The rudest voice. Changing your image: how to make your voice rougher and stronger

There are special exercises that can lower the timbre of your voice. They are effective only with a systematic approach.

Exercise one

Within ten minutes you should pull out the sound "a". It is necessary to hold the sound for a long time, evenly and try not to change the initial tone of the voice. The next day, the same letter should be drawn a tone lower.

Exercise two

This exercise is performed according to the principle of the previous one. Try to bring your chin closer to chest as low as possible and pronounce the sound “zh”. The pronunciation of the sound will resemble buzz. When you raise your head to its original position, the timbre will increase, and when you lower it, it will decrease.

Exercise three

You should sing low notes two or three times a day. Continue the sound “a” for ten to fifteen seconds in a normal key. After which you need to do the same thing, but lowering the sound by half a tone. Important condition - The sound should be pulled out smoothly. Once you reach the limit, return to your normal key and lower again to the limit.

At first, the lesson should continue no more than ten to fifteen minutes. Otherwise, there is a risk of overstraining the vocal cords. Gradually you can increase the time of training. As mentioned above, all your training should be constant. Only in this case will you get results.

Exercise four

The process of hardening of ligaments breathing through the nose helps. So be sure to do breathing exercises nose.

Exercise five

The help of a voice coach and systematic singing lessons are a great opportunity to quickly achieve the desired result. In addition, in addition to a low voice, you will learn to control it. You can also sign up for guttural singing courses.

In addition to exercise, there are several methods, which can make your voice rougher.

Firstly, you need to pour boiling water into an enamel pan and put a few mint leaves into it. Leave to brew. After twenty minutes, the broth should be drunk in small sips, and between them, the sound “a” should be drawn out for fifteen seconds.

Secondly, you can use the help of a surgeon.

Third, use male hormones. However, you should consult your doctor before using them.

Attracts people. With its help, you can easily convince your opponents that your decision is right; it helps you easily convey your message to your life and business partners. You can do a lot with a beautiful tone! For example, organize for a common cause or simply charm your interlocutor.

If we turn to history, it is enough to remember how the leaders of revolutionary movements read their speeches. These were courageous voices with a rather low timbre. Of course, in addition to this, they had a lot of leadership qualities, peculiarities of upbringing and education, but, nevertheless, it cannot be denied that the voice did not play last role in shaping their destiny.

There are often situations in life when a person, especially a public one, is dissatisfied with the timbre of his natural voice. For example, he is too tall. In these cases, the problem often arises of how to make the voice rougher, how to give it more solidity. It is possible that this will not solve the problem, because the internal one will not change. However, there is a possibility that a person will get rid of the existing complex and gain self-confidence, and this is important.

So how can you deepen your voice? This, first of all, requires a lot of patience and a willingness to overcome some of your habits and beliefs. You can change your voice radically. There is a quick but unsafe way to do this - surgery. Agree that this method will not suit everyone. There are more gentle and no less effective techniques for making your voice rougher.

The most effective exercises are for the vocal cords. They include and special exercises aimed at training diction. Their essence is as follows: we begin to draw out the letter “a” in our normal voice, and we do this for about 10 minutes. The exercises don't end there. Every day, while doing these exercises for the vocal cords, we lower the tone of our voice and draw out the letter evenly and for a long time.

There are also a number of recommendations on how to change your voice. Moreover, all of them can be easily done at home. For example, the following exercise should be done for the first time carefully, without tension, so as not to damage it, tilt your head down, press your chin to your chest and begin to buzz. Just pronounce the letter “zh”, stretching it out for a long time: zhzhzhzhzhzhzh. In this case, the head does not rise, but is in its original position (as before, the chin is pressed to the chest). Do these exercises every day for 20 minutes.

You can try this method - take lessons. They will definitely lower your voice to the desired timbre. Another advantage is that you will masterfully learn to control your voice, and the range will surprise you with its diversity.

The most in a simple way? Reading aloud will help you with this. For example, read a few minutes a day of speeches that you have written yourself. At the same time, try to do it in the voice that you would like to have. Or record your performance on a tape recorder and play the recording every day. Re-record, adding an improved version of diction, trying to bring your speech and voice timbre to the desired level.

Do not forget that the articulation of consonants is important in speech. Practice a lot and persistently. As a result, the problem of how to change your voice will disappear. Perhaps they will soon imitate your voice.

If you have the opportunity to speak in front of an audience, even a very small one, speak. It gives you confidence. If these conditions and exercises are met, victory over yourself is guaranteed.

There are several possible reasons voice dysfunction:

  • inflammatory diseases of the throat and larynx that are associated with infection. The syndrome develops with swelling, which is characteristic of laryngitis. Swelling prevents the vocal cords from closing, which leads to a deepening of the voice. The group of diseases is characterized by increased body temperature, discomfort in the larynx, and the voice may completely disappear;
  • deepening of the voice progresses after intoxication of the body, for example, chlorine poisoning provokes a spasm of the glottis. An associated symptom is a dry cough. Chlorine intoxication is possible at home; this substance is contained in household chemicals. Ammonia poisoning is characterized by soreness in the larynx, painful sensations in the chest area, and sputum production. Fluoride intoxication is characterized by redness of the eyes, mucus from the nose, and possible diarrhea with an admixture of blood cells;
  • The voice becomes rougher as a result of an allergic reaction, which provokes Quincke's edema. Dysfunction of the vocal apparatus indicates laryngeal stenosis. It is more difficult for the patient to breathe. The first sign of edema is pale skin, blue fingers on the upper extremities, and possible fainting. The disease requires urgent medical attention;
  • dysfunction of the vocal apparatus is observed in hypothyroidism; the disease is characterized by a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones. Associated symptoms are swelling of the ligaments and larynx, pallor of the skin, lethargy, brittle hair, lack of appetite, shortness of breath;
  • a change in voice timbre is characteristic of overstrain of the ligaments. The syndrome develops in a person who has to speak or sing loudly. The voice “sits down” due to constant overstrain of the ligaments;
  • Hoarseness progresses with burns chemicals, for example, in contact with acetic acid;
  • smoking, tar and other components of cigarettes have negative impact on the mucous membrane of the larynx, causing swelling of the ligaments;
  • burns are possible when drinking alcohol;
  • reflux esophagitis, characterized by the penetration of hydrochloric acid into their gastric tract into the larynx;
  • physical damage to the ligaments, for example, when hit foreign object into the larynx or dissection of ligaments during surgical treatment;
  • paralysis of the nerve endings supplying the larynx. The syndrome develops with syphilis and diphtheria;
  • neoplasms of the larynx, benign or malignant, provoke compression of vascular channels and nerve endings, which affects the mobility of the ligaments;
  • damage to the brain stem, the syndrome progresses with Lyme disease. Speech becomes incomprehensible, patients have difficulty swallowing food and speaking. Noted

The scourge of a huge number of radio presenters - smoking. Everyone knows about its harm to health, but the force of habit and reluctance to part with with a low velvet voice Every year the number of smokers on the roofs of radio stations increases (usually the smoking rooms are located there). I won’t argue with the fact that tobacco makes a man’s voice brutal and smoky low, I’ll just tell you effective techniques, which allow you to lower your voice without harm to your health. Go.

Why does the voice become low

The pitch of the voice depends on the frequency vibration of the larynx. In a low voice it is correspondingly low. Is it possible to force her to do this? Of course available. You get laryngitis, and then spend your whole life wheezing for pleasure, although, no, rather for displeasure). Everyone has their own physiology, resonator system and timbre, the latter cannot be changed at all, it is constant throughout life. Nevertheless, exercises for the desired and tangible effect exist:

1.Technique “From toes to crown”

You can significantly lower your voice if you speak “straight from your socks.” What should you do for this? Stand firmly on your feet with your back straight and breathe with your diaphragm. The voice should have support not from the vocal cords, but from the muscles of the diaphragm. As you breathe, make sure that your stomach protrudes as you inhale, rather than retracts. This is easily achieved in a relaxed state. As a control exercise, lie down on a hard surface, place a heavy volume on your stomach and make sure that the book rises as you inhale.

The comparison is not entirely correct, but still. The human voice is like a vinyl record. If the speed of its rotation is slowed down, it will begin to bass. Conclusion. Those who speak quickly speak in high pitched tones. Slow down your speech rate and speak lower. If you don't believe me, try the experiment on yourself. In a minute of time, count the numbers on high note and low. By speaking lower, you will be slower than in the first case.

3. Enlarge the extension pipe and relax the vocal cords

Don’t be afraid of abstruse words, our task is just to relieve spasm of the vocal cords. What are we doing? We stand straight, lower our chin to our chest and pronounce the sound “i” on a low note. Then we raise our face to the sun and continue to say the low “i”. At first, you won't be able to withstand the same low sound at the top, but after a few practices you'll get there. Relieve spasm, get a low voice. It's simple. A big request - just don’t overdo it with the exercise. Feel your body, this is important.

4. Lowering the larynx by 1 cm

Why does the larynx need to be lowered, or rather lengthened? Look at the organ. In that musical instrument pipes that are small produce a high sound, long ones produce a low sound. To lower the voice, the larynx must also be made longer. A good helper - yawn or half-yawn. Fix the state of the palate and tongue in this position and try to maintain it during the conversation. By the way, Chaliapin was once fond of transforming his body into one big Jericho trumpet; I think it’s not worth reminding WHAT a deep voice this artist had.

When people ask what needs to be done to break their voice? I'm 13 years old and my voice is crap, please answer seriously. given by the author Black Lightning the best answer is when changes in the body begin, it will break down on its own

Answer from shoot through[active]

Answer from Spica[guru]

Answer from Vyacheslav Tikin[guru]
Over time it will break, although for example I’m 16 right now, but I haven’t noticed a sharp change in my voice, right now I have a normal youthful voice, not everyone can speak in a bass voice.

Answer from Deperson[guru]
Of course, you can break your voice, or rather, break it altogether, but you shouldn’t do this. At your age (puberty), rapid hormonal changes begin, which will ultimately lead to a change in your voice. If you have doubts about the compliance of your hormonal development with the norm, I recommend that you seek a face-to-face consultation with an endocrinologist, but there are too few reasons for concern. It's worth waiting a little.

Answer from Maxim Mistryukov[newbie]
Just wait, and the voice will break on its own.

Answer from Alexei[active]
I waited and my voice changed, but not completely, I know a few exercises for the throat, write to VK aaaalex_kor

Answer from ? L? ? ? ? ? ? ?[newbie]
Smoking breaks your voice (I don’t recommend it)
Raw eggs, buckwheat porridge, as indicated in your answers too
Personally, I myself broke my voice by smoking (I took a puff and not just azazaz, knsh weed), singing and drinking raw eggs azazazazaza
Right now I'm 19, but my voice is rougher than that of 19

Answer from Anastasia Kirillova[newbie]
Get sick and that’s it, your voice will change!

Answer from XP1x[active]
I broke my voice while smoking with a friend (I was 13 at the time)

Answer from Danila Lonshakov[newbie]
I'm also 13 and I have the same problem but I'm not discouraged.

Answer from Nikita Potapov[newbie]
I will say one thing: the voice breaks in the period from 12 to 17 years, wait and don’t whine!

Answer from Nikita Krasnovsky[newbie]
At 12 years old I have the voice of an 18 year old

Answer from Lyokha Suslov[newbie]
and I'm just hungry

Answer from Matvei Sergeevich[newbie]
Join the army, you'll break it 5 times while you sing songs on your evening walk))

Answer from Oriy Lapshin[newbie]
I'm 15 children's voice

Answer from Kirill Vagin[newbie]
Well, 13 years old. This is not a chapel. Grow up. Drink cold beer and your voice will break

Answer from Vadim Kirikov[newbie]
Smoke and scream. 100% will break

Answer from Alexander Lebedev[guru]
Watch the old Soviet film - the comedy "Jolly Fellows". In the film, one heroine solves the same problem with her voice. She selflessly drinks raw eggs - her voice changes very quickly.... Experiment.

Answer from Christina[active]
I know for sure that in order for boys to have a beautiful, masculine voice, they need to eat. buckwheat porridge. There's something about her. You are still only 13, there is no reason to worry, soon he will begin to change.

Answer from Olga Kornilova[guru]
The voice changes due to hormonal changes in the body. There is nothing you can do on your own. Wait.