Invitation to network business via the Internet examples. How to Invite People to Network Marketing (MLM)

Any networker understands that mlm is built on people, but here's how to invite people to network business right, no idea. The vast majority of consultants have the same problem, how to get a person to sign up for their team.

Some pseudo-teachers argue that one must not give up, constantly work, be motivated, etc. Feeding one motivation without giving really needed advice.

It is much worse when a person gets into a company that will never take a leading position in your country. Here you need to learn. Otherwise, you will then have to run around companies and look for a better place.

We, as experienced mentors, noticed a certain trend. Even after giving detailed training on building a structure, people still manage to get null result. We thought for a long time why someone succeeds, and some, even with daily monitoring and help from a mentor, cannot get a positive result.

After analyzing this problem, we came to a banal and simple conclusion that failures haunt only those consultants who do not understand the essence of the network business, therefore they cannot effectively invite new partners.

The image of a successful networker

Network business- this is, first of all, communication, and the result will depend on how competently you manage to communicate with a potential partner.

And the most interesting thing is that today, you can communicate with partners, not only at a distance of thousands of kilometers, but also doing something else or even during sleep. But more on that later.

If you have to communicate with a potential partner personally, then this communication should be competent, answering all questions and even solving some problems. Therefore, in order to invite people to your business, you need to understand all the nuances and conditions of the marketing plan, the conditions for calculating payments, know the products, etc. You should not have any questions at all, even in the slightest nuances. In other words, you need 100% competence in your field.

You need to be able to calculate your payments to the penny. You need to know where and how fast you are moving. Competent partners attract people, while ignoramuses, on the contrary, repel them.

There is a tale circulating on the Internet that 99% of networkers do not earn at all (as they thought, it is not clear), but illiterate networkers in all companies are really the vast majority who only plan to earn.

It is worth asking such “ignoramuses” a simple question: “And if my structure has such and such a turnover, then how much will I get?” The answer usually just kills: "Get about so much or from and to." What does roughly mean? In all network companies payments are calculated strictly according to a certain formula, where there are always deductions in the form of taxes, the variation in the construction of the structure also plays a role. Most importantly, the person must show you how he calculated this income. From our experience most of networkers have no idea how to calculate payments for their marketing, so they operate with approximate figures that are given to them by higher mentors.

Only after you have received and digested all necessary information, you can proceed to the search and recruitment of newcomers.

In this article, we will not consider recruiting outside the Internet with all the ensuing actions, such as compiling a list of acquaintances, holding personal meetings, invitations to presentations, etc. The fact is that pestering friends and relatives does not give any significant results, and often you can get negative ones.

Acquaintances tend to end, in fact, like acquaintances of acquaintances, and friends can generally run away from annoying invitations.

Therefore, we will invite people to the network business from the Internet. And here we have only 3 methods:

  1. spam;
  2. Personal brand;
  3. Paid advertising.

Here you need to understand that there are no other methods. If someone tells you that he has a secret, working, better or some other way, then this is just one of the options for some method above.

But, all these methods have various options recruiting. Let's take it all in order.

How to Invite People to Your Business Using Spam

Spam is good because it practically does not require financial investments from a spammer, and gives a novice networker to understand his weaknesses and strengths in dealing with people. You can spam on forums in social networks, websites, etc., but the vast majority of the target audience of network companies is concentrated in the social. networks.

If you think that spam is bad, unethical, intrusive, etc., then answer the question: “Are you offering people something harmful, unprofitable, illegal?” If the answer is yes, then you have clearly chosen the wrong company. If the answer is no, then you worry in vain, you just have to start and join the process.

Partners of each network company specific training materials have been created for spam: correspondence templates, objection handling templates, etc. All this gives the beginner to understand how to communicate with people, their fears and doubts. Further, experienced mentors, if a beginner more or less manages to work in this way, should together with him identify a suitable one for him. target audience. Only after that spam begins to produce significant results.

Working in network marketing and not understanding your target audience is a huge mistake. You will not have enough time and energy to reach all people and understand their desires, opportunities and needs. And not everyone will be interested in what you offer, for example, not everyone goes to McDonald's, and even discounts and promotions will not make them go there, no matter how beautifully you present all the benefits.

This method is good because by communicating with a large number of people, you start understand people's needs you will find out what questions they have, what doubts they are tormented by. And finally, by answering their questions, you yourself begin to better understand all the intricacies of your work. Therefore, all beginners are advised to first work in this way.

We develop a personal brand

Personal brand- this is positioning yourself as an expert in a certain area or several directions for a certain audience.

Not everyone, even seasoned partners network companies understand what a personal brand is. You need to understand that some value must come from you. People should look for you, not you people.

Sometimes it's funny to watch people who are illiterately trying to create a personal brand for themselves. They and the page in the social. networks "correctly" set up and "smart" posts taken in some well-known public, put on the page on their own behalf and ... and that's it)). And what to do next, where to get traffic (people), they have no idea and again go to spam, but from a very “beautiful” page.

Sometimes in social networks you receive an application as a friend, and after you accept it, there is a template with an invitation. The most interesting thing is that in the invitation, that on the page of this person it is written: “I will teach you how to work in a network without spam.” A person is not even able to understand that what he is doing is spam. Such unfortunate mentors, in all seriousness, think that by adding them as friends, their proposal ceases to be spam.

Also, many already successful leaders of network companies create their own blogs and the same is taught to downstream partners. It looks like this. A multi-page or single-page site is created, and most often free, filled with information and then they sit waiting for people to come to the site. But people don't go!

We can conclude from this that expertise alone is not enough, setting up a landing page is not enough, and knowing and understanding your target audience is not enough. You need to be able to bring people to your sites (pages, websites, blogs, channels, etc.). But this is not so bad, it is also necessary to teach all this to your downstream partners.

Dwell on promotion methods own brand we will not be on the Internet, since this is a very extensive topic that requires the study of search engine algorithms and popular sites. Everyone has their own experience and no one shares such secrets just like that. All this is taught individually.

Therefore, it is better to find a mentor or a project in advance, where partners understand where and how to look for people for their business. After all, it is traffic to your site, is the most important engine of any business. Most mentors simply do not have such knowledge, this conclusion was made based on competition in Yandex and YouTube. There are at least several millions of Russian-speaking networkers, and several dozens of literate ones.

The main advantage of creating a personal brand is that when you sleep, relax, do other things, at this time your brand works for you. That is, people come to your website, blog, YouTube channel, read and watch information, thereby there is a process communication between you and a potential partner. Therefore, your knowledge is very important here, on which the literacy of the content and the interest in the information of potential colleagues will depend.

Paid advertising

This method of promotion is recommended for people who have already achieved some results by working with the two previous methods. Because you understand that paid advertising requires financial investments and initial stage Not everyone can afford to invest.

In addition, in order to correctly place an advertisement, 100% knowledge of your company, marketing, all promotions, target audience, etc. is required. It is also necessary to scrupulously prepare the site to which the traffic is directed, so that the potential partner immediately understands what needs to be done. After all, if a person comes from advertising, he will demand from you those very attractive conditions that were promised.

Having extensive experience in setting up advertising, we are by no means we do not recommend for beginners to spend money on it, because it would be extremely inefficient. How to make paid advertising and where to publish it should help you with a competent mentor.

— Yandex.Direct;

— Google AdWords

— Thematic sites;

The undeniable advantage of this method, of course, with its proper use, is its effectiveness and increase in the growth rate in the company. But a significant disadvantage is that a certain amount is required Money, it can be a thousand rubles, and maybe tens of thousands.


Since in the network your income is postponed in time, many mentors, and sometimes entire projects, give only one version of work and without variations. Or vice versa, they give so much information that it is unrealistic to digest, and new consultants are dizzy, and they don’t know where to start and what to grasp at all.

It is clear that no outside motivation is needed for those who succeed. They are motivated by their own results. But those who really need help should be helped, and not told 100 times about how much everyone around is earning.

Usually, they are motivated by the fact that the newcomer allegedly works little and needs to work 2 or even 3 times more. But what about the promise that you will need to work 2-4 hours a day?

Actually there is two key mistakes, which prevent getting the result:

- insufficient amount of dedicated time, i.e. less than 2-3 hours, it depends on how fast you work, because all people have different productivity;

- incompetent communication with potential partners.

Having experience in networking, we note that people who really came to work devote a sufficient amount of time to recruiting, but at the initial stage they can simply “merge” potential partners and clients.

This problem can only be solved with individual consultations with a senior mentor. Many stand still because they are afraid to ask what actions they are doing wrong.

So, we can conclude that a person must motivate himself. Because you won’t be fed up with motivation from outside for a long time. You need to understand that career, money, cars, apartments, etc. need you, you came into business for this! So to get all this you need to act. In our country, half of the country wants to open their own business, not to work for their uncle, but at the same time they sit in offices and only dream about it and think about it later. BUT successful people, and differ in that they are used to acting, and not dreaming.

Perhaps, after reading this section, someone recognized himself in it, understood some of his mistakes. You may not agree with something, we are always open to dialogue and hope that this information was useful to you and brought you closer to achieving success.

Once a week, we always have a meeting of the structure. Today we worked fruitfully, we talked about various ways phone invitations, and I'm going to share something with you now.

NETWORK MARKETING is a business of smart, friendly and optimistic people (let me classify myself as such), so we make a gift to those we invite to our team, and we will never be intrusive if we are proud of our business.

Invitation must be learned! Skill comes with experience and is practiced. It is most difficult for beginners. Some of them are simply shackled by fear at the mere thought of it.

But fortunately, there are proven methods, phrase patterns, that will always help to get started. I specifically emphasized these words, because we are not parrots to repeat the same thing all the time.

To begin with, you can use the developed templates of mentors, and then you will see that you yourself are able to find the right words for each person.

They write a lot about the rules of telephone conversations, and now I will share with you a little secret. Rather, this secret was shared with us by one of the higher leaders, who claims that this method is very effective in practice.

So, here is his approximate outline of the conversation:

- Hi Andrew! This is Elena. Do you have two minutes to talk? Wonderful! There is interesting topic need to meet. When is it convenient for you? Tomorrow, today, morning, evening, where?

Be sure to come. I make a special time for you and I will wait for you. If you can't, let me know in advance so I can plan my day differently.

Well, that's all for now, see you soon!

It is necessary to speak energetically and without pauses, giving the interlocutor time only for short answers.

During the conversation, questions or objections may arise. For example:

Question: What is the topic?

Answer: “I don’t want to talk about it on the phone, I’ll tell you everything when we meet. Whenever it's convenient for you?"

Objection: "I have no time!"

Answer: "That's why I'm calling you to find out when it's convenient for you!"

Objection: "I'm busy!"

Answer: “Yes, I know that you are busy, but I can’t today either. When is it convenient for you?

Objection: "I'm very busy!"

Answer: “I know that you are a very busy person, that's why I'm calling to arrange. So when is convenient for you?

Q: Is this network marketing?

Answer: “Are you so fed up with this? But you know, if I want to talk to you about something important, then it really deserves attention. When will we meet?"

When meeting some people who have negative attitude to MLM, they can immediately say “no”. In this case, a compromise can be proposed:

Let's make a deal with you? I'm just telling you about my offer for 10 minutes now. And then I will continue only if it interests you. Good?

You need to prepare for the meeting in such a way that these 10 minutes capture the person’s attention. To do this, it is desirable to first know his problems and show ways to solve them. After all, a person came to the meeting in the first place with the hope that he would receive something valuable for himself, which would give him the opportunity to at least slightly change his life for the better.

This is one of the phone invitation approaches we talked about today in our meeting. But there are a lot of them.

I especially want to emphasize that by phone, we only make an appointment, and then we talk about our proposal, when we find out exactly what this moment may be of interest to our interlocutor, what exactly will help solve his problems.

Network marketing It is also good that here you can give free rein to creativity and imagination. Each step can be colored by our individuality, which means that we have the opportunity to express ourselves, which is important for a person. Perhaps that is why MLM is perceived by us not as a job, but as a pleasure.

How to invite to network business correctly, and most importantly, effectively? This is the right question from a newbie who wants to invest their time wisely to make a profitable online business as quickly as possible.

Psychological aspect

Most loser networkers play a game called "informing the market." They think it's right, how can more people to convey information about their company or product

Usually everything ends sadly, because along with them, hundreds of thousands of the same networkers do exactly the same ...

And the problem is, for the people on the other end of the line, their offer is pure water spam and it doesn't pass the candidate's perception filter

You need to understand important psychological points. Understand what people really are

We are all inherently selfish and consider everything from the point of view of our own benefit. Therefore, people will willingly pay attention to what you present in terms of their benefit, give them what they want.

When you communicate with a person personally, you need to first understand what motivates this person in life. What does he want?

You will be surprised, but according to statistics, 80% of people do not want anything. This is the standard unevenness of our society. Most people want a stable, paid job and don't want to change anything in their lives.

I will tell you right away that it is much easier to find the other 20% of people who internally want change and are ready to do something for this than to try to do something with these 80%

Even if you persuade a person to join your business, it will be a one-time deal, since a partner who is not motivated from the inside, faced with the first difficulty, will simply give up and will not do anything.

Therefore, before inviting to the network business, you need to find an interested candidate. A person who is already looking for what you offer

The Internet, of course, can help us a lot in this matter.

If earlier we made cold contacts on the street, and there was nothing left for us to do but just go through people to find these 20%, then modern Internet tools allow us to easily reach our target audience and work precisely, spending hundreds of times less effort

If you are interested in what these tools are, you can read the article on my blog "" where I described everything in detail possible options attracting and recruiting people through the Internet

How to invite to a network business via the Internet

Although the Internet allows us to invite you to the network business almost on full autopilot, I would not recommend you to do this initially

You may have heard about autonomous recruiting funnels, which I am the #1 expert in the Russian-speaking space, but this will all work great for you when you achieve certain level expertise and popularity on the Internet


Statistics show that a person who does not know you well is unlikely to agree with you to go to a personal consultation. Therefore, the number 1 task in Internet marketing is to establish a strong contact with the candidate.

And this process can be very easily and should be automated. Modern Internet services allow you to collect contacts of candidates and send them the necessary information on full autopilot. They can also send instant messages to your entire list of contacts with a "single" keystroke.

Establishing contact is an important, intermediate stage that will allow you to build trust with your candidate and transfer him to a personal “meeting”

Initially, candidates are “cold” people who do not trust you and are reluctant to agree to your help.

Therefore, task number 2 in Internet marketing is to create trust with these people. The regular valuable content that you give to your candidates does an excellent job with this task.

By the way, you can read how to build this system in its entirety in my new book “How to get 10 partners per month and even more in the first line” where I literally laid out everything in great detail

And task number 3 in this intermediate link is to involve your candidates in your business. Again, you can use all the methods that I described in the article "", but as I said before, personal involvement will work best for you

Invitation to network business through personal involvement

1 benefit with personal involvement is maximum efficiency

The Internet allows you to create incredible audience reach! I affirm that it is possible to make it so that 300 people will get acquainted with your business proposal every day, and of course then it will all work automatically

But it will be very difficult for a beginner to initially create a good flow of candidates, so it makes sense to use each contact as efficiently as possible. And this is only possible through personal communication.

Benefit 2 is niche and target audience

Trainings on working out your niche, choosing the target audience is, of course, great. But until the end, you can decide on all this only in practice!

Remember! People need to sell what they want to buy to those who already want to buy

The mistake of most networkers is that they want to work with one audience, but in the end a completely different one buys from them

It is personal contact with the candidate that will allow you to quickly find your target audience and a niche in which you can create a big empire

3 benefit is experience

Many networkers have a fundamentally wrong belief. They were told that it was enough just to give information. But this model worked well in the 90s, when people clung to every opportunity, since there were very few of them.

Today, if you simply give information, it will work against you!

My deep conviction is that you need to be able to sell a network business dearly! keywords sell expensive

And the sale is not spam and vparivanie with the words buy, buy, buy

This is effective marketing that hits right on target! It's a self-contained recruiting funnel that works like an expensive Swiss watch.

When you know what to say to hook a candidate. When you know what to say, show to build relationships and engage the candidate. And of course, when you know exactly what you need to say and do in order for a person to become your partner

And this is how you understand the experience that can be acquired most quickly through personal communication!

Unfortunately, in this short article, I could only slightly open the curtain for you.

But if you understand that this is the future. If you want to understand this in more detail, build a successful online business and easily get partners through the Internet?

Download my new book at the top right or immediately below this article and come to my free master classes, where you can get the latest and most valuable information on building a successful MLM business via the Internet and inviting people to network business


Good luck and success in your business

See you

How to invite to network business correctly and effectively

He has written several books on the subject. This article is an attempt to summarize the main essence of his strategy for inviting new participants to his business.

These tips and rules are intended for personal communication or by telephone. No need to use them in sms, emails, chats and so on. For verbal communication only.

Eric's formula works with both warm and cold applicants. Examples will be given for both groups.

There are 8 basic steps to a professional, proper network marketing invitation. Below we will look at each of them in detail, of course, with practical examples that will help you quickly understand and master them.

Step 1. Be in a hurry!

This is purely a psychological maneuver. People tend to trust more those who are always in business.

One is mine good friend, Ryan (Ryan Y), a very busy guy or he constantly pretends to be very busy. Every time I talk to him, he says he has a few minutes for me. After a while, he says that he needs to make some important calls and he is forced to say goodbye to me.

If, when you start a conversation, you give the impression of a person who is in a hurry on business, then you will be able to invite a potential applicant to your business in just a few phrases, with less resistance, and he will respect your time.

It always works. If a person is in a hurry, then we listen to him more carefully, try to quickly and briefly state our position and have more respect for him. Let's look at a few examples.

How to approach a warm potential partner: “I don’t have much time to talk, but I want to clarify one thing with you important point» . Or like this: "I'm on my way, but there's something I need to discuss with you quickly."

For the cold challenger: "Now not best time For this, I already have to go, but ... ", "It's time for me to run, but..."

Set the atmosphere in a hurry!

The exact words in these examples are not that important. The main thing is to focus on creating the impression that you are in a hurry.

Just make it clear to the person that you are in a hurry on business, but you want to quickly talk with him on an important topic. Do it with passion!

Step 2. Compliment!

This is a critical moment. A sincere compliment will open the doors of communication and make the other person more accommodating and willing to listen to you. Do not flatter or lie, make a sincere compliment!

"You work quite hard and I have a lot of respect for your success in business." Or like this: "Every time I am convinced that you are the best in your business."

For the cold challenger: "Are you so quick to figure out what you're doing?"

These simple steps can double the performance of your invites, says Eric Worre.

When you start your conversation with a compliment and in some haste, it is already very difficult for a person to react negatively to the invitation. People don't actually get complimented very often, so this almost always works.

If you followed the work of experienced network marketing professionals, you would notice that they constantly improve people's mood with sincere, real compliments.

It always makes a person more open and friendly.

Step 3. Make an invitation!

At the moment, there are three main approaches among network business professionals.

Direct Approach

The direct approach is used when you invite a person to learn more about opportunities that can help him earn.

Examples for warm applicants: "I think I've found a way to significantly increase our income." Or like this: “May I ask you if you could start a business without giving up your current job, but the income from which would bring you more money would you be interested?"(one of the most effective options)

For cold applicants: “Would you be interested in doing an additional business if it didn’t distract you from your main job?” Or like this: “Are you considering any additional income options?”

Most take this direct approach. But there are other ways, but it depends on more from the situation. If you always take the direct approach, then maybe it's time to expand your horizons a bit?

Indirect approach

The indirect approach is another very powerful tool, which helps overcome some resistance and convince the person to listen to what you have to offer. This method involves asking for help to figure something out. This approach allows you to play on the ego of a person.

Example for a warm challenger: “I found a business that seemed very interesting to me, but I haven’t figured it all out yet. You have a lot of trading experience. Can you look at some of the materials and suggest whether it is worth doing this?

Another option: “They say that one head is good, but two is better. I recently started a business. Are you looking at him? Your opinion is interesting.

For cold applicants: “My company is growing in your area. Would you do me a favor and watch some stuff? It's interesting to know what you think about it."

Or like this: “I started a business with a product that, in my opinion, has good prospects, but I want to get an outside opinion. Will you take a look?"

Super indirect approach

The 3rd approach is very effective because it uses several psychological aspects. In this method, you make it clear to the person that he is not an applicant and ask him about his acquaintances who could join your business.

An example use case for a warm challenger: “Don’t you have any acquaintances who want to do additional business from home?”

Or like this: "The business I'm in doesn't seem to suit you, but do you know someone who would like to make a nice extra income working from home?"

In most cases, a person will ask you to tell him about this business before he starts talking about his acquaintances. It's all about curiosity and some intrigue.

If your interlocutor began to ask additional questions and be interested in your business, then you can proceed to the 4th step.

Step 4. If me, then you?

This is one of secret weapons professional network marketer. “Will you watch the presentation if I email it to you?” “Will you visit the site if I give you a link?” These are very powerful questions, for several reasons.

First, it is the principle of reciprocity. You are offered something in return for something else that you can do. People tend to react positively to such situations.

Second, you are in a position of power. You are in control. You do not beg, do not ask, but offer a favor for a favor.

Third, you are supposed to be offering something of value. You say that you will do something, but only if the other person agrees to do something in return.

People have more respect for your offer when they see that it is valuable to you.

Scheme "If I, then you" works like magic. Remember that your main task is to this stage is the provision of information. Only then can you move on to the fifth step.

If a person asks more information, then you should act: “I understand that you can’t explain everything in a nutshell. You can find answers to all questions on the disk, website, and so on.” "The easiest way for you to understand what I'm talking about is if you watch this presentation, website, CD, and so on."

If a person refuses, then you simply thank him for his time and deal with other applicants. It is also useful to think later if it was possible to do something differently, perhaps you made a mistake somewhere.

So, in four steps, you have managed to convince a person to view your marketing materials in one form or another.

Does this mean that success has been achieved? Not! Eric Worre constantly reminds that only five percent of people will do what they promised if you used only 4 steps. Such a percentage cannot suit us. To increase the effectiveness of your invitations to 80%, you need to go through another 4 steps.

Step 5. Confirmation and setting the time frame

Immediately after the completion of the 4th step, you should ask the question: “When do you think you will be able to watch these materials?” or “When can you go to the site to watch the presentation?”

When you asked the person the questions from step 4, it was a task for your interlocutor that he will complete someday. Now, after the 5th step, everything becomes more real. The main thing is that he tells you when he looks at your materials.

In 90% of cases, a person will tell you quite accurately when they are ready to watch your presentation. In the remaining 10%, the answer will be vague. Try this in this case: “I don’t want to waste your, and even mine, time for nothing. Maybe just think about the deadline by which you can definitely watch the presentation?

Don't be afraid to push a little. The fact is that your interlocutor has already agreed to see your materials at the 4th step. Now he feels some duty.

Now you can go directly to the transfer of presentations, links and other materials? NO! It is too early!

Step 6. Confirmation 2. Check the time

If a person tells you that they will watch your presentation on Thursday evening, then you should ask: “If I call you on Friday morning, will you have seen everything by then?”

After such a question, the applicant usually either slightly corrects the previously indicated time, or immediately answers in the affirmative. Note that by this point, the person has already confirmed their intention to view your content three times. It is also important that it was not you who chose the time, but the interlocutor himself appointed it.

You asked questions, and the person confirmed his intentions and offered time on his own.

Step 7. Confirmation 3. Arrange a call

This step is very simple. You just need to ask: “What is the best number to call you and what time?” Your interlocutor will tell you a convenient time for him and a way to contact him. And now you have an ironclad arrangement.

Step 8. End the conversation!

Remember step number 1? You hurry! Just say: “Great, then agreed! It's time for me to run. Let's call! Goodbye!"

A lot of people make the mistake of agreeing on everything and keep talking and talking, which often backfires. Nothing more needs to be said. Your task is only to convince a person to familiarize themselves with your materials or presentations.

How to invite to network marketing to be effective?

Invitations. Release 3

Invitations. Release 4

About invitation options t I also recommend

Meeting time appointment

The purpose of this step is to get an agreement for the meeting.
If possible, make an appointment by phone. This saves time.

Coordination of the meeting time by phone from 7 points.
Practice this with your sponsor.

1. Plan ahead together with the Sponsor or with a partner of your team 2 times and places where you invite people in the next 2-3 days.

Open your diary and circle these 2 dates.
For example: tomorrow at 16:00 and 18:00.
Or: tomorrow at 18:00 and the day after tomorrow at 17:30

2. Call by phone the person you planned to invite from this week

Call from home, from friends, from a pay phone. Call work if you don't have a home phone. If there is no worker, pass a note to call you.
Even if you met through the Internet - the most effective method communication - call via Skype, live communication better texting!

3. Talk a little, as usual.
Or reconnect with someone you haven't talked to in a while.

Ask: - How are you? How is work, how is family, how is vacation? etc.

Do not attack your friend from the first minutes.
Speak as usual - communicate! But in short, after all, you are calling on business.

4. Say why you are in a hurry and cannot talk for a long time

- Do you have a minute?
- I'm short, because I'm calling from work (I'm calling from a mobile phone).
- There is a deal, let's meet. Naturally, not by phone.

A serious person usually understands that serious questions"on the run" or on the phone are not solved!

If a person asks: - Is it necessary to meet? Can you explain over the phone?
Answer very simply:
- There is a case. Certainly not a phone call...
- I want to show you some documents ... (Not by phone!)
- I want to show you photos from the trip ...

5. Set a time and place to meet

Remember: you offer the time and place!
Your friend either agrees or ... waits for the next time when it is convenient for you.
You have 2 - 3 specific options in stock. If one night doesn't work, ask for another.

For example: - Are you free tomorrow evening?
If yes, offer to meet: - Then let's meet, there is something to talk about.
If not free, ask about option 2: - And the day after tomorrow in the afternoon?

If your friend is not free, say "Okay, we'll call you sometime!" - and say goodbye. Don't say anything!
Make a note in your diary and in your list of friends next to their last name, “Call this person back in a month.”

Be professional when setting the time and place of the meeting.
No need to answer questions and no need to say anything on the phone during the invitation!
- We will see you tomorrow at 19 o'clock anyway, we will discuss everything there!

6. Repeat the time, date, address and your phone number:

- OK, deal? Tomorrow at 12:00 in the cafe ...
- Okay, so it's a deal? Tomorrow come to my house at 7 o'clock... See you soon!

You can also say more formally:

Let me sign you up for Monday night. Did you write down the time? At 19:30.
If something changes, be sure to let me know - as I'm counting on you.

Even if you met through the Internet, learn to clearly set the time for a presentation, webinar, or the time of the next call. All busy people Everyone has their own schedule.
Send the confirmation link “The webinar will start at 19:00. Here is the link"

7. Immediately after the appointment - hang up the phone.
This is the easiest point. But often this is the most "difficult" item for newbies who like to chat! They are so carried away by the conversation that after the appointed invitation - with joy they begin to retell all the information on the phone. Never do this!
Agreed to meet - hang up!

Better yet, call the next person on your Friends List right away.
When you have a flood of invitations, a flood of appointments, you begin to act more professionally. Set up a novice distributor for this job.

Practice with a sponsor, rehearse the “phone call” before inviting someone in particular.

Be sure to set a date and place in advance.
Never ask your friends: - "When is it convenient for you?" – because then he begins to manage your time.
This is your business, and you dictate the conditions, you appoint the time and place, you invite the people you would like to see in your team.

Also remember that you are not working alone, but as a team. Therefore, coordinate the time and place of meetings with your sponsor and partners.
This is especially true for invitations to group, home, open meetings.
Do you have a calendar of events? The time and place are prearranged. Invite there.

Some invitation options:

Natasha, do you have a minute? I'm short, because I'm calling from work. There's something to do, let's meet. Naturally, not on the phone ... Tomorrow at 7 pm is it convenient for you?

Viktor, are you really seriously thinking about buying a car with Marina, buying an apartment for children, etc.? Look, maybe I've found something to help make this happen. Tomorrow night, can you spare 20 minutes to come to my place? Okay, let's meet and discuss.

A friend of mine has a company that is expanding in our city. I like it, that's why I thought of you too. The opportunities are amazing, but the competition is quite strong. It seems to me that we could get into this business and make a lot of money from it. Naturally, this is not a telephone conversation. Can you jump up to us at 19-45 on Monday?

I have my own marketing company where I am looking for 3-4 people to expand it. But before I go into details, I want to ask you something. Will you be interested in something new at the moment, which, perhaps, will give you a good income, and do you have time for this?

I want to take on a deal right now that has a huge opportunity, and I thought of you. I can give you the details on Monday evening. Can you come by 7:45 pm?

Hello Alexey, how are you? I am calling you for the following reason. I have a friend... (from out of town) who owns a well-established marketing firm. He will be with us (in the city) on Wednesday. I do not want to explain everything, but judging by the numbers and money, you can expect a lot from this case. Do you think we can meet on Wednesday? I can't promise anything yet, but you should watch it.

Hello Ivan Ivanovich! We have always respected your opinion. You are an authority figure. I was offered one project. Could you take a look and give your opinion… Evaluate documents, etc.

Could you take the time to look up the information? Is it about a business deal in which you can get enough good money?

You can also invite people who you have recently met or who have been recommended. For example:

- “Hello, I ... Probably remember me - last week we met at ....
I hope I'm calling correctly - I want to remind you of one thing. Then they said that I have my own company. It occurred to me that if you and your husband are not very satisfied with your current job, could you do something extra?

If they say “Yes” or “It depends on what it is?”, You invite to a meeting:
- “I want to show you some documents. If you are interested. And if so, let's agree on a time when we can discuss everything.

About invitation options in the Invitation course