The most dangerous sharks in the world. shark species

Among the bloodthirsty animals that live in the seas and oceans, sharks enjoy the most negative notoriety. They are found in almost all salty waters and sometimes in some fresh waters. If the victim is in the mouth of this monster, the chances of salvation become tiny. Even if the ferocious fish does not immediately swallow it, death from injuries and lost blood will come very quickly.

But despite all the myths and scary stories, sharks attack living creatures, in particular humans, not as often as it seems. As a rule, the reason for this behavior is caused by some kind of aggressive influence or other exceptional factor. According to statistics, in most cases the victims are surfers. they resemble the silhouette of swimming seals, which is very attractive to predators. Also, the smell of blood when cut on a stone or after a disaster on the high seas is a powerful bait and whets the shark's appetite.

On the Web, you can find a lot of video evidence that sharks are not as scary as we are told about them. Many brave divers have done the irreparable: they plunged into a pool infested with sharks and swam freely with them, knowing what it could turn into. The fish practically did not react to them. However, this should not be repeated real life. Sharks and humans are two of the strongest enemies, so any contact with them is extremely dangerous.

List of 10 most dangerous sharks

Let's talk about the most aggressive types of sharks that enjoy negative popularity.

Great white shark

To cancel from other members of his family, a large White shark does not show any requirements for the choice of habitat. She can live both in warm ocean water and in the cool sea, with the exception of the Arctic Ocean basin, because. where the water temperature is extremely low.

Most often, a ferocious predator is found in tropical and subtropical waters. If the fin of this monster is shown on the horizon, all people present in the water or on the shore are plunged into a state of shock. Very often, fish swim up to the beaches, because. shallow water is not a problem for her. A significant proportion of known attacks have occurred in Australia. For this reason, the locals called the dangerous animal "White Death".

The sizes of the fish are impressive and reach six meters, with a mass of two tons. But there are historical facts when fishermen caught larger individuals with amazing sizes.

The belly of the white shark has a characteristic white tint, while the back and sides have acquired a gray, or gray-blue tint. It is impossible to notice the approach of a predator, because this color is an excellent disguise. The fish imperceptibly approaches the victim and sharply attacks it. It is impossible to run away from such a beast.

When choosing food, the white shark prefers fatter prey, such as seals or fur seals, but the main part of the diet is occupied by representatives of the marine fauna.

A shark can smell the presence of wounded prey in the water from a distance of five kilometers. The attack occurs from below, when the predator bites its prey and slowly swims away, waiting for a quick death.

Of the 139 officially recorded attacks on a person, 29 turned into a fatal outcome..

blunt shark

In the list of the most terrible sharks, the blunt shark is in first place.. The main habitat is water, with different concentrations of salt, but basically the fish is unpretentious to the hydrochemical characteristics and salinity of the water, so do not be surprised if you have to meet it in a fresh water body. For this reason, during severe floods and tsunamis, sharks appeared on flooded city streets, where they ruthlessly killed victims of natural disasters. In addition, animals are able to rise against the current of the river for long distances, which is why they repeatedly appear in lakes Nicaragua and Michigan.

The size of the predator is impressive. With an average length of 2.5 meters, it gains 130 kilograms of mass. The most trophy individual ever caught by a man weighed 400 kilograms, and its length reached four meters.

bull shark prefers places with muddy water, because they are ideal for making attacks on the victim. Swimming to potential prey, the fish bites it until it immobilizes. For this reason, the white shark began to be called the most aggressive and terrible. The diet may include:

  1. turtles;
  2. bony fish;
  3. representatives of the arthropod class;

She does not refuse to eat her medium-sized relatives.

As in the case of the previous species, the blunt-nosed shark is often found in shallow areas, so most often the attacks occurred on the beaches or near the coast. Of the 93 officially recorded attacks, 26 ended in death.

In a critical situation, when the fish needs to run away, it regurgitates freshly eaten prey to escape from a more dangerous predator.

The place of residence of the tiger shark is the World and Pacific Ocean. In many cases, the animal attacks prey in the coastal zone. Sometimes representatives of the species swim up in shallow water, where they are a huge danger to humans. The fish loves warm water, so the beginning of cold snaps leads to the need for seasonal migration along warm currents, closer to the equatorial regions.

From the name it is easy to understand that the color of the shark strongly resembles a tiger. If the individual is not longer than two meters, then the back and sides will be painted gray. If the length exceeds 2 meters, characteristic transverse lines may appear in this part. This disguise allows you to quickly hide from other, more dangerous predators. The color of the belly is white, but there are light yellow shades in it.

IN wild environment, with proper nutrition, one of the most dangerous fish can grow up to 3.5-4.5 meters and weigh from 385 to 635 kilograms. In nature, there were also more enormous individuals. For example, there was a case that a six-meter monster was caught in the Gulf of Panama.

The behavior of the tiger shark remains very measured and slow. It moves almost imperceptibly in the water and tracks down prey without showing aggression. But if the animal's appetite warms up, the victim will definitely not run away, because. it instantly becomes lightning fast and extremely dangerous.

In terms of food choice, the huntress does not show high demands. Representatives of the species feed freely on any marine life that get in their way. In the absence of a normal food supply, they feed on carrion. In addition, researchers recorded cases of attacks on small individuals of their own species. If a fish swims in muddy water, then it simply opens its mouth and catches everything that fits in there. For this reason, very strange and inedible objects were often found in the belly of a captured predator. Among them:

  • tires from the car;
  • horse hooves;
  • rags;
  • bags;
  • household appliances.


not as dangerous to humans as the previous ones, for one reason: it rarely swims to the coast and is at a decent distance from the coastline. But if you were in a plane crash or a shipwreck, but miraculously escaped in a boat several hundred kilometers from land, a collision with a representative of this species could end in failure.

The appearance of a representative of this species is emphasized by lateral fins, which are several times larger than the fins of other representatives, have a rounded shape and a white edging along the edge. The back can be painted in several shades, including: bronze, brown, gray and bluish. Sometimes caught individuals had a yellow back and sides.

Under natural conditions, adults grow up to 1.5-2 meters in length, and weigh from 20 to 60 kilograms. However, fishermen have repeatedly caught 100-kilogram individuals. The case was officially confirmed, as it was possible to catch a 170 kg trophy specimen.

The most dangerous inhabitants underwater world prefer a solitary lifestyle. They rarely flock together, and flocking behavior is typical only for medium-sized species. No exception - long-winged.

They use clawed fish species as food, sea ​​turtles, crustaceans and birds. Sometimes they feed on the corpses of various animals and fish.

The famous oceanographer Jacques Cousteau once said that the most dangerous underwater predator is the long-winged shark. This is due to the fact that it was the representatives of this species that most often attacked a person when they got into the open sea.

Unlike its relatives, the long-winged shark can attack people for no apparent reason, such as hunger or aggression. Sometimes its bites contain an exploratory character, when the fish simply wants to understand what kind of object it is under its nose. The weak point of the predator is the nose and eyes. If a person finds himself in the mouth of a ferocious creature, you need to hit these parts as quickly as possible, and the likelihood of avoiding a fatal outcome will decrease.

Now you know which sharks are the most dangerous in the world and which ones are better not to meet in real life..

The shark belongs to the type of chordates, the class cartilaginous fishes, the superorder sharks (lat. Selacii). The origin of the Russian word "shark" originates from the language of the ancient Vikings, who called the word "hakall" any fish. In the 18th century in Rus', dangerous waterfowl predators began to be called this way, and initially the word sounded like “sharks”. Most sharks live in salt water, but some species also live in fresh water.

Shark: description and photo. What does a shark look like?

Due to species diversity, the length of sharks varies greatly: small bottom sharks barely reach 20 cm, and the whale shark grows up to 20 meters and has a weight of 34 tons (the mass of an average sperm whale). The shark skeleton has no bones and consists only of cartilage. The streamlined body is covered with scales with pronounced relief protrusions, the strength of which is not inferior to the teeth, in connection with which the shark scales are called “skin teeth”.

The respiratory organ of the shark is the gill slits located in front of the pectoral fins.

The shark's heart maintains too low blood pressure, so to stimulate blood flow, the fish must be in motion as often as possible, helping the heart with continuous muscle contractions. Although some species of sharks feel great lying on the bottom and pumping water through their gills.

The shark lacks the swim bladder that all bony fish have.

Therefore, the buoyancy of the shark is provided by a giant liver, which is almost a third of the body weight of a predatory fish, a low density of cartilage and fins.

The shark's stomach is very elastic, so it can hold a large amount of food.

To digest food, the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice is not enough, and then the sharks turn the stomach inside out, freeing it from undigested excess, and interestingly, the stomach does not suffer at all from numerous sharp teeth.

Sharks have excellent vision, exceeding the sharpness of a human by 10 times.

Hearing is represented by the inner ear and picks up low frequencies and infrasounds, and also provides predatory fish with the function of balance.

Sharks have a rare sense of smell and can smell the smells coming through the air and water.

Predators catch the smell of blood in a ratio of 1 to a million, which is comparable to a teaspoon diluted in a swimming pool.

The speed of the shark, as a rule, does not exceed 5 - 8 km / h, although, having sensed the prey, the predator can accelerate to almost 20 km / h. Warm-blooded species - the white shark and the mako shark cut through the water column at speeds up to 50 km / h.

The average life expectancy of a shark is no more than 30 years, but sandy quatrains, whale and polar sharks can live more than 100 years.

The structure of the jaw of a predator depends on the lifestyle and food consumed. Shark teeth are long, sharp, in the shape of a cone, with which she easily rips the flesh of the victim.

Family representatives gray sharks endowed with flat and sharp teeth, which allows them to tear apart the meat of large prey.

tiger shark teeth

The whale shark, whose main diet is plankton, has small teeth up to 5 mm long, although their number can reach several thousand.

Horned sharks, feeding mainly on bottom food, have front sharp small teeth and a back row of large crushing teeth. As a result of grinding or falling out, the teeth of a predatory fish are replaced by new ones growing from the inside of the mouth.

How many teeth does a shark have?

Crested sharks have 6 rows of teeth on the lower and 4 rows on the upper jaws with a total of 180-220 teeth. In the mouths of white and tiger sharks there are 280-300 teeth, which are arranged in 5-6 rows on each jaw. The frilled shark has 20-28 dentitions per jaw, with a total of 300-400 teeth. The whale shark has 14,000 teeth in its mouth.

The size of shark teeth also varies from species to species. For example, the size of the teeth of a white shark is 5 cm. The length of the teeth of sharks that feed on plankton is only 5 mm.

white shark teeth

Where do sharks live?

Sharks live in the waters of the entire oceans, that is, in all seas and oceans. The main distribution falls on the equatorial and near-equatorial waters of the seas, near coastal waters, especially in reef buildings.

It is worth noting that some species of sharks, such as the common gray shark and the blunt shark, are able to live in both salty and fresh water swimming in rivers. The depth of the habitat of sharks is on average 2000 meters, in rare cases they go down to 3000 meters.

What does a shark eat?

Shark food is quite diverse and depends on the specific species and range. Most species prefer sea ​​fish. Deep sea sharks eat crabs and other crustaceans.

Great white shark preys on eared seals sea ​​elephants And cetacean mammals, tiger shark swallows everything. And only 3 species - largemouth, whale and gigantic sharks eat plankton, cephalopods and small fish.

Shark species, names and photos

The modern classification of these ancient fish, which existed hundreds of millions of years ago, distinguishes 8 main orders, forming about 450 species of sharks:

Carchariformes (grey, carcharide) sharks(lat. Carcharhiniformes)

This order unites 48 genera and 260 species. The following species are considered typical representatives of the detachment:

  • Giant hammerhead shark(lat. Sphyrna mokarran )

It lives in the waters of the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, Caribbean and Mediterranean seas. The maximum recorded length of the hammerhead shark is 6.1 m. The leading edge of the "hammer" is almost straight, which distinguishes them from other hammerhead sharks. The high dorsal fin is sickle-shaped.

  • silk (Florida, broadmouth) shark(lat. Carcharhinus falciformis)

Lives in the Mediterranean and Red Seas, is found in the equatorial and adjacent latitudes of the oceans.

The broadmouth shark is characterized by a rather dark color on the back of various shades of gray, blue, brown-brown with a slight metallic sheen. Colors fade with age. The scales that cover the skin of a shark are so small that they create the effect of their total absence. In length reaches 2.5-3.5 meters. The maximum recorded weight is 346 kilograms.

  • Tiger (leopard) shark (lat. Galeocerdo cuvier)

It lives off the coast of Japan, New Zealand, USA, Africa, India, Australia. The tiger shark is considered one of the most widespread species of sharks on Earth.

These large predators reach a length of 5.5 meters. The color of the leopard shark is gray, the belly is white or light yellow. Until the shark reaches two meters in length, transverse stripes similar to tiger ones are visible on its sides. That's where its name came from. These stripes camouflage predatory fish from their larger relatives. The stripes fade with age.

  • bull sharkor gray bull shark (lat. Carcharhinus leucas)

The most aggressive species of sharks, common in tropical and subtropical oceans, this predatory fish can often be found in rivers and canals.

These huge fish have a spindle-shaped oblong body characteristic of gray sharks, the snout is short, massive and blunt. The surface of the body of the blunt-nosed shark is painted gray, the belly is white. The maximum recorded body length is 4 meters.

  • blue shark or blue shark (big shark or great blue shark)(lat.Prionace glauca )

It is one of the most common sharks on earth. The habitat of the blue shark is quite wide: it is found everywhere in the temperate and tropical waters of the oceans. reaches 3.8 meters in length and weighs 204 kilograms. This species has an elongated slender body with long pectoral fins. Body color - blue, belly-white.

Odd teeth (bovine, horned)sharks(lat. heterodontiformes )

The order includes one fossil and one modern genus, in which the following species can be distinguished:

  • Zebra bovine(Chinese bovine, narrowband bovine, narrowband horned) shark (lat. Heterodontus zebra)

It lives off the coast of China, Japan, Australia, Indonesia. The maximum recorded length is 122 cm. The body of the narrow-striped bull shark is light brown or white with wide brown stripes, in addition, there are narrow stripes on the sides.

  • Helmeted bull shark(lat. Heterodontus galeatus)

A rare species that lives off the coast of Australia. The skin of helmet-shaped bull sharks is covered with large and coarse skin teeth. The color is light brown, 5 dark saddle-shaped marks are scattered along the main background. The maximum recorded length of a shark is 1.2 m.

  • mozambican bull(african horned) shark (lat. Heterodontus ramalheira)

The fish has a body length of just over 50 centimeters and lives off the coast of Mozambique, Yemen and Somalia. The base of the anal fin is located behind the base of the second dorsal fin. The main color of this species of sharks is red-brown in color, small white spots are scattered over it. The maximum fixed length is 64 cm.

Polygills (multigill)sharks(lat. Hexanchiformes)

A primitive detachment representing only 6 species of sharks, with the most famous:

  • frilled shark(cloaked man) (lat. Chlamydoselachus anguineus)

This shark has the ability to bend its body and attack its prey in a similar manner. The length of the frill can reach 2 m, but is usually about 1.5 m in females and 1.3 m in males. The body is strongly elongated. The color of this species of sharks is an even dark brown or gray color. They are distributed from the northern coast of Norway to Taiwan and California.

  • Sevengill(ash sevengill shark, sevengill) (lat. Heptranchias perlo)

It has a length of just over 1 meter and, despite aggressive behavior, is not dangerous to humans. It lives from coastal Cuban waters to the coast of Australia and Chile.

The color of this species of sharks ranges from brownish-gray to olive in color, the belly is lighter. Some individuals of the ashen sevengill shark have dark markings scattered along the back, and light edging of the fins is possible. Young sharks with sevengills have dark spots on their sides, the edges of the dorsal and upper lobe of the caudal fins are darker than the main color.

lamniform sharks (lat. Lamniformes)

These are large fish endowed with a body resembling a torpedo in shape. The order includes 7 genera:

  • Giant (gigantic) sharks (lat. Cetorhinidae)

They have an average length of 15 m, but, despite their impressive dimensions, they do not pose a danger to people. Grey-brown in color with flecks. On the caudal peduncle there are pronounced lateral keels, the tail of sickle-shaped sharks. Giant sharks live mainly in the waters of the Atlantic, Pacific Ocean, North and Mediterranean Seas.

  • Fox sharks (sea foxes) (lat. Alopias)

Differ in a very long upper part of the caudal fin, equal to the length torso. At sea ​​foxes generally slender body with small dorsal and long pectoral fins. The color of sharks varies from brownish to bluish or lilac-gray, the belly is light. They grow up to 6 m in length, but are shy and try to avoid meeting a person.

Fox sharks are common in the waters of North America and along the entire Pacific coast.

  • herring(lamp) sharks (lat. Lamnidae)

These are the most fast sharks. A prominent representative of the family is the white shark, which has a body length of up to 6 meters. Thanks to their delicious meat, herring sharks are exterminated for commercial purposes, and are also used as objects of sport hunting in the warm waters of the world's oceans.

  • False sand sharks(lat. Pseudocarcharias)

Pseudocarcharias kamoharai is the only species in the genus. These fish are distinguished by a peculiar body shape resembling a cigar. The average body length is 1 m, predators are not aggressive towards humans, but when caught, they begin to bite. These sharks live in the eastern Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans.

  • sand sharks(lat. Odontaspidae)

A family of large fish with an upturned nose and a curved mouth. Slow and not aggressive, they are considered theoretically dangerous to humans, although recorded cases of cannibalism most likely relate to gray sharks, with which sandy sharks are often confused.

Sand sharks are inhabitants of all tropical and many cool seas. The maximum body length of this shark species is 3.7 m.

  • largemouth (pelagic)sharks(lat. Megachasma)

Family Megachasma represented by a single and rare species Megachasmapelagios. Representatives of the species of largemouth sharks feed on plankton and are not dangerous to humans. The body length of this species is up to 6 m in length. These sharks swim off the coast of Japan, Taiwan and the Philippine Islands.

  • Scapanorhynchus sharks (house sharks) (lat. Mitsukurinidae)

They represent 1 species, which received the popular nickname "shark - goblin" for a long nose in the shape of a beak. The length of an adult is about 4 m with a weight of just over 200 kg. A rare deep-sea shark species lives off the coast of Japan and Australia.

Wobbegong(lat. Orectolobiformes)

A detachment consisting of 32 species of sharks, the brightest representative which is considered a whale shark (lat. Rhincodon typus), growing up to 20 meters in length. A good-natured animal that allows divers to stroke themselves and even ride on their backs.

Most species feed on mollusks and crayfish in shallow water. These sharks are found in the warm waters of the tropical and subtropical zones.

Sawtooth sharks(lat.Pristiophoriformes )

The detachment includes the only family Pylon sharks or Pylon sharks (lat. Pristiophoridae), which are distinguished by a long, flat muzzle with saw-like teeth. The average length of an adult sawnose shark is 1.5 meters. These are common predatory fish in the warm waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, as well as off the coast of South Africa, Australia, Japan and a number of Caribbean countries.

Katranobraznye (spiky) sharks (lat. Squaliformes)

Numerous order, including 22 genera and 112 species. Unusual representatives of the order are the Southern katran, sea dog, or marigold (lat. Squalus acanthias), which can be found in all seas and oceans, including arctic and subantarctic waters.

flat-bodied sharks (angelfish, squatins) (lat. Squatina)

They differ in a wide, flat body, resembling in appearance. Representatives of sea angels have a length of a little more than 2 meters, lead mainly night image life, and during the day they sleep, buried in silt. They live in all warm waters of the oceans.

Sharks are well-known marine predators. The species diversity of the most ancient fishes is presented unusually widely: small representatives reach 20 cm, and large ones - 20 m in length.

Common types of sharks

Only shark names take up more than one page. The classification distinguishes 8 orders of fish, including approximately 450 species, only three of them feed on plankton, the rest are predators. Some families are adapted to live in fresh waters.

How many types of sharks actually exists in nature, one can only guess, because sometimes individuals are found who were considered hopelessly gone into history.

Shark genus and species are grouped into orders:

  • carchariformes (carcharides);
  • different-toothed (bovine, horned);
  • polygill-shaped (multigill);
  • lamniform;
  • wobbegong-like;
  • sawtooth;
  • catranoid (prickly);
  • flat representatives.

Despite the diversity of predators, sharks are brought together by structural features:

  • the basis of the fish skeleton is cartilaginous tissue;
  • all species breathe oxygen through gill slits;
  • lack of a swim bladder;
  • acute sense of smell - blood can be felt for several kilometers.

Carchariform (carcharid) sharks

Found in the waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian Oceans, in the Mediterranean, Caribbean, Red Seas. dangerous species sharks. Typical representatives:

Tiger (leopard) shark

Known for its prevalence in coastal areas, India, Japan, Australia. The name reflects the color of predators, similar to a tiger pattern. Transverse stripes on a gray background persist until the shark grows over 2 meters long, then they turn pale.

The maximum size is up to 5.5 meters. Greedy predators swallow even inedible objects. They themselves are a commercial object - the liver, skin, and fins of fish are valued. Sharks are very prolific: up to 80 live-born cubs appear in one litter.

Hammerhead shark

It lives in warm waters of the oceans. Record length giant individual fixed at 6.1 m. Weight major representatives up to 500 kg. Shark appearance unusual, massive. The dorsal fin is sickle-like. Ahead "hammer" is almost straight. Favorite prey - poisonous rays, Sea Horses. They bring offspring every two years, 50-55 newborns. Dangerous for humans.

Hammerhead shark

Silky (Florida) shark

Body length is 2.5-3.5 m. Weight is about 350 kg. Color includes different shades of grayish-blue tones with a metallic sheen. The scales are very small. Since ancient times, the streamlined body of a fish has terrified sea ​​depths.

The image of a cruel hunter is associated with stories of attacks on divers. They live everywhere in waters with warm water up to 23 ° C.

silky shark

blunt shark

A species of gray shark known for being the most aggressive. The maximum length is 4 m. Other names: bull shark, tub head. More than half of all human victims are attributed to this predator. It lives in the coastal regions of Africa, India.

The peculiarity of the bovine species is in the osmoregulation of the body, i.e. adaptation to fresh water. The appearance of a blunt-nosed shark at the mouths of rivers flowing into the sea is a common thing.

The blunt shark and its sharp teeth

blue shark

The most common variety. Average length up to 3.8 m, weight over 200 kg. It got its name from the color of its slender body. The shark is dangerous to humans. It can approach the coast, go to great depths. Migrates across the Atlantic.

blue shark foraging

Odd-toothed sharks

Typical benthic inhabitants of medium size. Many species are called bulls, which creates confusion with dangerous gray individuals, which are called bulls. The squad has rare species sharks, not dangerous to humans.

zebra shark

It lives in shallow water off the coast of Japan, China,. Narrow brown stripes on a light background resemble a zebra pattern. Blunt short snout. It poses no danger to humans.

zebra shark

helmet shark

A rare species that lives off the Australian coast. The skin is covered with coarse teeth. Unusual color of dark spots on a light brownish background. The length of individuals is on average 1 m. It feeds on sea urchins and small organisms. It has no commercial value.

mozambique shark

The length of the fish is only 50-60 cm. The red-brown body is strewn with white spots. An understudied look. Feeds on crustaceans. It lives on the coasts of Mozambique, Somalia, Yemen.

Polygill sharks

The detachment has existed for hundreds of millions of years. An unusual number of gill slits and a special shape of teeth distinguish the patriarchs of the shark tribe. They live in deep water.

Sevengill (straight-nosed) shark

Slender body ash-colored with a narrow head. The fish has a small size, up to 100-120 cm long. It shows an aggressive character. After catching, it tries to bite the offender.

Frilled (corrugated) shark

The length of the flexible elongated body is about 1.5-2 m. The ability to bend resembles a snake. The color is grey-brown. The gill membranes form leather pouches that look like a raincoat. dangerous predator roots from the Cretaceous period. The shark is called a living fossil for lack of evidence of evolution. The second name is obtained for the numerous folds on the skin.

lamniform sharks

The shape of a torpedo and a powerful tail allow you to swim quickly. Large-sized individuals are of commercial importance. Sharks are dangerous to humans.

fox sharks

A distinctive feature of the species is the elongated upper lobe of the caudal fin. Used as a whip to stun prey. Cylindrical body, 3-4 m long, adapted to high-speed movement.

Some species of sea foxes filter plankton and are not predators. Thanks to palatability meat have commercial value.

giant sharks

Giants, more than 15 m long, are second in size after whale sharks. The coloration is gray-brown with speckles. It lives in all temperate waters of the oceans. They do not pose a danger to people. Feeds on plankton.

The peculiarity of the behavior is that the shark constantly keeps its mouth open, filters 2000 tons of water per hour in motion.

sand sharks

Inhabitants of the depths and explorers of the coastal zones at the same time. You can recognize the variety by the upturned nose, the frightening appearance of a massive body. They are found in many tropical and cool seas.

The average length of the fish is 3.7 m. In general, sand sharks, safe for humans, are confused with gray predators known for aggression.

Mako shark (black-nosed)

There are short-finned varieties and long-finned relatives. In addition to the Arctic, the predator lives in all other oceans. Below 150 m deep does not fall. Average sizes reach 4 m in length with a weight of 450 kg.

Despite the fact that many existing species sharks dangerous, the blue-gray predator is an unrivaled deadly weapon. It develops colossal speed in pursuit of flocks of mackerel, shoals, sometimes they jump out over the water.

Goblin shark (brownie, rhinoceros)

Accidental harvesting of an unknown fish at the end of the 19th century, approximately 1 m long, led scientists to discover: extinct species of shark Scapanorhynchus, which was attributed to the existence of 100 million years ago, is alive! An unusual snout above the head makes it look like a shark. An alien from the past was found again several times after almost 100 years. Very rare inhabitants.

Wobbegong sharks

The peculiarity of the detachment is in unusually smooth and rounded forms of predators among relatives. Different types sharks motley coloration and bizarre outgrowths on the body bring together. Many representatives lead a bottom lifestyle.

Whale shark

An amazing giant up to 20 meters long. They are found in reservoirs of tropical zones, subtropics. They do not tolerate cold water well. A beautiful harmless predator, whose food is mollusks and crayfish. Divers can pat him on the back.

Striking grace, unique appearance. Small eyes on a flattened head hide in a skin fold in case of danger. Small teeth are arranged in 300 rows, their total number is approximately 15,000 pieces. They lead a solitary life, rarely united in small groups.

carpal wobbegong

In a strange creature, it is difficult to recognize a relative of ocean predators that terrify all aquatic inhabitants. The aerobatics of disguise is in a flat body covered with some kind of tatters.

It is very difficult to recognize fins, eyes. Sharks are often called mustachioed and bearded for the fringe around the head. Thanks to unusual appearance bottom sharks often become pets of public aquariums.

Zebra shark (leopard)

The spotted color is very reminiscent of a leopard to a large extent, but no one will change the fixed name. The leopard shark is often found in warm sea ​​waters, at depths of up to 60 meters along coastlines. The beauty often gets into the lenses of underwater photographers.

Zebra shark on photo reflects an atypical representative of his tribe. Smoothed lines of fins and body, rounded head, leathery protrusions along the body, yellow-brown color create a spectacular appearance. Shows no aggression towards humans.

Sawtooth sharks

A distinctive feature of the representatives of the detachment is in a jagged outgrowth on the snout, similar to a saw, a pair of long antennae. The main function of the body is the search for food. They literally plow the bottom soil if they feel prey.

In case of danger, they swing a saw, inflicting wounds on the enemy with sharp teeth. The average length of an individual is 1.5 m. Sharks live in warm ocean waters, off the coasts of South Africa, Japan, Australia.

Short-nosed pylon

The length of the sawtooth outgrowth is approximately 23-24% of the length of the fish. The usual "saw" of relatives reaches a third of the total body length. The color is gray-blue, the belly is light. With side impacts of saw sharks, they injure their victims in order to then eat them. Leads a solitary life.

Gnome pylon (African pylon)

There is information about the capture of dwarf (body length less than 60 cm) sawfish, but scientific description absent. shark species very small sizes are rare. Like relatives, they lead a bottom life on silty-sandy soil.

Cathar sharks

Representatives of the detachment live almost everywhere in all sea and ocean waters. Spines have been hidden in the fins of katra-shaped fish since ancient times. There are spikes on the back and skin, which are easy to hurt.

None of them are dangerous to humans. The peculiarity of fish is that they are saturated with mercury, so eating prickly sharks is not recommended.

Types of sharks in the Black Sea include katranovy representatives, the indigenous inhabitants of this reservoir.

Southern Iloglot

It lives at a depth of up to 400 m. The body is dense, spindle-shaped. The head is pointed. The color is light brown. Shy fish are harmless to humans. You can only get hurt on spikes and a hard skin.

Heavy Hygloglot

The massive body of a fish with a characteristic shape of the itologlots. Dwells on great depths. Little studied. Rare specimens of short-spined sharks have been caught in deep-sea catches.

Granular shark

A common type of fish at a depth of 200-600 m. The name appeared due to the original shape, similar to sandpaper. Sharks are not aggressive. The maximum dimensions reach 26-27 cm. The color is black-brown. There is no commercial value due to the difficult prey and the small size of the fish.

flat-bodied sharks (squatins, angel sharks)

The shape of the predator resembles a stingray. The length of typical representatives of the detachment is about 2 m. They are active at night, during the day they burrow into the silt and sleep. They feed on benthic organisms. Squatinous sharks are not aggressive, but react to the provocative actions of bathers and divers.

Squatins are called sand devils for their way of hunting from an ambush with a sudden throw. Prey is sucked into a toothy mouth.

Ancient Creatures nature, living in the ocean for 400 million years, are many-sided and diverse. A person studies the world of sharks like a fascinating book with historical characters.

One of ancient species animals, mysterious and little studied - these are sharks, or, as they are also called, selachia. Many myths and legends surround this representative of the marine fauna and form a prejudice against amazing fish. The systematic study of selachium began during the Second World War, during the battles in the basins of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The task was to find a means of protecting people from attackers. marine predators.

Is a shark a fish or a mammal

The list of these marine predators includes more than 400 species, polarly different: from the smallest deep-sea, barely growing to 17-20 cm, to the giant - whale shark, a huge 20-meter multi-ton individual.

The name "mammal" speaks for itself. Those animals that feed their young with milk are called "mammals".

The shark does not feed its cubs with milk, in addition, the shark breathes with the help of such a device - “gills”. Shark is a fish.

In size, of course, these predators are comparable to dolphins or some types of whales. But in the maritime kingdom there are many similar in size, but different in content.

IN modern classification The animal kingdoms sharks and rays form a subclass of Sharks, which belongs to the class Cartilaginous fish. cartilaginous fish, mammals, as well as humans, form a single type for a number of similar characteristics - Vertebrates.

The skeleton of bony fish consists entirely of bones, in sharks there are only cartilage. A large number of Calcium makes cartilage hard and strong. A curved, impressive mouth is placed on the lower part of the head.

The large and soft caudal fin is asymmetrical - the upper lobe is much larger than the lower one. Bony fish move their lateral fins freely, unlike selachians.

Bony fish and shark, what are the similarities and differences

Mammals and a shark, what are the differences

One of the unique properties is electroreception, the ability to sense electrical and magnetic signals environment. Used to detect prey, orientation in space, to maintain contact with their relatives.

Electroreceptor sensory organs are present both in selachia and stingrays, and in some species of bony fish. Of the mammals, the Australian platypus and, presumably, the echidna can boast of having electroreceptors. Ampoules of Lorenzini - so called electroreceptor apparatus predator, which she successfully uses at the time of the attack.

In the process of evolution, the relief of the Earth changed - oceans arose in place of the land or, conversely, the continents went under the water column. Some forms of life disappeared, others appeared. Only the selachians continued to exist for nearly 500 million years. Some representatives of this unique and little-studied species have hardly changed.

The largest copy fossil carchadon, the ancestor of the great white shark. Its size was restored from the fossilized teeth found, the size of which is 10–15 cm. It is believed that seven people could fit in its mouth. The smallest living member of the species is pygmy luminous shark only 7 cm long.

The ferocious temper of sharks is legendary. The most dangerous sharks in the world are a favorite topic of discussion while relaxing on sea beaches. The danger of sharks lies in their strength, powerful jaws and sharp teeth, main problem represents the unpredictability of their behavior.

Today, more than 450 species of these fish have been described and registered, among which the undisputed leader in size is - its length reaches two tens of meters. And the smallest is the pygmy spiny shark, whose homeland is the warm coastal waters of South Africa. Most large males of this species in length barely grow to a quarter of a meter.

According to ichthyologists, a person should be wary of any sharks whose length exceeds one meter.

What ten sharks are the most dangerous?

However, there are such representatives of selachia (from Lat Selacii), which most often attack people. They belong to two orders of the superorder of sharks: carchariformes and lamniformes. Here is their list, these are the most dangerous sharks in the world: blunt, great white, tiger, mako, long-winged, gray reef, sand, blue, lemon and hammer shark.

And now more about each of them.

blunt shark

It is also called the bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas). This is the scariest shark in the world. The blunt-nosed shark belongs to the order Karhariformes.

Habitats - tropical and subtropical coastal areas of all oceans, except for the Southern and Arctic Oceans. They can also enter rivers (due to their tolerance for salinity levels). Individuals of this species in the world produced the largest number of attacks on people near the beaches of the Bahamas.

Almost always meeting blunt shark has a tragic outcome. In just a year, up to 50 people die from the teeth of representatives of this species across the planet, and up to a hundred are injured. This data is unofficial, but it is impressive.

The largest bull shark, the size of which was recorded, reached a length of 4 meters. This type is distinguished by:

  • Low pain sensitivity.
  • Extreme aggressiveness.
  • Peculiar attack style. The fish strikes its head, after which it makes a swift attack and inflicts a deadly bite.

Interestingly, this most dangerous shark in the world is of value as an object of industrial fishing.

White shark

The great white shark, also called the man-eating shark, bears the official name Carcharodon carcharias and belongs to the order Lamniformes. The habitat of this terrible predator includes both coastal and open waters of all, with the exception of the Northern arctic oceans planets.

The average body length of a white shark is 4.6 - 4.8 meters, and in some individuals it is more than 6 meters, with a body weight of about 1,900 kg. Many believe that it is the great white that is the most terrible shark in the world. And it is not surprising, because in 2012 alone, according to official statistics, eleven people suffered from her teeth, three of whom died.

The features of this type include:

  • The ability to approach unnoticed by the victim.
  • A peculiar attack tactic, consisting in a single unexpected bite and further waiting until the victim, weakened from loss of blood, loses the ability to resist.
  • High speed combined with perseverance.

Tiger shark

The name is due to the characteristic color: young specimens have dark stripes on their backs that disappear with time. Therefore, you can meet its unofficial name - the sea tiger.

One of the most common sharks in the world. IN international classification is called Galeocerdo cuvier and belongs to the order Karhariformes. Tiger sharks live off the coast and in the open waters of tropical and subtropical seas. However, the favorite habitat of these predators are the islands of the Central Pacific Ocean.

The length of the largest individuals can reach 5.5 meters.

Annually, an average of 3 to 4 attacks are recorded tiger sharks on people, so they are also said to be the most dangerous sharks in the world.

View features:

  • High fecundity in combination with live birth ensures the stability of the population.
  • Eats everything, even anchors or car tires, however, inedible objects spits out, and the stomach can turn out through the mouth and rinse.
  • Attacks swiftly, preventing the victim from escaping.

The tiger shark is an object of industrial fishing in order to obtain a liver, fins and skins. Inhabitants of some countries consider it sacred.

longwing shark

The name is associated with pectoral fins, wide and long, similar to the wings of a bird spread apart. All fins have a white edging at the tips - this is another feature of their appearance.

This species of shark belongs to the order of carchariformes and is officially called Carcharhinus longimanus. Habitat - tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans of the Earth. Long-winged sharks can be found at depths up to 230 meters. The record holder of the species had a length of 4 meters and a mass of 167.4 kg.

These sharks are rarely seen near the coasts, but they are the most dangerous shark in the world for shipwrecked people on the high seas.

There is a known case with the steamer Nova Scotia, sunk in the waters off South Africa in 1939-1945, when, after it went to the bottom before the arrival of rescuers, out of 1,000 people on board, only 192 survived. The cause of death of many people is considered long-winged sharks.

According to Jacques Cousteau, the long-winged shark is the only shark species that does not fear divers.

mako shark

This species is sometimes called the mackerel shark, and in the scientific literature it is described as Isurus oxyrinchus and belongs to the lamniform order. Habitat - temperate and tropical waters in all oceans. The largest mako caught reached a length of 4.45 meters and weighed about half a ton.

The mackerel shark is the most dangerous shark in the world for bathers, because attacking people, it can not only swim in shallow water, but even jump ashore.

View features:

  • One of the fastest sharks.
  • Can maintain its body temperature.
  • Able to jump out of the water to a height of 6 meters.

The object of industrial catch because of the valuable meat.

reef shark

The reef shark or, as it is called within the walls of scientific institutions, Triaenodon obesus, belongs to the order of carchariformes, lives near the coral reefs of the Red Sea, as well as the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The largest copy of the predator reached a length of 213 cm. It is recognizable by its thin body and white color of the tips of the fins.

All attacks on humans by the gray reef shark were unprovoked.

This species is valued for meat and liver of excellent quality, caught by people on an industrial scale.

common sand shark

Sand shark or Australian nurse shark, in scientific classification– Carcharias taurus, belonging to the lamniform order, lives in all subtropical waters, including the Mediterranean Sea, and grows up to 4.5 meters in length.

Attacks of these predators on people were noted mainly near the South African coast.

View features:

  • Sharp long, inwardly curved teeth, from which it is almost impossible to escape.
  • The ability to give the body neutral buoyancy by swallowing air above the surface of the water.
  • They tolerate captivity well.

Hammerhead shark

Hammerhead shark, hammerhead shark or hammerhead fish, belonging to the order Carchariformes, in scientific world called Sphyrnidae, has a fairly wide range of habitats, including the tropics, subtropics and even temperate latitudes. The length of record specimens reaches 7 meters.

People are most often attacked in shallow water. This is probably the most feared shark in the world for residents of Florida, California and Hawaii, where people most often suffer from attacks of this particular species. Indeed, in the most crowded places of the beaches of these places, she breeds offspring, showing special aggression during this period.

Only three types of hammerhead sharks are considered really dangerous to humans - ordinary, giant and bronze. Only the most courageous divers can frankly boldly carry by the nose giant hammerhead shark: watch the video.

Hammerfish Features:

  • Unusual hammer-shaped head.
  • High speed combined with excellent maneuverability.
  • Particular aggressiveness during breeding, which these fish produce near crowded beaches.

In the culture of native Hawaiians, the hammerfish is a sea deity, protector and guardian.

blue shark

The blue shark or mokoi, whose scientific name is Prionace glauca, belongs to the order Karhariformes. It lives everywhere near the coast and in the open waters of the subtropical and temperate warm zones.

The length of the most big representatives species is 4 meters, and weight - 400 kg. The blue shark is color blind, however, instead of color vision, nature endowed it with an excellent ability to orientate and recognize the subtlest contrasts. Separate individuals are seen in an attack on people injured during a shipwreck.

lemon shark

The lemon shark, also known as the Panamanian sharp-toothed shark, belongs to the order Carchariformes. In scientific circles, the name Negaprion brevirostris is used. Lives mainly in Atlantic Ocean, her favorite habitats are the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and the waters around the Bahamas.

The largest representatives of the species reach 340 cm in length and 180 kg in weight.

They hunt in shallow bays, on reefs, in mangroves and even in the lower reaches of rivers. Considered potentially hazardous to humans.