Presentation on the theme of the platypus. Basic information Echidnovae are a family of the order Monotremes. Along with echidnas, the same order includes the platypus. the family contains three genera of true echidnas, - presentation. Tips on how to make a good report, presentation or other

One of the important stages of baby development is teething. Before the parents had time to breathe a sigh of relief after the newborn’s colic had ended, a new test awaited them. The process of the appearance of a child’s first baby teeth can take quite a long time and in many cases be accompanied by symptoms that not only cause discomfort to the baby, but also cause pain. In such cases, it is quite difficult to determine whether such symptoms are actually caused by teething or disease.

Regardless of how a baby’s teeth come out - with a rise in temperature, runny nose and capricious mood, or completely unnoticed, all parents look forward to the appearance of their baby’s first tooth. For many families, such an event even becomes a small, unique holiday with obligatory photos as a souvenir.

The baby’s first tooth is a source of pride for the whole family, as well as a symbol of the transition to new stage growing up. This is why parents are so worried about timing and are trying to calculate whether the baby’s development meets established standards.

During the period when children are teething, main question, which all parents ask - how many months should the very first baby tooth erupt? They are also interested in the order in which the remaining canines, incisors and molars come out during normal teething and how to help the child if they come out too painfully.

Standard timing for the appearance of teeth in infants

Each child’s body is individual and has its own characteristics - it is not so easy to predict exactly at what point a particular baby’s teeth will come out. There are a number of factors that significantly influence the time limits for the eruption of the first and subsequent teeth. These include:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Child nutrition. Is there enough calcium that the body receives?
  3. Climate. In hotter climatic conditions Children's teeth begin to cut earlier.
  4. Gender. More often, the first teeth erupt in girls earlier than in boys.

In addition to these factors, the time for teeth to appear can be affected by:

  • child's race;
  • mother's diet during pregnancy;
  • environmental situation in the place of residence and other features.

There are certain generally accepted age norms for teething. They are averaged and not strict, but it is from them that all pediatricians start when assessing the child’s development during examination. For the appearance of the first teeth, the normal age is 6-8 months, and by the age of one year their number usually increases to 8.

The standard situation is when by the age of three the child has already lost all 20 “beauties”, but even after three years it is quite natural that the child still continues to cut his last molars.

Early eruption of baby teeth

There are cases when the baby’s first milk teeth appear 1-3 months earlier than the known period. Such a deviation from the norm should not frighten parents too much. The reason for early teething may be the mother's intake of complex multivitamins and minerals during pregnancy, including vitamin D and calcium, as well as excessive consumption of fermented milk products, which include cheese, cottage cheese and kefir.

It is recommended to show a child with early teeth to the dentist once every six months - the earlier the teeth appear, the higher the likelihood of a problem such as caries. If the baby has teeth before 2-3 months, then the baby needs additional examination. So early age teething may indicate hormonal disorders or pathologies associated with mineral metabolism in the body.

Late first teeth

The opposite situation also occurs, when the baby is already a year old and still has no teeth. Since by the age of one year the smile of the baby in the photo should please with at least 1-2 teeth, a baby without a single tooth should be taken to the dentist for examination in order to exclude it from the list possible reasons illness or developmental defect.

What can cause delay in teething:

  • rickets or other disorder of mineral metabolism in the child’s body;
  • frequent illness and weakened body;
  • endocrine pathology;
  • poor nutrition and late introduction of complementary foods due to allergies to cottage cheese, eggs, vegetables;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract with disturbances in the processes of digestion and absorption;
  • prematurity - the earlier the baby is born, the greater the delay in eruption;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • hereditary diseases of bone and cartilage tissue;
  • edentia is a congenital malformation that consists in the absence of the rudiments of baby teeth.

If a child was born premature, all processes will proceed somewhat slower (we recommend reading:). This also applies to teething - if the baby doesn’t have one yet in a year, he definitely needs to be shown to the dentist

Time limits and sequence of teething in a child

The table shows age norms and the order of teething in children:

Should not be taken this diagram like a clear schedule of when and in what order children cut their teeth. It is believed that the baby's lower front incisors are the first to appear. It may well happen that the upper incisors or even canines appear first - this is absolutely normal and only means that the child has his own physiological characteristics body.

The only thing worth paying attention to in the cutting sequence is pairing. If one tooth of a pair has appeared, but the second is not there yet, while the others are already starting to cut, you should consult a dentist. Such a disorder may be a sign of a congenital anomaly.

If your baby has a timing or sequence problem, this is not a sign of developmental problems. This diagram shows how teething occurs in most cases, and nothing more.

The most common questions related to the appearance of teeth in infants

  1. How long does it usually take to cut the first tooth? Most often, the eruption itself lasts about 1-3 days and it can be very difficult to understand when exactly the process began. Often parents, and sometimes pediatricians themselves, with moderate swelling of the gums and severe drooling, mistakenly believe that teething has already begun. It is important to know: similar signs may appear in a child several months before the appearance of the first tooth (we recommend reading:).
  2. Is teething the most painful thing for a baby? This is true. The cause of particularly strong pain is the structure of the fang itself: sharp, uneven edges and thickness.
  3. Is the sequence in the appearance of upper and lower teeth important? Like any deviation from standard order teething, whether the upper or lower teeth come out first – it doesn’t matter. Everything depends solely on the individual characteristics of the body.

Caring for baby teeth

It is common among pediatricians general opinion that there is no need to brush a child’s teeth until the age of two, but it is worth monitoring their health from the very first tooth. In this matter, general hygiene and healthy image life of the crumbs. Simple rules must be followed:

  1. In the house where the child lives, the air should be cool and humid, then the saliva in the mouth will not dry out, and this prevents reproduction large quantities bacteria.
  2. Food shouldn't for a long time be in the mouth of infants. Constantly monitor children with this habit and promptly remove food debris.
  3. In addition to other drinks, give your child clean water to drink throughout the day. In addition to quenching thirst, it helps flush out bacteria and food remaining in the mouth.
  4. The first thing you should teach your child to do before learning to brush his teeth is to rinse his mouth with water.

Clean water the baby needs it not only to maintain fluid balance, but also to rinse the mouth from food debris - this happens spontaneously

The most important facts about baby teeth in children

As a result, you can collect all the most important information related to teething into a single list of facts:

  • a deviation of 6 months on both sides of the age limit is normal;
  • violation of the accepted order is not a sign of pathology or any disease;
  • there are no methods or medications that could speed up or, conversely, slow down the process of teething, or determine in advance the order in which a child’s teeth will appear;
  • during a difficult period for a child, his condition can be alleviated with the help of special chilled teethers, which temporarily reduce itching and relieve discomfort (it is not recommended to let children chew carrots, apples, bagels or crackers instead of teethers, as the child may simply choke on them);
  • When the child turns one year old, he should be taken to the dentist for an examination: the doctor will make a general assessment of the condition and development of the oral cavity, count the number of teeth, check the condition of the gums and the functioning of the jaw joint, and also look at how the frenulum of the tongue has formed, because its irregular shape may subsequently lead to incorrect pronunciation of certain sounds.

If the baby does not have any obvious problems with his teeth, then from the age of one, visiting the dentist once a year will be enough. The rest of the time, you should simply accustom your little one to proper care of his teeth.

One of the important stages of the first exciting year of a child’s life is teething.

This is a very exciting, often painful and alarming period in the life of the baby and his parents.

At this time there are important changes in a still fragile body, which bring discomfort and anxiety.

Teething is accompanied by various symptoms and can begin at three to four months. When children cut their first teeth, parents will definitely notice it.

When do children cut their first teeth?

At what month does a child begin to cut his first teeth? The average statistical indicators for the appearance of the first milk teeth are close to six months.

However, there are many factors that influence the time at which the baby’s first teeth erupt:

  1. The time at which the very first teeth appear depends on nutrition: how much calcium there is in the child’s body.
  2. Heredity is of great importance.
  3. It has been observed that children living in hot climatic zone, teeth are cut earlier.
  4. It often happens that boys cut their teeth later than the opposite sex.

The time and process of teeth appearance is individual for each child, and there are no medications in medicine that can speed up or slow down this process.

Under no circumstances should you resort to external influence on the baby’s gums, for example, pressing or rubbing. This can cause irritation and additional pain. The first teeth will appear at the moment when the body needs it.

It is difficult to determine what is bothering an infant, so parents do not immediately understand that a change in the child’s behavior at the age of 4 months may indicate that. How to determine that the teething process has begun, read on our website.

At what time a child’s baby teeth erupt is described in detail.

The following information will be useful for young parents: . Means that will help your child ease the teething process - review and recommendations.

Signs and symptoms of teething

The appearance, as well as the time of eruption of the very first teeth, proceeds differently for each child. There are children in whom the appearance of swollen gums and subsequently teeth occurs almost asymptomatically and painlessly.

Often the first baby teeth appear in babies accompanied by painful symptoms.

The baby’s teeth do not appear immediately: quite some time may pass from the swelling of the gums to the appearance of the first incisor, and this time can greatly disturb the baby.

Pediatricians note the average and most popular signs of the appearance of healthy baby teeth in children.

The fact that healthy child There is no pain or other symptoms observed when baby teeth appear; it is not a deviation from the average norm or a pathology. The symptoms in most babies are similar:

  • The child’s behavior changes: he becomes more restless and whiny. At night he may sleep restlessly, sob, and be capricious. During the day, the baby may begin to cry or worry for no reason.
  • Often, children who are beginning to develop teeth refuse to breastfeed, or vice versa - they breastfeed more often (this is explained by swelling of the gums).
  • There is a slight increase in temperature. It is worth noting that if you have a very high temperature that lasts more than three days, you should contact your pediatrician. An elevated temperature of more than 38 degrees may not always cause teething.
  • Some babies may experience an upset stomach accompanied by loose stools. This may occur due to frequent swallowing of copious amounts of saliva, which causes increased peristalsis in the child's intestines.
  • A visible sign of the appearance of the very first baby teeth is very profuse salivation. The child often tries with incredible effort to gnaw on everything that comes to hand and suck his fingers - this is an indicator that the swollen gums are very itchy. You should regularly wipe your baby's cheeks and mouth with a clean cloth throughout the day.
  • Teething is often accompanied by inflammatory process nasal cavity. The snot is usually clear, copious and runny.
  • Less commonly, at the time of the appearance of the very first teeth, a child may develop a wet cough as a result of excessive salivation.
  • Often, due to discomfort in the mouth, the baby may refuse to eat. The deterioration in appetite is explained by the fact that due to pain, the baby loses the taste of food, and sometimes it just hurts to eat.
  • One of the symptoms of teething can be diathesis. Diathesis is much less common than other symptoms.

If your child becomes increasingly restless, has a persistent fever, and has an upset stomach lasting more than 3 days with blood or mucus clots, this may be the cause. viral infection. In this case, you should contact your pediatrician!

Scheme and timing of eruption

The first tooth, usually the middle incisor, appears on the lower gum.

Pediatricians are guided by an approximate pattern of the appearance of the first teeth.

Because for the most part, teeth appear in a certain sequence.

The time of appearance of teeth is also approximate, based on long-term observations.

  1. Between six months and eight months: the baby’s first two lower central incisors erupt.
  2. Between eight and ten months: the first two central incisors appear at the top.
  3. In the period of nine to twelve months: the upper adjacent central incisors emerge.
  4. Between eleven and fourteen months: the lower adjacent central incisors may appear.
  5. From a year to a year and a half: the first upper molars may erupt first, followed by the lower molars.
  6. At one and a half to two years: the upper canines appear first, followed by the lower canines.
  7. In the period of two years to 2.8 years: the second pair of molars appears above and below.
  8. By the age of three, a child usually has twenty teeth.

Since such dates are very arbitrary, there is no need to panic if the baby’s teeth appear earlier or later. The sequence of teeth appearance shows how the vast majority of teeth appear.

The child is great joy for parents. Together with them, he experiences all his main moments in life - his first words, his first steps. Parents must monitor the child’s development, teach him, and help him. An important stage The first milestone in life, both for the baby and for his entire family, is the eruption of the first milk teeth. The appearance of the first teeth is a very important process, and parents should help the baby during this period of his life.

Parents, get ready! Soon your child will start biting.

Dental development is a long-term process

The laying of baby teeth occurs in the womb. Then the rudiments of baby teeth are formed.

According to research by Ukrainian scientists in 2013, in order to prevent the child from developing caries in the future, the mother must ensure that a large amount of fluoride enters the body during pregnancy. Sea and river fish are rich in fluorine.

If the mother does not eat fish or the body does not accept it during pregnancy, then you can purchase sodium fluoride at the pharmacy. It contains fluorine in high concentration and does not harm the health of the child and mother.

River fish should be one of the favorite dishes of the expectant mother.

However, before using any medicinal product During pregnancy, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

The order of appearance and subsequent change of teeth in a child

I don’t promise you a quiet life!

A baby's first teeth appear at the age of six months. This is a rather unpleasant and painful process for the baby, so it will be difficult for parents not to notice. In some children, teeth may appear earlier or later - from 4 to 9 months of life.

At what age teeth appear depends on the course of pregnancy, the health of the baby and environmental factors.

The first to appear are the incisors - the front teeth, followed by the canines and molars. Children have a total of 20 primary teeth: 4 incisors on the lower and upper jaws, 2 protruding canines and 4 molars. Unlike adults, a child does not have premolars (adults have 8) and “wisdom teeth.” The famous Ukrainian pediatrician Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky gives the following time frame for the appearance of the first milk teeth:

  • The lower central incisors appear at 6 months.
  • The upper central incisors erupt at 8 months.
  • Upper lateral incisors (two incisors on each side of the first central incisors) at 10 months.
  • Lower lateral incisors - at 12 months.
  • The first molars appear at 12 - 15 months.
  • Fangs appear no earlier than 17 months, and can erupt at 20 months.
  • The second molars are the last to appear - by the end of 2 years of life.

When all of a child's first teeth erupt, there are usually no gaps between them. This is absolutely normal and correct. But as the child develops, mainly before the teeth change to permanent ones and in the process of jaw enlargement, small gaps begin to appear. This is quite an important process, because molars are always larger in size than milk teeth.

Just a few years and the foolish baby will turn into a charming lady.

If physiological spaces between the teeth do not form, the teeth cannot fully grow and partially remain in the jaw. As a result, this child develops crooked permanent teeth. While normal spaces appear between the teeth, the roots of the first teeth begin to “resolve” and the teeth become loose. After this, baby teeth gradually fall out.

A baby who is just starting to walk cannot yet report his condition, cannot say what is bothering him and where it hurts. Very often, colds in young children are accompanied by coughing attacks. Our article will tell you how to cope with unpleasant symptoms.

Can't sleep at night? Does your husband have difficulty getting up and is often late for work? Does your child cry for days on end? How to be and what to do? Mothers of young children have been asking themselves these questions for many years. We have published advice from doctors and experienced mothers that will help you quickly and effortlessly put your baby to sleep.

Signs indicating possible teething

Throughout the period of the appearance of baby teeth, the baby’s health status changes. This manifests itself in the form of various symptoms. Symptoms precede the eruption of each new tooth, but they may vary from child to child. And even one child may have one symptom when the incisors are erupting, but when the canines and molars are erupting - completely different. This is related to the development of the body and nervous system child. The first signs may develop a month before the first tooth appears.

  1. The very first and most important symptom is swelling and inflammation of the gums. When the gum is touched, the baby feels pain and reacts with strong screaming, indignation and crying.

    Real men endure pain with a smile on their face.

  2. Closer to the time of teething, the child feels pain not only when touching the gums - the gums begin to hurt constantly. The child may wake up at night in pain and scream.
  3. Due to constant feeling of pain the child loses appetite and interest in food. IN this period you need to force the child to eat - he needs energy.
  4. Excessive salivation is one of the first symptoms that a child is teething.
  5. Practically All children have a fever. For some, this is not very pronounced - maybe only 37.2˚C. But in some children the temperature rises above 38˚C. This is most often observed at night. Even if parents know that an increase in temperature is associated only with the eruption of baby teeth, mandatory you need to call your pediatrician and go to the hospital. Temperatures above 38˚C are dangerous for the life of a small child!

    If your child has a high temperature, consult a doctor immediately!

  6. The child begins to put various objects into his mouth and tries to chew them. This helps his tooth “break through” the gum. On at the moment There are a large number of teethers - special toys that children can chew. They prepare the gums for the appearance of the tooth.

    The famous children's dentist Ivan Vladimirovich Chizhevsky advises giving children biscuits instead of rodents. The child does not eat it, but simply “grinds off” his gums on it. At the same time, it is softer and the gums are less injured. When a piece of cookie falls, the child can be given another, and the rodent, after falling on the floor, must be boiled and then allowed to cool. Otherwise, the child risks getting an infection in the oral cavity.

  7. Some children develop teeth when they appear. symptoms of general intoxication– nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  8. The appearance of the first teeth may be accompanied by a runny nose. Because of this, parents do not immediately understand what is happening to their child.

    Oh, how tired I am. It would probably all be over.

Many children develop a small white line on their gums, along which “smart” parents tap with a teaspoon and get a soft, booming sound. According to the grandmothers' rules, a silver spoon is used. In fact, the thin white line is a tooth protruding from the gum. AND By hitting the line with any spoon or any other object, parents severely injure the gums, teeth and cause a lot of pain to the child. So it's not worth doing this.

The temptation is great, but control yourself!

If you have a great desire to find out that your child will soon have a tooth, it is best to contact a pediatric dentist.

Do you know what helps the passage of gases in a newborn, relieves spasms of smooth muscles, improves digestion and has an antimicrobial effect. It can be used from 2 weeks of age. Dill tincture is also useful for nursing mothers.

Finger games are one of the most effective means development of motor skills in young children. Developed motor skills are a guarantee of normal intellectual and physical development child. For more complete information follow this link.

Young mothers will find it useful, which details the role of the fontanelle for the child’s body and the time when the soft crown should tighten.

What to do when teething?

For a child, the appearance of the first teeth is a huge stress. He still does not understand what is happening to him and why he is in pain. All parents think about how to help their child.

Who, if not dad, will cheer up the little one.

The child needs to be distracted. Children during this period are subject to whims and frequent changes moods. It is necessary to switch the child’s attention away from the feeling of discomfort. To do this, you can play with him, throw him up, tell him something and teach him to speak.

With older children you can go for walks and arrange active games in the fresh air. A person receives 90% of information through the visual analyzer; if you turn on cartoons to your child or show bright, colorful pictures, this will attract his attention for a while.

Shouldn't we start building?

Another way to calm your child is to keep his hands busy. You can buy a large children's Rubik's cube or a construction set with large parts. At the same time, the child not only focuses on the toy, but also develops fine motor skills of his fingers.

Mom and dad must take the child in their arms, caress, pat the head, and lull him to sleep. It is especially important to do this at night, when the child is most restless. The baby should feel that he is not alone, that his parents are nearby, they take care of him.

At night, you can put the baby not in his crib, but with mom and dad. This way the baby will sleep more peacefully. The child should be given painkillers. You can buy them only with the permission of your pediatrician and pediatric dentist. Otherwise, the medicine may negatively affect the child's body.

You should immediately prepare for the fact that painkillers will not be able to completely eliminate the pain; the child will still feel it. But the pain will be less pronounced.

Sleeping with your beloved mom is the best medicine.

It is best to use ointments - they begin to act faster than syrups, which still need to be absorbed into the body. gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the concentration of the active medicinal substance in the ointment is higher (to achieve desired effect a smaller dose of medication will be required).

When the baby begins to be capricious, he needs to be put to the breast. During this period, he may eat less, but more often.

We actively help the teeth come out.

The child should be given something to chew on - this prepares the gums and speeds up the process of tooth emergence. After a year, you can congratulate your child on the purchase of a new toy or a beautiful ball for each new tooth.

When a baby is teething, it is difficult for everyone - both the child and the parents. But parents must provide their child with maximum support and care. Then the baby will endure this period easier and will grow up happy.

A baby's teeth begin to form in his mother's belly before he is born. Baby teeth are formed in the seventh week of pregnancy, and permanent teeth are formed in the seventeenth week. During fetal growth, the body needs calcium, fluoride, phosphorus and vitamin D.

Newborn baby immediately after birth need breastfeeding, since mother's milk contains all the nutrients necessary for the baby. When the baby suckles at the mother's breast, the dental system develops and grows. Many children begin to erupt their first teeth at 6–8 months of age. But there are cases when babies start teething - this is at 4–5 months and even at 3 months. It also happens that they begin to erupt after 10 months.

Schedule and signs of teething

There are no rules or deadlines for when newborn babies should cut their teeth. But the formula still exists. For example, by seven months a child will have two teeth, etc. The appearance of the first teeth in children depends on the individual characteristics in the body of the child and his parents. AND main role Heredity plays a role, especially maternal heredity. If a mother’s first teeth appeared late, then there is a high probability that her child will have them later than his peers.

Chart: to understand how many months the baby’s first tooth erupts, you need to know simple formula (M - 4). For example, if a child is 12 months old, then he should have 8 teeth: 12 – 4 = 8.

The first sign of teething is excessive salivation. It can occur 1.5–2 months before the tooth appears. It is impossible not to pay attention to this, since saliva flows constantly and the clothes on the baby’s chest constantly become damp. Therefore, the child should hang a bib on his chest during this period.

Not only the timing of teething, but also the symptoms that accompany this process are different and individual for all children. In many children, the appearance of teeth is too painful and difficult, and in some it is completely unnoticeable; parents of such children discover a tooth that has appeared completely by accident.

Before a child’s tooth erupts, a white, convex line forms on the gum, which makes a loud click when touched with a teaspoon.

The first signs manifestations of the first teeth are:

The child’s temperature rises because a large amount of biologically produced substances is released in the tooth growth zone. active substances. The temperature can last no more than two days and no higher than 38.5 degrees C. If the temperature in infants remains above this, then the baby should be shown to a doctor.

How to relieve discomfort and how to help the baby?

During a painful process the appearance of the first teeth, you need:

  • buy special rubber teething toys that have liquid inside, preferably in the shape of a ring, so that it is more convenient for the baby to hold it. Before giving the ring to the baby's hands, it should be cooled a little - to do this, the ring needs to be kept in the refrigerator for a while;
  • massage the child’s gums very carefully - with a clean finger or gauze swab moistened with water;
  • buy a special tooth gel with a cooling effect, and when severe itching Use it to lubricate the baby’s gums in the place where the teeth are coming out. And you can also massage your gums with this gel;
  • give the child something hard to chew on - a carrot, a bagel, a crust of bread. At the same time, you need to keep an eye on the baby and not leave him alone so that he does not choke;
  • thoroughly wash all toys, pacifiers and all objects that he puts in his mouth, they must be perfectly clean.

In time, when teeth begin to cut, the child should be picked up and caressed more often. And if he is on breastfeeding, That breastfeed him more often. Many children, when they are teething, ask for the breast much more often than on normal days. You shouldn’t stick to a feeding schedule at this time and don’t deny your baby.

To distract your child from toothache, you can distract him with some bright toys or games. If the mother herself is calm and cheerful, then this mood will transfer to the baby. And if you feel sorry for him and sympathize with him, this will only increase his pain and anxiety.

In what order do teeth begin to cut?

Babies' first teeth appear in a specific order. The first lower incisors are cut first. They climb between 6 and 9 months - this happens individually for each baby. Next, the first upper incisors are cut - this happens from 7 to 10 months. The next ones are the second lower and upper incisors - from 9 to 12 months.

Children begin to cut their first molars at 1–18 months of age. Then the upper fangs emerge - from 16 to 20 months, and after 2 months the lower fangs also erupt. The last teeth to appear are the molars - from 20 to 33 months and the second upper molars - this happens from 2 to 3 years. By the age of three, a child’s teeth are usually fully formed. But we must remember that these data are approximate and any deviation of the deadline in one direction or another is considered normal.

Contact your doctor. When is the best time to do this?

Despite the fact that all children experience teething differently, there are cases where better see a doctor. Because some children may have certain abnormalities that may alert parents:

  • it happens that the baby is far behind the norm, and teeth appeared only at one year old - in this case, you should definitely visit the dentist;
  • if the child at 7–8 months does not have any hint of teething;
  • teeth grow crooked or out of place;
  • teeth grow in the wrong order;
  • during teething, the temperature lasts more than two days;
  • loose stools do not go away within a few days.

If you have one of these symptoms, you should immediately visit a doctor.

When is teething delayed?

Delayed tooth emergence in children there are many reasons, for example:

  • in violation of mineral metabolism;
  • with rickets;
  • in children who are often sick or too weak;
  • poor nutrition;
  • if the child is allergic to cottage cheese;
  • in premature babies (the degree of teething is directly related to the degree of prematurity);
  • at hereditary disease bone and cartilage tissues;
  • with genetic predisposition;
  • with edentia, this is a congenital malformation when the rudiments of baby teeth are absent (baby teeth do not appear at all).

Caring for baby teeth

In order for baby teeth to be well preserved until real teeth, maintain oral hygiene. This should be done with the appearance (not eruption) of the first tooth. To do this, you can use dental wipes - they have a pleasant fruity taste and are impregnated with xylitol, a sugar substitute.

When the baby’s first four teeth appear, you can buy a special nursery toothbrush with soft bristles. It is recommended to brush teeth up to two years simply with a brush dampened boiled water, do not use toothpastes or solutions.

To prevent caries in your baby, you need to limit your intake of sweets, especially before bed, as carbohydrates promote the growth of bacteria. To three years baby don't drink a lot of sweet tea, you can limit yourself to boiled water with a little lemon juice. The juice contains a huge amount of vitamin C, which a child really needs at this age.

How long does it take for the first teeth to erupt? This is a question that parents try to find an answer to as quickly as possible, because events are expected from the very birth of the baby. Most fears in this case have no real basis. Only half of babies start to worry when their teeth appear. The babies will simply try to bite whatever they can get their hands on when the first one appears. Others don't have to wait long.

When to expect it to appear

An irritable psyche and frequent refusals to eat, loud crying are signs that teething is causing discomfort for the baby. This is quite rare, but it does happen. Sometimes the temperature rises and the stomach becomes upset. Then parents especially begin to worry about how many days it takes for the first teeth to be cut. It is also important to find out in advance how dangerous certain symptoms can be at this time.

How long does it take for the first teeth to appear?

Only doctors can give a complete answer to any question of interest about how long it takes for the first tooth to erupt. After all, some diseases appear at the moment of teething. 6-8 months – usual time when, for example, incisors begin to appear. The second lower incisor comes next. There is a delay, but it is small.

The appearance of the first teeth

This can be quite a difficult time for parents and children. The process takes place individually in each case. It is impossible to say exactly when and in whom it begins. But in most cases, teeth appear in the first six months.

Children have only twenty baby teeth. There are ten on each jaw. How long does it take for a tooth to grow after erupting? This issue deserves a separate discussion. This is the order in which baby teeth appear.

  1. The first are the upper and lower incisors.
  2. A row of incisors on top and sides - a few more months later.
  3. The incisors on the sides and bottom appear last.

Bottom and top, the appearance of molars begins when they reach 18 months of age, this is the next group. After them come the canines or eye molars.

How long does it take for the first teeth to appear?

The second set of molars appears at 2-2.5 years. But this order is conditional; everything happens differently for each child.

1 in 2,000 babies has one front tooth may appear at birth. This situation may affect the feeding process, so consultation with a doctor should be mandatory. Especially for those who are planning to breastfeed.

By what signs can you determine that teeth have begun to cut? How long does it take for the first teeth to erupt?

  1. Salivation increases.
  2. The child often asks to be held, becomes weak and lethargic, whiny and irritable.
  3. Restless sleep.
  4. The gums swell. You can see the outline of teeth emerging.
  5. The child tries to put everything he sees into his mouth.
  6. Due to pain and other unpleasant sensations in the mouth, appetite worsens.

How long does it take for the first teeth to appear?

How long the first teeth are cut largely depends on the characteristics of the child himself. At the first stage, the gums usually swell; it is almost impossible to identify it by other signs. From this moment until the first one appears, 1 month - 8 weeks can pass. But there is no need to speed up this process, it is absolutely natural.

How long does it take for the first teeth to erupt? It can take from 3 days to a week for the tooth itself to appear. At this time, children often put their fingers in their mouths. So they can put pressure on the gum to relieve unpleasant symptoms. Gentle massage of the gums by adults will also help cope with the pain.

Baby's first teeth erupting

You can use special small massagers, which are sold in large quantities in modern stores. You can also do a massage with just clean hands. Gels based on lidocaine and benzocaine will help relieve pain.

But you must carefully study the instructions before using such gels. It is better to put the composition in the refrigerator before using it in practice. When exposed to cold, blood circulation in the inflamed gums is delayed. Then the pain becomes less.

But other actions can be taken if the pain does not go away and the baby constantly refuses to eat.

  1. Massage with special gel. After this, the tooth will appear faster. Gels are selected according to the age of the children. It is necessary to calculate the dosage correctly.
  2. The gums can be cut, but only as a last resort. This procedure is trusted only to experienced doctors with experience in surgical interventions.
  3. The gum area can be massaged in a circular motion.
  4. Special rubber toys are sold just for teething babies.

The main thing is to boil and clean such an item before giving it to the child.

Drying, a carrot or a piece of apple will also help if there are no toys. But each manipulation is carried out only in case of serious discomfort in the baby.

What else is important to remember

Over time, the primary teeth will replace the baby teeth. But dairy products are also important in the formation of skills such as chewing and speech. When the first teeth appear, the use of pastes and brushes for the smallest ones is allowed. The main thing is to choose the right accessories, depending on age.

You need to make sure that your baby doesn’t fall asleep with a bottle. The liquid will act on the teeth for too long, which can cause them to break down later. This is especially true for mixtures containing sugar. Because of it, bacteria appear in the mouth, destroying the enamel. Then caries begins to appear.

It is better not to treat caries later, but to prevent its occurrence from the very beginning. A bottle as a pacifier is not the best solution for babies. He shouldn’t go to sleep with a bottle at all if there is not plain water inside it.

How many days does it take for children to erupt their first teeth?

The key to future dental health is not only the correct answer to the question of how long it takes for the first teeth to appear, but also regular oral hygiene.

The above figures are a general guideline. As already mentioned, this process is individual for everyone. And everyone is looking for their own answer to the question of how long it takes for a child’s first tooth to come in after erupting.

What can affect teething, timing

Climatic conditions and heredity are just some of the phenomena that influence how many days a child’s first teeth erupt. Children in hot climates develop faster. That’s why teeth erupt faster. Gender and diet may also play a role. For girls, for example, this happens earlier.

How many days does it take for the first teeth to be cut?

By the age of three, all teeth are usually fully erupted.

But many parents worry even after the first tooth appears. For example, they keep asking how long does it take to cut the first tooth? How do the second, third, and fifth appear? When and in what order? The two lower incisors appear from the very beginning. After this, teeth appear at the top.

By the first year, the child should have four teeth on the bottom and four on top. The upper and lower molars begin to appear after about another six months. By one and a half to two years, the lower and upper canines become noticeable. Sometimes even at this moment unpleasant sensations may appear.

By the age of three, baby teeth are fully and completely formed. The baby should have only twenty teeth, white and strong, in his mouth. But this schedule is only approximate. There are often deviations from it, reaching up to six months.

If the delay exceeds six months, you should consult a doctor about how many days and how long it takes for the first teeth to appear. Perhaps the reason is a general developmental delay and the appearance of rickets. This is another situation that deserves a separate discussion. But even if you have this problem, you should not panic; modern medicine can cope with any disease.

How long does it take for the first teeth to erupt?

Temperatures that do not rise above 38 degrees should not cause any particular concern during this period. If it rises, it means you need to invite doctors. Without the help of a doctor, it is generally difficult to determine the reason why the temperature may rise. On average, during teething it lasts 1-3 days, then it begins to subside. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor. But in general, the appearance of the first teeth can neither be accelerated nor slowed down.

At what months do babies get their first teeth? Scheme of eruption and main symptoms

The question of how many months will your beloved baby cut his first tooth worries all family members. Moms and dads are excitedly waiting for this moment; they can’t wait to present their little one with his personal silver spoon - a “first tooth” gift.
Some babies begin to “delight” their parents as early as 3-4 months, while others remain without teeth for up to a year, thereby causing great concern among loved ones.
At what age should babies get their first teeth? What factors influence the speed of their eruption, and what are the reasons for deviations from the norm?

Teething pattern

Today, experts call the age of 6 months the norm for the appearance of the first teeth in children. It is believed that by the age of one year a baby should have at least 8 teeth, and by two years he should acquire 20 teeth.
However, no matter what age a baby’s teeth begin to appear, they must all erupt in a certain sequence.

The sequence of appearance of teeth in children according to Canadian scientists

Teething order:

  1. First, the lower and upper incisors “peck” (6-10 months).
  2. Then the second lateral upper and lower incisors appear (9-12 months).
  3. The first large molars (upper, lower row) appear at the age of 1-1.5 years.
  4. At approximately 16-20 months, the upper and then the lower canines begin to emerge.
  5. The eruption scheme is completed by the second lower (at 20-33 months) and upper (at 24-26 months) molars.

According to dentists, a full row of 20 baby teeth should be preserved until 5-6 years of age, i.e. until permanent molars are ready to appear in their place.
Due to the fact that each child’s body is individual, there are often cases when the sequence and time frame for the appearance of the first teeth deviate from the norm. Most often this is due to genetic characteristics.
Non-standard situations include the following cases:

  1. A child is born with one or more natal teeth (a phenomenon that occurs more often in girls than in boys).
  2. The baby’s teeth “did not emerge” until he was 12 months old.
  3. The opposite situation: early teething, when a baby at 1.5 years old has a full row of teeth (In this case, parents need to stock up on endurance and patience to organize proper care behind the baby's mouth).

The birth of a child with natal teeth, as well as teething before 4 months of age, experts explain as follows:

  • high intake of calcium and vitamin D into the body of a pregnant woman;
  • consumption of some medicines in the 1st trimester;
  • state of the environment;
  • pregnancy pathologies and genetic predisposition;
  • diseases of the endocrine system in the mother.

The main factors that may delay the appearance of teeth are:

  • heredity;
  • birth of a child prematurely;
  • poor nutrition of the baby;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements in the diet;
  • weak immune system;
  • underactive thyroid gland;
  • jaundice;
  • allergies to foods containing protein and calcium.

Symptoms accompanying teething

The symptoms that occur when the first teeth appear can be the same or different; may be absent altogether or bother the baby all at once.

  1. An inflammatory process in the gum, in the place where the tooth “climbs”.
    (The gums change color - become red or burgundy, swell and cause pain when touched.)
  2. Restless state of the baby. (Sleep disturbance. Frequent crying. Unstable mood.)
  3. The child's desire to scratch his gums. (The baby pulls surrounding objects into his mouth and does not let go of the pacifier.)
  4. Lack of appetite. (During this period, parents need to organize small and nutritious meals for their child, and offer warm drinks more often.)
  5. Increased body temperature. (This phenomenon occurs due to the production of a large amount of biologically active substances at the site where the tooth appears. In case of hyperthermia, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician so that he can exclude the presence of infectious diseases, not related to the appearance of teeth.)
  6. Nausea and vomiting. (May be a consequence high temperature or increased salivation.)
  7. Stool disorder (This symptom is explained by increased salivation: the baby swallows a large amount of saliva, thereby accelerating intestinal motility. The norm is considered to be loose stool without blood 2-3 times a day for 1-2 days. In order to be sure that the baby has not “caught” rotavirus, it is advisable for parents to show the child to a specialist.)
  8. Runny nose. (During the appearance of teeth, the glands of the nasal cavity actively produce clear and liquid mucus. As a rule, “dental runny nose” is not long-lasting (2-3 days) and not profuse. There is no need to treat it. However, parents need to constantly remove the mucus with an aspirator and rinse the nose baby.)
  9. Wet cough. (This symptom is also explained by increased salivation, the accumulation of a large volume of saliva in the baby’s throat)

In order for parents to be absolutely sure that all of the above symptoms are a reaction to the appearance of teeth, it is best to consult a doctor who can correctly determine the diagnosis and give useful recommendations.

Help a child

To make the teething process less distressing and painful for children, parents can use a number of techniques:

All of the above methods are aimed at alleviating the baby’s condition. But most the best medicine for the baby there will be tender care and attentive attitude of the parents, their affectionate hugs and kind words. The child should feel that in difficult moments, dad and mom will always be there and will always be able to help.

School of Doctor Komarovsky

In the video, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you what parents should do when their children begin to cut their first teeth.

First teeth are a very exciting topic for all parents and immediate family. The first baby teeth indicate that the child has begun the process of joining the world of adults.

It is impossible to influence the speed of the teething process. You can’t let a toddler swallow a drop or a tablet and see his first teeth the next day. Therefore, often the most difficult thing at this stage of a baby’s life is that moms and dads don’t believe the doctor when he says that he can’t do anything about these teeth.

As soon as the moment comes when the child turns 6 months old, parents are ready to associate any change in behavior with teeth. From time to time they try to get into the baby's mouth in anticipation of seeing a small white piece of the first tooth there.

How can you tell if your baby is teething?

Your baby is about to get his first set of baby teeth if he has obvious symptoms such as:

  • excessive salivation;
  • red, swollen gums;
  • loss of appetite due to gum sensitivity;
  • biting the breast during feeding;
  • possible diarrhea;
  • short sleep and crying;
  • coughing attacks due to a large amount of saliva;
  • runny nose;
  • increase in temperature (but not higher than 38 degrees C);
  • the child’s desire to put everything in his mouth in order to scratch his gums.

How does eruption occur?

The process of teething itself occurs as follows. The sharp edge of the tooth makes its way through the gum tissue, thereby injuring it.

The gums become inflamed, swell and turn red. This is visible to the naked eye and can be easily felt with a finger. (Just be sure to wash them thoroughly before putting your hands in the baby’s mouth.)

The photo above clearly demonstrates what the rudiments of baby teeth look like in a baby.

After some time, a small white tubercle forms, from which the long-awaited first tooth will appear. True, not as quickly as parents might expect.

Before erupting, the tooth makes its way through the surrounding bone tissue and mucous membrane. Before the tooth finally appears, the gum tissue separates. At this moment, the gums are very sensitive and painful. Sometimes blood appears when chewing.

To understand how a child feels, it is enough for parents to remember how they themselves cut their molars.

During the eruption of molars and fangs, a bruise may form at the site of the future tooth. In this case, you need to seek help from a doctor.

Increased temperature during teething: normal or not?

Primary teeth may cause slight deviation from general condition. But if a child has a temperature of more than 38 degrees in the armpit, he refuses to eat and drink, and generally for no reason, then it is not teeth. There are cases when a viral infection may occur during teething.

The fact is that children who are breastfed receive antibodies from their mother that protect them from various types of infections. But after six months, these antibodies no longer reach the baby and children's body independently begins to actively produce them.

And just this moment begins, as a rule, during the period of teething. Therefore, it is almost impossible to distinguish one from the other at this moment.

The order of eruption and loss of the first teeth

The first rudiments of teeth in babies are formed in the womb. There are cases when a child may be born with a pair of baby teeth already present, but this is not very common.

Typically, in children, the process of teething begins after six months of life.

There are a couple of rules that apply when teething:

  1. Pair of appearance. Usually “partners” appear together, a couple of days apart.
  2. The bottom dominates. According to statistics, the bottom pair appears first, and then the top pair. And so on in turn.

Teething scheme

Despite the individuality of the process, the following sequence of teething will serve as a guide for mom and dad:

  1. Lower central incisors;
  2. Upper central incisors;
  3. Lower lateral incisors;
  4. Upper lateral incisors;
  5. Lower first molars;
  6. Upper first molars;
  7. Lower canines;
  8. Upper canines;
  9. Lower second molars;
  10. Upper second molars.

The first teeth begin to fall out in the same order in which they grew.

Medical science cannot influence the order in which teeth appear. The data presented in the following picture is only an average statistic.

As a rule, the pattern of tooth growth and loss is exactly this. But a different sequence or different timing is not a deviation and a reason to run to the doctors in panic.

How to calculate how many cloves there should already be?

H = K - 6, where

  • N - number of teeth;
  • K is the baby’s age in months.

However, again, this is all approximate. If your little one is 18 months old and only has 8 teeth, this is not a reason to run to the doctor.

It is important that parents learn three rules for themselves:

  1. A deviation from the above deadlines of 6 months is allowed on one side or the other.
  2. A different sequence of teeth appearance in children is allowed;
  3. Medicine cannot speed up or slow down the teething process.

Mom must understand that teething occurs individually for each child. Don't let yourself be misled.

Reasons for the delay in the appearance of the first teeth in babies

It happens that the baby is growing, but teeth are still in no hurry to appear. My first birthday is just around the corner, and I have nothing to chew on cake. When should parents worry about dental issues?

The list of reasons causing delayed teething includes:

  1. Heredity (if mom or dad had problems with teeth, then the child will also have them, with rare exceptions);
  2. Bad habits during pregnancy;
  3. Poor nutrition of the mother during pregnancy;
  4. Birth trauma;
  5. Rickets;
  6. Malocclusion;
  7. Short frenulum of the tongue;
  8. Incorrectly selected pacifier.

If at least one of these signs is present, the help of a doctor is necessary.

When is it time to start brushing your teeth?

Experts say that as soon as a child’s first pair of baby teeth appears, they should begin to be cared for and brushed twice a day.

There are special silicone brushes and finger attachments for this purpose. Or brushes with soft bristles and rubber edges for safe care, on the packaging of which there is an important inscription - “0+”.

The need to cleanse the oral cavity is determined by the following factors:

  • presence of tiny pieces of food in the mouth;
  • drying out of the oral mucosa;
  • Is the diet being followed or is the baby chewing something all 24 hours;
  • does he eat enough before going to bed, so that the remnants of dinner are hidden behind his cheeks?

Rules for cleaning the mouth in young children

The process of brushing teeth should not cause discomfort to the child or cause negative emotions. Everything should happen during the game and the baby likes it.

Toothpaste should be introduced no earlier than 2 years of age. It should be for children and contain a minimum of fluoride. At the same time, immediately teach your baby to spit, even if you have a paste that can be swallowed. It's possible, but not necessary.

In addition to brushing and toothpaste, parents must follow the following rules:

  1. Prepare proper and balanced baby food.
  2. Give your child only plain drinking water at night.
  3. After each meal, try to rinse your baby’s mouth with water to avoid accumulation of food particles.
  4. Objects that the toddler puts in his mouth must be sterile. Avoid the bad habit of licking a pacifier. The child has no use for your bacteria.
  5. Give a minimum of sweets.

An important task facing all parents is to instill in their child from infancy such an important habit as taking care of the oral cavity. The main thing is not to be lazy, and everything will be fine for you and your children!

Should I use painkillers during teething?

If a mother is sure that her child’s restless behavior is due to teething, you can try pharmaceutical gels or drops to facilitate this process.

But before you rub anything into the baby’s gums, you need to make sure with the help of a doctor that it is the teeth that are bothering the child, and not something else. Among first aid remedies, the most effective and long-lasting are candles. But again, they can only be used after consultation with a specialist.

If your baby has allergies, you should not experiment with products. In this case, you can only use teethers. But in the case when there is no other choice but to use an anesthetic, choose candles, since they do not contain any additives that can cause allergies (dyes, flavors).

How else can you help your baby when teething?

When milk teeth have not yet erupted, but are just emerging, the child may be very bothered by itching in the gum area. Modern manufacturers offer a huge number of different teethers - special items that can be used to massage your gums.

Spare no expense and buy a teething toy in the store that your child can scratch his gums on. In this case, the teething stage will proceed much easier. Only the toy should always be clean. You can put it in the refrigerator for a while, the effect will be double.

Quite often, instead of teethers, parents give babies of the first year of life to scratch their gums with cookies, crackers, an apple or a carrot, which is extremely dangerous. They can easily choke on a small piece.

If the baby still ends up with a carrot in his hands, chokes and turns blue, what should the mother do in this case? Place your stomach on one palm and tilt it forward.

Using the heel of the palm of your other hand, strike between the shoulder blades five times in a sliding motion. Then turn over onto your back, head still down, and press with two fingers on the sternum five times. Just do not overdo it with the force of impact and pressure.

When should you start visiting a pediatric dentist?

At the age of 1 year, the child should be taken to the dentist. The task of this doctor is not only to examine the baby teeth, but also the entire area of ​​the oral cavity, including:

  • gums;
  • bridle;
  • jaw joints.

Further observation by the dentist depends on the condition of the baby’s teeth. If they are healthy and no problems arise, then for prevention it is enough to visit the doctor’s office once a year. If there are problems and concerns, then at least once every six months.