The husband went to another one according to the dream book. Why do you dream about your husband: various interpretations in dream books

We dated a young man, I wanted to start a family with him, but he admitted that he had been in a relationship with another woman for more than 9 years. I was in despair, it seemed as if the whole world had betrayed me. He broke off an old relationship. We got married and a son was born. But sometimes I dream that my husband leaves for her. I call him, but he doesn’t pick up or says he won’t be back. Every time I run after him, call him, it seems that life has stopped. I cry and again seem to be reliving the deception, sometimes I scream in my sleep and wake up with tears in my eyes. What should I do about it?

Elizaveta, 24 years old


The core of the dream is the abandonment complex. It makes us react painfully to signs that we may be abandoned. As soon as the partner pays a little more attention to work or friends, a little less to us, the complex turns on. Then we try to regain all the attention or control our partner’s behavior, for example, we make a scandal with him.

Sometimes we are not aware that the complex has turned on, but in a dream our loved one leaves, pain pierces us, we wake up in tears, broken. And no matter how much we receive confirmation of their fidelity from loved ones, it does not help. How is the complex formed?

You write that this was facilitated by a real situation: you learned about the deception. But I, like most of my colleagues, believe that our attachment model develops in early childhood. Adult traumas only repeat childhood experiences. Some of us are so caught up in our childhood experiences of abandonment that we find abandoning partners or do anything to get abandoned. As a last resort, they quit on their own. For what? So that the reality of the present corresponds to past, familiar and, in its own way, favorite situations. But neither the distant nor the near past can be changed. So what to do?

The more activities, interests and friends we have, the easier it is for us to cope with divorce or loss.

First, tell yourself: “I am not my complex,” separate yourself from it. In our conscious lives we are adults, independent people, but inside each of us there is a dependent child hiding. Our childish part is afraid, but this does not mean that this part should take over my entire personality. I may not agree with her.

Secondly, it is very important to comfort your inner child.

Finally, I need to work out a fantasy in reality: what will happen if my partner leaves. Yes, it is a painful experience, but not fatal. An abandoned baby will not survive unless others pick it up. An adult can cope with such a situation. And you need to be prepared for it.

The more activities, interests and friends we have, the easier it is for us to cope with divorce or loss. And there is no need to be afraid that independence will lead to a break in relationships. More often they break up with someone who suffocates with their control than with an interesting and independent person. Deep and truly secure relationships occur where each respects the other's originality and value.

If you take a course towards independence, then your dreams will gradually change. Perhaps at first you will dream of how, after separation, you arrange your life, relying on someone else. But then the fear of abandonment will subside. How much depends on the strength of the traumatic childhood experience, and from your persistence in working on yourself.

If a husband leaves for another in a dream, the plot has many different meanings. The dream book recommends paying attention to relationships to avoid conflicts. Disappointments and losses are possible, but also harmonious relationships. The details you dreamed about will help clarify what the vision is about.

Who's the rival?

The interpretation of a dream often depends on who he stayed with:

  • with your friend - troubles are possible, the cause of which will be acquaintances;
  • real lover - changes are coming in family life: both good and not so good;
  • an employee - problems await him at work;
  • stranger - you can be deceived by unknown people.

Also, seeing a spouse with a friend in a dream means: you should not trust even a close friend with the secrets of your relationship with your beloved, or cry.

Miller's Dream Book: make family life more interesting

Why do you dream that your husband is leaving for someone else? Most likely, this is a signal: he is tired of the usual routine of your life. You should reconsider and try to diversify it.

Your fears are unfounded

Did you cry or suffer because your spouse left you? The vision indicates fear of life changes.

Did you dream of crying because of his demonstrative departure? This portends a good, harmonious relationship and mutual understanding.

Why dream of crying because of the scandal of your leaving spouse? The dream book explains: everything bad happened in a dream, but in reality this will not happen.

Relationships can get complicated

A dream about a leaving husband often does not promise any significant troubles in the love sphere, but the dream book indicates: it is likely financial losses, disappointments at work.

Seeing a story about a leaving spouse sometimes foreshadows complications in relationships. Try to understand why he is dissatisfied and find a common point of view on the conflict issue.

Why do you often dream that your husband is leaving for someone else? The dream book suggests: there are unresolved problems between you, accumulated claims, which can cause a cooling of relations.

We'll have to overcome difficulties

For a woman to often see this in a dream also means: the dreamer is very dependent on her significant other. The vision reflects real fears that may turn out to be groundless.

A woman dreamed of her husband leaving her for a rival, and she causing a scandal, stormy proceedings? The dream book suggests: with such a development of the plot, a woman needs to pay attention to other areas of activity where troubles are possible. However, with the support of loved ones, everything will be resolved successfully.

Other meanings

If such a dream visits you constantly, think about it. There is a lot of unsaid things between you. Maybe your significant other avoids discussing certain topics, and this arouses suspicion? Try to clarify the issues of interest - perhaps the problem is not as big as it seems.

The husband is the most close person in the life of every woman. If you dreamed about him, it means that your subconscious is trying to tell you about something important, so it’s useful to know what your husband is dreaming about. Dream books of various psychologists will help in interpreting dreams, revealing in detail the essence of a particular dream.

The husband is the closest person in every woman’s life

I dreamed of a living husband, what does this mean?

  1. When unmarried woman dreamed of a living husband, she should postpone everything planned for a while, otherwise all her plans will fail miserably.
  2. If a widow sees her husband alive in a dream, she misses him very much. Perhaps we need to grieve more moderately and live in the present rather than the past.
  3. Not good sign, if your dreamed living husband invites you somewhere, or calls you to follow him. In this case, pay attention to your own health; it is not unlikely that it will deteriorate soon.
  4. It is also a bad sign when a living husband asks for something in a dream, however, if you are able to fulfill the request, do it.
  5. If a widow dreams of her deceased husband being alive, and he cheerfully jokes and laughs at her, it means that she will soon meet another man, and after some time she will marry him.
  6. When you dreamed of your husband saying something to you, you have a fan. To avoid conflicts with your husband and not to have a love that will destroy your marriage, take a bath with rose petals at night.
  7. When he comes home in a dream, most likely in reality he has a mistress. But if he drinks in good restaurant, in a calm mood – there is no threat. But if he shows aggression, it is quite possible serious problems in family life. By the way, a scandal or a small quarrel is a disappointment.
  8. Seeing an affectionate, loving life partner threatens family problems.
  9. If a man leaves his wife in a dream for no apparent reason, a short-term cooling of the relationship is possible in life, but in any case this will be replaced by a strong attraction.

A dream in which your man leaves somewhere and, as he leaves, seems to become taller, speaks of the disagreement of relatives with your marriage, and you will have to fight for happiness.

If in the world of dreams you fell in love with someone else’s life partner, this is a sign of indifference to your existing marriage, you are tired of it and don’t want anything.

Husband in the dream book (video)

If in a dream the husband left his wife for his mistress

Often, to see in a dream that your husband has left for another woman - this speaks of your inner fear of losing him. The dream book recommends not to attach much importance to such dreams.

  • If such a dream comes not for the first time, your subconscious mind suggests that there is a lot of understatement in your relationship. When you think that he is avoiding certain topics, you begin to suspect something.
  • A husband leaving for his mistress with a scandal and violent emotions in a dream threatens only an idyll in family life in reality. Perhaps somewhere in the relationship there will be rough spots, but their root cause is not in the family.

If such a dream comes not for the first time, your subconscious mind suggests that there is a lot of understatement in your relationship

If you dreamed that your spouse was with another woman - perhaps your relationship began to gradually become ordinary, boring. Try to diversify your family life, dilute it with something new.

If you dreamed of a new husband

The reason for a new husband in a dream should be interpreted depending on the situation on the personal front specifically at the time of the dream. For example, if the new spouse sees unmarried girl– there will be big changes in her personal life; most likely in the very near future she will meet a person with whom it will be good not only to have a pleasant evening, but also to live her whole life. Moreover, marriage with this person will be successful.

You need to interpret the reason for a new husband in a dream depending on the situation on the personal front.

You are married and saw your new spouse in the dream world - not a good sign. This may indicate that the current marriage is not successful, you are not happy and subconsciously regret a decision you once made. Subconsciously you think that you probably need a new relationship, that it’s time to change something. Your subconscious materializes all these negative thoughts in the form of a new life partner, a person who, in your opinion, will be better in everything current spouse. In reality, such dreams are deceptive, they do not bring any tangible changes in life for you, they only talk about the conflict that lives inside.

Why do you dream about a sick husband?

Be careful about your dream if you see your spouse sick, with pale skin, exhausted by illness.

There can be 2 scenarios for the development of events:

  1. The husband is really in danger, so it is important to minimize long car trips and other not entirely safe activities;
  2. The spouse can really become seriously ill; sometimes such a dream speaks of the approaching death of either the husband or one of the relatives.

Be careful about sleep if you see your spouse sick, with pale skin, exhausted by illness

Another dream book says that illness can threaten not your spouse, but any person from your social circle, and, at the same time, the dream can be a harbinger of family quarrels - try to avoid them.

Sometimes you dream of a husband/man not being completely sick, just not beautiful, ugly - this means that a difficult time is lurking on your doorstep. If the husband was handsome and suddenly became ugly, even if you can’t clearly see his face, but you know that it is him, misfortune will happen in the family. Apparently the time has come for suffering and worry, it’s worth mobilizing your emotional strength and not falling out of the rut.

Dream about your husband missing

Like a husband leaving for his mistress, his disappearance in a dream indicates an internal fear of losing him, that you are worried about his state of health.

  1. When your spouse disappears in a dream, and there is no information about where he is, most likely your companion will soon go on a long business trip. When someone searches for him in a dream for a very long time, you will forget something important in life.
  2. If you lost your spouse on the street or in a hypermarket, don’t worry, you have common house Where you both come, such a dream does not threaten big problems.

Just like a husband leaving for his mistress, his disappearance in a dream indicates an internal fear of losing him.

Try to overcome your fear of loss and set yourself up for a positive wave. Be sure to write down all the important things that need to be done in a notebook.

Seeing a friend's husband in a dream

Your friend's life partner in a dream has many interpretations. It is difficult to say 100% what such a dream means; you must try to remember how you felt in the dream, how you behaved with the second character. For example, if your friend’s husband takes care of you in a dream world and showers you with compliments, you are not happy with your own marriage, there is little romance and flirtation in it. This dream simply reflects your subconscious dissatisfaction with your current marriage. In the dream, any other familiar representative of the stronger sex could well have taken the place of a friend’s life partner.

Also, such a dream can speak of envy. You envy the way her relationship is going, and subconsciously put yourself in her place. Perhaps there has been a lull in your family life, the light has gone out, frequent misunderstandings, quarrels - all this accumulates in the form negative emotions and results in envy of your friend’s success.

Naturally, any married woman is interested in why she dreams that her husband is leaving for another? Most often, the meaning of such a dream comes down to the interpretation of relationships within the family. However, this dream is not always negative.

What if you dream why you dream that your husband leaves for another woman?

Most likely, a dream in which a man leaves his wife for his mistress means at least a quarrel between the spouses. It is possible that this dream will be the cause of the conflict. A woman may decide that she did not notice any details indicating the presence of another lady’s beloved man in the life, and now her subconscious mind tells her in a dream what she missed in real life. You shouldn't take dreams so seriously. Peace in the family is much more valuable than all suspicions. Moreover, the quarrel will soon subside on its own and reconciliation will be sweeter than ever.

Certainly, great value have dream details. Therefore, its interpretation should be based on the circumstances under which a man leaves a woman. If in a dream a husband reproaches a woman for cheating, it means that in reality, he considers his wife the standard of devotion. Relationships in the family are clearly trusting; the spouses not only love each other, but also respect each other. On the other hand, this dream shows that the woman herself is not confident in herself and is afraid of actually losing her husband. The dream once again emphasizes how carefully her partner treats her. It is advisable to put aside worries; such a man will not betray the trust of his wife.

Such pure and incredibly sincere relationships are rare, and the dream encourages you to preserve them. Why do you dream that your husband leaves for another woman, and the departure is accompanied by a scandal in which the husband and wife are involved? In this case, you don’t even have to think about the meaning of the dream.

This family is so strong that conflicts between spouses can only occur in a dream. However, a dream can become a warning about danger from a completely different direction. The cause of trouble will not be the man’s mistress, who most likely does not exist. However, it is better to avoid any confusion and try to clarify all questions by asking them directly. By the way, the day of the week when the woman had the dream also matters.

Monday dreams are always empty, so you shouldn’t dramatize the situation, no matter how negative it may seem. Dreams that come in the first days of the week do not predict the future, but show the past. Now, if a lady had a dream on Wednesday, you should show concern. It is believed that the betrayal dreamed about on this day actually happened. No matter how long the marriage lasts, the husband will constantly cheat on his wife. It would not hurt the wife to check herself for the presence of damage caused by one of her husband’s mistresses.

Often prophetic dreams come on Thursday. If betrayal occurs in a dream, it means that the man is already ready for it. At the same time, it is not a fact that he will cheat with the woman who in the dream plays the role of his mistress. It is likely that physical infidelity will not occur, but the fact of the husband’s sympathy for a stranger can be considered proven.

What does it portend?

Why do you dream that your husband leaves for another woman if the dream was on Friday? A dream on Thursday predicted a one-time betrayal, a short affair. A dream on Friday indicates the presence of deep feelings. Do not be surprised if in the near future the husband packs his things and goes to his happy rival. On Saturday, a dream about betrayal becomes a sign of betrayal. However we're talking about not about another woman and it is not necessarily the man he loves who is deceiving. This could be a lie from a friend or children in the name of personal gain.

Seeing betrayal on Sunday is also a bad sign. Most likely, this dream is evidence poor health women. Therefore, you should believe the prediction and pay attention to yourself, putting aside all worries until complete recovery.

In any case, a dream about your husband’s betrayal can be considered an indicator of the fading of feelings, because the relationship is becoming too insipid. Both spouses should be blamed for this. If a woman saw in a dream her husband kissing a stranger, she should be attentive to her surroundings. One of your close acquaintances is harboring a grudge and is preparing a very unpleasant surprise, which it is advisable to meet fully armed.

Of course, dreams are rarely prophetic, and you should not worry about your own imagination. However, if sleep haunts you, you can try to get rid of the negativity by lighting a candle in the temple and praying for the well-being of your own family.

When a woman dreams about her husband’s infidelity and experiences anxiety about it for a long time, it means that she has something to worry about. Maybe you should look for the reason within yourself and make the relationship more romantic, so that the thought of cheating does not even occur to the man.

Dream books note that a dream about a husband’s betrayal may not necessarily mean a real one. Rather, on the contrary, it indicates that your spouse is faithful to you. Alternatively, such a dream may have absolutely nothing to do with matters of the heart in reality, but foreshadow the disappointment and disappointed hope that awaits you.

A possible interpretation of a dream in which your husband leaves with another woman is that you are too fixated on the fear of losing him and being alone. The dream book recommends that you pull yourself together and abandon excessive suspicion - most often, it is groundless.

If you dreamed that your spouse left for someone else, it means that you should have no reason to worry - the likelihood of committing such an act in reality was transferred to a dream and, thus, eliminated. However, this may indicate that you are afraid to change something in your life. Perhaps you should think about your attitude towards this, because changes can only be for the better.

After your husband cheated and left for another family in a dream, did you get divorced? Expect a minor conflict that will be resolved fairly quickly.

Separating from your husband in a dream indicates that it is time to change something in your relationship, since a wall of understatement, misunderstanding and excessive groundless suspicion begins to arise between you and your spouse. The sooner you eliminate the source of dissatisfaction, the higher the chances of saving your marriage.

If you dream that your husband left you for another woman, you may be in trouble, since some of your close friends are too frivolous and irresponsible.

A spouse hugging and kissing another in your dream does not mean outright cheating, but only indicates that you will be involved in a situation that could disgrace your reputation. Beware of suspicious offers of cooperation from colleagues or pastimes from friends.

Other interpretations of sleep

A quarrel in a dream with your beloved foreshadows the establishment of harmonious relationships in real life. If your husband unfairly accused you of something during a disagreement, then this is a clear sign that his feelings for you are very warm and you mean a lot to him.

Kissing your own spouse in a dream does not bode well - you will either be disappointed in him personal qualities, or you’ll break up altogether soon.

If a girl without a partner dreamed new husband- dream books predict a quick marriage for her, which, however, will not be successful, since the decision to conclude it will be rash and hasty. For married woman it is evidence of not very smooth intra-family relationships, which makes her think about the appearance of a new lover.