The spelling is also the same also the same. Combined and separate spelling of “also” and “the same way”

One of frequently asked questions Regarding spelling is the use of the words “also” and “also”. Many people have a lot of difficulties with this rule, although in reality everything is much simpler. It is enough just once to understand the principle of using these words and understand the difference between them, and using these words again will not cause difficulties. So, how do you spell “as well as”?

Together or separately

In fact, there are 2 variants of spelling the word “also”. In other words, it can be written both separately and together. The choice of one option or another depends entirely on the circumstances that should be used in the sentence.

In the combination “and also” it is considered a conjunction; it was formed from the merger of an adverb and the conjunction “zhe”. Its role in a sentence is to connect homogeneous members or link several simple sentences into one complex one. In this case, “also” will be equivalent to the conjunction “and”.

The phrase “also” is a combination of the adverb “so” with the particle “the same”. It should be used only in cases where, when lowering the particle “zhe” general meaning the phrase will not change. Another usage option is to use this word as a comparison.

Examples of spelling “as well as” or ““as well as”

“Also” is written together if this word can be replaced with the conjunction “and”.

She invited relatives and also friends.

She invited relatives and friends.

As a conjunction with a continuous spelling, this word is used if it can be easily replaced with the conjunction “too”.

When and how “as well as” is written separately

First of all, it is worth mentioning comparative offers.

This puppy's behavior was completely similar to his mother: he also loved to lie on his back and frolic.

This option is often used in cases where the word “how” is next to it. “And also” is written separately in this case.

Just like his father, Mitya loved to fish.

Separate writing is always used in the case when the particle “zhe” is used solely to strengthen the structure, and the sentence will not lose meaning without it.

Karina could play the flute just like her teacher.

Having remembered these few features, you will always know how to write “as well as” - together or separately.

fused or separate writing The words “also” and “also” depend on what part of speech they are. This can be determined by the context through which their morphological and syntactic features appear.

When do we write separately?

The adverb “so” with a demonstrative meaning and the independent particle “zhe” are written separately. They are used in speech to compare any actions or states that occur or manifest themselves under similar conditions or circumstances.

I tried to imitate my father in everything: I just as confidently built a ship and blew away the shavings coming out from under the plane.

Snow was still falling outside the window, and it seemed that it would cover the entire city to the very roofs.

In a sentence after the adverb “so” with the particle “zhe” you can use combination of the adverb “how” with the conjunction “and”:

Just like her friend Galya, Olya loved to draw, but the drawings were not very good.

Students primary classes Just like high school students, they take part in sports competitions.

When do we write together?

The derivative conjunction “also”, formed by merging the adverb “so” with the particle “zhe”, is written together. In a sentence it's easy replace coordinating conjunction"And":

There was an unusual excitement among the students; in the corridor the parents were also worried.

The students were worried, and there was excitement among the parents in the corridor.

Important hallmark the adverbial combination “so” with the particle “zhe” is its syntactic role in the sentence: an adverb as an independent syntactic unit or as part of a comparative phrase acts as a circumstance. The Union is also service part speech, used to connect parts of a sentence as part of a complex syntactic construction and is not a member of the proposal.

In some cases, the semantic difference between the words “also” and “also” can only be determined by the extended context, including several sentences, or by the intonation that is implied when reading them:

The difference between "also" and "also" is:

  • The combination “also” consists of an adverb with a demonstrative meaning and a particle associated with it in meaning. The word “also” is a derived preposition.
  • The combination of the adverb “so” with the particle “zhe” is written separately. The derivative conjunction “also” is written together.
  • In a sentence, the adverb “so” with the particle “zhe” has an adverbial meaning and acts as minor member. The conjunction “also” has no independent lexical meaning and serves to connect individual parts of a syntactic structure.
  • The combination of “so” with the particle “the same” can be used in a comparative phrase if it is followed by the adverb “how”. The derivative conjunction “also” is easily replaced by the coordinating conjunction “and”.
  • In some cases, the adverbial combination “also” can be distinguished from the conjunction “also” only by an expanded context or intonation with emphasized logical stress.

In this detailed publication you will find the answer to the question that has arisen in your mind at the moment - how to spell the word “also”. You will find out whether it can be written together or whether it should be used as a phrase. The correct spelling of “the same” depends on the context. Surely you remember this very vaguely from the times when you studied Russian at school.

We write correctly

Answering the question that has arisen - how to correctly spell the word “also”, let’s remember what we read once upon a time in textbooks. The first rule: “so” is an adverb, and “the same” is a particle. A combination of them is used only if it is possible to remove the particle and this will not distort the meaning of the sentence. For example: “He tied his tie the same way Gleb does.” IN in this case, having excluded the “same” from this phrase, we get the same, full-fledged thought as can be traced in the first case.

Second rule: already mentioned above - “also” is written together or separately, depending on the meaning with which it is used. In addition to the fact that this phrase can be an adverb with a particle, it can also be a full-fledged word. Why is “also” written together? Because it is a so-called union. For example: “Marina sewed herself a gorgeous dress, Natalya also wants to create something similar for herself.” In this case, the conjunction can be replaced by another - “too”.

If you can't learn these two rules, then try to remember a simple way to determine how to spell the word "also." If the conjunction “also” can be replaced by the adverb “still”, then this word is written together. When a pronoun with the particle “also” is used in the text as a phrase “in the same way,” it should be written separately. For example, “He also didn’t drink alcohol,” “She also couldn’t fit into a red dress.”

Examples of correct writing

Sergei, on the keyboard, very quickly typed the text of an email in which he tried to explain to his girlfriend what thoughts pushed him to a rash act, because of which they had a big quarrel. At some point, he wondered how to spell the word “also.” He considered it a phrase that needed to be written separately. But something made him doubt it.

Having scoured the Internet, he was surprised to find out that “also” is written together or separately, depending on the context. At that moment Sergei thought: “It would be better if the rules of the Russian language became more simplified.” The young man understood - having learned in this moment, as “also” is correctly spelled, he will remember this in a couple of days. Therefore, he will again look in the search engine for the spelling of the same word.

The guy had thoughts swarming in his head about the man who once invented the Internet and about global network: “He is probably a real genius, because so many useful information each user extracts from the great web. This allows you to constantly develop and gain the maximum of a wide variety of and, in most cases, useful knowledge. And sites where you can find out spelling are generally an irreplaceable thing. Only today I was able to figure out how to spell “also.” And tomorrow you will need to find out something else and again the right answer will be found.”

It is worth noting that modern society strives to be more and more literate. The development of culture among the masses is bearing fruit, and the beneficial effect of such a widespread impact of literacy on society will not be long in coming in the near future. But at the same time, there are some factors that negatively affect the spread of literacy.

The point is that today almost every gadget, any application that requires text input, provides the user with the opportunity automatically edit misspelled words, or simply prompts you to enter a ready-made one after entering just the first few letters. In such conditions, you hardly want to turn to intelligent and spelling dictionaries. Indeed, why do this if a smart system will do everything for you.

But being literate cannot become something obsolete. Progress is good, of course, but literacy never hurts. In addition, there are words and phrases in the spelling of which you can make a mistake even if you have automatic spelling correctors.

In this article we will talk about the phrase “the same”. How to write “also” – together or separately? Not everyone can answer this question. In this article the reader can find a detailed answer to it.

Writing “also” and “also” – together or separately?

The main difficulty arises when it is not very clear how to write a given combination of words - together or apart. This is why most mistakes are made related to writing “the same way.” It may seem that it is quite difficult to navigate all the rules relating to this issue, but, in principle, there is nothing difficult about it.

You just need to remember a few tricks and rules that will allow you to avoid mistakes in writing this combination of words. If difficulties arise, you just need to understand what part of speech the phrase is - if it is a conjunction, then it is written together, and if it is an adverb, then separately. Belonging to a certain part of speech plays a big role here.

Separate writing

To begin with, it is worth identifying the moments when the combination of words considered in the article is written separately. “Also” should be written separately in the case if “so” is , and “well” is a particle. A combination of these words is used to compare objects. Eg:

  • He tried to imitate his teacher in everything: he nodded his head in the same meaningful way, behaved in conversations and interacted with women in the same way;

As a hint: if difficulties arise, you can test yourself by trying put “as and” after “same”

  • I hated this man, just as he hated me;
  • People, just like animals, act in many ways, driven by internal instincts.

Continuous writing

Now it’s worth discussing cases when “also” is written together. As you might have guessed, “also” represents a conjunction, and, as indicated at the beginning of the article, it is written together:

  • The actor was worried before the performance, and the whole troupe was also worried;
  • Mayoral candidate Ivanov, like candidate Sidorov, also continues to experience a drop in ratings.

In order not to make a mistake, you just need to change the “also” in your head to the conjunction “and”:

  • The actor was worried before the performance, and the whole troupe was worried along with him;
  • And mayoral candidate Ivanov, like candidate Sidorov, continues to experience a drop in ratings.

Statement of a question

The correct spelling of “also” can also be monitored by asking the question “how?”. This question can only be asked of an adverb with a particle, which are written separately. There is no way to pose such a question to the union.

Dropping a particle

You can also try to discard the particle “and“. If removing it from a sentence does not in any way affect its overall meaning, then it must be written separately. Otherwise, it's a mess. This auxiliary method can be considered at specific examples:

  • This summer passed just like the last;

If we discard the “zhe” particle, which gives amplification, then the meaning of the sentence will not change:

  • This summer went just like last year.

Thus, we can note the fact that “the same” should be written separately in such cases. Let's look at another example:

  • My friend watches football, I also love this sport.

If you try to drop a particle, then you get the following:

  • My friend watches football, I love this sport so much.

As you can see, the proposal immediately became meaningless. It is not surprising, because not just a particle was thrown out, but a part of the union at once. You can also check yourself if instead of a conjunction we put “also”:

  • My friend watches football, I also love this sport.

Indeed, replacing one conjunction with another did not lead to the loss of the meaning of the entire sentence. If the replacement can be made, then you should safely write “also” together.


In the event that there is no time to think, but according to the meaning of the sentence it is necessary to use these words, you can simply replace them with suitable ones. Synonyms make speech more variable and flexible. But at the same time, they can be successfully used in cases where difficulties arise in writing a word or phrase. Below we will give synonyms that can help avoid incorrect spelling of the words discussed in the article.

An adverb with a particle can be replaced with the following synonyms:

  • It seems;
  • Similar;
  • As well as;
  • Like;
  • Like;
  • Same;
  • As well as;
  • In the same way;
  • Likewise.

If the conjunction “also” is used in a sentence, You can use the following synonyms:

  • Equally;
  • Same;
  • Equally;
  • At the same time.

The reader should take into account the fact that synonyms can actually have a beneficial effect on reducing the number spelling errors. When questions arise, there are a huge number of cases in which only the right one will help you get out. well-used synonym. Therefore, it is not recommended to neglect them. “Also” and “also” are quite commonly used verbal formations, but their use in the text often raises questions that not everyone can answer correctly.

The spelling of these words, which so often causes difficulty for students, depends on what part of speech they are. We tell the rule with examples, to When “also” and “also” are written together, and when separately. There may even be a hyphenated option.

The word “also” is written together when used as a conjunction. The word was formed by merging the adverb “so” and the particle “zhe”. "Also" meaning can be replaced by “more”, “also” or “and”. So you can test yourself.

Example sentences:

1. We cleaned the room, and also washed the dishes (= and also washed the dishes).

2. Elena will have ice cream, as well as cotton candy (= and cotton candy).

3. He was nervous, and still worried (= and also worried).

Reference! There is no comma inside the “as well as” construction if it means “as well as”. The construction itself is distinguished by punctuation marks.
Example sentence: Just like her, I always knew it.

Adverb with particle “the same”

“Also” is written separately if used as an adverb with a particle. "Also" used for comparison. To test yourself, you need to find out whether the construction in the sentence means “in the same way.”

Example sentences:

1. To make things fair, she did exactly the same (= in the same way).

2. It is known that he read as readily as his sister (= just as much).

3. I want the same salad: with shrimp and sauce (= in the same way).

Important! Remember that writing “the same” with a hyphen (also) is impossible.
For example: It was still snowing in April.

How to spell “also” or “the same”

In addition to those already listed, there are others methods for choosing the correct spelling designs.

Ask the question “how?”

Try to understand whether the design that confuses you answers the question is "how". If he answers, then “the same” is written separately. If not, it’s all together.

Example sentence: I need to make jelly (how?) the same way: with agar-agar.

Dropping a particle and replacing it with “and”

If in your case “also” is written separately, the “zhe” particle can be discarded.

Example sentence: Today it was cloudy just like yesterday (today it’s cloudy like yesterday).

If “also” is written together , this union, as we have already said, can be replaced with “and”.

Example sentence: He was worried, and there was also excitement in the hall (he was worried, and there was excitement in the hall).

Difficult situations

It happens that it is difficult to determine the part of speech in a single sentence. Consider this example: She was [also / also] very smart (she was as smart as someone else / in addition to the previously mentioned quality, she was also smart).

Attention! In this case, you can understand how to write a construction correctly only from the context or by intonation (the latter is not very reliable).

If you came across such a task on an exam or test, and there is no context, do not hesitate to inform the examiner or teacher about this, because without context, the choices are equivalent. This way you will avoid lowering your score and save other people. Defend your opinion if you are confident in it.

“Also” and “also”: comma after the turn

You need to put a comma after “as well”, if it is followed by “as”, and the construction means “to the same extent”, “equally”.

Example sentence: I think, like the rest of my group, I am counting on an automatic machine in the Russian language.


Both “also” and “also” have group of synonyms, which can replace words.

Synonyms for "also":

  • Same;
  • equally;
  • at the same time;
  • equally.

Synonyms for “the same”:

  • in the same way;
  • similar;
  • like;
  • as well as;
  • as well as.

You can't run from the problem. It’s better to memorize the writing rules once and for all and learn to identify the part of speech. However, if you absolutely cannot make a mistake and you are not sure of a doubtful word, better replace it with a synonym or try paraphrase so that the proposal turns out to be exactly literate. And they also say that learning synonyms is useful, as it greatly enriches speech. If a person expresses himself in the same words, it is very noticeable.

How to remember the rule?

  • R print the rule and hang it above your bed, re-read it every time you see it.
  • A solve problems actively on a topic of interest.
  • Seeing a word that causes difficulty in some text, research him, ask yourself: “why is it written here this way and not otherwise?” check which questions the word answers and check the rule.
  • Can create a picture with a rule and put it on the phone wallpaper, because a person sees the phone screen very often during the day.

And of course we recommend reading more, because reading forms the so-called “intuitive literacy”. So, we told you about in which cases is it written “the same”, and in which “also”, gave you tips on how to check your spelling, provided you with examples, and gave you tips on how to remember the rules. We hope the article did not leave you with any questions. Enjoy learning Russian!

Useful video

“Also” and “also” are the rules for writing in the video below.