The husband of the singer Nyusha showed his children from a previous marriage. Nyusha and Igor Sivov The bridegroom of the singer Nyusha Igor

At the end of August 2017, the famous Russian singer Nyusha Shurochkina officially announced that she was married. Her chosen one was Igor Sivov, who is the chief adviser to the president of the federation student sports.

Wedding of Nyusha and Igor Sivov 2017

The first acquaintance of the singer and the former member of the KVN team happened long before the decision to get married. At that time, both rotated in the field of show business and were good friends.

Their relationship slowly but surely developed.

The girl noted that her chosen one was incredibly beautifully caring, giving her compliments, and very attentive. Young people decided to formalize their relationship, but they did it secretly, going to the Maldives.

Sunny and romantic video from the Maldives

Celebration in the Maldives

Nyusha and her husband do not advertise the details of their relationship, but the singer is already giving interviews to well-known publications, and also posted several pictures from the celebration on Instagram. Fans were impressed by her wedding dress.

The venue for the ceremony was the Maldives. Nyusha and Igor doubted for a long time between such options as Africa, Greece and Spain, but the islands conquered them with their impressive sunsets and the azure color of the ocean.

Photo: Instagram @nyusha_igorsivov_

The spouse was fully responsible for organizing the celebration, while Nyusha was engaged in her own appearance and pleasant wedding trifles. The celebration began with the traditional ransom of the bride. The groom even had to compose a song on his own in order to get to his beloved.

The holiday lasted 3 days, the newlyweds stayed at the chic Finolhu hotel, decorated in retro style, rented halls in several restaurants. The ceremony itself took place in an open area with a magnificent view of the ocean.

Hundreds of white palm leaves and orchids seemed to float in the air. The lovers did not deviate from tradition and performed a joint dance.

Igor Sivov, Nyusha's husband and his star wife November 7, 2018 became the parents of a girl. For Nyusha, this is the first child, and Igor already has two sons from his first marriage with Elena Sivova.

Igor Sivov, Nyusha's husband, rapidly climbed the career ladder

Hometown of Igor Sivov Kazan. There he was born in June 1980, grew up, studied at the gymnasium. After that, he entered the Academy of Management at the faculty international relations. At that time, Igor could be seen in the first part of the KVN team "Four Tatars". Jurmala, where in 1999 the festival of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful was held, saw a brilliant victory for this team.

Subsequently, Sivov did not engage in show business, following the example of some other members of the team. Immediately after graduation, Igor Sivov became deputy director of the student club at the Tatar Institute for Business Assistance.

Since 2008, he has been working in the municipality, in the directorate of holiday programs. Soon, thanks to professional qualities, Igor Veniaminovich Sivov takes over the leadership of this project.

At that time, Kazan began to prepare for the Summer Universiade, which was to be held in the capital of Tatarstan in 2013.

The organizing committee created in Russia was appointed to lead First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. And Igor Sivov became the deputy CEO Executive Directorate of the Autonomous non-profit organization. During three years he combined these duties with his main job, and from 2011 to 2014 this post became permanent for him.

In 2014, Igor Veniaminovich became the director of the Executive Committee Office. At the same time, the official is awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.

Since 2016, Igor Veniaminovich has been the chief adviser to the FISU President. it supreme body university world movement, founded in 1949 and headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Nyusha's husband Igor Sivov became a father for the third time

In 2017, in the winter, Igor and Nyusha announced that they were engaged, and in the summer rumors spread about her pregnancy. However, they were not confirmed. Only 2018 brought them the happiness of becoming parents.

Igor and Nyusha carefully chose the clinic in which the singer was to give birth, and settled on a wonderful clinic in Miami. Nyusha went there in advance. Together with Nyusha, her mother flew to Miami. Then Igor himself joined them. After what happened, he shared his impressions about what he felt when he was next to his beloved during the birth of their charming girl.

The couple are not going to immediately return home, they want to give the child time to get stronger before a long air flight.

Nyusha has this girl's firstborn, but Igor has two sons. They were born by Alena Sivova, with whom Igor was married from 2006 to 2016.

Alena is a dance teacher and choreographer. She recently took part in the popular show "Dancing" on TNT. And according to her, it helped a lot to cope with feelings after a divorce. Now she is doing well.

Igor Sivov became the husband of the famous singer Nyusha two years ago

Nyusha's parents were musicians. Father, Vladimir Shurochkin, before solo career sang in the Tender May". Mom, Irina performed as part of a rock group.

They began to teach their daughter music from the age of three.

When Anya was five years old, she first got into a recording studio, and this made an indelible impression on her.

Since then, she has not stopped singing wherever she had to be. Shurochkin supported his daughter's interest. She studied with a piano and solfeggio tutor. And already at the age of eight, her first recording of a “real” song in English appeared.

At the age of 12, the girl impressed the listeners of the concert in Cologne with how well she knows English language. Then she performed several compositions of her own composition.

At the age of 17, Anna Shurochkina (as it is written in the passport), after the selection, became a participant in the TV show "STS lights up the Superstar". It is to these competitions that she owes the appearance of the short sonorous pseudonym "Nyusha".

Since then, Nyusha has released two albums, recorded nine soundtracks. She starred in fifteen music videos. Nyusha is often invited to voice cartoons, where she has to work with famous actors.

Of course, such a beautiful and talented girl had fans, but in 2017 she became the wife of Igor Sivov, and now the happy mother of his daughter.

Igor Sivov - famous public figure originally from Kazan. Today he is married. His wife- famous singer Nyusha. Igor is 38 years old, according to the sign of the Zodiac he is Gemini. The willpower and stubborn nature of this man helped him succeed on his own.

Short biography of Igor Sivov

Igor was born on June 9, 1980 in the city of Kazan (Russia). FROM early years he was a serious and reserved child. The boy's parents were ordinary workers. AT kindergarten their son first announced that he would be a banker when he grew up. There was no limit to the surprise of the parents, because they did not understand where the 4-year-old son had such ambitions.

AT school years Igor loved mathematics and physics, he loved other subjects special attention did not give. Because of this, teachers often complained about the boy and asked his parents to pay more attention to his studies.

In the biography of Igor Sivov important role played educational institution where his parents sent him. Gymnasium No. 122 gave a lot to the guy and taught him to achieve his goals.

The further fate of Sivov

After graduating from high school in 1997, the guy goes to apply to the Academy of Management at the Faculty of International Relations. From the first time he passed all stages of selection and was enrolled in the ranks of students. During his studies, he was an active participant in all the events that were held on the territory of the university, and was also a member of the KVN team. Student years in the biography of Igor Sivov were very rich and cheerful.

Under the leadership of Ildar Fatkhutdinov (head of the KVN team), they, together with the team, take first place at the festival in Jurmala and bring gold to their academy. Many of the guys who were on the lists of this team later became famous businessmen. One became a well-known director, and today on the Russian TV channel STS you can see his work: the beloved by many family television series Voronins.

Life after high school

After receiving a diploma in higher education in the biography of Igor Sivov occur interesting events. For example, he is offered to remain in the position of assistant director of the student club. The guy accepts this tempting offer.

Until 2008 inclusive, he devoted himself to this work. The next place where our hero showed his abilities was the municipality in the Directorate of holiday programs. After several years of efforts, he gets a leadership position in the same place.

Sport and politics in the life of Sivov

In 2008, preparatory work for the Universiade, which was to be held in 2013, will start in Kazan. This city was chosen by the chairmen of the commission in an international vote in Brussels. The main competitors of Kazan at that time were the Spanish town of Vigo and Kwaju ( South Korea).

Also in Russia, it was then decided to create a committee for the 27th Summer Universiade. Igor Shuvalov was appointed director. In the biography of Igor Sivov, Nyusha's husband, at that time changes were expected again. He was appointed assistant to Shuvalov.

The aspiration of Igor Veniaminovich was liked by the people sitting higher. So, in 2014 he was offered the position of director in the apparatus of the executive committee. After working there for some time, he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.

Personal life in the biography of Igor Sivov

For the first time in his life, Igor officially formalized relations with Sivova Elena Vladimirovna. They had a stormy romance, which later developed into marriage. A few years later they had a child, then another. However, in 2016, they decided to end their relationship and filed for divorce.

A year after the loss of his family, Sivov proposed to Anna Shurochkina, whom many know as the famous Russian singer Nyusha.

Acquaintance with Anya happened in 2013. She also attended the Universiade. From that moment, a spark flashed between them, and they began to communicate. Then a simple conversation grew into something more. From that moment on, the biography of Nyusha's husband Igor Sivov was replenished with new events. However, knowing that the man had a wife and children, Anya tried to get away from any connection with him for a while. As you know, she was in a relationship with the famous Russian performer Yegor Creed. A few years later, the couple broke up.

In 2016, the Internet appeared interesting photos Igor Sivov. The biography and personal life of a man until that moment was impeccable, as was his reputation. But the pictures where he hugs Nyusha caused a storm of emotions among the people. Comments on this were very varied. In the same year, Anya and Igor began to live together.

A few months later, Nyusha shared a picture with her fans on her Instagram page, which had a cute wedding ring- a gift from a loved one. At first, she hid the name of her man, but in 2017, together with Sivov, they appeared by the hand at the closing of the KHL in Barvikha.

Sivov today

To date, all important events are taking place smoothly and measuredly in the biography of Igor Sivov. Photos of men rarely appear in scandalous articles. However, in his career, he has an intensive growth. Recently, Igor was appointed to the post of presidential adviser International Federation student sports.

Igor's family life with Anya is hidden behind seven locks, but the most important events they share with the people. So, in the spring of 2018, Nyusha told her fans that she and Igor would soon become parents. Before this means mass media headlines about the girl's pregnancy were full of headlines, but these were just guesses. In addition, the paparazzi reported that the father of the child is unknown. A young married couple was shocked by such a statement, and they decided to tell about everything on their own.

June 6, 2018, 17:17

The title turned out to be a bit in the spirit of the Brazilian TV series)))

Information about Alena Sivova often flashes in posts and comments in the context of a couple of Nyusha and Igor Sivov. I think she deserves a separate post on Gossip.

Alena Sivova (35 years old)- dancer, choreographer, dance teacher, participant in the 4th season of the show "Dancing", a business woman and just a spectacular woman.

In 2006 she married Igor Sivov (37 years old), at that time just starting to build a career as an official.

In the same 2006, their eldest son Matvey was born:

Igor, his mother and Matvey:

The couple has a second common child, a son who was born in 2016. In the same 2016, the couple filed for divorce. In a short interview as part of the Dancing show, Alena mentioned that her husband left her six months after the birth of their second son. Presumably, for such an outcome family life Nyusha influenced, because their acquaintance took place in 2013, when Igor was still married, and in 2017 they already got married.

2016, apparently, was a turning point for Alena. Small child in her arms, the departure of her husband from the family, a difficult divorce, and one more sad event was added to everything - the unexpected and tragic loss of her mother.

By the way, it was the last event that prompted Alena to radically change her image - instead of long hair She opted for a short haircut.

“One day I woke up and realized that I wanted to cut my hair: my mother at my age had a similar haircut. I didn't do it in memory of her, no, I just felt like I wanted to do it. No wonder they say that with hair you release something from your life. The new haircut filled me with new emotions, new strength..

Alena, starting from early childhood, was engaged in dancing, and at the age of 16 she herself began to give lessons. After marriage and the appearance of the first child, all creative aspirations had to be paused, prioritizing in favor of the family.

"I was the guardian hearth, raised her eldest son first, then the youngest was born. Well, then it so happened that my former world collapsed, what had been built for many years disappeared. I took it hard until I realized that I needed to pull myself together. And the dance became my medicine, my rehabilitation ... probably, the divorce was the main impetus for my creative "comeback".

In 2017, Alena took part in the show "Dancing".

The wacking dance performance was warmly received by the audience and the jury. Alena has passed to the next stage.

For her, performing on the show was a real adventure, which she was inspired by her eldest son, who, according to her, is his mother's "big fan":

“Well, I think everyone understands perfectly well that average age participants - 20 - 25 years. I am 34. The jury members even joked that I already retirement age for the dancer. Outwardly, of course, I am no different from them, but my inner state is no longer on that wave.

“The sons were at that moment with their dad, and they watched the release all together. Supported, cheered for me. My performance ex-husband I liked it, a lot of compliments were said, I hope sincerely.


In 2017 Alena opened her own dance studio "exclusively for girls, girls and womenwhom I can teach what I can, make their life brighter and richer. I believe that a woman should dance, dance is a powerful way to fill up with energy ... "

"... I really want it (the studio) to become the space that will help make women happier. Probably, everyone who comes to my studio will fulfill a certain dream."

Igor Sivov is the chief adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation. Residents of the post-Soviet space, a young man has recently become known also as the spouse of a popular Russian singer Nyusha. How old is Igor Sivov and what path did he have to travel to achieve heights in his career? We will talk about this in our article.


Igor Sivov was born in Kazan on June 9, 1980. He graduated from gymnasium N ° 122 in 1997 and immediately became a student at the Faculty of International Relations of the Academy of Management (Tatar Institute for Business Assistance). During his studies, Igor was a member of the KVN team "Four Tatars" of the first composition. At the festival "Club of cheerful and resourceful" in Jurmala in 1999, the team led by captain Ildar Fatkhutdinov earns "gold".

Some members of the team subsequently went into show business. Stanislav Staroverov was engaged in writing the script for the series "Voronins", Dmitry Chernykh and Rustam Khabibullin created the duet "Neighbors", which participated in the program "Slaughter League".

After receiving a diploma of higher education, Igor became the deputy head of the student club. This structure worked at the Academy, which he graduated from. A few years later, Igor Sivov got a job in the city administration. There he oversaw the implementation of holiday programs. He started with an ordinary position, but soon took a leadership position. It was the post of head of the directorate.

Sivov's career and achievements

At 24, he was enrolled in the Youth Chamber under the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan. A year later, the young man became an assistant to a deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan. When Igor Veniaminovich was 28 years old, he was appointed to the post of director at the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Directorate of holiday programs", which he held for three years. From 2014 to 2016, the man was the head of the apparatus of the executive committee of Kazan. He is also a deputy of the Kazan City Duma, chairman of the commission for youth, physical education and sports. In addition, he is the head of the student government of the Academy of Management TISBI. On the this moment Sivov Igor is the chief adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation.

- About three years ago, Igor Veniaminovich was awarded two awards: the medal "In Commemoration of the 1000th Anniversary of Kazan", as well as the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree.

Sports and politics

In 2008, preparations for the Universiade began in Kazan, which was scheduled for 2013. The capital of Tatarstan was chosen at the international vote of the Federation of University Sports, held in Brussels. Kazan competed with the Spanish city of Vigo and the South Korean Gwangju, but won with 20 votes out of 27.

The relevant organizing committee was headed by the first deputy chairman Russian government Igor Shuvalov, and Igor Sivov was given to help him and his team. At first, he worked on a voluntary basis, then officially entered the state. Igor's efforts were duly appreciated at the "top" and entrusted to him to complete tasks of any complexity.

After the Universiade, a young official, in whose abilities many higher comrades were convinced, was appointed to lead the apparatus of the executive committee. In this position, Igor Veniaminovich quite successfully solved the issues of the city's life, mainly of a legal and economic nature.

Personal life of Igor Veniaminovich

Igor Veniaminovich was married to Elena Vladimirovna Sivova. The couple have two children. But in 2016, the couple broke up, officially filing a divorce. According to the declarations of income of municipal employees, published on the official website of the Kazan City Hall, in 2014 he earned 1,291,765.65 rubles, and in 2015 - 1,668,249.95 rubles. Compared to Nyusha, who, according to promoters, takes from one and a half million "wooden" just for one concert, his income, of course, looked ridiculous. But the most interesting is not this.

From the same declarations it followed that, until recently, Igor Veniaminovich had a legal wife, dance teacher Alena Vladimirovna, with even more ridiculous income than his - 14,692.67 rubles in 2014 and 31,119.79 rubles in 2015. Moreover, just a year ago, the list of their family members was replenished with a second son, who did not appear in previous declarations. And six months ago, according to the Kazan media, Alena Vladimirovna, still in the status of Sivov's wife, appeared at the celebration of his birthday former colleague on the team "Four Tatars" - the current Minister of Sports of Tatarstan Vladimir Leonov.

In 2017, information appeared in the press that Igor Sivov proposed to the singer Russian stage Anna Shurochkina, better known as Nyusha, author of the singles "Above", "It Hurts", "Alone". They say that Sivov sought the location of Shurochkina for several years.

For the first time, Nyusha and Igor Sivov appeared in May, appearing together at the closing ceremony of the Continental Hockey League season. And shortly before that, Nyusha came to Channel One and told Ivan Urgant how Igor proposed to her. Then the hosts played a humorous mise-en-scene - almost a battle for the right to become the host at her wedding.

The matter was not limited to jokes - as a result, Dmitry Khrustalev flew to the Maldives. Among the guests was also Konstantin Khabensky, who turned out to be an old friend of Igor.

Nyusha does not tire of repeating how happy she is, and her husband is happy to share photos together in in social networks, publicly confesses his love to his famous wife and advertises her new songs and videos. As they say, advice and love.

However, not everyone is ready to rejoice for the young couple. So, fans of Yegor Creed, with whom Nyusha once had an affair, provoked a scandal on social networks. On the personal page of the singer's husband on Instagram, a fan of Creed hinted that Nyusha was not faithful to her husband. “Watch your wife so that Yegorushka doesn’t like it,” wrote a fan. Sivov unexpectedly answered the hater, and rather rudely, wishing the anonymous person to take care of himself, adding a few obscene words to his arguments.

After an exchange of pleasantries, Igor Sivov deleted part of the correspondence. Igor's followers, among whom there are many fans of Nyusha, were surprised at such a violent reaction, asked not to answer and strongly supported the husband of their favorite singer. Sivov, apparently, has cooled down a bit. And completely dumbfounded Internet users by openly praising ex boyfriend his wife. Turning to a fan who hurt his feelings and made him angry, Igor said that such fans dishonor the good musician Creed.

I must say that a real battle unfolded between the fans of Yegor Creed and Nyusha in the comments. At the same time, neither Yegor nor Nyusha reacted to these attacks in any way. Moreover, as the fans, who of course know the most, found out, the singer still does not put heart-likes on Creed's posts.

Nyusha showed a video taken shortly before the start of a grand party. On it you can see how the restaurant was decorated, where the guests of the singer and her husband gathered.

Nyusha and Igor decided to have a very personal and tender ceremony at the Finolhu Hotel. The lovers have been preparing for this event for several months and kept all the details a secret.

The celebration itself lasted for three days. On one of the days of the event, guests of the event were entertained by Paris Hilton, who performed a long DJ set.
In addition, according to the singer, Leonardo DiCaprio was also present at the wedding, with whom she had a chance not only to chat, but also to dance.

When to give birth to Nyusha Shurochkina

The public does not have details of the upcoming birth. Nyusha is pregnant, but how long is not known exactly. Apparently, the celebrity is at the end of the second or beginning of the third trimester (6 months), in which case she could give birth in August. Nyusha is not afraid to go to maternity leave, like many stars, so as not to lose their popularity. She considers motherhood the main purpose of a woman, a career can wait.

There is information on the Web that the artist was seen in one of the leading Moscow perinatal centers"Lapino". They say that several obstetrician-gynecologists conduct pregnancy at once. Where the birth will take place is still unknown. It is possible that abroad.

Photo from Instagram of Nyusha's husband: where they live, what the newlyweds do in their free time

Alas, Nyusha's husband Igor Sivov rarely publishes photos of where the newlyweds live and what they do on his Instagram. Most its pages are occupied by publications related to work activities. There are also publications asking to support the creative endeavors of his wife Anna Shurochkina. And here is information about the wedding, how old is her husband, his nationality, as well as facts from the biography ex-wife Alena Sivova, who became the star of the show "Dancing", it is better to look in other sources. We hope that you received answers to questions regarding the wedding of a popular singer and whether she took her husband away from the family from our article.