The largest spider in the world. The largest and most dangerous spiders in the world

Most big spider in the world it is Theraphose Blonde. This spider is capable of hunting toads, mice and even small snakes. The largest spider of this species was found in 1965 in Venezuela and the span of its limbs was 28 centimeters. As for the body size, it averages 8-9 cm, and the average span of the spider’s limbs is about 25 cm. These giants live in the forests of Suriname, Venezuela and northern Brazil. Theraphosa Blonde was first described by the French entomologist Latreille in 1804.

Another large spider is Heteropoda maxima from the Sparassidae family. Compared to the Teraphosa Blonde spider, it has a much shorter body length, which is about 4.5 cm, but the limb span can reach more than 25 cm. Heteropoda maxima is a brownish-yellow spider with irregular dark spots on the head. Also, unlike other spiders, it has unreduced eyes. This type of spider lives in Laos, Khammouan province.

The banana spider is considered the largest web-weaving spider. The size of its body does not exceed 4 cm, but the span of its limbs reaches 12 cm. Small birds sometimes get caught in the web of this spider. Even fishermen from the coast Indian Ocean use their net to catch fish. To do this, they collect many nets, form them into a large ball and throw them into the water. Banana spiders live in Australia. As for their poison, it is not fatal for people, although it is considered very strong

This species of spider belongs to the wolf spider family. They live in Central Asia, as well as in the south of Russia and Ukraine. The spider's body is about 3.5 cm in size and is densely covered with hairs. They live in burrows, which they dig themselves to a depth of 30-40 cm. They usually feed on various beetles that run near their burrows. The signal for a spider to attack is the shadow of an insect that runs near the entrance to the hole. The South Russian tarantula very rarely bites people, and if a bite occurs, it causes local swelling and severe pain. If a spider bites you, you should immediately cauterize the bite site with a match, because their bites are not very deep and the venom is injected under the skin, and when cauterized, thermal decomposition of the venom occurs.

The cross spider closes the list of the largest spiders in the world. The cross spider belongs to the family of orb-web spiders. In total there are about 1000 species of these spiders, and 30 of them live in the CIS countries. There are especially many of them in the Altai Republic, Smolensk and Rostov regions, as well as in Moldova. They were called crosses because of their belly, on which there are white spots forming a cross. The size of these spiders is about 2.5 cm, males are twice fewer females. The spider's prey is flies and mosquitoes caught in the web, which it can immediately eat or entangle in a web, leaving the food for a more appropriate time. As for spider venom, it is completely harmless to humans.

Top 10 very large spiders Video

There are about 42 thousand species of spiders in the world. Let's find among them the one that can rightfully be called the largest spider in the world.

So, the top 10 largest spiders in the world:


Nephiles - these spiders stand out from the entire ten largest spiders in that they weave webs, the other 9 do not do this.

These spiders are also known as: giant tree spider, banana spider, golden spider. There are about 30 varieties of Nephila, the size of females of this species can reach 12 cm.

There are cases of golden spiders attacking humans, but the poison of these spiders does not pose a serious danger to humans.

Tegenaria is also called the giant house spider - the span of the legs of these spiders reaches 13 cm.

These spiders are excellent at running short distances. Cannibalism is very common among them. The habitat of this type of spider is Africa and Asia, most often they can be found in caves or abandoned buildings, however, nowadays these spiders are rare.

Cerbal Arabian

The Arabian cerbal was discovered quite recently - in 2003. The maximum officially recorded paw span is 14 centimeters, however, according to some information, it can reach 20 cm. Female cerbals are larger than males.

Cerbals live in the desert dunes of Israel and Jordan. They are active only at night, like most desert inhabitants.

Brazilian wandering spider

It looks too scary, the length of the body including legs is approximately 17 cm. It is listed as one of the most poisonous in the world, their bite is life-threatening. Living in the tropics South America, spiders are so named because they do not have one habitat. The wandering spider does not knit a web, but is always in search of a victim.

The species is very interesting in that some spiders overtake their prey by jumping, while others run and develop a fairly high speed. They hunt at night and hide in secluded places during the day.

They hunt mainly insects, but can cope with reptiles and birds larger than themselves.

This huge spider, is part of the tarantula family. The leg span of this spider is more than 30 cm. It lives in the forests of the tropics and subtropics and is a burrowing species. Color ranges from dark gray to bright brown. The predator's paws are covered with hairs.

The baboon spider is active at night and its diet includes insects and small vertebrates. It kills its prey by injecting poison. Sensing danger, it rises on its hind legs, pretends to be intimidating and knocks on the ground with its forelimbs, making sounds similar to grinding. The venom of this spider is dangerous to humans.

Colombian purple tarantula

This tarantula belongs to the tarantula family and, together with its legs, can be more than 20 cm in length (there is an officially recorded leg span of 34.05 cm). Lives in the tropics of South America.

Sometimes you can see a rather terrible sight when a spider eats birds, but there is no danger for people. Most often it feeds on insects and small spiders, but can also eat frogs and rodents. Females can live about 15 years, males only 2-3.

Phalanges, bihorci or salpugi - belong to the order of phalanges of the arachnid class. The span of the legs of these phalanges can reach 30 cm, the body length is 5-8 cm. The brownish body and limbs are covered with hairs, in front there are tentacles similar to legs

Camel spiders go hunting at night, their menu is varied: beetles, lizards, mice, chicks and many other animals. They live in the deserts of all continents except Australia.

Phalanxes are capable of running at speeds of up to 2 km/h, which is why they are also known as the Wind Scorpion. They differ in that during defense they emit an unpleasant squeak.

Brazilian salmon-pink tarantula (Lasiodora parahybana)

Found in Brazil at the beginning of the twentieth century in 1917, body length up to 10 cm, paw size up to 30 cm. People often keep it at home as an exotic pet.

Males have a small body or more long legs, and the female’s body is larger, weighing up to 100 grams. Females can live up to 15 years. For self-defense from other predators, the tarantula shakes off its allergenic hairs, but if this does not help, then it raises its front legs and prepares to attack.

The native Australian is the largest spider in the world, known as the giant crab spider due to the fact that its legs resemble those of a crab. Lives in wooden buildings and crevices.

Individuals measuring 30 cm are gray or brown in color, but some have white or red spots. The spines on the legs are clearly visible, the body is fluffy.

These spiders are called hunters because of their ability to hunt, and because high speed movements. They are excellent jumpers. To kill prey, a poison is injected that is not dangerous to humans. They feed on various invertebrates. People can only be bitten in self-defense.

Goliath tarantula

The spider is of impressive size, can reach 170 grams, its height including legs is 30 cm, belongs to the tarantula family. Lives in the tropics of South America. It builds burrows up to half a meter deep with the entrance covered with cobwebs. Females can survive up to 25 years, males - up to 6.

Goliath suddenly sneaks up and quickly pounces on its prey, poisoning it with its poisonous fangs. It feeds on frogs, small snakes, mice and birds.

The Goliath tarantula is capable of producing powerful sounds with its chelicerae, which can be heard even after 5 meters. To defend themselves, they use their bright brown hairs, which irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, which the spider shakes off its body towards the enemy.

The largest spider in Russia

Eat large spiders and in Russia it is South Russian tarantulas. This spider is also known as Mizgir.

This species belongs to the wolf spider family. The size of the female of this spider reaches 3 cm, completely covered with thick gray hairs. Tarantulas dig very deep vertical burrows, feed on insects, and can bite a person, but not fatally.

A European considers a spider 4-6 cm in size to be large, but in the world there are almost 42 thousand species of these arthropods, among which there are larger specimens. The largest spiders in the world have dimensions that are simply not natural; they eat rodents and big birds, can be dangerous due to their poison. You can read about them in the Guinness Book of Records, and if you are going on vacation in exotic countries, then our rating of the largest spiders on the planet will be useful to you.

10. Nephila the gold weaver

In last place on our list of the largest spiders in the world is a relative of the ancient spiders Nephil Jurassik, who were on our land back in Jurassic period. Of all types of spiders orb weavers stands out not only because of its huge size, but also because... . Females are much larger than males. They live in trees, which is why they are also called tree spiders. The world inhabits such hot regions as South and North America, Asia, Africa, Australia. Between the branches, these spiders weave a web in which flies, butterflies and birds become entangled. At the center of the web is a large female, and the gentlemen huddle near the edges of the golden yarn during mating season. The color is greenish-yellow, with a transition to red. They have a highly toxic but not lethal poison for humans.

9. Tegenaria brownie

This representative of large spiders lives in Europe and is also called the giant house spider. Lives in Central Asia, Africa, Uruguay and Argentina. . The body color is pale gray, the front legs have Brown color. Females wear a cocoon with eggs on themselves until the spiders hatch from it. Tegenaria Moves faster than all spiders over short distances. The species got its name because it likes to live in caves and abandoned buildings. Meet Tegenariy quite difficult, mainly, these spiders live in hot Asia and Africa.

8. Brazilian wandering spider

These arachnids are also called banana spiders. Science knows 8 varieties of this genus of spiders. . They live in humid regions of Central and South America, these are the forests of Venezuela and northern Brazil. It is called so due to the fact that it always migrates, looking for food. Divided into the running type (catches up with its prey with a very high speed), and jumping (overtakes the victim with the help of jumps). They eat beetles, other spiders, lizards and birds. Brazilian spider not only one of the largest in the world, but also has a very strong poison. It has a pronounced brown color and a body with sensitive hairs. They go after the victim at night, and during the day they hide in crevices, under stones or in residential buildings.

The genus of spiders, which includes Brazilian wandering spider, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as containing the most poisonous members of the family.

7. Cerbalus of Arabia

Scientists discovered this type of large spider only in 2003. . Females are always larger size than males. Globally, they have been found in the sand dunes of Arabia, Israel and South Jordan. It is very difficult to notice it on the sand, since its color is yellowish, there are black stripes on its limbs, and its body is covered in hairs. It hunts only at night, which is why science discovered it so late.

6. Giant Baboon Spider

Also called Red Cameroon baboon spider. , is part of the tarantula family. Inhabits the tropics and subtropics of South America. It got its name for the similarity of its legs to the paws of a monkey. The body is covered with hairs, the color changes from dark gray to pronounced brown. It hunts in the dark, eating beetles and other insects, scorpions, termites, lizards, toads and the same large baboon spiders. The spider is poisonous and its poison can be fatal to humans, but it attacks people only when it sees a threat from them. After the bite, the victim experiences shock, vomiting and partial paralysis of the body. This large spider is interesting because, when attacking or defending itself, it stands upright on its hind legs and hisses like a snake. The view is truly terrifying. People should be wary of such ferocious animals, which are also among the ten largest spiders in the world.

5. Purple Tarantula

In the middle of the ranking of the largest arthropods in the world is Colombian purple spider. This species belongs to the genus Tarantula and is found in the forests of South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica). . It is called so because it often feeds on birds. They are not dangerous for people. The main diet will be insects, frogs, and rodents. The number of purple tarantulas on the planet is small, which is why it is problematic to meet this large and beautiful spider in nature. Colombian tarantula spider has a velvety black color, limbs of bright purple or crimson color. The pattern is star-shaped, the surface of the carapace is covered with hairs. Males live 2-3 years, females live longer - up to 15 years.

4. Camel spider

This type giant spiders belongs to the class of arachnids, order of phalanges. There are more than 1000 species of them in the world. IN different sources it is also called bichorka, salpuga, phalanx spider, wind scorpion, etc. . Inhabits camel spider all continents of the world except Australia. They got their name for their resemblance to camels, due to several humps on their heads. The color of the body is brownish-yellow, the legs have long hairs. They are active at night, hunting beetles, lizards, birds, mice and other animals. Often these spiders attack people. They can run very fast, up to 16 km per hour. They do not have poison, but when bitten, rotted remains of the previous prey enter the body, which can lead to blood poisoning; in addition, the bite is accompanied by great pain. The area where the spider bitten should be treated with an antiseptic, and if infected, antibiotics should be taken.

3. Giant crab spider

The top three list of the largest spiders in the world opens Giant crab spider. Belongs to the sidewalker family. . Lives in Australia. The crab spider is so called due to its curved limbs and the ability to move not only forward, but also left and right. It moves as fast as a crab and kills its prey with lightning speed. During the attack they make large jumps and inject poison when biting. It is not fatal to humans, but it is better not to encounter this big monster. After a bite, headache, nausea, vomiting, and local swelling appear. The color of spiders is gray, light brown, sometimes black and white, with red spots. Sparse hairs grow on the body and feed on invertebrates, frogs, and insects.

2. Brazilian pink tarantula spider

Brazilian pink tarantula spider(Lasiodora parahybana) was first discovered in Brazil in 1917. Every. This spider is very popular to keep as a pet. In the world, these spiders live in the eastern part of Brazil. Females are always larger than males, of course. They live a very long time, females up to 15 years old. They have an aggressive character. They got this name for the pink coloring of the body in the place where the legs come out. It feeds on birds, lizards, and young snakes. For protection, it shakes off the toxic substance from its allergenic hairs, and demonstrates its fighting spirit by raising its front pair of paws.

1. Goliath tarantula

It is rightly called the largest spider in the world. Straight leg size Goliath, in the mouth there are fangs with poison, 2.5 cm in size. This species of tarantula spider lives in South America. The color is all shades of brown, with characteristic transverse white stripes on the paws. He likes to be in damp, swampy places; here he digs holes half a meter deep and covers them with cobwebs. Contrary to their name, they rarely feed on birds; their diet consists of snakes, rodents, toads, lizards, and butterflies. At night, the spider sees well, it waits for prey in ambush, then pounces on it with great speed and bites with large fangs. It is aggressive, before attacking it makes strong sounds and shakes off an irritating allergenic substance from its hairs. Goliath's venom is quite weak, but the biggest danger is the hairs, which can cause allergies or asthma.

The largest spider in the world, the Goliath tarantula (Theraphosa Blondi), hunts a mouse.

Big greetings to all readers of the site “I and the World”! Have you ever wondered what the largest spider in the world looks like? Most likely, many simply do not think about them and are even terribly afraid.

But these ancient “charms” deserve to know basic information about them: their name, where they are, what or who they feed on, and what to expect from them. It will be interesting for you to look at the pictures and compare them with the description in the text.

Opening our list is Nephila the goldweaver

If you go on a trip to the forests of Australia or Africa, then there is a high probability of meeting Nephila. They love to weave large webs everywhere. The web is so strong that it can hold small birds. And the residents of those places even weave scarves and napkins from cobwebs.

Together with the paws, they are up to 12 cm in size - these are females. And males are almost half the size, only 7 cm with paws. If you get in the way, he may bite. It is impossible to die from its bite, but the bitten area will hurt for a long time and may leave a scar.

In 9th place – Tegenaria wall

There is a spider in the houses of residents North Africa and Central Asia. You shouldn’t be afraid of him, he’s used to living with people and poses no danger to them. With legs spread, it measures 15 cm. It can run fast, but for a short distance. And it feeds on insects, which fall into a very thick web, where they simply “drown”.

8th place – Arabian Cerbal

It was discovered in Israel and Jordan, and only recently in the 21st century. Its size with paws reaches 14-15 cm. It lives among sand dunes and salt marshes. Its life is rather little studied, but it is known that they are active during the hot months.

In 7th place - Brazilian wandering spider

This representative of the spider world is also not too big, but very dangerous for humans. And although the first one never attacks, if disturbed, it will immediately bite. The 17 cm spider lives in the tropics of South America and loves to hide in people's houses. They hide during the day and go out hunting at night.

The diet of “Brazilians” includes insects, but they can also feast on small birds. He also loves bananas, which is why he is also called Banananov. It does not weave a web like its relatives, because it does not like to settle in a permanent place, which is why it got its name - wandering.

6th place went to the Giant Baboon Spider

Its entire body is covered with coarse hairs. This shaggy representative has a size including paws of more than 20 cm. It also prefers to hunt at night, and during the day it crawls under stones and sleeps. Loves to eat insects small rodents and birds. It does not attack people and the bite is not fatal, although it can cause nausea. When defending itself, it stands on its hind legs and quickly knocks on the ground with its front legs, scaring away the enemy.

The Purple Tarantula occupies the middle of the list

It’s immediately clear why the tarantula is called that. The photo shows that it is bright purple in color and has yellow dots on its legs. It is not at all scary for people and is even kept at home to kill harmful insects, smaller spiders and even rodents. Found in Venezuela, Colombia and other nearby countries. Its beautiful color attracts attention, but when it eats its prey, it is not a sight for the faint of heart. The size is 2-3 cm larger than the Baboon one.

In 4th place – Camel spider

Why camel? There is a growth on his head that looks like a camel's hump - the photograph shows this well. The size of the spider can reach 30 cm. They are called as follows: phalanges, wind scorpions, sun spiders. They live in deserts on all continents except Australia. They lead a nocturnal and very active lifestyle. Prefers to hunt insects, rodents, chicks, and is even cruel to each other. They will eat everything until they die from overeating.

They can run at a speed of 15 km/h - if you run away, they will still catch up. When attacking or defending, they make sounds similar to chirping or a loud and nasty squeak. They are not too dangerous for humans, because they have no poison. But when they bite through the skin, they can introduce rotting food debris on their teeth into the wound. And this threatens inflammation and even blood poisoning.

3rd place - Salmon-pink tarantula spider

Due to its beautiful coloring, it often becomes a “prey” for collectors - because it is all covered with soft pink hairs. The tarantula's homeland is considered to be Brazil and Chile. Although its size is not the largest, only 22-27 cm, its weight reaches 100 grams. Like all tarantulas, it defends itself by standing on its hind legs in an attacking stance. Its hairs on the upper abdomen cause an allergic reaction.

In 2nd place is the Giant Crab Spider.

He is also called the Hunter. Together with its paws, it grows 30.5 cm. Its paws are curved, like those of a crab, which is why it was named that way. This structure of the legs allows them to crawl into very narrow crevices and hide there. They live mainly in Australia.

They hunt harmful insects, so they are considered useful for human habitation. They don’t attack a person only when they are defending themselves, and then nothing bad will happen, because the bite is not fatal. They run very fast and jump high when necessary.

And in 1st place is Teraphose Blonda

It is also called the Goliath Birdeater. The most terrible looking one. The span of its paws reaches 40 cm, and its weight is 200 grams. For its size, the Guinness Book of Records awarded it the honor of showing off on its pages. Many collectors want to see Goliath in their collection, but they rarely breed in captivity, and exporting them abroad is prohibited by law.

Goliaths live in Brazil and Venezuela. They hunt frogs, mice, lizards, even small snakes, paralyzing the prey with poisonous fangs. Which grow 2 cm in length.

And despite the fact that it is called a tarantula, it prefers not to touch the birds. When attacking or defending, it makes hissing sounds. Goliath's venom has a paralytic effect, but only on small animals. The effect on humans is not so strong, but it can harm health.

See also video:

So, which spider is the largest, but not very poisonous to humans? What is the name of? Let's repeat - a huge goliath tarantula. Poisonous, dangerous and not at all scary, but simply quite cute - we have presented you with the top 10 among the big spiders of the world.

Some teenagers consider spiders a symbol of aggression and intimidation, and post pictures of animals wherever they can. But many are not at all aggressive, and even useful. If you found this article interesting, please share it on in social networks. And we say goodbye to you - until the next articles!

Giant spiders lived back in the era of dinosaurs and then their size was not something incredible. As for our time, you can still meet such spiders, although for many people meeting them will cause either panic or admiration.

Next we will talk about one of these spiders - the Goliath tarantula or Blond's theraphosis. It is he who is one of the largest spiders in the world, since the length of his body in the leg span can reach 28 centimeters!

This formidable predator is quite widespread in tropical forests some countries in South America, namely northern Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. It is most often found in damp, swampy areas.

The body of the spider consists of the cephalothorax and abdominal sections. The eyes and eight legs make up the cephalothorax of the spider. The abdominal organ includes the spinal organ, heart and genitals. Excretory system passes through the entire body of the spider. The abdominal part of the female has an egg chamber.

Despite the fact that the spider has poor eyesight, it is able to see in the dark. Like all tarantulas, the goliath is a carnivore. Sitting quietly in ambush, it lies in wait for its prey, then pounces on it using its fangs.

Although the spider is called a tarantula, it does not feed on birds. It’s just that the spider was seen for the first time when it was eating a bird. Vertebrates and invertebrates such as mice, lizards, small snakes, beetles, and butterflies are the main diet of the goliath.

Representatives of the Goliath tarantula who are at least 3 years old are considered adults (mature). Sometimes after mating, the female eats her “favorite”. The goliath has sharp spines on the first pair of limbs, which serve as its protection from the female. The male lives on average about 6 years. The female can be up to 14 years old.

The female lays from 200 to 400 eggs, which she incubates for two months. After the little spiders are born, the mother spider looks after them for several weeks, after which they lead an independent lifestyle.

The goliath tarantula is distinguished by aggressive character traits. Sensing danger, it emits a peculiar hissing sound due to the friction of the bristles on its legs. Fangs, the length of which is a couple of centimeters, as well as burning villi serve as protection. The fangs are poisonous, but not very toxic compared to other poisonous insects.

The refuge for these spiders are deep burrows, which previously served as a home for small rodents until they met their current owner. The entrance to the burrow is protected by cobwebs, and all the walls from the inside are also shrouded in it. Females spend here most of their lives, they come out only at night during the hunt and during the mating period. Leave the house at for a long time not in their rules. Often spiders hunt nearby and drag the prey to their lair.

Besides size, there is another difference between male and female. The males have small hooks on their front legs, with which he holds the female’s huge chelicerae during mating, saving his life in this way. The color of these spiders is most often dark brown, and there are reddish-brown hairs on their legs. Because of these numerous hairs, which also cover the entire body, these spiders are also jokingly called “fluffy”.

But this is not a decoration at all, but one of the means of protection against uninvited guests. The fact is, when these hairs get on the skin, lungs or mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, they cause severe irritation. In order for the “weapon” to reach its target, the spiders brush hairs from their abdomen in the direction of the enemy with sharp movements of their hind legs. In addition, they serve as an organ of touch for the spider. The hairs pick up the slightest vibrations of the earth and air. But they see poorly.

For a long time it was believed that the venom of the goliath tarantula is very dangerous and most often leads to fatal outcome, but it turned out that this is far from the case. The effect of a spider bite can be compared to a bee sting. A small swelling appears at the site, which is accompanied by quite tolerable pain. Although for allergy sufferers its bite can be dangerous.

Spider venom has a paralyzing effect on nervous system smaller prey such as frogs, small snakes, insects, rodents, lizards and other small animals. The victim is unable to move after being bitten.

To feed, tarantulas inject digestive juice into the body of the “dinner,” which breaks down soft tissue and allows the spider to suck out the liquid and eat the soft meat of its prey.

The most interesting thing is that the tarantula does not feed on birds. Well, if only in very rare cases, when a chick that has fallen from the nest gets in his way. The spider got its name thanks to the German entomologist and artist Maria Sibylla Merian, who was the first to make sketches of it. They show a spider eating a small hummingbird. This is where the name “tarantula” stuck to it. The official description of this tarantula spider belongs to the entomologist Latreille (1804).

The following information may seem a little wild to you, but among local residents these spiders are a delicacy and they use not only adult specimens, but also spider eggs. As a result, the population of these animals in natural environment habitat is gradually decreasing.

This individual behaves quite aggressively and does not like to be picked up. And although the goliath’s venom is not very toxic, quite a lot of it is released.
If you have tarantula goliath, then the terrarium in which he lives will look not like a dish with earth, but like a place where a very serious animal lives. The terrarium for the spider should be spacious enough.
The terrarium can be either plastic or glass, horizontal type. The volumes should be on average 25-35 liters with a closing lid. The lid is needed to prevent your pet from suddenly deciding to take a walk outside the terrarium. Spiders should be kept separately due to their inherent cannibalism.
Sphagnum, pine sawdust, and vermiculite are used for bedding. The best solution would be to choose coconut substrate more than 5 cm as bedding. In order for the animal to have the opportunity to make a hole for itself, a coconut shell or a medium-sized piece of bark should be placed in the terrarium.
The temperature regime for normal maintenance should be within 22-26C, but they can easily tolerate a drop in temperature to 15C. The main thing is that the temperature of the engorged spider is not too low. In this case, there is a high probability of the onset of putrefactive processes of food in the spider’s stomach. Humidity should be high - 75-85%. If the humidity is insufficient, problems may arise with the normal molting of the animal. To maintain humidity, install a water bowl and mist the terrarium regularly. Provide good ventilation, this will protect the spider from fungal infections.


The feeding process can take more than a day. The goliath spider feeds on small insects. Adults successfully cope with frogs and mice.
The feeding frequency of young spiders is twice a week, adults feed once a week, one and a half times. There is no need to feed young spiders with insects that are too large, i.e. such that would exceed the size of half the abdomen of a goliath. This can cause stress and, as a result, food refusal.

The maximum time that a goliath spider can go without food is about 6 months. But of course you shouldn’t experiment with your pet.

Most difficult period in the life of a spider, this is molting. At these moments you should not touch or irritate them. During molting, the Goliath tarantula and other spiders move little and do not eat anything. The regularity of shedding depends on the age of the animal. Young individuals shed regularly, but adults molt every two months or a year.

An interesting fact is that the web of tarantulas does not serve as a trap for the prey, like other representatives of this species; tarantulas are real hunters, they track and attack prey. Tarantulas wait for their prey in ambush and jump on it. This feature, as well as their coloring, led to the fact that local residents call tarantulas “earth tigers.”

Although the goliath tarantula is considered the largest spider in the world, there is still one species that surpasses it in the span of its limbs, but is significantly inferior in body size - Heteropoda maxima, whose leg span reaches 30 centimeters. The largest specimen was discovered in 2001 in Laos, in one of the caves in Khammouane province. or for example