Object 907 where to get it. What is a "Global Map"

Object 907 is Soviet medium tank, which is on the tenth level. It has "promotional" status. The unit is not available to every player. Therefore, many are interested in how to get the Ob 907. In order for the tank to end up in the hangar, the user needs to complete certain combat missions. It is also awarded for high achievements on the global map.

Description of the machine

Object 907 is a tier ten medium tank. He belongs to the Soviet nation. Initially, only 30 thousand players could receive it. However, later the developers added a tank to choose from for the winner of various tasks, events and promotions. Almost all Soviet STs are similar to each other. Tank description:

  • The unit has 2000 durability points.
  • The visibility of the tank is 400 meters.
  • The vehicle's armor allows it to withstand shells from even heavy tanks and tank destroyers. Frontal armor of the hull is 250 millimeters. The turret of this tank is also capable of taking out damage with its 227 mm thickness. Besides this, it is low. The enemy will only be able to penetrate the tank into the commander's turrets.
  • The gun is the same as that of other top Soviet medium tanks. Alfastrike is 320 units. The gun penetrates 264 millimeters of armor.

The object's cannon has good DPM. With its help, the player will be able to deal 3000 damage per minute. This indicator can be enhanced with the help of equipment, modules and a special crew. Thanks to the characteristics, many gamers are interested in how to get the Ob 907 in World of Tanks.

How to get a tank

The unit is issued only for special events. If a person participates in battles on the “Global Map”, then he will have a chance to acquire object 907. First of all, to do this, you should join a clan. You can find it in the game chat, on thematic forums, or create it yourself. After which you can participate in battles on the global map. Only the best gamers who have accumulated the most fame points will be able to get the tank.

There are a lot of scammers on the Internet who offer to buy this unit. However, it cannot be officially purchased. It is issued only for participation in battles on the “Global Map”. In addition, the administration can block an account for attempting to purchase a special unit.

What is a "Global Map"

This is one of the oldest modes in the World of Tanks game. On the global map, clans are fighting for territory. Captured provinces bring the team in-game gold. It arrives regularly to the clan's account. If a team has a lot of captured territories, then the income will be very high.

Clans need to constantly fight for provinces. For successful performances on the global map, players are paid “Bones”. Thanks to this currency, a gamer can get 907 in WoT. As soon as a sufficient number of Bonds appears on the player’s account, he will immediately be able to purchase a tank or a unique camouflage. Before receiving Ob 907, a person must understand the principles of the game on the “Global Map”. This will require knowledge of tactics and strategy.

How is it received?

Once every six months Wargaming company launches events on the Global Map. They last for a month. Often these are confrontations between clan teams. To participate in events, a person needs to join the community. Then ask the clan commander to transfer the player to the main team.

Battles take place at the sixth, eighth and tenth vehicle levels. To participate in battles, a tanker needs to have all these units in his hangar. The team plays each level of technology for ten days. Thus, the clan will conquer lands on the map and complete tasks. Personal points are awarded for participation. If a person gets into the top 50 thousand players, then he will have the opportunity to win special tank. The conditions of each operation on the “Global Card” may change.

New reward system

The conditions of each operation on the “Global Card” may change. Now, for players who are interested in how to get Ob 907 in World of Tanks, new rules have been introduced. All battles take place on the tenth level. 10 people per team participate in battles.

New client updates have brought changes to the principle of obtaining object 907. Now the player receives “Bones”. You can already buy a special tank for them. In addition, in new events there are no restrictions on the number of users who can receive a car. The more players and clans participate in battles, the more tankers will win a unique unit.

In addition, gamers can receive unique medals and badges, camouflage, and free equipment. “Bones” will be awarded to 75% of participants if they pass the minimum number of battles and points. The clan’s place in the ranking of the best teams also influences the receipt.

If a person joins a weak clan, then he will not be able to win the special Ob 907 tank. You can find a suitable team on the official World of Tanks forum, in RC groups, in communities social networks. The better the team plays, the more likely the squad will receive a unique tank.

While there are no active campaigns on the Global Map, experienced users recommend training with an entire clan. To do this, you need to create a training room and fight with other players 15 vs 15. You should choose a level ten vehicle. After a month of regular training and a clan, it will be possible to receive the Ob 907 tank. As soon as the event is released on the Global Map, the team will need to register to participate.

Game at Object 907

This tank is similar in gameplay to upgradeable medium tanks Soviet Union. It has poor horizontal aiming angles. However, he has a strong tower. Therefore, a person needs to act carefully in every battle. Experienced players It is recommended to play through the tower. With its help, the gamer will fight off shells even from level ten tank destroyers.

The tank performs best as an attack aircraft. You need to find a lone heavy tank or tank destroyer. Then break into it and destroy it. In a clinch, the enemy will not be able to penetrate the armor of Object 907. In addition, the tank has good accuracy and camouflage. In some situations, the gamer can stand in the bushes and support his allies.

The car performs well on city maps. The gamer can travel with both heavy and medium tanks. The user needs to try not to take damage. Since it will not be possible to exchange HP on this tank due to the low safety margin.

Object 907- a tank that cannot be upgraded or bought for real money, has good mobility, beveled armor and a small silhouette. But compared to other top-end medium tanks, the Object 907 gun is noticeably weaker.

Conditions for obtaining Object 907 in World of Tanks

Object 907 can't be obtained in the usual ways by type: pumping up any research branch or buying gold for real money. Given promotional tank and you can only get it by completing special tasks in the game. In the same way you can get other cars, namely: medium tank M60 from the USA and a heavy tank from Germany VK 72.01(K).

The total number of machines for all players is 30 thousand, that is, when the first 30 thousand users who earned maximum quantity Fame points in the individual competition "Third Company" will receive one of the level 10 cars. In addition, the player will have the opportunity to choose a tank, unlike previous tasks, where the prize was chosen by the developers.

Characteristics of Object 907 in Wot?

All top soviet cars presented as universal multi-mission combat vehicles; they are characterized by mobility, good armament and medium armor.

Armor Object 907 due to its roundness, it gives a high chance of ricochet, including the sides of equipment. The tank's turret is very similar to the turret Object 140, there is a protruding lid that is easily pierced by any weapon at these levels, and the rest of the rounded part has high angle, and accordingly protects better.

Since the tank is issued during a certain promotion, it does not have module upgrades.


  1. The weapon has a good rate of fire, armor penetration, and very good accuracy.
  2. High maximum speed, to which the Object 907 can accelerate and mobility, agility.
  3. Inconspicuous dimensions, due to which Object 907 is not entirely easy to notice. In addition, he can use some cover, such as embankments.
  4. Frontal armor often ricochets from enemy shells, making it very difficult to penetrate his forehead.


  1. The tower cover and hatches are easily penetrated by all enemies.
  2. The ammunition rack is very vulnerable.
  3. Vertical aiming angles are below average.

On May 20, 1952, a special meeting of the chief designers of tank and diesel plants was held at the Ministry of Transport Engineering with the participation of the commander of the BT and MB SA, Marshal of Armor tank troops S.I. Bogdanov, where the prospects were discussed further development and improvement of domestic armored weapons and equipment, as well as issues of developing new models of tanks with more powerful weapons, enhanced armor protection, and high dynamic and operational performance.

And already on June 18, 1952, the chairman of the Scientific and Technical Committee of GBTU, Lieutenant General V.V. Orlovsky sent it to the Deputy Minister of Transport Engineering of ON. Makhonin and the head of Glavtank N.A. Kucherenko brief technical specifications for the design of a new medium tank. At the same time, copies of the TTT project were sent to the design bureaus of plants No. 75, No. 174, No. 183 and VNII-100.

These requirements provided for the creation of a medium tank with sharply increased tactical and technical indicators compared to the T-54 (in terms of armor protection, movement speed, maneuverability, armament, rate of fire, shooting accuracy and reliability). According to the TTT, the combat weight of the vehicle was 34 tons. The crew consisted of four people. Dimensions: width - no more than 3300 mm, height - no more than the height of existing medium tanks, ground clearance - no less than 425 mm. Driving speeds: maximum on the highway - no less than 55 km/h, average on a dry dirt road - 35-40 km/h. Average ground pressure is 0.65 kgf/cm². Obstacles to be overcome: ascent and descent - at least 40°, roll - at least 30°. The vehicle's cruising range had to be at least 350 km (using fuel in additional tanks, and the fuel supply located inside the tank must be at least 75% of its total amount).

The main one was to install a 100-mm rifled tank gun D-54 (D-46TA), equipped with a stabilizer and having an initial armor-piercing projectile speed of 1015 m/s. The additional weapons included a front-mounted machine gun (in the front part of the tank's hull) and a 7.62 mm machine gun coaxial with the cannon. For protection against enemy aircraft, a 14.5 mm KPVT anti-aircraft machine gun was provided as an auxiliary weapon. The ammunition included 50 unitary shots for the gun, at least 3,000 rounds of 7.62 mm caliber and at least 500 rounds of 14.5 mm caliber.

The armor protection of the frontal and side parts of the hull and turret should have been strengthened by 20-30% compared to the armor protection of the T-54 tank.

To ensure continuous all-round visibility, a commander's cupola with a viewing device that had a stabilized field of view was mounted above the tank commander's workplace. To aim the gun at the target, a TSh-20 type sight was used. In addition, the use of a rangefinder or rangefinder sight was provided (if the rangefinder was placed on the tank commander, the commander’s device was not installed in the tank).

Included power plant it was supposed to have a diesel engine or a blade-type engine (GTE - author's note). At the same time, the specific power had to be at least 14.7 kW/t (20 hp/t), and the machine’s transmission had to ensure continuous change of gear ratios over a wide range, good agility, the fullest use of engine power and ease of control . In addition, the possibility of using a muffler to reduce the noise (if necessary) created during the exhaust process of the engine was not excluded. A mandatory requirement was the ability to overcome water obstacles up to 5 m deep along the bottom.

For external communications, it was planned to install a radio station of the RTU type, the installation of which was carried out within the dimensions of the 10RT radio station.

The performance of the tank had to be ensured in various climatic conditions in the range of ambient temperatures from -40 to +40°C and heavy dust within the warranty period of at least 3000 km.

Due to the great complexity of the tasks assigned, the Ministry of Transport Engineering decided to carry out a preliminary design study by the design bureaus of the plants and VNII-100 of the layout diagrams of the new tank to identify the possibility of meeting the requirements of the GBTU. The main hopes associated with the implementation of the assigned tasks were placed on the design bureau of plant No. 75, headed by A.A. Morozov. According to his recollections, already in December 1952, the Kharkov project of a new medium tank received the code “Object 430”. Despite the involvement of the design bureau of plant No. 174 in the preliminary development of the layout of the new medium tank, this task was subsequently removed from it due to its workload with the creation of the previously mentioned self-propelled guns “Object 500” and “Object 600”, as well as other models of armored vehicles and weapons at their base.

In accordance with the requirements of the design bureau of plants No. 75, No. 183 and VNII-100 during 1952 - early 1953. completed preliminary studies of a new medium tank, the design of the armor protection of which took into account the recommendations of TsNII-48, obtained during the development of armor protection schemes for the preliminary design of the T-22sr medium tank and the results of shelling of the hull and turret of the A-22 model.

Consideration of projects for a new medium tank took place at the Ministry of Transport Engineering on March 8-10, 1953.

A report on the project of a medium tank designed by VNII-100, which later received the name “Object 907” (project manager - K.I. Buganov), was made by the director of the institute, P.K. Voroshilov. IN this project The tank's hull was cast and provided a larger armored volume than that of the T-54 medium tank and the experimental heavy "Object 730" (T-10). The vehicle was supposed to be equipped with a longitudinally mounted shortened diesel engine B12-5 with a power of 551 kW (750 hp) with an ejection cooling system and use components and assemblies of the T-54 and T-10 tanks.

The 100-mm D-10T tank gun was used as the main weapon, but the option of installing a 122-mm M-62 tank gun was also envisaged. The armor protection of the turret with large angles of inclination was equivalent to the armor protection of the T-10 tank. Generally armor protection the vehicle was increased by 30% compared to the armor protection of the T-54 tank. In this case, the driver was located in the hull under the turret shoulder strap.

The vehicle's transmission was offered in two versions - hydromechanical and mechanical (similar to the T-54 and T-34 tanks). The chassis (for one side) used a six-wheel design.

The estimated combat weight of the tank was 35.7 tons.

The project of a medium tank developed by the design bureau of plant No. 183 was reported by the project manager - deputy chief designer Ya.I. Ram. The layout of the vehicle was based on a combined version, combining the front part of the T-54 tank hull and the rear part of the T-34 tank with a longitudinally mounted diesel engine with a power of 449 kW (610 hp) and extensive use of T-54 components and assemblies. It should be noted that in the process of working on the project, the design bureau considered various options layout: with the driver seated in the turret and vehicle body; with front and rear turret placement. However, all of them did not provide a significant reduction in the weight of the vehicle compared to the adopted version.

schemes experienced tank object 907

The installation of a 100-mm D-54 tank gun as the main weapon made it possible to reduce the height of the turret by 83 mm. By using a new engine of lower height than the B-54 diesel engine, it was possible to reduce the body height by 57 mm and place an ejection cooling system above the engine. By increasing the coolant temperature to 120°C, the dimensions of the cooling system radiators were reduced by 1.5 times. These measures made it possible to lay the ammunition for the gun on both sides of the engine. Further reduction in body height limited only the position of the driver in the control compartment.

Increased engine power ensured that the specified speeds were achieved. The chassis used support and support rollers of smaller diameter with external shock absorption. The suspension elements were removed from the body through the use of plate torsion bars, which ensured its satisfactory performance.

The estimated combat weight of the vehicle compared to the T-54 tank was reduced by 3635 kg (of which: for the hull - by 1650 kg, for the turret - by 630 kg, for engine installation - by 152 kg), and the frontal armor was strengthened by 19%, sides of the tower - by 25%.

During the discussion of the project, the chief designer of ChKZ for engine building, I.Ya. Trashutin expressed great doubts about the possibility of creating a V-2 engine with a power of 449 kW (610 hp) without the use of supercharging. In his opinion, one could realistically only count on a power of 427 kW (580 hp) without supercharging and 625 kW (850 hp) with supercharging. However, at present ChKZ could not deal with new engines due to the heavy load of mass production. As an alternative, it was proposed to abandon water cooling and switch to air cooling. The engine exhaust gases are used for ejection.

According to E.A. Kulchitsky, in terms of armament, armor protection and dynamics, things seemed to be going well from the point of view of the specified TTT. However, they were obtained on the basis of an unrealistic engine with a short stroke and elevated temperatures. In addition, the air-cooled engine overheated in the summer and was difficult to start in the winter. The proposed chassis design could not provide the tank with a speed of 35 km/h on a country road: the external rubber shock absorption of the rollers would not have withstood it, since the expected increase in speed was achieved only by increasing the roller stroke. Therefore, there was no reason to reduce the diameter and width of the rollers. A fundamentally new chassis was needed.

Due to the fact that in the submitted projects for new tanks (in addition to VNII-100, plants No. 183 and 75 put forward their projects) the tactical and technical requirements of the GBTU were not fully developed, the Ministry of Transport Engineering decided to continue the work. In addition, in March 1953, the Ministry of Heavy and Transport Engineering (from March 28, 1953, according to the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 928-398, the Ministry of Transport Engineering became part of the Ministry of Heavy and Transport Engineering (which was headed by V.A. Malyshev ) in accordance with the requirements of the GBTU for a new medium tank, it issued an order to diesel factories to develop an engine for it.

Based on the consideration of the draft preliminary layouts of the new TTT medium tank, it was clarified and finalized in May 1953 at the Scientific and Technical Committee of the GBTU, agreed with the Ministry of Heavy and Transport Engineering and in September of the same year sent to plant No. 183 (plant director - I.V. Okunev, chief designer - L.N. Kartsev), No. 75 (plant director - K.D. Petukhov, chief designer - A.A. Morozov) and VNII-100 (director - P.K. Voroshilov) to present preliminary designs by January 1, 1954

The revised “Tentative Brief Tactical and Technical Requirements for the Design of a New Medium Tank,” in particular, noted:

"1. Combat weight - 36 tons (calculated weight according to the technical design is no more than 35.5 tons).

2. Crew - 4 people.

3. Overall dimensions: width along the tracks - 3300 mm (it is desirable to have a body width of no more than 3150 mm), height - no more than the height of the T-54 tank, height fighting compartment in the light of the loader - at least 1500 mm (to ensure ease of operation for the loader), body height at the driver's seat (in the light) - 900 mm (while maintaining the landing height at the driver's seat of at least T-54), ground clearance - not less than 425 mm.

4. Armament:

a) D-54 type gun, stabilized, with ejection purging of the barrel bore, 100mm caliber, initial speed armor-piercing projectile - 1015 m/s.
b) machine guns - coaxial with a cannon - SGM 7.62 mm caliber;
- course - SGM caliber 7.62 mm;
- anti-aircraft - KPVT 14.5 mm caliber.

5. Ammunition: gun shots - at least 40 pcs., 14.5 mm cartridges - 500 pcs., 7.62 mm cartridges - 3000 pcs.

6. Armor protection:

a) hull forehead - 120 mm with an inclination angle of 60°, side - 90 mm (speed protection exceeded by 10%);
b) the front of the tower - 230 mm, normalized.

7. Driving performance and maneuverability:

a) specific power - at least 16 hp/t;
b) specific pressure without immersion - 0.75 kg/cm²;
c) driving speeds: maximum on the highway - 50 km/h, average on a dry dirt road - 35 km/h;
d) ascent and descent - 35°;
e) roll (without turning) - 30°;
e) cruising range on the highway - 350 km;
g) fuel reserve: total - 900 l, reserved - 650 l;
h) overcoming water obstacles 4 m deep.

8. Engine:

a) the main option is a shortened one based on the V-2 or a horizontal one with a power of 580 hp;
b) a promising option - new engine power 600-650 hp with reduced dimensions and a guaranteed service life of 400 hours.

9. Transmission - the simplest to manufacture, easy to control, reliable in operation.

10. Chassis:

a) suspension - any individual, providing maximum average speeds;
b) rollers - preferably without external rubber, but with minimal noise when moving;
c) caterpillar - cast small-linked;
d) shock absorbers - providing the ability to move at given speeds and fire immediately.

11. Aiming and observation devices:

install a turret with all-round visibility for the tank commander; install a commander's observation device with a stabilized field of view in the hatch cover;
install a TSh-2 type sight or a TP-47 type periscope sight at the gun commander;
the tank must be equipped with a rangefinder or rangefinder sight (if a rangefinder is installed, the commander’s instrument is not installed in the tank).
12. Radio station - tank type RTU - in the dimensions of a 10RT radio station.

13. The tank must be reliable and trouble-free in operation in various climatic conditions at ambient temperatures from -45°C to +40°C, as well as in conditions of heavy dust.

14. The guaranteed service life of the tank is 3000 km. Note. The service life before repair should be 5000 km.”

Based on these brief technical specifications, thematic cards for R&D on the creation of a new medium tank were drawn up and agreed upon with the Ministry of Heavy and Transport Engineering at the Scientific and Technical Committee of the GBTU, which in November 1953 were sent out to the design bureaus of factories No. 183, No. 75 and VNII-100. Unlike approximate brief technical specifications, in these thematic cards the ammunition load for the main weapon was increased to 45 rounds, the non-penetration speeds and heading angles of fire for the armor plates of the hull and turret were clarified, the maximum speed on the highway was increased to 55 km/h and the V-2 type engine was specified with 5 kW generator.

Clarification allowed tactical and technical characteristics tank after reviewing the preliminary designs.

The estimated cost of the work was determined at 1 million rubles, of which 600 thousand rubles were allocated for 1954, and 400 thousand rubles for 1955. The activities of factories No. 75 and No. 183 were financed by the USSR Ministry of Defense. The customer from this ministry was STC GBTU. VNII-100 carried out its developments at the expense of funds allocated by the Ministry of Heavy and Transport Engineering to determine the possibility of creating a cast hull for a medium tank.

The chief designer and, accordingly, the design bureau and the subsequent manufacturing plant were determined on a competitive basis after reviewing the preliminary designs.

Further work on the creation of a new medium tank was carried out on the basis of Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 598-265 of April 2, 1954. In the R&D plan for 1954, weapons and military equipment opened new topic- development of a medium tank with improved tactical and technical performance in comparison with the T-54 (in terms of armor protection, movement speed, maneuverability, armament, shooting accuracy and reliability). Plants No. 75, No. 183 and VNII-100 were identified as the main executors of this R&D topic.

The developed preliminary designs of a new medium tank designed by design bureaus of plant No. 75 ("Object 430"), No. 183 and VNII-100 ("Object 907") were considered twice during 1954 (February 22 - March 10 and July 17-21) Ministry and STC GBTU. As a result, the Scientific and Technical Committee of the GBTU put forward a number of additional requirements and comments for the project of a new medium tank, which were sent out on September 6, 1954 to the design bureaus of the plants and VNII-100.

As for the further participation of VNII-100 in the creation of a new medium tank, during 1954-1956. he, together with TsNII-48 and its Moscow branch, conducted a series of experimental studies on the development of armor protection for the Object 907 tank. In addition to this, they produced prototypes hull (in the mass of the T-54 tank hull) and turret. Conducted in April 1955 at the NIIBT test site, shelling tests were carried out on experimental armored hulls of the Object 907 tank, made in both solid cast and welded versions - from large cast units ( upper part- rolled, lower frontal and rear parts - cast, while the cast armor had curved shapes of variable cross-section with large design angles of inclination of parts), showed a significant increase in projectile resistance compared to the hull of the T-54 tank, especially in protection against damage by cumulative projectiles of caliber 76.2 and 85 mm, as well as PG-2 and PG-82 grenades of the RPG-2 hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher and easel grenade launcher SG-82.

The joint work of TsBL-1 and TsNII-48 to study the feasibility of manufacturing cast armor hulls for a new medium tank began in 1953. During 1954, research was carried out on optimal forms of armor protection in relation to the layout of the Object 907 medium tank, and working drawings were issued turrets and hulls in three versions: solid cast and two welded. Moreover, the first version of the welded hull was assembled mainly from cast armor parts (with the exception of the upper frontal plate, roof and bottom), and the second had sides made of rolled profiles of variable thickness. At the same time, technological processes for welding and assembling hulls were developed, laboratory research was carried out on the technology of armor rolling of sheets of variable thickness, and model equipment for a solid-cast hull was manufactured. However, at the end of 1954, only the turret and hull, manufactured according to the third option, were manufactured and submitted to the NIIBT test site for shelling tests.

With equal mass of armored hulls of the T-54 tank and the Object 907 tank, the latter showed in tests an advantage in protection against armor-piercing shells when firing at the front and sides. The heading angle of non-penetration by an armor-piercing projectile for the sides of the Object 907 tank was ±40°, and for the T-54 tank - ±20°. The joint decisions of the academic council of TsNII-48 and VNII-100 dated July 28, 1955, as well as the decision of the Ministry of Transport Engineering dated July 16, 1956, pointed out the significant advantages of the new type of armor and the need for its implementation in tank building. However, due to the possibility of implementing the technical specifications in force at that time to protect tanks from destruction by conventional armor-piercing shells Due to old structural types of armor and the lack of technical specifications for protecting tanks from cumulative ammunition, tank design bureaus of factories refrained from the widespread use of fundamentally new structural forms of armor protection for the tank hull and turret, associated with the need to use large castings of complex profile.

Object 907 did not go into production: it was let down by its excessive “advancement”. During the consideration at the plenum of the scientific and technical committee of the GBTU, it was indicated that the project of object 907 with a hydromechanical transmission, a new hull and an improved turret meets the tactical and technical requirements and surpasses the T-54 tank in its main parameters, but due to the complexity and imperfection of the design of the series components and mechanisms cannot be accepted. The Plenum recommended sending a preliminary design of object 907

“...to factories No. 75 and 183 for use in the development of technical projects for a new medium tank.”

The only thing that was proposed to continue was testing with armor-piercing and cumulative shells armored corps because it had great value for objects 140 and 430. By the summer of 1954, VNII-100, using the project of object 907, had already developed a design for an armored hull in relation to the layout of the Tagil tank.

Object 907 was planned to be made primarily from armor casting. The direct developers of the design and technology were the Moscow branch of VNII-100 (in the recent past - the Central Armor Laboratory) and TsNII-48, which is part of the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry, but continues to cooperate with tank builders.

The advantages of casting technologies in the manufacture of armored structures have long been known and widely used. Their main advantage in the joint report of VNII-100 and TsNII-48 for 1955 was presented as follows:

“Cast armor expands design capabilities in creating armor protection structures of any shape and provides the necessary projectile resistance of individual areas of the structure, depending on the tactical and technical requirements.”

The main disadvantage of cast armor, namely: lower durability compared to a katana, at large angles of impact with projectiles, from 45 degrees or more, had practically no effect.

In the USSR, the joint work of two institutes to study the possibility and feasibility of manufacturing cast armored hulls or their components for a new medium tank began in 1953. In 1954, research was continued in the form of a broader topic “Development of armor protection for a promising medium tank.” During the year, joint research was carried out on optimal forms of armor protection in relation to the layout of a medium tank, working drawings of the turret and hull of the medium tank Object 907 were produced in three versions: solid cast and two welded, and if the first was assembled mainly from cast parts (with the exception of the upper frontal plate , roof and bottom), then the second also had a side made of rolled profiles of variable thickness. At the same time, technological processes for welding and assembling hulls were developed, laboratory research was carried out on the technology of rolled armor with variable thickness, and model equipment for a solid-cast hull was manufactured. However, only the hull was able to be manufactured and delivered to the Cuban firing range in 1954 last third type.

At the beginning of 1955, tests were carried out on a body welded from cast parts. In general, it met the requirements for new medium tanks and significantly surpassed the T-54 tank in terms of projectile resistance. After this, a shortened solid-cast hull was manufactured and fired, representing a closed contour of natural elements of the bow, side and stern parts. It turned out that the developed technological process ensures the production of high-quality castings with the planned projectile resistance. By the end of the year, it was planned to cast a full-size body with changes based on the results of the first tests; its shelling was planned for the beginning of 1956.

At the same time, it became obvious that modern cumulative ammunition, for example, 85-mm non-rotating projectiles quite reliably penetrate the frontal protection of object 907, regardless of manufacturing technology. The tower, for example, was hit at any heading angles. Only the frontal parts of the hull more or less withstood the impact, but only in those parts that had a maximum angle of inclination to the vertical.

Performance characteristics of tank object 907 (design data)

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Object 907 was a secret development in the USSR in the tank industry. On the initiative of Marshal I.V. Bogdanov, it was decided to create a medium tank with excellent combat capabilities. By 1952, together with design engineers, prospects for modernization were created military equipment.

Already in June 1952, tactical and technical parameters (TTX) were described, which were in many ways superior to the then famous other Soviet tank T-54

The hull model was made of lithium steel; in terms of the amount of armor it was superior to the average T-54 and even the heavy T-10 tank. The tower with a large angle of inclination was well armored. Compared to its competitor T-54, Object 907 was protected several times better.

For fans of Soviet military equipment, we will tell you about 907 World of Tanks and where to get it. In the game, the tank can be obtained through the Walk of Fame promotion.

During the Third Campaign, only 30 thousand selected players have the opportunity to receive it as a reward and try out its capabilities. The tank belongs to the premium class and does not require modernization or upgrade of the crew. At the tank average weight 40 tons, powerful engine 610 horsepower. A good chassis provides it with decent maneuverability; the weapon used is a 100-mm D-54 TS cannon with good penetration rates.

Its combat effectiveness indicators place it at the top among premium Soviet tanks

The tank is good for camouflage, it has a low silhouette, and thanks to its powerful engine you can easily hide from enemy bullets. The frontal part of the vehicle has a decent ricochet, which is why you can clearly hear a direct hit on the side. The turret itself is similar in appearance to the previous generation Object 140 tank.

Having described the advantages, you can also indicate the disadvantages. One of the main problems is the vulnerable roof, and with it the hatches. The ammunition rack can also receive regular damage, especially from tank destroyers. Among the disadvantages of the gun, one can point out the modest declination angles.

As for the crew, this tank is a promotional one and is initially supplied without one. If you have one of the four top tanks of the USSR, you can transfer any crew from there in the amount of 4 people. Many people advise using the crew from the Object 430; when leveling up the crew, focus on accuracy. For equipment, use a fire extinguisher and repairs, since it was already said above that the ammunition rack suffers very often.

Used as ammunition sub-caliber shells cumulative type for tough opponents. High explosive shells should be reserved for light tanks with weak armor.

Thus, we learned everything about 907 World of Tanks, where to get it and that you can only get it as a promotional reward for winning the Third Campaign.

Appeared new look combat vehicle - tank. He rightfully became the king of the battlefields of the First World War. Around the same time in another European country broke out civil war. It should be noted that after the invention of the machine gun, with its density of fire, the importance of cavalry in combat operations faded into the background. Mounted attacks have sunk into oblivion, leaving only combat guards, reconnaissance, and communications. And so, a certain Nestor Makhno decided to install a machine gun on a cart, and a certain Semyon Budyonny tested in practice the possibility of massive use of the invention of his enemy ally. This is how the concept of strategic cavalry emerged, a striking example of which was as the years passed. “Strategic cavalry” in the Soviet Union degenerated into the “Deep Breakthrough Theory”, which already provided for the massive use of mechanized formations. After the Kyiv maneuvers of 1935, this issue was also taken up in Germany. And here both Soviet and German military specialists were faced with one problem - crossing numerous water obstacles with mobile formations, primarily the capture of bridgeheads. We solved this problem in different ways. If German specialists developed a device to provide buoyancy or overcome an obstacle along the bottom linear tanks, That Soviet designers created floating cars.

Development of amphibious tanks

The first serial Soviet amphibious tank T-37A was put into service in August 1933, it was replaced in February 1936 by the T-38. Taking into account the operating experience of these machines, it was developed new model— T-40. It was recognized by experts as the best Soviet amphibious tank of the pre-war period. After June 22, 1941, all further developments new technology were suspended in favor of ensuring the release of the one currently in production. Later in the war, as we advanced to the west, our troops had to overcome large number rivers, straits, estuaries and lakes. Since most rivers flow in the meridional direction, their western banks in the Northern Hemisphere are high, which additionally prevented crossing. Therefore, after the end of the war, it was decided to continue work on creating watercraft. The development task was issued to plant No. 112 "Krasnoe Sormovo", and later to the All-Russian Research Institute of Transport Engineering. The brainchild of the latter (“Object 740”) went into production under the designation PT-76.

Amphibious tank "Object 907"

Almost immediately after the PT-76 began entering service with the Soviet tank forces, the question of its modernization arose. At the beginning of 1959, the design team of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant began work on designing a new model, which received the designation “Object 907”. Already in August, engineers Yu. M. Sorokin and S. A. Fedorov presented the first assembled machine for testing.

Device and design

The layout of the tank was made according to the classical design, with a rear-mounted power unit. The armored hull has been significantly improved compared to basic model. The front part was shaped like a ship's bow. Although the thickness of the armor plates has not changed, more rational angles have increased protection. "Object 907" was equipped with a forced diesel engine with a power of 280 horsepower. Despite the increase in the mass of the tank, the speed of movement, both on the highway (45 km/h) and on water (11.2 km/h), did not decrease. The vehicle was equipped with an anti-nuclear protection system, and therefore the air supply to the engine and the habitable compartment was separated. The tank's armament consisted of a D-56TS rifled gun, with vertical stabilization, and an SGMT machine gun. The model was equipped with a telescopic sight and a night vision device. The tests that began revealed that the tank did not have any advantages, and when moving on water it showed low stability and a tendency to dive, which was the reason for the closure of the project. The only vehicle built ended up in the BTT museum in Kubinka.

Another "Object" - medium

In addition to the modernization of the amphibious PT-76, there was another project under the designation “Object 907” - a medium tank. This vehicle was developed in accordance with the requirements for ST developed at a meeting held by the USSR Ministry of Defense Industry in May 1952. The new device was supposed to be supplied to the troops to replace the main T-54 tank. The vehicle was supposed to be equipped with a 100 mm D-54 cannon. Unfortunately, only the solid hull and parts of the turret were built in metal, after which the project was closed due to changes in the USSR and the reduction of “non-nuclear” weapons.

World of Tanks: “Object 907” is reborn

After World of Tanks appeared on the computer market, the developers introduced into the game not only vehicles embodied in metal, but also various models that existed only on paper. They also paid attention to “Object 907”. WOT began testing it in the spring of 2013. “Object 907” is a Tier X Soviet medium tank. The tactics of playing on it differ little from those on other top-end STs: quick flanking maneuvers, shooting on the move, group actions, reconnaissance. Accordingly, the installed modules are: ventilation, gun stabilizer, coated optics.

Purchase options

Now let's move on to the question that worries many gamers: "How to get the Object 907?" The answer is simple: this tank will neither be sold nor upgraded. This will be a car that can be won by participating in clan battles as part of special campaigns. All that remains is to wait. Although some supertesters, especially close to the developers, already have such a machine in their hangar.