April days, holidays in the Mediterranean resorts of Tunisia can be diversified with excursions to the city of Kairouan or see the remains of an ancient amphitheater in the city of Dougga.

Do not forget about the sultry Sahara, the climate of which is not affected by winds from the sea.

Weather in Tunisia in May

In May in Tunisian resorts swimming season starts. During this period, hotel and municipal beaches are already much busier than in winter and early spring, when only the most desperate find themselves at sea.

May is already possible have no fear strong winds , however, for evening walks, it is still worth putting at least warm pullovers and sweaters in your suitcase. After all, if a May day in Tunisia is like a warm afternoon on tropical islands, then in the evenings it can be as cool here as on a winter day in some European capital.

The sea in May is not yet warm enough for comfortable swimming. However, if the body is not prone to colds, then you can take a chance and take a few swims.

May, like all other months of spring, is ideal for sightseeing tours of ancient Tunisian settlements. May is also beautiful in gastronomic terms. During this period, you can eat enough citrus and almonds.

Weather in Tunisia in June

June in Tunisia is a period of sweet oriental bliss, when, under the yoke of the hot rays of the sun, all nature is immersed in peace.

average temperature June in the country is 27-28 degrees above zero, while the water in the sea warms up to +24 degrees.

By the second half of the month, the sea in Tunisian resorts “calms down” and becomes the best escape from the heat.

Swimming during this period is already completely fearless.

Weather in Tunisia in July

As befits resorts on the Mediterranean Sea, coastal Tunisian cities in July are simply buried in flowers, fruits and greenery.

During the day, the temperature in the country already rises above +30, so when you stay in the sun during this period, you should definitely use sunscreen.

July in Tunisia is perfect for the rest of all lovers of beach pastime. During this period, life in resorts such as Sousse and Monastir is simply in full swing. Hotels actively entertain tourists with animation programs, and stalls of merchants abound rare species fruits.

Weather in Tunisia in August

August in Tunisia is considered the hottest month.

Air and water temperatures reach their maximum during this period. In the sea, the water warms up to about +25 degrees, so swimming and practicing water sports sports during this period is very comfortable.

But it is best to forget about long sightseeing walks. Traveling around Tunisia in August is not very comfortable even in air-conditioned vehicles.

Weather in Tunisia in September

By September, the heat in the Tunisian resorts subsides somewhat. The average temperature during this period is +31 degrees, which favors swimming in the sea.

Although number of tourists at the resorts in September is already somewhat reduced, entertainment during this period does not become less. Restaurants continue to delight with fresh fruit and seafood dishes, and hotels with interesting parties.

Weather in Tunisia in October

Sea water in the resorts of Tunisia, having warmed up well over the summer, continues to remain warm in October. But air temperature are already falling to + 25-26 degrees. During this period, the resorts of Tunisia are actively visited relaxing holiday lovers.

October is ideal for trips to local national parks.

During this period, there is no danger of getting sunstroke so you can spend all day outdoors.

Those travelers who like the light sea breeze and the gentle sun are very fond of October in Tunisia.

Weather in Tunisia in November

November in Tunisia, first of all, will be appreciated by all fans of the gifts of nature. This month you can enjoy melons, grapes and dates here.

In November, the country is still warm. Air temperatures continue to stay above +20 degrees.

However autumn cooling is already beginning to make itself felt, plentifully irrigating the earth with rains and bringing winds. bathing season ends by November. But walking along the ancient ruins during this period is quite comfortable.

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Weather in Tunisia in December

Going on a December trip to Tunisia, you must take care of warm clothes. Nights in December are very cold here. In the evenings, the air temperature in the resorts drops to +8. Cold showers are inevitable during this period.

The onset of December in Tunisian resorts is always marked by deserted beaches and cafes. Tourists during this period in hotels easily get the best numbers with views of the beaches and seascapes. Many establishments are significantly lowering prices.

In December, Tunisia is suitable for visiting by those travelers who want to undergo quality spa treatments, take a break from the noise of megacities and take a walk along the deserted, but still beautiful beaches.

Going on a Tunisian trip, it is not necessary to pay attention to the calendar. After all, every season in Tunisia is attractive in some way.

Most tourists believe that since Tunisia is Africa, it means that it is always hot there and you can go on vacation at any time of the year, such as Egypt. However, with Tunisia the situation is somewhat different. It really belongs to Africa, but you can not swim and sunbathe at any time, the reason is geographical location and Mediterranean climate. I'll tell you what happens in Tunisia with the weather every month. But my personal opinion is that this country in terms of beach tourism is best suited in the summer, at any other time of the year, you can seriously miscalculate the weather and at least be upset for a spoiled vacation.

Map of Tunisia.

Weather in Tunisia in January.

At this time it is very cold here, the daytime air temperature is only about +14 degrees, about the same in the sea. The nights are cold +8. If you decide to come to Tunisia at this time, be sure to take warm clothes with you, sweaters, jackets, there can be no question of any tan. However, January can be used as a thalassotherapy and excursions, at this time the prices for hotels and services drop quite a lot and you can save a lot on what tourists will pay many times more for in summer. I would like to note that on new year holidays hotels are not very impudent in comparison with other countries.

Weather in Tunisia in February.

February is the rainiest month in Tunisia, besides, strong winds begin here and the humidity level reaches 76%. During the day, although it is warmer, about +16 degrees, you will definitely not be drawn to the beach. At this time, the most favorable weather can only be in Djerba, there is less rain and the sun warms up to +18. You can go there, again for thalassotherapy in order to save money.

Weather in Tunisia in March.

In March, rains and strong winds end, but the air temperature does not noticeably warm up much, about +17 degrees. The nights are also cold. For a tan, it makes sense to go to Djerba, where the air is already around +20 during the day. At the same time, despite the fact that this weather is far from hot, you can easily get burned, the sun after the winter is very evil. Therefore, even with this it seems not high temperature You need to bring sunscreen with you.

Weather in Tunisia in April.

In April, the first tourists are already starting to arrive, but there are very few of them. The weather is not yet quite suitable for a beach holiday, the sea is cold, as well as the nights too. During the day the air temperature is about +21 degrees. Another nuisance at this time can be the hot wind that forms in the desert. North Africa little pleasant from him. Going out into the street at its very rush hour, you will first need to protect your eyes, hair and nose from the sand that will fly in the air everywhere. Usually at this time it is recommended to stay indoors.

Weather in Tunisia in May.

May pretty warm month, but not very stable, the air temperature can vary greatly. Usually during the day the air warms up to +25 degrees, at night about +16. Of course, you can swim in the sea, if you are not afraid of its coolness - about +19 degrees. The biggest mistake of tourists is that they think that it is already warm and good in Tunisia, and they do not take warm clothes with them, but in vain! Sometimes, there are strong weather changes that during the day the air temperature does not warm up above +20. Therefore, sweaters and jackets must be taken with you. But do not forget about sunscreen, including hats.

Weather in Tunisia in June.

June is the beginning of the season, at this time it begins to arrive already a large number of tourists. During the day the air temperature is about +26 degrees. But here the sea is somewhat cool +21. At this time, it can be a little stormy and sometimes it can blow strong wind. It is worth coming here with children closer to mid-June, by which time real summer comes to Tunisia, without all sorts of unpleasant weather surprises.

Weather in Tunisia in July.

In July, dry and hot weather sets in. The largest influx of tourists falls at this time. Ticket prices are skyrocketing. The daily temperature this month is about +30 degrees. The nights are very comfortable +23. The sea warms up to +24. An ideal time for holidays with children and all those who love comfortable summer temperatures.

Weather in Tunisia in August.

Most hot month. During the day, about +33 degrees, the sea is very warm +26. At this time, you need to be as careful as possible so as not to get burned, especially for vacationers with children. In August, an unpleasant thing for tourists falls on Tunisia - jellyfish, especially there are noticeably more of them at the end of the month. Most often they are found off the coast of Monastir and Sousse. Be careful!

Weather in Tunisia in September.

In September, the heat begins to gradually subside. During the day the air temperature is about +29 degrees, at night +23. The water in the sea is warm, the jellyfish are disappearing. However, it is better to plan your vacation for the first half of the month. After September 15, the weather may change somewhat, it will become noticeably cooler, short-term rains and strong winds may begin. Even sightseeing visits can be uncomfortable.

Weather in Tunisia in October.

At this time, tourists often come here who want to save on a ticket in the hope that the weather will still be comfortable. In general, at this time you can swim and sunbathe, but here everything will depend on how lucky you are. The average temperature during the day will be +25 degrees, the nights are already colder than +19. But the sea has not yet cooled down from the hot summer at about +23. But storms and strong winds are often possible. You won't be able to swim every day.

Weather in Tunisia in November.

This time is suitable for tourists who wish to attend excursions and undergo thalassotherapy. The sea has already cooled down after the summer and its temperature will not be higher than +16 degrees, the nights are also already cool, but during the day the air temperature is about +21. The only unpleasant moment will be strong cold winds, so even in daytime you will have to wear warm clothes. Because of this contrast, there is a high probability of catching a cold.

Weather in Tunisia in December.

December is the beginning of winter for Tunisia. This is certainly not our Russian winter, since during the day the air temperature will warm up to +16 degrees. Nights are cooler around +8. At this time, the biggest discounts, you can get into one of the best hotels on the coast for very small cash, take a course of thalassotherapy. Take a dip in the indoor pool. At this time, it is advised to take an excursion to the Sahara, as the heat goes away and you can see how they live there locals(Bedouins), who during the summer months hid from the heat and a large number tourists in their homes.

Today it is difficult to stop the choice at any resort. Turkey and Egypt are familiar to many and have already set their teeth on edge. I want something like that… Try to opt for such a small but very interesting African country Tunisia. More precisely, Tunisian Republic. As mentioned above, the country is located on African continent, in its northern part. To the north of Tunisia is Italy, on the same side it is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. On land, Tunisia's neighbors are: Libya (in the east) and Algeria (in the west). Most of The country is occupied by the spurs of the Eastern Atlas and desert territories. The flat, green part of the country is located only in the coastal zone: the north and northeast of Tunisia.

Climate of Tunisia

The climate of this country is mainly tropical desert, and only along the sea coast there are signs of a Mediterranean climate.

In summer on the coast, temperatures reach 40 degrees Celsius in the shade, there is no precipitation. Tourists begin to flock to the country's beaches from the end of May, and the last swimmers leave Tunisia in mid-October. Somewhere in October in the country begins the Velvet season. It is during this period that the best

go on excursions, get acquainted with the flavor of the local culture and generally enjoy the tranquility (there are not so many vacationers in Tunisia anymore). Of course, you can also scream on the beach in autumn in Tunisia, only the water in the sea is already a little cool, about + 20 degrees.

In winter, despite the showers in December and January, another period begins when possible
holiday in Tunisia
. At this time, it is best to ride in the Sahara and visit the international "Saharan Festival", which takes place in December. Eat only ripened January oranges or enjoy all the delights of thalassotherapy. Hotels in Tunisia in winter offer a wide range of SPA treatments at affordable prices.

Another season in Tunisia, when better go on vacation- Spring. During this period, the country literally flourishes. After prolonged winter rains, nature wakes up and everything around is painted in green tones. In the spring it is too early to swim, the water temperature reaches +16 degrees. But it is in the spring that it is best to wander through the ancient ruins and see the local sights.

When is the beach season in Tunisia?

The most optimal period when can i swim in tunisia, lasts from mid-April to the end of October. Only from April to May and from mid-September to October you can sunbathe almost all day. The sun at this time is not so dangerous, although you need to use sunscreen in any case. Also, it is during these months that experienced tourists recommend coming to Tunisia with children.

The real African heat begins in this country already from mid-May, and in July - August temperatures reach critical levels of 45 - 50 degrees of heat. During such a period, it is worth leaving the beach as early as 10 o'clock in the morning and appearing there no earlier than 5 o'clock in the evening. One more
a nuisance summer months is the desert wind sirocco, which sometimes blows from the Sahara. In this case, another 5-10 degrees of this sultry wind is added to the usual + 40 degrees.

When is jellyfish season in Tunisia?

Also, at the end of June or at the beginning of July, crowds of jellyfish often nail to the shores of Tunisia.. The authorities, of course, do their best to get rid of them, but these gelatinous creatures, especially zealous, still get to the shore.

Before choosing when to fly to tunisia Decide what type of vacation you need. As can be seen from the above, you can relax in this country all year round. Only in summer - these are beaches and thalassotherapy; autumn - we continue to sunbathe on the beach, but do not swim and see interesting sights; winter - we conquer the Sahara and again SPA procedures; spring - inspection of ancient ruins and admiration blooming Tunisia. At any time of the year, Tunisia is beautiful and attractive in its own way.

History of Tunisia

The history of Tunisia is ancient and eventful, however, like the history of any Mediterranean country. The first settlements on the site of modern Tunisia, according to scientists, date back to two hundred years. Let's not say everything historical stages formation of Tunisia as a state. Let's go through the most significant milestones:

Of the yearDevelopments
814 BCThe foundation of Carthage, which subsequently subjugates all neighboring territories, becomes a powerful state of the Mediterranean.
146 BCThe complete enslavement of Carthage by Rome, the almost complete destruction of the city.
44 BCFoundation of a small town located near the ruined Carthage, Colonia Iulia Carthago. In this regard, the old Carthage is also being revived.
Late 500s ADThe power of Byzantium comes.
697 ADArab conquest of this territory.
1534Tunisia is captured by the Ottoman Empire.
1574After a long conquest between Ottoman Empire, the German-Roman emperor, the Hafsids and the Spaniards, Tunisia still goes to the Ottoman Empire.
1705Education independent state Tunisia under the control of the beys of the Husenid dynasty.
1881 - 1883Tunisia is a French colony.
1957The liquidation of the monarchy in Tunisia.

When to go on vacation to Tunisia, so as not to burn out under the burning African sun, not to freeze and not to catch jellyfish? Find out about the best time to travel in 2019 with our overview of seasons and weather by month. Water and air temperature, weather conditions, tips and reviews from tourists.

The climate of Tunisia is subtropical Mediterranean: hot and dry in summer, warm and rainy in winter, and the temperature indicators of the resorts of the south and north differ by no more than 1-2 degrees.


Water and air temperature. In January, it is warm and rainy in Tunisia: during the day + 15 ° С, at night + 8 ° С, the water in the sea is + 15 ° С.

Weather. The weather often changes - sometimes rain, sometimes wind. There is nothing to dream about relaxing by the sea, but you can ride through historical sights.

Do you want to sunbathe in winter? In many countries, this is the beach season. Choose a convenient direction: , .


Water and air temperature. In February, the first trees timidly bloom, fresh grass turns green: during the day + 18 ° С, at night + 9 ° С, the sea + 15 ° С.

Weather. Overcast weather sometimes gives way to the sun, the rains are still pouring, but not as often as in January.

Reviews of tourists. In February, it is better to go on vacation to Tunisia for those who care about health. Thalassotherapy is possible at any time of the year! True, the hotels are filled with European pensioners who have come for wellness treatments.

(Photo © khowaga1 / / Licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0)


Water and air temperature. At the beginning of spring, +20°С during the day, +11°С at night, +15°С at sea.

Weather. March is the flowering period in Tunisia: during the day the sun warms pleasantly, but at night it is still quite cool.

Reviews of tourists. At this time, it is good to go on excursions and spend time in thalassotherapy centers.


Water and air temperature. April in Tunisia strikes with a riot of colors: during the day + 23 ° С, at night + 12 ° С, the sea + 16 ° С.

Reviews of tourists. It is still too early for swimming, and tourists are happy to visit the excavation sites, receive treatment in thalassotherapy centers and sunbathe. At the end of the month, the first lovers of short swims appear.


Water and air temperature. The weather in May is changeable: +25°С during daylight hours, +16°С at night, +16°С at sea.

Weather. During the day, the sun bakes well, but after sunset, I want to put on something warm. A few daredevils open the beach season.

Reviews of tourists. If you do not like the heat, it is better to relax in Tunisia in May. At the end of the month, you can already talk about a beach holiday, however, it is better to choose the resorts of southern Tunisia, where the water is warmer.

(Photo © crsan / / CC BY 2.0)


Water and air temperature. Perfect time for: +27°C during the day, +20°C at night, +20°C at sea.

Weather. In the first half of the month the sea is cool for swimming. Starting from the second half of June, you can safely swim.

Reviews of tourists. It is best to relax in Tunisia in June: it is still not very hot, it is pleasantly cool in the evening, there are few tourists. Hotels are gradually filling up with vacationers.


Water and air temperature. In the middle of summer, heat comes to Tunisia: during the day + 31 ° С, at night + 21 ° С, the sea + 23 ° С.

Weather. Hot sand caresses the skin, juicy fruits delight the eye, the sea is getting warmer every day.

Reviews of tourists. Most tourists go to rest in Tunisia in July - many believe that this best time. The weather is perfect, the sea is warm. In July, everything thunders - nightclubs and discos work.


Water and air temperature. In August, the weather in Tunisia is dry and hot: during the day + 35 ° С, at night + 23 ° С, the sea + 28 ° С.

Weather. During the day it gets so hot that not everyone can stand it, but the nights are mild and warm. Elderly people and vacationers with children should refrain from traveling during this period.

Reviews of tourists. August is a controversial month for holidays. On the one hand, the sea warms up to the temperature of fresh milk, and on the other hand, warm water attracts hundreds of jellyfish to the shores of Tunisia, which makes swimming uncomfortable.

(Photo © nivea-cream / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


Water and air temperature. Autumn in Tunisia is mild and warm: +31°С during the day, +22°С at night, +26°С at sea.

Weather. This is one of best periods for a holiday in Tunisia for everyone - the water is warm, there are no jellyfish, only sometimes in the afternoon a breeze comes up and the sea is slightly worried.


Water and air temperature. No more in October extreme heat: day +29°С, night +18°С, sea +26°С.

Weather. A good time for trips around Tunisia and a beach holiday. The weather is good. The sea is still warm enough for swimming, but the air is not so hot anymore.