Russian mature aunt. Sex and love. According to the boy, the neighbor first washed her daughters, and then called Tolya

If you like older women and you feel the need for the strong-willed and gentle hand of an experienced "mommy", you probably had the idea to seduce such an adult lady more than once. Anything can attract you to her: her experience, mental maturity, responsibility, character, facial contours and body shape. You should not be afraid of this if your interest in an adult woman is stronger than your craving for young girls. For you, after all, she is charming and attractive, you play the most daring stories with her in your mind, so why not try to seduce her?

Unlike young girls, whose life experience is usually quite limited, older women tend to know what they want. They know what makes them attractive, what men pay attention to, they know what to wear and how to present themselves. This is good because you are much less likely to have to listen to her naive feelings on the topic: “no one understands me” or “I don’t know what to wear.” In addition, it is generally more pleasant and interesting to communicate with such a lady than with a capricious young beauty with an unformed outlook on life.

Sexual attraction in mature women is usually higher than in twenty-year-olds. If they liked some man, they can easily approach him and start provoking him with gestures, intonations, posture. Therefore, if you feel a strong attraction to some person, perhaps this is partly due to her merit.

How to seduce an experienced lady

The first thing to do to seduce any woman you like is to approach her and get to know her. If you stand quietly on the sidelines and just watch her, without even trying to show minimal activity, your fantasies will remain fantasies. So pull yourself together and act boldly.

To seduce a woman, let her feel special, desirable, show interest in her. Show her that you like her and you feel sexual attraction to her, and then, if this is mutual, you may not even have to make much effort: she will do the rest herself.

What problems can await you in a relationship with an accomplished woman

A woman in her years usually has her own habits and outlook on life. This is also accompanied by: an established circle of friends, friends, relatives, possibly children, husbands and lovers, problems at work ... In addition to you, she, as a rule, has many more things to do. And in you, she can see the eternal “boy”, who needs to be educated all the time, patronized, taught everything, but who indulges her with his attention and satisfies her sexual hunger. In addition, you should prepare for unexpected, sometimes unpleasant reactions for you to your relationship from other people. Are you ready for such challenges?

If you have an old girlfriend, and you have begun to feel something more than just friendship for her, try to win her female favor. Use several methods of seduction, one of which will undoubtedly suit you.


After confessing, wait a while. Give your friend a chance to get used to new information, and in a couple of weeks, invite her over for a cup of tea to chat on different topics. Bring up the topic of love or seduction in a conversation and ask the girl what you should do in order to win the attention of some woman attractive to you.

Use cryptic intonations in speech, let the girl subconsciously understand that she is very similar to a certain lady that you are supposedly talking about. You can even describe her appearance in such a way that it kind of resembles your friend's appearance.

If the method did not work, and the friend did not understand your hints, or simply did not want to give in, try to play on her feelings - disappear on long time and show no signs of life.

Do not try to contact her, do not write or call. During this period, try to change your life, modify your appearance so that changes for a friend are noticeable after a new meeting. After a while, she will get bored, and then you can see each other again - a friend should see you as a new person.

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Useful advice

If none of the methods of attracting the attention of an old friend works - do not try to achieve love against her will and try to start new life and meet another girl for a new relationship. Trying to get them out of a friend if she doesn't feel like it can lead to the final break of any friendship - if you don't feel like it, keep the friendship and start a relationship with another person.

Many people think that to seduce anyone man This is beyond fantasy. But it cannot be denied that there are many examples that this is possible. Just remember the story - all these geishas, ​​medieval courtesans who sought the favor of kings or, for example, Mata Hari.

You will need

  • New wardrobe
  • Books about great seductresses
  • Self confidence
  • Appearance care


Men, although they do not always admit it, everything is beautiful. So take care of yourself. May you have the shiniest hair, the softest and smoothest skin. Do not forget about pleasant smells - your favorite perfume or moisturizing body balm - and half the battle is done.

Dress seductively and feminine. Give preference to dresses and skirts and forget about sneakers. No need to expose your half-naked charms - this will not make you a desirable trophy, because your intentions will be too obvious. Men love riddles and conquest.

Always appreciate in a man man. Let's give him a chance to prove it. Let him pay for a taxi, open the doors for you at the entrance to the premises, help you take off your outer clothing. Give him the opportunity to be in charge and make decisions. Let him feel that you rely on him, that you need him.

Flirt, but remember about the limits of decency. Let him be interested with you, and when he sees your sincere interest in him, the man will open up and become more talkative. Keep up the conversation, look furtively into his eyes, holding your gaze, lightly touch his hand and smile. A little effort and any man will be seduced.

Young men sometimes prefer to build relationships not with girls of their own age, but with women older than themselves. AT modern society this is gradually becoming a habitual situation. With such relationships, guys usually get much more than in relationships with peers.

Gaining experience

grown woman by virtue of his experience, he can create very comfortable conditions for a young man in a relationship. She will teach him everything she knows herself. This applies not only to the pleasures in bed, but also correct behavior with representatives of the weaker sex. For example, a guy can find out what compliments and words will help him when meeting girls, how to win the hearts of impregnable beauties. Therefore, in the future, getting acquainted with peers, he will feel much more confident, because relationships with an adult woman will give him valuable knowledge about the psychology of the weaker sex.
If a guy has his first relationship with an experienced woman, in the future he can become a real heartthrob and seducer.

Do not miss the moment that sexually, adult women are often more liberated than young girls. They know how to bind a guy to themselves, giving him true bliss. At the same time, a man feels loved, his attraction to such a woman is very strong.

Personal qualities

An adult woman is an already formed personality who knows what she wants from life. Confidence and self-sufficiency attracts young men. Such qualities are rarely found in very young girls. A grown woman can even help a young man up the career ladder. Often such ladies already have good connections in a society that attracts motivated guys. Wealthy women are happy to pamper their lovers. Adult ladies can afford to make an expensive gift to their beloved, and such generous gestures flatter guys.
Wealthy ladies love to pamper their loved ones with cars and expensive clothes.

Women with experience know how to behave with young men. An experienced lady will not throw tantrums once again, as previous relationships have taught her that it is better to restrain herself, while maintaining peace in a couple. She will try to make the life of her lover the most comfortable, she will think first of all about how to be interesting to him. An older woman takes care of herself much more than a young lady. After all, girls are confident in their beauty, since youth is the best decoration. An adult woman has to pay twice as much attention to her figure and appearance in order to be sexually attractive to women. young man. But at the same time, ladies after 30 years old sometimes look much more spectacular and sexier than young girls.

Get her interested. Your attraction is youth and vigor. Use it, but don't show too much of your young age. You can brag about your achievements in sports, music or painting. But don't mention academic success. If there is nothing to brag about, talk about your grandiose plans and take an interest in the life of a lady.

Don't start talking about age first. If she asks you for your guess about her age, give a number slightly below her actual age. If the lady is obviously over 30 years old, and you say "23" - this can create an uncomfortable situation. Therefore, it is better to call the age around 27-29 years. And when she calls the real number, say in surprise: “I would not have guessed.”

During dates, you need to carefully consider the plan of events. Long walks around the city or a night out on the roof will not work. It would be appropriate to pick up the lady by car, at least by taxi, take her to a good restaurant. And after that, the program, depending on her preferences, is theater, gallery, opera or other entertainment events.

If you decide to seduce a man that a huge number of ladies dream of, you can try to become his close friend. This will provide you with joint rest and frequent communication. When stable friendships are established between you, choose the right moment and ask the representative of the stronger sex to provide you with some help. Very often, girls use the following pretexts for this: reinstalling the system on a computer, repairing small household appliances or just help with the men's housework. Before meeting a man at home, tidy up your appearance. Get your hair and makeup done, put on a sexy short dress. When you are alone with the object of desire, try to touch him more often, openly flirt and flirt, bend over so that he notices your decollete. In addition, you can draw the guy's attention to some naked parts of your body. If a man is even slightly interested in you, he is unlikely to be able to resist, especially if you decide to drink a couple of glasses of wine before that.

If you're not talking to a man you're passionate about, but you're in the same place with him (like a coffee shop), you can try to have a frank conversation with him. Just approach the representative of the stronger sex, introduce yourself and start a conversation. You can use different tricks to seduce him. The phrase that you are amazed is very effective. modern stereotype and do not understand why it is men who should take the first step towards rapprochement with a woman. Say that you have been wondering for a long time whether guys are really capable of risky acts, for example, having sex with a stranger. If the guy does not turn out to be a fool, he will surely notice in your words hidden meaning. In addition, in a more relaxed environment, in a nightclub or bar, where a lot of people are able to alcohol intoxication, you can just go up to the man who interested you and kiss him without further ado.

If you decide to seduce the girl you like, use interesting rule three seconds. Look into her eyes with a smile, and then look away. After a while, you can look at the opposite sex again, make a serious face and exchange glances for three seconds. With this action, you will establish contact with the woman, and she will expect you to try to talk to her.

During a conversation with your passion, you should not tell sentimental stories about your past failed relationships. If you have any pet, better share lady interesting stories from his life. Girls on a subconscious level prefer men who have had experience caring for some kind of living being. In addition, you can even use a little trick by telling the young lady that you are great at playing some musical instrument, for example, the saxophone. You still won’t be able to demonstrate your skills at the moment, and if you and your girlfriend start serious relationship, you can at any time admit that you just lied to make a stunning impression on her. Such frankness, most likely, will cause only tenderness in a woman.

If you decide to compliment a girl, admire not her beauty, but her clothes. Let the fairer sex think that you have great taste.

Remember that on the first date it is better to turn off mobile phone so that none of your friends can distract you from the conversation.

In the event that a potential sexual object rejects you, say that you could not help but try. Do not be offended, turn around and leave immediately after the refusal. Just keep talking in a friendly tone, because after the girl gets to know you better, she may change her mind.

More explicit actions to seduce a woman

If you have already established a strong contact with the woman you like, move on to more frank actions. Start a little romantic adventure with a hint of extreme sports. Visit an amusement park, ride a rollercoaster. Fear has a stimulating effect on people. Try to touch the girl's body, but do not go beyond the bounds of decency. Touch her arms, wrists, shoulders. The chest and hips must first remain forbidden to you. At the end of the evening, you can gently kiss the girl on the lips, if she returns your kiss, try touching her earlobe and neck with your lips. Touching these areas is very exciting to the representatives of the opposite sex.

Man and woman: the art of love Pg. 67

Sex and love of a man and a woman.

According to the boy, the neighbor first washed her daughters, and then called Tolya. Soaping him, she began to “play” with his penis, saying: “Look what we already have! Nearly a real man!" Tolya was not shy about her, because he had known for many years, and the customs in the village were simple, some children up to 3-4 years of age ran without panties. The irritation of the genitals was pleasant to the boy, and after a while he developed an erection. The neighbor continued to “play” with his penis, and at some point Tolya felt “well” and very pleased. The neighbor laughed and said that he had now become a “real man”, and then lay down on a bench and asked Tolya to “play” with her too. She showed the boy where he should stroke, and as he himself later said, after a while, “all twitched” and began to moan loudly. The child was frightened that he had done wrong, so it hurt her, but the woman jumped off the bench, picked up the boy in her arms and began to spin and kiss him, saying that she, too, was "very good." She asked her grandmother not to tell anything, saying that it was now “their secret”, he was already “big” and should act “like a big one”. And Tolya didn't say anything to grandma.
A week later, everything happened again. This time, the neighbor herself suggested to Tolya's grandmother to wash the boy in the bath, and she willingly agreed. It happened several times, and then a neighbor

She began to invite the boy to her when her daughters were not at home. At first, she stimulated the child's penis and brought him to orgasm, and then asked to stroke her genitals.
Once, when Tolya had an erection, she even tried to have sexual intercourse with him, but the boy did not know what to do, although she showed him how he should move, but he did not succeed, and later she refused this undertakings.
This went on all summer. Tolya told his friends what they were doing with a neighbor, was proud that he was already “big”, they envied him and once even peeped out the window when Tolya was “playing” with a neighbor. To see everything in detail, they climbed on each other's shoulders, those who stood below pushed and hurried those who had access to the window, and in the end the whole bunch fell to the ground with laughter and squeals. The neighbor ran out, throwing something on herself and dispersed them. But Tolya's grandmother never found out anything.
Returning home at the end of the summer, Tolya once asked his mother to "play" with him in the same way as "Aunt Varya" did. At first, the mother did not understand what kind of “games” in question, and when the son took off his pants and showed how "Aunt Varya" did, the boy's mother was horrified and brought the child to me for a consultation.
In such cases, the most important thing is to destroy the existing associative connection between the pleasant sensations that the child experienced and the actions with which he experienced an orgasm. Without orgasmic reinforcement, everything will eventually be forgotten and the child's sexuality will be restored to normal age limits.
If you do not have the opportunity to consult with a child psychiatrist or sex therapist, you need to switch the child's attention to something else and, of course, save him from communicating with the molester.
And in general - allowing someone into your family, inviting a nanny to your child, be very careful. Take a closer look at her, how she treats the child, if there are any oddities in her behavior. And then dramatic events are possible. I will give two such cases from my practice.
Semyon is 8 years old, he is a quiet, obedient, extremely impressionable boy, from childhood he was afraid of the dark, he fell asleep only in the light. When he fell asleep, his mother would tiptoe into his room to put out the light, but he slept very lightly, waking up at the slightest rustle, and if the light was put out, he would cry loudly and call for his mother. She was forced to lie next to him for a long time, waiting for him to fall asleep, and then tried to leave very quietly. But more often than not, he woke up again and she stayed with him again.

I was 15 years older than her. She was my friend's niece. And she gave me her virginity.

But about everything in order. Her name was Marina, and I knew her, you can still say from kindergarten. You know such a childish love. I brought her chocolates, ice cream when I came to visit a friend. And she was waiting for her beloved uncle Seyozha, as she called me, a little without pronouncing the letter "P".

But as time went on, she was finishing school and I began to notice more and more often her inquisitive, already slightly feminine look. It was no longer that childhood love, it was the interest of a young female in an experienced male. Haven't known yet adult love, but anticipating her, knowing her attractiveness, she began to seduce me clumsily, girlishly. That inadvertently comes out in an open bathrobe, as if not knowing that I went to visit a friend. That will bare, as if forgetting their swimming trunks. I saw it all, and one day I realized that she wanted me. Wants but is afraid. Firstly, without knowing how I will react to this, and secondly, without knowing the masculine nature within myself.

But I will not torment, one fine day it all happened. The day before, my friend and I went over a bit, and in the morning I went to see him to find out what condition he was in. Apparently, waking up a little earlier than me, he left on some business of his own. And it turned out that Marina was alone at home. She had already finished school, and once she told me that she graduation party suggested a classmate "become a woman", filling her right on the desk. Although she was fragile, she scratched like a cat. In general, at that time the threat to her virginity safely passed.

So when I arrived, I found her at home alone. Asking for order where a friend is, I pretended that I was going to leave. She looked at me with such pleading that her look made me understand much more than words. Sitting on the sofa, I said that I would wait a little for a friend and began to watch TV, sideways watching her. She walked around the room and sat next to me on the sofa and, as if by accident, put her hand on my knee. I also cautiously half hugged her by the shoulders, as if in jest, as if not counting her as an adult yet. But my immediately rebelling member of the treacherous tubercle rose in jeans. Seeing that Marina does not make any attempts to move away, I gently stroked her head and slowly began to lower my hand on her girlish small watermelon breasts. Feeling her tense, I slowed down a bit. pretending to watch TV right hand climbed under her robe and began to stroke the swollen papillae-raisins. Apparently she liked it. I carefully untied the waistband of her dressing gown with one finger and picked up a tight elastic band from her swimming trunks, feeling curly hair, soft as linen. Here she spoke for the first time:
- Well, what are you doing, you don't have to.

However, this was a request more from embarrassment than from unwillingness to accept my further actions. Meanwhile, everything became wet in my jeans, and I was afraid that I would finish right without taking them off.

Slowly overcoming the resistance of the elastic band and her hands, I stuck my hand further and realized that her swimming trunks were as wet as mine. Apparently she was aroused in earnest. Then carefully, with one finger, I began to stroke her bump. And she only whispered:
- Well, don't, Uncle Seryozha, what are you doing.

Having immersed my finger in its hole, I almost completely felt for a thin film that tightly engulfed my finger.
- Don't go so deep, it hurts me.

I carefully removed my wet finger from her girl's cave and slowly began to pull the trunks. She did not resist, on the contrary, wagging her ass helped me get rid of them. Then I realized that if I don’t take my penis out of my jeans, then I will have to buy new zipper. Instantly unbuttoning the button and zipping the zipper, I freed my red swollen captive. Then I took her hand in mine, I helped her grab my friend's affectionate girlish hand and began to help her moving the skin back and forth.
“My God, how embarrassing,” she whispered, but did not take her hand away
Then I,. Having finally made up my mind, not wanting it to look like arbitrariness, I quietly asked:
- Marina, can I? - referring to the continuation of our game on the "adult"
"You can," she replied quietly.

Gently laying it on the sofa, remembering that we can get it dirty. I pulled a light coverlet onto the floor, and spread her legs with my knee. Covering her face with her hands, she lay before me pathetic and helpless, waiting for her first man to enter her. And I did not keep myself waiting, telling her "be patient, now it will hurt a little."
- Ouch!!!
- What hurts a lot? - I got scared
“Nothing, go on, I’m patient,” she whispered, biting her lip.

My penis was squeezed from all sides, and although it was wet and hot, I hardly advanced it a few more millimeters, and he seemed to rest against a thin barrier in indecision. After that, I looked her in the face, as if asking her approval for further intrusion. But she did not take her hands away, but only tensed even more. Then I smoothly overcame the last millimeters, and as if a thin string burst under the pressure of my penis. Inside the vagina, I was burned by something hot and wet. And without thinking about anything, I began to move my booty back and forth. She moaned softly, but removed her hands from her face. And I saw her big open eyes, the eyes of a little girl who suddenly became a woman. Apparently the long road to the final took all my patience, and I exploded into her with a million fiery white droplets, pushing them to run further and further into her. Forgetting that she was my friend's niece, that she could get pregnant, everything at that time faded into the background.

Then we sat embracing, and I asked, kissing her:
- You're not angry with me?
- Silly. Is it possible to be angry with you? After all, I love you.

From that day on, we secretly from everyone began to live a sexual life with her. And three years later she gave birth to a daughter from me. But this is a completely different story, which I may someday tell.

You have a nephew
For this, I was born into God's world,
To bring joy to loved ones
Don't be afraid on the way
You hug him more.
And kiss, and press to the heart,
This is how love is born in life
I wish you much happiness again!

You have a nephew
Let him be like a son,
So that in life everyone would be proud of him,
And troubles were avoided.

Nephew, like own child!
He is fun to hang out with and play with.
We wish you a nephew from the cradle
Always, in everything and everywhere to help!
Let him know that you are not an outsider,
And very close person!
Wrap it in your love
And you will receive it in return!

Is there a new addition to your family?
Accept congratulations!
For a long time everyone was waiting for the little one,
They didn't know how to prepare.
Now you won't be bored
There is always work to be found!
Follow your nephew
Learn to walk and talk!

Today you became an aunt!
This is an important path
You are now at work:
It can, it can't!
At work, at home, in the park,
In the club or where away
Is watching you
A pair of children's native eyes!

Rejoicing, having fun
All friendly family
appeared today
You have a nephew.
Let it be heard only
His perky laugh.
To grow strong, healthy,
And he made everyone happy.

The birth miracle happened
And someone's heart beat
The kid opened his eyes
And crying, the whole world announced.
May the nephew be happy
Smart, healthy, beautiful.
Accept congratulations from us
With the fact that replenishment in the family!

You recently became an aunt.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
Your nephew is something.
Can't live without it!
Let him grow young
And a great protector
Conquers all peaks
And not in a hurry to become an adult!

There is no more wonderful joy in the world:
Here comes the man!
Not just a child - he is your nephew,
He is warm, lively, dear little man.
We will dedicate poems to his birth,
We want to congratulate our aunt on our nephew!

You have a nephew born
And we hasten to congratulate you,
From heaven he is a miracle messenger,
He is happiness for all of us.
Let the baby be healthy
And let him have a sonorous voice,
Wakes you less at night
It stains diapers less.

You have a holiday today
After all, your nephew was born.
Joy for parents
And a reward for the whole family.
Grow healthy and athletic
Good friends, become happy
And let through the difficult years
Your star guides him.

You were most happy about the news,
Heard in the happiest of days:
Now you are an aunt! And honestly say
Sometimes mother's aunt is kinder!
Let it not cause panic in you
His anxious, weak, sweet cry...
Congratulations on the birth of your nephew
I sincerely wish at this moment!

Today the house is full of happiness
An angel has descended to you from heaven.
On this beautiful bright day
You have a niece born!
Added a man
The family circle has become wider,
And that's a good reason
Raise a glass to the baby!
Let the baby be happy
Healthy, kind, mischievous!
Let it grow for the joy of people
To the delight of all your family!

You have a nephew!
Let joy flow from your eyes:
You will be the best babysitter
Trust me, we know you
Raised him by deed and word,
You put in so much work...
May it grow glorious and healthy,
And always makes my aunt happy!