Gzhel State University correspondence department. individual and group consultations with teachers during the intersessional period

Gzhel State University(GGU) cooks at the faculty distance learning professionals since 1958. During this time, hundreds of specialists from various industries have been educated here. National economy. Not only citizens study at the Faculty of Correspondence Education Russian Federation but also students from neighboring countries. Training is conducted in various specialties and areas.

Tasks and functions of the dean's office

The purpose of the creation of the faculty is to provide the population with the opportunity to receive high-quality higher education on in absentia. An important task of the dean's office is:

Creation of conditions for continuous improvement and qualitative improvement educational process distance learning;

Formation of the student's personality: his ability for active self-realization in modern conditions and practical activities, has importance in the economic and other spheres of society.

The Dean's Office of the Faculty of Distance Learning coordinates and controls the educational process, ensuring that students fulfill curricula and programs, analyzes records of academic performance and attendance.

The tasks of the dean's office are to solve a number of urgent problems:

1. Coordination of the educational process at the faculty.

2. Ensuring the implementation of curricula and training programs by students.

3. Analysis of students' progress and attendance of training sessions.

4. Improving the efficiency of the educational process.

5. Studying and summarizing the proposals of students on the organization of lectures and seminars.

6. Systematic work with the departments of the university, curators and group leaders in order to improve the quality of students' knowledge.

7. Organization of introductory, industrial and undergraduate practice for students.

8. Timely provision of students with scientific and methodological literature.

To implement the tasks set, the dean's office performs the following functions:

1. Carries out calendar and long-term planning of the work of the faculty of distance learning.

2. Participates in the work of commissions on the final state attestation faculty graduates.

3. Communicates with GSU graduates.

4. Promotes the use the latest technologies in the educational process.

5. Holds organizational meetings with a new set of students.

6. Promotes the active participation of students in the work of scientific societies, conferences.

The faculty is constantly working on improving the technology of distance education:

New specialties and directions are opening;

The educational process is provided by modern computer technology and laboratory equipment;

Developed and published new study guides, is being implemented modern technologies learning.

The educational process at the faculty of distance learning is provided by the teaching staff of ten departments of the university. The dean's office of the correspondence faculty is connected with all structural divisions of the university. Qualified employees dean's offices provide high-quality support for the educational process. The university has laboratory-practical, computer, lecture and other types of classrooms, which fully allows to provide high level the process of teaching distance learning students.

Distance learning is one of the most popular and developing forms of education. This form allows you to organically and painlessly combine education with active labor activity. Using this form training, you can get higher education in areas of interest.

Hostel Totalcontrol. Released a few years ago. Forces came to write a review only recently. And this is mostly about the hostel. I am silent about training. They lived in an apartment-type dorm. Komenda initially disliked. A duck settled into our room, which poured all kinds of "dirt" into it, something that was not there or from the category: at dinner I ate soup and did not have time to wash the pan - "execution". They listened to her, not us. Slightly, explanatory, threats of expulsion. I am a person from afar. Due to the difficult situation...

I'm studying design. As mentioned earlier, the level of education is critically low, we do not study 3D, layout, etc. At first, we had normal teachers and high attendance, then gradually everyone was replaced. Some teachers allow themselves insults and obscene jokes about students. For a day open doors you will really see the palace, but they will not show you what collapsing easels, chairs we have, and what wonderful flies on the windowsills. In addition to design, we study pedagogy and...

About the specialty "Design", college. Come to an open day like in a golden palace: we are building a new hostel, and after college you will get an abbreviation to the institute for only 3 years, and you will study all the programs, come out as highly qualified specialists, we will find you a job at the end . As a result: this dormitory has been under construction for 20 years, and stands there for the sake of appearance, in order to lure people (construction has not been carried out for a long time). You can forget about the abbreviation, this myth will be dispelled for you as soon as you, after admission ...

A good place to start building your future. Professional educators always willing to help and point you in the right direction.

I am graduating college this year with a degree in Economics and Accounting (by industry). I am very pleased with the knowledge and skills gained.

I study at GSU only in the first year, but I am already very satisfied! We are constantly involved in active student activities, which cannot but rejoice! A lot is being done interesting events at the university (" Blue bird Gzhel", "We are the heirs great victory"," International Festival of Artistic Ceramics "), as well as trips of students to field events are organized. I constantly participate in everything, I even signed up for a volunteer club.

If you like brainwashing and total control, you've come to the right place!

They torture us as they please. Do not enter here, for here is your nervous system will burn. No one will think about you here at all - they torture you and that's it.

Hello! I came here by accident, but I have not regretted it for a second. Now I am a 4th year student and it is a pity that I have six months left to study at this wonderful university, time flies so fast. I want to say that here students are taught by a wonderful teaching staff, these are people who will always help. Very bright and eventful student life)) I never got bored. Many sections: football, badminton, sambo, grappling, vocals, and much, much more. And to all my friends...

I graduated from GGHPI this year, I want to say a few words about this institute, so that applicants understand at least a little what they have to do. The first thing I want to note is the fact that the atmosphere here is very friendly and family friendly. As soon as I entered here, I was immediately swirled and swirled by student life. The teachers are very loyal, they are always happy if students show interest in studying, and are ready to chew everything and put it in your mouth, if only you ate information.)) I didn’t live in a hostel, nothing concrete ...

I studied in college, majoring in tourism. At first I really wanted to finish it faster, but when I finished, this year 2014 I realized that best moments than I didn't have at this university. The teachers are all very professional, kind, sympathetic, demanding, but fair. A lot of all sorts of creative activities are held, you can express yourself. Many clubs are open, I don't want to go. Education is good, the main thing is not to skip. Well, there are minor flaws everywhere. She also lived in a...

Gzhel State University provides young people with the opportunity to get a profession that is in demand on the labor market and guarantees a decent standard of living.

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At present, GSU ​​is educational process in 25 specialties and areas of Higher Professional Education (HPE) and in 16 specialties of the Secondary professional education(SPO).

Scientific and creative activity

Significant scientific and creative activity university are the annual international festival "Artistic ceramics" and the annual international scientific and practical conference"The science. Education. Culture.

Interregional seminar on problems and prospects for the development of art and industrial education on the basis of the All-Russian exhibition "Ladya".

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The Faculty of Decorative and Applied Arts and Design is the leading specialized faculty at the Gzhel State University, which is located in the ceramic center of Russia.

Story art education in Gzhel dates back to 1899 with the opening of the drawing classes of the Stroganov Imperial Art School. The faculty was established in 2003. The first enrollment of students for the specialty "Decorative and Applied Arts" was carried out.

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Student Council of the Institute in 2012 became the winner all-Russian competition development of student self-government programs “Young, enterprising, creative”, the university received 1 million rubles for the development of the material and technical base and the conduct of scientific and extracurricular activities.

In 2014, in a similar competition, the joint council of students won with the program "Student Initiatives - a contribution to the future of Russia" (to the 115th anniversary of GSU).

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Educational and creative work students are constantly exhibited in the interiors of GGHPI and regularly participate in competitions and exhibitions within the institute, regional, all-Russian and international levels.

Photo gallery

Helpful information

federal state budgetary educational institution higher education "Gzhel State University"


  • Arts and crafts and design
  • Service and tourism
  • Economics and Management
  • Faculty of distance learning


  • General education disciplines
  • Foreign languages ​​and speech communication
  • Psychology and Pedagogy
  • Physical culture and life safety
  • Economics and Finance
  • Theories and organizations of management
  • Service and tourism
  • arts and crafts
  • Design
  • General professional artistic disciplines