The procedure for expelling students at the initiative of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Student expulsion

(branch name)

Expel from National Research University Higher School of Economics Surname First name Patronymic, name of the structural unit (branch name) National Research University Higher School of Economics , program format 1 « program name", for failure to fulfill the terms of the contract when studying on a paid basis with date of deduction (

Base: representation ( Last name I.O. head of a structural unit), certificate of debt for tuition fees of a student (student) Full name, notice of suspension of the provision of services under the contract, notice of expulsion of a student (listener) Full name

Position of the person

FORM No. 30

The basis for the order is a certificate of arrears in tuition fees



Branch name

Name of the structural unit

about arrears in tuition fees for a student (student) Full name fully.
Student ( listener/listener) Full name) program format « program name", group No. ______, as of _____________ 20 ___ G . has arrears of tuition fees for the period _________ in the amount of _________ rubles (clause____ of the contract for the provision of paid educational services 1).

The notice of suspension of the provision of services under the Agreement was delivered in person against signature (sent by mail by registered mail with notification of delivery) to the student (listener) “_____” ______________ 20 ___.

Notice of expulsion of a student (listener/students) from the National Research University Higher School of Economics was delivered in person against signature (sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt) to student (student/students) “_____” ______________ 20 ___. 2 .

FORM No. 31

Order of expulsion for violation of the charter and internal regulations

On the expulsion of a student (student) from HSE University name of the structural unit (branch name)

Expel from HSE Last name First name Patronymic, student/student (listener/listener) name of the structural unit (branch name) National Research University Higher School of Economics , group No._____, studying program format 1 « program name", for violation of the charter and internal regulations of the National research university « graduate School economy" with date of deduction ( enrollment order 2 dated _______ No. ____).
Reason: performance (Full name of the head of the structural unit), documents (explanations of the student (listener), acts, certificates and other documents) confirming the fact of the offense and the guilt of the student (listener) (indicating information about the notification of the student (listener) about expulsion) .

Position of the person

authorized to sign the order of I.O. Surname

Employees of the Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE) have been conducting research on the phenomenon of student expulsion for several years. On the results of the work of a team of scientists at the II International Conference of Researchers higher education“Universities and the State” was told by HSE analyst Elena Kolotova.

In many universities, student expulsion is considered a tool for maintaining a high level of educational quality. From this point of view, if a student is kicked out, he has only himself to blame, his poor preparation and inability to learn. In fact, there are many reasons for academic failure, and high level Attrition can be interpreted as an indicator that the university cannot provide optimal learning conditions. At the same time, for the state, every expelled student means money wasted on his education, and a shortage of qualified personnel in the future (especially in combination with the trend of decreasing birth rates).

The student dropout rate in Russia is not very high - 21 percent, which is much lower than, for example, in the United States, where it reaches 54 percent. But it’s not the lowest either - in Korea, only 15 percent of students do not complete their studies.

Scientists from the National Research University Higher School of Economics set the task of identifying, using the example of students from their university, the reasons why they stop studying, and the factors that contribute to this or, conversely, reduce the risk of expulsion. For the study, “cohorts” of students who entered the university in 2007, 2008 and 2009 were taken.

Since most college expulsions are due to academic failure, researchers have focused specifically on this type of expulsion, although the tails are not the only reason, according to which students leave the university.

Observing the fate of students who entered the Higher School of Economics in 2007, researchers found that at the beginning of the fourth year, 22 percent of students were expelled due to academic failure. If we add to them those who left the university without debt, the share of expelled students will rise to 27 percent. The greatest risk occurs at the beginning of the second course. This is the time to retake the “tails” remaining after the first year of study. That is, we can say that mostly students drop out from the first year.

Students who are older than their classmates are at risk; male; are studying in a paid department or had benefits upon admission (disabled people, orphans, etc.). Also, nonresident students are also more likely than others to leave a university due to academic failure. On the contrary, factors such as: gold medal and a high Unified State Examination score. Here the researchers note that for the 2009 “cohort” the influence Unified State Exam results the likelihood of expulsion is no longer so noticeable. This has given rise to the hypothesis that the mass introduction of this exam has reduced its differentiating ability, but further research is required to prove this.

Student attrition rates vary markedly among HSE faculties. There are faculties from which students are actively expelled, for example economics, where the dropout rate exceeds 30 percent. And there are also those where the dropout rate is small: in International Institute Economics and Finance (an autonomous division of the National Research University Higher School of Economics) it is less than 8 percent.

To explain this difference, the researchers interviewed academic staff and students. It turned out that student dropout is facilitated by their number (the more students in a department, the less attention each of them receives from teachers and university staff) and the presence of “problem” disciplines. For HSE, the most problematic disciplines turned out to be social and political statistics, 59 percent of students retake it, and socio-economic statistics - 45 percent retake it. Subjects are difficult for students for a number of reasons: for example, they may lack basic knowledge or time to prepare. Some students skimp on the rules of studying at HSE (for example, they hope to buy an exam or cheat). For nonresident students, everyday difficulties become an additional burden. Finally, important role teachers play: the success of learning largely depends on the style of presentation of the material, the requirements of the teacher and conflicts with him. Some professors are even called “forest orderlies” because they see their goal in expelling “bad” students.

Students themselves have different attitudes to the threat of expulsion. For undergraduate students this is serious problem, and they, as a rule, try with all their might to stay at the university. While for master's students, expulsion is not such a big problem, and often they themselves refuse to study if problems arise in their studies or even in the absence of them. An important factor here is employment outside the university. If a student already has a job or other activity that competes with his studies, it is easier for him to leave the university.

Accordingly, undergraduate students, if they have already been expelled, then try to either reinstate themselves at HSE, or enroll again (possibly in a different department), or move to another, sometimes less prestigious university. Master's students, if they leave, are not so eager to return: they can take a long break or quit studying altogether, and if they enroll again, it will not be to a less prestigious university, although they can radically change their field of study.

On the cancellation of the order of expulsion for academic failure

In case No. 2-2292/11

Accepted Basmanny District Court (Moscow City)

  1. Basmanny District Court of Moscow, consisting of:
  2. presiding judge Kurnosova O.A.,
  3. under secretary Mikaelyan A.R.
  4. with the participation of the plaintiff Kushtanov A.N., representatives of the defendant Danilina V.N., Kazarinov Yu.Yu., Kovalenko A.V.,
  5. having considered in open court civil case No. 2-2292/11 on the claim of A. N. Kushtanov against the Federal State Autonomous educational institution higher vocational education“National Research University “Higher School of Economics” on the cancellation of Order No. dated April 14, 2011. about expulsion, the obligation to provide the right to retake,
  6. Installed:

  7. Kushtanov A.N. filed a lawsuit against the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “National Research University “Higher School of Economics” to cancel Order No. dated April 14, 2011. about expulsion as illegal, the obligation to provide the right to retake.
  8. In support of the stated demands, the plaintiff indicated that he was illegally deprived of the right to receive educational services, and was illegally expelled from the University by Order No. dated April 14, 2011. in violation of the procedure, namely, without receiving an explanation from him. In addition, the plaintiff’s expulsion was made by order of the vice-rector, not the rector, and not on the basis of a proposal from the dean of the faculty, but on the basis of an extract from the transcripts of A.N. Kushtanov, signed by the head of the academic department.
  9. The plaintiff appeared at the court hearing, supported the claims and asked to satisfy them in full.
  10. Representatives of the defendant appeared at the court hearing and objected to the satisfaction of the claims.
  11. The court, having listened to the explanations of the plaintiff, representatives of the defendant, questioned witnesses, and examined the case materials, considers that the claims cannot be satisfied for the following reasons.
  12. As established at the court hearing and follows from the case materials, Kushtanov A.N. was enrolled by order dated 08/05/2009. No. for the 1st year of the master's program "<данные изъяты>» in direction No. - international relations, to a place secured by government funding.
  13. At the end of the scientific seminar "<данные изъяты>» 12/27/2010 the student received an unsatisfactory grade.
  14. In accordance with clause 47 of the Regulations on the organization of knowledge control at the state university - Higher School of Economics, approved by the Academic Council State University- Higher School of Economics dated March 26, 2010. No. students who received an “unsatisfactory” (“not passed”) grade at the intermediate or final test or missed it without a good reason are considered to have academic debt.
  15. By virtue of clause 53 of the said Regulations, retaking the same discipline is allowed no more than two times.
  16. As established at the court hearing, Kushtanov A.N. was given the opportunity to eliminate academic debt on 02/08/2011; based on the results of this retake, the student received an unsatisfactory grade.
  17. According to the transcript of the 2nd year, 2nd module, discipline -<данные изъяты>, teacher - full name 2, test date - 02/08/2011. students FULL NAME3, Kushtanov A.N. "failure" was given.
  18. Based on the results of the second retake at the commission on March 11, 2011. student Kushtanov A.N. an unsatisfactory rating was also received.
  19. According to the protocol dated March 11, 2011. work of the commission for accepting tests in the discipline<данные изъяты>student Kushtanov A.N. three questions were asked, the overall rating was “unsatisfactory.”
  20. As follows from the extract from the transcripts of 2nd year student A.N. Kushtanov. discipline: scientific seminar "<данные изъяты>» rated: 12/27/2010 - 3 failures; 02/08/2011 - 3 failures; 03/11/2011 - commission 2 unsuccessful; student Kushtanov A.N. informed about the possibility of studying according to an individual curriculum.
  21. According to the protocol of the appeal commission dated March 17, 2011. when considering the application of Kushtanov A.N. about violations in the conduct of the commission on March 11, 2011, the commission consisting of FULL NAME2 - deputy dean; Full name 1 - deputy dean for graduate work, full name 4 - assistant dean for scientific work, a senior lecturer at the Department of World Politics, did not find any grounds to satisfy the demands of the appeal. With a high rating social activities Kushtanova A.N. the scientific content of the work and answers on the examination committee does not meet the requirements for students of the master's program "<данные изъяты>».
  22. Order No. dated April 14, 2011 Vice-Rector Full name5 Kushtanov A. N. 2nd year master’s student of the Faculty of World Economy and World Politics, direction of training No. “<данные изъяты>", program "<данные изъяты>», full-time student studying at a place provided with state funding, due to academic failure, was expelled. Basis - an extract from the transcripts of A.N. Kushtanov. on 1 sheet.
  23. The plaintiff explained at the court hearing that he did not have information about retaking the test, this information should have been provided to him by the educational unit. Despite the lack of information about the retake date, the plaintiff attended the seminar on 02/08/2011. during which he presented the materials he had developed, but was deprived of the opportunity to present them, at the end of the lesson the teacher FULL NAME2 reported that the plaintiff needed to retake the specified discipline at the commission. The commission retake of the NIS test took place on March 11, 2011, however, there could not be a commission retake, since there was no first retake (02/08/2011, a seminar was actually taking place, and not a retake of the test). The plaintiff points out that, in accordance with clause 53 of the Regulations on the organization of state control of knowledge at the Higher School of Economics, this commission should have included the teacher who took the test, i.e. Full name 2, however, full name 2 was not on the commission; it was replaced by full name 4, which prevented an objective assessment of the work (master's thesis materials). The retake (commission) took place orally. Questions were asked general, not related to the topic of the master's thesis, which contradicts paragraph 40 of the Regulations, the plaintiff was not given time to prepare. After the commission retake, the plaintiff filed an appeal; an appeal commission was formed, which, in the plaintiff’s opinion, was formed in a biased manner, because did not include outsiders. The plaintiff was not explained exactly what requirements his work presented to the teacher, FULL NAME 2, did not meet. After receiving the decision of the appeal commission, the plaintiff filed a complaint with the vice-rector, FULL NAME 5, based on the results of which the plaintiff was considered on 04/13/2011. a decision was issued by the vice-rector FULL NAME5
  24. In force Federal Law dated 08/22/1996 N 125-FZ “On higher and postgraduate professional education”, the procedure and conditions for reinstatement in higher education educational institution a student expelled for an unexcused reason are determined by the charter of the higher educational institution.
  25. According to clause 190 of the Charter of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research University "Higher School of Economics", a student can be expelled from the university for at will; in connection with the termination of the contract for training on a paid basis by agreement of the parties; at the initiative of the university: for academic failure in accordance with the regulations governing the control of student knowledge, approved by the academic council of the university, for failure to pass final certification without good reasons, for violation of the charter and internal regulations of the university, for failure to fulfill the terms of the contract when studying on a paid basis by agreement of the parties.
  26. In accordance with paragraph 191 of the Charter, the expulsion of a student is carried out by order of the rector of the university, at the initiative of the university - on the basis of a proposal from the dean of the faculty (head of the department).
  27. According to clause 100 of the Charter, a student expelled at the initiative of the university or due to termination of the contract may be reinstated at the university by the decision of the rector within 2 years after expulsion only on a paid basis if there are vacancies.
  28. The court, at the request of the defendant's representatives, questioned witnesses.
  29. Witness FULL NAME3 testified that during the test at the scientific seminar “Analysis and Forecast of Activity European Union» 12/27/2010 she was given an unsatisfactory grade, in connection with which she contacted the educational unit in order to obtain information about the date of retaking this subject, which was scheduled for 02/08/2011, and then 02/08/2011, she also appealed to the educational unit together with Kushtanov A. N. in order to find out the date of the commission meeting.
  30. Witness FULL NAME6 testified that she holds the position of head of the master's program at the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research University "Higher School of Economics", personally notified A.N. Kushtanova. about retaking a scientific seminar by calling him on his mobile phone.
  31. Witness FULL NAME7 testified that she holds a position, was present during the telephone conversation FULL NAME6 with Kushtanov A.N., after the meeting of the commission the plaintiff had no complaints, 02/08/2011. students FULL NAME3 and Kushtanov A.N. approached the training unit and reported that they “failed,” to which she informed them that a commission meeting would be held in a week, A.N. Kushtanov. said that he did not agree with the result, because he was not asked any questions, but did not say that he was not notified of the retake within the framework of the seminar held on 02/08/2011.
  32. Evaluating the testimony of witnesses, the court comes to the conclusion that they do not contradict each other and are confirmed by other evidence collected in the case; Witnesses have no personal or indirect interest in the outcome of the case.
  33. The court trusts this testimony and believes that the facts reported by the witnesses are reliable information, and therefore are admissible and reliable evidence in the case.
  34. Having examined the evidence presented, the court considers the plaintiff’s arguments about the defendant’s debt to the plaintiff to be justified.
  35. On the basis of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, each party must prove the circumstances to which it refers as the basis for its claims and objections, unless otherwise provided by federal law.
  36. As established at the court hearing, any violations of the Charter of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, as well as in relation to Kushtanov A.N. was not allowed.
  37. During the trial, the plaintiff’s arguments that the defendant committed violations during the interim and final control were not confirmed, namely, incorrectness in the formulation of questions, their going beyond the scope of the program; violation by the teacher of the established procedure for conducting intermediate or final control; violation of the methodology for grading work.
  38. The plaintiff's argument that the defendant did not take written explanations from the plaintiff before the expulsion order was issued, which is the basis for canceling the order, the court finds untenable, since the Regulations on the organization of knowledge control at the state university - the Higher School of Economics, approved by the academic council of the State University - Higher School of Economics dated March 26, 2010. No. 11 provides for the possibility of expelling a student for academic failure without receiving a written explanation from the student (clause 52 of the Regulations).
  39. 0
  40. To satisfy the demands of A. N. Kushtanov to the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “National Research University “Higher School of Economics” to cancel Order No. dated April 14, 2011. about expulsion, the obligation to provide the right to retake, refuse.
  41. The decision can be appealed to the Moscow City Court through the Basmanny District Court of Moscow within 10 days.
  42. Judge O.A. Kurnosova

At the Higher School of Economics, a case of forgery in an exam was revealed - 3rd year student Anatoly Shirykalov retook the written exam for 1st year student of the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration Anton Balalykin. Both were expelled from the university. HSE Vice-Rector Sergei Roshchin comments on the situation.

- Sergey Yurievich, what is the position of the university administration regarding this incident?

We are faced with a situation that is clearly considered unacceptable by the leadership and administration of the HSE. Moreover, in this case we have a forgery with both legal point both from the point of view - the photo on the student card was falsified, and from the point of view of violating the norms of corporate ethics of the Higher School of Economics. Both students were expelled for violating paragraph “G” of Art. 188 of the HSE Charter, which obliges the student to comply with the rules of fair play, not to allow written work to be submitted by others, and not to commit fraud. It’s strange that such rules need to be “prescribed,” but life shows that this is justified, since students considered it possible to do this.

Leaving aside legal aspects gravity of forgery, I would like to say that the elements of forgery, plagiarism, intellectual theft are all actions associated with a violation of the corporate ethics of the Higher School of Economics. In sports there is such a concept as fair play; in my opinion, it is applicable in other areas of activity. University spirit a priori implies fair play in the academic sphere.

- What is the reaction of the student community to the current situation?

Alas, as it turns out, not all students fully understand the reasons for their colleagues’ expulsion from the university. The university administration received a letter initiated by one of the participants in the incident with the signatures of students who believe that the offense is not significant enough to require such harsh disciplinary measures. And this is the most alarming thing for me - it means that not only these guys have signs of corrosion of consciousness and a willingness to violate the principles of fair play; other students are also ready to turn a blind eye to them.

HSE consistently strives to maintain compliance with academic standards in research and teaching activities. Here we do not make exceptions for anyone. And good academic performance and success in academic activities are not grounds for violating the norms and principles of corporate ethics and the university charter. Anyone who does not want or cannot accept these rules must be prepared for the fact that they are not on the same path with HSE.

Lyudmila Mezentseva, News service of the HSE portal

Today the Higher School of Economics is:

  • 4 campuses (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm)
  • 7,000 teachers and researchers
  • 37,200 full-time students
  • 72,400 graduates of basic educational programs

10 important facts about HSE

  1. The Higher School of Economics was founded on November 27, 1992. This is a university created from scratch, which does not bring into the future the problems accumulated during the Soviet era.
  2. Examinations for students at HSE are accepted exclusively in written form - in the form of tests and essays.
  3. HSE has adopted a rating system for assessing student performance. Open student ratings are published, both current and accumulated over the entire period of study. Based on the results of the rating, they give discounts on fees for contract students, and also award scholarships to state-funded students, and some are even expelled.
  4. HSE was the first in the country to switch to a modular education system - each academic module lasts 2 months and ends with a session, so students take not two, but four sessions a year.
  5. The Higher School of Economics employs the highest paid teachers in the country. The average monthly salary of HSE teachers: professor - 160 thousand rubles, associate professor - 90 thousand rubles; (senior) teacher - 62 thousand rubles. 5% of HSE teachers have a PhD scientific degree, almost half of them are visiting teachers at foreign universities.
  6. Currently, HSE has 20 dormitories.
  7. HSE has more than 20 double degree programs with foreign universities.
  8. Average discount on tuition fees for freshmen in school season 2015 - 2016 amounted to 38%, while discounts (from 25 to 100%) were received by 79% of applicants for paid education.
  9. Since 2008, the ratio of girls to boys has constantly increased towards an increase in female preponderance. In 2011, the number of girls in the stream of applicants increased to a record 61%, but the very next year the boys took revenge - 53.5% of men entered the first year.
  10. In 2015, the Higher School of Economics entered the “51-100” group in the field of development studies social development) QS rating - one of the most famous international ratings universities around the world. In this rating category, the Higher School of Economics is the only Russian university. Also, HSE is the only Russian university, which was ranked in such subject groups as “economics and econometrics” and “sociology” (group 151-200). The world-famous British consulting company Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) annually publishes its ranking best universities peace. The QS university assessment methodology is recognized throughout the world as one of the most advanced and objective.

Bachelor's degree

  • 80 educational programs
  • independent work from the 1st year under the supervision of a supervising teacher;
  • the opportunity to receive several scholarships at once for high grades and active participation in the life of the university, some students receive 25,000 - 30,000 rubles per month;
  • the opportunity to engage in research in scientific-educational and design-educational laboratories and groups;
  • mandatory receipt of an international certificate of English language proficiency;
  • participation in international scientific conferences on a par with the world's leading scientists;
  • participation in exchange programs with HSE partner universities in Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Canada, China, USA, South Korea, France, Japan and other countries;
  • the opportunity to become a paid teaching assistant;
  • access to one of the largest university libraries in Russia.

Master's degree

  • 31 areas of training
  • 165 master's programs
  • 21 programs in English
  • the opportunity to change the direction of study and master a new specialty
  • participation in international internships and student exchanges
  • participation in double degree programs
  • Opportunity to become a paid teaching assistant or teacher
  • participation in research and project work in laboratories and scientific institutes HSE.

Study abroad and double degrees

The Higher School of Economics works closely with leading foreign universities, business schools and research centers. Each faculty of the National Research University Higher School of Economics offers students the opportunity to undergo internships and participate in exchange programs with partner universities. The main educational partners of the Higher School of Economics abroad:

  • Erasmus University (Netherlands)
  • University named after J. Mason (USA)
  • Sorbonne (France)
  • University of Bologna (Italy)
  • Humboldt University (Germany)
  • Paul Cézanne University
  • Westphalian Wilhelm University (Germany)
  • Technical University of Eindhoven (Netherlands), etc.