A plastic surgeon spoke about aesthetic surgeries performed by stars. Breast plastic surgery stars Klimov

Not every woman can boast of weighing 54 kilograms just a year after birth fourth child. Katya - maybe. Ideal figure and a thriving species is the result of working on oneself, and not just mysterious genetics. “Water does not flow under a lying stone,” explains Katya. Of course, this motto concerns not only appearance, but also lifestyle in general.

Katya, you just finished filming the series “Bitch”. You said that you don’t consider your heroine to be such. Why?

The actor always acts as his character's lawyer. You must stand in his place, try to justify him. My heroine Christina is simply an emancipated woman of our generation. She has a mathematical mindset, she does not live by feelings, but at the same time she remains a sincere person who does not impose her principles on anyone. Recently I had a more complicated story when I was asked to play a woman maniac during an audition! You had to bare your teeth and flash lightning with your eyes. I realized that there are heroes whom I cannot justify, no matter how hard I try.

Have you ever had to cheat to get a movie role?

When I found out that for my role in the comedy “Love and Sax” I would need to learn to play the Celtic harp in two months, it seemed to me that this mission was impossible. For some reason, director Alla Surikova was sure that I could play the guitar, which means I could play the harp. I didn't try to dissuade her. (Laughs.) Only at the very end was I able to admit how far I am from the world of music. Of course, at the institute I took vocal classes and tried to play the piano, but God did not give me any particularly clear voice or perfect pitch. I had to go to a children's music school, study with a teacher, and learn verses at home at night. As soon as filming ended, I immediately unscrewed the legs of the harp, put it in a case and sent it back to the owner. (Laughs.)

This is the second year you have been collaborating with the Spanish jewelry brand TOUS. Tell us how your relationship is developing?

Being a TOUS ambassador is a very pleasant mission. There is nothing special required of me other than to wear jewelry, which I already like. (Smiles.) It’s great that there is variety in the collections of this brand: there are miniature jewelry that can be worn all day, and there are luxurious ones for evening outings. On my favorite pendant, in almost childish handwriting, it says: “Mom.” I love it! By the way, the Spanish brand has not only jewelry and costume jewelry, but also accessories - bags, scarves, glasses and a children's collection for the little ones.

So, your youngest daughter, Bella, already has jewelry from this jewelry brand?

Yes, our godmother, actress Katya Vulichenko, gave her her first earrings. (Smiles.) In Spain, for example, they pierce their ears very early, but we decided to hold off on this for now. My eldest daughter, Lisa, got her ears pierced only at the age of 13 and at will. I don’t want to force anything on the children, so for now the earrings are kept in a box and waiting in the wings.

Now Lisa is already 14. You probably have the same clothing size?

Yes, but until recently Lisa categorically did not like everything I bought for her. Now she has matured and wears my things with pleasure, we choose a lot together. I'm glad she has her own taste. When she slowly began to put on my makeup, I didn’t interfere. I just reminded her that she needs to know when to stop.

How do you, a mother of four children, manage to stay in such great shape?

I'm working on myself! I can’t say that I always eat right, but I strive for it. As usual, we think: we can relax on weekends and holidays, and then somehow we’ll lose weight. But why dial and then reset? I try to find time for spa treatments, I love massage and swimming. I always have a sports bag in my car so that after the performance I can go to the fitness club, and a bottle of still water. Are you hungry? Have a drink.

Do you have a large wardrobe?

No, my wardrobe is getting smaller and smaller over the years. It used to be like this: I’ll spend my last money on some crazy boots, and then I realize that I have nothing to wear them with. And here they are in the box... Now I try to select things in sets. Of course, I had outfits purchased during the period of hormonal imbalance during pregnancy. (Laughs.) All of them have already been distributed. I also try to travel light: my suitcase looks almost like hand luggage. Touring life disciplines!

Today many actresses support Russian designers. Do you have your favorites?

You know, international brands in lately show something that is impossible to imagine on the average woman. These are rather works of art that exist separately from humans. Still, I prefer clothes that blend in with me and highlight my strengths. That's why, of course, I love Russian designers! I am friends with Masha Tsigal, Svetlana Tegin, Natalya Dobryanskaya, Galina Vasilyeva. You can not only find a suitable outfit from them, but also ask for advice - for example, what accessories, shoes and jewelry to choose to match the dress. Dialogue with the designer shapes taste.

For last year has your life changed a lot?

With the advent of my fourth child, all my interests come down to one thing simple desire- spend more time with family. My life is somewhat similar to tennis. First you hit one ball, then two balls, then three... Now four. (Smiles.)

Style: Yuka Vizhgorodskaya. Makeup: Anastasia Kokueva/Guerlain. Hair: Tanya Rosso/Wella Professionals/Wella Podium Team

As you know, the requirements of the world of show business are very strict. Sometimes the main criterion for many celebrities remains external beauty. In the struggle for attractiveness, representatives of the media industry use breast surgery. Girls do not hesitate to boast about their successful operation and begin to shine on the carpets in revealing outfits with a deep neckline, thereby stirring up interest in their person. Not only models, but also TV presenters, actresses and singers strive for excellence.

Ekaterina Klimova, Ekaterina Strizhenova

Among the actresses who have resorted to such a service as breast surgery, it is worth noting Ekaterina Klimova, Agata Muceniece, Yulia Mikhalkova and Ekaterina Strizhenova. Not every one of them is ready to admit to visiting a surgeon. Theater and film stars try not to subject themselves to drastic changes, choosing natural correction.

Yulia Mikhalkova

The situation is different with models. Victoria Boni's photographs speak of the increase in natural data more eloquently than any interview. Particularly attentive fans claim that the correction was used by the star more than once.
Victoria Bonya, Alena Vodonaeva

Alena Vodonaeva, like Victoria Bonya, who became famous with the help of a sensational TV show, claims that she resorted exclusively to reducing her natural size. However, the photographs clearly prove the opposite - the celebrity decided to have her breast implants reduced, hiding this detail from her fans.

Among modern stars social networks Models Anastasia Reshetova, Alena Shishkova and Victoria Lopyreva were seen undergoing mammoplasty. For the sake of popularity, the girls resorted to a radical change in appearance, not forgetting about enlarging such a piquant part of the body.

Anastasia Reshetova, Alena Shishkova

For singers, it is sometimes necessary to appear in public in revealing outfits. A deep neckline only emphasizes voluptuous assets, which is why girls have to turn to aesthetic medicine. Among the representatives national stage Singers Svetlana Loboda, Vera Brezhneva, Alsou, Kristina Orbakaite and Olga Seryabkina were spotted deciding to go under the surgeon’s scalpel.

They were once joined by Ani Lorak, Katie Topuria and Olga Orlova. Many actively deny any artificial changes in themselves, claiming that their figure is the result of good heredity and work in the gym. Anna Semenovich does the same, regularly telling journalists about the naturalness of outstanding forms. However young photos clearly indicate that the former member of the group “Brilliant” has breast implants.

Vera Brezhneva, Alsou

Ani Lorak

Celebrities who became popular through their appearances on TV shows have also been seen turning to surgeons. Nastya Ivleva, Lera Kudryavtseva and Anna Chapman became winners ideal forms thanks to access to aesthetic medicine services. The hosts of the most popular youth TV channel, Olga Buzova, Ksenia Borodina and Laysan Utyasheva, achieved ideal parameters not only through diligent training, but also through surgical operations.

Lera Kudryavtseva, Ksenia Borodina

Under the guidance of Candidate of Medical Sciences Azimova Rano Bohodyrovna, you will be able to achieve a truly stellar appearance, the naturalness of which no one can doubt!

Svetka Elephant from “Winter Cherry”, Iya from the film “A Young Man from a Good Family”, popular actress Irina Klimova never limited herself in her field of activity. She tried her hand as a pop singer and even released the album “I'm So Tired of Waiting.” Then she decided to become a TV presenter and did an excellent job with this role in the “Ex-Wives Club” program. Then she became a film producer and made her debut with the film “House with No Exit.” Family life With famous actor Alexei Nilov didn’t work out for the star, but Irina has the main gift from her husband - her son Nikita...

In a year and a half, it’s my 50th birthday, and I’m getting ready to celebrate it quite loudly, so I’m looking for a benefit performance to please my fans. I already have several options, now I’ll decide a little and start working. I have the following situation in cinema: not long ago I started producing films myself and am also looking for material. But so far nothing interesting has come up.

- For you, is this a dream role?..

I really love costume roles. And in my entire life I have never had to play in verse. I would really like to play something in the style of “Dogs in the Manger” in the theater. Let's see. Moreover, one aspiring director has an idea to stage this play, and if the theater management gives us the go-ahead, then maybe my dream will come true.

- Your parents are probably very proud of you?

It’s not entirely customary in our family to say this in person, but it often slips through, and I feel that mom and dad always support me in everything. Where should they go? And, of course, they are proud of me, although they don’t talk about it all the time. Mom tells the neighbors about me. And I hope that I am a good daughter, because I try very hard. We not only call each other every day, but also see each other every day: we live close to each other. We practically never separate for a day. I have a very close connection with my mom and dad. We have one family! And I love my parents and son very much.

It's hard being a mom to a growing man!

- Nikita is already 12 years old, already a teenager.

Age turned out to be difficult. I didn't expect this to be to such an extent transition period It won't be easy. He's in literally transforms from a boy into a man. And this is so visible, so painful, I would say... We started the topic of “fathers and sons.” But that’s not even the point - mothers who have had this remember this feeling and emotions associated with this situation. When your little boy, just a child, changes before our eyes. I absolutely don’t recognize his body - Nikita’s legs and arms have grown; everything, excuse me, has become somehow masculine, covered with hair! It just happened in a year! In one year!

I understand that this is a colossal burden for a child. When such an active process, it suffers nervous system, and a hormonal explosion occurs, and the psyche changes. We are always on edge, all the time in some kind of emotionally unstable state. Of course, I know it’s very difficult for him now. It’s difficult for Nikita, and it’s not easy for those around him. This is the process of breaking through the cocoon, when the pupa becomes...

“...a butterfly,” I prompt.

“Bab or babun,” the actress laughed cheerfully, in the sparkles in her eyes, in her open smile, it became noticeable how proud Irina Mikhailovna was of her growing up son, “I don’t know how to say. But I can say that this did not affect his studies; Nikita, thank God, studies well. But he has no acting talents. The only thing is that in life he is very artistic. He just lies with one touch. And it’s impossible not to believe his stories. And then he giggles: “Ah! Gotcha!

- Irina Mikhailovna, you don’t look your passport age at all. Tell me the secret, what are you doing? Spas? Swimming in the pool? Daily massage? Or maybe plastic surgery?

No no. Nothing. Although I am actively thinking about plastic now. I think it's time.

- It seems to me that you are rushing things. The plastic surgeon will refuse to operate on you.

You know, there was such a case. I was invited to the “Ten Years Younger” program. I had a very funny conversation with them. They called me, I arrived, and they said to me: “What are we going to do with you?”

I answer: “I don’t know, you invited me, I came.” Then I was asked to consult with plastic surgeon Sergei Blokhin. During the visit, he immediately told me: “You are not scary enough for us!” Unfortunately, it was not possible to get plastic surgery for free,” Irina Mikhailovna laughed again.

Everything is clear - the surgeons are disowning you, but apparently you are doing something yourself? Maybe go to the gym? Do you do fitness or go to the sauna?

I'm a huge homebody, and it's quite difficult to lure me out of my apartment. I was renovating the apartment myself. I have a rather large one - 150 meters - and I mastered this space, arranged every corner, found a place for everything. I have everything of my own: I have a sauna, a small gym with a treadmill and exercise equipment. And when everything is at hand, it’s easy to practice. It still doesn’t work out every day, but when there is an opportunity, I can run on the track for about twenty minutes, and when good mood and even put on some good movie and walk around for an hour. If I need a massage, I invite a friend and she gives it to me. And on my special massage table.

- You are a sporty mother with an excellent figure. And Nikita to physical activity trained?

My son has been playing tennis for several years, and now he began to understand that he was becoming a man and decided to shape his body. Signed up for gym, we found him a good coach, under whose guidance he is now training. And soon we will see muscles! And cubes. To be honest, it’s difficult for me to be the mother of a growing man. Now Nikita has discovered that physically he is much stronger than me and I cannot influence him. He says to me: “I’m stronger, what do you want?” And as a result, when I need to get something from him, he literally grabs me and drags me around the entire apartment and giggles: “Well, what can you do for me?” - the actress burst into happy laughter again, remembering her son’s tricks. - He and I have always been friends and remain so. Nikita doesn’t even call me mom, he says: “Manya.” I tell him: “Well, what is it? Will I ever hear the word “mom” from you? And he answers: “Well, what kind of mother are you? You are Manya."

But I want to say that Nikita always knows how to behave where - what I observe at home, no one will ever see in public. In public he is reserved, well-mannered, and speaks well. And at home everything is upside down! Well, my parents had a hand in this. Mom, that is, Nikita’s grandmother, knowing that Nikita needs to follow a diet, still slips him chocolates, marmalades, and buns. They also have an excellent relationship with their grandfather.

This year we bought new apartment, where my dad - Nikita's grandfather - is moving after renovation. His son tries to help him: they go somewhere together, choose furniture. They are rearranging and transporting something there. In this sense, Nikita is a very caring boy. We - ordinary people, and everything is like everyone else.

Alfiya Kamilova.

Did Ekaterina Klimova use the services of plastic surgeons? At forty years old, Katya looks at most thirty. On at the moment Klimova has four children and received a huge number of different compliments about her appearance. She always had very beautiful hair, bright lipstick, amazing neckline, makeup, all this made the actress a beauty.

With all these parameters, Ekaterina Klimova is one of the most beautiful women in show business. Based on black and white photographs of Katya’s youth, she was often compared to Jennifer Aniston, and indeed they are like two peas in a pod. As Katya herself says, she spends a huge amount of time at work, which seriously affects her weight.

The moment an actress is on stage, she puts out all her strength, and because of this, a person is able to lose more than two kilograms of weight. Klimova loves fitness and sports, but she doesn’t have time to do it.

Ekaterina Klimova always said that she did not consider herself a beauty

In general, she did not like her protruding ears, the color of her skin, which seemed dark, snub nose. She also didn’t like that she was too thin and had crooked teeth. To fight them, Klimova walked around with a plate, but nothing happened. The star was also thinking about jaw surgery. Katya weighs only fifty-five kilograms, with her height being one meter and seventy.

As Catherine herself says, she is against plastic surgery, if it is not carried out according to age or medical indications. Katya also said that she trusts her appearance only to highly qualified specialists.

Plastic or not?

But still, from the photo before Ekaterina Klimova’s plastic surgery, it is clear that she looked completely different, and what dramatic changes have occurred in just a few years!

The result is obvious - (ears), rhinoplasty (correction of the shape of the nose), as well as certain procedures that helped the star make her teeth straight and beautiful, but this is already the work of a dentist.

What about the skin? This is the competent work of specialists from the field of cosmetology, who regularly give Ekaterina beauty injections.

As you can see, Klimova before and after plastic surgery are two people with a perceptible similarity. Fans still love Klimova for her roles in various TV series and films, and the plastic surgery she resorted to only emphasizes her beauty. Fans do not condemn what she did to herself, because it was all for the sake of her children and husband.

In a recent interview with the magazine "Caravan of Stories" Ekaterina Klimova, whose figure is a subject of admiration and envy, admitted that in adolescence was unhappy with her appearance. She said she tried to enlarge her breasts by eating walnuts and cabbage.

“My friend Larisa and I, dreaming of getting better, overeated walnuts, and someone else told us that they make breasts grow. They could eat a bag! Everyone was waiting for the effect, methodically measuring the parameters with my mother's tailor's centimeter. Then they also added cabbage to help the nuts: the girls said it was the best remedy. Alas, for every friend’s “How are you?” I didn’t have an optimistic answer. The parameters were growing (I was growing myself), but not very convincingly,” admitted Ekaterina.

She said that only years later she accepted herself for who she is and realized that she was naturally inclined to be thin. This quality helped the actress a lot - after all, she is the mother of four children, but this did not affect her figure in any way. The celebrity speaks categorically negatively about plastic surgery. “There is one more wrong thing that girls don’t talk about out loud, but it slips into the subtext. I'm about modern trend alter some part of the body to please a certain person. But you can change yourself completely and still not become interesting to him! And what next - to reshape yourself for each new man? No way!” — the publication quotes Klimova.